Special Literary Supplement • • • Page 3 Alumnae Donate Book Fund
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Special Literary Supplement • • • Page 3 ews ' Merrie England Prospereth William Gibbons o-F AID To Tell The Bard's Birthday Honored; 'J Alumnae Donate Book Fund Story Of Foreign A id Bill, 1964 In recognition of 1fae 400th anni- · be used for the purohase of books An examination of t•he executive- Iuse to illustrate how the executive Later last year Forum decided to versary of Shakespeare's birtih, Wei- on Milton or for Rare Book Room IEgislative relationship in the federal and legislative branches conflict and rrtain ehe title of the Memorial Lec lesley's Shakespeare Society has giv- books. Mrs. Havens, former alum government will be the subject of a cooperate until a bill acceptable to ture. Each year one lecture, dealing en the College $10,000 with whim to nae chairman of 9iiakespeare So talk by William C. Gibbons, Monday both branC'hes is achieved. not wil';1 Kennedy himsell but with eslablish the 9lakespeare Society Li- ciety, explained that, "Milton is night at 7:30 in the Pope Room. one aspect of ttie presidency or the brary Fund. pretty well covered by other Mr. Gibbons, acting director of .ine Mr. Gibbons may use the 1963 for federal government, will be given The fund will permit ttie purchase groups." Sl>e also expressed the Congressional Liason Staff of the eign aid bill in comparison to tl'lis this title. of important works related to Renais- alumnae sentiment tlhat, "Rare Agency for International Develop y£-ars. In so doing he will explore t'he sance England. '11'11.i.s will include books are put away but the fu nd ment, will use the foreign aid bill reasons why this year's bill was books on art, music. science, politi- books will be out for everybody's en passed this wmmcr as the basis !or passed with relative case while last LIBRARY HOURS - cal science, economics, philosophy, joyment." his examination. In his talk entitled year only after a long congressional THANKSGIVING RECESS and history as well as literature. 'The Finances for the fund are being "Executive-Legislative RelatiomJ.1ip: f1g"ht did a muClh changed version of W ednes day, Nove mber 25 goal of t'he gift is to acquire volumes provided by the treasury of Shakes Kennedy's bill get passed. Case Study, Forei-gn Aid Bill, 1964" 8 :15.5:00 whicth will be generally available for peare Alumnae. The principal $10,- he will examine ~he passage of tnlis Thursda y, November 26 use by faculty and students. 000 grant is \'he product of \Jhe so- !'i!'t'Ond M!'morial Lct·turc bill as seen from his agency which Closed Academic Dlscr:l mination ciety treasury's im·estm<.'nt over Sponsored by Forum, this lecture F riday, November 27 Two of the alumnae stipulations for years. The yearly Interest on the acts as a liason between Congress and the President. will be the Second John F. Kennedy 9 :00-5 :00 the use of the fund are that it not sum will be used for purchases. Memorial Lecture. Last year Ted Sat urday, November 28 Aids Passage of Bill Sorenson, Kennedy's ohief speech 9:00-12:00 - 1 :00.5: 00 writer spoke at Wellesley shortly Sunday, Nove mbe r 29 Boston Community Development The AID is the agency responsible after t•he assassination of the presi Re gula r houri for formulating and administering dent. Because his talk was an eulogy 2:15-5: 30 - 7 :15.10: 00 the country's foreign aid program. to the late President Kennedy, the For s t udy o nly. No circulat lon o r To Educat;e the Underprivileged The program which is propJses is lecture was entitled the John F. refere nce se rvice. g;ven to the president \1.1.10 in turn Kennedy .Memorial Lecture. In spite of various urban renewal the city. Another group attended a passes it to Congress as his foreign programs, tlhe slum areas of Boston remedial reading camp in Maine. aid recommendation. WBS 'on the scene' still present serious problems, not There some Cibildren gained as mudh In his capacity as head of the lia the least of which is the education of as two years in their reading ability ~on staff. ~1r. Gihbons' main duty is und<.'rprivileged children. during the 8-wl ek period. to aid passage of this prt!s1dcnt1al Students Relay Electilill News Harold Haizlip, superintendent of Independence Camp bill. His staff supplies the senators \'he education program for ABCD, An experiment in self-government, and representatives with information WBS election coverage took Wel Wellesley girls were given passes Action Boston Community Develop tihe weekend Ranger project, is being concerning the bill and works as a lesley girls to Washington, D.C., and into news rooms of both party head ment, last Friday described to Wel tried l'his fall on a group of boys contact between Nie two houses. It Boston to watch development on !Vle quarters. lesley students projects which his \\.•ho are on parole. For twelve week also attempts to discourage congres national and local levels. Situation In Washington program has developed to cope with ends they will be sent to a camp in sional ammcndmcnts whlch would WBS coverage was done in con Anchor desk for UBS national cov the problem. New Hampshire where they will be alter the original scope of t•hc bill. nection with the University Broad erage was Harvard's WHRB. Eight Years Behind allowed to live by their own rules and casting System (UBS). which in een students representing UBS were Financed primarily by a Ford organization. Experience in creating To Draw From Experienc!'s cludes Harvard, M.l.T.. Boston Uni stationed in Washington, 14 at Re Foundation grant, the program start It is from his rxperiences with thr versity, Boston College, Brandeis, publican headquarters but only four ed wil!h research into the school laws for themselves should help tfhe bill this summer that Mr. Gibllons and Wellesley. As UBS was accre at Dc>mocratic headquarters, due to records of children in three parts of boys ~ better understand and re spect the laws of society. '''ill draw the mat<.'rial which he will dited as an official news agency, its small size. The four Wellesley Boston, CTuarlestown, Roxbury and news reporters in Washington - Ann the South End. It was found that by Medina, '65, president of v:·n last ~hird grade these children were six year, Nancy Adel, '67; Peggy How months below the city-wide average Dough-Minded Merchants See ard, '66; and Jean Crichton, '65 - ability level and by sixth grade they \\.ere at Republican headquarters. were a year and a half to two years Ann Medina interviewed people on belilind. the floor to get their reactions as A pilot project was instituted last No Holes in Donut Business returns came in. spring to equip pre-school children The true spirit of the entrepreneur "We have brouglht the doughnut system has not proved infallible. WPllesley Girl Gets Only Statement wi~h t·he basic skills which most chil may have been lost in that complex, revolution to Wellesley College," However, we are continually striving When Lee Edwards, ohairm:m of dren learn at home. '11hree and four automated Outside World, but here stated on'\ of the ~est entrepre (or perfect returns." The actual fig publicity of t'he Republican National year-olds who oould not talk simply at W.C. there can still be found tlhe neurs. They did, however, admit that ures on the returns, perfect or im Committee, made the only statement because their parents had never legendary qualities of imagination, they had borrowed the idea of dough perfect. are a jealously kept secret. officially available after near-<X>n talked to them, were given practice courage, and foresight previously at nut sales from a McAfee senior who Miss Menapace did, 'however, admit clusive results were in, Ann was re in verbal, motor and social skills. tributable to t:he Robber Barons, but began her business last year. that "we aren't doing t"1.is fur sponsible for making UBS the only Tested !\lade Gains ::ow found in such masters of in When asked about the largest prob purely altruistic motives." network to get tihis statement on According to the speaker, these test dustry as Marty Menapace, '65, and lems now confronting tile industry, The market research specialists, t:.pe. Jean Crichton was floor spot children as compared wil'il a control Barbie Butterworth, '65. Miss Menapace replied, "The honor Miss Menapace and Miss Butter ter, while Nancy Adel and Peggy group made significant gains in verb worth, have discove1ed that "the Howard compiled teletype returns as al ability and IQ level. girls love the fruit-filled ones they became available. For children already in school, the the best. The c'hocolate•honey-Oipped State Returns Surveyed In Boston pupil adjustment program attempts ones are also very popular among the M.l.T.'s station WTBS was in to deal wibh t'he !home problems stu more sacc'harine members of the c'harge of UBS local ooverage, which dents bring to school. Teachers are community." included returns on the gubernatorial being trained to recognize and han Sugar-Ooated Executive and Congressional races, on-tile-spot dle emotional trouble. This may in The entrepreneurs expressed great reports through direct lines from volve going into the student's home satisfaction with tlheir supplier to Volpe and Belotti headquarters, com and mobilizing the forces of the com the market i.e.