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Software: Kdenlive, ucaresystem, FFmpeg, Calibre, NetworkManager

By Roy Schestowitz Created 11/11/2017 - 9:55pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Saturday 11th of November 2017 09:55:55 PM Filed under Software [1]

Kdenlive 17.08.3 released [2]

The last dot release of the 17.08 series is out with minor fixes. We continue focus on the refactoring branch with steady progress towards a stable release.

ucaresystem core 4.2.3 : One installer for Ubuntu and Debian based distributions[3]

I am pleased to announce that ucaresystem core version 4.2.3 has been released with some cool features. Now either you have an Ubuntu or Debian based distribution, you just need only one deb package installer.

FFmpeg Lands NVDEC-Accelerated H.264 Decoding [4]

NVIDIA has been shifting their focus from VDPAU for GPU-accelerated video decoding to instead the SDK that offers NVENC for encoding and NVDEC for video decoding. FFmpeg has landed initial NVDEC support.

NVIDIA has been transitioning their focus with video acceleration from using the Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU) to the cross-platform, CUDA-based Video Codec SDK with NVENC/NVDEC while VDPAU continues to be supported for the time being. Calibre Open-Source eBook Management App Now Supports the New Nook Glowlight 3[5]

A new update of the open-source and cross-platform Calibre ebook management software is now available for download, and it brings support for the new Nook Glowlight 3 e-reader.

Calibre 3.12 is out, and it introduces a driver for the new Nook Glowlight 3, a 6-inch e-reader with a Carta E-ink screen with touchscreen and color-changing front light. This means that you'll be able to connect your Nook Glowlight 3 e-reader to Calibre to sync e-books.

Furthermore, Calibre 3.12 now lets users specify extra file formats that the application doesn't support by default for wireless sending in the wireless driver, as well as to configure metadata fields that are displayed in the Book Details pop-up window by clicking on the "Configure" link at the bottom.

NetworkManager 1.10 Released With OpenVSwitch & WPS Connection Support[6]

NetworkManager 1.10 was released today as the newest version of this commonly used Linux network management utility.


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Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] glowlight-3-518494.shtml [6]