For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 COMMITTEE ON RULES


Hugh Nathanial Halpern, Staff Director Miles M. Lackey, Minority Staff Director Monica K. Chinn, Chief Legislative Clerk


H-312 Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-9191



TABLE OF CONTENTS...... iii COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP ...... 1 Committee on Rules ...... 1 Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process...... 1 Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House...... 1 HISTORY OF REPORTED LEGISLATION ...... 2 Rules Requested ...... 2 Rules Requested Conference Reports...... 30 Rules Granted...... 32 Original Jurisdiction Measures Reported...... 98 MEASURES REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES...... 100 House Resolutions...... 100 House Bills...... 106 House Joint Resolutions ...... 111 House Concurrent Resolutions...... 112 MEMORIALS, PETITIONS, AND EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS...... 113 INDEX OF LEGISLATION ADDITIONALLY REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES ...... 115 RECORD VOTES...... 131 Full Committee...... 131 PUBLICATIONS AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS...... 265 Publications ...... 265







HUGH NATHANIAL HALPERN, Staff Director MILES M. LACKEY, Minority Staff Director




TOWNER FRENCH, Subcommittee Staff Director LALE M. MAMAUX, Minority Staff Director




KATHARINE TROLLER, Subcommittee Staff Director KEITH STERN, Minority Staff Director


* Tom Reed of New York was elected to the Committee on April 5, 2011 and served until he resigned on June 14, 2011 to serve on the Committee on Ways and Means.


RULES REQUESTED Asterisks (**) denotes measures not reported by a House legislative committee


H. Res. 706 Sponsor: Authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Mr. Smith of Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas. March 17, 2011: Reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, H. Rept. 112-38. Date Introduced: June 26, 2012 April 6, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on the Sponsor: Mr. Issa of California Judiciary.

June 27, 2012: May 2, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Over- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules sight and Government Reform. Granted, H. Res. 237. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 708. H.R. 4 To repeal the expansion of information reporting H. Res. 711 requirements for payments of $600 or more to Recommending that the House of Representatives corporations, and for other purposes. find Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, in contempt of Congress Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination for refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued Act of 2011 by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Date Introduced: January 12, 2011 Date Introduced: June 28, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Lungren of California Sponsor: Mr. Issa of California February 22, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Ways and Means, H. Rept. 112-15. June 27, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 708. March 1, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 3 Granted, H. Res. 129. To prohibit taxpayer funded abortions and to pro- vide for conscience protections, and for other pur- poses. H.R. 5 No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act To improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on Date Introduced: January 20, 2011 the health care delivery system.


Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011 2012

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: January 24, 2011 July 24, 2012

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Gingrey of Georgia Mr. Camp of Michigan

March 17, 2011: July 30, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Judiciary, H. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways Rept. 112-39. and Means.

March 14, 2012: July 31, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Judi- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules ciary. Granted, H. Res. 747.

March 20, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 9 Granted, H. Res. 591. To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a deduction for domestic business income of qualified small businesses. H.R. 7 To authorize funds for Federal-aid highway, pub- Small Business Tax Cut Act lic transportation, and highway and motor carrier safety programs, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: March 21, 2012 American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Cantor of Virginia Date Introduced: January 31, 2012 April 10, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Ways and Sponsor: Means, H. Rept. 112-425. Mr. Mica of Florida April 16, 2012: February 13, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways Reported by the Committee on Transportation and Means. and Infrastructure, H. Rept. 112-397. April 17, 2012: February 9, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing requested by the Committee on Granted, H. Res. 620. Transportation and Infrastructure.

February 14, 2012: H.R. 358 Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules To amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Granted, H. Res. 547. Care Act to modify special rules relating to cover- age of abortion services under such Act.

H.R. 8 Protect Life Act To extend certain tax relief provisions enacted in 2001 and 2003, and to provide for expedited con- Date Introduced: sideration of a bill providing for comprehensive January 20, 2011 tax reform, and for other purposes.


Sponsor: March 28, 2011: Mr. Pitts of Pennsylvania Hearing requested by the Committee on Over- sight and Government Reform. March 17, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and March 29, 2011: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-40. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 186. October 7, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. H.R. 527 To amend chapter 6 of title 5, United States Code October 12, 2011: (commonly known as the Regulatory Flexibility Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Act),toensurecompleteanalysisofpotentialim- Granted, H. Res. 430. pacts on small entities of rules, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 436 Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on medical devices. Date Introduced: February 8, 2011 Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2012 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Smith of Texas January 25, 2011 November 16, 2011: Sponsor: Reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, Mr. Paulson of H. Rept. 112-289.

June 5, 2012: November 28, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Ways and Hearing requested by the Committee on the Means, H. Rept. 112-514. Judiciary. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways and Means. November 29, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules June 6, 2012: Granted, H. Res. 477. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 679. H.R. 658 To amend title 49, United States Code, to author- H.R. 471 ize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Ad- To reauthorize the DC opportunity scholarship ministration for fiscal years 2011 through 2014, to program, and for other purposes. streamline programs, create efficiencies, reduce waste, and improve aviation safety and capacity, Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act to provide stable funding for the national aviation SOAR Act system, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011 January 26, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: February 11, 2011 Mr. Boehner of Ohio Sponsor: March 17, 2011: Mr. Mica of Florida Reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, H. Rept. 112-36.


March 10, 2011: Sponsor: Reported by the Committee on Transportation Mr. Herger of California and Infrastructure, H. Rept. 112-29. October 18, 2011: March 28, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Ways and Hearing requested by the Committee on Means, H. Rept. 112-253. Transportation and Infrastructure. Hearing requested by the Committee on Sci- October 24, 2011: ence, Space, and Technology. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways and Means. and Means. October 25, 2011: March 30, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 448. Granted, H. Res. 189.

H.R. 754 H.R. 662 To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2011 To provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, for intelligence and intelligence-related activities highway safety, transit, and other programs fund- of the United States Government, the Community ed out of the Highway Trust Fund pending en- Management Account, and the Central Intelli- actment of a multiyear law reauthorizing such gence Agency Retirement and Disability System, programs. and for other purposes.

Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: February 11, 2011 February 17, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Mica of Florida Mr. Rogers of Michigan

February 28, 2011: May 3, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Transportation Reported by the Committee on Intelligence, H. and Infrastructure, H. Rept. 112-18, Part I. Rept. 112-72. Hearing requested by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. May 6, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Intel- March 1, 2011: ligence. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 128. May 11, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 264. H.R. 674 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on H.R. 822 certain payments made to vendors by government To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide entities. a national standard in accordance with which nonresidents of a State may carry concealed fire- 3% Withholding Repeal and Job Creation Act arms in the State.

Date Introduced: National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 February 11, 2011 Date Introduced: February 18, 2011


Sponsor: March 7, 2011: Mr. Sterns of Florida Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- vices, H. Rept. 112-26. November 10, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- Reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, nancial Services. H. Rept. 112-277. March 8, 2011: November 8, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing requested by the Committee on the Granted, H. Res. 151. Judiciary.

November 14, 2011: H.R. 839 Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules To amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization Granted, H. Res. 463. Act of 2008 to terminate the authority of the Sec- retary of the Treasury to provide new assistance under the Home Affordable Modification Program, H.R. 830 while preserving assistance to homeowners who To rescind the unobligated funding for the FHA were already extended an offer to participate in Refinance Program and to terminate the program. the Program, either on a trial or permanent basis.

FHA Refinance Program Termination Act HAMP Termination Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: February 28, 2011 February 28, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Dold of Illinois Mr. McHenry of North Carolina

March 7, 2011: March 11, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- vices, H. Rept. 112-25. vices, H. Rept. 112-31. Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- nancial Services. March 14, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- March 8, 2011: nancial Services. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.150. March 15, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 170. H.R. 836 To rescind the unobligated funding for the Emer- gency Mortgage Relief Program and to terminate H.R. 861 the program. To rescind the third round of funding for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and to ter- Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termination minate the program. Act NSP Termination Act Date Introduced: February 28, 2011 Date Introduced: March 1, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Hensarling of Texas Sponsor: Mr. Gary Miller of California


March 11, 2011: January 20, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- Hearing requested by the Committee on En- vices, H. Rept. 112-32. ergy and Commerce and the Committee on Ways and Means. March 14, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- January 24, 2012: nancial Services. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 522. March 15, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.170. H.R. 1213 To repeal mandatory funding provided to States in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act H.R. 910 to establish American Health Benefit Exchanges. To amend the Clean Air Act to prohibit the Ad- ministrator of the Environmental Protection Date Introduced: Agency from promulgating any regulation con- March 29, 2011 cerning, taking action relating to, or taking into consideration the emission of a greenhouse gas to Sponsor: address climate change, and for other purposes. Mr. Upton of Michigan

Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 April 27, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Date Introduced: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-65. March 3, 2011 April 29, 2011: Sponsor: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Mr. Upton of Michigan ergy and Commerce.

April 1, 2011: May 2, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Commerce, H. Rept. 112-50. Granted, H. Res. 236. Hearing requested by the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. H.R. 1214 April 5, 2011: To repeal mandatory funding for school-based Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules health center construction. Granted,H.Res.203. Date Introduced: March 29, 2011 H.R. 1173 To repeal the CLASS program. Sponsor: Mr. Burgess of Texas Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security Act of 2011 April 27, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Date Introduced: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-66. March 17, 2011 April 29, 2011: Sponsor: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Mr. Boustany of Louisiana ergy and Commerce.

December 23, 2011: May 2, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Commerce, H. Rept. 112-342. Granted, H. Res. 236.


H.R. 1216 Date Introduced: To amend the Public Health Service Act to convert March 29, 2011 funding for graduate medical education in quali- fied teaching health centers from direct appropri- Sponsor: ations to an authorization of appropriations. Mr. Hastings of Washington

Date Introduced: May 2, 2011: March 29, 2011 Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-67. Sponsor: Mr. Guthrie of May 3, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- ural Resources. April 27, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H. Rept. 112-64. May 4, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 245. May 20, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. H.R. 1230 May 23, 2011: To require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules certain offshore oil and gas lease sales, and for Granted, H. Res. 269. other purposes.

Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act H.R. 1217 To repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Date Introduced: March 29, 2011 Date Introduced: March 29, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Hastings of Washington Sponsor: Mr. Pitts of Pennsylvania May 2, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-68. April 11, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H. Rept. 112-57. May 3, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- ergy and Commerce. ural Resources.

April 12, 2011: May 4, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 219. Granted, H. Res. 245.

H.R. 1229 H.R. 1231 To amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act To amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the safe and timely production of to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas American energy resources from the Gulf of Mexi- leasing program offer leasing in the areas with co. the most prospective oil and gas resources, to es- tablish a domestic oil and natural gas production Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act goal, and for other purposes. Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratori- um Act


Date Introduced: Date Introduced: March 29, 2011 April 1, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Hastings of Washington Mrs. Biggert of Illinois

May 2, 2011: June 9, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- sources, H. Rept. 112-69. vices, H. Rept. 112-102.

May 6, 2011: June 28, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- ural Resources. nancial Services.

May 10, 2011: July 7, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.257. Granted, H. Res. 340.

H.R. 1249 H.R. 1315 To amend title 35, United States Code, to provide To amend the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform for patent reform. and Consumer Protection Act to strengthen the review authority of the Financial Stability Over- America Invents Act sight Council of regulations issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Date Introduced: March 30, 2011 Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Smith of Texas Date Introduced: April 1, 2011 June 1, 2011: Reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, Sponsor: H. Rept. 112-98. Mr. Duffy of Wisconsin

June 9, 2011: May 25, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on the Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- Judiciary. vices, H. Rept. 112-89.

June 21, 2011: July 18, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- Granted, H. Res. 316. nancial Services.

July 20, 2011: H.R. 1309 Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules To extend the authorization of the national flood Granted, H. Res. 358. insurance program, to achieve reforms to improve the financial integrity and stability of the pro- gram, and to increase the role of private markets H.R. 1540 in the management of flood insurance risk, and To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for other purposes. for military activities of the Department of De- fense and for military construction, to prescribe Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011 military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes.


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year H.R. 1734 2012 To decrease the deficit by realigning, consolidat- ing, selling, disposing, and improving the efficien- Date Introduced: cy of federal buildings and other civilian real April 14, 2011 property, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Civilian Property Realignment Act Mr. McKeon of California Date Introduced: May 17, 2011: May 4, 2011 Reported by the Committee on Armed Ser- vices, H. Rept. 112-78. Sponsor: Mr. Denham of California May 18, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on February 1, 2012: Armed Services. Reported by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, H. Rept. 112-384. May 23, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Transportation and Infrastructure. Granted,H.Res.269. February 3, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 1633 Granted, H. Res. 537. To establish a temporary prohibition against re- vising any national ambient air quality standard applicable to coarse particulate matter, to limit H.R. 1745 Federal regulation of nuisance dust in areas in To improve jobs, opportunity, benefits, and ser- which such dust is regulated under State, tribal, vices for unemployed Americans, and for other or local law, and for other purposes. purposes.

Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011 Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits, and Services Act of 2011 Date Introduced: April 15, 2011 Date Introduced: May 5, 2011 Sponsor: Mrs. Noem of South Dakota Sponsor: Mr. Camp of Michigan December 6, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and May 23, 2011: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-316. Reported by the Committee on Ways and Means, H. Rept. 112-87. December 2, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- May 25, 2011: ergy and Commerce. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways and Means. December 7, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 487. H.R. 1837 To address certain water-related concerns on the San Joaquin River, and for other purposes.

San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act


Date Introduced: Southeast Land Exchange and Conserva- May 11, 2011 tion Act of 2011

Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Nunes of California May 13, 2011

February 27, 2012: Sponsor: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- Mr. Gosar of Arizona sources, H. Rept. 112-403. October 14, 2011: February 24, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- sources, H. Rept. 112-246. ural Resources. October 20, 2011: February 28, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules ural Resources. Granted, H. Res. 566. October 24, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 1892 Granted, H. Res. 444. To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community H.R. 1938 Management Account, and the Central Intelli- To direct the President to expedite the considera- gence Agency Retirement and Disability System, tion and approval of the construction and opera- and for other purposes. tion of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, and for other purposes. Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 North American-Made Energy Security Act Date Introduced: May 13, 2011 Date Introduced: May 23, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Rogers of Michigan Sponsor: Mr. Terry of Nebraska September 2, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Intelligence, H. July 8, 2011: Rept. 112-197. Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H. Rept. 112-140. September 6, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Intel- July 21, 2011: ligence. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. September 7, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules July 25, 2011: Granted, H. Res. 392. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 370.

H.R. 1904 To facilitate the efficient extraction of mineral H.R. 2017 resources in southeast Arizona by authorizing and Making appropriations for the Department of directing an exchange of Federal and non-Federal Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- land, and for other purposes. tember 30, 2012, and for other purposes.


Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Sponsor: Act, 2012 Mr. Gardner of Colorado

Date Introduced: June 16, 2011: May 26, 2011 Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H. Rept. 112-108. Sponsor: Mr. Aderholt of Alabama June 20, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- May 26, 2011: ergy and Commerce. Reported by the Committee on Appropria- tions, H. Rept. 112-91. June 21, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules May 27, 2011: Granted, H. Res. 316. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. H.R. 2055 May 31, 2011: Making appropriations for military construction, Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related Granted,H.Res.287. agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2018 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 Act to preserve the authority of each State to make determinations relating to the State's water Date Introduced: quality standards, and for other purposes. May 31, 2011

Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Culberson of Texas Date Introduced: May 26, 2011 May 31, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Sponsor: tions, H. Rept. 112-94. Mr. Mica of Florida Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. July 8, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Transportation June 1, 2011: and Infrastructure, H. Rept. 112-139. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing requested by the Committee on Granted, H. Res. 288. Transportation and Infrastructure.

July 12, 2011: H.R. 2087 Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules To remove restrictions from a parcel of land situ- Granted, H. Res. 347. ated in the Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia.

H.R. 2021 Date Introduced: To amend the Clean Air Act regarding air pollu- June 2, 2011 tion from Outer Continental Shelf activities. Sponsor: Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 Mr. Rigell of Virginia

Date Introduced: May 26, 2011


January 18, 2012: July 22, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- Reported by the Committee on Education and sources, H. Rept. 112-369. the Workforce, H. Rept. 112-177.

March 15, 2012: February 23, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- Hearing requested by the Committee on Edu- ural Resources. cation and the Workforce.

March 19, 2012: February 27, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 587. Granted, H. Res. 563.

H.R. 2112 H.R. 2218 Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural De- To amend the charter school program under the velopment, Food and Drug Administration, and Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year end- ing September 30, 2012, and for other purposes. Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropria- Date Introduced: tions Act, 2012 June 16, 2011

Date Introduced: Sponsor: June 3, 2011 Mr. Hunter of California

Sponsor: July 22, 2011: Mr. Kingston of Georgia Reported by the Committee on Education and the Workforce, H. Rept. 112-178. June 1, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- August 31, 2011: tions, H. Rept. 112-101. Hearing requested by the Committee on Edu- cation and the Workforce. June 10, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- September 7, 2011: propriations. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 392. June 13, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.300. H.R. 2219 Making appropriations for the Department of De- fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, H.R. 2117 2012, and for other purposes. To prohibit the Department of Education from overreaching into academic affairs and program Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2012 eligibility under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Date Introduced: June 16, 2011 Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Educa- tion Act Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Young of Florida June 3, 2011 June 16, 2011: Sponsor: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Ms. Foxx of North Carolina tions, H. Rept. 112-110.


June 20, 2011: October 7, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- Hearing requested by the Committee on En- propriations. ergy and Commerce.

June 22, 2011: October 12, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.320. Granted, H. Res. 431.

H.R. 2250 H.R. 2354 To provide additional time for the Administrator Making appropriations for energy and water de- of the Environmental Protection Agency to issue velopment and related agencies for the fiscal year achievable standards for industrial, commercial, ending September 30, 2012, and for other purpos- and institutional boilers, process heaters, and in- es. cinerators, and for other purposes. Energy and Water Development and Related Agen- EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 cies Appropriations Act, 2012

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: June 21, 2011 June 24, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Griffith of Virginia Mr. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey

September 26, 2011: June 24, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Commerce, H. Rept. 112-225. tions, H. Rept. 112-118.

September 28, 2011: July 1, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- ergy and Commerce. propriations.

October 3, 2011: July 6, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 419. Granted, H. Res. 337.

H.R. 2273 H.R. 2401 To amend subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal To require analyses of the cumulative and incre- Act to facilitate recovery and beneficial use, and mental impacts of certain rules and actions of the provide for the proper management and disposal, Environmental Protection Agency, and for other of materials generated by the combustion of coal purposes. and other fossil fuels. Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act on the Nation Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: June 22, 2011 June 24, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. McKinley of West Virginia Mr. Sullivan of Oklahoma

September 26, 2011: September 15, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H. Rept. 112-226. Commerce, H. Rept. 112-208.


September 19, 2011: July 20, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules ergy and Commerce. Granted, H. Res. 359.

September 20, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 2553 Granted, H. Res. 406. To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and expenditure authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, to amend ti- H.R. 2434 tle 49, United States Code, to extend the airport Making appropriations for financial services and improvement program, and for other purposes. general government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes. Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011, Part IV

Financial Services and General Government Ap- Date Introduced: propriations Act, 2012 July 15, 2011

Date Introduced: Sponsor: July 7, 2011 Mr. Mica of Florida

Sponsor: July 18, 2011: Mrs. Emerson of Missouri Hearing requested by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. July 7, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- July 19, 2011: tions, H. Rept. 112-136. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 357. July 12, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. H.R. 2560 To cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget.

H.R. 2551 Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011 Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and Date Introduced: for other purposes. July 15, 2011

Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Chaffetz of Utah Date Introduced: July 15, 2011 July 15, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on the Sponsor: Budget. Mr. Crenshaw of Florida July 18, 2011: July 15, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Granted, H. Res. 355. tions, H. Rept. 112-148.

July 19, 2011: H.R. 2576 Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to propriations. modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross income for purposes of determining eligibility for certain healthcare-related programs.


Date Introduced: Date Introduced: July 18, 2011 July 19, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mrs. Black of Tennessee Mr. Simpson of Indiana

October 18, 2011: July 19, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Ways and Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Means, H. Rept. 112-254. tions, H. Rept. 112-151.

October 24, 2011: July 20, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- and Means. propriations.

October 25, 2011: July 21, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 448. Granted, H. Res. 363.

H.R. 2578 H.R. 2587 To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act related To prohibit the National Labor Relations Board to a segment of the Lower Merced River in Cali- from ordering any employer to close, relocate, or fornia, and for other purposes. transfer employment under any circumstance.

Conservation and Economic Growth Act Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: July 18, 2011 July 19, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Denham of California Mr. Scott of South Carolina

December 1, 2011: July 25, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- Reported by the Committee on Education and sources, H. Rept. 112-303. the Workforce, H. Rept. 112-179. Hearing requested by the Committee on Edu- June 15, 2012: cation and the Workforce. Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- ural Resources. July 26, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules June 18, 2012: Granted, H. Res. 372. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 688. H.R. 2608 To provide for an additional temporary extension H.R. 2584 of programs under the Small Business Act and the Making appropriations for the Department of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, and for Interior, environment, and related agencies for other purposes. the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes. Small Business Program Extension and Reform Actof2011 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Re- lated Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 Date Introduced: July 21, 2011


Sponsor: November 1, 2011: Mr. Graves of Missouri Hearing requested by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. September 30, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- November 3, 2011: propriations. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 455.

H.R. 2681 To provide additional time for the Administrator H.R. 2842 of the Environmental Protection Agency to issue To authorize all Bureau of Reclamation conduit achievable standards for cement manufacturing facilities for hydropower development under Fed- facilities, and for other purposes. eral Reclamation law, and for other purposes.

Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropow- er Development and Rural Jobs Act of 2011 Date Introduced: July 28, 2011 Date Introduced: September 6, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Sullivan of Oklahoma Sponsor: Mr. Tipton of Colorado September 26, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and December 1, 2011: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-227. Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-301. September 28, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- March 2, 2012: ergy and Commerce. Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- ural Resources. October 3, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules March 5, 2012: Granted,H.Res.419. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 570.

H.R. 2838 To authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard H.R. 2930 for fiscal years 2012 through 2015, and for other To amend the securities laws to provide for regis- purposes. tration exemptions for certain crowdfunded secu- rities, and for other purposes. Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2011 Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: September 2, 2011 September 14, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. LoBiondo of New Jersey Mr. McHenry of North Carolina

October 3, 2011: October 31, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Transportation Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- and Infrastructure, H. Rept. 112-229. vices, H. Rept. 112-262. Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- nancial Services.


November 2, 2011: H.R. 3094 Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules To amend the National Labor Relations Act with Granted,H.Res.453. respect to representation hearings and the timing of elections of labor organizations under that Act.

H.R. 2940 Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act To direct the Securities and Exchange Commis- sion to eliminate the prohibition against general Date Introduced: solicitation as a requirement for a certain exemp- October 5, 2011 tion under Regulation D. Sponsor: Access to Capital for Job Creators Act Mr. Kline of Minnesota

Date Introduced: November 10, 2011: September 15, 2011 Reported by the Committee on Education and the Workforce, H. Rept. 112-276. Sponsor: Mr. McCarthy of California November 15, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Edu- October 31, 2011: cation and the Workforce. Reported by the Committee on Financial Ser- vices, H. Rept. 112-263. November 17, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules nancial Services. Granted, H. Res. 470.

November 2, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 3309 Granted,H.Res.453. To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to pro- vide for greater transparency and efficiency in the procedures followed by the Federal Communica- H.R. 3010 tions Commission. To reform the process by which Federal agencies analyze and formulate new regulations and guid- Federal Communications Commission Process Re- ance documents. form Act of 2011

Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011 Date Introduced: November 2, 2011 Date Introduced: September 22, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Walden of Oregon Sponsor: Mr. Smith of Texas March 19, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Energy and November 22, 2011: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-414. Reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, H. Rept. 112-294. March 21, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- November 28, 2011: ergy and Commerce. Hearing requested by the Committee on the Judiciary. March 26, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules November 29, 2011: Granted, H. Res. 595. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 477.


H.R. 3409 H.R. 3521 To limit the authority of the Secretary of the Inte- To amend the Congressional Budget and Im- rior to issue regulations before December 31, poundment Control Act of 1974 to provide for a 2013, under the Surface Mining Control and Rec- legislative line-item veto to expedite consideration lamation Act of 1977. of rescissions, and for other purposes.

Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Expedited Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of Infrastructure Protection Act 2011 Date Introduced: Date Introduced: November 30, 2011 November 14, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin Mr. Johnson of Ohio January 17, 2012: September 13, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Budget, H. Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- Rept. 112-364. sources, H. Rept. 112-670. February 3, 2012: September 18, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- Budget. ural Resources. February 7, 2012: September 19, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 540. Granted, H. Res. 788.

H.R. 3523 H.R. 3463 To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by intelligence and cyber threat information between terminating taxpayer financing of presidential the intelligence community and cybersecurity en- election campaigns and party conventions and by tities, and for other purposes. terminating the Election Assistance Commission. Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of Date Introduced: 2011 November 17, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: November 30, 2011 Mr. Harper of Mississippi Sponsor: November 28, 2011: Mr. Rogers of Michigan Hearing requested by the Committee on House Administration and the Committee on April 17, 2012: Ways and Means. Reported by the Committee on Intelligence, H. Rept. 112-445. November 29, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules April 23, 2012: Granted,H.Res.477. Hearing requested by the Committee on Intel- ligence.

April 25, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 631.


H.R. 3578 H.R. 3582 To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to Deficit Control Act of 1985 to reform the budget provide for macroeconomic analysis of the impact baseline. of legislation.

Baseline Reform Act of 2011 Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 December 7, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Woodall of Georgia Mr. Price of Georgia

January 30, 2012: January 30, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Budget, H. Reported by the Committee on Budget, H. Rept. 112-378. Rept. 112-377.

January 27, 2012: January 27, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Hearing requested by the Committee on Budget. Budget.

February 1, 2012: February 1, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 534. Granted, H. Res. 534.

H.R. 3581 H.R. 3606 To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency To increase American job creation and economic Deficit Control Act of 1985 to increase transpar- growth by improving access to the public capital ency in Federal budgeting, and for other purposes. markets for emerging growth companies.

Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2011 Reopening American Capital Markets to Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2011 Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 Date Introduced: December 8, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Garrett of New Jersey Sponsor: Mr. Fincher of Tennessee January 31, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Budget, H. March 1, 2012: Rept. 112-380. Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-406. February 3, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on March 2, 2012: Budget. Hearing requested by the Committee on Fi- nancial Services. February 6, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules March 6, 2012: Granted, H. Res. 539. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 572.


H.R. 3630 Sponsor: Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of Mr. Griffin of Arkansas 2011. April 27, 2012: Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of Reported by the Committee on Oversight and 2011 Government Reform, H. Rept. 112-461.

Date Introduced: July 19, 2012: December 9, 2011 Hearing requested by the Committee on Over- sight and Government Reform. Sponsor: Mr. Camp of Michigan July 20, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on the Judiciary. December 9, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways and Means. July 23, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 738. December 12, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.491. H.R. 4089 To protect and enhance opportunities for recrea- H.R. 3672 tional hunting, fishing and shooting. Making appropriations for disaster relief re- quirements for the fiscal year ending September Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 30, 2012, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2012 February 27, 2012

Date Introduced: Sponsor: December 14, 2011 Mr. Miller of Florida

Sponsor: April 13, 2012: Mr. Rogers of Kentucky Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-426. December 15, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- April 13, 2012: propriations. Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- ural Resources. December 16, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules April 16, 2012: Granted,H.Res.500. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 614.

H.R. 4078 To provide that no agency may take any signifi- H.R. 4348 cant regulatory action until the unemployment To provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, rate is equal to or less than 6.0 percent. highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012 Fund pending enactment of a multiyear law reau- thorizing such programs, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: February 17, 2012 Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012, Part II


Date Introduced: Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012 April 16, 2012 Date Introduced: Sponsor: April 24, 2012 Mr. Mica of Florida Sponsor: April 16, 2012: Mr. Gardner of Colorado Hearing requested by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. June 8, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Energy and April 17, 2012: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-520. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.619. June 13, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. H.R. 4402 To require the Secretary of the Interior and the June 15, 2012: Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently devel- Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- op domestic sources of the minerals and mineral ural Resources. materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and June 19, 2012: manufacturing competitiveness. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 691. National Strategic and Critical Minerals Produc- tion Act of 2012 H.R. 4628 Date Introduced: To extend student loan interest rates for under- April 19, 2012 graduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans.

Sponsor: Interest Rate Reduction Act Mr. Amodei of Date Introduced: July 9, 2012: April 25, 2012 Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-583. Sponsor: Mrs. Biggert of Illinois July 6, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- April 25, 2012: ural Resources. Hearing requested by the Committee on Edu- cation and the Workforce. July 10, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 631. Granted, H. Res. 726.

H.R. 4970 H.R. 4480 To reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act of To provide for the development of a plan to in- 1994. crease oil and gas exploration, development, and production under oil and gas leases of Federal Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of 2012 Agriculture, the Secretary of Energy, the Secre- tary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Defense Date Introduced: in response to a drawdown of petroleum reserves April 27, 2012 from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.


Sponsor: Sponsor: Mrs. Adams of Florida Mr.WolfofVirginia

May 15, 2012: May2,2012: Reported by the Committee on Judiciary, H. Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Rept. 112-480. tions, H. Rept. 112-463. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- May 14, 2012: propriations. Hearing requested by the Committee on the Judiciary. May 7, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules May 15, 2012: Granted, H. Res. 643. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 656. H.R. 5544 To authorize and expedite a land exchange involv- H.R. 5325 ing National Forest System land in the Lauren- Making appropriations for energy and water de- tian District of the Superior National Forest and velopment and related agencies for the fiscal year certain other National Forest System land in the ending September 30, 2013, and for other purpos- State of Minnesota that has limited recreational es. and conservation resources and lands owned by the State of Minnesota in trust for the public Energy and Water Development and Related Agen- school system that are largely scattered in check- cies Appropriations Act, 2013 erboard fashion within the Boundary Waters Ca- noe Area Wilderness and have important recrea- Date Introduced: tional, scenic, and conservation resources, and for May 2, 2012 other purposes.

Sponsor: Minnesota Education Investment and Employment Mr. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Act

May 2, 2012: Date Introduced: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- May 8, 2012 tions, H. Rept. 112-462. Sponsor: May 25, 2012: Mr. Cravaack of Minnesota Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. September 10, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- May 30, 2012: sources, H. Rept. 112-655. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 667. September 6, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- ural Resources. H.R. 5326 Making appropriations for the Departments of September 10, 2012: Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, Granted, H. Res. 773. 2013, and for other purposes.

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies H.R. 5652 Appropriations Act, 2013 To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for Date Introduced: fiscal year 2013. May 2, 2012


Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012 agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and May 9, 2012 Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013

Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin May 23, 2012

May 9, 2012: Sponsor: Reported by the Committee on the Budget, H. Mr. Culberson of Texas Rept. 112-470. May 23, 2012: May 8, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Hearing requested by the Committee on the tions, H. Rept. 112-491. Budget. May 25, 2012: May 9, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules propriations. Granted, H. Res. 648. May 30, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 5743 Granted, H. Res. 667. To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community H.R. 5855 Management Account, and the Central Intelli- Making appropriations for the Department of gence Agency Retirement and Disability System, Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- and for other purposes. tember 30, 2013, and for other purposes.

Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2013 Date Introduced: May 15, 2012 Date Introduced: May 23, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Rogers of Michigan Sponsor: Mr. Aderholt of Alabama May 22, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Intelligence, H. May 23, 2012: Rept. 112-490. Reported by the Committee on Appropria- tions, H. Rept. 112-492. May 29, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Intel- May 25, 2012: ligence. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. May 30, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules May 30, 2012: Granted,H.Res.667. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 667.

H.R. 5854 Making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related


H.R. 5856 H.R. 5972 Making appropriations for the Department of De- Making appropriations for the Departments of fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Devel- 2013, and for other purposes. opment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purpos- Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2013 es. Date Introduced: May 25, 2012 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Young of Florida Date Introduced: June 20, 2012 June 25, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- Sponsor: tions, H. Rept. 112-493. Mr. Latham of Iowa

June 27, 2012: June 20, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- Reported by the Committee on Appropria- propriations. tions, H. Rept. 112-541. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- June 28, 2012: propriations. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 717. June 21, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 697. H.R. 5882 Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and H.R. 5973 for other purposes. Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural De- velopment, Food and Drug Administration, and Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2013 Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year end- ing September 30, 2013, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: June 1, 2012 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropria- Sponsor: tions Act, 2013 Mr. Crenshaw of Florida Date Introduced: June 1, 2012: June 20, 2012 Reported by the Committee on Appropria- tions, H. Rept. 112-511. Sponsor: Mr. Kingston of Georgia June 4, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- June 20, 2012: propriations. Reported by the Committee on Appropria- tions, H. Rept. 112-542. June 6, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules propriations. Granted,H.Res.679. June 21, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 697.


H.R. 5949 June 28, 2012: To extend the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 for Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules five years. Granted, H. Res. 717.

FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012 H.R. 6079 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Date Introduced: Care Act and health care-related provisions in the June 15, 2012 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.

Sponsor: Repeal of Obamacare Act Mr. Smith of Texas Date Introduced: August 2, 2012: July 9, 2012 Reported by the Committee on Judiciary, H. Rept. 112-645, Part I. Sponsor: Reported by the Committee on Intelligence, H. Mr. Cantor of Virginia Rept. 112-645, Part II. July 9, 2012: September 6, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Hearing requested by the Committee on Intel- ergy and Commerce. ligence. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 724. September 7, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 6082 To officially replace, within the 60-day Congres- September 10, 2012: sional review period under the Outer Continental Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Shelf Lands Act, President Obama's Proposed Fi- Granted, H. Res. 773. nal Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program (2012-2017) with a congressional plan that will conduct additional oil and natural gas H.R. 6020 lease sales to promote offshore energy develop- Making appropriations for financial services and ment, job creation, and increased domestic energy general government for the fiscal year ending production to ensure a more secure energy future September 30, 2013, and for other purposes. in the United States, and for other purposes.

Financial Services and General Government Ap- Congressional Replacement of President Obama's propriations Act, 2013 Energy-Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan Date Introduced: June 26, 2012 Date Introduced: July 9, 2012 Sponsor: Mrs. Emerson of Missouri Sponsor: Mr. Hastings of Washington June 26, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Appropria- July 20, 2012: tions, H. Rept. 112-550. Reported by the Committee on Natural Re- sources, H. Rept. 112-615. June 27, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Nat- Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- ural Resources. propriations.


July 23, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on En- Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules ergy and Commerce. Granted,H.Res.738. September 12, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules H.R. 6156 Granted, H. Res. 779. To authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory H.R. 6228 treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to To provide a one-year extension of the Food, Con- products of the Russian Federation and Moldova servation, and Energy Act of 2008, with certain and to require reports on the compliance of the modifications and exceptions, to make supple- Russian Federation with its obligations as a mental agricultural disaster assistance available member of the World Trade Organization, and for for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, and for other pur- other purposes. poses.

Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of Date Introduced: 2012 July 30, 2012

Date Introduced: Sponsor: July 19, 2012 Mr. Lucas of Oklahoma

Sponsor: July 30, 2012: Mr. Camp of Michigan Hearing requested by the Committee on Agri- culture. July 31, 2012: Reported by the Committee on Ways and H.R. 6365 Means, H. rept. 112-632. To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to replace the se- November 9, 2012: quester established by the Budget Control Act of Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways 2011. and Means. National Security and Job Protection Act November 13, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Date Introduced: Grated, H. Res. 808. September 10, 2012

Sponsor: H.R. 6213 Mr. West of Florida To limit further taxpayer exposure from the loan guarantee program established under title XVII of September 11, 2012: theEnergyPolicyActof2005. Hearing requested by the Committee on the Budget. No More Solyndras Act September 12, 2012: Date Introduced: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules July 26, 2012 Granted, H. Res. 778.

Sponsor: Mr. Upton of Michigan H.R. 6429 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to September 10, 2012: promote innovation, investment, and research in Reported by the Committee on Energy and the United States, to eliminate the diversity im- Commerce, H. Rept. 112-652. migrant program, and for other purposes.

September 11, 2012: STEM Jobs Act of 2012


Date Introduced: H.J. Res. 117 September 18, 2012 Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013 Mr. Smith of Texas November 26, 2012: Date Introduced: Hearing requested by the Committee on the September 10, 2012 Judiciary. Sponsor: November 28, 2012: Mr. Rogers of Kentucky Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Grated, H. Res. 821. September 11, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations. H.J. Res. 37 Disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to reg- H.J. Res. 118 ulating the Internet and broadband industry prac- Providing for congressional disapproval under tices. chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Office of Family Assistance of Date Introduced: the Administration for Children and Families of February 16, 2011 the Department of Health and Human Services relating to waiver and expenditure authority un- Sponsor: der section 1115 of the Social Security Act (42 Mr. Walden of Oregon U.S.C. 1315) with respect to the Temporary Assis- tance for Needy Families program. April 1, 2011: Reported by the Committee on Energy and Date Introduced: Commerce, H. Rept. 112-51. September 11, 2012 Hearing requested by the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. Sponsor: Mr. Camp of Michigan April 4, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules September 18, 2012: Granted,H.Res.200. Reported by the Committee on Ways and Means, H. Rept. 112-677, Part I. Reported by the Committee on Education and H.J. Res. 79 the Workforce, H. Rept. 112-677, Part II. Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways 2012, and for other purposes. and Means. Hearing requested by the Committee on Edu- Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2012 cation and the Workforce.

Date Introduced: September 14, 2011 H. Con.Res.34 Establishing the budget for the United States Sponsor: Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth Mr. Rogers of Kentucky appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021. September 15, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- Date Introduced: propriations. April 11, 2011 Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.399.


Sponsor: March 26, 2011: Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin Hearing requested by the Committee on the Budget. April 11, 2011: Reported by the Committee on the Budget, H. Rept. 112-58. March 27, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules April 12, 2011: Granted, H. Res. 597. Hearing requested by the Committee on the Budget.

April 13, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.223.

H.Con.Res.94 Directing the Clerk of the House of Representa- tives to make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. 3672.

Date Introduced: December 14, 2011

Sponsor: Mr. Rogers of Kentucky

December 15, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- propriations.

December 16, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.500.

H. Con. Res. 112 Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022.

Date Introduced: March 23, 2012

Sponsor: Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin

March 23, 2011: Reported by the Committee on the Budget, H. Rept. 112-421.



H.R. 658 H.R. 2055 To amend title 49, United States Code, to author- Making appropriations for military construction, ize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Ad- the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related ministration for fiscal years 2011 through 2014, to agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, streamline programs, create efficiencies, reduce 2012, and for other purposes. waste, and improve aviation safety and capacity, to provide stable funding for the national aviation Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and system, and for other purposes. Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012

FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011 Date Introduced: May 31, 2011 Date Introduced: February 11, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Culberson of Texas Sponsor: Mr. Mica of Florida December 15, 2011: Conference report filed, H. Rept. 112-331. February 1, 2012: Hearing requested by the Committee on Conference report filed, H. Rept. 112-381. Armed Services. Hearing requested by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. December 16, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.533. Granted, H. Res. 500.

H.R. 1540 H.R. 2112 To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural De- for military activities of the Department of De- velopment, Food and Drug Administration, and fense and for military construction, to prescribe Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year end- military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2012, ing September 30, 2012, and for other purposes. and for other purposes. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Administration, and Related Agencies Appropria- 2012 tions Act, 2012

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: April 14, 2011 June 3, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. McKeon of California Mr. Kingston of Georgia

December 12, 2011: November 14, 2011: Conference report filed, H. Rept. 112-329. Conference report filed, H. Rept. 112-284.

December 13, 2011: November 15, 2011: Hearing requested by the Committee on Hearing requested by the Committee on Ap- Armed Services. propriations. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted,H.Res.493. November 17, 2011: Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 467.


H.R. 3630 To provide incentives for the creation of jobs, and for other purposes.

Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 Date Introduced: December 9, 2011

Sponsor: Mr. Camp of Michigan

February 16, 2012: Conference report filed, H. Rept. 112-399. Hearing requested by the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing held and rule granted. See Rules Granted, H. Res. 554.

H.R. 4310 To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the Department of De- fense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to pre- scribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: March 29, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. McKeon of California

December 19, 2012: Hearing held and rule granted. See H. Res. 840.

31 RULES GRANTED Asterisk (*) denotes rules on matters of original jurisdiction


*H.Res.26 The rule further provides for consideration of H. Res. 9 under a structured rule. The rule Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2) to provides that H. Res. 9 shall be considered as repeal the job-killing health care law and health read. The rule provides one hour of debate on care-related provisions in the Health Care and H. Res. 9 equally divided and controlled by the Education Reconciliation Act of 2010; providing chair and ranking minority member of the for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 9) in- Committee on Rules, or their designees. The structing certain committees to report legislation rule makes in order the amendment to H. Res. replacing the job-killing health care law; and for 9 printed in part B of the report, if offered other purposes. by Representative Matheson of Utah or his designee, which shall be considered as Date Introduced: read and shall be debatable for 10 minutes January 6, 2011 equally divided and controlled by Sponsor: the proponent and an opponent. All points of Mr. Dreier of California order are waived against the amend- ment printed in part B of the report. The rule Granted a closed rule providing for consideration of H.R. 2. All points of order against H.R. 2 provides one motion to recommit H. Res. 9 without instructions. The rule provides for are waived. The rule provides that the consideration of a resolution, if offered by the amendment to H.R. 2 printed in part A of the Majority Leader or his designee, relating the Rules Committee report accompanying to the status of certain actions taken by Mem- the resolution shall be considered as adopted. bers-elect, under a closed rule. The rule pro- The rule provides that H.R. 2, as amended, vides 4 minutes of debate on the resolution shall be considered as read. The rule waives equally divided and controlled by the Majority all points of order against H.R. 2, as amend- Leader and Minority Leader, or their design- ed. The rule provides for seven hours of debate ees. in the House on H.R. 2 to be allocated as fol- lows: 30 minutes equally divided and con- January 6, 2011: trolled by the Majority Leader and Minority Ordered reported by record vote of 6-4. Leader; 90 minutes equally divided and con- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–2. trolled by the chair and ranking minori- ty member of the Committee on Education January 7, 2011: and the Workforce; 90 minutes equally divided Adopted by record vote of 236-181, 2 present, and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- after agreeing to the previous question by record nority member of the Committee on Energy vote of 236-182. and Commerce; 90 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- nority member of the Committee on Ways and Means; 40 minutes equally divided and *H.Res.43 Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. controlled by the chair and ranking minori- Res. 38) to reduce spending through a transition ty member of the Committee on the Budget; to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels. 40 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of Date Introduced: the Committee on the Judiciary; and 40 January 19, 2011 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Sponsor: Committee on Small Business. The rule pro- Mr. Dreier of California vides one motion to recommit H.R. 2 with or without instructions. Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair- man and ranking minority member of the


Committee on Rules or their respective de- signees. The rule waives all points of order January 25, 2011: against consideration of the resolution. The Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. rule provides that the amendment in the na- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–5. ture of a substitute recommended by the January 26, 2011: Committee on Rules, now printed in the reso- Adopted by voice vote, after agreeing to the lution, shall be considered as adopted and the previous question by record vote of 234-178. resolution, as amended, shall be considered as read. The rule provides one motion to recom- mit with or without instructions. *H.Res.73 January 19, 2011: Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Res. 72) directing certain standing committees to Report filed, H. Rept. 112–4. inventory and review existing, pending, and pro- January 24, 2011: posed regulations and orders from agencies of the Adopted by record vote of 240-168, after agree- Federal Government, particularly with respect to ing to the previous question by record vote of 238- their effect on jobs and economic growth. 174. Date Introduced: February 8, 2011 H. Res. 54 Sponsor: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 359) to Mr. Sessions of Texas reduce Federal spending and the deficit by termi- nating taxpayer financing of presidential election Granted a closed rule providing nine hours and 30 campaigns and party conventions. minutes of debate with 30 minutes equally di- vided and controlled by the Majority Leader Date Introduced: and Minority Leader or their respective de- January 25, 2011 signees, eight hours equally divided among and controlled by the respective chairs and Sponsor: ranking minority members of the Committees Ms. Foxx of North Carolina on Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, Finan- cial Services, the Judiciary, Natural Re- Granted a modified open rule providing one hour sources, Oversight and Government Reform, of general debate equally divided among and Transportation and Infrastructure, and Ways controlled by the chairs and ranking minority and Means, and one hour equally divided members of the Committee on Ways and among and controlled by the respective chairs Means and the Committee on House Admin- and ranking minority members of the Com- istration. The rule waives all points of order mittees on Education and the Workforce and against consideration of the bill. After general Small Business. The rule waives all points of debate the bill shall be considered for amend- order against consideration of the resolution. ment under the five-minute rule for a period The rule provides that the amendment rec- nottoexceedfivehours. Thebillshallbecon- ommended by the Committee on Rules now sidered as read. The rule provides that all printed in the resolution, shall be considered points of order against provisions in the bill as adopted and the resolution, as amended are waived. The rule makes in order only shall be considered as read. Finally, the rule those amendments that have been preprinted provides one motion to recommit with or with- in the Congressional Record or pro forma out instructions. amendments for the purpose of debate. The rule provides that each amendment printed in February 8, 2011: the Congressional Record may be offered only Ordered reported by voice vote. by the Member who caused it to be printed or Report filed, H. Rept. 112–7. a designee, and that each amendment shall be considered as read. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without in- structions.


February 10, 2011: Sponsor: Adopted by record vote of 255-169, after agree- Mr. Woodall of Georgia ing to the previous question by record vote of 240- 180. Granted a modified open rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and con- trolled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations. H. Res. 79 The rule waives all points of order against Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 514) to consideration of the bill. The rule provides extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT that all points of order against provisions in Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 the bill are waived. The rule makes in order and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Preven- only those amendments received for printing tion Act of 2004 relating to access to business rec- in the Congressional Record dated at least one ords, individual terrorists as agents of foreign day before the day of consideration of the powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, amendment (but no later than February 15, 2011. 2011). The rule provides that each amend- ment submitted for printing in the Congres- Date Introduced: sional Record may be offered only by the February 9, 2011 Member who submitted it for printing or their designee, and that each such amendment Sponsor: Mr. Dreier of California shall be considered as read. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without in- Granted a closed rule providing one hour of de- structions. The rule provides that during con- bate, with 40 minutes equally divided and sideration of the bill, clause 2(f) of rule XXI controlled by the chair and ranking minority shall not apply to amendments addressing ob- member of the Committee on the Judiciary jects within more than one suballocation made and 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the Committee on Appropriations under by the chair and ranking minority member of section 302(b) of the Congressional Budget Act the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- of 1974. gence. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill and provides The rule waives clause 6(a) of rule XIII, re- that the bill shall be considered as read. The quiring a two-thirds vote to consider a report rule provides that all points of order against from the Committee on Rules on the same day provisions in the bill are waived. Finally, the it is presented to the House, against a rule re- rule provides one motion to recommit. lating to H.R. 1, through the legislative date of Thursday, February 17, 2011. February 9, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-2. February 14, 2011: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–8. Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. February 10, 2011: February 14, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 248-176. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–13. February 15, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 242-174, 2 present, H. Res. 92 after agreeing to the previous question by record Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1) vote of 240-179. making appropriations for the Department of De- fense and the other departments and agencies of the Government for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 2011, and for other purposes, and waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: February 14, 2011


H. Res. 93 shall be considered as read. The rule waives Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- all points of order against provisions in the ment to the bill (H.R. 514) to extend expiring pro- joint resolution. The rule provides one hour of visions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and debate equally divided and controlled by the Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Re- chair and ranking minority member of the form and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relat- Committee on Appropriations. The rule pro- ing to access to business records, individual ter- vides one motion to recommit. rorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011. February 28, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–19. Date Introduced: February 15, 2011 March 1, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 251-170, after agree- Sponsor: Mr. Dreier of California ing to the previous question by record vote of 241- 179. Granted a rule providing for the consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 514. The rule makes in order a motion by the chair of the H. Res. 128 Committee on the Judiciary that the House Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 662) to concur in the Senate amendment. The rule provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, waives all points of order against considera- highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and tion of the motion. The rule provides that the other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Senate amendment and the motion shall be Fund pending enactment of a multiyear law reau- considered as read. The rule provides one hour thorizing such programs. of debate on the motion with 40 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair Date Introduced: and ranking minority member of the Commit- March 1, 2011 tee on the Judiciary and 20 minutes equally Sponsor: divided and controlled by the chair and rank- Mr. Sessions of Texas ing minority member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the February 15, 2011: chair and ranking minority member of the Ordered reported by voice vote. Committee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–14. ture. The rule waives all points of order February 16, 2011: against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- Adopted by record vote of 254-176. vides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill. The rule makes in order H. Res. 115 only the amendment printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolu- Providing for consideration of the joint resolution tion, if offered by Representative Mica of Flor- (H.J. Res. 44) making further continuing appro- ida, or his designee, which shall be considered priations for fiscal year 2011, and for other pur- as read, shall be debatable for 10 minutes poses. equally divided and controlled by the propo- nent and an opponent, and shall not be subject Date Introduced: to a demand for division of the question. The February 28, 2011 rule waives all point of order against the amendment printed in the report. Finally, the Sponsor: Mr. Woodall of Georgia rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Granted a closed rule waiving all points of order against consideration of the joint resolution. March 1, 2011: The rule provides that the joint resolution Ordered reported by voice vote.


Report filed, H. Rept. 112–20. Granted a modified open rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and con- March 2, 2011: trolled by the chair and ranking minority Adopted by record vote of 256-169. member of the Committee on Financial Ser- vices. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule H. Res. 129 makes in order the amendment in the nature Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4) to of a substitute recommended by the Commit- repeal the expansion of information reporting re- tee on Financial Services as original text for quirements for payments of $600 or more to cor- purpose of amendment, and provides that porations, and for other purposes. each section shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the committee amendment in the nature of a sub- Date Introduced: March 1, 2011 stitute. The rule makes in order only those amendments that have been submitted for Sponsor: printing in the Congressional Record not later Mr. Scott of Florida than March 9, 2011 or pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate. The rule provides Granted a closed rule providing two hours and 30 that each amendment submitted for printing minutes of debate equally divided and con- in the Congressional Record may be offered trolled by the chair and ranking minority only by the Member who submitted it for member of the Committee on Ways and printing or their designee, and that each such Means. The rule waives all points of order amendment shall be considered as read if against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- printed. Finally, the rule provides one motion vides that an amendment in the nature of a to recommit with or without instructions. substitute consisting of the text of the amendment recommended by the Committee March 8, 2011: on Ways and Means now printed in H.R. 705 Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as Report filed, H. Rept. 112–27. amended, shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provi- March 9, 2011: sions in the bill, as amended. Finally, the rule Adopted by record vote of 240-180, after agree- provides one motion to recommit with or with- ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- out instructions. 186.

March 1, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–21. H. Res. 151 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 836) to March 2, 2011: rescind the unobligated funding for the Emergen- Adopted by record vote of 252-175, after agree- cy Mortgage Relief Program and to terminate the ing to the previous question by record vote of 243- program. 185. Date Introduced: March 8, 2011 H. Res. 150 Sponsor: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 830) to Mr. Sessions of Texas rescind the unobligated funding for the FHA Re- finance Program and to terminate the program. Granted a modified open rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and con- Date Introduced: trolled by the chair and ranking minority March 8, 2011 member of the Committee on Financial Ser- vices. The rule waives all points of order Sponsor: Mr. Bishop of Utah against consideration of the bill. The rule makes in order the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Commit-


tee on Financial Services as original text for H. Res. 170 purpose of amendment, and provides that Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 839) to each section shall be considered as read. The amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act rule waives all points of order against the of 2008 to terminate the authority of the Secretary committee amendment in the nature of a sub- of the Treasury to provide new assistance under stitute. The rule makes in order only those the Home Affordable Modification Program, while amendments that have been submitted for preserving assistance to homeowners who were printing in the Congressional Record not later already extended an offer to participate in the than March 9, 2011 or pro forma amendments Program, either on a trial or permanent basis; and for the purpose of debate. The rule provides providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 861) to that each amendment submitted for printing rescind the third round of funding for the Neigh- in the Congressional Record may be offered borhood Stabilization Program and to terminate only by the Member who submitted it for the program. printing or their designee, and that each such amendment shall be considered as read if Date Introduced: printed. Finally, the rule provides one motion March 15, 2011 to recommit with or without instructions. Sponsor: March 8, 2011: Mr. Sessions of Texas Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–28. Granted a structured rule for H.R. 839 and H.R. 861. The rule waives all points of order March 9, 2011: against consideration of H.R. 839 and provides Adopted by voice vote. one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- nority member of the Committee on Financial Services. The rule provides that the amend- H. Res. 167 ment in the nature of a substitute recom- Providing for consideration of the joint resolution mended by the Committee on Financial Ser- (H.J. Res. 48) making further continuing appro- vices shall be considered as an original bill for priations for fiscal year 2011, and for other pur- the purpose of amendment and shall be con- poses. sidered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the committee amendment in Date Introduced: the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in March 14, 2011 order only those amendments printed in Part Sponsor: A of the Rules Committee report accompany- Mr. Woodall of Georgia ing the resolution. The rule provides that each amendment made in order may be offered only Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate in the order printed in the report, may be of- equally divided and controlled by the chair fered only by a Member designated in the re- and ranking minority member of the Commit- port, shall be considered as read, shall be de- tee on Appropriations. The rule waives all batable for the time specified in the report points of order against consideration of the equally divided and controlled by the propo- joint resolution. The rule provides that the nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to joint resolution shall be considered as read amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- and that all points of order against provisions mand for division of the question in the House in the joint resolution are waived. Finally, the or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule rule provides one motion to recommit. waives all points of order against the amend- ments printed in Part A of the report. The rule March 14, 2011: provides one motion to recommit H.R. 839 Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. with or without instructions. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–33. The rule waives all points of order against March 15, 2011: consideration of H.R. 861. The rule provides Adopted by record vote of 241-181. one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi-


nority member of the Committee on Financial are waived. Finally, the rule provides one mo- Services. The rule provides that the amend- tion to recommit. ment in the nature of a substitute recom- mended by the Committee on Financial Ser- March 16, 2011: vices shall be considered as an original bill for Ordered reported by record vote of 6-5. the purpose of amendment and shall be con- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–35. sidered as read. The rule waives all points of March 17, 2011: order against the committee amendment in Adopted by record vote of 236-181, after agree- the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in ing to the previous question by record vote of 233- order only those amendments printed in Part 179. B of the Rules Committee report accompany- ing the resolution. The rule provides that each amendment made in order may be offered only in the order printed in the report (except that H. Res. 186 amendment Number 9 and amendment num- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 471) to ber 10 may be offered only en bloc), may be of- reauthorize the DC opportunity scholarship pro- fered only by a Member designated in the re- gram, and for other purposes. port, shall be considered as read, shall be de- batable for the time specified in the report Date Introduced: equally divided and controlled by the propo- March 29, 2011 nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- Sponsor: mand for division of the question in the House Mr. Bishop of Utah or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule waives all points of order against the amend- Granted a structured rule providing one hour of ments printed in Part B of the report. Finally, debate equally divided and controlled by the the rule provides one motion to recommit H.R. chair and ranking minority member of the 861 with or without instructions. Committee on Oversight and Government Re- form. The rule waives all points of order March 15, 2011: against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- Ordered reported by voice vote. vides that the amendment recommended by Report filed, H. Rept. 112–34. the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform now printed in the bill shall be consid- March 16, 2011: ered as adopted. The rule provides that the Adopted by record vote of 241-180. bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule H. Res. 174 makes in order the amendment printed in the Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1076) report of the Committee on Rules accompany- to prohibit Federal funding of National Public Ra- ing the resolution, if offered by Delegate Nor- dio and the use of Federal funds to acquire radio ton of the District of Columbia or her design- content. ee, which shall be considered as read, and shall be debatable for 40 minutes equally di- Date Introduced: vided and controlled by the proponent and an March 16, 2011 opponent. The rule waives all points of order Sponsor: against the amendment printed in the report. Mr. Nugent of Florida Finally, the rule provides one motion to re- commit with or without instructions. Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair March 29, 2011: and ranking minority member of the Commit- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-2. tee on Energy and Commerce. The rule waives Report filed, H. Rept. 112–45. all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule provides that all points of order against provisions in the bill


March 30, 2011: report equally divided and controlled by the Adopted by record vote of 235-178, after agree- proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- ing to the previous question by record vote of 237- ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to 182. a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report. Finally, H. Res. 189 the rule provides one motion to recommit with Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 658) to or without instructions. amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Admin- March 30, 2011: istration for fiscal years 2011 through 2014, to Ordered reported by record vote of 5-4. streamline programs, create efficiencies, reduce Report filed, H. Rept. 112–46. waste, and improve aviation safety and capacity, to provide stable funding for the national aviation March 31, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 249-171. system, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: March 30, 2011 H. Res. 194 Sponsor: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1255) Mr. Webster of Florida to prevent a shutdown of the government of the United States, and for other purposes. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate with 40 minutes equally divid- Date Introduced: ed and controlled by the chair and ranking March 31, 2011 minority member of the Committee on Trans- Sponsor: portation and Infrastructure, 10 minutes Mr. Woodall of Georgia equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Commit- Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate tee on Science, Space, and Technology, and 10 equally divided and controlled by the Majority minutes equally divided and controlled by the Leader and Minority Leader or their respec- chair and ranking minority member of the tive designees. The rule waives all points of Committee on Ways and Means. The rule order against consideration of the bill. The waives all points of order against considera- rule provides that the bill shall be considered tion of the bill. The rule provides that in lieu as read. The bill waives all points of order of the amendment in the nature of a substi- against provisions in the bill. Finally, the rule tute recommended by the Committee on provides one motion to recommit. Transportation and Infrastructure now print- ed in the bill, it shall be in order to consider as March 31, 2011: an original bill for the purpose of amendment Ordered reported by record vote of 6-3. under the five-minute rule an amendment in Report filed, H. Rept. 112–49. the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the Rules Committee Print dated April 1, 2011: March 22, 2011. The amendment in the na- Considered after agreeing to the question of ture of a substitute shall be considered as consideration by record vote of 219-172. read. The rule waives all points of order Adopted by record vote of 229-187, after agree- against the amendment in the nature of a ing to the previous question by record vote of 230- substitute. The rule makes in order only those 187. amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the


H. Res. 200 Commerce shall be considered as an original Providing for consideration of the joint resolution bill for the purpose of amendment and shall be (H.J. Res. 37) disapproving the rule submitted by considered as read. The rule waives all points the Federal Communications Commission with of order against the committee amendment in respect to regulating the Internet and broadband the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in industry practices. order only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that each such Date Introduced: April 4, 2011 amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Sponsor: Member designated in the report, shall be Mr. Woodall of Georgia considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report, equally divided Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- equally divided and controlled by the chair nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and and ranking minority member of the Commit- shall not be subject to a demand for division of tee on Energy and Commerce. The rule waives the question in the House or in the Committee all points of order against consideration of the of the Whole. The rule waives all points of or- joint resolution. The rule provides that the der against the amendments printed in the joint resolution shall be considered as read. report. Finally, the rule provides one motion The rule waives all points of order against to recommit with or without instructions. provisions in the joint resolution. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit. April 5, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. April 4, 2011: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–54. Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–53. April 6, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 250-172, after agree- April 5, 2011: ing to the previous question by record vote of 266- Adopted by record vote of 241-178, after agree- 158. ing to the previous question by record vote of 5.

H. Res. 206 H. Res. 203 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1363) Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 910) to making appropriations for the Department of De- amend the Clean Air Act to prohibit the Adminis- fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, trator of the Environmental Protection Agency 2011, and for other purposes; and waiving a re- from promulgating any regulation concerning, quirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect taking action relating to, or taking into considera- to consideration of certain resolutions reported tion the emission of a greenhouse gas to address from the Committee on Rules. climate change, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Date Introduced: April 6, 2011 April 5, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Ms. Foxx of North Carolina Mr. Sessions of Texas Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate Granted a structured rule providing one hour of equally divided and controlled by the chair general debate equally divided and controlled and ranking minority member of the Commit- by the chair and ranking minority member of tee on Appropriations. The rule waives all the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The points of order against consideration of the rule waives all points of order against consid- bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be eration of the bill. The rule provides that the considered as read. The rule waives all points amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- of order against provisions in the bill. The rule ommended by the Committee on Energy and provides one motion to recommit.


The rule provides that if H.R. 1473 is passed Finally, the rule waives clause 6(a) of rule by the House, it shall be in order to separately XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a consider H. Con. Res. 35 and H. Con. Res. 36, rule on the same day it is reported from the each under a closed rule. The rule provides Rules Committee) against any resolution re- twenty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 35, ported before April 11, 2011, providing for and twenty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. consideration or disposition of a measure mak- 36, to be equally divided and controlled by the ing or continuing appropriations for the fiscal chair and ranking minority member of the year ending September 30, 2011. Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives all points of order against considera- tion of H. Con. Res. 35 and H. Con. Res. 36. April 6, 2011: The rule provides that H. Con. Res. 35 and H. Ordered reported by voice vote. Con. Res. 36 shall be considered as read. The Report filed, H. Rept. 112–56. rule provides that if the House receives a mes- sage from the Senate transmitting its passage April 7, 2011: of H.R. 1473 without amendment, then the Adopted by record vote of 228-189, after agree- Clerk shall not certify an enrollment of the bill ing to the previous question by record vote of 238- until notified by the Speaker or by message 185. from the Senate that the Senate has taken the question on adoption of H. Con. Res. 35 and H. Con. Res. 36, if previously adopted by the H. Res. 218 House. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1473) making appropriations for the Department of De- April 12, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. fense and the other departments and agencies of Report filed, H. Rept. 112–60. the Government for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 2011, and for other purposes; providing April 13, 2011: for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–60, Part 2. Con. Res. 35) directing the Clerk of the House of Adopted by record vote of 241-179, after agree- Representatives to make a correction in the en- ing to the previous question by record vote of 242- rollment of H.R. 1473; and providing for consider- 183. ation of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 36) directing the Clerk of the House of Represent- atives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. H. Res. 219 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1217) Date Introduced: to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund. April 12, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: April 12, 2011 Mr. Dreier of California Sponsor: Granted a closed rule providing for consideration Ms. Foxx of North Carolina of H.R. 1473. The rule provides one hour of debate on H.R. 1473 to be equally divided and Granted a structured rule providing one hour of controlled by the chair and ranking minority general debate equally divided and controlled member of the Committee on Appropriations. by the chair and ranking minority member of The rule waives all points of order against the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The consideration of H.R. 1473. The rule provides rule waives all points of order against consid- that H.R. 1473 shall be considered as read. eration of the bill. The rule provides that the The rule provides that all points of order bill shall be considered as read. The rule against provisions in H.R. 1473 are waived. waives all points of order against provisions in The rule provides one motion to recommit the bill. The rule makes in order only those H.R. 1473. amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that each such amendment may be


offered only in the order printed in the report, further amendments printed in part B of the maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated report, which may be offered only in the order in the report, shall be considered as read, printed in the report, may be offered only by a shall be debatable for the time specified in the Member designated in the report, shall be report equally divided and controlled by the considered as read, shall be debatable for the proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- time specified in the report equally divided ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- a demand for division of the question in the nent, and shall not be subject to amendment. House or in the Committee of the Whole. The The rule waives all points of order against the rule waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the report, amendments printed in the report. Finally, except that the adoption of an amendment in the rule provides one motion to recommit with the nature of a substitute shall constitute the or without instructions. conclusion of consideration of amendments. The rule provides, upon the conclusion of con- April 12, 2011: sideration of the concurrent resolution for Ordered reported by voice vote. amendment, for a final period of general de- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–61. bate, which shall not exceed 20 minutes equal- ly divided and controlled by the chair and April 13, 2011: ranking minority member of the Committee Adopted by record vote of 237-180, after order- on theBudget.TherulepermitstheChairman ing the previous question by record vote of 238- of the Budget Committee to offer amendments 182. in the House pursuant to section 305(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to achieve mathematical consistency. Finally, H. Res. 223 the rule provides that the concurrent resolu- tion shall not be subject to a demand for divi- Providing for consideration of the concurrent reso- sion of the question of its adoption. lution (H. Con. Res. 34) establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary lev- April 13, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. els for fiscal years 2013 through 2021. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–62. Date Introduced: April 14, 2011: April 13, 2011 Adopted by record vote of 243-181, after agree- ing to the previous question by a record vote of Sponsor: 238-183. Mr. Scott of South Carolina

Granted a structured rule providing four hours of general debate with three hours confined to H. Res. 236 the congressional budget equally divided and Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1213) controlled by the chair and ranking minority to repeal mandatory funding provided to States in member of the Committee on the Budget and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to one hour on the subject of economic goals and establish American Health Benefit Exchanges, policies equally divided and controlled by Rep. and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. Brady (TX) and Rep. Hinchey (NY) or their 1214) to repeal mandatory funding for school- designees. The rule waives all points of order based health center construction. against consideration of the concurrent resolu- tion. The rule makes in order the amendment Date Introduced: in the nature of a substitute printed in part A May 2, 2011 of the Rules Committee report as an original Sponsor: concurrent resolution for purpose of amend- Mr. Reed of New York ment, and provides that such amendment shall be considered as read. The rule waives Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1213. The rule all points of order against the amendment in provides one hour of general debate equally the nature of a substitute printed in part A of divided and controlled by the chair and rank- the report. The rule makes in order only those


ing minority member of the Committee on En- H. Res. 237 ergy and Commerce. The rule waives all Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3) to points of order against consideration of the prohibit taxpayer funded abortions and to provide bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be for conscience protections, and for other purposes. considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill. The rule Date Introduced: makes in order only those amendments to May 2, 2011 H.R. 1213 that are printed in the Rules Com- mittee report accompanying the resolution. Sponsor: The rule provides that each such amendment Mr. Nugent of Florida may be offered only in the ordered printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate designated in the report, shall be considered with 40 minutes equally divided and con- as read, shall be debatable for the time speci- trolled by the chair and ranking minority fied in the report equally divided and con- member of the Committee on the Judiciary, 10 trolled by the proponent and an opponent, minutes equally divided and controlled by the shall not be subject to amendment, and shall chair and ranking minority member of the not be subject to a demand for division of the Committee on Ways and Means, and 10 question in the House or in the Committee of minutes equally divided and controlled by the the Whole. The rule waives all points of order chair and ranking minority member of the against the amendments printed in the report. Committee on Energy and Commerce. The The rule provides one motion to recommit rule waives all points of order against consid- with or without instructions. eration of the bill. The rule provides that in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a sub- The rule further provides a modified open rule stitute recommended by the Committee on the for H.R. 1214. The rule provides one hour of Judiciary now printed in the bill, the amend- general debate equally divided and controlled ment in the nature of a substitute printed in by the chair and ranking minority member of the report of the Committee on Rules accom- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The panying this resolution shall be considered as rule waives all points of order against consid- adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be con- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the sidered as read. The rule waives all points of bill shall be considered as read. The rule order against provisions in the bill, as amend- waives all points of order against provisions in ed. Finally, the rule provides one motion to re- the bill. The rule makes in order only those commit with or without instructions. amendments to H.R. 1214 that are received for printing in the portion of the Congression- May 2, 2011: al Record designated for that purpose in Ordered reported by record vote of 9-3. clause 8 of rule XVIII in a daily issue dated Report filed, H. Rept. 112–71. May 2, 2011, and pro forma amendments for May 4, 2011: the purpose of debate. The rule provides that Adopted by record vote of 243-177. each amendment so received may be offered only by the Member who caused it to be print- ed or a designee, and that each amendment shall be considered as read if printed. Finally, H. Res. 245 the rule provides one motion to recommit with Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1229) or without instructions. to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the safe and timely production of May 2, 2011: American energy resources from the Gulf of Mexi- Ordered reported by voice vote. co, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–70. 1230) to require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct certain offshore oil and gas lease sales, May 3, 2011: and for other purposes. Adopted by record vote of 237-185, after agree- ing to the previous question by record vote of 234- Date Introduced: 185. May 4, 2011


Sponsor: of the report. The rule provides one motion to Mr. Bishop of Utah recommit with or without instructions.

Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1229. The rule Finally, the rule directs the Clerk to, in the provides one hour of general debate equally engrossment of H.R. 1229, add the text of H.R. divided and controlled by the chair and rank- 1230 as passed by the House as new matter at ing minority member of the Committee on the end of H.R. 1229. Natural Resources. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The May 4, 2011: rule provides that the amendment recom- Ordered reported by record vote of 9-3. mended by the Committee on Natural Re- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–73. sources shall be considered as adopted. The rule waives all points of order against provi- May 5, 2011: sions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes Adopted by record vote of 245-167, after agree- in order only those amendments to H.R. 1229 ing to the previous question by record vote of 241- printed in Part A of the Rules Committee re- 171. port accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, H. Res. 257 maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1231) in the report, shall be considered as read, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act shall be debatable for the time specified in the to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas report equally divided and controlled by the leasing program offer leasing in the areas with proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- the most prospective oil and gas resources, to es- ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to tablish a domestic oil and natural gas production a demand for division of the question in the goal, and for other purposes. House or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule waives all points of order against the Date Introduced: amendments printed in Part A of the report. May 10, 2011 The rule provides one motion to recommit Sponsor: with or without instructions. Mr. Reed of New York

The rule further provides a structured rule for Granted a structured rule providing one hour of H.R. 1230. The rule provides one hour of gen- general debate equally divided and controlled eral debate equally divided and controlled by by the chair and ranking minority member of chair and ranking minority member of the the Committee on Natural Resources. The Committee on Natural Resources. The rule rule waives all points of order against consid- waives all points of order against considera- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the tion of the bill. The rule waives all points of amendment recommended by the Committee order against provisions in the bill. The rule on Natural Resources now printed in the bill makes in order only those amendments to shall be considered as adopted and that the H.R. 1230 printed in Part B of the Rules bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. Committee report accompanying the resolu- The rule waives all points of order against tion. The rule provides that each such provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule amendment may be offered only in the order makes in order only those amendments print- printed in the report, may be offered only by a ed in the Rules Committee report accompany- Member designated in the report, shall be ing the resolution. Provides that each such considered as read, shall be debatable for the amendment may be offered only in the order time specified in the report equally divided printed in the report, may be offered only by a and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- Member designated in the report, shall be nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and considered as read, shall be debatable for the shall not be subject to a demand for division of time specified in the report equally divided the question in the House or in the Committee and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- of the Whole. The rule waives all points of or- nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and der against the amendments printed in Part B shall not be subject to a demand for division of


the question in the House or in the Committee ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule of the Whole. The rule waives all points of or- provides one motion to recommit with or with- der against the amendments printed in the out instructions. report. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. May 11, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. May 10, 2011: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–75. Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. May 12, 2011: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–74. Adopted by record vote of 251-133. May 11, 2011: Reported by a record vote of 243-179, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of H. Res. 269 241-179. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1216) to amend the Public Health Service Act to convert funding for graduate medical education in quali- H. Res. 264 fied teaching health centers from direct appropri- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 754) to ations to an authorization of appropriations; authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1540) intelligence and intelligence-related activities of to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for the United States Government, the Community military activities of the Department of Defense Management Account, and the Central Intelli- and for military construction, to prescribe military gence Agency Retirement and Disability System, personnel strengths for fiscal year 2012, and for and for other purposes. other purposes; and waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to considera- Date Introduced: tion of certain resolutions reported from the May 11, 2011 Committee on Rules. Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Sessions of Texas May 23, 2011 Granted a structured rule providing one hour of Sponsor: general debate equally divided and controlled Ms. Foxx of North Carolina by the chair and ranking minority member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- Granted a modified open rule for H.R. 1216. The gence. The rule waives all points of order rule provides one hour of general debate against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- equally divided and controlled by the chair vides that the amendment in the nature of a and ranking minority member of the Commit- substitute recommended by the Permanent tee on Energy and Commerce. The rule waives Select Committee on Intelligence shall be con- all points of order against consideration of sidered as an original bill for the purpose of H.R. 1216. The rule provides that after gen- amendment and shall be considered as read. eral debate H.R. 1216 shall be considered for The rule waives all points of order against the amendment under the five-minute rule and committee amendment in the nature of a sub- shall be considered as read. The rule waives stitute. The rule makes in order only those all points of order against provisions in H.R. amendments printed in the Rules Committee 1216. The rule makes in order only those report accompanying the resolution. The rule amendments that are received for printing in provides that each such amendment may be the Congressional Record dated May 23, 2011 offered only by a Member designated in the and pro forma amendments for the purpose of report, shall be considered as read, shall be debate. The rule provides that each amend- debatable for the time specified in the report ment received for printing in the Congression- equally divided and controlled by the propo- al Record may be offered only by the Member nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to who submitted it for printing or their design- amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- ee, and that each such amendment shall be mand for division of the question. The rule considered as read. The rule provides one mo- waives all points of order against the amend-


tion to recommit H.R. 1216 with or without all points of order against the committee instructions. amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule provides that no amendments shall be in The rule further provides for general debate of order except those amendments printed in the H.R. 1540. The rule provides one hour of gen- Rules Committee report accompanying the eral debate equally divided and controlled by resolution and amendments en bloc described the chair and ranking minority member of the in section 3 of the resolution. The rule pro- Committee on Armed Services. The rule vides that the amendments made in order waives all points of order against H.R. 1540. may be offered only in the order printed in the The rule provides that no further considera- report, may be offered only by a Member des- tion of the bill shall occur except pursuant to a ignated in the report, shall be considered as subsequent order of the House. read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by The rule waives clause 6(a) of rule XIII (re- the proponent and an opponent, shall not be quiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- the same day it is reported from the Rules ject to a demand for division of the question. Committee) against any resolution reported The rule waives all points of order against the from the Rules Committee providing for con- amendments printed in the report or against sideration or disposition of a measure address- amendments en bloc described in section 3 of ing expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT this resolution. Section 3 of the resolution Improvement and Reauthorization Act of provides that the chairman of the Committee 2005, through the legislative day of May 27, on Armed Services or his designee may offer 2011. amendments en bloc consisting of amend- ments printed in the report not earlier dis- May 23, 2011: posed of. Amendments en bloc shall be consid- Ordered reported by voice vote. ered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes Report filed, H. Rept. 112–86. equally divided and controlled by the chair- man and ranking minority member of the May 24, 2011: Committee on Armed Services or their design- Adopted by record vote of 238-181, after agree- ees, shall not be subject to amendment, and ing to the previous question by record vote of 233- shall not be subject to a demand for division of 179. the question. The original proponent of an amendment included in such amendments may insert a statement in the Congressional H. Res. 276 Record immediately before the disposition of the amendments en bloc. Finally, the rule Providing for further consideration of the bill provides one motion to recommit with or with- (H.R. 1540) to authorize appropriations for fiscal out instructions. year 2012 for military activities of the Depart- ment of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal May 24, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. year 2012, and for other purposes. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–88. Date Introduced: May 25, 2011: May 24, 2011 Amendment to the resolution agreed to by voice vote. Sponsor: Adopted by record vote of 243-170, after agree- Mr. Bishop of Utah ing to the previous question by record vote of 239- 181. Granted a structured rule providing for further consideration of the bill. The rule provides for no additional general debate. The rule pro- vides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Armed Services shall be considered as an orig- inal bill for the purpose of amendment and shall be considered as read. The rule waives


H. Res. 281 waives all points of order against considera- Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- tion of the bill. The rule waives points of order ment to the House amendment to the bill (S. 990) against provisions in the bill for failure to to provide for an additional temporary extension comply with clause 2 of rule XXI except for of programs under the Small Business Act and the section 536. The rule provides that the bill Small Business Investment Act of 1958, and for shall be considered for amendment under the other purposes. five-minute rule. The rule authorizes the Chair to accord priority in recognition to Members who have pre-printed their amend- Date Introduced: May 26, 2011 ments in the Congressional Record. Sponsor: The rule provides one motion to recommit Mr. Dreier of California with or without instructions. The rule pro- vides that H. Con. Res. 34, including the re- Granted rule providing for the consideration of lated 302(a) allocations printed in the Rules the Senate Amendment to the House Amend- Committee report accompanying the resolu- ment to S. 990. The rule makes in order a mo- tion, shall have force and effect until a confer- tion by the chair of the Committee on the Ju- ence report on the concurrent resolution on diciary that the House concur in the Senate the budget for fiscal year 2012 is adopted. amendment to the House amendment to S. 990. The rule provides one hour of debate on May 31, 2011: the motion with 40 minutes equally divided Ordered reported by record vote of 9-3. and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–95. nority member of the Committee on the Judi- ciary and 20 minutes equally divided and con- June 1, 2011: trolled by the chair and ranking minority Considered after agreeing to the question of member of the Permanent Select Committee consideration by a record vote of 234-187. on Intelligence. The rule waives all points of Adopted by record vote of 231-187, after agree- order against consideration of the motion. Fi- ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- nally, the rule Provides that the Senate 186. amendment shall be considered as read.

May 26, 2011: H. Res. 288 Ordered reported by voice vote. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2055) Report filed, H. Rept. 112–92. making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related May 26, 2011: agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, Adopted by voice vote. 2012, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: H. Res. 287 June 1, 2011 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2017) Sponsor: making appropriations for the Department of Mr. Webster of Florida Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 2012, and for other purposes. Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- eral debate equally divided and controlled by Date Introduced: the chair and ranking minority member of the May 31, 2011 Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives all points of order against considera- Sponsor: Mr. Reed of New York tion of the bill. The rule waives points of order against provisions in the bill for failure to Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- comply with clause 2 of rule XXI. Under the eral debate equally divided and controlled by Rules of the House the bill shall be read for the chair and ranking minority member of the amendment by paragraph. The rule provides Committee on Appropriations. The rule that the bill shall be considered for amend-


ment under the five-minute rule. The rule au- Florida or her designee and 30 minutes con- thorizes the Chair to accord priority in recog- trolled by Representative Kucinich of Ohio or nition to Members who have pre-printed their his designee. The rule waives all points of or- amendments in the Congressional Record. der against consideration of the resolution. The rule requires the Chair to put the ques- Finally, the rule provides that the resolution tion on retaining Title II (Department of Vet- shall be considered as read. erans Affairs) prior to putting the question on engrossment and third reading. The rule pro- June 2, 2011: vides one motion to recommit with or without Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. instructions. Finally, the rule directs the Report filed, H. Rept. 112–99. Clerk, in the engrossment of H.R. 2055, to June 3, 2011: make technical and conforming changes in the Adopted by record vote of 257-156. event a portion of the bill is not retained.

June 1, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. H. Res. 300 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–97. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2112) making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural De- June 2, 2011: velopment, Food and Drug Administration, and Adopted by voice vote. Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year end- ing September 30, 2012, and for other purposes.

H. Res. 294 Date Introduced: Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. June 13, 2011 Res. 292) declaring that the President shall not Sponsor: deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of Ms. Foxx of North Carolina units and members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya, and for other pur- Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- poses, and providing for consideration of the con- eral debate equally divided and controlled by current resolution (H. Con. Res. 51) directing the the chair and ranking minority member of the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Committee on Appropriations. The rule Powers Resolution, to remove the United States waives all points of order against considera- Armed Forces from Libya. tion of the bill. The rule waives points of order against provisions in the bill for failure to Date Introduced: comply with clause 2 of rule XXI except for June 2, 2011 sections 740, 741, 743, and 744. Sponsor: Mr. Scott of South Carolina Under the Rules of the House the bill shall be read for amendment by paragraph. The rule Granted a closed rule for H.R. 292 providing one provides that the bill shall be considered for hour of debate, with 40 minutes equally divid- amendment under the five-minute rule. The ed and controlled by the chair and ranking rule authorizes the Chair to accord priority in minority member of the Committee on Foreign recognition to Members who have pre-printed Affairs and 20 minutes equally divided and their amendments in the Congressional Rec- controlled by the chair and ranking minority ord. Finally, the rule provides one motion to member of the Committee on Armed Services. recommit with or without instructions. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the resolution. The rule pro- June 13, 2011: vides that the resolution shall be considered Ordered reported by voice vote. as read. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–103. June 14, 2011: The rule also provides a closed rule for H. Adopted by record vote of 235-180. Con. Res. 51. The rule provides for one hour of debate on the resolution, with 30 minutes con- trolled by Representative Ros-Lehtinen of


H. Res. 316 tee on the Judiciary now printed in the bill as an original bill for purpose of amendment, Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2021) which shall be considered as read. The rule to amend the Clean Air Act regarding air pollu- waives all points of order against the commit- tion from Outer Continental Shelf activities, and tee amendment in the nature of a substitute. providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1249) The rule makes in order only those amend- to amend title 35, United States Code, to provide ments to H.R. 1249 printed in Part B of the for patent reform. Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that each such Date Introduced: amendment may be offered only in the order June 21, 2011 printed in the report, may be offered only by a Sponsor: Member designated in the report, shall be Mr. Nugent of Florida considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided Granted a structured rule providing for the con- and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- sideration of H.R. 2021. The rule provides one nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and hour of general debate equally divided and shall not be subject to a demand for division of controlled by the chair and ranking minority the question. The rule waives all points of or- member of the Committee on Energy and der against the amendments printed in Part B Commerce. The rule waives all points of order of the report. The rule provides one motion to against consideration of H.R. 2021. The rule recommit H.R. 1249 with or without instruc- provides that H.R. 2021 shall be considered as tions. Finally, the rule provides that upon re- read. The rule waives all points of order ceipt of a message from the Senate transmit- against provisions in H.R. 2021. The rule ting H.R. 1249 with a Senate amendment or makes in order only those amendments to amendments thereto, it shall be in order to H.R. 2021 printed in Part A of the Rules consider in the House a single motion offered Committee report accompanying the resolu- by the chair of the Committee on the Judiciary tion. The rule provides that each such or his designee that the House disagree to the amendment may be offered only in the order Senate amendment or amendments and re- printed in the report, may be offered only by a quest or agree to a conference with the Senate Member designated in the report, shall be thereon. The rule waives all points of order considered as read, shall be debatable for the against the motion. The rule provides one time specified in the report equally divided hour of debate on the motion equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and nority member of the Committee on the Judi- shall not be subject to a demand for division of ciary. the question. The rule waives all points of or- der against the amendments printed in Part A June 21, 2011: of the report. The rule provides one motion to Ordered reported by record vote of 7-2. recommit H.R. 2021 with or without instruc- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–111. tions. June 22, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 239-186, after agree- The rule also provides for the consideration of ing to the previous question by record vote of 230- H.R. 1249 under a structured rule. The rule 184, after agreeing to the consideration of the res- provides for 20 minutes of initial debate con- olution by record vote 215-189, 1 present. fined to the question of constitutionality of the bill equally divided and controlled by Repre- sentative Smith (R-TX) and Representative Kaptur (D-OH) or their designees. The rule H. Res. 320 provides one hour of general debate equally Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2219) divided and controlled by the chair and rank- making appropriations for the Department of De- ing minority member of the Committee on the fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order 2012, and for other purposes. against consideration of H.R. 1249. The rule makes in order the amendment in the nature Date Introduced: of a substitute recommended by the Commit- June 22, 2011


Sponsor: Granted a closed rule for H.J. Res. 68. The rule Mr. Nugent of Florida provides one hour of debate on H.J. Res. 68 with 40 minutes equally divided and con- Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- trolled by the chair and ranking minority eral debate equally divided and controlled by member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs the chair and ranking minority member of the and 20 minutes equally divided and controlled Committee on Appropriations. The rule by the chair and ranking minority member of waives all points of order against considera- the Committee on Armed Services. The rule tion of the bill. The rule waives points of or- waives all points of order against considera- der against provisions in the bill for failure to tion of H.J. Res. 68. The rule provides that comply with clause 2 of Rule XXI. Under the H.J. Res. 68 shall be considered as read. The Rules of the House the bill shall be read for rule waives all points of order against provi- amendment by paragraph. The rule authoriz- sions in H.J. Res. 68. The rule provides one es the Chair to accord priority in recognition motion to recommit H.J. Res. 68. to Members who have pre-printed their amendments in the Congressional Record. The resolution further provides a closed rule The rule provides one motion to recommit for H.R. 2278. The rule provides one hour of with or without instructions. Finally, the rule debate on H.R. 2278 equally divided and con- establishes a standing order of the House, trolled by the chair and ranking minority which prohibits consideration of an amend- member of the Committee on Armed Services. ment to a general appropriation bill proposing The rule waives all points of order against both a decrease in an appropriation designat- consideration of H.R. 2278. The rule provides ed as costs of the Global War on Terror pursu- that H.R. 2278 shall be considered as read. ant to section 301 of House Concurrent Reso- The rule waives all points of order against lution 34 and an increase in an appropriation provisions in H.R. 2278. Finally, the rule pro- not so designated, or vice versa. vides one motion to recommit H.R. 2278.

June 22, 2011: June 23, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–113. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–114. June 23, 2011: June 24, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 251-173, after agree- Adopted by record vote of 240-167. ing to the previous question by record vote of 247- 168. H. Res. 337 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2354) H. Res. 328 making appropriations for energy and water de- Providing for consideration of the joint resolution velopment and related agencies for the fiscal year (H.J. Res. 68) authorizing the limited use of the ending September 30, 2012, and for other purpos- United States Armed Forces in support of the es. NATO mission in Libya; and providing for consid- eration of the bill (H.R. 2278) to limit the use of Date Introduced: funds appropriated to the Department of Defense July 6, 2011 for United States Armed Forces in support of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operation Sponsor: Unified Protector with respect to Libya, unless Mr. Webster of Florida otherwise specifically authorized by law. Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- Date Introduced: eral debate equally divided and controlled by June 23, 2011 the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations. The rule Sponsor: waives all points of order against considera- Mr. Woodall of Georgia tion of the bill. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill for failure to comply with clause 2 of rule XXI. Under the


Rules of the House the bill shall be read for nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and amendment by paragraph. The rule provides shall not be subject to a demand for division of that the bill shall be considered for amend- the question. The rule waives all points of or- ment under the five-minute rule. The rule au- der against the amendments printed in the thorizes the Chair to accord priority in recog- report. nition to Members who have pre-printed their amendments in the Congressional Record. Fi- The rule provides that the chair of the Com- nally, the rule provides one motion to recom- mittee on Financial Services or his designee mit with or without instructions. may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in the Rules Committee July 6, 2011: report not earlier disposed of, which shall be Ordered reported by voice vote. considered as read, shall be debatable for 10 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–135. minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the July 8, 2011: Committee on Financial Services or their de- Adopted by voice vote. signee, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- sion of the question. The original proponent of H. Res. 340 an amendment included in such amendments Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1309) may insert a statement in the Congressional to extend the authorization of the national flood Record immediately before the disposition of insurance program, to achieve reforms to improve the amendments en bloc. Finally, the rule the financial integrity and stability of the pro- provides one motion to recommit with or with- gram, and to increase the role of private markets out instructions. in the management of flood insurance risk, and for other purposes. July 7, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–138. Date Introduced: July 7, 2011 July 8, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 269-146. Sponsor: Mr. Sessions of Texas

Granted a structured rule providing one hour of H. Res. 347 general debate equally divided and controlled Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2018) by the chair and ranking minority member of to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act the Committee on Financial Services. The rule to preserve the authority of each State to make waives all points of order against considera- determinations relating to the State’s water quali- tion of the bill. The rule provides that the ty standards, and for other purposes. amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- ommended by the Committee on Financial Date Introduced: Services shall be considered as an original bill July 12, 2011 for the purpose of amendment and shall be Sponsor: considered as read. The rule waives all points Mr. Woodall of Georgia of order against the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled The rule makes in order only those amend- by the chair and ranking minority member of ments printed in the Rules Committee report the Committee on Transportation and Infra- accompanying the resolution. Each such structure. The rule waives all points of order amendment may be offered only in the order against consideration of the bill. The rule printed in the report, may be offered only by a provides that the amendment in the nature of Member designated in the report, shall be a substitute recommended by the Committee considered as read, shall be debatable for the on Transportation and Infrastructure shall be time specified in the report equally divided considered as an original bill for the purpose and controlled by the proponent and an oppo-


of amendment and shall be considered as H. Res. 357 read. The rule waives all points of order Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2553) against the committee amendment in the na- to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ture of a substitute. The rule makes in order extend the funding and expenditure authority of only those amendments printed in the Rules the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, to amend ti- Committee report accompanying the resolu- tle 49, United States Code, to extend the airport tion. Each such amendment may be offered improvement program, and for other purposes. only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the Date Introduced: report, shall be considered as read, shall be July 19, 2011 debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the propo- Sponsor: nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to Mr. Webster of Florida amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- mand for division of the question. The rule Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate waives all points of order against the amend- equally divided and controlled by the chair ments printed in the Rules Committee report. and ranking minority member of the Commit- Finally, the rule provides one motion to re- tee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The commit with or without instructions. rule waives all points of order against consid- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the July 12, 2011: bill shall be considered as read. The rule Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. waives all points of order against provisions in Report filed, H. Rept. 112–144. the bill. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit. July 13, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 250-171. July 19, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–155. H. Res. 355 July 20, 2011: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2560) Adopted by record vote of 242-178, after agree- to cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget. ing to the previous question by record vote of 239- 183. Date Introduced: July 18, 2011 Sponsor: H. Res. 358 Mr. Woodall of Georgia Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1315) to amend the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Granted a closed rule providing four hours of de- Consumer Protection Act to strengthen the review bate equally divided and controlled by the authority of the Financial Stability Oversight chair and ranking minority member of the Council of regulations issued by the Bureau of Committee on the Budget. The rule waives all Consumer Financial Protection, and for other points of order against consideration of the purposes. bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points Date Introduced: of order against provisions in the bill. Finally, July 20, 2011 the rule provides one motion to recommit. Sponsor: July 18, 2011: Mr. Sessions of Texas Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–150. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled July 19, 2011: by the chair and ranking minority member of Adopted by record vote of 236-177, after agree- the Committee on Financial Services. The rule ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- waives all points of order against considera- 175. tion of the bill. The rule makes in order as


original text for the purpose of amendment minority member or their designees may offer the Rules Committee Print of H.R. 1315 dated pro forma amendments for the purpose of de- July 14, 2011 and provides that the print shall bate at any time. The rule makes in order only be considered as read. The rule makes in or- those further amendments printed in the der only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. Each such amendment may be of- resolution. Each such amendment may be of- fered only in the order printed in the report, fered only in the order printed in the report, maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated in the report, shall be considered as read, in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question. The rule a demand for division of the question. The rule waives all points of order against the amend- waives all points of order against the amend- ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule ments printed in the Rules Committee report. provides one motion to recommit with or with- The rule provides one motion to recommit out instructions. with or without instructions. Finally, the rule directs the Clerk to, in the engrossment of July 20, 2011: H.R. 1315, add the text of H.R. 830 as passed Ordered reported by voice vote. by the House as a new matter at the end of Report filed, H. Rept. 112–173 H.R. 1315. July 21, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 239-172. July 20, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–172. H. Res. 363 July 21, 2011: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2584) Considered after agreeing to the question of making appropriations for the Department of the consideration by record vote of 227-173. Interior, environment, and related agencies for Adopted by record vote of 238-177. the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes.

H. Res. 359 Date Introduced: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2551) July 21, 2011 making appropriations for the Legislative Branch Sponsor: for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and Mr. Bishop of Utah for other purposes. Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- Date Introduced: eral debate equally divided and controlled by July 20, 2011 the chair and ranking minority member of the Sponsor: Committee on Appropriations. The rule Ms. Foxx of North Carolina waives all points of order against considera- tion of the bill. The rule provides that the Granted a structured rule providing one hour of amendment printed in Section 2 of the resolu- general debate equally divided and controlled tion, striking section 427 of the bill, shall be by the chair and ranking minority member of considered as adopted. The rule waives points the Committee on Appropriations. The rule of order against provision in the bill for failure waives all points of order against considera- to comply with clause 2 of rule XXI. Under the tion of the bill. The rule provides that the bill Rules of the House the bill shall be read for shall be considered as read. The rule waives amendment by paragraph. The rule provides points of order against provisions in the bill that bill shall be considered for amendment for failure to comply with clause 2 of rule XXI. under the five-minute rule. The rule authoriz- The rule provides that the chair and ranking es the Chair to accord priority in recognition


to Member who have pre-printed their a demand for division of the question. The rule amendments in the Congressional Record. Fi- waives all points of order against the amend- nally, the rule provides one motion to recom- ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule mit with or without instructions. provides one motion to recommit with or with- out instructions. July 21, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. July 25, 2011: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–176. Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–181. July 25, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 205-131. July 26, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 246-171.

H. Res. 370 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1938) H. Res. 372 to direct the President to expedite the considera- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2587) tion and approval of the construction and opera- to prohibit the National Labor Relations Board tion of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, and for other from ordering any employer to close, relocate, or purposes. transfer employment under any circumstance.

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: July 25, 2011 July 26, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Webster of Florida Mr. Scott of South Carolina

Granted a structured rule providing one hour of Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate general debate with 30 minutes equally divid- equally divided and controlled by the chair ed and controlled by the chair and ranking and ranking minority member of the Commit- minority member of the Committee on Energy tee on Education and the Workforce. The rule and Commerce, 20 minutes equally divided waives all points of order against considera- and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- tion of the bill. The rule provides that the nority member of the Committee on Transpor- amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- tation and Infrastructure, and 10 minutes ommended by the Committee on Education equally divided and controlled by the chair and the Workforce now printed in the bill and ranking minority member of the Commit- shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as tee on Natural Resources. The rule waives all amended, shall be considered as read. The points of order against consideration of the rule waives all points of order against provi- bill. The rule provides that the amendment in sions in the bill, as amended. Finally, the rule the nature of a substitute recommended by provides one motion to recommit with or with- the Committee on Energy and Commerce out instructions. shall be considered as an original bill for the purpose of amendment and shall be consid- July 26, 2011: ered as read. The rule waives all points of or- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. der against the committee amendment in the Report filed, H. Rept. 112–183. nature of a substitute. The rule makes in or- September 15, 2011: der only those amendments printed in the Adopted by record vote of 239-176, after agree- Rules Committee report accompanying the ing to the previous question by record vote of 234- resolution. Each such amendment may be of- 177. fered only in the order printed in the report, maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to


H. Res. 375 provides that days during the period from Au- gust 1, 2011 through September 6, 2011 shall Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 627) to not constitute calendar days for purposes of establish the Commission on Freedom of Infor- the War Powers Resolution. Finally, the rule mation Act Processing Delays, and for other pur- provides that the Speaker may delay the re- poses. ferral of introduced measures from August 1, 2011 through September 6, 2011. Date Introduced: July 27, 2011 July 27, 2011: Sponsor: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Mr. Dreier of California Report filed, H. Rept. 112–184.

Granted a closed rule providing two hours of de- July 28, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 238-186. bate with one hour equally divided and con- trolled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Rules, 30 minutes equally divided and controlled by the H. Res. 382 chair and ranking minority member of the Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII Committee on Ways and Means, and 30 with respect to consideration of certain resolutions minutes equally divided and controlled by the reported from the Committee on Rules. chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget. The rule waives all Date Introduced: points of order against consideration of the July 28, 2011 bill. The rule provides that the amendment in Sponsor: the nature of a substitute printed in Part A of Mr. Sessions of Texas the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution, modified by the amendment print- Granted a rule waiving clause 6(a) of rule XIII ed in Part B of the report, shall be considered (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule as adopted. The rule provides that the bill, as on the same day it is reported from the Rules amended, shall be considered as read. The Committee) against certain resolutions re- rule waives all points of order against provi- ported from the Rules Committee. The rule sions in the bill, as amended. The rule pro- applies the waiver to any resolution reported vides one motion to recommit with or without through the legislative day of August 2, 2011. instructions. July 28, 2011: The rule authorizes the Speaker to entertain Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. motions to suspend the rules at any time Report filed, H. Rept. 112–185. through Sunday, July 31, 2011 if the measure was made available on the previous legislative July 29, 2011: day, except measures proposing an amend- Adopted by record vote of 236-186, after agree- ment to the Constitution, which must be ing to the previous question by record vote of 237- available for three legislative days. The rule 185. provides two hours of debate on a motion to suspend the rules relating to a balanced budg- et amendment to the Constitution. The rule H. Res. 383 sets the dates for the convening of the House Providing for further consideration of the bill (S. for the anticipated pro forma sessions during 627) to establish the Commission on Freedom of the period from August 1, 2011 through Sep- Information Act Processing Delays. tember 6, 2011, and provides that the Speaker may dispense with legislative business for Date Introduced: those pro forma sessions and authorizes the July 29, 2011 Speaker to declare the House adjourned to a time on the next pro forma session day. The Sponsor: rule provides for the approval of the Journal Mr. Dreier of California during pro forma sessions from August 1, 2011 through September 6, 2011. The rule


Granted a rule providing for further consideration H. Res. 392 of S. 627. The rule provides that upon adop- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2218) tion of the resolution the amendment printed to amend the charter school program under the in the Rules Committee report accompanying Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the resolution shall be considered as adopted. and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1892) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year July 29, 2011: 2012 for intelligence and intelligence-related ac- Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. tivities of the United States Government, the Report filed, H. Rept. 112–187. Community Management Account, and the Cen- Adopted by record vote of 239-187. tral Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disabil- ity System, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: H. Res. 384 September 7, 2011 Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 365) to make a technical amendment to the Education Sponsor: Sciences Reform Act of 2002. Ms. Foxx of North Carolina

Date Introduced: Granted a structured rule for H.R. 2218. The rule August 1, 2011 provides one hour of general debate on H.R. 2218 equally divided and controlled by the Sponsor: chair and ranking minority member of the Mr. Dreier of California Committee on Education and the Workforce. The rule waives all points of order against Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate consideration of H.R. 2218. The rule makes in with 30 minutes equally divided and con- order the amendment in the nature of a sub- trolled by the chair and ranking minority stitute recommended by the Committee Edu- member of the Committee on Rules, 15 cation and the Workforce now printed in the minutes equally divided and controlled by the bill as an original bill for purpose of amend- chair and ranking minority member of the ment and provides that the amendment shall Committee on Ways and Means, and 15 be considered as read. The rule waives all minutes equally divided and controlled by the points of order against the committee amend- chair and ranking minority member of the ment in the nature of a substitute. The rule Committee on the Budget. The rule waives all makes in order only those amendments to points of order against consideration of the H.R. 2218 printed in Part A of the Rules bill. The rule provides that the amendment in Committee report accompanying the resolu- the nature of a substitute printed in the Rules tion. Each such amendment may be offered Committee report accompanying the resolu- only in the order printed in the report, may be tion shall be considered as adopted. The rule offered only by a Member designated in the provides that the bill, as amended, shall be report, shall be considered as read, shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points debatable for the time specified in the report of order against provisions in the bill, as equally divided and controlled by the propo- amended. Finally, the rule provides one mo- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to tion to recommit with or without instructions. amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- mand for division of the question. The rule August 1, 2011: waives all points of order against the amend- Ordered reported by voice vote. ments printed in Part A of the report. The rule Report filed, H. Rept. 112–190. provides one motion to recommit H.R. 2218 Adopted by record vote of 249-178, after agree- with or without instructions. ing to the previous question by record vote of 242- 184. The rule further provides for a structured rule for H.R. 1892. The rule provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- gence. The rule waives all points of order


against consideration of H.R. 1892. The rule September 8, 2011: makes in order as original text for the purpose Adopted by record vote of 237-163, after order- of amendment the Rules Committee Print of ing the previous question by record vote of 226- H.R. 1892 dated August 31, 2011 and provides 176. that the Print shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the Rules Committee Print. The rule makes in or- H. Res. 399 der only those amendments to H.R. 1892 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution printed in Part B of the Rules Committee re- (H.J. Res. 79) making continuing appropriations port accompanying the resolution. Each such for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Date Introduced: Member designated in the report, shall be September 15, 2011 considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided Sponsor: and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- Mr. Woodall of Georgia nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate the question. The rule waives all points of or- equally divided and controlled by the chair der against the amendments printed in Part B and ranking minority member of the Commit- of the Rules Committee report. The rule pro- tee on Appropriations. The rule waives all vides that the chairman of the Permanent Se- points of order against consideration of the lect Committee on Intelligence or his designee joint resolution. The rule provides that the may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendment printed in the Rules Committee amendments printed in Part B the report not report accompanying the resolution shall be earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall considered as adopted. The rule provides that be considered as read, shall be debatable for the joint resolution, as amended, shall be con- 10 minutes equally divided and controlled by sidered as read. The rule provides that all the chairman and ranking minority member points of order against provisions in the joint of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- resolution, as amended, are waived. Finally, gence or their designees, shall not be subject the rule provides one motion to recommit with to amendment, and shall not be subject to a or without instructions. demand for division of the question. The orig- inal proponent of an amendment included in September 15, 2011: such amendments en bloc may insert a state- Ordered reported by voice vote. ment in the Congressional Record immediate- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–207. ly before the disposition of the amendments en September 21, 2011: bloc. The rule provides one motion to recom- Laid on the table, pursuant to the provisions mit H.R. 1892 with or without instructions. of H. Res. 405. Finally, the rule provides that a motion to proceed with regard to a joint resolution of disapproval specified in subsection (a)(1) of section 3101A of title 31, United States Code H. Res. 405 shall be in order only if offered by the Majority Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- Leader or his designee, and may be offered ment to the bill (H.R. 2608) to provide for an addi- even following the sixth day specified in sub- tional temporary extension of programs under the section (c)(3) of such section but not later than Small Business Act and the Small Business In- the legislative day of September 14, 2011. vestment Act of 1958, and for other purposes.

September 7, 2011: Date Introduced: Ordered reported by voice vote. September 20, 2011 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–200. Sponsor: Mr. Woodall of Georgia


Granted a rule providing for the consideration of fered only in the order printed in the report, the Senate amendment to H.R. 2608. The rule maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated makes in order a motion by the chair of the in the report, shall be considered as read, Committee on Appropriations that the House shall be debatable for the time specified in the concur in the Senate amendment with the report equally divided and controlled by the amendment printed in the Rules Committee proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- report accompanying the resolution. The rule ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to waives all points of order against considera- a demand for division of the question. The rule tion of the motion. The rule provides that the waives all points of order against the amend- Senate amendment and the motion shall be ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule considered as read. The rule provides one hour provides one motion to recommit with or with- of debate on the motion equally divided and out instructions. controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations. September 20, 2011: Finally, the rule provides that H. Res. 399 is Ordered reported by voice vote. laid on the table. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–213. September 22, 2011: September 20, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 245-175, after agree- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-2. ing to the previous question by record vote of 237- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–212. 184. September 21, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 238-185, after agree- ing to the previous question by record vote of 237- H. Res. 409 188. Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 406 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2401) Date Introduced: to require analyses of the cumulative and incre- September 21, 2011 mental impacts of certain rules and actions of the Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency, and for other Mr. Dreier of California purposes. Granted a rule waiving clause 6(a) of rule XIII Date Introduced: (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule September 20, 2011 on the same day it is reported from the Rules Sponsor: Committee) against certain resolutions re- Mr. Bishop of Utah ported from the Rules Committee. The rule applies the waiver to any resolution reported Granted a structured rule providing two hours of through the legislative day of September 30, general debate equally divided and controlled 2011, relating to a measure making continu- by the chair and ranking minority member of ing appropriations for the fiscal year ending the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The September 30, 2012. rule waives all points of order against consid- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the September 21, 2011: amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. ommended by the Committee on Energy and Report filed, H. Rept. 112–214. Commerce shall be considered as an original bill for the purpose of amendment and shall be September 22, 2011: considered as read. The rule waives all points Report filed, H. Rept. 112-214, Part 2. of order against the committee amendment in Adopted by record vote of 238-182, after agree- the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in ing the previous question by record vote of 240- order only those amendments printed in the 180. Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. Each such amendment may be of-


H. Res. 412 der against consideration of the motion. The Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- rule provides that the Senate amendment ment to the bill (H.R. 2608) to provide for an addi- shall be considered as read. Finally, the rule tional temporary extension of programs under the provides one hour of debate on the motion Small Business Act and the Small Business In- equally divided and controlled by the chair vestment Act of 1958, and for other purposes. and ranking minority member of the Commit- tee on Ways and Means. Date Introduced: September 22, 2011 October 3, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Sponsor: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–230. Mr. Dreier of California October 11, 2011: Granted a rule providing for the consideration of Laid on the table, accordant to provisions of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2608. The rule H. Res. 425. makes in order a motion by the chair of the Committee on Appropriations that the House concur in the Senate amendment with the H. Res. 419 amendment printed in Part A of the Rules Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2681) Committee report accompanying the resolu- to provide additional time for the Administrator of tion, as modified by the amendment printed in the Environmental Protection Agency to issue Part B of the report. The rule waives all points achievable standards for cement manufacturing of order against consideration of the motion. facilities, and for other purposes, and providing The rule provides that the Senate amendment for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2250) to provide and the motion shall be considered as read. additional time for the Administrator of the Envi- The rule provides one hour of debate on the ronmental Protection Agency to issue achievable motion equally divided and controlled by the standards for industrial, commercial, and institu- chair and ranking minority member of the tional boilers, process heaters, and incinerators, Committee on Appropriations. and for other purposes.

September 22, 2011: Date Introduced: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. October 3, 2011 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–215. Sponsor: Adopted by a record vote of 238-176, after Mr. Nugent of Florida agreeing to the previous question of 235-177. Granted a modified open rule for H.R. 2681. The rule provides one hour of general debate on H. Res. 418 H.R. 2681 equally divided and controlled by Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- the chair and ranking minority member of the ment to the bill (H.R. 2832) to extend the General- Committee on Energy and Commerce. The ized System of Preferences, and for other purpos- rule waives all points of order against consid- es. eration of H.R. 2681. The rule makes in order the amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 2681 recommended by the Committee Date Introduced: October 3, 2011 on Energy and Commerce now printed in the bill as original text for purpose of amendment, Sponsor: and provides that it shall be considered as Mr. Dreier of California read. The rule waives all points of order against the committee amendment in the na- Granted a rule providing for the consideration of ture of a substitute to H.R. 2681. The rule the Senate amendment to H.R. 2832. The rule makes in order only those amendments to makesinorderamotionbythechaironthe H.R. 2681 that are submitted for printing in Committee on Ways and Means or his design- the Congressional Record not later than the ee that the House concur in the Senate legislative day of Tuesday, October 4, 2011, or amendment. The rule waives all points of or- pro forma amendments for the purpose of de-


bate. Each such amendment may be offered Date Introduced: only by the Member who caused it to be print- October 6, 2011 ed or a designee, and each amendment shall Sponsor: be considered as read if printed. The rule pro- Mr. Dreier of California vides one motion to recommit H.R. 2681 with or without instructions. Granted a rule providing for the consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2832. The rule The resolution further provides for a modified makes in order a motion by the chair of the open rule for H.R. 2250. The rule provides one Committee on Ways and Means or his design- hour of general debate on H.R. 2250 equally ee that the House concur in the Senate divided and controlled by the chair and rank- amendment to H.R. 2832. The rule waives all ing minority member of the Committee on En- points of order against consideration of the ergy and Commerce. The rule waives all motion and provides that the Senate amend- points of order against consideration of H.R. ment shall be considered as read. The rule 2250. The rule makes in order the amendment provides one hour of debate on the motion in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 2250 rec- equally divided and controlled by the chair ommended by the Committee on Energy and and ranking minority member of the Commit- Commerce now printed in the bill as original tee on Ways and Means. text for purpose of amendment, and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule The rule further provides a closed rule for waives all points of order against the commit- H.R. 3078 with 90 minutes of debate on H.R. tee amendment in the nature of a substitute 3078 equally divided and controlled by the to H.R. 2250. The rule makes in order only chair and ranking minority member of the those amendments to H.R. 2250 that are sub- Committee on Ways and Means. The rule mitted for printing in the Congressional Rec- waives all points of order against considera- ord not later than the legislative day of Tues- tion of H.R. 3078 and provides that it shall be day, October 4, 2011, or pro forma amend- considered as read. The rule waives all points ments for the purpose of debate. Each such of order against provisions in H.R. 3078. The amendment may be offered only by the Mem- rule provides one motion to recommit H.R. ber who caused it to be printed or a designee, 3078. and each amendment shall be considered as read if printed. Finally, the rule provides one The rule also provides a closed rule for H.R. motion to recommit H.R. 2250 with or without 3079 with 90 minutes of debate on H.R. 3079, instructions. with 30 minutes controlled by Representative Camp of Michigan or his designee, 30 minutes October 3, 2011: controlled by Representative Levin of Michi- Ordered reported by record vote of 8-2. gan or his designee, and 30 minutes controlled Report filed, H. Rept. 112–231. by Representative Michaud of Maine, or his October 4, 2011: designee. The rule waives all points of order Adopted by record vote of 257-165. against consideration of H.R. 3079 and pro- vides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provi- H. Res. 425 sions in H.R. 3079. Pursuant to section 151 of the Trade Act of 1974, the previous question Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- shall be considered as ordered on H.R. 3079 to ment to the bill (H.R. 2832) to extend the General- final passage without intervening motion. ized System of Preferences, and for other purpos- es; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. The rule further provides a closed rule for 3078) to implement the United States-Colombia H.R. 3080 with 90 minutes of debate on H.R. Trade Promotion Agreement; providing for con- 3080, with 30 minutes controlled by Repre- sideration of the bill (H.R. 3079) to implement the sentative Camp of Michigan or his designee, United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agree- 30 minutes controlled by Representative Levin ment; and providing for consideration of the bill of Michigan or his designee, and 30 minutes (H.R. 3080) to implement the United States-Korea controlled by Representative Michaud of Free Trade Agreement. Maine, or his designee. The rule waives all


points of order against consideration of H.R. H. Res. 431 3080 and provides that it shall be considered Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2273) as read. The rule waives all points of order to amend subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal against provisions in H.R. 3080. Pursuant to Act to facilitate recovery and beneficial use, and section 151 of the Trade Act of 1974, the pre- provide for the proper management and disposal, vious question shall be considered as ordered of materials generated by the combustion of coal on H.R. 3080 to final passage without inter- and other fossil fuels. vening motion. Date Introduced: Finally, the rule proves that H. Res. 418 is October 12, 2011 laid on the table. Sponsor: October 6, 2011: Mr. Scott of South Carolina Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–240. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled October 11, 2011: by the chair and ranking minority member of Report filed, H. Rept. 112-240, Part 2. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The Adopted by record vote of 281-128. rule waives all points of order against consid- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- H. Res. 430 ommended by the Committee on Energy and Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 358) to Commerce now printed in the bill shall be amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care considered as an original bill for the purpose Act to modify special rules relating to coverage of of amendment and shall be considered as abortion services under such Act. read. The rule waives all points of order against the committee amendment in the na- Date Introduced: ture of a substitute. The rule makes in order October 12, 2011 only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolu- Sponsor: tion. Each such amendment may be offered Ms. Foxx of North Carolina only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate report, shall be considered as read, shall be equally divided and controlled by the chair debatable for the time specified in the report and ranking minority member of the Commit- equally divided and controlled by the propo- tee on Energy and Commerce. The rule waives nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to all points of order against consideration of the amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- bill. The rule provides that the amendment in mand for division of the question. The rule the nature of a substitute recommended by waives all points of order against the amend- the Committee on Energy and Commerce now ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule printed in the bill shall be considered as provides one motion to recommit with or with- adopted, and the bill, as amended, shall be out instructions. considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as October 12, 2011: amended. Finally, the rule provides one mo- Ordered reported by record vote of 5-2. tion to recommit with or without instructions. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–244. October 12, 2011: October 14, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 5-2. Adopted by record vote of 244-163, after agree- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–243. ing to the previous question by record vote of 237- 166. October 13, 2011: Considered after agreeing to the question of consideration by voice vote. Adopted by record vote of 248-173.


H. Res. 444 H. Res. 448 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1904) Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2576) to facilitate the efficient extraction of mineral re- to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to sources in southeast Arizona by authorizing and modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross directing an exchange of Federal and non-Federal income for purposes of determining eligibility for land, and for other purposes. certain healthcare-related programs, and provid- ing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 674) to Date Introduced: amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to re- October 24, 2011 peal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government Sponsor: entities. Mr. Bishop of Utah Date Introduced: Granted a structured rule providing one hour of October 25, 2011 general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of Sponsor: the Committee on Natural Resources. The Mr. Scott of South Carolina rule waives all points of order against consid- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the Granted a closed rule for H.R. 2576. The rule pro- amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- vides one hour of debate equally divided and ommended by the Committee on Natural Re- controlled by the chair and ranking minority sources now printed in the bill, modified by member of the Committee on Ways and the amendment printed in part A of the report Means. The rule waives all points of order of the Committee on Rules accompanying the against consideration of H.R. 2576 and pro- resolution, shall be considered as an original vides that the bill shall be considered as read. bill for the purpose of amendment and shall be The rule waives all points of order against considered as read. The rule waives all points provisions in H.R. 2576. The rule provides one of order against the committee amendment in motion to recommit H.R. 2576. the nature of a substitute, as modified. The rule makes in order only those further The resolution also provides for consideration amendments printed in part B of the Rules of H.R. 674 under a closed rule. The rule pro- committee report accompanying the resolu- vides one hour of debate on H.R. 674 equally tion. Each such amendment may be offered divided and controlled by the chair and rank- only in the order printed in the report, may be ing minority member of the Committee on offered only by a Member designated in the Ways and Means. The rule waives all points of report, shall be considered as read, shall be order against consideration of H.R. 674. The debatable for the time specified in the report rule provides that the amendment to H.R. 674 equally divided and controlled by the propo- printed in the Rules Committee report accom- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to panying the resolution shall be considered as amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- adopted, and that the bill, as amended, shall mand for division of the question. The rule be considered as read. The rule waives all waives all points of order against the amend- points of order against provisions in H.R. 674, ments printed in part B of the report. Finally, as amended. The rule provides one motion to the rule provides one motion to recommit with recommit H.R. 674 with or without instruc- or without instructions. tions.

October 24, 2011: The rule directs the Clerk to, in the engross- Ordered reported by voice vote. ment of H.R. 674, add the text of H.R. 2576, as Report filed, H. Rept. 112–258. passed by the House, as new matter at the end of H.R. 674, and to make technical and October 25, 2011: conforming changes. Finally, the rule provides Adopted by record vote of 245-178. that upon the addition of the text of H.R. 2576, as passed by the House, to the engross- ment of H.R. 674, H.R. 2576 shall be laid on the table.


October 25, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-2. The resolution further provides for considera- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–261. tion of H.R. 2940 under a structured rule. The rule provides one hour of debate equally di- October 26, 2011: vided and controlled by the chair and ranking Adopted by record vote of 253-172, after agree- minority member of the Committee on Finan- ing to the previous question by a record vote of cial Services. The rule waives all points of or- 243-178. der against consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee H. Res. 453 on Financial Services now printed in the bill Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2930) shall be considered as adopted, and the bill, as to amend the securities laws to provide for regis- amended, shall be considered as read. The tration exemptions for certain crowdfunded secu- rule waives all points of order against provi- rities, and for other purposes, and providing for sions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes consideration of the bill (H.R. 2940) to direct the in order the further amendment printed in Securities and Exchange Commission to eliminate part B of the Rules Committee report, if of- the prohibition against general solicitation as a fered by Representative Miller of North Caro- requirement for a certain exemption under Regu- lina or his designee, which shall be considered lation D. as read and shall be separately debatable for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled by Date Introduced: the proponent and an opponent. The rule November 2, 2011 waives all points of order against the amend- ment printed in part B of the Rules Commit- Sponsor: tee report. Finally, the rule provides one mo- Mr. Sessions of Texas tion to recommit with or without instructions. Granted a structured rule for H.R. 2930. The rule provides one hour of general debate equally November 2, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. divided and controlled by the chair and rank- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–265 ing minority member of the Committee on Fi- nancial Services. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The November 3, 2011: Adopted by voice vote, after agreeing to the rule provides that the amendment in the na- previous question by record vote of 241-184. ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Financial Services now printed in the bill shall be considered as original text for the purpose of amendment and shall be H. Res. 455 considered as read. The rule waives all points Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2838) of order against the committee amendment in to authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in for fiscal years 2012 through 2015, and for other order only those further amendments to H.R. purposes. 2930 printed in part A of the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered Date Introduced: only in the order printed in the report, may be November 3, 2011 offered only by a Member designated in the Sponsor: report, shall be considered as read, shall be Mr. Webster of Florida debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the propo- Granted a structured rule providing one hour of nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to general debate equally divided and controlled amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- by the chair and ranking minority member of mand for division of the question. The rule the Committee on Transportation and Infra- waives all points of order against the amend- structure. The rule waives all points of order ments printed in part A of the Rules Commit- against consideration of the bill. The rule tee report. The rule provides one motion to re- makes in order as original text for purpose of commit with or without instructions. amendment the Rules Committee Print of


H.R. 2838 dated October 28, 2011 and pro- H. Res. 463 vides that the print shall be considered as Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 822) to read. The rule waives all points of order amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a against the Rules Committee Print. The rule national standard in accordance with which non- makes in order only those amendments print- residents of a State may carry concealed firearms ed in the Rules Committee report accompany- in the State. ing the resolution. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the re- Date Introduced: port, may be offered only by a Member desig- November 14, 2012 nated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified Sponsor: in the report equally divided and controlled by Mr. Nugent of Florida the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- Granted a structured rule providing one hour of ject to a demand for division of the question. general debate equally divided and controlled The rule waives all points of order against the by the chair and ranking minority member of amendments printed in the report. the Committee on the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order against considera- The rule provides that the Chairman of the tion of the bill. The rule provides that the Committee on Transportation and Infrastruc- amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- ture or his designee may offer amendments en ommended by the Committee on the Judiciary bloc consisting of amendments printed in the now printed in the bill shall be considered as Rules Committee report not earlier disposed original text for the purpose of amendment of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as and shall be considered as read. The rule read, shall be debatable for 10 minutes equal- waives all points of order against the commit- ly divided and controlled by the chairman and tee amendment in the nature of a substitute. ranking minority member of the Committee The rule makes in order only those amend- on Transportation and Infrastructure or their ments printed in the Rules Committee report. designee, shall not be subject to amendment, Each such amendment may be offered only in and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- the order printed in the report, may be offered sion of the question. The original proponent of only by a Member designated in the report, an amendment included in such amendments shall be considered as read, shall be debatable may insert a statement in the Congressional for the time specified in the report equally di- Record immediately before the disposition of vided and controlled by the proponent and an the amendments en bloc. The rule provides opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, one motion to recommit with or without in- and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- structions. Finally, the rule provides that it sion of the question. The rule waives all points shall be in order at any time on the legislative of order against the amendments printed in day of November 4, 2011, for the Speaker to the report. Finally, the rule provides one mo- entertain motions that the House suspend the tion to recommit with or without instructions. rules relating to a measure addressing the ap- plicability of the coastwise trade laws. November 14, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. November 3, 2011: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–283. Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–267. November 15, 2011: Adopted by record vote 271-153. November 4, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 245-166, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 234-177. H. Res. 466 Providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules.

Date Introduced: November 15, 2011


Sponsor: November 17, 2011: Mr. Nugent of Florida Adopted by record vote of 262-156.

Granted a resolution authorizing the Speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules H. Res. 470 through the legislative day of Friday, Novem- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3094) ber 18, 2011, relating to H. J. Res. 2, propos- to amend the National Labor Relations Act with ing a balanced budget amendment to the Con- respect to representation hearings and the timing stitution of the United States. The rule ex- of elections of labor organizations under that Act. tends debate on such a motion to five hours. Finally, the rule provides that the Chair may Date Introduced: postpone further consideration of such a mo- November 17, 2011 tion to a time designated by the Speaker. Sponsor: November 15, 2011: Ms. Foxx of North Carolina Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–285. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled November 17, 2011: by the chair and ranking minority member of Adopted by record vote of 248-169, after agree- the Committee on Education and the Work- ing to the previous question by record vote of 243- force. The rule waives all points of order 173. against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- vides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on *H. Res. 467 Education and the Workforce now printed in Providing for consideration of the conference re- the bill shall be considered as original text for port to accompany the bill (H.R. 2112) making the purpose of amendment and shall be con- appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Develop- sidered as read. The rule waives all points of ment, Food and Drug Administration, and Related order against the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending Sep- order only those amendments printed in the tember 30, 2012, and for other purposes. Rules Committee report. Each such amend- ment may be offered only in the order printed Date Introduced: in the report, may be offered only by a Mem- November 16, 2011 ber designated in the report, shall be consid- ered as read, shall be debatable for the time Sponsor: specified in the report equally divided and Ms. Foxx of North Carolina controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall Granted a rule providing for the consideration of not be subject to a demand for division of the the conference report. The rule waives all question. The rule waives all points of order points of order against the conference report against the amendments printed in the report. and against its consideration. The rule pro- Finally, the rule provides one motion to re- vides that the conference report shall be con- commit with or without instructions. sidered as read. The rule provides that the previous question shall be considered as or- November 17, 2011: dered without intervention of any motion ex- Ordered reported by voice vote. cept one hour of debate and one motion to re- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–291. commit if applicable. The rule provides that debate on the conference report is divided November 18, 2011: pursuant to clause 8(d) of rule XII. Adopted by record vote of 239-167.

November 16, 2011: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–290.


H. Res. 477 debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the propo- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3463) nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to to reduce Federal spending and the deficit by ter- amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- minating taxpayer financing of presidential elec- mand for division of the question. The rule tion campaigns and party conventions and by waives all points of order against the amend- terminating the Election Assistance Commission; ments printed in Part A of the Rules Commit- providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 527) to tee report. The rule provides one motion to re- amend chapter 6 of title 5, United States Code commit with or without instructions. (commonly known as the Regulatory Flexibility Act),toensurecompleteanalysisofpotentialim- The resolution further provides for the consid- pacts on small entities of rules, and for other pur- eration of H.R. 3010 under a structured rule. poses; and providing for consideration of the bill The rule provides one hour of general debate (H.R. 3010) to reform the process by which Feder- equally divided and controlled by the chair al agencies analyze and formulate new regula- and ranking minority member of the Commit- tions and guidance documents. tee on the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the Date Introduced: bill. The rule provides that the amendment in November 29, 2011 the nature of a substitute recommended by Sponsor: the Committee on the Judiciary now printed Mr. Woodall of Georgia in the bill shall be considered as original text for the purpose of amendment and shall be Granted a closed rule for H.R. 3463. The rule pro- considered as read. The rule waives all points vides one hour of debate equally divided and of order against the amendment in the nature controlled by the chair and ranking minority of a substitute. The rule makes in order only member of the Committee on House Admin- those amendments to H.R. 3010 printed in istration. The rule waives all points of order part B of the Rules Committee report. Each against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- such amendment may be offered only in the vides that the bill shall be considered as read. order printed in the report, may be offered on- The rule waives all points of order against ly by a member designated in the report, shall provisions in the bill. The bill provides one be considered as read, shall be debatable for motion to recommit. the time specified in the report equally divid- ed and controlled by the proponent and an op- The resolution further provides for considera- ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, tion of H.R. 527 under a structured rule. The and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- rule provides one hour of general debate with sion of the question. The rule waives all points 40 minutes equally divided and controlled by of order against the amendments printed in the chair and ranking minority member of the part B of the Rules Committee report. The Committee on the Judiciary and 20 minutes rule provides one motion to recommit with or equally divided and controlled by the chair without instructions. Finally, the rule pro- and ranking minority member of the Commit- vides that it shall be in order at any time tee on Small Business. The rule waives all through the legislative day of December 2, points of order against consideration of the 2011, for the Speaker to entertain motions bill. The rule makes in order as original text that the House suspend the rules relating to a for the purpose of amendment the Rules measure addressing railway labor. Committee print of H.R. 527 dated November 18, 2011 and provides that it shall be consid- November 29, 2011: ered as read. The rule waives all points of or- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. der against the Rules Committee Print of H.R. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–296. 527 dated November 18, 2011. The rule makes in order only those amendments to H.R. 527 November 30, 2011: Adopted by record vote of 239-178, after agree- printed in part A of the Rules Committee re- ing to the previous question by record vote of 239- port. Each such amendment may be offered 184. only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be


H. Res. 479 shall apply to the availability requirements for a conference report and the accompanying Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 10) to joint statement under clause 8(a)(1) of rule amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to XXII. provide that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolu- tion of approval is enacted into law, and for other December 1, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 6-4. purposes. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–311. Date Introduced: December 6, 2011: December 1, 2011 Adopted by record vote of 235-180, after agree- ing to the previous question by record vote of 236- Sponsor: 184. Mr. Nugent of Florida

Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled H. Res. 487 by the chair and ranking minority member of Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1633) the Committee on the Judiciary. The rule to establish a temporary prohibition against revis- waives all points of order against considera- ing any national ambient air quality standard ap- tion of the bill. The rule provides that the plicable to coarse particulate matter, to limit Fed- amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- eral regulation of nuisance dust in areas in which ommended by the Committee on Rules now such dust is regulated under State, tribal, or local printed in the bill, as modified by the amend- law, and for other purposes. ment in part A of the Rules Committee report, shall be considered as adopted. The rule pro- Date Introduced: vides that the bill, as amended, shall be con- December 7, 2011 sidered as original text for the purpose of fur- Sponsor: ther amendment and shall be considered as Mr. Webster of Florida read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of The rule makes in order only those further general debate equally divided and controlled amendments printed in part B of the Rules by the chair and ranking minority member of Committee report. Each such amendment may the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The be offered only in the order printed in the re- rule waives all points of order against consid- port, may be offered only by a Member desig- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the nated in the report, shall be considered as amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- read, shall be debatable for the time specified ommended by the Committee on Energy and in the report equally divided and controlled by Commerce now printed in the bill shall be the proponent and an opponent, shall not be considered as original text for the purpose of subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- amendment and shall be considered as read. ject to a demand for division of the question. The rule waives all points of order against the The rule waives all points of order against the committee amendment in the nature of a sub- amendments printed in part B of the Rules stitute. The rule makes in order only those Committee report. The rule provides one mo- amendments printed in the Rules Committee tion to recommit with or without instructions. report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be The rule provides that during any recess or offered only by a Member designated in the adjournment of not more than three days, if in report, shall be considered as read, shall be the opinion of the Speaker the public interest debatable for the time specified in the report so warrants, then the Speaker or his designee, equally divided and controlled by the propo- after consultation with the Minority Leader, nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to may reconvene the House at a time other than amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- that previously appointed, within the limits of mand for division of the question. The rule clause 4, section 5, article I of the Constitu- waives all points of order against the amend- tion, and notify Members accordingly. Finally, ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule the rule provides that clause 3 of rule XXIX


provides one motion to recommit with or with- H. Res. 493 out instructions. Providing for consideration of the conference re- port to accompany the bill (H.R. 1540) to author- December 7, 2011: ize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for military Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. activities of the Department of Defense, for mili- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–317. tary construction, and for defense activities of the December 8, 2011: Department of Energy, to prescribe military per- Adopted by record vote of 249-161, after agree- sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other ing to the previous question by record vote of 241- purposes; and providing for proceedings during 173. the period from December 16, 2011, through Jan- uary 16, 2012.

Date Introduced: H. Res. 491 December 13, 2011 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3630) to provide incentives for the creation of jobs, and Sponsor: for other purposes. Mr. Bishop of Utah

Date Introduced: Granted a rule providing for consideration of the December 12, 2011 conference report. The rule waives all points of order against the conference report and its Sponsor: consideration. The rule provides that the con- Mr. Dreier of California ference report shall be considered as read. The rule provides that the previous question shall Granted a closed rule providing 90 minutes of de- be considered as ordered without intervention bate equally divided and controlled by the of any motion except one hour of debate and chair and ranking minority member of the one motion to recommit if applicable. The rule Committee on Ways and Means. The rule provides that debate on the conference report waives all points of order against considera- is divided pursuant to clause 8(d) of rule XXII. tion of the bill. The rule provides that the amendment printed in the Rules Committee Section 2 of the resolution provides that it report shall be considered as adopted and the shall be in order at any time through the re- bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. mainder of the first session of the 112th Con- The rule waives all points of order against gress for the Speaker to entertain motions provisions in the bill, as amended. Finally, the that the House suspend the rules, as though rule provides one motion to recommit with or under clause 1(c) of rule XV, if the text of the without instructions. measure proposed in a motion is made availa- ble on the calendar day before consideration. December 12, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. Section 3 provides that on any legislative day Report filed, H. Rept. 112–328. of the first session of the 112th Congress after December 13, 2011: December 16, 2011: (1) the Journal of the pro- Adopted by record vote of 236-180, after ceedings of the previous day shall be consid- agreeing to the previous question by record vote of ered as approved; (2) the Chair may at any 236-182. time declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time, within the limits of clause 4, section 5, article I of the Constitution, to be announced by the Chair in declaring the ad- journment; and (3) bills and resolutions intro- duced during the period addressed by this sec- tion shall be numbered, listed in the Congres- sional Record, and when printed shall bear the date of introduction, but may be referred by the Speaker at a later time.


Section 4 provides that on any legislative day port shall be considered as read. The rule pro- of the second session of the 112th Congress be- vides that the previous question shall be con- fore January 17, 2012: (1) the Speaker may sidered as ordered without intervention of any dispense with organizational and legislative motion except one hour of debate and one mo- business; (2) the Journal of the proceedings of tion to recommit if applicable. Debate on the the previous day shall be considered as ap- conference report is divided pursuant to proved if applicable; and (3) the Chair at any clause 8(d) of rule XXII. time may declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time, within the limits of clause The resolution also provides a closed rule for 4, section 5, article I of the Constitution, to be H.R. 3672 with one hour of debate equally di- announced by the Chair in declaring the ad- vided and controlled by the chair and ranking journment. minority member of the Committee on Appro- priations. The rule waives all points of order Finally, Section 5 authorizes the Speaker to against consideration of the bill and provides appoint Members to perform the duties of the that it shall be considered as read. The rule Chair for the duration of the period addressed waives all points of order against provisions in by sections 3 and 4 as though under clause the bill. The rule provides one motion to re- 8(a) of rule I. commit.

December 13, 2011: The resolution further provides a closed rule Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. for H. Con. Res. 94. The rule provides 20 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–330. minutes of debate equally divided and con- trolled by the chair and ranking minority December 14, 2011: member of the Committee on Appropriations. Adopted by record vote of 245-169, after agree- The rule waives all points of order against ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- consideration of the concurrent resolution and 173. provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the concurrent resolution. The H. Res. 500 rule provides one motion to recommit without Providing for consideration of the conference re- instructions. port to accompany the bill (H.R. 2055) making appropriations for military construction, the De- The rule provides that the Clerk shall not partment of Veterans Affairs, and related agen- transmit to the Senate a message that the cies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, House has passed H.R. 3672 until notified by and for other purposes; providing for considera- the Speaker or by message from the Senate tion of the bill (H.R. 3672) making appropriations that the Senate has taken the question on for disaster relief requirements for the fiscal year adoption of H. Con. Res. 94 as adopted by the ending September 30, 2012, and for other purpos- House. The rule provides that it shall be in es; providing for consideration of the concurrent order at any time through the legislative day resolution (H. Con. Res. 94) directing the Clerk of of December 16, 2011, for the Speaker to en- the House of Representatives to make corrections tertain motions that the House suspend the in the enrollment of H.R. 3672; and for other pur- rules relating to a measure continuing appro- poses. priations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. Finally, the rule waives clause 6(a) Date Introduced: of rule XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to December 15, 2011 consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Rules Committee) against any reso- Sponsor: lution reported through the legislative day of Mr. Dreier of California December 31, 2011, providing for considera- tion or disposition of any of the following Granted a rule providing for consideration of the measures: (1) a measure relating to expiring conference report to accompany H.R. 2055. provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of The rule waives all points of order against the 1986; (2) a measure relating to the Medicare conference report and against its considera- payment system for physicians; and (3) a tion. The rule provides that the conference re-


measure relating to appropriations for the fis- man and ranking minority member of the cal year ending September 30, 2012. Committee on Ways and Means.

December 16 (legislative day, December 15), Section 3 of the rule provides that during con- 2011: sideration of a motion to instruct conferees Ordered reported by record vote of 7-2. pending their appointment to a conference on Report filed, H. Rept. 112–332. H.R. 3630, the previous question shall be con- sidered as ordered to its adoption without in- December 16, 2011: tervening motion except one hour of debate Adopted by record vote of 252-164, after agree- under clause 7(b) of rule XXII. Such motion ing to the previous question by record vote of 239- shall be considered as read and shall not be 179. subject to any question of consideration.

Section 4 of the rule provides that during con- *H. Res. 502 sideration of a motion specified in section 1 or Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- 3 of this resolution, the Chair may – (a) not- ments to the bill (H.R. 3630) to provide incentives withstanding the operation of the previous for the creation of jobs, and for other purposes; question, postpone further consideration of providing for consideration of the resolution (H. the motion to such time as may be designated Res. 501) expressing the sense of the House of by the Speaker as though under clause 1(c) of Representatives regarding any final measure to rule XIX; and (b) postpone the question of extend the payroll tax holiday, extend Federally adoption of the motion as though under clause funded unemployment insurance benefits, or pre- 8ofruleXX. vent decreases in reimbursement for physicians who provide care to Medicare beneficiaries; and Section 5 of the rule provides that the re- for other purposes. quirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII for a two- thirds vote to consider a report from the Date Introduced: Committee on Rules on the same day it is pre- December 19, 2011 sented to the House is waived with respect to any resolution reported through the legisla- Sponsor: tive day of January 17, 2012. Mr. Scott of South Carolina Finally, Section 6 of the rule provides that it Granted a rule making in order a motion offered shall be in order at any time through the cal- by the chair of the Committee on Ways and endar day of January 15, 2012, for the Speak- Means or his designee that the House disagree er to entertain motions that the House sus- to the Senate amendments to H.R. 3630 and pend the rules as though under clause 1(c) of request a conference with the Senate thereon rule XV. without question of consideration. The rule waives all points of order against considera- tion of the motion and provides that the Sen- December 19, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. ate amendments and the motion shall be con- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–335. sidered as read. The rule provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the December 20, 2011: chair and ranking minority member of the Adopted by record vote of 231-187, 1 present, Committee on Ways and Means. after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 233-187, 1 present. Section 2 provides a closed rule for H. Res. 501 without question of consideration. The rule waives all points of order against considera- tion of the resolution and provides that it shall *H. Res. 515 Addressing a motion to proceed under section be considered as read. The rule waives all 3101A of title 31, United States Code. points of order against provisions in the reso- lution. The rule provides one hour of debate Date Introduced: equally divided and controlled by the chair- January 17, 2012


Sponsor: Member who cause it to be printed or a de- Mr. Scott of South Carolina signee and each amendment shall be consid- ered as read if printed. The rule provides that Granted a rule providing that a motion to proceed the bill shall be considered for amendment for with regard to a joint resolution of disapproval a period not to exceed three hours. Finally, the specified in subsection (a)(2) of section 3101A rule provides one motion to recommit with or of title 31, United States Code, may be offered without instructions. even if the joint resolution has not been re- ported to the House as contemplated by sub- January 24, 2012: section (c)(3) of such section and shall be in Ordered reported by voice vote. order only if offered by the Majority Leader or Report filed, H. Rept. 112–375. his designee. January 31, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 251-157. January 17, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–365. H. Res. 533 January 18, 2012: Providing for consideration of the conference re- Adopted by voice vote, after agreeing to the port to accompany the bill (H.R. 658) to amend previous question by record vote of 238-176, 1 title 49, United States Code, to authorize appro- Present. priations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2011 through 2014, to streamline programs, create efficiencies, reduce waste, and H. Res. 522 improve aviation safety and capacity, to provide Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1173) stable funding for the national aviation system, to repeal the CLASS program. and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: January 24, 2012 February 1, 2012 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Sessions of Texas Mr. Webster of Florida

Granted a modified open rule providing one hour Granted a rule providing for consideration of the of general debate on the bill, with 40 minutes conference report. The rule waives all points equally divided and controlled by the chair of order against the conference report and and ranking minority member of the Commit- against its consideration. The rule provides tee on Energy and Commerce and 20 minutes that the conference report shall be considered equally divided and controlled by the chair as read. The rule provides that the previous and ranking minority member of the Commit- question shall be considered as ordered with- tee on Ways and Means. The rule waives all out intervention of any motion except one points of order against consideration of the hour of debate and one motion to recommit if bill. The rule makes in order the amendment applicable. Debate on the conference report is in the nature of a substitute recommended by divided pursuant to clause 8(d) of rule XXII. the Committee on Energy and Commerce now printed in the bill as original text for the pur- February 1, 2012: pose of amendment and provides that it shall Ordered reported by voice vote. be considered as read. The rule waives all Report filed, H. Rept. 112–382. points of order against the committee amend- February 3, 2012: ment in the nature of a substitute. The rule Adopted by voice vote. makes in order only those amendments that are submitted for printing in the Congression- al Record not later than the legislative day of Tuesday, January 31, 2012, or pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate. Each such amendment may be offered only by the


H. Res. 534 considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the amendment in the nature Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3578) of a substitute. The rule makes in order only to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency those amendments to H.R. 3582 printed in Deficit Control Act of 1985 to reform the budget Part B of the Rules Committee report accom- baseline, and providing for consideration of the panying the resolution. Each such amendment bill (H.R. 3582) to amend the Congressional may be offered only in the order printed in the Budget Act of 1974 to provide for macro-economic report, may be offered only by a Member des- analysis of the impact of legislation. ignated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified Date Introduced: in the report equally divided and controlled by February 1, 2012 the proponent and an opponent, shall not be Sponsor: subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- Mr. Woodall of Georgia ject to a demand for division of the question. The rule waives all points of order against the Granted a structured rule for H.R. 3578 and pro- amendments printed in Part B of the Rules vides one hour of debate equally divided and Committee report. Finally the rule provides controlled by the chair and ranking minority one motion to recommit with or without in- member of the Committee on the Budget. The structions. rule waives all points of order against consid- eration of the bill. The rule provides that the February 1, 2012: amendment in the nature of a substitute con- Ordered reported by voice vote. sisting of the text of the Rules Committee Report filed, H. Rept. 112–383. Print 112-9 dated January 25, 2012, shall be considered as adopted, and provides that the February 2, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 238-179, after agree- bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. ing to the previous question by record vote of 238- The rule waives all points of order against 177. provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes in order the amendment to H.R. 3578 printed in Part A of the Rules Committee re- port accompanying the resolution if offered by H. Res. 537 Representative Jackson Lee or her designee. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1734) The amendment shall be considered as read, to decrease the deficit by realigning, consolidat- shall be debatable for 10 minutes equally di- ing, selling, disposing, and improving the efficien- vided and controlled by the proponent and an cy of Federal buildings and other civilian real opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, property, and for other purposes. and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- sion of the question. The rule waives all point Date Introduced: of order against the amendment printed in February 3, 2012 Part A of the Rules Committee report. The Sponsor: rule provides one motion to recommit with or Mr. Webster of Florida without instructions. Granted a structured rule providing one hour of The resolution further provides for considera- general debate equally divided and controlled tion of H.R. 3582 under a structured rule. The by the chair and ranking minority member of rule provides one hour of general debate the Committee on Transportation and Infra- equally divided and controlled by the chair structure. The rule waives all points of order and ranking minority member of the Commit- against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- tee on the Budget. The rule waives all points vides that the amendment in the nature of a of order against consideration of the bill. The substitute consisting of the text of Rules rule makes in order as original text for pur- Committee Print 112-11, shall be considered poses of amendment the amendment in the as adopted, and provides that the bill, as nature of a substitute consisting of the text of amended, shall be considered as read. The the Rules Committee Print 112-10 dated Jan- rule waives all points of order against provi- uary 25, 2012, and provides that the amend- sions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes ment in the nature of a substitute shall be


in order only those further amendments report equally divided and controlled by the printed in the Rules Committee report accom- proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- panying the resolution. Each such amendment ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to may be offered only in the order printed in the a demand for division of the question in the report, may be offered only by a Member des- House or in the Committee of the Whole. The ignated in the report, shall be considered as rule waives all points of order against the read, shall be debatable for the time specified amendments printed in the Rules Committee in the report equally divided and controlled by report. Finally, the rule provides one motion the proponent and an opponent, shall not be to recommit with or without instructions. subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- ject to a demand for division of the question. February 6, 2012: The rule waives all points of order against the Ordered reported by record vote of 6-3. amendments printed in the Rules Committee Report filed, H. Rept. 112–388. report. Finally, the rule provides one motion February 7, 2012: to recommit with or without instructions. Adopted by record vote of 239-181. February 3, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–385. H. Res. 540 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3521) February 6, 2012: to amend the Congressional Budget and Im- Adopted by record vote of 233-155. poundment Control Act of 1974 to provide for a legislative line-item veto to expedite consideration of rescissions, and for other purposes. H. Res. 539 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3581) Date Introduced: to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency February 7, 2012 Deficit Control Act of 1985 to increase transpar- Sponsor: ency in Federal budgeting, and for other purposes. Mr. Woodall of Georgia Date Introduced: Granted a structured rule providing one hour of February 6, 2012 general debate equally divided among and Sponsor: controlled by the chair and ranking minority Mr. Woodall of Georgia member of the Committee on the Budget and Representative Simpson of Idaho or his de- Granted a structured rule providing one hour of signee. The rule waives all points of order general debate equally divided and controlled against consideration of the bill. The rule by the chair and ranking minority member of makes in order as original text for purpose of the Committee on the Budget. The rule waives amendment the amendment in the nature of a all points of order against consideration of the substitute consisting of the text of Rules bill. The rule makes in order as original text Committee Print 112-12, and provides that it for the purpose of amendment the amendment shall be considered as read. The rule waives in the nature of a substitute consisting of the all points of order against the amendment in text of Rules Committee Print 112-13, and the nature of a substitute made in order as provides that it shall be considered as read. original text. The rule makes in order only The rule waives all points of order against the those amendments printed in the Rules Com- amendment in the nature of a substitute made mittee report accompanying the resolution. in order as original text. The rule makes in Each such amendment may be offered only in order only those amendments printed in the the order printed in the report, may be offered Rules Committee report accompanying the only by a Member designated in the report, resolution. Each such amendment may be of- shall be considered as read, shall be debatable fered only in the order printed in the report, for the time specified in the report equally di- maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated vided and controlled by the proponent and an in the report, shall be considered as read, opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, shall be debatable for the time specified in the and shall not be subject to a demand for divi-


sion of the question. The rule waives all points Rules Committee Print 112-14 shall be con- of order against the amendments printed in sidered as adopted, and provides that the bill, the Rules Committee report. The rule provides as amended, shall be considered as read. The one motion to recommit with or without in- rule waives all points of order against provi- structions. Finally, the rule provides that it sions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes shall be in order at any time through the leg- in order only those further amendments to islative day of February 9, 2012, for the H.R. 3408 printed in part A of the Rules Speaker to entertain motions that the House Committee report accompanying the resolu- suspend the rules, as though under clause 1(c) tion. Each such amendment may be offered of rule XV, relating to a measure addressing only in the order printed in the report, may be securities trading based on nonpublic infor- offered only by a member designated in the mation. report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report February 7, 2012: equally divided and controlled by the propo- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to Report filed, H. Rept. 112–389. amendment, and shall be not subject to a de- mand for division of the question. The rule February 8, 2012: waives all points of order against the amend- Adopted by record vote of 238-175, after agree- ments printed in part A of the Rules Commit- ing to the previous question by record vote of 240- tee report. The rule provides one motion to re- 184. commit H.R. 3408 with or without instruc- tions.

H. Res. 547 The resolution further provides for a struc- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3408) tured rule for H.R. 3813 and provides one to set clear rules for the development of United hour of general debate equally divided and States oil shale resources, to promote shale tech- controlled by the chair and ranking minority nology research and development, and for other member of the Committee on Oversight and purposes; providing for consideration of the bill Government Reform. The rule waives all (H.R. 3813) to amend title 5, United States Code, points of order against consideration of the to secure the annuities of Federal civilian employ- bill. The rule provides that an amendment in ees, and for other purposes; and providing for con- the nature of a substitute consisting of the sideration of the bill (H.R. 7) to authorize funds text of title XVI of Rules Committee Print 112- for Federal-aid highway, public transportation, 14 shall be considered as adopted, and pro- and highway and motor carrier safety programs, vides that the bill, as amended, shall be con- and for other purposes. sidered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amend- ed. The rule makes in order only those further Date Introduced: amendments to H.R. 3813 printed in part B of February 14, 2012 the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. Each such amendment may be of- Sponsor: fered only in the order printed in the report, Mr. Webster of Florida maybeofferedonlybyamemberdesignated in the report, shall be considered as read, Granted a structured rule for H.R. 3408. The rule shall be debatable for the time specified in the provides one hour of general debate with 40 report equally divided and controlled by the minutes equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- chair and ranking minority member of the ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to Committee on Natural Resources and 20 a demand for division of the question. The rule minutes equally divided and controlled by the waives all points of order against the amend- chair and ranking minority member of the ments printed in part B of the Rules Commit- Committee on Energy and Commerce. The tee report. The rule provides one motion to re- rule waives all points of order against consid- commit H.R. 3813 with or without instruc- eration of the bill. The rule provides that an tions. amendment in the nature of a substitute con- sisting of the text of titles XIV and XVII of


The resolution further provides for general H. Res. 554 debate for H.R. 7. The rule provides one hour Providing for consideration of the conference re- of general debate equally divided and con- port to accompany the bill (H.R. 3630) to provide trolled by the chair and ranking minority incentives for the creation of jobs, and for other member of the Committee on Transportation purposes. and Infrastructure. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of H.R. 7. The Date Introduced: rule provides that an amendment in the na- February 16, 2012 ture of a substitute consisting of the text of ti- tles I through XIII and XV of Rules Commit- Sponsor: tee Print 112-14 shall be considered as adopt- Mr. Scott of South Carolina ed. The rule provides that no further consid- eration of the bill shall occur except pursuant Granted a rule providing for the consideration of to a subsequent order of the House. the conference report to accompany H.R. 3630. The resolution waives all points of order The rule directs the Clerk to retain title and against the conference report and against its section designations as they appear in Rules consideration. The rule provides that the con- Committee Print 112-14 when preparing an ference report shall be considered as read. The amendment in the nature of a substitute to rule provides that the previous question shall H.R. 7, H.R. 3408, H.R. 3813. The rule author- be considered as ordered without intervention izes the Clerk to make technical and conform- of any motion except one hour of debate and ing changes to amendatory instructions in the one motion to recommit if applicable. Debate engrossment of H.R. 3408 and H.R. 3813. The on the conference report is divided pursuant rule directs the Clerk to, in the engrossment to clause 8(d) of rule XXII. of H.R. 7, add the texts of H.R. 3408 and H.R. 3813, as passed by the House, retaining the ti- February 16, 2012: tle and section designations as they appear in Ordered reported by voice vote. Rules Committee Print 112-14 to the extent Report filed, H. Rept. 112–400. possible, and to make technical and conform- February 17, 2012: ing changes. The rule provides that upon the Adopted by voice vote. addition of the text of H.R. 3408 or H.R. 3813, as passed by the House, to the engrossment of H.R. 7, H.R. 3408 or H.R. 3813 (as the case may be) shall be laid on the table. Finally, the H. Res. 563 rule authorizes the chair of each of the follow- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2117) ing committees to file a supplemental report to prohibit the Department of Education from to accompany any of the following measures: overreaching into academic affairs and program Natural Resources, with respect to H.R. 3407, eligibility under title IV of the Higher Education 3408, and 3410; Ways and Means, with re- Act of 1965. spect to H.R. 3864; and Oversight and Gov- ernment Reform, with respect to H.R. 3813. Date Introduced: February 27, 2012 February 14, 2012: Sponsor: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Ms. Foxx of North Carolina Report filed, H. Rept. 112–398. February 15, 2012: Granted a structured rule providing one hour of Adopted by record vote of 235-186, after agree- general debate equally divided and controlled ing to the previous question by record vote of 229- by the chair and ranking minority member of 181. the Committee on Education and the Work- force. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- vides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Education and the Workforce now printed in the bill shall be considered as original text for


the purpose of amendment and shall be con- ignated in the report, shall be considered as sidered as read. The rule waives all points of read, shall be debatable for the time specified order against the committee amendment in in the report equally divided and controlled by the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in the proponent and an opponent, shall not be order only those amendments printed in the subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- Rules Committee report accompanying the ject to a demand for division of the question. resolution. Each such amendment may be of- The rule waives all points of order against the fered only in the order printed in the report, amendments printed in the report. Finally, maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated the rule provides one motion to recommit with in the report, shall be considered as read, or without instructions. shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the February 28, 2012: proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- Ordered reported by voice vote. ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to Report filed, H. Rept. 112–405. a demand for division of the question. The rule waives all points of order against the amend- February 29, 2012: ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule Adopted by record vote of 245-173, after agree- provides one motion to recommit with or with- ing to the previous question by record vote of 241- out instructions. 178.

February 27, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. H. Res. 570 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–404. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2842) February 28, 2012: to authorize all Bureau of Reclamation conduit Adopted by record vote of 244-171. facilities for hydropower development under Fed- eral Reclamation law, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: H. Res. 566 March 5, 2012 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1837) to address certain water-related concerns on the Sponsor: San Joaquin River, and for other purposes. Mr. Bishop of Utah

Date Introduced: Granted a modified open rule. The rule provides February 28, 2012 one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Sponsor: nority member of the Committee on Natural Mr. Bishop of Utah Resources. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule Granted a structured rule providing one hour of makes in order the amendment in the nature general debate equally divided and controlled of a substitute recommended by the Commit- by the chair and ranking minority member of tee on Natural Resources as original text for the Committee on Natural Resources. The purpose of amendment, and provides that rule waives all points of order against consid- each section shall be considered as read. The eration of the bill. The rule makes in order as rule waives all points of order against the original text for purpose of amendment an amendment in the nature of a substitute. The amendment in the nature of a substitute con- rule makes in order only those amendments sisting of Rules Committee Print 112-15 and that are submitted for printing in the Con- provides that it shall be considered as read. gressional Record dated at least one day be- The rule waives all points of order against the fore the day of consideration of the amend- amendment in the nature of a substitute. The ment and pro forma amendments for the pur- rule makes in order only those amendments pose of debate. Each amendment submitted printed in the Rules Committee report accom- for printing in the Congressional Record may panying the resolution. Each such amendment be offered only by the Member who submitted may be offered only in the order printed in the it for printing or the Member’s designee and report, may be offered only by a Member des- shall be considered as read if printed. The rule


provides one motion to recommit with or with- March 6, 2012: out instructions. Finally, the rule provides Ordered reported by voice vote. that the chair of the Committee on Financial Report filed, H. Rept. 112–409. Services may file a supplemental report to ac- March 7, 2012: company H.R. 3606. Adopted by record vote of 252-166, after agree- ing to the previous question by record vote of 244- March 5, 2012: 177. Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–408. March 6, 2012: H. Res. 587 Adopted by voice vote, after agreeing to the To remove restrictions from a parcel of land situ- previous question by record vote of 232-177. ated in the Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia.

H. Res. 572 Date Introduced: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3606) March 19, 2012 to increase American job creation and economic Sponsor: growth by improving access to the public capital Mr. Bishop of Utah markets for emerging growth companies. Granted a modified open rule providing one hour Date Introduced: of general debate equally divided and con- March 6, 2012 trolled by the chair and ranking minority Sponsor: member of the Committee on Natural Re- Mr. Sessions of Texas sources. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule Granted a structured rule providing one hour of makes in order the amendment in the nature general debate equally divided and controlled of a substitute recommended by the Commit- by the chair and ranking minority member of tee on Natural Resources now printed in the the Committee on Financial Services. The rule bill as original text for purpose of amendment waives all points of order against considera- and provides that it shall be considered as tion of the bill. The rule provides that an read. The rule waives all points of order amendment in the nature of a substitute con- against the amendment in the nature of a sisting of the text of Rules Committee Print substitute. The rule makes in order only those 112-17 shall be considered as adopted and the amendments that are submitted for printing bill, as amended, shall be considered as origi- in the Congressional Record dated March 19, nal text for the purpose of amendment and 2012, or pro forma amendments for the pur- shall be considered as read. The rule waives pose of debate. Each amendment submitted all points of order against provisions in the for printing in the Congressional Record may bill, as amended. The rule makes in order only be offered only by the member who submitted those further amendments printed in the it for printing or the Member’s designee and Rules Committee report. Each such amend- shall be considered as read if printed. The rule ment may be offered only in the order printed provides one motion to recommit with or with- in the report, may be offered only by a mem- out instructions ber designated in the report, shall be consid- ered as read, shall be debatable for the time March 19, 2012: specified in the report equally divided and Ordered reported by voice vote. controlled by the proponent and an opponent, Report filed, H. Rept. 112–415. shall not be subject to amendment, and shall March 20, 2012: not be subject to a demand for division of the Considered after agreeing to the question of question. The rule waives all points of order consideration by record vote of 227-172. against the amendments printed in the report. Adopted by record vote of 232-170, after agree- Finally, the rule provides one motion to re- ing to consideration of the resolution by record commit with or without instructions vote of 227-172.


H. Res. 591 H. Res. 595 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3309) improve patient access to health care services and to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to pro- provide improved medical care by reducing the vide for greater transparency and efficiency in the excessive burden the liability system places on the procedures followed by the Federal Communica- health care delivery system. tions Commission.

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: March 20, 2012 March 26, 2012 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Nugent of Florida Mr. Webster of Florida

Granted a structured rule providing six hours of Granted a structured rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided among and general debate equally divided and controlled controlled by the respective chairs and rank- by the chair and ranking minority member of ing minority members of the Committees on the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The Energy and Commerce, the Judiciary, and rule waives all points of order against consid- Ways and Means. The rule waives all points of eration of the bill. The rule provides that the order against consideration of the bill. The amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- rule provides that an amendment in the na- ommended by the Committee on Energy and ture of a substitute consisting of the text of Commerce now printed in the bill shall be Rules Committee Print 112-18 shall be con- considered as original text for the purpose of sidered as adopted and the bill, as amended, amendment and shall be considered as read. shall be considered as original text for the The rule waives all points of order against the purpose of amendment and shall be consid- amendment in the nature of a substitute. The ered as read. The rule waives all points of or- rule makes in order only those amendments der against provisions in the bill, as amended. printed in the Rules Committee report accom- The rule makes in order only those further panying the resolution. Each such amendment amendments printed in the Rules Committee maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe report. Each such amendment may be offered report, may be offered only by a Member des- only in the order printed in the report, may be ignated in the report, shall be considered as offered only by a Member designated in the read, shall be debatable for the time specified report, shall be considered as read, shall be in the report equally divided and controlled by debatable for the time specified in the report the proponent and an opponent, shall not be equally divided and controlled by the propo- subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to ject to a demand for division of the question. amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- The rule waives all points of order against the mand for division of the question. The rule amendments printed in the report. The rule waives all points of order against amendments provides one motion to recommit with or with- printed in the report. Finally, the rule pro- out instructions. vides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Finally, the rule provides that the Speaker may appoint Members to perform the duties of March 20, 2012: the Chair for the duration of the period from Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. March 29, 2012, through April 16, 2012, as Report filed, H. Rept. 112–416. though under clause 8(a) of rule I. March 21, 2012: March 26, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 233-182, 1 present, Ordered reported by voice vote. after agreeing to the previous question by record Report filed, H. Rept. 112–422. vote of 231-179, 1 present.


March 27, 2012: mathematical consistency. The rule provides Adopted to by record vote 242-177, after that the concurrent resolution shall not be agreeing to the previous question by record vote of subject to a demand for division of the ques- 236-182. tion.

Finally, the rule provides that it shall be in H. Res. 597 order at any time on the legislative day of March 29, 2012, for the Speaker to entertain Providing for consideration of the concurrent reso- motions that the House suspend the rules, as lution (H. Con. Res. 112) establishing the budget though under clause 1 of rule XV, relating to a for the United States Government for fiscal year measure extending expiring surface transpor- 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary lev- tation authority. els for fiscal years 2014 through 2022, and provid- ing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. March 27, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. Date Introduced: March 27, 2012: March 27, 2012 Report filed, H. Rept. 112–423. Sponsor: March 28, 2012: Mr. Woodall of Georgia Adopted by record vote 241-184, after agree- ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- Granted a structured rule providing four hours of 183. general debate, with three hours confined to the congressional budget equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and H. Res. 600 one hour on the subject of economic goals and Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4281) policies equally divided and controlled by Rep. to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, Brady of Texas and Rep. Hinchey of New York highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and or their designees. The rule waives all points other programs funded out of the Highway Trust of order against consideration of the concur- Fund pending enactment of a multiyear law reau- rent resolution. The rule makes in order only thorizing such programs, and for other purposes. those amendments printed in the Rules Com- mittee report. Each such amendment may be Date Introduced: offered only in the order printed in the report, March 28, 2012 maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated Sponsor: in the report, shall be considered as read, Mr. Webster of Florida shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate proponent and an opponent, and shall not be equally divided and controlled by the chair subject to amendment. The rule waives all and ranking minority member of the Commit- points of order against the amendments print- tee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The ed in the report except that the adoption of an rule waives all points of order against consid- amendment in the nature of a substitute shall eration of the bill. The rule provides that the constitute the conclusion of consideration of bill shall be considered as read. The rule the concurrent resolution for amendment. The waives all points of order against provisions in rule provides, upon the conclusion of consider- the bill. The rule provides one motion to re- ation of the concurrent resolution for amend- commit. Finally, the rule waives clause 6(a) of ment, a final period of general debate, which rule XIII, requiring a two-thirds vote to con- shall not exceed 20 minutes equally divided sider a report from the Committee on Rule on and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- the same day it is reported to the House, nority member of the Committee on the Budg- against any resolution reported on the legisla- et. The rule permits the chair of the Commit- tive day of March 29, 2012, providing for con- tee on the Budget to offer amendments in the sideration or disposition of a measure extend- House pursuant to section 305(a)(5) of the ing expiring surface transportation authority. Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to achieve


March 28, 2012: budget resolution, to the Committee on Agri- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. culture to be decreased by $490 million and Report filed, H. Rept. 112–424. the directives to the Committee on Financial Services be increased by $490 million for the March 29, 2012: period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013. Adopted by voice vote, after agreeing to con- sideration of the resolution by record vote of 237- April 16, 2012: 178. Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–444. H. Res. 614 April 17, 2012: Considered after agreeing to the question of Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4089) consideration by record vote of 234-175. to protect and enhance opportunities for recrea- Adopted by record vote of 228-184, after agree- tional hunting, fishing and shooting, and for other ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- purposes. 179. Date Introduced: April 16, 2012 H. Res. 619 Sponsor: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4348) Mr. Bishop of Utah to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and Granted a structured rule providing one hour of other programs funded out of the Highway Trust general debate equally divided and controlled Fund pending enactment of a multiyear law reau- by the chair and ranking minority member of thorizing such programs, and for other purposes. the Committee on Natural Resources. The rule waives all points of order against consid- Date Introduced: eration of the bill. The rule makes in order as April 17, 2012 original text for purpose of amendment an amendment in the nature of a substitute con- Sponsor: sisting of Rules Committee Print 112-19 and Ms. Foxx of North Carolina provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the Granted a structured rule providing one hour of amendment in the nature of a substitute. The general debate equally divided and controlled rule makes in order only those amendments by the chair and ranking minority member of printed in the Rules Committee report accom- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- panying the resolution. Each such amendment structure. The rule waives all points of order may be offered only in the order printed in the against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- report, may be offered only a Member desig- vides that the bill shall be considered as read. nated in the report, shall be considered as The rule waives all points of order against read, shall be debatable for the time specified provisions in the bill. The rule makes in order in the report equally divided and controlled by only those amendments printed in the Rules the proponent and an opponent, shall not be Committee report. Each such amendment may subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- be offered only in the order printed in the re- ject to a demand for division of the question. port, may be offered only by a Member desig- The rule waives all points of order against the nated in the report, shall be considered as amendments printed in the report. The rule read, shall be debatable for the time specified provides one motion to recommit with or with- in the report equally divided and controlled by out instructions. the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- The rule further provides that the House- ject to a demand for division of the question. passed budget resolution (H. Con. Res. 112) The rule waives all points of order against the shall have force and effect until the adoption amendments printed in the report. Finally, of a conference report on the budget resolu- the rule provides one motion to recommit with tion. The rule provides that the reconciliation or without instructions. directives, provided in the House-passed


April 17, 2012: April 19, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. Amendment to the resolution agreed to by Report filed, H. Rept. 112–446. voice vote. Agreed to by record vote of 234-178, after April 18, 2012: agreeing to the previous question by record vote of Adopted by record vote of 246-177, after agree- 234-179. ing to the previous question by record vote of 243- 180. H. Res. 631 H. Res. 620 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3523) to provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 9) to intelligence and cyber threat information between amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- the intelligence community and cyber security vide a deduction for domestic business income of entities, and for other purposes; providing for con- qualified small businesses. sideration of motions to suspend the rules; provid- ing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4628) to ex- Date Introduced: tend student loan interest rates for undergradu- April 17, 2012 ate Federal Direct Stafford Loans; and for other Sponsor: purposes. Mr. Sessions of Texas Date Introduced: Granted a structured rule providing one hour of April 25, 2012 debate equally divided and controlled by the Sponsor: chair and ranking minority member of the Mr. Nugent of Florida Committee on Ways and Means. The rule waives all points of order against considera- Granted a structured rule for H.R. 3523 providing tion of the bill. The rule provides that the one hour of general debate equally divided amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- ommended by the Committee on Ways and nority member of the Permanent Select Com- Means now printed in the bill shall be consid- mittee on Intelligence. The rule waives all ered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be points of order against consideration of the considered as read and shall be considered as bill. The rule makes in order as original text original text for the purpose of further for purpose of amendment the amendment in amendment. The rule waives all points of or- the nature of a substitute consisting of the der against provisions in the bill, as amended. text of Rules Committee Print 112-20 and The rule makes in order the amendment in provides that it shall be considered as read. the nature of a substitute printed in the Rules The rule waives all points of order against the Committee report, which may be offered only amendment in the nature of a substitute. The by Representative Levin of Michigan or his rule makes in order only those amendments designee, shall be considered as read, shall be printed in the Rules Committee report. Each debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and such amendment may be offered only in the controlled by the proponent and an opponent, order printed in the report, may be offered on- and shall not be subject to amendment. The ly by a Member designated in the report, shall rule waives all points of order against the be considered as read, shall be debatable for amendment printed in the report. Finally, the the time specified in the report equally divid- rule provides one motion to recommit with or ed and controlled by the proponent and an op- without instructions. ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- April 17, 2012: sion of the question. The rule waives all points Ordered reported by voice vote. of order against the amendments printed in Report filed, H. Rept. 112–447. the report. The rule provides one motion to re- commit with or without instructions.

The rule further provides that it shall be in order at any time through the legislative day


of April 27, 2012, for the Speaker to entertain Granted an open rule providing one hour of gen- motions that the House suspend the rules, as eral debate equally divided and controlled by though under clause 1 of rule XV, relating to the chair and ranking minority member of the the following measures: H.R. 2096, the Cy- Committee on Appropriations. The rule bersecurity Enhancement Act of 2011; H.R. waives all points of order against considera- 3834, the Advancing America’s Networking tion of the bill. The rule waives points of or- and Information Technology Research and der against provisions in the bill for failure to Development Act of 2012; and H.R. 4257, the comply with clause 2 of rule XXI. Under the Federal Information Security Amendments Rules of the House the bill shall be read for Act of 2012. amendment by paragraph. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered for amend- The rule further provides a closed rule for ment under the five-minute rule. The rule au- consideration of H.R. 4628. The rule provides thorizes the Chair to accord priority in recog- one hour of debate equally divided and con- nition to Members who have pre-printed their trolled by the chair and ranking minority amendments in the Congressional Record. member of the Committee on Education and The rule provides one motion to recommit the Workforce. The rule waives all points of with or without instructions. order against consideration of the bill and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule provides that, until the adoption of a The rule waives all points of order against conference report on the budget resolution, provisions in the bill. The rule provides one the allocations of spending authority printed motion to recommit. in Tables 11 and 12 of the Budget Committee report accompanying the House-passed budget Finally, the rule provides that the Committee resolution shall be considered to be the alloca- on Appropriations may, at any time before 6 tions under section 302(a) of the Congression- p.m. on Wednesday, May 2, 2012, file privi- al Budget Act of 1974. leged reports to accompany measures making appropriations for the fiscal year ending Sep- Finally, the rule waives clause 6(a) of rule tember 30, 2013. XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the April 25, 2012: Rules Committee) against any resolution re- Ordered reported by voice vote. ported on May 10, 2012, providing for consid- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–454. eration or disposition of any measure reported by the Committee on the Budget relating to April 26, 2012: section 201 of House Concurrent Resolution Adopted by record vote of 236-185, after 112. agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 241-179. May 7, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–464. H. Res. 643 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5326) May 8, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 228-181, after agree- making appropriations for the Departments of ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related 174. Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes; waiving a require- ment of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from H. Res. 648 the Committee on Rules; and for other purposes. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5652) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section Date Introduced: 201 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for May 7, 2012 fiscal year 2013. Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Woodall of Georgia May 9, 2012


Sponsor: read. The rule waives all points of order Mr. Woodall of Georgia against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule provides one motion to recommit Granted a closed rule providing two hours of de- with or without instructions. bate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the The resolution further provides for a general Committee on the Budget. The rule waives all debate rule for H.R. 4310. The rule provides points of order against consideration of the one hour of general debate equally divided bill. The rule provides that an amendment in and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- the nature of a substitute consisting of the nority member of the Committee on Armed text of Rules Committee Print 112-21 shall be Services. The rule waives all points of order considered as adopted and the bill, as amend- against consideration of the bill. Finally, the ed, shall be considered as read. The rule rule provides that no further consideration of waives all points of order against provisions in the bill shall occur except pursuant to a sub- the bill, as amended. Finally, the rule pro- sequent order of the House. vides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. May 15, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-2. May 9, 2012: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–481. Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. May 16, 2012: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–472. Considered after agreeing to the question of May 10, 2012: consideration by record vote of 239-183. Adopted by record vote of 233-183, after Adopted by record vote of 235-186, 1 present, agreeing to the previous question by record vote of after agreeing to the previous question by record 237-177. vote of 235-187.

H. Res. 656 H. Res. 661 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4970) Providing for further consideration of the bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act of (H.R. 4310) to authorize appropriations for fiscal 1994, and providing for consideration of the bill year 2013 for military activities of the Depart- (H.R. 4310) to authorize appropriations for fiscal ment of Defense, to prescribe military personnel year 2013 for military activities of the Depart- strengths for fiscal year 2013, and for other pur- ment of Defense, to prescribe military personnel poses. strengths for fiscal year 2013, and for other pur- poses. Date Introduced: May 16, 2012 Date Introduced: Sponsor: May 15, 2012 Mr. Bishop of Utah Sponsor: Ms. Foxx of North Carolina Granted a rule providing for further consideration of H.R. 4310 under a structured rule. The rule Granted a closed rule for H.R. 4970. The rule pro- provides no additional general debate. The vides one hour of debate equally divided and rule makes in order as original text for pur- controlled by the chair and ranking minority pose of amendment an amendment in the na- member of the Committee on the Judiciary. ture of a substitute consisting of Rules Com- The rule waives all points of order against mittee Print 112-22 and provides that it shall consideration of the bill. The rule provides be considered as read. The rule waives all that the amendment in the nature of a substi- points against the amendment in the nature tute recommended by the Committee on the of a substitute. The rule makes in order only Judiciary now printed in the bill, as modified those amendments printed in the Rules Com- by the amendment printed in the Rules Com- mittee report accompanying the resolution mittee report, shall be considered as adopted. and amendments en bloc described in section The bill, as amended, shall be considered as 3 of the resolution. The rule provides that the


amendments printed in the report may be of- for military construction, the Department of Vet- fered only in the order printed in the report, erans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal may be offered only by a Member designated year ending September 30, 2013, and for other in the report, shall be considered as read, purposes; providing for consideration of the bill shall be debatable for the time specified in the (H.R. 5855) making appropriations for the De- report equally divided and controlled by the partment of Homeland Security for the fiscal year proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- ending September 30, 2013, and for other purpos- ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to es; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. a demand for division of the question. The 5325) making appropriations for energy and water rule waives all points of order against the development and related agencies for the fiscal amendments printed in the report or against year ending September 30, 2013, and for other amendments en bloc described in section 3 of purposes. the resolution. Date Introduced: Section 3 of the resolution provides that it May 30, 2012 shall be in order at any time for the chair of Sponsor: the Committee on Armed Services or his de- Mr. Nugent of Florida signee to offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in the report not earli- Granted a structured rule for H.R. 5743. The rule er disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be provides one hour of general debate equally considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 divided and controlled by the chair and rank- minutes equally divided and controlled by the ing minority member of the Permanent Select chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Intelligence. The rule waives all Committee on Armed Services or their design- points of order against consideration of the ees, shall not be subject to amendment, and bill. The rule provides that the amendment in shall not be subject to a demand for division of the nature of a substitute recommended by the question. The original proponent of an the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- amendment included in such amendment en gence now printed in the bill shall be consid- bloc may insert a statement in the Congres- ered as original text for the purpose of sional Record. Finally, the rule provides one amendment and shall be considered as read. motion to recommit with or without instruc- The rule waives all points of order against the tions. amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order only those amendments May 16, 2012: printed in the Rules Committee report. Each Ordered reported by record vote of 8-1. such amendment may be offered only in the May 17 (legislative day, May 16), 2012: order printed in the report, may be offered on- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–485. ly by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for May 17, 2012: the time specified in the report equally divid- Considered after agreeing to the question of ed and controlled by the proponent and an op- consideration by voice vote. ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, Adopted by record vote of 244-178, after agree- and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- ing to the previous question by record vote of 236- sion of the question. The rule waives all points 182. of order against the amendments printed in the report. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. H. Res. 667 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5743) The resolution further provides open rules for to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for H.R. 5854, H.R. 5855, and H.R. 5325. The rule intelligence and intelligence-related activities of provides one hour of general debate on each the United States Government, the Community bill equally divided and controlled by the chair Management Account, and the Central Intelli- and ranking minority member of the Commit- gence Agency Retirement and Disability System, tee on Appropriations. The rule waives all and for other purposes; providing for considera- points of order against consideration of each tion of the bill (H.R. 5854) making appropriations bill. The rule waives points of order against


provisions in each bill for failure to comply nority member of the Committee on Appropri- with clause 2 of rule XXI. The rule provides ations. The rule waives all points of order that each bill shall be considered for amend- against consideration of the bill and provides ment under the five-minute rule. The rule that the bill shall be considered as read. The provides that the Chair may accord priority in rule waives all points of order against provi- recognition to Members who have preprinted sions in the bill for failure to comply with their amendments in the Congressional Rec- clause 2 of rule XXI. The rule provides that ord. Finally, the rule provides one motion to the chair and ranking minority member or recommit each bill with or without instruc- their designees may offer pro forma amend- tions. ments for the purpose of debate at any time. The rule makes in order only those amend- May 30, 2012: ments to H.R. 5882 printed in the Rules Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. Committee report. Each such amendment may Report filed, H. Rept. 112–504. be offered only in the order printed in the re- port, may be offered only by a Member desig- May 31, 2012: nated in the report, shall be considered as House Report 112-504 modified by unanimous read, shall be debatable for the time specified consent at the adoption of H. Res. 667. in the report equally divided and controlled by Adopted by record vote 246-166, after agreeing the proponent and an opponent, shall not be to the previous question by record vote of 233-180. subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- ject to a demand for division of the question. The rule waives all points or order against the H. Res. 679 amendments printed in the report. Finally, Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 436) to the rule provides one motion to recommit with amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to re- or without instructions. peal the excise tax on medical devices, and provid- ing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5882) mak- June 6, 2012: ing appropriations for the Legislative Branch for Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for Report filed, H. Rept. 112–518. other purposes. June 7, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 241-173, after Date Introduced: agreeing to the previous question by record vote of June 6, 2012 240-179. Sponsor: Mr. Scott of South Carolina

Granted a closed rule for H.R. 436. The rule pro- H. Res. 688 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2578) vides 90 minutes of debate equally divided to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act related and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- to a segment of the Lower Merced River in Cali- nority member of the Committee on Ways and fornia, and for other purposes. Means. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- Date Introduced: vides that an amendment in the nature of a June 18, 2012 substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 112-23 shall be considered as Sponsor: adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be Mr. Bishop of Utah considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as Granted a structured rule providing 90 minutes of amended. The rule provides one motion to re- general debate equally divided and controlled commit with or without instructions. by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Natural Resources. The The resolution further provides a structured rule waives all points of order against consid- rule for H.R. 5882. The rule provides one hour eration of the bill. The rule makes in order as of general debate on the bill equally divided original text for purpose of amendment the and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- amendment in the nature of a substitute con-


sisting of the text of Rules Committee Print amendment the amendment in the nature of a 112-25 and provides that it shall be considered substitute consisting of the text of Rules as read. The rule waives all points of order Committee Print 112-24 and provides that it against the amendment in the nature of a shall be considered as read. The rule waives substitute. The rule makes in order only those all points of order against the amendment in amendments printed in the Rules Committee the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in report. Each such amendment may be offered order only those amendments printed in the only in the order printed in the report, may be Rules Committee report. Each such amend- offered only by a Member designated in the ment may be offered only in the order printed report, shall be considered as read, shall be in the report, may be offered only by a Mem- debatable for the time specified in the report ber designated in the report, shall be consid- equally divided and controlled by the propo- ered as read, shall be debatable for the time nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to specified in the report equally divided and amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- controlled by the proponent and an opponent, mand for division of the question. The rule shall not be subject to amendment, and shall waives all points of order against the amend- not be subject to a demand for division of the ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule question. The rule waives all points of order provides one motion to recommit with or with- against the amendments printed in the report. out instructions. Finally, the rule provides one motion to re- commit with or without instructions. June 18, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. June 19, 2012: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–539. Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–540. June 19, 2012: Adopted by record vote 240-175, after agree- June 20, 2012: ing to the previous question by record vote of 238- Adopted by record vote 245-178, after agree- 178. ing to the previous question by record vote of 242- 183.

H. Res. 691 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4480) H. Res. 697 to provide for the development of a plan to in- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5973) crease oil and gas exploration, development, and making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural De- production under oil and gas leases of Federal velopment, Food and Drug Administration, and lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year end- Agriculture, the Secretary of Energy, the Secre- ing September 30, 2013, and for other purposes; tary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Defense and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. in response to a drawdown of petroleum reserves 5972) making appropriations for the Departments from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Devel- opment, and related agencies for the fiscal year Date Introduced: ending September 30, 2013, and for other purpos- June 19, 2012 es. Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Bishop of Utah June 21, 2012 Granted a structured rule providing two hours of Sponsor: general debate equally divided among and Ms. Foxx of North Carolina controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Granted an open rule for H.R. 5973. The rule also Commerce and the chair and ranking minority provides one hour of general debate equally member of the Committee on Natural Re- divided and controlled by the chair and rank- sources. The rule waives all points of order ing minority member of the Committee on Ap- against consideration of the bill. The rule propriations. The rule waives all points of or- makes in order as original text for purpose of der against consideration of the bill. The rule


waives points of order against provisions in H. Res. 708 the bill for failure to comply with clause 2 of Relating to the consideration of House Report 112- rule XXI. The rule provides that the bill shall 546 and an accompanying resolution, and provid- be considered for amendment under the five- ing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. minute rule. The rule authorizes the Chair to 706) authorizing the Committee on Oversight and accord priority in recognition to Members who Government Reform to initiate or intervene in have pre-printed their amendments in the judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas. Congressional Record. Theruleprovidesone motion to recommit with or without instruc- Date Introduced: tions. June 27, 2012 The resolution further provides an open rule Sponsor: for H.R. 5972. The rule provides one hour of Mr. Nugent of Florida general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of Granted a rule providing that if H. Rept. 112-546 the Committee on Appropriations. The rule is called up by direction of the Committee on waives all points of order against considera- Oversight and Government Reform, all points tion of the bill. The rule waives points of order of order against the report shall be waived against provisions in the bill for failure to and it shall be considered as read. The resolu- comply with clause 2 of rule XXI except for tion provides a closed rule for the resolution section 169C (regarding fuel for vehicle opera- accompanying H. Rept. 112-546. The rule pro- tions). The rule provides that the amendment vides 50 minutes of debate equally divided specified in section 3 of the resolution insert- and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- ing the caption for the Spending Reduction nority member of the Committee on Oversight Account shall be considered as adopted. The and Government Reform or their respective rule provides that the bill shall be considered designees. The rule waives all points of order for amendment under the five-minute rule. against consideration of the resolution accom- The rule authorizes the Chair to accord priori- panying the report. The rule provides that the ty in recognition to Members who have pre- resolution accompanying the report shall be printed their amendments in the Congres- considered as read. The rule further provides sional Record. The rule provides one motion to one motion to refer at the conclusion of debate recommit with or without instructions. if offered by Rep. Dingell of Michigan, which shall be debatable for 10 minutes equally di- Finally, the rule provides for consideration of vided and controlled by the proponent and an concurrent resolutions providing for adjourn- opponent. The rule provides one motion to re- ment during the month of July. commit the resolution accompanying the re- port with or without instructions. The rule June 21, 2012: provides that the Chair may reduce the mini- Ordered reported by voice vote. mum time for electronic voting on the motion Report filed, H. Rept. 112–545. to recommit the resolution accompanying the report as though pursuant to clause 9 of rule June 26, 2012: XX. Adopted by record vote of 229-166, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of The resolution further provides a closed rule 226-168. for H. Res. 706. The rule provides 20 minutes of debate on H. Res. 706 equally divided and controlled by the Majority Leader and the Mi- nority Leader or their respective designees. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the resolution. The rule pro- vides that the resolution shall be considered as read. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit H. Res. 706.

June 27, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4.


Report filed, H. Rept. 112–553. rule XXI except beginning with ‘: Provided” on page 95, line 9, through “level” on page 95, June 28, 2012: line 11 (regarding six-day delivery by the Adopted by record vote of 254-173. United States Postal Service). The rule pro- vides that the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. The H. Res. 717 rule authorizes the Chair to accord priority in Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5856) recognition to Members who have pre-printed making appropriations for the Department of De- their amendments in the Congressional Rec- fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, ord. The rule provides one motion to recommit 2013, and for other purposes; providing for con- with or without instructions. sideration of the bill (H.R. 6020) making appro- priations for financial services and general gov- The rule provides for consideration of the con- ernment for the fiscal year ending September 30, ference report to accompany H.R. 4348. The 2013, and for other purposes; and providing for rule waives all points of order against the con- consideration of the conference report to accom- ference report to accompany H.R. 4348 and its pany the bill (H.R. 4348) to provide an extension consideration, and provides that it shall be of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor considered as read. The rule provides that the carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded previous question shall be considered as or- out of the Highway Trust Fund pending enact- dered on the conference report without inter- ment of a multiyear law reauthorizing such pro- vening motion except one hour of debate and grams, and for other purposes. one motion to recommit if applicable. Debate on the conference report is divided pursuant Date Introduced: to clause 8(d) of rule XXII. June 28, 2012 The rule provides that it shall be in order at Sponsor: any time on the legislative day of June 29, Mr. Webster of Florida 2012, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules relating to Grantedaresolutionprovidingforanopenrule measures addressing expiring provisions of for H.R. 5856. The rule provides one hour of law and a concurrent resolution correcting the general debate equally divided and controlled enrollment of H.R. 4348. by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations. The rule The rule waives clause 6(a) of rule XIII, re- waives all points of order against provisions in quiring a two-thirds vote to consider a report the bill for failure to comply with clause 2 of from the Committee on Rules on the same day rule XXI except for section 8121 (regarding it is reported to the House, against any resolu- funds being used to sponsor any professional tion reported on the legislative day of June 29, or semi-professional sporting event or compet- 2012, providing for consideration or disposi- itor). The rule provides that the bill shall be tion of measures addressing expiring provi- considered for amendment under the five- sions of law and a concurrent resolution cor- minute rule. The rule authorizes the Chair to recting the enrollment of H.R. 4348. accord priority to Members who have pre- printed their amendments in the Congres- Finally, the Committee adopted, by voice vote, sional Record. The rule provides one motion to the Rules Committee Activity Report for the recommit with or without instructions. 3rd Quarter of the 112th Congress. The resolution further provides for considera- tion of H.R. 6020 under an open rule. The rule June 28, 2012: provides one hour of general debate equally Ordered reported by record vote of 7-1. divided and controlled by the chair and rank- June 29, 2012: ing minority member of the Committee on Ap- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–558. propriations. The rule waives all points of or- Adopted by record vote 244-176. der against consideration of the bill. The rule waives points of order against provisions in the bill for failure to comply with clause 2 of


H. Res. 724 H. Res. 726 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6079) Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4402) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable to require the Secretary of the Interior and the Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently devel- Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of op domestic sources of the minerals and mineral 2010. materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and Date Introduced: manufacturing competitiveness. July 9, 2012 Date Introduced: Sponsor: July 10, 2012 Mr. Sessions of Texas Sponsor: Granted a closed rule providing five hours of de- Mr. Bishop of Utah bate to be allocated as follows: 30 minutes equally divided and controlled Granted a structured rule providing one hour of by the Majority Leader and the Minority general debate equally divided and controlled Leader or their respective designees; by the chair and ranking minority member of 60 minutes equally divided and controlled the Committee on Natural Resources. The by the chair and ranking minority mem- rule waives all points of order against consid- ber of the Committee on Education and eration of the bill. The rule makes in order as the Workforce; original text for purpose of amendment the 60 minutes equally divided and controlled amendment in the nature of a substitute con- by the chair and ranking minority mem- sisting of the text of Rules Committee Print ber of the Committee on Energy and 112-26 and provides that it shall be considered Commerce; as read. The rule waives all points of order 60 minutes equally divided and controlled against the amendment in the nature of a by the chair and ranking minority mem- substitute. The rule makes in order only ber of the Committee on Ways and Means; those amendments printed in the Rules Com- 30 minutes equally divided and controlled mittee report. Each such amendment may be by the chair and ranking minority mem- offered only in the order printed in the report, ber of the Committee on the Budget; maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignated 30 minutes equally divided and controlled in the report, shall be considered as read, by the chair and ranking minority mem- shall be debatable for the time specified in the ber of the Committee on the Judiciary; report equally divided and controlled by the and proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- 30 minutes equally divided and controlled ject to amendment, and shall not be subject to by the chair and ranking minority mem- a demand for division of the question. The ber of the Committee on Small Business. rule waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report. Finally, The rule waives all points of order against the rule provides one motion to recommit with consideration of the bill. The rule provides or without instructions. that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provi- July 10, 2012: sions in the bill. Finally, the rule provides one Ordered reported by voice vote. motion to recommit. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–590. July 11, 2012: July 9, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 245-180. Ordered reported by record vote of 8-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–587. July 10, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 240-182, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 238-184.


H. Res. 738 The resolution further provides for a struc- tured rule for H.R. 6082. The rule provides Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4078) one hour of general debate equally divided to provide that no agency may take any signifi- and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- cant regulatory action until the unemployment nority member of the Committee on Natural rate is equal to or less than 6.0 percent, and Resources. The rule waives all points of order providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6082) against consideration of the bill. The rule to officially replace, within the 60-day Congres- makes in order as original text for purpose of sional review period under the Outer Continental amendment the amendment in the nature of a Shelf Lands Act, President Obama's Proposed Fi- substitute consisting of the text of Rules nal Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Committee Print 112-29 and provides that it Program (2012-2017) with a congressional plan shall be considered as read. The rule waives that will conduct additional oil and natural gas all points of order against the amendment in lease sales to promote offshore energy develop- the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in ment, job creation, and increased domestic energy order only those amendments to H.R. 6082 production to ensure a more secure energy future printed in Part C of the Rules Committee re- in the United States, and for other purposes. port. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be Date Introduced: offered only by a Member designated in the July 23, 2012 report, shall be considered as read, shall be Sponsor: debatable for the time specified in the report Ms. Foxx of North Carolina equally divided and controlled by the propo- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to Granted a structured rule for H.R. 4078 providing amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- two hours of general debate equally divided mand for division of the question. The rule among and controlled by the chair and rank- waives all points of order against the amend- ing minority member of the Committee on the ments printed in Part C of the report. Finally, Judiciary and the chair and ranking minority the rule provides one motion to recommit H.R. member of the Committee on Oversight and 6082 with or without instructions. Government Reform. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the amendment in July 23, 2012: the nature of a substitute consisting of the Ordered reported by record vote of 6-3. text of Rules Committee Print 112-28, as mod- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–616. ified by the amendment printed in Part A of the Rules Committee report, shall be consid- July 24, 2012: Adopted by record vote 244-170, after agree- ered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall ing to the previous question by record vote of 238- be considered as read. The rule waives all 177. points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes in order only those further amendments to H.R. 4078 print- ed in Part B of the Rules Committee report. H. Res. 741 Each such amendment may be offered only in Providing for further consideration of the bill the order printed in the report, may be offered (H.R. 4078) to provide that no agency may take only by a Member designated in the report, any significant regulatory action until the unem- shall be considered as read, shall be debatable ployment rate is equal to or less than 6.0 percent. for the time specified in the report equally di- vided and controlled by the proponent and an Date Introduced: opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, July 25, 2012 and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- sion of the question. The rule waives all Sponsor: points of order against the amendments print- Ms. Foxx of North Carolina ed in Part B of the report. The rule provides one motion to recommit H.R. 4078 with or Granted a resolution providing that the amend- without instructions. ment to H.R. 4078 printed in section 2 of the


resolution shall be considered as adopted in mand for division of the question. The rule the House and in the Committee of the Whole. waives all points of order against the amend- ment printed in Part A of the report. The rule July 25, 2012: provides one motion to recommit with or with- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. out instructions. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–623. The resolution further provides a structured July 26, 2012: rule for H.R. 8. The rule provides one hour of Amendment to the resolution agreed to by debate equally divided and controlled by the voice vote, after agreeing to the previous question chair and ranking minority member of the by record vote of 235-183. Committee on Ways and Means. The rule Adopted by voice vote. waives all points of order against considera- tion of the bill and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points H. Res. 747 of order against provisions in the bill. The Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6169) rule makes in order the amendment in the na- to provide for expedited consideration of a bill ture of a substitute to H.R. 8 printed in Part B providing for comprehensive tax reform; providing of the Rules Committee report if offered by for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8) to extend cer- Representative Levin of Michigan or his de- tain tax relief provisions enacted in 2001 and signee. The amendment shall be considered 2003, and for other purposes; providing for pro- as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes ceedings during the period from August 3, 2012, equally divided and controlled by the propo- through September 7, 2012; providing for consid- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to eration of motions to suspend the rules; and waiv- amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- ing a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with mand for division of the question. The rule respect to consideration of certain resolutions re- waives all points of order against the amend- ported from the Committee on Rules. ment printed in Part B of the report. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or with- Date Introduced: out instructions. July 31, 2012 July 31, 2012: Sponsor: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. Mr. Scott of South Carolina Report filed, H. Rept. 112–641.

Granted a structured rule for H.R. 6169. The rule August 1, 2012: provides one hour of debate on the bill equally Amendment to the resolution agreed to by divided and controlled by the chair and rank- record vote of 238-186, after agreeing to the previ- ing minority member of the Committee on ous question by record vote of 240-183. Rulesandtwohourofdebateonthesubjectof Adopted by record vote of 240-184. reforming the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Commit- H. Res. 752 tee on Ways and Means. The rule waives all Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6233) points of order against consideration of the bill to make supplemental agricultural disaster assis- and provides that it shall be considered as tance available for fiscal year 2012 with the costs read. The rule waives all points of order of such assistance offset by changes to certain against provisions in the bill. The rule makes conservation programs, and for other purposes. in order the amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 6169 printed in Part A of Date Introduced: the Rules Committee report if offered by Rep- August 1, 2012 resentative Slaughter of New York or her de- signee. The amendment shall be considered Sponsor: as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes Ms. Foxx of North Carolina equally divided and controlled by the propo- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to Granted a closed rule providing one hour of debate amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- equally divided and controlled by the chair


and ranking minority member of the Commit- amendments to H.R. 5544 printed in Part B of tee on Agriculture. The rule waives all points the Rules Committee report. Each such of order against consideration of the bill. The amendment may be offered only in the order rule provides that the bill shall be considered printed in the report, may be offered only by a as read. The rule waives all points of order Member designated in the report, shall be against provisions in the bill. Finally, the rule considered as read, shall be debatable for the provides one motion to recommit. time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an oppo- August 1, 2012: nent, shall not be subject to amendment, and Ordered reported by voice vote. shall not be subject to a demand for division of Report filed, H. Rept. 112–644. the question. The rule waives all points of or- der against the amendments printed in Part B August 2, 2012: of the report. The rule provides one motion to Adopted by record vote 235-181, after agree- recommit H.R. 5544 with or without instruc- ing to the previous question by record vote of 236- tions. 182. The resolution further provides a closed rule for H.R. 5949. The rule provides one hour of H. Res. 773 debate, with 40 minutes equally divided and Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5544) controlled by the chair and ranking minority to authorize and expedite a land exchange involv- member of the Committee on the Judiciary ing National Forest System land in the Lauren- and 20 minutes equally divided and controlled tian District of the Superior National Forest and by the chair and ranking minority member of certain other National Forest System land in the the Permanent Select Committee on Intelli- State of Minnesota that has limited recreational gence. The rule waives all points of order and conservation resources and lands owned by against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- the State of Minnesota in trust for the public vides that the amendment in the nature of a school system that are largely scattered in check- substitute recommended by the Committee on erboard fashion within the Boundary Waters Ca- the Judiciary now printed in the bill shall be noe Area Wilderness and have important recrea- considered as adopted, and the bill, as amend- tional, scenic, and conservation resources, and for ed, shall be considered as read. The rule other purposes, and providing for consideration of waives all points of order against provisions in the bill (H.R. 5949) to extend the FISA Amend- the bill, as amended. The rule provides one ments Act of 2008 for five years. motion to recommit H.R. 5949 with or without instructions. Date Introduced: September 10, 2012 September 10, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. Sponsor: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–660. Mr. Nugent of Florida September 11, 2012: Granted a structured rule for H.R. 5544 providing Adopted by record vote 233-179, after agree- one hour of general debate equally divided ing to the previous question by record vote of 232- among and controlled by the chair and rank- 177. ing minority member of the Committee on Natural Resources. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the amendment in the na- H. Res. 778 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution ture of a substitute consisting of the text of (H.J. Res. 117) making continuing appropriations Rules Committee Print 112-30, as modified by for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes; and the amendment printed in Part A of the Rules providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6365) Committee report, shall be considered as to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be con- DeficitControlActof1985toreplacethese- sidered as read. The rule waives all points of quester established by the Budget Control Act of order against provisions in the bill, as amend- 2011. ed. The rule makes in order only those further


Date Introduced: all points of order against consideration of the September 12, 2012 bill. The rule makes in order as original text for purpose of amendment an amendment in Sponsor: the nature of a substitute consisting of the Mr. Woodall of Georgia text of Rules Committee Print 112-31 and provides that it shall be considered as read. Granted a closed rule for H.J. Res. 117 providing The rule waives all points of order against the one hour of debate equally divided and con- amendment in the nature of a substitute. The trolled by the chair and ranking minority rule makes in order only those amendments member of the Committee on Appropriations. printed in the Rules Committee report. Each The rule waives all points of order against such amendment may be offered only in the consideration of the joint resolution. The rule order printed in the report, may be offered on- provides that the joint resolution shall be con- ly by a Member designated in the report, shall sidered as read. The rule waives all points of be considered as read, shall be debatable for order against provisions in the joint resolu- the time specified in the report equally divid- tion. Finally, the rule provides one motion to ed and controlled by the proponent and an op- recommit. ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- The resolution further provides a closed rule sion of the question. The rule waives all points for H.R. 6365. The rule provides one hour of of order against the amendments printed in debate equally divided and controlled by the the report. The rule provides one motion to re- chair and ranking minority member of the commit with or without instructions. Committee on the Budget. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the The rule also authorizes the Speaker to enter- bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be tain motions to suspend the rules at any time considered as read. The rule waives all points on the legislative day of September 20, 2012 of order against provisions in the bill. Finally, or September 21, 2012. the rule provides one motion to recommit. September 12, 2012: September 12, 2012: Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–668. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–667. September 13, 2012: September 13, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 232-182. Adopted by record vote 232-182, after agree- ing to the previous question by record vote of 235- 178. H. Res. 788 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 118) providing for congressional disap- H. Res. 779 proval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6213) Code, of the rule submitted by the Office of Family to limit further taxpayer exposure from the loan Assistance of the Administration for Children and guarantee program established under title XVII of Families of the Department of Health and Human the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and providing for Services relating to waiver and expenditure au- consideration of motions to suspend the rules. thority under section 1115 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1315) with respect to the Tempo- Date Introduced: rary Assistance for Needy Families program; September 12, 2012 providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3409) Sponsor: to limit the authority of the Secretary of the Inte- Mr. Sessions of Texas rior to issue regulations before December 31, 2013, under the Surface Mining Control and Rec- Granted a structured rule for H.R. 6213. The rule lamation Act of 1977; and providing for proceed- provides for 90 minutes of general debate ings during the period from September 22, 2012, equally divided and controlled by the chair through November 12, 2012. and ranking minority member of the Commit- tee on Energy and Commerce. The rule waives


Date Introduced: September 19, 2012 Section 3 of the rule provides that on any leg- islative day during the period from September Sponsor: 22, 2012 through November 12, 2012: (a) the Mr. Bishop of Utah Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved; (b) the Chair Granted a closed rule for H.J. Res. 118 providing may adjourn the House to meet at a date and one hour of general debate with 30 minutes time within the limits of clause 4, section 5, equally divided and controlled by the chair article I of the Constitution; and (c) bills and and ranking minority member of the Commit- resolutions introduced shall be numbered, teeonWaysandMeansand30minutesequal- listed in the Congressional Record, and when ly divided and controlled by the chair and printed shall bear the date of introduction, but ranking minority member of the Committee may be referred at a later time. on Education and the Workforce. The rule waives all points of order against considera- Section 4 of the rule authorizes the Speaker to tion of the joint resolution. The rule provides appoint Members to perform the duties of the that the joint resolution shall be considered as Chair for the duration of the period addressed read. The rule waives all points of order by section 3. against provisions in the joint resolution. The rule provides one motion to recommit. Section 5 of the rule provides that each day during the period addressed by section 3 shall The resolution further provides a structured not constitute a calendar day for purposes of rule forH.R.3409.Theruleprovidesonehour section 7 of the War Powers Resolution (50 of general debate with 20 minutes equally di- U.S.C. 1546). vided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Natu- Section 6 of the rule provides that each day ral Resources, 20 minutes equally divided and during the period addressed by section 3 shall controlled by the chair and ranking minority not constitute a legislative day for purposes of member of the Committee on Energy and clause 7 of rule XIII. Commerce, and 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Section 7 of the rule provides that each day nority member of the Committee on Transpor- during the period addressed by section 3 shall tation and Infrastructure. The rule waives all not constitute a calendar or legislative day for points of order against consideration of the purposes of clause 7(c)(1) of rule XXII (mo- bill. The rule makes in order an amendment tions to instruct). in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 112-32 as origi- September 19, 2012: nal text for purpose of amendment and pro- Ordered reported by record vote of 8-3. vides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the September 19, 2012: amendment in the nature of a substitute. The Report filed, H. Rept. 112–680. rule makes in order only those amendments to September 20, 2012: H.R. 3409 printed in the Rules Committee re- Considered after agreeing to the question of port. Each such amendment may be offered consideration by voice vote. only in the order printed in the report, may be Adopted by record vote 233-182, after agreeing offered only by a Member designated in the to the previous question by record vote of 238-179. report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the propo- nent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a de- mand for division of the question. The rule waives all points of order against the amend- ments printed in the report. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without in- structions.


H. Res. 808 November 15, 2012: Adopted by record vote of 243-170, after Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6156) agreeing to the previosu question of 243-164. to authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to products of the Russian Federation and Moldova and to require reports on the compliance of the H. Res. 821 Russian Federation with its obligations as a Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6429) member of the World Trade Organization, and for to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to other purposes. promote innovation, investment, and research in the United States, to eliminate the diversity im- Date Introduced: migrant program, and for other purposes; and November 13, 2012 providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. Sponsor: Mr. Dreier of California Date Introduced: November 28, 2012 Granted a closed rule for H.R. 6156. The rule pro- vides 90 minutes of debate, with 60 minutes Sponsor: equally divided and controlled by the chair Mr. Nugent of Florida and ranking minority member of the Commit- teeonWaysandMeansand30minutesequal- Granted a closed rule for H.R. 6429. The rule pro- ly divided and controlled by the chair and vides 90 minutes of debate equally divided ranking minority member of the Committee and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- on Foreign Affairs. The rule waives all points nority member of the Committee on the Judi- of order against consideration of the bill. The ciary. The rule waives all points of order rule provides that an amendment in the na- against consideration of the bill. The rule pro- ture of a substitute consisting of the text of vides that an amendment in the nature of a Rules Committee Print 112-33 shall be con- substitute consisting of the text of Rules sidered as adopted, and the bill, as amended, Committee Print 112-34, as modified by the shall be considered as read. The rule waives amendment printed in the Rules Committee all points of order against provisions in the report, shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended. The rule provides one motion bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. to recommit with or without instructions. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule Section 2 provides that on any legislative day dur- provides one motion to recommit with or with- ing the period from November 19, 2012, out instructions. through November 23, 2012, the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be Section 2 provides that it shall be in order at any considered as approved, the Chair may ad- time on the legislative day of December 6, journ the House to meet at a date and time 2012, for the Speaker to entertain motions within the limits of clause 4, section 5, article that the House suspend the rules. I of the Constitution, and bills and resolutions introduced shall be numbered, listed in the November 28, 2012: Congressional Record, and when printed shall Ordered reported by record vote of 7-3. bear the date of introduction, but may be re- Report filed, H. Rept. 112–697. ferred at a later time. November 29, 2012: Section 3 authorizes the Speaker to appoint Mem- Adopted by record vote of 243-170. bers to perform the duties of the Chair for the duration of the period addressed by section 2. H. Res. 827 November 13, 2012: Providing for consideration of motions to suspend Ordered reported by voice vote. the rules. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–697. Date Introduced: December 11, 2012


Sponsor: December 20, 2012: Mr. Sessions of Texas Adopted by record vote of 243-177, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of Granted a rule providing that it shall be in order 233-186. at any time through the legislative day of De- cember 28, 2012, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules. H. Res. 841 The rule provides that the Speaker or his de- Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- signee shall consult with the Minority Leader ment to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 66) approv- or her designee on the designation of any mat- ing the renewal of import restrictions contained in ter for consideration under suspension of the the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003, rules. and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6684) to provide for spending reduction. December 11, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. Date Introduced: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–700. December 19, 2012 December 12, 2012: Sponsor: Adopted by record vote of 226-178, after Mr. Dreier of California agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 224-183. Granted a rule providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 66. The rules makes in order a mo- tion by thechairoftheCommitteeonWays H. Res. 840 and Means that the House concur in the Sen- Providing for consideration of the conference re- ate amendment with the amendment printed port to accompany the bill (H.R. 4310) to author- in the Rules Committee report accompanying ize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for military the resolution. The rule waives all points of activities of the Department of Defense, for mili- order against consideration of the motion. The tary construction, and for defense activities of the rule provides that the Senate amendment and Department of Energy, to prescribe military per- the motion shall be considered as read. The sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other rule provides one hour of debate on the motion purposes. equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Commit- Date Introduced: tee on Ways and Means. December 19, 2012 The rule further provides a closed rule for H.R. Sponsor: 6684. The rule provides one hour of debate Mr. Bishop of Utah equally divided and controlled by the Majority Leader and Minority Leader or their respec- Granted a rule waiving all points of order against tive designees. The rule waives all points of the conference report and against its consid- order against consideration of the bill. The eration. The rule provides that the conference rule provides that the bill shall be considered report shall be considered as read. The rule as read. The rule waives all points of order provides that the previous question shall be against provisions in the bill. The rule pro- considered as ordered without intervening vides one motion to recommit. motion except one hour of debate and one mo- tion to recommit if applicable. Debate on the December 19, 2012: conference report is divided pursuant to Ordered reported by voice vote. clause 8(d) of rule XXII. Report filed, H. Rept. 112– 708. December 19, 2012: December 20, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. Adopted by record vote of 219-197, after Report filed, H. Rept. 112–707. agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 233-184.


H. Res. 843 out intervening motion or demand for division Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII of the question. with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. January 1, 2013: Ordered reported by voice vote. Date Introduced: Report filed, H. Rept. 112–741. December 30, 2012 Adopted by record vote of 408-10. Sponsor: Mr. Sessions of Texas

Granted a rule waiving clause 6(a) of rule XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Rules Committee) against any resolution reported on December 31, 2012.

December 30, 2012: Ordered reported by voice vote. Report filed, H. Rept. 112–734. Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 175.

H. Res. 844 Providing for consideration of the Senate amend- ments to the bill (H.R. 8) to extend certain tax re- lief provisions enacted in 2001 and 2003, and to provide for expedited consideration of a bill providing for comprehensive tax reform, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: January 1, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Dreier of California

Granted a rule providing for the consideration of theSenateamendmentstoH.R.8.Therule makes in order a motion offered by the chair of the Committee on Ways and Means or his designee that the House concur in the Senate amendments to H.R. 8. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the motion and the Senate amendments. The rule provides that the Senate amendments and the motion shall be considered as read. The rule provides one hour of debate on the motion equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Commit- teeonWaysandMeans.Theruleprovides that the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the motion to its adoption with-



H. Res. 9 Sponsor: Instructing certain committees to report legisla- Mr. Sessions of Texas tion replacing the job-killing health care law. February 8, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: Ordered reported, as amended, by voice vote. January 5, 2011 Report filed by Mr. Sessions, H. Rept. 112–6. Sponsor: February 11, 2011: Mr. Dreier of California Adopted by the House by record vote of 391- 28, after not agreeing to the motion to recommit January 5, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. by record vote of 178-242. January 6, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote 6-4. Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112-1. H.R. 10 To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, January 20, 2011: to provide that major rules of the executive Adopted by the House by record vote of 253- branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint 175 . resolution of approval is enacted into law.

Regulations From the Executive in Need of H. Res. 38 Scrutiny Act of 2011 Reducing non-security spending to fiscal year 2009 levels or less. Date Introduced: January 20, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: January 18, 2011 Mr. Davis of Kentucky Sponsor: January 20, 2011: Mr. Dreier of California Referred to the Committee on Rules. January 19, 2011: November 18, 2011: Ordered reported, as amended, by voice vote. Ordered reported, as amended, by record vote Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112–3. of 7-3. Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112–2478 January 25, 2012: Part 2. Adopted by the House by record vote of 256- December 7, 2011: 165, after not agreeing to the motion to recommit Adopted by the House by record vote of 241- by record vote of 184-242, 1 Present. 184, after not agreeing to the motion to recommit by record vote of 183-235.

H. Res. 72 H.R. 3575 Directing certain committees to inventory and To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to review existing, pending and proposed regulations establish joint resolutions on the budget, and for and orders from agencies of the Federal Govern- other purposes. ment, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: February 8, 2012 December 7, 2011 Sponsor: December 7, 2011: Mrs. Black of Tennessee Referred to the Committee on Rules.


January 23, 2012: March 26, 2012: Ordered reported, as amended, by record vote Ordered reported, as amended, by voice vote. of 5-2. March 29, 2012: January 31, 2012: Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112–363 Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112–379 Part 2. Part 1. Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 291. 260.

H.R. 6169 H.R. 3521 To provide for expedited consideration of a bill To amend the Congressional Budget and Im- providing for comprehensive tax reform. poundment Control Act of 1974 to provide for a legislative line-item veto to expedite consideration Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fair- of rescissions, and for other purposes. er Tax Code of 2012

Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Date Introduced: Rescissions Act of 2011 July 24, 2012 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Dreier of California November 30, 2011 July 24, 2011: Sponsor: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin July 26, 2012: November 30, 2011: Ordered reported by record vote of 6-2. Referred to the Committee on Rules. Ordered reported, as amended, by voice vote. July 30, 2012: Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112–629. February 2, 2012: Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. Report filed by Mr. Dreier, H. Rept. 112–364, 153. Part 2. February 8, 2011: Adopted by the House by record vote of 254- 173.

H.R. 2309 To restore the financial solvency of the United States Postal Service and to ensure the efficient and affordable nationwide delivery of mail.

Postal Reform Act of 2011

Date Introduced: June 23, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Issa of California June 23, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules.




H. Res. 9 H. Res. 24 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- Instructing certain committees to report legisla- tives to permit Delegates and the Resident Com- tion replacing the job-killing health care law. missioner to the Congress to cast votes in the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Date Introduced: Union. January 5, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: January 6, 2011 Mr. Dreier of California Sponsor: January 6, 2011: Mr. Hoyer of Maryland Referred to the Committee on Rules. January 6, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 14 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to require that standing committees make available the record of recorded votes within 48 H. Res. 30 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- hours after that vote. tives to require that plain English section-by- section analyses be posted on the Internet for bills Date Introduced: and joint resolutions reported by committees. January 5, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: January 7, 2011 Mr. Gingrey of Georgia Sponsor: January 5, 2011: Mr. Deutch of Florida Referred to the Committee on Rules. January 7, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 15 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to require that general appropriations for military construction and veterans' affairs be con- H. Res. 38 Reducing non-security spending to fiscal year sidered as stand-alone measures. 2008 levels or less. Date Introduced: Date Introduced: January 5, 2011 January 18, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Gingrey of Georgia Mr. Dreier of California January 5, 2011: January 18, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Referred to the Committee on Rules.


H. Res. 45 January 26, 2011: Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- Referred to the Committee on Rules. tives to encourage bipartisan amendments.

Date Introduced: H. Res. 70 January 19, 2011 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to prohibit the consideration of any bill or Sponsor: joint resolution carrying more than one subject. Mr. Gerlach of Pennsylvania Date Introduced: January 19, 2011: January 26, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Rules. Sponsor: Mr. Schweikert of Arizona H. Res. 46 Restoring the democratic process by providing January 26, 2011: that section 3(b) of H. Res. 5 shall have no force or Referred to the Committee on Rules. effect during the remainder of the 112th Congress.

Date Introduced: H. Res. 72 January 20, 2011 Directing certain standing committees to invento- ry and review existing, pending, and proposed Sponsor: regulations and orders from agencies of the Fed- Mr. Yarmuth of Kentucky eral Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. January 20, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: February 8, 2011

H. Res. 48 Sponsor: Establishing a select committee to review national Mr. Sessions of Texas security laws, policies, and practices. February 8, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: January 20, 2011

Sponsor: H. Res. 82 Ms. Lee of California Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to establish the Committee on the Elimina- January 20, 2011: tion of Nonessential Federal Programs. Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: February 10, 2011 H. Res. 67 To amend the Rules of the House of Representa- Sponsor: tives to prohibit bills and joint resolutions from Mr. Duncan of South Carolina containing more than one subject. February 10, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: January 26, 2011

Sponsor: Mr. Lamborn of Colorado


H. Res. 111 Date Introduced: Establishing a Select Committee on POW and March 15, 2011 MIA Affairs. Sponsor: Mr. Crowley of New York Date Introduced: February 28, 2011 March 15, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Sponsor: Mr. King of New York

February 28, 2011: H. Res. 173 Referred to the Committee on Rules. Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to prohibit the consideration of any bill or joint resolution that appropriates foreign assis- H. Res. 142 tance for more than one country. Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to require authorizing committees to hold Date Introduced: annual hearings on GAO investigative reports on March 16, 2011 the identification, consolidation, and elimination of duplicative Government programs. Sponsor: Mr. Poe of Texas Date Introduced: March 3, 2011 March 16, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Sponsor: Mr. Gardner of Colorado H. Res. 178 March 3, 2011: Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- Referred to the Committee on Rules. tives to require a committee report on a bill or joint resolution to include a statement of whether the legislation creates any duplicative programs. H. Res. 143 Directing the Speaker, or his designee, to take any Date Introduced: and all actions necessary to assert the standing of March 17, 2011 the House to defend the Defense of Marriage Act and the amendments made by that Act in any liti- Sponsor: gation in any Federal court of the United States. Mr. Heck of Nevada

Date Introduced: March 17, 2011: March 3, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Rules.

Sponsor: Mr. Gohmert of Texas H. Res. 230 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- March 3, 2011: tives to provide that the House may not consider Referred to the Committee on Rules. any reported bill until at least 72 hours after it is reported.

H. Res. 169 Date Introduced: Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- April 15, 2011 tives to require that a Member, Delegate, or Resi- dent Commissioner notify the Clerk of whether Sponsor: that Member, Delegate, or Resident Commission- Mr. Peters of Michigan er elects to participate in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.


April 15, 2011: H. Res. 349 Referred to the Committee on Rules. Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to prevent duplicative and overlapping gov- H. Res. 307 ernment programs. Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to establish a Committee on the Reduction of Date Introduced: Nonessential Federal Expenditures. July 13, 2011

Date Introduced: Sponsor: June 15, 2011 Mrs. Myrick of North Carolina

Sponsor: July 13, 2011: Mr. Bass of New Hampshire Referred to the Committee on Rules.

June 15, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 471 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to require that rescission bills always be con- H. Res. 310 sidered under open rules every year, and for other Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. purposes. 639) to amend title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 to clarify that countervailing duties may be imposed CUT Resolution to address subsidies relating to a fundamentally undervalued currency of any foreign country. Date Introduced: November 17, 2011 Date Introduced: June 16, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. King of Iowa Sponsor: Mr. Critz of Pennsylvania November 17, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. June 16, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 541 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- H. Res. 330 tives to provide that the House may not consider Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- major legislation unless it addresses one issue at a tives to require that legislation and conference time. reports be available on the Internet for 72 hours before consideration by the House, and for other Date Introduced: purposes. February 8, 2012

Date Introduced: Sponsor: June 23, 2011 Mr. Polis of Colorado

Sponsor: February 8, 2012: Mr. Peters of Michigan Referred to the Committee on Rules.

June 23, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules.


H. Res. 575 H. Res. 712 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- Recommending that the Speaker of the House of tives to observe a moment of silence in the House Representatives not move to proceed to the con- on the first legislative day of each month for those sideration of the House Resolution finding Eric H. killed or wounded in the United States engage- Holder, Jr., Attorney General, U.S. Department of ment in Afghanistan. Justice, in contempt of Congress pursuant to the report of the Committee on Oversight and Gov- Date Introduced: ernment Reform. March 7, 2012 Date Introduced: Sponsor: June 28, 2012 Mr. Jones of North Carolina Sponsor: March 7, 2012: Ms. Jackson Lee of Texas Referred to the Committee on Rules. June 28, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 623 H. Res. 739 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6083) tives to prevent duplicative and overlapping gov- to provide for the reform and continuation of agri- ernment programs. cultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2017, and for oth- Date Introduced: er purposes. April 19, 2012 Date Introduced: Sponsor: July 24, 2012 Ms. Myrick of North Carolina Sponsor: April 19, 2012: Mr. Braley of Iowa Referred to the Committee on Rules. July 24, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 706 Authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to initiate or intervene in H. Res. 746 judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas. Prohibiting the consideration of a concurrent reso- lution providing for adjournment or adjournment Date Introduced: sine die unless a law is enacted to provide for the June 26, 2012 extension of certain expired or expiring tax provi- sions that apply to middle-income taxpayers. Sponsor: Mr. Issa of California Date Introduced: July 31, 2012 June 26, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Sponsor: Ms. Slaughter of New York

July 31, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules.


H. Res. 768 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to expand the jurisdiction of the Committee on Small Business to include nonprofit organiza- tions.

Date Introduced: August 2, 2012

Sponsor: Ms. McCollum of Minnesota

August 2, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules.

H. Res. 824 Establishing a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consu- late in Benghazi, Libya.

Date Introduced: December 4, 2012

Sponsor: Mr.WolfofVirginia

December 4, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules.

H. Res. 845 Amending the Rules of the House of Representa- tives to establish a standing Committee on Re- peals.

Date Introduced: January 2, 2013

Sponsor: Mr. Stearns of Florida

January 2, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules



H.R. 385 April 15, 2011: To require poverty impact statements for certain Referred to the Committees on Rules and the legislation. Budget.

Poverty Impact Trigger Act of 2011 H.R. 2455 Date Introduced: To prohibit any requirement of a budgetary offset January 20, 2011 for emergency disaster assistance during 2011 and 2012. Sponsor: Ms. Lee of California Humanitarian Aid for Americans Act

January 20, 2011: Date Introduced: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the July 7, 2011 Budget. Sponsor: Mr. Richmond of Louisiana H.R. 1118 To establish a point of order against any efforts to July 7, 2011: reduce benefits paid to Social Security recipients, Referred to the Committees on Rules and the raise the retirement age, or create private retire- Budget. ment accounts under title II of the Social Security Act. H.R. 2693 Social Security Protection Act of 2011 To cut spending, maintain existing commitments, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: March 16, 2011 Budget Control Act of 2011

Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Weiner of New York July 28, 2011

March 16, 2011: Sponsor: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. Dreier of California

July 28, 2011: H.R. 1630 Referred to the Committees on Rules, Budget, To establish a procedure to safeguard the surplus- Energy and Commerce, Education and the Work- es of the Social Security and Medicare hospital force, Ways and Means, and Science, Space, and insurance trust funds. Technology.

Social Security and Medicare Protection Act H.R. 2723 Date Introduced: To amend title IV of the Budget Control Act of April 15, 2011 2011 to protect the Social Security and SSI pro- grams from budget cuts under such Act. Sponsor: Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania Social Security Protection Act of 2011


Date Introduced: Sponsor: August 1, 2011 Ms. Wilson of Florida Sponsor: Ms. Wilson of Florida August 1, 2011: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the August 1, 2011: Budget. Referred to the Committee on Rules.

H.R. 2727 H.R. 2724 To amend title IV of the Budget Control Act of To amend title IV of the Budget Control Act of 2011 to protect the Social Security, SSI, Medicare, 2011 to protect the Medicaid program from budget Medicaid, and education programs from budget cuts under such Act. cuts under such Act.

Medicaid Protection Act of 2011 People's Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: August 1, 2011 August 1, 2011

Sponsor: Sponsor: Ms. Wilson of Florida Ms. Wilson of Florida

August 1, 2011: August 1, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Budget.

H.R. 2725 To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to pro- H.R. 2796 tect the Medicare program from budget cuts under To require the Joint Select Committee on Deficit such Act. Reduction to conduct the business of the commit- tee in a manner that is open to the public. Medicaid Protection Act of 2011 Date Introduced: Date Introduced: August 5, 2011 August 1, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Buchanan of Florida Ms. Wilson of Florida August 5, 2011: August 1, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Budget. H.R. 2835 To establish a joint select committee of Congress H.R. 2726 to report findings and propose legislation to re- To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to pro- store the Nation's workforce to full employment tect education programs from budget cuts under over the period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013, and such Act. to provide for expedited consideration of such leg- islation by both the House of Representatives and Education Protection Act of 2011 the Senate.

Date Introduced: Joint Select Committee on Job Creation Act of August 1, 2011 2011


Date Introduced: H.R. 2855 September 2, 2011 To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to re- duce the deficit and restore the middle class by Sponsor: creating jobs. Mr. Larson of Connecticut Emergency Jobs Now Act September 6, 2011: Date Introduced: Referred to the Committee on Rules. September 7, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Ellison of Minnesota H.R. 2836 To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to re- September 7, 2011: quire the joint select committee of Congress to Referred to the Committees on Rules, the report findings and propose legislation to restore Budget, and Ways and Means. the Nation's workforce to full employment over the period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013. H.R. 2860 Job Creation and Economic Growth Act To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to re- quire members and staff of the Joint Select Com- Date Introduced: mittee on Deficit Reduction to disclose lobbying September 2, 2011 activities and campaign or member-designated political action committee contributions, and for Sponsor: other purposes. Mr. Larson of Connecticut Deficit Committee Transparency Act September 6, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: September 7, 2011

H.R. 2837 Sponsor: To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to re- Mr. Loebsack of Iowa quire the joint select committee of Congress to report findings and propose legislation to restore September 7, 2011: the Nation's workforce to full employment over Referred to the Committee on Rules. the period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013.

Job Creation and Economic Growth Act H.R. 3201 To amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to elim- Date Introduced: inate the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Re- September 2, 2011 duction.

Date Introduced: Sponsor: October 13, 2011 Mr. Larson of Connecticut Sponsor: September 6, 2011: Ms. Waters of California Referred to the Committee on Rules. October 13, 2011: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Budget.


H.R. 3575 H.R. 3787 To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish joint resolutions on the budget, and for require a jobs score for each spending bill consid- other purposes. ered in Congress.

Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011 Jobs Score Act of 2012

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 January 18, 2012

Sponsor: Sponsor: Mrs. Black of Tennessee Mr. Cicilline of Rhode Island

December 7, 2011: January 18, 2012: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Budget. Budget.

H.R. 3707 H.R. 4320 To prohibit the consideration in the House of Rep- To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to resentatives of any legislation containing an ear- require long-term cost benefit analyses of intro- mark. duced bills.

Earmark Elimination Act of 2011 Date Introduced: March 29, 2012 Date Introduced: December 16, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Fattah of Pennsylvania Sponsor: Mr. Flake of Arizona March 29, 2012: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the December 16, 2011: Budget. Referred to the Committee on Rules.

H.R. 4825 H.R. 3778 To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish a point of order to prohibit the extension establish a point of order to prohibit the extension of the statutory debt limit unless a concurrent of the public debt limit unless a concurrent resolu- resolution on the budget has been agreed to and is tion on the budget has been agreed to and is in in effect, Federal spending is cut and capped, and effect. a balanced budget amendment to the constitution has been sent to the States for ratification, and for Budget Before Borrowing Act of 2012 other purposes.

Date Introduced: Congressional Accountability in Budgeting and January 18, 2012 Spending Act

Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Lamborn of Colorado April 26, 2012

January 18, 2012: Sponsor: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Mr. Sullivan of Oklahoma Budget.


April 26, 2012: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Budget.

H.R. 6169 To provide for expedited consideration of a bill providing for comprehensive tax reform.

Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012 Date Introduced: July 24, 2012

Sponsor: Mr. Dreier of California

July 24, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Rules.

H.R. 6347 To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to require 20-year Congressional Budget Office cost estimates for bills or joint resolutions.

Date Introduced: August 2, 2012

Sponsor: Mr. Rehberg of Montana

August 2, 2012: Referred to the Committees on Rules and the Budget.



[No House Joint Resolutions were primarily re- ferred to the Committee on Rules.]



H. Con.Res.82 Prohibiting the House or Senate from adjourning for a period of more than 3 days during a fiscal year unless the House involved has adopted a con- current resolution on the budget for such fiscal year and has approved legislation to provide fund- ing for the operations of the government for the entire fiscal year.

Date Introduced: September 23, 2011

Sponsor: Mr. Schilling of Illinois

September 23, 2011: Referred to the Committee on Rules.



115 Date Introduced: Memorial of the Senate of the State of Michigan, March 21, 2012 relative to Senate Resolution No. 27 urging the President to impose a moratorium on any new regulations and for the Congress to pass the Regu- 42 lations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Petition of the Council of St. Charles Parish, Loui- (REINS) Act; jointly to the Committees on the Ju- siana, relative to Resolution No. 5896 requesting diciary and Rules. Congress to support H.R. 104 Ramp Act; jointly to the Committees on Transportation and Infra- Date Introduced: structure and Rules. August 12, 2011 Date Introduced: May 7, 2012. 178 Memorial of the Senate of the State of Michigan, relative to Senate Resolution No. 95 expressing 48 support for the continued efforts of the Michigan Petition of State Lands Commission, California, Attorney General to oppose the Implementation of relative to Resolution supporting H.R. 104; jointly the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; to the Committees on Transportation and Infra- jointly to the Committees on Energy and Com- structure and Rules. merce, Appropriations, Ways and Means, Educa- tion and the Workforce, the Judiciary, Natural Date Introduced: Resources, House Administration, and Rules. May 31, 2012.

Date Introduced: January 17, 2012 Communication 00821 Communication from the Director, Congressional Budget Office, transmitting the Congressional 185 Budget Office’s estimate on the direct spending Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Michi- and revenue effects of H.R. 2, the Repealing the gan, relative to Senate Resolution No. 97 memori- Job-Killing Health Care Law; jointly to the Com- alizing the Congress to enact legislation to ensure mittees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and that amounts credited to the Harbor Maintenance Means, Education and the Workforce, the Judici- Trust Fund are solely for the dredging, infrastruc- ary, Natural Resources, House Administration, ture, operation, and maintenance of federally- Appropriations, the Budget, and Rules. authorized ports, harbors, and waterways; jointly to the Committees on Transportation and Infra- Date Introduced: structure and Rules. March 10, 2012

Date Introduced: March 21, 2012

186 Memorial of the Senate of the State of Oregon, relative to Senate Memorial 201 requesting that the Congress reintroduce and pass the Trade Re- form, Accountability, Development and Employ- ment (TRADE) Act of 2009; jointly to the Commit- tees on Ways and Means and Rules.


Communication 05918 Communication from the Assistant Secretary, De- partment of Defense, transmitting an additional legislative proposal that the Department of De- fense requests to be enacted during the second sessions of the 112th Congress; jointly to the Committee on Rules, Energy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastructure, Armed Ser- vices, Foreign Services, Foreign Affairs, Ways and Means, the Judiciary, Financial Services, Over- sight and Government Reform, and Natural Re- sources.

Date Introduced: May 8, 2012

House Document 112-53 Message and accompanying papers from the Pres- ident of the United States transmitting a legisla- tive proposal entitled the “American Jobs Act of 2011”; jointly to the Committees on Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, House Administration, the Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform, Rules, Sci- ence, Space, and Technology, Small Business, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Ways and Means.

Date Introduced: September 13, 2011

House Document 112-55 Message and accompanying papers from the Pres- ident of the United States transmitting “Living within Our Means and Investing in the Future”; jointly to the Committees on Agriculture, Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, House Admin- istration, the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Over- sight and Government Reform, Rules, Science, Space, and Technology, Small Business, Transpor- tation and Infrastructure, and Ways and Means.

Date Introduced: March 21, 2012



COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Date Introduced: January 5, 2011 [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee Sponsor: on Agriculture was additionally referred to the Mr. Dreier of California Committee on Rules.] H.R. 1043 To provide an optional fast-track procedure the COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS President may use when submitting rescission requests, and for other purposes. H.R. 339 To deem any adjournment of the House of Repre- Reduce Unnecessary Spending Act of 2011 sentatives which is in effect on the date of the regularly scheduled general election for Federal Date Introduced: office held during a Congress to be adjournment March 11, 2011 sine die, and the amend title 31, United States Sponsor: Code, to provide for automatic continuing appro- Mr. Van Hollen of Maryland priations if a regular appropriation bill for a fiscal year does not become law before the date of the regularly scheduled general election for Federal H.R. 1155 office held during such fiscal year. To establish procedures for the expedited consid- eration by Congress of the recommendations set End the Lame Duck Act forth in the Terminations, Reductions, and Sav- ings report prepared by the Office of Management Date Introduced: and Budget. January 19, 2011 Sponsor: Expedited Consideration of Terminations, Reduc- Ms. Jenkins of Kansas tions, and Savings Act of 2011

Date Introduced: COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES March 17, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Peters of Michigan [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee on Armed Services was additionally referred to the Committee on Rules.] H.R. 1302 To make the Federal budget process more trans- parent and to make future budgets more sustain- COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET able.

Transparent and Sustainable Budget Act of 2011 H.R. 114 To provide a biennial budget for the United States Date Introduced: Government. March 31, 2011 Sponsor: Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of Mr. Quigley of Illinois 2011


H.R. 1605 H.R. 2319 To reduce Federal spending in a responsible man- To cap noninterest Federal spending as a percent- ner. age of full employment GDP, to require that budgets and budget resolutions adhere to these CAP Act of 2011 caps, to enforce these caps, to increase financial transparency for mandatory programs, to provide Date Introduced: for a line-item adjustment, to require the pairings April 15, 2011 of significant spending increases and adjustments Sponsor: to the debt ceiling, and to provide for a Financial Mr. Duncan of Tennessee Sunset commission to assist Congress in eliminat- ing Federal agencies and programs that no longer serve a public need or reforming those that are H.R. 1637 inefficient or ineffective in serving a public need, To safeguard the Crime Victims Fund. and for other purposes.

Crime Victims Fund Preservation Act of 2011 Maximizing America’s Prosperity Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: April 15, 2011 June 23, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Poe of Texas Mr. Brady of Texas

H.R. 1848 H.R. 2560 To prevent a fiscal crisis by enacting legislation to To cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget. balance the Federal budget through reductions of discretionary and mandatory spending. Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011

One Percent Spending Reduction Act of 2011 Date Introduced: July 15, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: Mr. Chaffetz of Utah May 11, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Mack of Florida H.R. 3082 To provide a biennial budget for the United States H.R. 2041 Government, and for other purposes. To reduce federal spending in a responsible man- ner. Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011 Returning to Responsible Fiscal Policies Act Date Introduced: October 3, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: May 26, 2011 Mr. Johnson of Illinois Sponsor: Mr. Kingston of Georgia H.R. 3414 To provide for greater transparency and honesty in the Federal budget process.

Honest Budget Act

Date Introduced: November 14, 2011


Sponsor: H.R. 3580 Mr. Huizenga of Michigan To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to provide for long- term budgeting, and for other purposes. H.R. 3521 To amend the Congressional Budget and Im- Balancing Our Obligations for the Long-Term Act poundment Control Act of 1974 to provide for a of 2011 legislative line-item veto to expedite consideration of rescissions, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 Expedited Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of Sponsor: 2011 Mr. Mulvaney of South Carolina Date Introduced: November 30, 2011 Sponsor: H.R. 3582 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for macroeconomic analysis of the impact of legislation. H.R. 3576 To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011 Deficit Control Act of 1985 to establish spending limits and deficit control. Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 Spending Control Act of 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Price of Georgia Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 Sponsor: H.R. 3669 Mr. Campbell of California To improve the accuracy and transparency of the Federal budget process.

H.R. 3577 Budget Process Improvement Act of 2011 To establish biennial budgets for the United States Government. Date Introduced: December 14, 2011 Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act Sponsor: of 2011 Mr. Renacci of Ohio Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 Sponsor: H.R. 3844 Mr. Ribble of Wisconsin To provide for greater transparency and honesty in the Federal budget process.

H.R. 3579 Honest Budget Act of 2012 To require greater accountability in spending in direct spending programs, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: January 31, 2012 Review Every Dollar Act of 2011 Sponsor: Ms. Roby of Alabama Date Introduced: December 7, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Chaffetz of Utah


H.R. 3883 H.R. 6684 To amend title 31, United States Code, to elimi- To provide for spending reduction. nate the requirement that the President submit a budget to the Congress each year, and for other Spending Reduction Act of 2012 purposes. Budget or Bust Act Date Introduced: December 19, 2012 Date Introduced: February 2, 2012 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Cantor of Virginia Mr. Broun of Georgia December 19, 2012: Referred to the Committee on Budget, Com- mittees on Ways and Means, Agriculture, Energy H.R. 4966 and Commerce, Financial Services, the Judiciary, To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Oversight and Government Reform, House Ad- Deficit Control Act of 1985 to replace the se- ministration, and Rules. quester established by the Budget Control Act of 2011. COMMITTEE ON EDCUATION AND THE Sequester Replacement Act of 2012 WORKFORCE

Date Introduced: April 27, 2012 H.R. 6557 Sponsor: To establish the Higher Education Regulatory Re- Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin form Task Force, to establish procedures for the presentation and expedited consideration by Con- gress of the recommendations of the Higher Edu- cation Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish H.R. 6389 requirements for college cost reduction, and for To replace automatic spending cuts with targeted other purposes. reforms, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Sequestration Prevention Act of 2012 September 21, 2012 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Welch of Vermont September 13, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Lamborn of Colorado COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE

H.R. 6525 H.R. 2 To increase the long-term fiscal accountability of To repeal the job-killing health care law and direct spending legislation. health care related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Date Introduced: September 21, 2012 Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act Sponsor: Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois Date Introduced: January 5, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Cantor of Virginia


H.R. 105 H.R. 299 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and related health-care provisions and to Care Act and the Health Care and Education Rec- enact in its place incentives to encourage health onciliation Act of 2010, repeal the 7.5 percent insurance coverage, and for other purposes. threshold on the deduction for medical expenses, provide for increased funding for high-risk pools, Empowering Patients First Act allow acquiring health insurance across State lines, and allow for the creation of association Date Introduced: health plans. January 5, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Burton of Indiana January 18, 2011 .Sponsor: Mr. Broun of Georgia H.R. 141 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Educational H.R. 364 Reconciliation Act of 2010. To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and to take meaningful steps to lower Date Introduced: health care costs and increase access to health January 5, 2011 insurance coverage without raising taxes, cutting Sponsor: Medicare benefits for seniors, adding to the na- Mr. King of Iowa tional deficit, intervening in the doctor-patient relationship, or instituting a government takeover of health care. H.R. 145 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Common Sense Health Reform Americans Actually Care Act (Public Law 111-148) and related health- Want Act care provisions. Date Introduced: Revoke Excessive Policies that Encroach on Ameri- January 20, 2011 can Liberties (REPEAL) Act Sponsor: Mr. Latham of Iowa Date Introduced: January 5, 2011 Sponsor: H.R. 397 Mr. Mack of Florida To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Rec- onciliation Act of 2010 and to take meaningful H.R. 215 steps to lower health care costs and increase ac- To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable cess to health insurance coverage without raising Care Act and Title I of the Health Care and Edu- taxes, cutting Medicare benefits for seniors, add- ing to the national deficit, intervening in the doc- cation Reconciliation Act of 2010 while preserving the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Im- tor-patient relationship, or instituting a govern- provement Act. ment takeover of health care. Reform Americans Can Afford Act of 2011 Date Introduced: January 7, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Young of Arkansas January 24, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Herger of California


H.R. 429 Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Act of 2011 Care Act and the health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act Sponsor: of 2010 and to amend title 5, United States Code, Ms. Slaughter of New York to establish a national health program adminis- Date Introduced: tered by the Office of Personnel Management to March 9, 2011 offer Federal employee health benefits to individ- uals who are not Federal employees, and for other H.R. 1185 purposes To delay the implementation of the health reform law in the United States until there is final reso- Date Introduced: lution in pending lawsuits. January 25, 2011 Sponsor: Constitutional Protection Act of 2011 Mr. Issa of California Date Introduced: March 17, 2011 H.R. 636 Sponsor: To repeal PPACA and the health care-related pro- Mr. Issa of California visions in the Health Care and Education Recon- ciliation Act of 2010, and to amend the Internal H.R. 2013 Revenue Code of 1986 to allow individuals a re- To empower states with programmatic flexibility fundable credit against income tax for the pur- and financial predictability to improve their Medi- chase of private health insurance, and for other caid programs and State Children’s Health Insur- purposes. ance Programs by ensuring better health care for low-income pregnant women, children, and fami- Affordable Health Care Expansion Act of 2011 lies, and for elderly individuals and disabled indi- viduals in need of long-term care services and Date Introduced: supports, whose income and resources are insuffi- February 10, 2011 cient to meet the costs of necessary medical ser- Sponsor: vices. Ms. Granger of Texas Medicaid Improvement and State Empowerment Act H.R. 663 To delay the implementation of the health reform Date Introduced: law until the Supreme Court determines the con- May 26, 2011 stitutionality of the individual mandate. Sponsor: Mr. Nunes of California Save our States Act H.R. 3000 Date Introduced: To provide for incentives to encourage health in- February 11, 2011 surance coverage, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Mr. Brady of Texas Empowering Patients First Act

Date Introduced: H.R. 965 September 21, 2011 To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Sponsor: Act to preserve the effectiveness of medically im- Mr. Price of Georgia portant antibiotics used in the treatment of hu- man and animal diseases.


H.R. 3095 Act to provide for cooperative governing of indi- To freeze the implementation of the health reform vidual and group health insurance coverage of- law, to establish a commission to evaluate its im- fered in interstate commerce. pact on the delivery of health care to current Med- icare recipients, job creation, current health in- Offering Patients True Individualized Options surance coverage, participation in State exchang- Now Act of 2012 es, and the Federal deficit, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Freeze and Investigate Affordable Care Act of 2011 March 20, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Broun of Georgia Date Introduced: October 5, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Johnson of Texas H.R. 4242 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to amend the Public Health Service Act H.R. 3682 to provide individual and group market reforms to To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable protect health insurance consumers, and for other Care Act and provide for comprehensive health purposes. reform, and for other purposes. Ensuring Quality Health Care for All Americans Patient Centered Healthcare Savings Act of 2011 Act of 2012

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: December 15, 2011 March 22, 2012 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Duffy of Wisconsin Mr. Heck of Nevada

H.R. 4160 H.R. 6053 To amend the Social Security Act to replace the To repeal the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health-related Medicaid program and the Children's Health In- surance program with a block grant to the States, provisions of the Health Care and Education Rec- and for other purposes. onciliation Act of 2010 not declared unconstitu- tional by the Supreme Court. State Health Flexibility Act of 2012 NObamacare Act of 2012 Date Introduced: March 7, 2012 Date Introduced: June 28, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Rokita of Indiana Sponsor: Mr. Mack of Florida

H.R. 4224 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable H.R. 6079 Care Act and the Health Care and Education Rec- To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable onciliation Act of 2010, to amend the Internal Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the percentage Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of floor on medical expense deductions, expand the 2010. use of tax-preferred health care accounts, and es- tablish a charity care credit, to amend the Social Repeal of Obamacare Act Security Act to create a Medicare Premium Assis- tance Program and reform EMTALA require- Date Introduced: July 9, 2012 ments, and to amend the Public Health Service


Sponsor: COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Mr. Cantor of Virginia H.R. 1280 To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to re- H.R. 6405 quire congressional approval of agreements for To amend the Comprehensive Environmental Re- peaceful nuclear cooperation with foreign coun- sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 tries, and for other purposes. to provide grants for the revitalization of water- front brownfields, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: March 31, 2011 Waterfront Brownfields Revitalization Act Sponsor: Ms. Ros-Lehtinen of Florida Date Introduced: September 13, 2012 Sponsor: H.R. 1320 Mrs. Slaughter of New York To strengthen United States nonproliferation ac- tivities and to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to strengthen nuclear energy cooperation COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES and nonproliferation, and for other purposes.

Nuclear Nonproliferation and Cooperation Act of H.R. 1148 2011 To prohibit commodities and securities trading based on nonpublic information relating to Con- Date Introduced: gress, to require additional reporting by Members April 1, 2011 and employees of Congress of securities transac- Sponsor: tions, and for other purposes. Mr. Berman of California

Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act H.R. 1609 Date Introduced: To amend the War Powers Resolution to limit the March 17, 2011 use of funds for introduction of the Armed Forces Sponsor: into hostilities, and for other purposes. Mr. Walz of Minnesota War Powers Reform Act of 2011

H.R. 4084 Date Introduced: To amend the Truth in Lending Act to establish a April 15, 2011 national usury rate for consumer credit card ac- Sponsor: counts under open end consumer credit plans, and Mr. Gibson of New York for other purposes.

Restoring America's Commitment to Consumers H.R. 3709 Actof2012 To amend the War Powers Resolution to limit the use of funds for introduction of the Armed Forces Date Introduced: into hostilities, and for other purposes. February 17, 2012 Sponsor: War Powers Reform Act Mr. Tierney of Massachusetts Date Introduced: December 16, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Gibson of New York


H.R. 3711 COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION To require the President to call a White House Conference on Haiti. H.R. 187 To provide that rates of pay for Members of Con- White House Conference on Haiti Act of 2011 gress shall not be subject to automatic adjust- ment; and to provide that any bill or resolution, Date Introduced: and any amendment to any bill or resolution, December 16, 2011 which would increase Members’ pay may be Sponsor: adopted only by a recorded vote. Mr. Hastings of Florida Congressional Pay Reform Act of 2011

H.R. 6452 Date Introduced: To provide limitations on United States assis- January 5, 2011 tance, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Mr. Wilson of South Carolina Date Introduced: September 20, 2012 Sponsor: H.R. 882 Mr. Landry of Louisiana To require that any local currencies used to pro- vide per diems to Members and employees of Con- gress for official foreign travel for a fiscal year be H.J. Res. 55 obtained by Congress and paid for using funds To amend the War Powers Resolution. appropriated for salaries and expenses of Con- gress for the fiscal year, to enhance the disclosure War Powers Amendments of 2011 of information on official foreign travel of Mem- bers, officers, and employees of the House of Rep- Date Introduced: resentatives and for other purposes. March 7, 2011 Sponsor: Congressional Foreign Travel Reform Act of 2011 Mr. DeFazio of Oregon Date Introduced: March 2, 2011 H. Con. Res. 2 Sponsor: Establishing the Congressional Commission on Mr. Johnson of Illinois the European Union, and for other purposes.

Congressional Commission on the European Un- H.R. 1866 ion Resolution To require Members of Congress to disclose delin- quent tax liability and to require an ethics inquiry Date Introduced: into, and garnishment of the wages of, a Member January 5, 2011 with Federal Tax liability. Sponsor: Mr. Issa of California Members of Congress Tax Accountability Act of 2011

COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY Date Introduced: May 12, 2011 [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee Sponsor: on Homeland Security was additionally referred to Mr. Chaffetz of Utah the Committee on Rules.]


H.R. 3565 Date Introduced: To reduce the salaries of Members of Congress if a February 3, 2012 Federal budget deficit exists, prohibit commodi- Sponsor: ties and securities trading based on non-public Mr. King of Iowa information relating to Congress, and for other purposes. H. Res. 22 Reconnecting Congress with America Act of 2011 Reducing the amount authorized for salaries and expenses of Member, committee, and leadership Date Introduced: offices in 2011 and 2012. December 6, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Flores of Texas January 6, 2011 Sponsor: H.R. 3673 Mr. Walden of Oregon To prohibit an increase in the compensation of Members of Congress from taking effect unless Congress consents to the increase by concurrent COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY resolution. H.R. 10 Date Introduced: To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, December 15, 2011 to provide that major rules of the executive Sponsor: branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint Mr. Coffman of Colorado resolution of approval is enacted into law.

Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scruti- H.R. 3774 ny Act of 2011 To reduce the salaries of Members of Congress and the amounts available for the salaries and Date Introduced: expenses of offices of Members, committees, and January 20, 2011 the leadership of Congress by 50 percent, to pro- Sponsor: vide for further reductions in the salaries of Mem- Mr. Davis of Kentucky bers of Congress to the extent that Congress is in session for more than 60 days during any session of a Congress, and for other purposes. H.R. 84 To amend title 28, United States Code, to grant to Citizen Legislator Act of 2012 the House of Representatives the authority to bring a civil action to enforce, secure a declaratory Date Introduced: judgment concerning the validity of, or present a January 17, 2012 threatened refusal or failure to comply with any Sponsor: subpoena or order issued by the House or any Mr. Johnson of Illinois committee or subcommittee of the House to secure the production of documents, the answering of any deposition or interrogatory, or the securing of tes- H.R. 3898 timony, and for other purposes. To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and the Rules of the House of Representatives to Contempt of the House of Representatives Subpoe- strengthen financial disclosures by Members, of- na Authority Act of 2011 ficers, and employees of Congress, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: January 5, 2011 Sunlight Act of 2012 Sponsor: Ms. Jackson Lee of Texas


H.R. 125 Sponsor: To require Congress to specify the source of au- Mr. King of Iowa thority under the United States Constitution for the enactment of laws, and for other purposes. H. Res. 437 Enumerated Powers Act Recognizing the security challenges of convening government officials in one specific place and di- Date Introduced: recting the House of Representatives to take ap- January 5, 2011 propriate steps so that the House of Representa- Sponsor: tives can meet in a virtual setting. Mr. Gingrey of Georgia Date Introduced: October 13, 2011 H.R. 3846 Sponsor: To establish a National Commission for Inde- Mr. Pearce of New Mexico pendent Redistricting to prepare Congressional redistricting plans for all States and to require Congressional redistricting in a State to be con- H. Res. 469 ducted in accordance with the Commission plan Expressing the sense of the House of Representa- for the State. tives that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. National Commission for Independent Redistrict- ing Act of 2012 Date Introduced: November 16, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: January 31, 2012 Mr. Roe of Tennessee Sponsor: Mr. Blumenauer of Oregon COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES

H.R. 4116 H.R. 903 To provide for regulatory accountability and for To greatly enhance the Nation’s environmental, the revision of economically burdensome regula- energy, economic, and national security by termi- tions, and for other purposes. nating long-standing Federal prohibitions on the domestic production of abundant offshore supplies Regulatory Accountability and Economic Freedom of oil and natural gas, and for other purposes. Act of 2012 Maximize Offshore Resource Exploration Act of Date Introduced: 2011 March 1, 2012 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Latham of Iowa March 3, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Calvert of California H.R. 6333 To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for Congressional oversight of agency H.R. 1861 rulemaking, and for other purposes. To greatly enhance America’s path toward energy independence and economic and national security, Sunset Act of 2012 to conserve energy use, to promote innovation, to achieve lower emissions, cleaner air, cleaner wa- Date Introduced: ter, and cleaner land, to rebuild our Nation’s ag- August 2, 2012 ingroads,bridges,locks,anddams,andforother purposes. 125 INDEX OF ADDITIONALLY REFERRED LEGISLATION

Infrastructure Jobs and Energy Independence Act H.R. 408 To reduce Federal spending by $2.5 trillion Date Introduced: through fiscal year 2021. May 12, 2011 Sponsor: Spending Reduction Act of 2011 Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania Date Introduced: January 24, 2011 H.R. 4301 Sponsor: To contribute to the growth of the American econ- Mr. Jordan of Ohio omy and the strength of American national securi- ty by streamlining regulatory permitting proce- dures and increasing domestic production from all H.R. 506 energy sources. To amend the District of Columbia Home Rule Act to eliminate Congressional Review of newly- Energy Exploration and Production to Achieve Na- passed District laws. tional Demand Act District of Columbia Legislative Autonomy Act of Date Introduced: 2011 March 29, 2012 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Duncan of South Carolina January 26, 2011 Sponsor: Ms. Norton of the District of Columbia COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM H.R. 779 H.R. 265 To establish the Grace Commission II to review To provide for the admission of the State of New and make recommendations regarding cost control Columbia into the Union. in the Federal Government, and for other purpos- es. New Columbia Admissions Act Spending Control Act of 2011 Date Introduced: January 12, 2011 Date Introduced: February 17, 2011 Sponsor: Ms. Norton of the District of Columbia Sponsor: Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois

H.R. 373 To amend the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of H.R. 2309 1995 to ensure that actions taken by regulatory To restore the financial solvency of the United agencies are subject to that Act, and for other States Postal Service and to ensure the efficient purposes. and affordable nationwide delivery of mail.

Unfunded Mandates Information and Transpar- Postal Reform Act of 2011 ency Act of 2011 Date Introduced: June 23, 2011 Date Introduced: January 20, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Issa of California Sponsor: Ms. Foxx of North Carolina


H.R. 2340 Date Introduced: To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, October 6, 2011 the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Sponsor: Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and the Federal Mr. Barrow of Georgia Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 to improve access to information in the legis- lative and executive branches of the Government, H.R. 4295 and for other purposes. To establish the Department of Energy and the Environment, and for other purposes. Transparency in Government Act of 2011 Consolidate Heavy-handed and Outdated Pro- Date Introduced: grams Act of 2012 June 23, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Quigley of Illinois March 29, 2012 Sponsor: Mrs. Blackburn of Tennessee H.R. 2680 To establish a commission to conduct a compre- hensive review of Federal agencies and programs H.R. 5720 and to recommend the elimination or realignment To establish procedures for the presentation and of duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions, expedited consideration by Congress of the rec- and for other purposes. ommendations in the Federal Regulatory Reform Report prepared by the Office of Information and Federal Realignment and Closure Commission Act Regulatory Affairs, and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: Regulatory Reform Act of 2012 July 28, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Fleming of Louisiana May 10, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Carney of Delaware H.R. 2964 To amend the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 to provide for regulatory impact analyses for H.R. 6315 certain rules, consideration of the least burden- To establish a commission to conduct a compre- some regulatory alternative, and for other purpos- hensive review of Federal agencies and programs es. and to recommend the elimination or realignment of duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions, Unfunded Mandates Accountability Act of 2011 and for other purposes.

Date Introduced: Realign and Eliminate Duplicative Unnecessary September 15, 2011 Costly Excess in Government Act of 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Yoder of Kansas Date Introduced: August 2, 2012 Sponsor: H.R. 3121 Mr. Fleming of Louisiana To require congressional approval for certain obli- gations exceeding $100,000,000.

Reclaiming Oversight of Executive Branch Spend- ing Act


COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND H.R. 1734 TECHNOLOGY To decrease the deficit by realigning, consolidat- ing, selling, disposing, and improving the efficien- [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee cy of federal buildings and other civilian real on Science, Space, and Technology was additional- property, and for other purposes. ly referred to the Committee on Rules.] Civilian Property Realignment Act

COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS Date Introduced: May 4, 2011 [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee Sponsor: on Small Business was additionally referred to the Mr. Denham of California Committee on Rules.] COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION H.R. 12 H.R. 104 To provide tax relief for American workers and To ensure that amounts credited to the Harbor businesses, to put workers back on the job while Maintenance Trust Fund are used for harbor rebuilding and modernizing America, and to pro- maintenance. vide pathways back to work for Americans looking for jobs. RAMP Act American Jobs Act of 2011

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: January 5, 2011 September 21, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Boustany of Louisiana Mr. Larson of Connecticut

H.R. 1122 H.R. 452 To provide for merit-based investment in the To repeal the provisions of the Patient Protection freight transportation system of the United States and Affordable Care Act providing for the Inde- to ensure economic growth, increase vitality and pendent Payment Advisory Board. competitiveness in national and global markets, address goods mobility and accessibility issues, Medicare Decisions Accountability Act of 2011 reduce air pollution and other environmental im- pacts of freight transportation, better public Date Introduced: health conditions, enhance energy security, and January 26, 2011 improve the condition and connectivity of the Sponsor: freight transportation system, and for other pur- Mr. Roe of Tennessee poses.

Freight FOCUS Act of 2011 H.R. 462 To terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Date Introduced: March 16, 2011 Tax Code Termination Act Sponsor: Ms. Richardson of California Date Introduced: January 26, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Goodlatte of Virginia


H.R. 539 Sponsor: To amend title II of the Social Security Act and Mr. Jordan of Ohio the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make im- provements in the old-age, survivors, and disabil- ity insurance program, to provide for cash relief H.R. 1167 for years for which annual COLAs do not take ef- To provide information on total spending on fect under certain cash benefit programs, and to means-tested welfare programs, to provide addi- provide for Social Security benefit protection. tional work requirements, and to provide an over- all spending limit on means-tested welfare pro- Preserving Our Promise to Seniors Act grams.

Date Introduced: Welfare Reform Act of 2011 February 8, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Deutch of Florida March 17, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Jordan of Ohio H.R. 1040 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide taxpayers a flat tax alternative to the cur- H.R. 2694 rent income tax system. To firewall the Medicare Trusts Funds by restor- ing to those Trust Funds funds transferred by the Freedom Flat Tax Act Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Sponsor: Medicare Firewall Act of 2011 Mr. Burgess of Texas Date Introduced: Date Introduced: March 11, 2011 July 29, 2011 Sponsor: Mr. Culberson of Texas H.R. 1125 To establish a fee on transactions which would eliminate the national debt and replace the in- H.R. 2909 come tax on individuals. To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People’s Republic of Chi- Debt Free America Act na, to provide for a balanced trade relationship between that country and the United States, and Date Introduced: for other purposes. March 16, 2011 Sponsor: Emergency China Trade Act Mr. Fattah of Pennsylvania Date Introduced: September 13, 2011 H.R. 1135 Sponsor: To provide information on total spending on Mr. Sherman of California means-tested welfare programs, to provide addi- tional work requirements, and to provide an over- all spending limit on means-tested welfare pro- grams.

Welfare Reform Restoration Act

Date Introduced: March 16, 2011


H.R. 3302 H.R. 5727 To create private sector jobs by simplifying the tax To rebuild the American middle class by creating code, increasing domestic energy production, re- jobs, investing in our future, building opportunity forming government regulations, and strengthen- for working families, and restoring balance to the ing workforce training programs. tax code.

Restore America Act of 2011 Rebuild America Act Date Introduced: November 1, 2011 Date Introduced: Sponsor: May 10, 2012 Mr. Rooney of Florida Sponsor: Ms. DeLauro of Connecticut

H.R. 3400 To spur economic growth and create jobs. H.R. 6474 To adopt the seven immediate reforms recom- Jobs Through Growth Act mended by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform to reduce spending and Date Introduced: make the Federal government more efficient. November 10, 2011 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Garrett of New Jersey September 20, 2012 Sponsor: Mr. Ross of Florida H.R. 3630 To provide incentives for the creation of jobs, and for other purposes. H. Res. 475 Expressing the sense of the House of Representa- Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of tives that the Patient Protection and Affordable 2011 Care Act is unconstitutional.

Date Introduced: Date Introduced: December 9, 2011 November 29, 2011 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Camp of Michigan Mr. Roe of Tennessee

H.R. 4621 To authorize negotiations with Brazil to eliminate H.R. 6688 To extend tax relief for all Americans, to replace tariffs and trade barriers to United States ethanol the defense sequester scheduled to take effect on exports. January 2, 2013, with responsible reductions in direct and other spending, and for other purposes. United States-Brazil Ethanol Open Market Agreements Act Date Introduced: December 19, 2012 Date Introduced: April 25, 2012 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Jordan of Ohio Mr. Rangel of New York




Record Vote No. 1 Date: January 5, 2011 Measure: The Committee on Rules’ rules for the 112th Congress Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To require that all measures reported out of the Rules Committee providing for consideration of a meas- ure and any amendment in the nature of a substitute to be considered as original text be accompanied by a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cost estimate and such estimate shall be printed in the report un- less it has previously been printed in a House report. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 1 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 2 Date: January 5, 2011 Measure: The Committee on Rules’ rules for the 112th Congress Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To amend the proposed Committee rules to ensure that any bill, substitute amendment, or self-executing amendment that is before the committee would be available for members to read for at least 24 hours be- fore the committee would vote on a rule related to the legislation. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 2 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 3 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.Res.9 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the resolution to the House with a favorable recommendation. Result: Adopted 6-4. Record vote no. 3 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 4 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To amend the rule to strike the Cantor amendment. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 4 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 5 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 5 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 6 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Tsongas (MA) et al. #15, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not permit insurance companies to discriminate against women. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 6 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 7 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Sanchez (CA) et al., #16, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not permit insurance companies to rescind an individual's health coverage due to illness or impose annual and lifetime limits, as prohibited under the Affordable Care Act. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 7 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 8 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Edwards (MD) and Rep. Engel (NY), #26, which would state that repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shall not take effect unless and until the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, certifies to the Congress that the repeals effected by such section will not restore the ability of insurance companies to impose unreasonable premium in- creases as protected against under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 8 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea


Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 9 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Tierney (MA) et al., #27, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect unless and until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not restore the ability of insurance companies to divert premi- um dollars from patients into insurance company profits and executive perks as prohibited under section 1001 of the Affordable Care Act. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 9 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 10 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Castor (FL) et al., #14, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not permit insurance companies to deny coverage to individuals due to a pre-existing condition, as prohibited under the Affordable Care Act. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 10 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 11 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Larsen (WA) et al., #17, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which


CBO certifies that repeal will not eliminate health insurance coverage for young adults under 26 who are otherwise eligible for coverage under their parents plan as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 11 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 12 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Thompson (MS) et al., #23, which would state that repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shall not take effect un- less and until the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, certifies to the Congress that the repeals effected by such section will not undermine access to primary care. Result: Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 12 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 13 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Deutch (FL) et al., #20, which would state that the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not imperil Medicare and raise costs on seniors. Specifically, repeal will not: (a) raise drug costs to seniors and people with disabilities by re-opening the Medicare prescrip- tion drug donut hole; (b) eliminate free preventive health coverage; or (c) increase the incidence of fraud and abuse. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 13 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 14 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Van Hollen (MD) et al., #18, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not increase the deficit by eliminating the $230B over 10 years and $1.2T over 20 years in deficit savings achieved by the Affordable Care Act. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 14 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 15 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Peters (MI) et al., #19, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not increase taxes on small business offering health insurance, including through the elimination of any tax credit as provided under the Affordable Care Act and will not in- crease costs for employers offering retiree benefits by eliminating the assistance provided to them under the Affordable Care Act to help maintain retiree health care benefits. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 15 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 16 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Heinrich (NM) et al., #22, which would state that repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shall not take effect un- less and until the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, certifies to the Congress that the repeals effected by such section will not shorten the life of the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, which the Patient Protection and Af- fordable Care Act extended by 12 years. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 16 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 17 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Welch (VT) et al., #21, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not increase cost sharing or otherwise reduce access to preventive health benefits such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and diabetes screenings, including such benefits offered by private health plans or by Medicare provided by sections 1001 and 4104 of the Affordable Care Act. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 17 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 18 Date: January 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.2,H.Res.9 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 6–4. Record vote no. 18 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay


Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 19 Date: January 19, 2011 Measure:H.Res.38 Motion by: Mr. Scott of South Carolina Summary of motion: To amend the resolution to clarify the spending reduction by striking the language relating to a transi- tion and providing that the level can be 2008 levels or less. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 19 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 20 Date: January 19, 2011 Measure:H.Res.38 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To add a new section to the resolution that would require a vote by the full House before any 302(a) allo- cation inserted in the Congressional Record by the Chair of the Committee on the Budget becomes effec- tive. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 20 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 21 Date: January 19, 2011 Measure:H.Res.38 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 21 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 22 Date: January 19, 2011 Measure:H.Res.38 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment in the nature of a substitute, if of- fered by Mr. Van Hollen, the ranking member of the Committee on the Budget. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 22 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 23 Date: January 19, 2011 Measure:H.Res.38 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule for H. Res. 38. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 23 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 24 Date: January 25, 2011 Measure:H.R.359 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of H.R. 5175 from the 111th Congress, the Disclose Act, as passed on June 24, 2010. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 24 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 25 Date: January 25, 2011 Measure:H.R.359 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To strike the 5 hour time limit on the amendment process. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 25 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 26 Date: January 25, 2011 Measure:H.R.359 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 26 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 27 Date: January 25, 2011 Measure:H.R.359 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule for H.R. 359. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 27 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 28 Date: February 8, 2011 Measure:H.Res.72 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To grant an open rule for consideration of H. Res. 72. Result: Defeated 3–8. Record vote no. 28 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 29 Date: February 8, 2011 Measure:H.Res.72 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H. Res. 72 to make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Hastings (FL), #3. The amendment adds a section instructing committees to make the creation of jobs their highest priority, and to report jobs legislation to the House as soon as possible. The amend- ment also says that the legislation is to be considered by the House under an open amendment process. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 29 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 30 Date: February 8, 2011 Measure:H.Res.72 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To amend the rule and provide the appropriate waivers for an amendment #2, offered by Rep. Lee (CA). In section 2, redesignate paragraphs (3) through (12) as paragraphs (4) through (13) and insert af- ter paragraph (2) the following new paragraph: (3) reduce poverty and address the needs of the chroni- cally unemployed. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 30 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay


Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 31 Date: February 9, 2011 Measure:H.R.514 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To provide for an open rule for consideration of H.R. 514. Result: Defeated 2–6.

Record vote no. 31 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 32 Date: February 9, 2011 Measure:H.R.514 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule for H.R. 514. Result: Adopted 7–2. Record vote no. 32 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 33 Date: February 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.1 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.R. 1 to report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 33 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 34 Date: February 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.1 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.R. 1 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, of- fered by Rep. McCarthy (NY), which would express Congressional intent for the continuation of funding for the implementation of the NICS Improvement Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-180) through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 34 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 35 Date: February 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.1 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.R. 1 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, of- fered by Rep. McGovern (MA), which would require that funding for the war in Afghanistan be fully paid for. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 35 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 36 Date: February 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.1 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.R. 1 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #5, of- fered by Rep. Andrews (NJ), which would eliminate tax loopholes for oil companies and put this funding toward Homeless veteran assistance programs and deficit reduction. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 36 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay


Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 37 Date: February 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.1 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report a modified open rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 37 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 38 Date: February 28, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.44 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.J. Res. 44 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Norton (DC), which would permit the District of Columbia to expend local funds after March 18, 2011. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 38 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 39 Date: February 28, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.44 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.J. Res. 44 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Rep. Dicks (WA), which would cut $1 billion from census programs and restore $577 mil- lion to education programs. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 39 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 40 Date: March 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.662 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To amend the rule to H.R. 662 to report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 40 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 41 Date: March 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.662 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment offered by Delegate Norton (DC) and Rep. Moran (VA), #2, which would permit the District of Columbia to expend local funds after March 4, 2011. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 41 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah…………… NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 42 Date: March 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.4 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the amendment offered by Rep. Crowley (NY), #1, which would prohibit the new rules created by section 4 of the bill from going into effect, effectively eliminating the offset. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 42 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah…………… NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 43 Date: March 8, 2011 Measure:H.R.830 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 43 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 44 Date: March 8, 2011 Measure:H.R.830 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Cardoza (CA), which would require Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) each to carry out a one-year program providing for the refinancing of qualified single-family housing mortgages it owns or guarantees. Result: Defeated 4-7. Record vote no. 44 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 45 Date: March 8, 2011 Measure:H.R.830 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the modified open rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 45 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV


Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 46 Date: March 8, 2011 Measure:H.R.836 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 7–4. Record vote no. 46 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 47 Date: March 8, 2011 Measure:H.R.836 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the modified open rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 47 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 48 Date: March 14, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.48 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-8.. Record vote no. 48 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………..………… Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 49 Date: March 14, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.48 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Agreed To 8–3. Record vote no. 49 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern………..………… Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis………………...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 50 Date: March 15, 2011 Measure: H.R. 839, H.R. 861 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 50 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………..………… NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 51 Date: March 15, 2011 Measure: H.R. 839 and H.R. 861 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: Would make in order the following amendments for H.R. 839 and provide the appropriate waivers: Cardoza #1; McCarthy #2; Miller (NC) #8; and Miller (NC) #9. Would make in order the following amendments for H.R. 861 and provide the appropriate waivers: Cardoza #1; Cicilline #5; Jackson-Lee # 13; and Jackson-Lee #14. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 51 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………..………… NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina..... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 52 Date: March 16, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1076 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Rep. McGovern, which would prohibit funds from any Federal agency from being used to advertise on Fox News Channel or Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 52 Mr. Sessions NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………………… Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 53 Date: March 16, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1076 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. McGovern, which would require a GAO study on the expenditures by all Federal agencies of all Federal funds for advertising on television or radio. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 53 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………………… Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 54 Date: March 16, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1076 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 54 Mr. Sessions NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………………… Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 55 Date: March 16, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1076 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 6–5. Record vote no. 55 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern………………….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis………………………… Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 56 Date: March 29, 2011 Measure:H.R.471 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 56 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. NV Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis………………………… Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 57 Date: March 29, 2011 Measure:H.R.471 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the structured rule. Result: Adopted 7-2. Record vote no. 57 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern………………….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. NV Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis………………………… Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 58 Date: March 30, 2011 Measure:H.R.658 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-5. Record vote no. 58 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis……………………… Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 59 Date: March 30, 2011 Measure:H.R.658 Motion by: Mr. Woodall Summary of motion: To report the structured rule. Result: Agreed To 5-4. Record vote no. 59 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern………………….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis……………………… Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 60 Date: March 31, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1255 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-6. Record vote no. 60 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis……………………… Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 61 Date: March 31, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1255 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Moran (VA). Result:Defeated3-6. Record vote no. 61 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis……………………….. Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 62 Date: March 31, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1255 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To provide 2 hours of debate on the underlying bill. Result:Defeated3-6. Record vote no. 62 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern………………….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis……………………….. Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 63 Date: March 31, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1255 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report a closed rule. Result: Adopted 6-3. Record vote no. 63 Mr. Sessions…………………….. NV Ms. Slaughter…………………... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern………………….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida……….. Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis……………………….. Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 64 Date: April 4, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.37 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 64 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 65 Date: April 4, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.37 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Doyle , which would reinstate the ability of the FCC to guard against internet access providers from blocking a con- sumer's access to lawful internet content. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 65 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 66 Date: April 4, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.37 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Rep. Matsui (CA), which would preserve the “transparency rule” adopted by the FCC as part of the Open Internet Order requiring broadband providers to make available their network management practices as well as per- formance and commercial terms so that consumers can make informed choices. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 66 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 67 Date: April 4, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.37 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report a closed rule. Result: Adopted 7-3. Record vote no. 67 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 68 Date: April 5, 2011 Measure:H.R.910 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 68 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 69 Date: April 5, 2011 Measure:H.R.910 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #35, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), Rep. Blumenauer (OR), and Rep. Welch (VT), which would reduce the federal deficit by $40 billion by eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 69 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 70 Date: April 5, 2011 Measure:H.R.910 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #34, offered by Rep. Crowley (NY), which would eliminate the exception for the renewable fuel standard (ethanol) in the bill. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 70 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina.. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 71 Date: April 5, 2011 Measure:H.R.910 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #29, offered by Rep. Cleaver (MO), which would have Congress accept the following findings of the 2004 report, African Americans and Cli- mate Change: an Unequal Burden, stating global climate change will disproportionally burden commu- nities of color. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 71 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 72 Date: April 5, 2011 Measure:H.R.910 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #22, offered by Rep. Blumenauer (OR), Rep. Doggett (TX), and Rep. McDermott (WA), which would amend the Clean Air Act to prevent the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from imposing an energy tax. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 72 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 73 Date: April 5, 2011 Measure:H.R.910 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report a structured rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 73 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed………………………… Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 74 Date: April 6, 2011 Measure:H.R.1363 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Reps. Conyers Jr. (MI) and Rep. Tonko (NY) and Rep. Woolsey (CA) and Rep. Welch (VT) and Rep. Kucinich (OH) and Rep. Lee (CA) and Rep. McClintock (CA) and Rep. Miller (CA) and Rep. Cohen (TN) and Rep. Grijalva (AZ) and Rep. Jones (NC) and Rep. Farr (CA) and Rep. Honda (CA) and Rep. Stark (CA), which would state that no funds in the Act may be used to deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of Members of the Armed Forces or private security contractors on the ground in Libya for the purposes of engaging in ground combat operations. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 74 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 75 Date: April 6, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1363 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Dicks (WA), which would strike all after the enacting clause and insert a simple extension of the current CR through April 15, 2011. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 75 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 76 Date: April 6, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1363 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To amend the rule to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Delegate Norton (DC), which would permit the District of Columbia government to spend its local tax- payer-raised funds on abortions for low-income women. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 76 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 77 Date: April 6, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1363 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #5, offered by Rep. Lee (CA), which would end combat operations in Afghanistan and limit funding to the safe orderly redeployment of all U.S. troops and military contractors. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 77 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 78 Date: April 12, 2011 Measure:H.Con.Res.35,H.Con.Res.36,H.R.1473 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To strike section 2 and section 3 from the rule. Result:Defeated3-6. Record vote no. 78 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 79 Date: April 12, 2011 Measure:H.Con.Res.35,H.Con.Res.36,H.R.1473 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: En bloc amendment to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4, offered by Rep. Polis, which would reduce the amount of troops permanently stationed in Europe from 80,000 to 35,000 and would cut end-strength levels by 7,500.; and amendment #12, offered by Rep. Polis (CO), which would strike all funding for the Office of National Drug Control Policy, commonly known as the Drug Czar. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 79 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed………………………… NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 80 Date: April 12, 2011 Measure: H. Con. Res. 35, H. Con. Res. 36, H.R. 1473 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report a closed rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 80 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall...... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent…………………...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina….. Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed………………………… Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 81 Date: April 12, 2011 Measure:H.R.1217 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 81 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 82 Date: April 12, 2011 Measure:H.R.1217 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #6, offered by Rep. Pallone Jr. (NJ), which would add a sense of Congress that health prevention efforts save lives and money. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 82 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 83 Date: May 2, 2011 Measure:H.R.3 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 83 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 84 Date: May 2, 2011 Measure:H.R.3 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order separately and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment each of the following amendments: Del. Norton (DC), #2, would permit the District of Columbia government to spend its local taxpayer-raised funds on abortions for low-income women; Rep. Biggert (IL), #3, would strike sections 303 through 307, 309, 310, and Title II, and the word "authorized" in sections 301 and 302; Rep. Chu (CA), #4, would make clear that provisions under current law that require that the federal government help protect access to appropriate medical care, do nothing to restrict doctors’ ability to fully disclose treatment options and other health information to patients, and do nothing to violate ethical standards of health care professionals or informed consent between doctor and patient are still in force under this bill; Rep. Engel (NY), #6, would reinstate conscience protections for health providers who provide abor- tion services as well as those who do not; Rep. Baldwin (WI), #7, would prohibit the bill from taking ef- fect should it cause taxes for small businesses or individuals to increase; Rep. Chu (CA), #8, would ex- clude cases of a woman with cancer who needs life saving treatment incompatible with continuing the pregnancy from the requirements of the legislation relating to federal funding, health benefit plans and the limitations on federal facilities and employees; Rep. Maloney (NY), #9, would require the Federal Trade Commission to promulgate rules under the Federal Trade Commission Act declaring it an unfair or deceptive act for an entity, such as a crisis pregnancy center, to advertise as a provider of abortion services if the entity does not provide abortion services. Similarly, if an entity that does provide abor- tions it is prohibited from advertising that it does not provide abortions. Agencies that are not deceptive in their advertising or marketing will not be affected by this bill; Rep. Crowley (NY), #10, would provide that the provisions of H.R. 3 shall not take effect if the tax liability of any taxpayer (including individu- als and small businesses) would be increased; Rep. Nadler (NY), #11, would strike Title II of the bill; Rep. Quigley (IL), #12, would provide that the provisions of the bill shall not take effect until the Presi- dent, or his designee, certifies that this bill will not affect the availability of insurance that includes abortion coverage in the private insurance market; Rep. Moore (WI), #13, would delay the effective date for this Act (H.R. 3) until the Secretary of Health and Human Services determines that it would not re- sult in a reduction in access to comprehensive health care coverage for low-income women; Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), #15, would delay the effective date of the act until the AG certifies to Congress that this act will not violate any Constitutionally guaranteed right; Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), #16, would carve out an exception to the act for instances where continuing a pregnancy could result in severe long-lasting dam- age to a women's health; Rep. Grijalva (AZ), #17, would require that a review be conducted by the Secre- tary of the Treasury to ensure that the tax penalties created by this act will not have a disparate impact


on individuals based on race, gender, national origin, ability or age. It would also direct the Secretary to examine the impact of these tax penalties on small businesses owned and operated by minorities. Result: Defeated 3-9. Record vote no. 84 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 85 Date: May 2, 2011 Measure:H.R.3 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 85 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 86 Date: May 2, 2011 Measure:H.R.1213 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order separately and provide the appropriate waivers for each of the following amendments: Rep. Woolsey (CA), #2, would preserve the competitive health insurance exchanges while also enacting a public health insurance option, which would compete with private plans within the exchanges; Rep. El- lison (MN), #3, would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a re- port of the impact of H.R. 1213 on the uninsured rate in the United States; Rep. Waters (CA), #5, would prevent the bill from taking effect if the Secretary of Health and Human Services certifies that a signifi- cant number of uninsured Americans would have difficulty obtaining affordable health insurance cover- age without being able to access a Health Benefit Exchange; Rep. Waters (CA), #6, would prevent the bill from taking effect until legislation is enacted that repeals the requirement for states to establish Health Benefit Exchanges; Rep. Waters (CA), #7, would prevent the bill from taking effect if the Governors of five or more states each certify that their states may be unable to afford to establish a Health Benefit Exchange without any federal assistance; Rep. Waters (CA), #9, would require, within 6 months after enactment, the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on the extent to which uninsured Americans will have difficulty obtaining affordable health insurance coverage without being able to access such coverage through Health Benefit Exchanges; Rep. Welch (VT), #10, would di- rect the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study to determine the extent to which the repeal of funding to states for Health Benefit Exchanges will result in a decrease of the number of individuals who have access to health insurance.


Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 86 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 87 Date: May 2, 2011 Measure:H.R.1213 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule for H.R. 1213. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 87 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 88 Date: May 4, 2011 Measure: H.R 1230 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To amend the rule to add a new section at the end of rule to provide for the immediate consideration, up- on the adoption of the rule of amendment #1 to H.R. 1230, offered by Reps. McGovern (MA), Blumenauer (OR) and Welch (VT) as a standalone bill under an open rule. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 88 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 89 Date: May 4, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1230 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #10, offered by Rep. Market (MA), which would require that companies bidding on new leases pursuant to H.R. 1230 first renegotiate any royalty-free leases they own. This amendment would raise more than $2 billion over 10 years. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 89 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 90 Date: May 4, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To report an open rule for H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 90 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 91 Date: May 4, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report one rule for the consideration of both H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230, each under a structured pro- cess. Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 91 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed...... Yea


Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 92 Date: May 10, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1231 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule for H.R. 1231. Result:Defeated3-6. Record vote no. 92 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Reed...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 93 Date: May 10, 2011 Measure:H.R.1231 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment No. 20, offered by Rep. Boswell (IA), which would require the Secretary of the interior to include requirements for any person awarded a lease under the program to give preference to firing veterans for activities under the lease. Result:Defeated3-6. Record vote no. 93 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Reed...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 94 Date: May 10, 2011 Measure:H.R.1231 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To add a new section at the end of the rule to provide for the immediate consideration, upon the adoption of the rule, of a bill consisting of the text of amendment No. 7, offered by Rep. McGovern under an open rule. Result: Defeated 3-6. Record vote no. 94 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Reed...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 95 Date: May 10, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1231 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment No. 19, offered by Rep. Hastings (FL), which would prohibit any lease-sale from going forward where either the National Academy of Sci- ence or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has determined that use by human beings of any non-renewable resource expected to be extracted from the subject property contributes to global climate change. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 95 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 96 Date: May 10, 2011 Measure:H.R.1231 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report a structured rule. Result: Adopted 7-3. Record vote no. 96 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 97 Date: May 23, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1216 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 97 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 98 Date: May 24, 2011 Measure:H.R.1540 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the following amendments to be separately considered: Amendment #13, offered by Rep. Garamendi (CA), Rep. Rangel (NY), Rep. Clarke (NY), and Rep. Welch (VT), which would limit funds made available for military operations in Afghanistan for the purposes of counter-terrorism operations, and require the Secretary f Defense to enforce a significant and swift drawdown of United States Armed Forces from Afghanistan; Amendment #168, offered by Rep. Lee (CA), which would restrict spending to withdrawing Armed Forces from Afghanistan in a safe and orderly fashion; Amendment #170, offered by Rep. Lee (CA), which would call on President Obama to commit to a significant and sizeable reduction of troop levels in Afghanistan no later than July 31, 2011; Amendment #161, offered by Rep. Tierney (MA), which would require the Department of Defense to submit to Congress a report on the effects of carrying out a United States strategy to provide counterter- rorism assistance to Afghanistan and to rely on the international donor community to provide develop- ment assistance and other related assistance to Afghanistan; and Amendment #172, offered by Rep. Tierney (MA), which would extend to the end of FY 2012 the requirement that the Secretary of Defense annually submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on a long-term detailed plan for sustaining the Afghanistan National Army (ANA) and the Afghanistan National Police (ANP) of the Af- ghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) and would also add a requirement that the report include metrics that evaluate the value and utility of ANSF development activities at the program level and that ties such activities to long-term strategic objectives. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 98 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 99 Date: May 31, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2017 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the following amendments to be separately considered: Amendment #1, offered by Rep. Price (NC), which would increase by $460 million the amount of funding provided in the bill for firefighter assistance, bringing it up to the FY 2011 level, off- set by designating as an emergency requirement $460 million provided for the Disaster Relief Fund; and Amendment #2, offered by Rep. price (NC), which would increase by $850 million the amount of funding provided for FEMA state and local grant programs, offset by designating as an emergency requirement all funds provided above the President’s budget request for the Disaster Relief Fund. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 99 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 100 Date: May 31, 2011 Measure:H.R.2017 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the open rule. Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 100 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 101 Date: June 2, 2011 Measure: H. Res. 292, H. Con. Res. 51 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-4. Record vote no. 101 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Reed...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 102 Date: June 13, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2112 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To protect sections 741 and 743 from points of order under clause 2 of Rule XXI. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 102 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Reed...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 103 Date: June 21, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report open rules for H.R. 2012 and H.R. 1249. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 103 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 104 Date: June 21, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1249 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To not include a waiver of clause 10 of Rule XXI. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 104 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay


Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 105 Date: June 21, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7-2. Record vote no. 105 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 106 Date: June 23, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.68,H.R.2278 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7-3. Record vote no. 106 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 107 Date: July 7, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1309 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-5. Record vote no. 107 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 108 Date: July 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2018 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 108 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 109 Date: July 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2018 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report a structured rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 109 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 110 Date: July 18, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2560 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 110 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 111 Date: July 18, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2560 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report a modified open rule as requested by Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 111 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 112 Date: July 18, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2560 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the closed rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 112 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 113 Date: July 19, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2553 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 113 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 114 Date: July 19, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2553 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report a closed rule. Result: Adopted 8-4. Record vote no. 114 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 115 Date: July 20, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2551 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-6. Record vote no. 115 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 116 Date: July 20, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1315 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 116 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 117 Date: July 21, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2584 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To strike the waiver of clause 2 of rule XXI. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 117 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 118 Date: July 21, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2584 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for an amendment to be offered by Mr. McGovern to prohibit oil and gas subsidies. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 118 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 119 Date: July 21, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2584 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7-4. Record vote no. 119 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 120 Date: July 25, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1938 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 120 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 121 Date: July 26, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2587 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 121 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 122 Date: July 27, 2011 Measure:S.627 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 122 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 123 Date: July 27, 2011 Measure:S.627 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report a closed rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 123 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 124 Date: July 28, 2011 Measure:H.Res.382 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 124 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 125 Date: July 29, 2011 Measure:H.Res.383 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 125 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 126 Date: September 7, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2218 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #10, offered by Rep. Peters (MI), which would add post-secondary persistence and graduation rates to the criteria used to measure the progress of charter schools. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 126 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 127 Date: September 7, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2218 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the amendment #7, offered by Rep. Garamendi (CA), which would give priority to eligible entities that plan to use materials made in America for the con- struction and renovation of school facilities. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 127 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 128 Date: September 15, 2011 Measure:H.J.Res.79 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Del. Norton (DC), which would authorize the District of Columbia government to obligate and expend its local funds for all of fiscal year 2012. Result:Defeated4–5. Record vote no. 128 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... NV


Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 129 Date: September 20, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2608 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report a rule providing for the disposition of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2608. Result: Adopted 7–2. Record vote no. 129 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 130 Date: September 21, 2011 Measure:H.Res.409 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the resolution. Result: Adopted 8–3. Record vote no. 130 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 131 Date: September 22, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2608 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report a rule providing for the disposition of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2608. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 131 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 132 Date: October 3, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2681, H.R. 2550 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To grant H.R. 2861 and H.R. 2250 each an open rule. Result: Defeated 2–8. Record vote no. 132 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 133 Date: October 3, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2681, H.R. 2550 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–2. Record vote no. 133 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 134 Date: October 6, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3078, H.R. 3079, H.R. 3080 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To amend the rule to provide that debate time be equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent to each trade agreement. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 134 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 135 Date: October 6, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2832, H.R. 3078, H.R. 3079, H.R. 3080 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–3. Record vote no. 135 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 136 Date: October 12, 2011 Measure:H.R.358 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2–5. Record vote no. 136 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 137 Date: October 12, 2011 Measure:H.R.358 Motion by: Mr. Woodall Summary of motion: To report a closed rule. Result: Adopted 5–2. Record vote no. 137 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 138 Date: October 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2273 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 2–5. Record vote no. 138 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 139 Date: October 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2273 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #14, offered by Rep. Castor (FL), which would ensure that coal combustion residuals that are beneficially reused may not be regulated as hazard material; amendment #2, offered by Rep. Cohen (TN), which would require the Administrator to revise the disposal criteria upon which the bill relies, to ensure that human health and the environment are protected from the risks posed by coal combustion residuals; amendment #16, offered by Rep. Ellison (MN), which would require that if section 4011 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as added by this bill, au- thorizes the appropriation of funds but does not comply with Cut-Go, then this section of the bill will no longer be effective; amendment #5, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would allow the Administra- tor to retain the authority to revise criteria for the disposal of coal combustion residuals; amendment #13, offered by Rep. Keating (MA),which would require structures to address groundwater monitoring and dust control according to the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed criteria; amendment #3, offered by Rep. Kissell (NC), which would require that materials used for addition to existing structures or construction of new structures (for coal combustion residuals) come from U.S. materials, except as specified in the amendment; and amendment #12, offered by Rep. Sewell (AL), which would require that the lead state agency responsible for implementing the coal combustion residuals permit program re- ceive from each permittee: 1)a description of how structure will protect against coal combustion residuals 2) a plan addressing spills of coal combustion residuals. Result: Defeated 2–5. Record vote no. 139 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 140 Date: October 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2273 Motion by: Mr. Woodall Summary of motion: To report a structured rule. Result: Adopted 5–2. Record vote no. 140 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 141 Date: October 24, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1904 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2–6. Record vote no. 141 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 142 Date: October 25, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2576, H.R. 674 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To grant H.R. 2584 and H.R. 674 both an open rule. Result:Defeated2–8. Record vote no. 142 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 143 Date: October 25, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2576 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the necessary waivers for Amendment #2 offered by Mr. Levin (D-MI) which would strike the text of the underlying bill, repeal the 3 percent withholding requirement in sec- tion 3402 of the Internal Revenue Code, and repeal the section 199 manufacturing deduction for major integrated oil and gas companies. Result:Defeated 2–8. Record vote no. 143 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 144 Date: October 25, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2576, H.R. 674 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–2. Record vote no. 144 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 145 Date: November 2, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2930, H.R. 2940 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule for both H.R. 2930 and H.R. 2940. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 145 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 146 Date: November 3, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2838 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 146 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 147 Date: November 3, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2838 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order en bloc and provide the necessary waivers for amendment #24, offered by Rep. Baldwin (WI), which would prohibit funds from being used to design, develop or procure Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter ships unless the main diesel engines are manufactured in the United States and made by American workers. To address any concerns that this could be a single source contract, this provision may be waived to ensure competition and the best value to the taxpayer; amendment #21, offered by Rep. Brown (FL), which would authorize the Corp of Engineer to construct projects that are critical to navigation safety; amendment #23, offered by Rep. Dingell (MI) and Rep. Slaughter (NY), which would allow a State to enact and enforce such laws as the States deems necessary to develop, implement, and enforce ballast water standards and programs established by the State; amendment #7, offered by Rep. Farr (CA), which would reauthorize the Marine Debris Programs within the United States Coast Guard and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration; amendment #5, offered by Rep. Kissell (NC) , which would prohibit the U.S. Coast Guard from procuring items classified as textiles and apparel that are not grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States; amendment #33, offered by Rep. Lipinski (IL), which would require a report on the country of origin for goods and supplies and to pro- mote acquisitions from domestic suppliers when possible; amendment #25, offered by Rep. Richardson (CA), which would give Port Security Grant recipients the flexibility to use some of their Port Security Grant funds for personnel expenses, which are currently prohibited from being used to fund statutorily- mandated security personnel costs; amendment #26, offered by Rep. Richardson (CA), which would allow recipients of the Port Security Grant program the ability to choose whether it is more cost effective to fix or replace defective security equipment; amendment #27, offered by Rep. Richardson (CA), which would ensure that when the Marine Transportation System Assessment and Strategy is drafted it includes a plan to identify maritime projects of national significance, steps taken to implement actions recommend- ed by the 9/11 Commission regarding 100 percent screening at ports, and a plan with recommended ac- tions for fully utilizing the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund; amendment #1, offered by Rep. Sanchez (CA), which would require the Commandant to report to Congress about the threat of, vulnerability to, and consequence of an act of terrorism using a small vessel to attack United States vessels, ports, or maritime interests; amendment #15, offered by Rep. Thompson (MS), which would add a new section to the end of Title IV of H.R. 2838 to allow Port Security Grant Program recipients (port operators) - for fis- cal years 2007 to 2009 to hold off on expending funds for procurement and installation of biometric read- ers, as required under 46 U.S.C. 70105, until a year after the regulation for the Transportation Worker Identification Credential biometric readers is issued by the Coast Guard.; and amendment #16, offered by Rep. Thompson (MS), which would modify Section 310 of H.R. 2838 to allow the Secretary of Home- land Security to access Coast Guard fixed-wing aircraft in the event of a terrorist incident and would add


the Committee on Homeland Security to the list of recipients for the Fleet Mix Analysis and Coast Guard Cutter study required under the section. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 147 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 148 Date: November 3, 2011 Measure: H.R. 2838 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 148 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 149 Date: November 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.822 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 149 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 150 Date: November 14, 2011 Measure:H.R.822 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #12, offered by Rep. Nadler (NY), which would prohibit a person known or suspected to be a terrorist from possessing or carrying a con- cealed firearm under the bill; and amendment #8, offered by Rep. Bishop (NY), which would direct the GAO to study the number of jobs created by enacting the bill. Result: Defeated 3–8. Record vote no. 150 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 151 Date: November 15, 2011 Measure:H.Res.466 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To amend the rule to strike the words "H. J. Res. 2" and insert "H. J. Res. 1, as reported by the Commit- tee on the Judiciary". Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 151 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 152 Date: November 15, 2011 Measure:H.Res.466 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To report an open rule for consideration of H.J. Res. 2. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 152 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 153 Date: November 15, 2011 Measure:H.Res.466 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 153 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 154 Date: November 16, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: Amendment #1a, offered by Ms. Slaughter, to amendment #1, offered by Mr. Dreier, to exempt any rule relating to public health and safety. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 154 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 155 Date: November 16, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: Amendment #1b, offered by Mr. McGovern, to amendment #1, offered by Mr. Dreier, to exempt any rule decreasing the poverty rate in the United States. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 155 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 156 Date: November 16, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: Amendment #1c, offered by Mr. McGovern, to amendment #1, offered by Mr. Dreier, to exempt rules re- lating to decreasing food insecurity. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 156 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 157 Date: November 16, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: Amendment #1d, offered by Mr. Hastings (FL), to amendment #1, offered by Mr. Dreier, to exempt rules resulting in net job growth as determined by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 157 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 158 Date: November 16, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Mr. Dreier Summary of motion: To report the bill favorably to the House with amendment. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 158 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 159 Date: November 17, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3094 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 159 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 160 Date: November 29, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3010, H.R. 3463, H.R. 527 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule for H.R. 3463, H.R. 527 and H.R. 3010. Result:Defeated3–7. Record vote no. 160 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV

Record Vote No. 161 Date: November 29, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3010, H.R. 3463 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1 to H.R. 3463, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), which would end taxpayer subsidies to oil companies. Result:Defeated3–7. Record vote no. 161 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV


Record Vote No. 162 Date: November 29, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3010 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the necessary waivers to make in order the amendment #7 to H.R. 3010 of- fered by Mr. Johnson (GA), which would create an exemption for any rule, or guidance that would result in net job creation. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 162 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV

Record Vote No. 163 Date: November 29, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3010 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 163 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV

Record Vote No. 164 Date: December 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 164 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 165 Date: December 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To strike amendment #6, offered by Rep. Ryan, in part A of this report and make conforming changes. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 165 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 166 Date: December 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To add two sections to the rule. The first section would require the Clerk of the House to notify Members of the date and time at which a measure was made publicly available. The second section would require the Clerk to establish a procedure to notify Members whenever a measure is made publicly available. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 166 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 167 Date: December 1, 2011 Measure:H.R.10 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 6–4. Record vote no. 167 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... NV Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 168 Date: December 7, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1633 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 168 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 169 Date: December 7, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1633 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the necessary waivers for amendment #4 to H.R. 1633, offered by Rep. Eshoo, which would require that if the EPA Administrator and the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Com- mittee find that the exemption in this bill would increase the incidence of asthma attacks, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, or premature mortality, then the bill's exemption from the Clean Air Act for particulate pollution has no effect. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 169 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 170 Date: December 7, 2011 Measure: H.R. 1633 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 170 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 171 Date: December 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3630 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 171 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 172 Date: December 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3630 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To amend the rule to extend debate time to 3 hours. Result:Defeated3–7 Record vote no. 172 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 173 Date: December 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3630 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for an amendment in the nature of a substitute to be offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan. Result: Defeated 3–7 Record vote no. 173 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 174 Date: December 12, 2011 Measure: H.R. 3630 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 174 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 175 Date: December 13, 2011 Measure: Conference Report to H.R. 1540 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 175 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 176 Date: December 16, 2011 Legislative Date: December 15, 2011 Measure:H.R.3672 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–2 Record vote no. 176 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 177 Date: December 19, 2011 Measure:SenateAmendmentstoH.R.3630 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order a motion to concur in the Senate amendments to H.R. 3630. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 177 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 178 Date: December 19, 2011 Measure: Senate Amendments to H.R. 3630 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 178 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 179 Date: January 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3575 [Original Jurisdiction] Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To change amendment #1a by Mr. McGovern to amendment #1 by Mr. Dreier, to strike section 7 from the bill. Result:Defeated2–5. Record vote no. 179 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 180 Date: January 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3575 [Original Jurisdiction] Motion by: Mr. Dreier Summary of motion: To amendment #1, by Mr. Dreier, striking provisions relating to the schedule for consideration of the budget and inclusion of matter related to the debt limit, and clarifying the expedited procedures in the bill. Result: Adopted 5–2. Record vote no. 180 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 181 Date: January 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3575 [Original Jurisdiction] Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To order the bill as amended reported to the House with a favorable recommendation. Result: Adopted 5–2. Record vote no. 181 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 182 Date: January 24, 2012 Measure: H.R. 1173 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated1–6. Record vote no. 182 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 183 Date: February 1, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3582, H.R. 3578 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report open rules for H.R. 3578 and H.R. 3582. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 183 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 184 Date: February 1, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3578, H.R. 3582 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order the following amendments to H.R. 3578 and provide the appropriate waivers: amend- ment #4, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), would require the Congressional Budget Office and the Fed- eral Reserve Bank, to the extent practicable, to jointly prepare a study on the Consumer Price Index, and other relevant indicators of inflation upon enactment of this bill; amendment #1, offered by Rep. Loebsack (IA), would exempt Department of Veterans Affairs discretionary appropriations, and to make in order the following amendments to H.R. 3582 and provide the appropriate waivers: amendment #10, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), would require the Congressional Budget Office, to the extent practica- ble, to include a microeconomic and statistical component in order to ascertain the potential impact of the Act on small businesses; amendment #7, offered by Rep. Quigley (IL), would require the CBO to pre- pare a macroeconomic impact analysis for any bill or resolution that provides aggregate new budget au- thority for any fiscal year for infrastructure spending estimated under Section 402 to be greater than 0.25 percent of GDP. The analysis would only be done for those sections of the bill or resolution that con- tain infrastructure spending. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 184 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 185 Date: February 3, 2012 Measure: H.R. 1734 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 185 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 186 ate: February 6, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3581 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 3–6. Record vote no. 186 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 187 Date: February 6, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3581 Motion by: Mr. Bishop Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 6–3. Record vote no. 187 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 188 Date: February 7, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3521 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To strike the suspension authority in the resolution. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 188 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 189 Date: February 7, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3521 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 189 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 190 Date: February 14, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3408, H.R. 3813, H.R. 7 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule for consideration of H.R. 3408, H.R. 3813, and H.R. 7. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 190 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 191 Date: February 14, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3408 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #135 to H.R. 3408, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), which would reduce the federal deficit by $40 billion by eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 191 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 192 Date: February 14, 2012 Measure:H.R.7 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #135 to H.R. 7, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), which would reduce the federal deficit by $40 billion by eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 192 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 193 Date: February 14, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3408 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To provide for consideration of amendment #135, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), as a free-standing bill. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 193 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 194 Date: February 14, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3408 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 194 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 195 Date: February 27, 2012 Measure: H.R. 2117 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2–7. Record vote no. 195 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 196 Date: February 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 1837 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 196 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 197 Date: March 6, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3606 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 197 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 198 Date: March 20, 2012 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–6. Record vote no. 198 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 199 Date: March 20, 2012 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #6 offered by Rep. Johnson (GA) and Rep. Braley (IA), which would specify that nothing in the bill shall preempt any applicable State constitutional provision; and amendment #7 offered by Rep. Poe (TX), #7, which would prevent the pro- visions of H.R. 5 from preempting any State law that is in effect on the date of enactment of the bill. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 199 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 200 Date: March 20, 2012 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #19 offered by Rep. DeGette (CO) which would deny the protections from a health care liability claim against a health care organization in the underlying bill to the extent such claim is based on an act or omission constituting a violation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 200 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 201 Date: March 20, 2012 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 201 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 202 Date: March 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 2309 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: The amendment would strike subtitle A of title I and replace it with a requirement that the USPS pro- vide greater transparency in their mail processing facility closure procedures. Result: Defeated 4–6. Record vote no. 202 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 203 Date: March 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3309 Motion by: Mr. Dreier Summary of motion: On agreeing to the resolution relating to the service of the Honorable John V. Sullivan. Result: Adopted 10–0. Record vote no. 203 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 204 Date: March 26, 2012 Measure:H.R.3309 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3–6. Record vote no. 204 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 205 Date: March 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3309 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment by Rep. Waters (CA), #4, which would require the Federal Communications Commission to create and implement rules requiring public disclosure of contributions received by any party that submits to the Commission facts, arguments, of- fers of settlement, or proposals of adjustment (either electronically or in writing), whenever such contri- butions may constitute a potential conflict of interest. Result: Defeated 3–6. Record vote no. 205 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 206 Date: March 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4281 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Rahall II (WV) and Rep. Bishop (NY) and Rep. Brown (FL) and Rep. DeFazio (OR), #1, which would provide a total of $109 billion in funding for FY 2012 and FY 2013 for reformed and restructured Federal highway, high- way safety, and public transportation programs. Would offset the highway, transit, and highway safety programs authorized by the bill in FY 2012 and 2013, and allows the USDOT to maintain a positive bal- ance in both the highway and transit accounts of the Trust Fund at the end of the bill. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 206 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 207 Date: March 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4281 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 207 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 208 Date: April 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4089, H. Con. Res. 112 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2–8. Record vote no. 208 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 209 Date: April 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4089 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #10, offered by Rep. Connolly (VA), which would clarify that state "Stand Your Ground Laws" do not supersede federal public safety laws. Result:Defeated2–8. Record vote no. 209 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 210 Date: April 17, 2012 Measure:H.R.9 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. McDermott (WA), which would extend for one year 100 percent expensing for capital expenditures, and offset the cost by repealing the section 199 manufacturing deduction for major integrated oil companies. Result: Defeated 3–6. Record vote no. 210 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 211 Date: April 17, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4348 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), would reduce the federal deficit by $40 billion by eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 211 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 212 Date: April 17, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4348 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Rahall II (WV) and Rep. Bishop (NY) and Rep. Brown (FL) and Rep. DeFazio (OR), which would provide a total of $109 billion in funding for FY 2012 and FY 2013 for reformed and restructured Federal highway, highway safety, and public transportation programs. Would fully pay for the highway, transit, and highway safe- ty programs authorized by the bill in FY 2012 and 2013, and allows the USDOT to maintain a positive balance in both the highway and transit accounts of the Trust Fund at the end of the bill. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 212 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 213 Date: April 17, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4348 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 213 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 214 Date: May 7, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5326 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To strike Section 3 of the resolution. Result:Defeated3–7. Record vote no. 214 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 215 Date: May 7, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5326 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 215 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 216 Date: May 9, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5652 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2 offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which would replace the entire sequester for 2013 – which would cause deep cuts to important domestic priorities and defense, and even cut Medicare -- with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Would protect our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates Agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for Big Oil. Would also reform the flood insurance program. Result: Defeated 3–8. Record vote no. 216 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 217 Date: May 9, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5652 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, the Congressional Progressive Caucus Substitute, offered by Rep. Honda (CA), Rep. Ellison (MN), and Rep. Grijalva (AZ), which would replace the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012 with alternative deficit reduction pro- posals including: adoption of the "Buffett Rule," repeal of the unneeded corporate tax expenditure, and closing loopholes that allow businesses to dodge their true tax liability. Result: Defeated 3–8. Record vote no. 217 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 218 Date: May 9, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5652 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–3. Record vote no. 218 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 219 Date: May 15, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4970 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To grant H.R. 4970 an open rule. Result:Defeated2–7. Record vote no. 219 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 220 Date: May 15, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4970 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #6, offered by Rep. Conyers Jr. (MI) and Rep. Lofgren (CA) and Rep. Moore (WI), which would strike all after the enacting clause and insert the language of the bipartisan Senate-passed VAWA Reauthorization S. 1925. Result:Defeated2–7. Record vote no. 220 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay


Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 221 Date: May 15, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4970 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #5, offered by Rep. Scott (VA), which would remove provisions in the bill that would impose mandatory minimum sentences. Result: Defeated 2–7. Record vote no. 221 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 222 Date: May 15, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4970 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–2. Record vote no. 222 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 223 Date: May 17, 2012 Legislative Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 223 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 224 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #101, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), Rep. Paul (TX), Rep. Smith (WA) and Rep. Jones (NC), which would require that the President carry out accelerated transition from U.S. Armed Forces to the Government of Afghanistan of combat operations by no later than the end of 2013; of military and security operations by the end of 2014, ac- companied by the redeployment of U.S. troops; and pursue robust negotiations to address Afghanistan’s and the region’s security and stability. It is the sense of Congress that should the president determine the necessity for post-2014 deployment of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Congress should authorize any such presence of troops. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 224 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 225 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #122, offered by Rep. Kucinich (OH), which would define any offeror seeking to bid on a Department of Defense contract who has been found in violation of a federal or state law that results in a conviction, civil judgment or administrative ruling during the three years preceding the date of submission of the offer as not having a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics. Would require that a potential contractor have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics in order to be eligible to receive a federal contract. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 225 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 226 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #123, offered by Rep. Kucinich (OH), which would prohibit the deployment of United States Armed Forces in support of a North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization mission without prior express authorization by Congress for such deployment, as required by the United States Constitution.


Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 226 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 227 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #218, offered by Rep. Kucinich (OH), which would prohibit a defense contractor from funding political action committees, independent expenditures or electioneering communications. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 227 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 228 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #178, offered by Rep. Keating (MA), which would freeze the transfer, reduction or elimination of Air National Guard units supporting an Air and Space Operations Center or an Air Force Forces Staff related to Air Force Global Strike Command and the surveillance mission of such command until the impact of the unit’s loss and other in- formation confirming that the Global Strike Command’s surveillance mission will not be impeded is re- ported to Congress. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 228 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 229 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #67, offered by Rep. Rep. Markey (MA), Rep. Sanchez (CA) and Rep. Johnson (GA), which would eliminate funding for the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility; funding in the authorization bill would be reduced by $100,000,000. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 229 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 230 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Rep. Rep. Tierney (MA), which would establish a permanent Special Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Opera- tions to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in contingency contracting and serve as expert resource for Con- gress. Would wind down the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) and Special In- spector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 230 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 231 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #186, offered by Rep. Rep. Tier- ney (MA), which would require the annual report on the United States Plan for Sustaining the Afghani- stan National Security Forces to include metrics that evaluate the value and utility of ANSF develop- ment activities at the program level and that ties such activities to long-term strategic objectives. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 231 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 232 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #187, offered by Rep. Rep. Tier- ney (MA), which would establish an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Contingency Contracting, who will serve as the principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics on matters relating to planning, funding, staffing, and managing contingency contracting of the Department of Defense. Would provide that the Office of Program Sup- port in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics is re- named as the Office of Contingency Contracting. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 232 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 233 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #27, offered by Rep. Andrews (NJ), which would make technical and clarifying changes to a section of the bill requiring a report on the transition away from the use of live tissue in certain medical training. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 233 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 234 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #191, offered by Rep. Barletta (PA), #191, which would require a report on the Department of Defense’s plan to increase air support while simultaneously reducing the number of National Guard troops along the U.S.-Mexico border. Would help to ensure that the plan does not comprise our border security and compels the Department of Defense to report to Congress any changes in illegal immigrant apprehension resulting after the plan’s implementation. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 234 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 235 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #169, offered by Rep. Bass (CA) and Lankford (OK), which would require DOD to include an evaluation of practices related to human trafficking in contractor performance assessments. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 235 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 236 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #12, offered by Rep. Rep. Bordallo (GU), which would provide additional enhancements to the authorities provided to DoD under section 103(a) of Title I of the Sikes Act. Would authorize DoD, pursuant to a cooperative agreement under the Sikes Act, to provide funds for the long term maintenance and improvement of natural resources on non- DoD lands without first having to protect such lands through acquisition of easements under the author- ity of 10 USC 2684a. Would enhance the ability of DoD to take action to relieve or eliminate current or anticipated challenges that could restrict, impede, or otherwise interfere with, whether directly or indi- rectly, current or anticipated military activities. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 236 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 237 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #13, offered by Rep. Bordallo (GU), which would help the Department of Defense (DoD) better protect military installations and rang- es from encroachment under the DoD Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative and the Sikes Act by enhancing cooperation with the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce and Interior through the more effective integration of actions under REPI and the Sikes Act with the programs of those agencies. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 237 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 238 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #45, offered by Rep. Bordallo (GU), which would incorporate the text of H.R. 44, the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, into H.R. 4310 as Title XVII. Would implement the recommendations of the Guam War Claims Review Commission. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 238 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 239 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #199, offered by Rep. Bordallo (GU), which would establish the “Southern Sea Otter Military Readiness Area” in California. Would pro- vide an exemption to incidental take provisions under the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act and provide for continued monitoring by the Secretary of the Navy and the Sec- retary of the Interior. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 239 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 240 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #214, offered by Rep. Rep. Boswell (IA) and Rep. Hinchey (NY), which would strike section 314, which prohibits the use of funds made available for the Department of Defense for the production or purchase of alternative fuel. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 240 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 241 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #215, offered by Rep. Boswell (IA), which would direct the DOD and VA to conduct a joint study on the incidence rate of breast cancer in service members and veterans. The study must include the demographic information of those service- members and veterans, an analysis of the clinical characteristics of breast cancer diagnoses, possible ex- posures to hazardous elements and cancer risk factors, geographic areas of residence prior to deploy- ment, and treatments received. The full cost of the study is offset from accounts that would remain above the Administration’s request. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 214 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 242 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #216, offered by Rep. Boswell (IA), which would direct the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on the effects of multiple deployments on the well-being of military personnel. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 242 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 243 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #18, offered by Rep. Braley (IA), which would require a report from the President, in consultation with the Secretaries of Defense, State and Veterans Affairs, on the long-term costs of military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 243 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 244 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #75, offered by Rep. Broun (GA), which would eliminate the current mandatory retirement age for reserve officers who serve as chaplains, medical professionals, dental professionals, veterinarians, or Judge Advocate Generals, so long as they continue to meet any other current requirements for such service. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 244 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 245 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #104, offered by Rep. Broun (GA), which would require that the federal government may not intentionally kill a U.S. citizen acting against U.S. interests overseas, unless that citizen is killed while actively resisting or attempting to escape cap- ture. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 245 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 246 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #146, offered by Rep. Carson (IN), which would require the Department of Defense to compile information on academic credit provided by institutions of higher education for experience gained in the military. Would require creation of a public- ly accessible website that lists this information to assist service member decisions on pursuit of higher education. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 246 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 247 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #14, offered by Rep. Coffman (CO), which would add a provision to Title XVI, Subtitle C, Part VII in order to amend the False State- ments Act by adding a new section 1041 that shall provide for increased penalties relating to small busi- ness fraud. Would extend the safe harbor provisions in Section 1681 to the new section 1041 of the False Statements Act. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 247 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 248 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #56, offered by Rep. Coffman (CO), which would reduce the number of General and Flag officers authorized in the Department of De- fense. Would place a statutory cap of .05% of the authorized end strength of all components of the armed services for a given fiscal year. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 248 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 249 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #157, offered by Rep. Connolly (VA), Rep. Kingston (GA) and Rep. Hinchey (NY), which would clarify that development of energy re- sources on federal land to provide power for DOD installations does enhance DOD's energy security. Would help meet energy security goals established by previous NDAAs. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 249 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 250 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #113, offered by Rep. Cravaack (MN), which would require construction projects on Military Bases within the United States to use do- mestically produced Iron and Steel, unless the Secretary waives the “Buy America” requirement or dur- ing times of war or National emergency. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 250 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 251 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #53, offered by Rep. Cuellar (TX), Rep. Turner (OH), Rep. Poe (TX), Rep. Green (TX) and Rep. McCaul (TX), which would require the Sec- retary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Ad- ministration, to develop and implement plans and procedures to fully integrate and utilize non-combat and aerial surveillance technologies and capabilities to enhance the security of the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 251 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 252 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #78, offered by Rep. Cummings (MD) and Rep. Chu (CA), which would add the Coast Guard to sections 507 and 535 of the bill, which re- quire the Secretary of Defense to develop plans to expand diversity and prevent and track hazing. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 252 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 253 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #91, offered by Rep. DeFazio (OR) and Rep. Garrett (NJ), which would help the Pentagon achieve audit readiness by requiring the Penta- gon to complete a validated full statement of budget resources (SBR), which list Defense funds received, obligated, and ultimately spent, by September 30, 2014. Would codify the timeline already established by Defense Secretary Panetta. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 253 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 254 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #92, offered by Rep. Ellison (MN), which would require contractors to disclose Federal election contributions and expenditures after a con- tract is awarded. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 254 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 255 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #43, offered by Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA), which would permit members of the Army who served honorably in the Tomb Guard Platoon of the 3d United States Infantry Regiment at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery to be eligible for burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 255 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 256 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #126, offered by Rep. Garamendi (CA), which would require a GAO report regarding the transfer of the BAMS Maintenance Training Fa- cility from Beale Air Force Base to Naval Air Station Pt. Mugu, California. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 256 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 257 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #130, offered by Rep. Garamendi (CA), which would require that Congress receive further studies and analyses regarding the costs and threats associated with building a third U.S. Ground-based Midcourse Defense missile site to be located on the East Coast. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 257 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 258 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #38, offered by Rep. Gingrey (GA), which would repeal subsections (a) and (c) of 5 U.S.C. section 7131 (allowing the use of civilian federal employee paid work time for union activities). Result: Defeated 0–9. Record vote no. 258 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 259 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #193, offered by Rep. Goodlatte (VA), which would make clear that any United States citizen detained in the United States on allega- tions resulting from the NDAA or the AUMF would be tried in a civilian court and be afforded their con- stitutional protections. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 259 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 260 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #190, offered by Rep. Hinchey (NY) and Rep. Heinrich (NM), which would require the Department of Defense to apply the Buy Ameri- can Act to the procurement of photovoltaic devices, including through the Department's use of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) and other contracts that utilize solar panels but purchases are made indirectly through a contractor. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 260 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 261 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #61, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would require the Secretary of Defense, prior to the implementation of the newly proposed outsourcing guidelines, to conduct an assessment to determine the effect that new outsourcing guidelines have or will have on minority and women-owned small businesses. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 261 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 262 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #62, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), #62, which would require the Secretary of Defense, prior to the awarding defense contracts to pri- vate contractors, to conduct an assessment to determine whether the Department of Defense has carried out sufficient outreach programs to assist minority and women-owned small business. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 262 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 263 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #63, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would require the Secretary of Defense, prior to awarding of defense contracts to private contractors, to conduct an outreach program to assist minority and women-owned small businesses. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 263 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 264 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #241, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would require the Secretary of Defense, prior to awarding of defense contracts to private contractors, to conduct an outreach program to assist minority and women-owned small businesses. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 264 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 265 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #208, offered by Rep. Johnson (GA), which would express the support of Congress for the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, regardless of age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, or disability. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 265 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay


Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 266 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #209, offered by Rep. Johnson (GA), which would include a finding that the NDAA authorizes a level of spending well in excess of de- fense spending limits under the Budget Control Act of 2011. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 266 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 267 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #32, offered by Rep. King (NY) and Rep. McCaul (TX), which would require the Department of Defense to award the Purple Heart to members of the Armed Forces who are killed or wounded in a terrorist perpetrated attack within the United States. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 267 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 268 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #122, offered by Rep. Kucinich (OH), which would define any offeror seeking to bid on a Department of Defense contract who has been found in violation of a federal or state law that results in a conviction, civil judgment or administrative ruling during the three years preceding the date of submission of the offer as not having a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics. Would require that a potential contractor have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics in order to be eligible to receive a federal contract. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 268 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 269 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #239, offered by Rep. Labrador (ID), #239, which would prohibit the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct surveillance on Ameri- can Citizens. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 269 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 270 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #176, offered by Rep. Langevin (RI), which would prevent procurement of additional ground-based interceptors equipped with a Capabil- ity Enhancement II exoatmospheric kill vehicle until after a successful operational test. Allows excep- tions for test assets and maintenance of a warm line for the industrial base. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 270 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV


Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 271 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #177, offered by Rep. Langevin (RI), which would give the Secretary of Homeland Security primary authority to create, verify, and en- force measures with respect to the protection of critical infrastructure. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 271 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 272 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #187, offered by Rep. Langevin (RI), Rep. Connolly (VA), Rep. Ruppersberger (MD) and Rep. Dicks (WA), which would create a National Office for Cyberspace in the Executive Office of the President, subject to Senate confirmation and em- powered with budget authority, to coordinate, develop, and update information security policies and pro- cedures across the federal government. Would also create an office of the Federal Chief Technology Of- ficer to promote technological innovation in the federal government, establish public-private partnership initiatives, and for other purposes. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 272 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 273 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #221, offered by Rep. Larsen (WA) and Rep. Sanchez (CA), which would provide that the Secretary of Defense shall not be prohibited from proceeding with the planned reductions of nuclear weapons. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 273 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 274 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #221, offered by Rep. Larson (CT), which would guarantee access to behavioral health treatment, including applied behavior analysis, un- der TRICARE for the children of DOD armed services personnel with autism spectrum disorders, when prescribed by a physician. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 274 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 275 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #132, offered by Rep. Lee (CA), which would repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 275 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay


Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 276 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #8, offered by Rep. McCollum (MN), #8, would prohibit them from sponsoring professional and semi-professional sports and athletes. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 276 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 277 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #48, offered by Rep. Miller (FL), which would clarify the EPA's jurisdiction over lead fishing tackle with regards to the Pittman- Robertson excise tax exemption under Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to prevent an undue cost burden on members of our Armed Forces, who enjoy outdoor recreational opportunities. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 277 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 278 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #167, offered by Rep. Miller (CA), Rep. Sanchez (CA) and Rep. Visclosky (IN), which would exclude nuclear and non-nuclear health and safety, security and financial oversight of covered contractors from the scope of performance-based over- sight requirements for National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) contractors. Would delete Sec- tion 3115 which establishes a new regulatory framework for health safety and security at NNSA facili- ties; would deletes Section 3202, which covers the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), ex- cept for the section that requires the DNFSB secure an Inspector General. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 278 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 279 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #36, offered by Rep. Moran (VA) and Rep. Capps (CA), which would establish survivor benefit plan annuities for special needs trusts for the benefit of dependent children incapable of self-support. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 279 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 280 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #159, offered by Rep. Moran (VA), which would require OPM to conduct an annual Federal employee viewpoint survey of Federal employ- ees. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 280 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV


Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 281 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #204, offered by Rep. Murphy CT), which would require additional information in the Department of Defense’s (DoD) annual report on manufactured goods purchased from foreign entities related to waivers of the Buy American Act. Would also require DoD to assess the domestic capacity to produce the items for which a waiver was granted. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 281 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 282 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #42, offered by Rep. Nugent (FL), which would strike the language in the bill regarding drug copays and insert a prohibition against any increase of cost-sharing rates for the pharmacy benefits program under TRICARE. Result:Defeated2–7. Record vote no. 282 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 283 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #23, offered by Rep. Owens (NY) and Rep. Hochul (NY), which would give DOD the authority to offer preferences on large contracts to companies that subcontract with domestic small business manufacturers. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 283 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 284 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #194, offered by Rep. Pearce (NM) and Rep. Markey (MA), which would strike section 3156 and replace with a GAO study, which will de- termine which uranium enrichment companies the United States government can legally purchase ura- nium from for tritium production and for fuel to power our nuclear navy. Would also include the price of purchasing from each facility. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 284 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 285 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #97, offered by Rep. Peters (MI) and Rep. Tipton (CO), which would increase the government wide goal for participation in procurement contracts for small businesses from 25% to 26% and for small disadvantaged businesses from 5.0% to 5.5%. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 285 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 286 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #110, offered by Rep. Poe (TX), which would prohibit all assistance to Pakistan except assistance to ensure the safety of nuclear weap- ons. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 286 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 287 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #112, offered by Rep. Poe (TX) and Rep. Barletta (PA), which would require that the Secretary of Defense make 10% of certain military equipment returning to the United States from Iraq and Afghanistan available for transfer to Federal, State, and Local law enforcement for border security along the southern border. Would define eligible equipment as high mobility multi-purpose wheel vehicles, night vision equipment, and MQ-9 Reaper drone aircraft. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 287 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 288 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #165, offered by Rep. Polis (CO) and Rep. Sanchez (CA), which would strike funding for nuclear weapons activities beyond the budget re- quest. Result:Defeated1–8.


Record vote no. 288 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 289 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #118, offered by Rep. Poe (TX), which would prohibit all assistance to the military forces of Pakistan. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 289 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 290 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #232, offered by Rep. Quayle (AZ), which would consolidate federal data centers at the Department of Defense. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 290 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 291 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #82, offered by Rep. Quigley (IL), which would allow the Secretary to purchase alternative fuels if the Secretary certifies that purchasing alternative fuels would enhance mission success and protect American service members. Result: Defeated 1–8.


Record vote no. 291 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 292 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #144, offered by Rep. Rigell (VA), which would authorize the Inspector General to investigate allegations of retaliatory personnel actions against members of the Armed Forces, if submitted by the individual service member, for communi- cating with the news media without authorization from their chain of command. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 292 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 293 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #211, offered by Rep. Ruppers- berger (MD), which would prohibit the home port of the USNS Comfort from being changed from Balti- more to Naval Station Norfolk. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 293 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 294 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #74, offered by Rep. Schiff (CA), which would express a sense of Congress that 74 United States naval personnel killed aboard the U.S.S. Frank E. Evans (DD-754) on June 3, 1969 be commemorated by having their names added to the Vi- etnam Veterans Memorial Wall. The Evans had been operating in support of the Vietnam War immedi- ately prior to diversion to a SEATO exercise just outside of the designated war zone, where a collision took place with HMAS Melbourne, an Australian aircraft carrier, on the night of June 3, 1969, resulting in the deaths of 74 personnel. The families and other shipmates and friends of the lost sailors have been working for years to get them added to the wall, noting that not only had they just left the designated war zone, but were due to return on completion of exercise. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 294 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 295 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #150, offered by Rep. Smith (WA), which would reverse restrictions on the authority of the Secretary of Energy, enabling higher-level and independent oversight of nuclear facilities and operations. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 295 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 296 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #121, offered by Rep. Speier (CA), which would require that sentencing of rape offenses in a military court be determined by a judge and that they refer to advisory sentencing guidelines similar to the Federal criminal courts. Result:Defeated1–8.


Record vote no. 296 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 297 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #128, offered by Rep. Speier (CA), which would amend contractor cost inventories to be kept in usable, downloadable formats and include where the work is performed, the total amount billed, overhead costs, and the cost if performed by a gov- ernment employee. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 297 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 298 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #197, offered by Rep. Sutton (OH), which would amend section 1514 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109-364, 120 Stat. 2439), as most recently amended, to extend the authority for use of the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund (JIEDDF) to enable better protection for deployed U.S. forces from improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Would permit the use of the JIEDDF for actions and activities intended to disrupt IED networks that rely on explosive device precursors that transit into Afghanistan where they can be used as components in the manufacture of improvised and homemade explosives. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 298 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 299 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #86, offered by Rep. Thompson (CA), which would facilitate naturalization for military personnel, veterans and their families who have honorably served the United States Armed Forces. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 299 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 300 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #85, offered by Rep. Thornberry (TX), which would amend the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (known as the Smith-Mundt Act) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to clarify the authorities of the Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to prepare, disseminate and use public diplomacy information abroad and to strike the current ban on domestic dis- semination of such material. Would clarify that the Smith-Mundt Act's provisions related to public di- plomacy information do not apply to other Federal departments or agencies (including the Department of Defense). Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 300 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 301 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #93, offered by Rep. Tonko (NY) and Rep. Speier (CA), which would limit the cost of federal compensation paid to defense contractors to $400,000 per individual per fiscal year. Result:Defeated1–8.


Record vote no. 301 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 302 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #24, offered by Rep. Velázquez (NY), which would require each branch of the military to develop and implement a policy to address inci- dents of hazing. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 302 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 303 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #26, offered by y Rep. Velázquez (NY), which would require each member of the armed forces to attend diversity and anti-hazing training on a regular basis. Would also require each branch of the military to collect data on each incident of haz- ing. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 303 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 304 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #28, offered by Rep. Velázquez (NY), which would require each branch of the military to develop an anonymous phone tip-line for re- porting incidents of hazing. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 304 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 305 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #30, offered by Rep. Velázquez (NY), which would create the Military Hazing Prevention Oversight Panel to monitor and make recom- mendations to improve the military’s anti-hazing policies. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 305 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 306 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #171, offered by Rep. Welch (VT) and Rep. Gibson (NY), which would authorize funding for any state wishing to include an outreach pro- gram (as authorized in Section 590 of the FY12 NDAA) as part of that state’s Yellow Ribbon Reintegra- tion Program. Outreach programs may include the training of veterans to work directly with returning National Guard members and/or their families on issues related to reintegration such as financial, em- ployment, mental or physical health, or family issues. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 306 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 307 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #134, offered by Rep. Young (AK), Rep. Bordallo (GU) and Rep. Loebsack (IA), which would expand full Space Available travel benefits on military aircraft to “gray area” retirees (National Guard members or Reservists who are eligible for re- tirement but under the age of 60) and surviving spouses. Would include a provision that would allow the Secretary of Defense to establish the priority categories for Space A travel and offsets with $2 million from Weapons Procurement, Navy, JSOW. Result: Defeated 1–8. Record vote no. 307 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 308 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #135, offered by Rep. Young (AK), Rep. Bordallo (GU) and Rep. Loebsack (IA), which would expand full Space Available travel benefits on military aircraft to “gray area” retirees (National Guard members or Reservists who are eligible for re- tirement but under the age of 60) and surviving spouses. Would include a provision that would allow the Secretary of Defense to establish the priority categories for Space A travel. Result:Defeated1–8. Record vote no. 308 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 309 Date: May 16, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4310 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–1. Record vote no. 309 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 310 Date: May 30, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5743 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To remove the waivers of all points of order for sections 566 and 567 of H.R. 5855, the Homeland Securi- ty appropriations bill. Result:Defeated2–7. Record vote no. 310 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 311 Date: May 30, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5743 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the following amendments to H.R. 5743, which would be en bloc 3: amendment #8, offered by Rep. Clarke, would require a threat assessment for cyber threats to critical infrastructure; amendment #6, offered by Rep. Cuellar (TX), would direct each agency that deals with classified documents to report back in 1 year potential security risks associated with the acquisition of computer hardware. Would require the agencies report to Congress with recommendations of what steps need to be taken to ensure computer hardware that is acquired for use with classified doc- uments is not at risk being used to disclose information to outside sources; amendment #7, offered by Rep. Cuellar (TX), which would direct the Director on National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense to work together to develop and implement a combined National and Defense Intelligence Strategy in conjunction with existing strategies; amendment #11, offered by Rep. Hahn (CA), which would require the Civil Liberties Protection Officer to review on an ongoing basis, and prepare, as necessary, privacy impact assessments on, the cybersecurity policies, programs, and activities of the Intelligence Communi- ty for such purposes as ensuring compliance with all relevant constitutional and legal protections; amendment #13, offered by Rep. Hahn (CA), which would establish the sense of Congress that the Intel- ligence community should prioritize the security of our nation’s ports as they play a crucial role to our


nation’s supply chain and economy; amendment #16, offered by Rep. Hahn (CA), which would require the Director of Intelligence to ensure that each element of the intelligence community appropriately co- ordinates with Federal, State, and local officials responsible for the protection of United States ports to detect, prevent, and respond to potential terrorist activity; amendment #9, offered by Rep. Hinchey (NY), which would require the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to report to the House and Senate Intel- ligence panels on information it has regarding the human rights violations of the military government in Argentina that resulted in 30,000 disappearances between the mid-1970's and mid-1980's; amendment #19, offered by Rep. Holt (NJ), which would require the AG and DNI to reveal how many U.S. Persons had their domestic communications intercepted since the implementation of the FISA Amendments Act; amendment #20, offered by Rep. Holt (NJ), which would amend the National Security Act of 1947 to pro- vide administrative penalties, up to and including termination, for any officer or employee of an intelli- gence community element who retaliates against an intelligence community employee or contractor who reports covered information (a violation of any law, rule, or regulation, or gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety) to an authorized member of Congress; amendment #21, offered by Rep. Holt (NJ), which would prohibit any Intelligence Community employee or contractor from engaging in the assassination/targeted killing of a U.S. person unless specific criteria are met; amendment #22, offered by Rep. Holt (NJ), which would re- quire the Director of National Intelligence and Director of the CIA to publicly disclosure any legal opin- ions or memoranda used to justify the President’s target killing program against United States persons; amendment #2, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would prevent any of the funds authorized un- der this Act from being used to violate a person’s civil liberties; and amendment #15, offered by Rep. Thompson (CA) and Rep. Heck (NV), which would direct the National Reconnaissance Office to establish and implement a program to utilize, train and deploy SCI cleared undergraduate and graduate students from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) areas of study. Result: Defeated 3–7. Record vote no. 311 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 312 Date: May 30, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5743, H.R. 5854, H.R. 5855, H.R. 5325 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 312 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 313 Date: June 6 2012 Measure: H.R. 436, H.R. 5882 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 3–8. Record vote no. 313 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 314 Date: June 6, 2012 Measure:H.R.436 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Levin (MI), which would substitute the language of the bill for (1) a 10 percent payroll tax credit for employers that hire new workers or increase existing worker wages; and (2) an extension of bonus depreciation for em- ployers. The substitute is completely offset by limiting the section 199 domestic production deduction and the use of the last-in-first-out method of inventory accounting for major integrated oil companies. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 314 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 315 Date: June 6, 2012 Measure:H.R.436 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order Rules Committee Print 112-514 as a stand-alone amendment, instead of automatically adopting it, and that it not be protected from the germaneness rule - clause 7 of rule XVI. Result: Defeated 3–8. Record vote no. 315 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 316 Date: June 6, 2012 Measure: H.R. 436, H.R. 5882 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–3. Record vote no. 316 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 317 Date: June 18, 2012 Measure: H.R. 2578 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule Result: Defeated to 3–7. Record vote no. 317 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV

Record Vote No. 318 Date: June 18, 2012 Measure: H.R. 2578 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Rep. King (IA), which would require the Corps of Engineers to increase the amount of flood storage capacity in the Mis- souri River's reservoir system so that it is sufficient to control the runoff associated with the largest flood experienced in the Missouri River. As of now, that is the historic flood of last year, 2011. Result:Defeated3–7. Record vote no. 318 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV


Record Vote No. 319 Date: June 18, 2012 Measure: H.R. 2578 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 319 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... NV

Record Vote No. 320 Date: June 19, 2012 Measure: H.R.4480 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), which would reduce the federal deficit by $40 billion by eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 320 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 321 Date: June 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4480 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #27, offered by Rep. Hastings (FL), which would require each drilling permit application to include an estimate of how much the price of gasoline will decrease as a result of any oil or gas found under the permit. Result: Defeated 4–7. Record vote no. 321 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 322 Date: June 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4480 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #25, offered by Rep. Polis (CO), which would direct the United States Geological Survey to conduct a study and prepare a report docu- menting potential impacts to the quantity and quality of water available for agricultural and municipal purposes caused by proposed oil shale leasing in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 322 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 323 Date: June 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4480 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4–7. Record vote no. 323 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 324 Date: June 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4480 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–4. Record vote no. 324 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 325 Date: June 27, 2012 Measure: H. Res. 711, H. Res. 706 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 325 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 326 Date: June 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6020, H.R. 5856, H.R. 4348 [Conference Report] Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–1. Record vote no. 326 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 327 Date: July 9, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6079 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. DeFazio (OR), which would repeal the health insurance industry’s anti-trust exemption. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 327 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 328 Date: July 9, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6079 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 4–8. Record vote no. 328 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 329 Date: July 9, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6079 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–4. Record vote no. 329 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 330 Date: July 10, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4402 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report the open rule. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 330 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 331 Date: July 10, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4402 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #8, offered by Rep. Bonamici (OR), Rep. Waters (CA), Rep. Berman (CA) and Rep. Moran (VA), which would prohibit issuance of mineral exploration or mine permit under the Act to a person found to be in violation of Sections 13(p) or 13(q) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, regarding trafficking in conflict minerals. Result:Defeated4–8. Record vote no. 331 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 332 Date: July 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4078, H.R. 6082 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result: Defeated 3–6. Record vote no. 332 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 333 Date: July 23, 2012 Measure:H.R.4078 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #71, offered by Rep. Markey (MA), which would exempt regulatory actions that protect the privacy or security of protected health in- formation from Title I and Title II of the bill. The amendment would also exempt regulations that pro- tect individuals from discrimination based on their genetic history from Title I and Title II of the bill. Result:Defeated3–6. Record vote no. 333 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay


Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 334 Date: July 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6082 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #XX, offered by Rep. XX, which would by Rep. Tonko (NY), #1, would prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from awarding a lease to a bidder on offshore oil and gas leases if the bidder does not disclose information about the campaign and SuperPac contributions the bidder made to influence an election for federal office during the 5-year pe- riod preceding the submission of the bid to the Secretary. Result:Defeated3–6. Record vote no. 334 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 335 Date: July 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4078 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #XX, offered by Rep. XX, which would by Rep. Hastings (FL), #15, would provide an exception to the underlying legislation, permitting agencies to make regulatory actions intended to protect senior citizens’ rights and benefits, including access to health care, food stamps, and other programs. Result: Defeated 3–6. Record vote no. 335 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 336 Date: July 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4078 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #18, offered by Rep. Cummings (MD), which would provide an exception for any regulatory action by the Department of Health and Human Services to carry out the Medicare program including any update to payment or reimbursement rates for providers of services or suppliers; amendment #29, offered by Rep. Frank (MA), which would create an exception from Titles I, II, IV, VI, and VII for rules by the financial regulators to address failed self-regulatory organizations, replace unreliable rates, such as LIBOR, or address misleading or


inaccurate submissions intended to manipulating the rates. A separate exception from title III would permit rules to facilitate settlement of claims related to LIBOR submissions; amendment #20 offered by Rep. Miller (CA),which would exempt from the definition of significant regulatory action a rule that would prevent coal miners from contracting pneumoconiosis (also known as black lung disease) or re- duce the number of coal miners contracting that occupational disease; and amendment#34, offered by Rep. Waxman (CA), which would exempt EPA and NHTSA’s consensus rule to increase fuel efficiency and reduce carbon pollution from Model Year 2017 – 2025 light-duty cars and trucks and similar rules from the moratorium on regulatory action. Result: Defeated 3–6. Record vote no. 336 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 337 Date: July 23, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4078, H.R. 6082 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 6–3. Record vote no. 337 Mr. Sessions...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 338 Date: July 25, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4078 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report the rule Result:Defeated3–6. Record vote no. 338 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... NV Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 339 Date: July 25, 2012 Measure: H.R. 4078 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7–3. Record vote no. 339 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 340 Date: July 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6169 [Original Jurisdiction Markup] Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: Amendment #1, by Mr. McGovern, to H.R. 6169, to require that expedited procedures only apply to tax reform. Result:Defeated2–6. Record vote no. 340 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 341 Date: July 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6169 [Original Jurisdiction Markup] Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: Amendment #2, by Mr. McGovern, to H.R. 6169, to prohibit the sponsor of the tax reform bill and the in- dividual making the notification under subsection (b) from being the same person. Result:Defeated2–6. Record vote no. 341 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 342 Date: July 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6169 [Original Jurisdiction Markup] Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: Amendment #3, by Mr. McGovern, to strike section 3. Result: Defeated 2–6. Record vote no. 342 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 343 Date: July 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6169 [Original Jurisdiction Markup] Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: Amendment #4, by Ms. Slaughter, to H.R. 6169, to strike all after section 1 and insert a Sense of Con- gress Regarding Comprehensive Tax Reform. Result:Defeated2–6. Record vote no. 343 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 344 Date: July 26, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6169 [Original Jurisdiction Markup] Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To order the bill reported to the House with a favorable recommendation. Result: Adopted 6–2. Record vote no. 344 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 345 Date: July 31, 2012 Measure:H.R.8 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Rep. Blumenauer (OR), which would restore estate tax relief in 2013, providing taxable estates an exemption rate of $3.5 million, a maximum tax rate of 45%, and provide unification of the estate and gift taxes and portability of estate tax relief. Result:Defeated3–8. Record vote no. 345 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 346 Date: July 31, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6169, H.R. 8 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8–3. Record vote no. 346 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 347 Date: September 10, 2012 Measure: H.R. 5544, H.R. 5949 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-3 Record vote no. 347 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... NV Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 348 Date: September 12, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6365 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD), #1, would replace the entire sequester for 2013 – which would cause deep cuts to important do- mestic priorities and defense, and even cut Medicare -- with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Would protect our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates Agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for Big Oil. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 348 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 349 Date: September 12, 2012 Measure: H.J. Res. 117, H.R. 6365 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rules for both H.J. Res. 117 and H.R. 6365. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 349 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 350 Date: September 12, 2012 Measure: H.J. Res. 117, H.R. 6365 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 350 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea


Record Vote No. 351 Date: September 12, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6213 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 351 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 352 Date: September 12, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6213 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 352 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 353 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.J. Res. 118, H.R. 3409 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report H.R. 3409 and H.J. Res. 118 each an open rule. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 353 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 354 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3409 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #10, offered by Rep. Boswell (IA), which would insert the text of the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 354 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 355 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3409 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #25, offered by Rep. Moore (WI), which would add S. 1925, the Violence Against Women Act, at the end of H.R. 3409. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 355 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 356 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3409 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #27, offered by Rep. Levin (MI), which would strike and replace the text of the act in consideration with the “Middle Class Tax Cut Act.” Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 356 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 357 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3409 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendments to H.R. 3409: #24, offered by Rep. Blumenauer (OR), which would strike the text of H.R. 3409 and replaces it with H.R. 3307, bipar- tisan legislation that will extend the Production Tax Credit until January 1, 2017 and #21, offered by Rep. Boswell (IA), which would extend the Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit through the end of 2016. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 357 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 358 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3409 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #19 to H.R. 3409, offered by Rep. Connolly (VA), which would insert the text of S. 1789, the "21st Century Postal Service Act of 2012." Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 358 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 359 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.R. 3409 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendments to H.R. 3409: #20, offered by Rep. Connolly (VA), which would provide protection from illness and death that may result from H.R. 3409, #2, offered by Rep. DeFazio (OR), which would clarify that nothing in Title I of the bill would preempt other federal departments or state and local agencies from enforcing rules to protect the envi- ronment, public health, and public safety from the impacts of mining and transporting coal, #4, offered by Rep. Deutch (FL),which would block the provisions of the Act until the National Cancer Institute determines that the Act will not result in an increased cancer risk for vulnerable populations, #17, of- fered by Rep. Holt (NJ), which would ensure that underlying bill does not prohibit the Secretary of In- terior from issuing regulations that are necessary to protect public health, protect the safety of work- ers, or to ensure a proper return to American taxpayers, and #3, offered by Rep. Tonko (NY), which


would prohibit the Secretary from awarding a lease to a bidder on coal leases if the bidder does not disclose information about the campaign and SuperPac contributions the bidder made to influence an election for federal office during the 5-year period preceding the submission of the bid to the Secretary. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 359 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 360 Date: September 19, 2012 Measure: H.J. Res. 118, H.R. 3409 Motion by: Mr. Sessions Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-2. Record vote no. 360 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall…………………….. Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea

Record Vote No. 361 Date: November 13, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6156 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-8 Record vote no. 361 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay


Record Vote No. 362 Date: November 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6429 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-7 Record vote no. 362 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 363 Date: November 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6429 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would strike section 3 to protect the Diversity Immigration Visa Program.; and the amend- ment #2 offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which would authorize Congress or the Secretary of the Depart- ment of Homeland Security to reallocate unused STEM visas to other classes of immigrant visas, while pro- tecting the Diversity Immigration Visa program and adding an additional 55,000 visas to the STEM pro- gram. Result:Defeated3-7 Record vote no. 363 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 364 Date: November 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6429 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the following amendments offered by Rep. Lofgren (CA) en bloc: amendment #4 which would strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the text of H.R. 2161, the Immigration Driving Entrepreneurship in America Act of 2012 or the IDEA Act of 2012.; and amendment #5 which would strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the text of H.R. 6412, the Attracting the Best and Brightest Act of 2012. Result:Defeated3-7 Record vote no. 364 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea


Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 365 Date: November 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6429 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Rep. Polis (CO), which would create a “Start-up Visa” for entrepreneurs and update the EB-5 visa system to help create American jobs by encouraging investment in U.S. companies. Result:Defeated3-7 Record vote no. 365 Mr. Sessions...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Ms. Foxx...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Nay Mr. Webster...... Nay Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Nay

Record Vote No. 366 Date: November 28, 2012 Measure: H.R. 6429 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Agreed to 7-3 Record vote no. 366 Mr. Sessions...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Ms. Foxx...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall…………………….. NV Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Scott of South Carolina...... Yea Mr. Webster...... Yea Mr. Dreier, Chairman...... Yea



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