

Written by Beau Willimon

Directed by Carl Franklin

Knight Takes King Productions, LLC WHITE DRAFT (4.15.13) Knight Takes King Productions, LLC BLUE REV. DRAFT (4.22.13) c/o MRC Studios PINK REV. DRAFT(4.25.13) 1800 Century Park East, 10th Floor YELLOW REV. DRAFT (6.06.13) Los Angeles, CA 90067 AS BROADCAST (1.30.14)

This material is the property of Knight Takes King Productions, LLC and is intended solely for use by its personnel and other authorized persons. Distribution or sale to any unauthorized persons or duplication in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. 1 EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - NIGHT 67 1 We begin where we ended - the Underwoods’ neighborhood. Francis and Claire appear in the distance, running side by side through the shadows. As they reach the end of a path, they pause. Look around. With a nod to each other, they start off again.

2 EXT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - NIGHT 67 2 Stamper waits by the front steps - stoic, but agitation in his eyes. Meechum waits with him. A long pause. Stamper glances at his watch. MEECHUM We could jump in the car, if... STAMPER We’ll wait. Another pause. To fill up the silence... MEECHUM Did you get the Congressman anything for his birthday? STAMPER No. MEECHUM I got him cuff links. Silver, with his - STAMPER We don’t talk about birthdays. And we don’t do gifts. MEECHUM Why not? STAMPER You should return the cuff links. Francis and Claire appear behind Stamper. FRANCIS Doug. STAMPER I tried calling you.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 2. 2 CONTINUED: 2 FRANCIS I left my phone in-- STAMPER We need to talk. Francis walks up beside Stamper. In hushed tones -- FRANCIS What’s going on? STAMPER Christina. I just spoke to her. FRANCIS Did Zoe...? STAMPER Yeah. And that’s not all. They tracked down Rachel too. CLAIRE (O.S.) Francis?

3 INT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - 1ST FLR - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 673 Francis stretching, using the couch arm for support. He still has his running attire on. Stamper stands beside him. Claire is in the kitchen during the beginning of the scene getting two glasses of water. We can hear the clinking of glasses and the running of the faucet in the background. FRANCIS Tell me about Rachel. Where is she? STAMPER I have her under control. FRANCIS That’s not what I asked. STAMPER I drove her home. We don’t have to worry about her. FRANCIS You said the same about Ms. Skorsky. (beat) Anyone else involved?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 3. 3 CONTINUED: 3 STAMPER Just Janine and Zoe. They asked about Russo’s arrest. And they know he went to see Kapeniak. I assume that’s as far as they’ve gotten. FRANCIS Assume nothing. STAMPER I’ll alert Barney Hull. What do you want me to do about Zoe? FRANCIS I’ll handle Zoe. Get to work. STAMPER Yes sir. Stamper nods and exits. Francis heads to the smoking window. Opens the cigarette box. There’s nothing inside. Claire enters with the two waters and hands one of them to Francis. CLAIRE I emptied it. You’re another year older on Tuesday. And we can’t have a Vice President who smokes.

4 OMIT 4

5 INT. ZOE’S APARTMENT - DAY 68 5 Lucas and Zoe in a tangle - sweat, moans, muscles flexing, backs arching. Zoe on her stomach, Lucas on top of her. TIGHT on Zoe’s face. The more vigorous he becomes, the more distant she does. He quickens his pace, lost in the moment. He has given himself over to pure physicality. But Zoe is complete disconnection, the residue of past experiences vaulting her out of the moment into numbness. ZOE Can you finish?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 4. 5 CONTINUED: 5 LUCAS What? ZOE I’m good. Lucas drops down beside her. LUCAS What’s wrong? ZOE Nothing. I just said finish. LUCAS I don’t want to just...if you’re not... ZOE Okay, fine. Whatever. She gets up, heads toward the bathroom. LUCAS Zoe? Did I do something that made you...? ZOE No. LUCAS Zoe, you can’t say something like “just finish” and shut down. We hear the shower go on. Lucas gets up and heads into the bathroom. Zoe is facing the stream. LUCAS (CONT’D) This is safe, Zoe. I’m not him. A coldness comes over Zoe. She pulls back the curtain. Stares at him.

6 INT. FRANCIS’S INNER OFFICE - DAY 68 6 JACQUELINE SHARP (mid 30s), seated in an armchair, one of her legs casually draped over the other. She’s sexy, but her demeanor is business-like. She’s self-possessed, with sharp, observant eyes. She’s looking at the encased whip on the wall. Her gaze shifts to the left.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 5. 6 CONTINUED: 6 She turns to see Francis enter. FRANCIS Good morning, Jackie. SHARP Good morning. They shake hands. She points to a pair of photos on the wall showing LBJ intimidating one of his colleagues. SHARP (CONT’D) Richard Russell? FRANCIS Civil Rights Act. 1963. SHARP Not everyone can be on the right side of history. FRANCIS Not even Lyndon for a time, but he would’ve never become Majority Leader without him. SHARP Well there’s no Johnson Senate building. FRANCIS No, he had to settle for a Presidential library. (changing course) So it’s been some time since you and I have had a chance to catch up. You’ve been an outstanding Deputy, Jackie. Far more effective than your more seasoned colleagues. You’re a coalition builder. Fighter when you have to be. Tell me, where do you see yourself headed? SHARP I’d like to aim for the Chair of Armed Services. Or Homeland Security. FRANCIS Have you ever considered serving in the Leadership?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 6. 6 CONTINUED: 6 SHARP I figure that might be possible eight, ten years from now. FRANCIS What if I suggested you could be in the Leadership this term. To replace me - as Whip. This is the very last thing Sharp was expecting. She thinks for a moment, then puts it together -- SHARP You’re being tapped for V.P. FRANCIS Let’s assume that’s true. SHARP Well that makes sense, but me as Whip... FRANCIS Yes. SHARP A third-term Congresswoman? FRANCIS A universally admired incumbent. Who also happens to be a war veteran. SHARP Webb is next in line. Or Buchwalter. FRANCIS Mmhmm. So just consider that for a moment. SHARP They’ll draw votes from one another. FRANCIS Oh, I’m not saying you wouldn’t have to fight for it. As Francis gets up and heads over to his computer --

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 7. 6 CONTINUED: 6 FRANCIS (CONT’D) But I’d be willing to give you the ammunition. Come over here. He types a few strokes on the keyboard. She gets up, joins him. They look at the screen. SHARP What is this? FRANCIS My files on Webb and Buchwalter. She glances at him, alarmed. FRANCIS (CONT’D) Why don’t you take a look. We’ll speak in a few days. She sits as Francis heads for the door. FRANCIS (CONT’D) Oh and there’s one on you. You might want to begin by reading that one first. And he’s out. TIGHT on the computer screen. We see Jackie move the cursor to the file that says “Sharp.” She clicks. As she looks over the file, we CUT TO --

A7 INT. LUCAS’ CAR - DAY 68 A7 Lucas driving, Zoe in the passenger seat, texting Janine. LUCAS What’d Janine say? ZOE The strip club’s not open yet. You’ll look into Kapeniak? LUCAS If he’s on the grid I’ll find him. ZOE Drop me at Metro Center. LUCAS Not the office? ZOE I’m gonna talk to Rachel.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 8. A7 CONTINUED: A7 LUCAS She’ll deny everything, like she did last night. ZOE She can’t deny getting into Stamper’s car. You saw her. LUCAS Maybe you send a version of the story - about her Dad... ZOE No one would print it. LUCAS Rachel doesn’t know that. ZOE She said “Go to town, bitch.” It won’t work. I have to get in her face.

7 OMIT 7

8 INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE - DAY 68 8 Francis walks through the ante-room. As he enters the Oval Office, he sees WALKER behind his desk and BIRCH, WOMACK and VASQUEZ seated on the couches. They all stand (except for Walker) as he enters, greet, shake hands. WOMACK (to Francis, genuinely) Congratulations. BIRCH (anything but) We’re thrilled for you. FRANCIS Thank you. As they all sit. WALKER (to Francis) I wanted to fill in Bob and Terry personally. Now let’s get to it. He looks to Vasquez.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 9. 8 CONTINUED: 8 WALKER (CONT’D) I have to leave for Pittsburgh in - what? VASQUEZ Twenty minutes. WALKER (to Francis) Home stretch with Jim. Whistle-stop tour. FRANCIS Looking good out there. WALKER Very good. But we don’t want to take any chances. Now, your replacement as Whip, Frank. Bob has already shared some thoughts. BIRCH I like Howard Webb. FRANCIS Webb is a solid choice. Have you thought about Wes Buchwalter? BIRCH (to Walker) Buchwalter’s a hot-head. WALKER Well, could you live with Webb, Frank? FRANCIS Webb is a good tactician, but he lacks follow-through. BIRCH The problem with Buchwalter is he’s too abrasive. No charm. Lots of enemies. WALKER Is there a third option? BIRCH They’re the two most senior members in the caucus. It’s their turn.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 10. 8 CONTINUED: 8 FRANCIS Mr. President, what if we let the caucus pick? Let it be a wide open race? Both men are qualified. BIRCH The leadership should be united in this. We don’t want to be backing different candidates, Frank. FRANCIS So we stay out of it. Neither of us backs anyone. WOMACK I like it. The caucus will respect someone who did it the old- fashioned way. WALKER Gentlemen, it’s your call to make. Figure it out amongst yourselves, let me know what you decide. FRANCIS Thank you, Mr. President. They all stand and exit as Walker heads to his desk and turns on the speakerphone. Vasquez remains with him. WALKER (into the phone) Put me through to Secretary Lewis...

9 INT. WHITE HOUSE - WEST WING HALLWAY - DAY 68 9 Francis, Birch and Womack walk down the hall side by side. BIRCH Frank, I don’t want to go to battle with you on this. We’ve been down that road. FRANCIS I couldn’t agree more. BIRCH An open race makes me nervous.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 11. 9 CONTINUED: 9 FRANCIS Well look, it was just a suggestion. BIRCH I’ll put some thought into it. FRANCIS Thank you. Francis and Womack watch him go. WOMACK You know, let me... Let me go work on him. FRANCIS Well, good luck.

A10 INT. SLATER’S RESTAURANT - DAY 68 A10 Rachel has just finished taking an order. As she heads toward the kitchen she sees Stamper sitting at a table on the other side of the room, looking at a menu. She goes over to him, wary. RACHEL What are you doing here-- STAMPER Ask me what I want to order. RACHEL (after a beat) Have you decided, sir? Stamper continues to look at the menu as he speaks. STAMPER I need you to quit your job. Tell Leon it’s your last day. RACHEL Why...? STAMPER Act normal. RACHEL (beat) Would you want a side with that?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 12. A10 CONTINUED: A10 STAMPER They found you once. We can’t take the chance they’ll find you again. RACHEL But what am I supposed to -- STAMPER Do as I say. Go home and pack your things. I’ll come by around ten. RACHEL Hold on, I don’t a say in any-- STAMPER (firmly) Stop it. A couple patrons at a nearby table look over. STAMPER (CONT’D) (now calmly) One suitcase. That’s it. RACHEL (trying to be calm) Can you at least tell me-- STAMPER (shutting her down) I’ll take the shepherd’s pie with a side of Brussels sprouts. To go. He hands the menu to her. The look in his eyes says the conversation is over. She makes for the kitchen. OFF Rachel, fearful and frustrated.

10 INT. CWI OFFICES - CLAIRE’S OFFICE - DAY 68 10 Claire sits across from OLIVER SPENCE, her lawyer. SPENCE We don’t want a trial. Her lawyers don’t want a trial, but Ms. Cole won’t listen to reason. That said, if you give me a little more time...

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 13. 10 CONTINUED: 10 CLAIRE If she wants to go to court, then let’s give her that. SPENCE Just because she’s being unreasonable now doesn’t mean she won’t-- CLAIRE I’m done. SPENCE That’s a knee-jerk reaction. I’ve never known you to be a person who was irrational or impatient. Let me check back with her lawyers and maybe- CLAIRE (definitively) What is the soonest we can get a trial date? SPENCE Claire... CLAIRE Give me a time frame. SPENCE Six months, at the earliest. CLAIRE Inform her people. Then no more communication. SPENCE As your counsel it is my duty to strongly advise you against this. CLAIRE I understand. And I thank you Oliver. She stands. Spence stands and shakes her hand, exits. CLAIRE (CONT’D) Thank you. Claire’s ASSISTANT enters.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 14. 10 CONTINUED: 10 CLAIRE (CONT’D) So? ASSISTANT (hands her a packet) They wouldn’t give me individual contact info - but here’s every doctor who served in East Africa during the last three years. CLAIRE And what about the HMO? ASSISTANT You need a consent form. (points) It’s in the packet. The Assistant leaves. Claire opens the packet and begins to look it over.

11 INT. SLATER’S RESTAURANT - DAY 68 11 Zoe enters. It’s a busy lunch-hour crowd. Zoe starts looking around. The ASSISTANT MANAGER approaches her. ASST. MANAGER Can I help you? ZOE Yeah, I’m looking for Rachel Posner. ASST. MANAGER (darkens) She’s not here. He returns to working. Zoe follows. ZOE Uh, is she coming in later? ASST. MANAGER Why? ZOE I know her. ASST. MANAGER Well your friend really screwed me over.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 15. 11 CONTINUED: 11 ZOE What happened? ASST. MANAGER She took off, middle of her shift. I had to put my hostess on wait- staff duty. ZOE Look, I’m concerned. Rachel’s in real trouble. ASST. MANAGER I don’t care what her personal issues are. ZOE I just need to know where she lives. ASST. MANAGER I thought you knew her. ZOE I do. It’s just been a while. And she sent me a text message saying she wants to hurt herself... and now she won’t answer her phone. He doesn’t respond. ZOE (CONT’D) She has a history of mental illness. You’ve got to help me out. ASST. MANAGER Look, I can’t. Her W-2 - the address is a P.O. Box. ZOE I’ll take whatever I can get. ASST. MANAGER Let me see what I got in the office. ZOE Thank you. ASST. MANAGER If you find her, you tell her not to come back. I don’t need some nutcase creating chaos in here.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 16. 11 CONTINUED: 11 And he heads back toward the kitchen.

12 INT. FRANCIS’S OUTER OFFICE - DAY 68 12 Francis enters. As he makes his way toward Doug’s office, he passes Nancy’s. Her desk is stacked with gifts and cards. FRANCIS Nancy? NANCY Yes sir. FRANCIS Is Doug back yet? NANCY In his office. And Francis makes for the door. Nancy follows. NANCY (CONT’D) And sir? Francis turns back to her. NANCY (CONT’D) Birthday cards have started to arrive. A few presents. FRANCIS Thank you notes. Inventory the presents. Anything valuable - NANCY Goes in the conference room. FRANCIS Anything cheap -- NANCY Goes to the interns. FRANCIS You know what to do with the cards. NANCY Yes sir. And Francis lets himself into Doug’s office. We follow Nancy back into hers. She picks up all of the cards and dumps them in the trash. 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 17.

13 INT. STAMPER’S OFFICE - DAY 68 13 Francis and Stamper are mid-planning session, both are standing. STAMPER I’m picking her up tonight. I’ve got everything set up for her in Joppa. FRANCIS Where is that? STAMPER Maryland, about 30 minutes north of Baltimore. FRANCIS That’s close to home. STAMPER We want her to disappear, but not on us. FRANCIS Fine. Do you have the burner? STAMPER Yeah. Stamper goes to his desk, opens a drawer. Pulls out a burner phone still in the packaging. Hands it to Francis. STAMPER (CONT’D) Happy birthday. Francis gives him a glare - he’s not in a joking mood. Stamper’s back to business. STAMPER (CONT’D) It’s pre-paid. All you need to do is turn it on and dial. As Francis opens the box -- STAMPER (CONT’D) We still have the phone history. Francis starts for his office, then stops and turns.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 18. 13 CONTINUED: 13 FRANCIS All the more reason to be safe going forward. Where are we with Christina? STAMPER I’m on it. Linda’s office. I called her this morning. And he disappears into his office.

14 EXT. GILLIAN’S APARTMENT - DAY 68 14 An agitated PROFESSIONAL WOMAN (mid 40s) exits her car. She hurries up to Gillian, who is walking down the street with her groceries in cloth re-usable bags. She’s five months pregnant and the bump is really showing now. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN Are you Gillian Cole? GILLIAN Yeah. Uh, have we met? PROFESSIONAL WOMAN No, we haven’t met. You know my husband. GILLIAN Your husband... PROFESSIONAL WOMAN David Applebaum. Gillian goes pale. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN (CONT’D) (looking at her belly) So it’s true. GILLIAN It was a mistake... PROFESSIONAL WOMAN (pulls out a phone) You want to see our kids? I can show you pictures. GILLIAN Mrs. Applebaum, I-- Gillian skirts past the Woman to her apartment.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 19. 14 CONTINUED: 14 PROFESSIONAL WOMAN Who the fuck do you think you are? GILLIAN Look, I’m sorry. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN You’re sorry? I don’t think you’re sorry. And don’t think for a second you’re going to use that baby to get money out of us. GILLIAN He doesn’t even know I’m pregnant. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN But you knew he was married. How could you? Did he talk about us? GILLIAN No... PROFESSIONAL WOMAN Lying bitch. She’s getting loud now. A person across the street takes notice. Gillian lets herself into her apartment, keeping the Woman in the doorway. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN (CONT’D) Am I embarrassing you? Did you think about how you would humiliate me and my kids? (beat) Use a condom the next time you fuck somebody’s husband. Gillian closes the door and the woman walks off. Off Gillian, mortified.

15 EXT. / INT. 4TH STREET CAFÉ - DAY 68 15 A small fuel-efficient car that’s seen better days pulls up in one of the parking spaces. Janine gets out. Goes over to the passenger side. Pulls out computer case and several reams of documents. She carries the heavy load toward the front door. Enters. She walks through the well-lit eating area toward a dimmer back section that resembles a bar. Finds Lucas and Zoe nursing coffees at a table in the back. Takes a seat. Over this we hear --

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 20. 15 CONTINUED: 15 ZOE (O.S.) It’s been less than 24 hours. She quits her job in the middle of a shift? JANINE (O.S.) She’s scared. I’d take off too. ZOE (O.S.) It’s Underwood. He’s moving faster than we are. LUCAS (O.S.) What about the stripper? JANINE (O.S.) Refuses to talk. ZOE (O.S.) Kapeniak? LUCAS (O.S.) No current address. No siblings. Parents are dead. ZOE (O.S.) Rachel’s the last loose end. She must know something else. Bigger than the DUI. JANINE (O.S.) Do you have any idea where she went?

16 INT. 4TH STREET CAFÉ - DAY 68 16 Zoe and Janine in a booth. ZOE I got a P.O. Box in Dupont. But none of the clerks have seen her. I could go stake it out, but... Lucas walks over with a fresh coffee. JANINE (to Lucas) Have you talked to your guy yet?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 21. 16 CONTINUED: 16 LUCAS The next day or two. He’s bringing me the police report on Russo’s suicide. I’ll press him for more. JANINE (to Zoe) What’s your next move? ZOE Trying to figure out how to respond to this. She turns on the screen to her phone. Shows both of them. It’s a text from “Unknown”. It reads: “Monday 3pm. Tell me where.” Lucas and Janine both look up. The following gets increasingly uncomfortable for Janine as Zoe and Lucas argue. ZOE (CONT’D) I got it a couple hours ago. LUCAS I think he’s setting her up. ZOE I know how to handle him. LUCAS The less he knows the better. ZOE We might learn something. LUCAS Not with him calling the shots. ZOE I’m choosing the place. LUCAS As if that makes a difference. ZOE I’m not going to fuck him. Just talk to him. That was hurtful. It’s awkward with Janine there and she senses it. JANINE I’m gonna go to the bathroom.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 22. 16 CONTINUED: 16 She gets up, leaving Zoe and Lucas alone. ZOE I’m sorry - I shouldn’t have -- LUCAS It’s okay. ZOE No it’s not. LUCAS I just don’t want you to be careless. ZOE I won’t be.

17 OMIT 17

A18 INT. VASQUEZ’S OFFICE - DAY 69 A18 Christina is seated with Vasquez. VASQUEZ You want no life? You want more work than three people can handle? You want a decent chance that you could be fired within your first month? If that tempts you, we can keep talking. CHRISTINA None of that intimidates me. I’ve been running a Congressional district for the past nine weeks with zero assistance. Nobody elected me. Nobody taught me. I’ve done it because somebody had to. VASQUEZ What happened was tragic, but you won’t get sympathy from me. I don’t have time for it. CHRISTINA I wouldn’t be sitting here if I wanted a shoulder to cry on. Vasquez considers her. She likes this woman.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 23. A18 CONTINUED: A18 18 INT. RACHEL’S APARTMENT - NIGHT 68 18 It’s dark. We hear a knock. No answer. STAMPER (O.S.) Rachel? No answer. We hear keys in the lock. Stamper enters. It’s too dark for him to make anything out farther into apartment. All the lights are off. He flips the switch. When the light comes on, we see Rachel, knees to her chest on the couch on the far side of the apartment. RACHEL Leave. Stamper takes a step closer. RACHEL (CONT’D) I said leave. Rachel stands. She holds up a butcher knife. It shakes in her hand. Stamper remains cool. STAMPER Are you packed? RACHEL I’m not going anywhere. STAMPER So you didn’t quit today. RACHEL I did. But I changed my mind. STAMPER This isn’t your decision to make. RACHEL I’m keeping my job and I’m keeping this apartment. STAMPER No you’re not. RACHEL You promised you’d make all this go away.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 24. A18 CONTINUED: A18 STAMPER And you starting over is the first-- RACHEL No, I already started over. I don’t want to start over again. STAMPER I wish you didn’t have to. She takes a step closer to Stamper. They’re still 15 feet away from each other though. RACHEL Get out. Stamper doesn’t move. She comes closer. RACHEL (CONT’D) GET OUT! STAMPER Lower your voice. She’s only a couple feet away from him now. RACHEL I’ll fucking kill you. STAMPER Go ahead. He stares at her, not flinching. He lets the blade linger for a moment, then swiftly grabs her wrist and yanks the knife up and presses her against the wall. He pries the knife out of her hands and throws it across the floor. STAMPER (CONT’D) I am the only one who can protect you. Don’t you see that? You have no idea how much danger you’re in. He releases his grip on her suddenly, causing her to tumble downward. She begins to cry. Moves to the couch. Stamper walks over to a storage closet. Pulls out a suitcase. Tosses it on the floor. STAMPER (CONT’D) Hey. Rachel looks up.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 25. A18 CONTINUED: A18 STAMPER (CONT’D) Start packing. She stares at him for a moment, then kicks the suitcase away.

19 INT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - 1ST FLR - KITCHEN - DAY 69 19 Early in the morning. Claire is dressed for work, looking over some paperwork at the kitchen counter. Francis enters with his briefcase. Claire hands him a cup of coffee. He takes a sip. CLAIRE You know I ask every year... FRANCIS Nothing. As usual. CLAIRE I thought we could have dinner. FRANCIS Only if it’s someplace where nobody will recognize us. I don’t want anyone walking up -- CLAIRE I mean at home. I’ll cook something. FRANCIS No cake. CLAIRE No cake. FRANCIS No gifts. CLAIRE No gifts. FRANCIS I could do that. Grabs his briefcase and starts out. FRANCIS (CONT’D) How’s the lawsuit coming? CLAIRE We’ll be fine. 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 26.

20 INT. FRANCIS’S INNER OFFICE - DAY 69 20 Francis is sitting across from SPECIAL AGENT ROCKLAND - early 40s - head of the Vice Presidential Secret Service Detail. Stamper works at a table beside them. ROCKLAND We’d like to increase the size of your detail to full head-of-state status starting tomorrow. FRANCIS Well that won’t be happening. ROCKLAND (after a beat) It’s good to get a head start, so that by the time the announcement -- FRANCIS These are my last few days before I never have privacy again. Francis makes his way to his desk. FRANCIS (CONT’D) I intend to savor these moments for as long as I can. ROCKLAND But sir, in terms of safety, I think there’s-- FRANCIS Until I’m confirmed as the Vice President, security is at my discretion, is that correct? ROCKLAND Technically, yes... FRANCIS Then that’s settled. ROCKLAND Alright, we’ll wait until the announcement. Now, assuming the confirmation goes through, we’ll need to work out the logistics of moving you into the Naval Observatory...

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 27. 20 CONTINUED: 20 FRANCIS That won’t be happening either. Rockland looks truly perplexed now. Stamper chimes in. STAMPER The Congressman will be remaining in his townhouse. ROCKLAND But it doesn’t have the necessary security infrastructure. Stamper gets up, stands over Rockland. STAMPER Then you’ll need to build it. ROCKLAND We’re talking blast-proofing, hard- wired communications networks, 24- hour office space for the -- FRANCIS Where there’s a will, there’s a way. STAMPER I’ll contact you directly about setting a plan in motion. They’re steam-rolling him now. Stamper extends his hand. Rockland takes a moment before shaking it. FRANCIS Oh, and one last thing before you go. I’d like to have Edward Meechum serve on my detail. ROCKLAND He’s Capitol Police. FRANCIS For now. You’re about to appoint him to the Secret Service. ROCKLAND That would require an accelerated training program. Sir, we have plenty of qualified agents, men and women with years of experience --

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 28. 20 CONTINUED: 20 FRANCIS And I look forward to working with all of them as long as Edward Meechum is on their detail. Thank you very much for your time. ROCKLAND Thank you, sir. As Stamper shows Rockland to the door, we hear a text alert. Francis pulls out his burner phone. Looks at the screen, solemnity washing over his face. It’s a text from Zoe: “Rock Creek Park.” Francis types out “On my way.” Sends. He picks up the land line, presses a button. FRANCIS (into the phone) Nancy, have Meechum bring the car around.

A21 OMIT A21

21 INT. USED FURNITURE STORE - DAY 69 21 The sort of low-budget, fluorescent-lit resale joint you’d find in the more disadvantaged parts of D.C. It’s large, but desolate except for a few would-be customers, i.e. a single mom toting around an infant and a toddler. Lucas seems to be casually perusing the goods. Notices someone at the far end of the store. Lucas strolls to some merchandise near him. They don’t make eye contact. He’s a grizzled, middle-aged man - we’ll call him GORDON - who does not look happy to be there. GORDON Last time was the last time. LUCAS I know - but this is important. GORDON You keep selling me that swampland. I’m done buying. Gordon reaches into a shoulder bag and pulls out a folder. Puts it on a table. As he starts to walk off --

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 29. 21 CONTINUED: 21 GORDON (CONT’D) No more. Lucas picks it up. Before he leaves -- LUCAS The cover-up - you said it went as high as Barney Hull -- GORDON That’s not what I said. LUCAS When you gave me Rachel Posner’s arrest file -- GORDON No, what I said is that arrests don’t disappear without a big-ass wand. That ain’t the same as proof. LUCAS We think the Congressional Leadership took part. GORDON I don’t care. LUCAS Yes you do. I know you do. GORDON No, I really don’t. LUCAS When you helped me expose the drug ring, you -- GORDON They were dirty street cops stuffing a few grams in their pockets. This is different. Powerful fucking people. LUCAS Dirty cops are dirty cops. You want to protect them? GORDON I have a pension and a family.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 30. 21 CONTINUED: 21 LUCAS I understand, but -- GORDON (as he walks off) Don’t contact me again. Lucas watches him go. Looks down at the folder. Opens it. Something strange catches his eye. He pulls out his phone. He texts Zoe: “Police report says Russo was found on the passenger side.”

22 EXT. ROCK CREEK PARK - DAY 69 22 Zoe waiting next to the jogging path in Rock Creek Park. She replies to Lucas’ text: Zoe: “What else?” Lucas: “That’s all.” Zoe: “It doesn’t prove anything.” Lucas: “Why not the driver’s seat?” Zoe: “I gotta go.” She sees a black SUV pull up to the curb about 30 yards away. Francis and Meechum get out of the car, look both ways. Nobody around. Francis walks toward Zoe. CUT TO Francis and Zoe walking along a jogging path. FRANCIS Where is your cell? She pulls her phone out her bag and shows it to him. ZOE Here. It’s not recording. Francis does not aim to intimidate in this scene. In fact he is warm - affords Zoe the respect he assumes she craves. FRANCIS I need to ask you to delete all of our phone history. ZOE Why would I do that?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 31. 22 CONTINUED: 22 FRANCIS I’m trying to protect both you and I. ZOE I’m not facing prison. Francis sighs. Says nothing. ZOE (CONT’D) You didn’t cover up the arrest? Francis still says nothing. Zoe presses. ZOE (CONT’D) Is it because you wanted him to be Governor? FRANCIS (finally) No. He was in trouble so I helped him. And later he expressed a desire to run and I offered guidance. ZOE To an alcoholic? FRANCIS To a sober, recovering alcoholic. ZOE Did you want him to self-sabotage? FRANCIS Absolutely not. ZOE It got Matthews in the race. FRANCIS I like to back people who want to succeed. Take yourself as an example. ZOE You just took advantage of the situation. FRANCIS Matthews took advantage. I didn’t seek the nomination.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 32. 22 CONTINUED: 22 ZOE Russo was in the passenger seat when he died. The slightest beat. Francis shows nothing, but it’s a turning point for him. This is serious. FRANCIS That’s not entirely accurate. ZOE I saw the police report. FRANCIS And I spoke to the Commissioner directly, because I cared about Peter and I wanted to know the full story. ZOE He wasn’t in the passenger seat? FRANCIS The passenger door was open, he was halfway out. They think that... he might have had second thoughts... ZOE If I speak to Barney Hull, he’ll confirm that? FRANCIS What are you suggesting Zoe? ZOE Maybe there was foul play. FRANCIS If there was a hint of foul play, don’t you think the police would have investigated? ZOE The same police that buried his D.U.I.? FRANCIS And you think I was involved. ZOE There’s a connection between you.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 33. 22 CONTINUED: 22 Francis doesn’t attack. He tries reason. As if he’s looking out for her. FRANCIS Listen to me - you sound ludicrous. ZOE I’m just asking questions. FRANCIS No - you’re connecting dots that don’t exist. ZOE You want me to just walk away, act as if I don’t know anything. FRANCIS Yes, I got Peter out of a jam. Yes, I sent him to speak to Kapeniak. But beyond that? There’s nothing to know. ZOE Can you blame me if I find it difficult to trust you right now? FRANCIS Trust me or not. But I’m about to be confirmed as the Vice President. And our relationship extends to the Oval Office now. Don’t step out of the sunlight for no reason. (beat) Let’s start this new chapter with a clean slate. Now you sleep on that and I’ll be in touch. And he starts to walk away. We CUT BACK to Zoe, watching Francis walk away, not entirely sure what to make of all this.

23 INT. DR. LARSON’S OFFICE - DAY 69 23 Claire sits across from DR. LARSON. LARSON We’ll start with blood and hormone tests. Those results should be back within a few days. (MORE)

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 34. 23 CONTINUED: 23 LARSON (CONT'D) If they’re good, we’ll move onto genetic testing for both you and your husband. Claire nods. LARSON (CONT’D) Have you spoken to him yet? CLAIRE Not yet. I want to do the tests first. LARSON We can do those anytime this week. CLAIRE I’ll have my office call yours. Claire gets up. Before she leaves -- CLAIRE (CONT’D) Oh, I almost forgot - I’ve been doing some research on the internet... LARSON Be careful of the internet. CLAIRE (laughs) Well I was looking into common issues associated with post-40 pregnancies. And this drug came up, but there wasn’t much on it... She looks at a slip of paper. Does her best to pronounce it. CLAIRE (CONT’D) It’s Cruvenae... LARSON (pronouncing it expertly) Cruvenae-tenuestrin. You probably haven’t found much because it’s still in the beta stage. CLAIRE And what does it do? LARSON It helps maximize blood flow to the placenta. (MORE)

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 35. 23 CONTINUED: 23 LARSON (CONT'D) Until CVT there hasn’t been any viable drug for that. The jury’s still out. But placental insufficiency affects women of all ages... (beat) I wouldn’t worry about it for now. That’s putting the cart way before the horse.

24 INT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - 2ND FLR - MASTER BATHROOM - NIGHT24 69 Claire is washing her face in the sink. We hear the TV in the background. A PUNDIT is on. She looks at herself in the mirror for a moment, no make-up, water dripping down. It’s an honest moment, an unmasked moment. Softer than what we’ve seen thus far in this chapter. This is Claire without armor. As beautiful as she is, she sees her age, her mortality, herself unadorned. A brief wave of the melancholy that comes with self-honesty. It’s gone as quickly as it came. She dries her face in with perfunctory efficiency and exits the bathroom. PUNDIT (O.S.) ... you know Matthews has this locked up but conservatives on the Hill are saying he’s going to return to Harrisburg with the same myopic deficit growing mentality... Claire makes her way into the bedroom where Francis is already in bed, but most of the lights are still on and he’s working, surrounded by papers. The Pundit continues in the background. Francis is looking over his glasses at the TV. PUNDIT (CONT’D) Now - as to who is gonna replace Matthews when he wins, be prepared for when it’s someone even more fiscally irresponsible... Claire stands in the doorway. CLAIRE Can I at least turn off the overhead? FRANCIS Of course.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 36. 24 CONTINUED: 24 FRANCIS (CONT’D) You want me to go work downstairs? CLAIRE No, the bed’s fine. Just make some room. He slides some of his papers over to his side of the bed as she crosses to the bed and sits down beside him. She looks very sexy in her night-wear, but Francis isn’t addressing her in the least bit sensual way. CLAIRE (CONT’D) You haven’t said a word. He stares straight ahead. Sighs. FRANCIS No. CLAIRE Where does that leave us? FRANCIS I’m fully prepared and I have been for some time. Claire turns off her lamp. She slides under the covers and curls up against Francis. Kisses him. CLAIRE I know you’ll do whatever you think is best.

25 OMIT 25

A26 INT. DINER - NIGHT 69 A26 Zoe, Lucas and Janine again, a late-night brain trust. JANINE But Underwood confirmed it. He’s gonna be tapped for VP. LUCAS That doesn’t get us any closer. JANINE Well, we know that Russo cleared the way for Matthews...

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 37. A26 CONTINUED: A26 LUCAS It reinforces the theory - it doesn’t give us proof. ZOE We can’t go after the guy for playing dirty - that’s not news. Half the fuckers in Congress play dirty-- JANINE He propped up a sham candidate just to take him down-- ZOE Nobody forced Russo to drink that night. The guy was an alcoholic... JANINE Okay, we don’t know what happened that night, other than three days later he killed himself. LUCAS Are you gonna contact him again? ZOE I don’t know... LUCAS We need to slow down, take a step back and reevaluate-- JANINE (to Lucas) We already let Rachel slip away. You want to waste more-- LUCAS There’s no point until we have more. We should keep him guessing, not-- JANINE Have more from where? From who? LUCAS I don’t know. But we should exhaust all options before Zoe reaches back out to Underwood.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 38. A26 CONTINUED: A26 JANINE (talking over him) We don’t have options. We are up against a brick wall, and unless Underwood... Zoe abruptly gets up and starts to walk off-- LUCAS Zoe... But she keeps walking. Lucas gets up and catches up with her. LUCAS (CONT’D) Hey, hey... hey! ZOE I just need to think. LUCAS Well let’s think about it together. ZOE I’ll call you tomorrow. She walks out. Lucas watches her go.

26 INT. FREDDY’S BBQ - DAY 70 26 Early morning. Francis has just finished his ribs. FRANCIS Freddy? FREDDY Yeah, Frank? FRANCIS Was there something different about these ribs this morning? FREDDY Better or worse? Freddy walks over and takes Francis’ plate. FRANCIS I didn’t think that they could get any better, but these were something special...

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 39. 26 CONTINUED: 26 FREDDY Well, tried a new butcher. Slow- bleeds his hogs. It ain’t legal, but... FRANCIS Well I won’t tell anyone. Freddy sits down across from Francis. FREDDY I don’t know if I’m gonna go back to him. Went out to his shop. He’s got a room in the back where he does it. Soundproof. Whole set- up. FRANCIS Why soundproof? FREDDY ‘Cause of how they scream. They can smell it comin’. You stick that pipe in they throat, next ten minutes is hell. Bust your fucking eardrums. Now the humane way to do it is to make it quick. Bring out a bucket of slop like it’s feeding time and... Freddy slams his hand on the table, startles Francis. FREDDY (CONT’D) Then bam, shovel right to the base of the head. No screamin’. A beat ON Francis. He thinks for a moment about suffering vs. a painless death. His furrowed brow dissolves into calmness.

27 OMIT 27

28 OMIT 28

29 INT. CAPITOL GALLERY - DAY 70 29 Francis is speaking with Womack.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 40. 29 CONTINUED: 29 WOMACK Now he’s willing to open up the race, but Birch was very clear - if he can’t endorse anyone, you can’t either. FRANCIS That’s fair. WOMACK You really want Buchwalter to win? FRANCIS I want the best man to win. WOMACK That sounds like a cagey bullshit non-answer to me. FRANCIS I’m on the sidelines for this one, Terry. WOMACK You’re never on the sidelines Frank. FRANCIS I’ll see you around. He and Womack part ways. As Francis heads down the hall, his smile disappears. He pulls out his burner phone.

30 INT. SLUGLINE OFFICES - DAY 70 30 Zoe walking to her desk. A text alert. She looks down at her phone. Unknown Number: “Can we make that fresh start?” Glances over at Janine, who is looking back at her. It’s clear from Zoe’s face who the message was from.

31 INT. CWI OFFICES / CLAIRE’S OFFICE - DAY 70 31 Claire is looking over an employee’s work in the main office. Gillian comes through the main entrance, walks straight up to Claire.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 41. 31 CONTINUED: 31 GILLIAN Claire. You wouldn’t return my calls. CLAIRE (to the employee) I’ll be back. As they walk toward Claire’s office -- CLAIRE (CONT’D) My attorney said that I shouldn’t be in contact with you. GILLIAN Blue Cross said my insurance was cancelled. CLAIRE Oh? Claire enters her office. Gillian follows. GILLIAN The severance package gave me health coverage for up to a year. CLAIRE That sounds right. Claire crosses to the door. Closes it. GILLIAN So there must be some kind of mistake. CLAIRE Well you’ll have to talk to the insurance company. GILLIAN I did. They said it was terminated. They can’t reinstate it without the employer’s approval. CLAIRE And you want me to get involved? GILLIAN There’s medication that I need. That I can’t get unless it goes through my HMO.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 42. 31 CONTINUED: 31 CLAIRE Oh, I’m well aware. I’ve reviewed your records. GILLIAN What...? CLAIRE You signed a consent form. GILLIAN No, I - I didn’t... Claire opens a folder on her desk. Pulls out a document. Hands it to Gillian. GILLIAN (CONT’D) You forged my signature? CLAIRE Did a Mrs. Applebaum pay you a visit? GILLIAN (a realization) You realize what you’re doing is... CLAIRE Civil, not criminal. GILLIAN Have you thought this out? Because when we go to court -- CLAIRE You mean six months from now? You’re expecting in four, no? That’s four months without the medicine you need. A beat. They lock eyes. CLAIRE (CONT’D) I’m willing to let your child wither and die inside you if that’s what’s required. But neither of us wants that. Now tell me - am I really the sort of enemy you want to make? Gillian is floored - enraged, terrified.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 43. 31 CONTINUED: 31 CLAIRE (CONT’D) But here’s the alternative. This office, this staff, 22 million a year could be yours. The CWI could be yours. And you and me - we wash our hands of each other. Gillian is on the verge of tears but not giving into them. GILLIAN You’re trying to buy me. CLAIRE No. When we first met, I promised to empower you. I’m fulfilling that promise. GILLIAN How do I get screwed? CLAIRE You don’t. I resign. You take my place. We see an iciness come over Gillian - a proto-Claireness. She’s about to let herself be bought, and she absolutely knows it. GILLIAN No strings? CLAIRE None.

A32 INT. CLAIRE’S CAR - NIGHT 70 A32 Rain pelting the windshield. Claire is driving home, listening to the radio. It’s the news. We hear: RADIO NEWSCASTER ...Exit polls have Jim Matthews winning by anywhere from a nine to twelve percent margin of victory. Swofford is expected to ma-- Her phone rings. She turns off the radio and answers. CLAIRE Hello? YOUNG WOMAN (O.S.) Mrs. Underwood?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 44. A32 CONTINUED: A32 CLAIRE Yes? YOUNG WOMAN (O.S.) Hi, I’m calling from Dr. Larson’s office to confirm your 10 am tomorrow for the blood and urine tests. A long beat, then -- CLAIRE I can’t come. YOUNG WOMAN (O.S.) Well, if tomorrow doesn’t work, we can reschedule for Thursday, or even Monday-- CLAIRE No - I won’t be rescheduling. Please tell Dr. Larson I appreciate all her consultation, but I’ve put a great deal of thought into this and I won’t be pursuing any further tests. Thank you. She hangs up the phone. Drives in silence for a moment.

32 OMIT 32

33 INT. CATHEDRAL HEIGHTS METRO STATION - NIGHT 70 33 Zoe puts her card through at the turnstile and enters the station. Descends an escalator and weaves her way along the platform. There’s a few dozen people. Most of them are watching a DRUMMER busking, playing plastic construction buckets with drum sticks. Zoe’s looking for Francis, but doesn’t see him anywhere. As she nears the portion of the platform under construction, she spots a figure that could be Francis leaning against the plywood and chain-link partition that creates a small corridor perpendicular to the track. They’re fairly well hidden here. She tentatively approaches him. Francis is not wearing a suit, but rather casual slacks and sneakers, a long windbreaker, and a hat.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 45. 33 CONTINUED: 33 FRANCIS Have you thought about what we discussed? ZOE I think you’re right. We should start with a clean state. FRANCIS What about our text messages? Zoe realizes she won’t make any progress if she doesn’t show some sign of complicity. She pulls out her phone. Brings up the text history on her phone. We see her “Delete All.” FRANCIS (CONT’D) And the contact. She switches to the “Contacts” section and removes Francis’ name from the directory. Places it back in her purse. FRANCIS (CONT’D) Are we good? ZOE Yeah. FRANCIS And we can put all this other nonsense behind us and trust one another and continue to help one another? ZOE I’d like that. FRANCIS Then consider the slate clean. ZOE Answer me one thing. The passenger seat. You said Russo was trying to get out. But there was nothing abn-- FRANCIS I thought we just agreed to-- ZOE I want to believe you. But I need details. More than what you’re sharing.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 46. 33 CONTINUED: 33 FRANCIS What’s your question? ZOE The night Russo fell off the wagon, he was at a fundraiser. The McNeally Cancer Institute. FRANCIS All in the police report. ZOE Rachel Posner was at the hotel that night. FRANCIS Who’s that? ZOE The call girl who was with Russo when he was arrested. FRANCIS I didn’t know her name. ZOE She disappeared, Francis. FRANCIS When? ZOE Don’t act surprised. I showed the bellmen a photo. One of them remembered seeing her. FRANCIS The girl was a prostitute. I’m sure she frequents many hotels. ZOE But that hotel? On that night? FRANCIS Now you sound like Ms. Skorsky talking. ZOE I haven’t discussed this with anyone. I wanted to ask you first.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 47. 33 CONTINUED: 33 FRANCIS I have no idea what happened that night except that Peter started drinking again. I don’t know who was or wasn’t there. I wish I was - maybe I could have stopped him. ZOE Do you know where Rachel is? FRANCIS Listen to what I am saying. ZOE I am trying to protect us both. These are questions anyone could ask. FRANCIS But no one is except you. I can’t imagine what you’re after. ZOE I took a chance. I showed up at your house and placed myself at your feet. Crossed ethical lines. Professionally, physically. And I hold myself accountable for that. Those are my choices and I can live with them. I’d like to move forward, but I need to know exactly what I was a part of that-- She stops herself. ZOE (CONT’D) That I wasn’t a part of someone’s... FRANCIS Finish your thought. ZOE Part of someone’s murder. FRANCIS Jesus. A moment. On Francis - grave, steely. If there was any hope for Zoe, it’s lost now. We hear a train approaching.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 48. 33 CONTINUED: 33 He heads further into the “corridor” behind the construction barrier. She follows. ZOE I want to believe you, Francis-- But the moment Zoe exits the “corridor” we see that he’s waiting for her. He grabs her by the shoulders, whirls her around and sends her falling off the platform onto the tracks. Lights of the train, bald and bright. The oncoming whoosh of wind. And like that - in an instant - she’s obliterated. SCREAMS from the bystanders on the track. Some rush toward the scene. Chaos on the platform. Amidst all this, Francis heads back through the “corridor” and emerges on the other side of the platform. If he was picked up on any camera at all, it would look like he was far away from the incident. He exits the station - a needle in a haystack of panic.

34 INT. WASHINGTON HERALD - LUCAS’S OFFICE - NIGHT 70 34 Lucas is at his desk on the land line. A young REPORTER opens his door. He puts the receiver to his chest. We stay outside the glass. See the reporter deliver the news to Lucas, but don’t hear. Overwhelming shock on Lucas’ face. He slams the receiver down repeatedly and crumbles to the floor beside his desk, head in his hands.

35 OMIT 35

36 INT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - NIGHT 70 36 Francis comes through the front door in his windbreaker. He heads down the hallway into the kitchen. Claire is in there without the light on. He hears the click of her zippo as she illuminates a candle out of view. Looks over into the dining room. She’s warm and beautiful in the dim, yellow light. The two sit down at the table, a small birthday cake between them.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 49. 36 CONTINUED: 36 He looks at the cake, then takes his fingers and puts out the candle. Claire places her hand over his.

37 INT. JANINE’S APARTMENT - NIGHT 70 37 Janine is quickly packing a bag, throwing clothes in haphazardly. The bare essentials. A loud knock at the door. She freezes. Another knock. LUCAS (O.S.) Janine! More knocking. She heads to the door, opens it. He’s a shell - pale, emotionally drained. JANINE Come in. He enters. LUCAS I’ve been calling you... She pulls him into a hug. JANINE Come on. Sit down. Um, you want something? Some water, or um, juice? He remains standing. His eyes are distant, his hands nervous. She puts a bottle of juice down on the coffee table for him. Returns to collecting her belongings. Lucas notices something: a bag, clothes strewn everywhere. LUCAS You going somewhere... Hey. You going somewhere? JANINE To my Mom’s. In Ithaca. LUCAS What...? JANINE I’m leaving.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 50. 37 CONTINUED: 37 LUCAS No, no no...no way... JANINE We have nothing. LUCAS Are you giving up on this...? JANINE There are only three people in the world that know what he has done, and one of them is gone. If we had anything Lucas, any hard evidence, or even a fucking quote from a source that will go on record for us, that would be one thing, but we are grasping, and he is not fucking around. LUCAS You were the one who told Zoe to pursue this. She told me what you said, “The only stories that mattered were the ones that scared you to death.” JANINE Okay, this isn’t just death threats. This is real. He doesn’t know about you, but he knows about me. Janine grabs a stack of photos from her desk. Shoves them in Lucas’s hand. It’s the explicit sexual pictures Francis took of Zoe on his phone. Lucas is mortified. JANINE (CONT’D) They were in my mailbox. No return address. She heads over to her bag. Resumes packing. LUCAS He took these of her? JANINE Who else? You can keep them but I don’t think they’re gonna help you. LUCAS We have to stop him.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 51. 37 CONTINUED: 37 JANINE (to herself) Sick fucking shit. Janine doesn’t respond. LUCAS Janine, you cannot run away from this. JANINE My entire career I have always chosen the tough stories. I have been fearless. But you know what? I’m really fucking scared this time. He’s got power, he’s got a lot to lose, and right now he is winning. LUCAS Please, I need your help. Please don’t... JANINE (vicious) Just wake the fuck up, Lucas! He stares her down for a moment, then leaves, still with the photos in hand. As soon as he’s out the door, Janine breaks down herself. Within moments she composes herself. Dries her eyes and picks up her bag and resumes packing.

38 OMIT 38

A39 INT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - 2ND FLR - BEDROOM - DAY 5 A39 Morning light seeping through the windows. We hear the shower in the bathroom. Francis showering. We see the blurred shape of his torso through the translucent shower door. Steam billows within. Claire hangs up her robe and exits the bathroom into the bedroom. The TV is on. As she walks toward the vanity table, she takes note of the news report. On the screen: NEWSCASTER ...at approximately 8PM last night on the northbound tracks of the Cathedral Heights Metro Station. (MORE)

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 52. A39 CONTINUED: A39 NEWSCASTER (CONT'D) DC Police have ruled the death an accident. Over an image of Zoe -- NEWSCASTER (CONT’D) ...Zoe Barnes was a senior contributor at Slugline dot com. Previously she worked at the Washington Herald... Tight on Claire, showing no remorse. NEWSCASTER (CONT’D) ...as a metro reporter and political correspondent... Claire continues on toward the vanity table and begins to apply her make-up as the TV drones on in the background. NEWSCASTER (CONT’D) Barnes broke several major stories, including an early draft of the Education Reform and Achievement Act as well as a college newspaper article that derailed Senator Michael Kern’s nomination for Secretary of State. Carly Heath, the Editor in Chief of Slugline, tweeted this morning, “Zoe Barnes exemplified the best and brightest. We’re so sad that she is no longer with us.”

39 OMIT 39

40 INT. FRANCIS’S INNER OFFICE - DAY 71 40 Stamper leads Sharp into Francis’ office. FRANCIS What did you think of the files? SHARP There’s plenty to work with. They walk toward Stamper’s office. FRANCIS Did you look at your own?

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 53. 40 CONTINUED: 40 SHARP There was nothing there. FRANCIS Should there be? SHARP No. Francis holds her gaze for a moment, gauging the truth-meter. FRANCIS Even if you’re lying, the fact that I haven’t been able to find anything tells me you’re very good at covering your tracks. That’s valuable to me.

41 INT. STAMPER’S OFFICE - DAY 71 41 Francis and Sharp enter Stamper’s Office. Francis crosses to the vote-count board. Sharp clocks it as she enters, but walks past it. FRANCIS Here’s our battleground. SHARP One-hundred and thirteen votes. He turns to her. FRANCIS You have the skeletons. SHARP If I lose, they’ll come after me. FRANCIS That’s the risk you have to take. SHARP How do I know you’re not just using me? Throwing a wrench into someone else’s bid? FRANCIS That’s another risk. The alternative is you wait ten years.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 54. 41 CONTINUED: 41 SHARP You chose me for a reason. I’d like to know what it is. FRANCIS Alright. How many missile strikes did you launch? SHARP Enough to keep me awake at night. FRANCIS But you did it anyway. SHARP Yes, I did. FRANCIS How many women and children? SHARP Too many. FRANCIS And you launched those missiles knowing all those innocent people would die. SHARP I had orders to eliminate the enemy. FRANCIS Which you carried out expertly and efficiently. SHARP Have you ever killed anyone? FRANCIS No. SHARP I watched. Apartment buildings, entire villages - gone - like they were never there. I’d prefer not to talk about it if that’s all right. FRANCIS You did what needed to be done. And that’s why I chose you, Jackie. Service background, clean history, photogenic. (MORE)

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 55. 41 CONTINUED: 41 FRANCIS (CONT'D) The whole package...but more importantly -- ruthless pragmatism. Are we working together or not?

42 INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE - DAY 71 42 Francis is sitting with Birch and Womack. BIRCH (to Francis) Any public or private endorsements for Buchwalter, I come out for Webb. FRANCIS I’ll stay out of the fray. I give you my word. BIRCH Same goes for you Terry. Walker enters with Vasquez and Christina. Christina is showing Vasquez a document as they enter. As the three men stand she notices Francis and he notices her, gives her a nod. She smiles in return. Then exits the room. WALKER Gentlemen. FRANCIS Mr. President. How was Pennsylvania?

43 INT. RACHEL’S NEW APARTMENT - NIGHT 71 43 It’s smaller, more cramped than her last place. Right now there’s just an inflatable mattress on the ground. Rachel is curled up on it. We hear keys unlocking the door. She turns to see Stamper entering, but doesn’t get up. He has a plastic carry-out bag with him. STAMPER You like Indian? She doesn’t say anything. He sits down on the ground beside her. She doesn’t move. Stamper opens the bag. Pulls out some containers.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 56. 43 CONTINUED: 43 He hands her a container. She opens it. He hands her a fork. Opens his own container. We PULL BACK on them, two figures sitting on the ground, eating in silence within the nearly empty apartment.

44 INT. FRANCIS’S SUV - NIGHT 71 44 Francis is riding in back, looking over papers. Meechum is driving. After a few moments. MEECHUM Sir? I’ve seen the news. Francis glances up over his glasses. Meechum is looking back at him through the rear-view mirror. MEECHUM (CONT’D) I know she was close to you. Francis eyes him through the mirror. Then -- FRANCIS Terrible tragedy. MEECHUM I spoke to Special Agent Rockland today, sir. I begin my training next week. FRANCIS Very good. Meechum opens the glove compartment, takes something out. MEECHUM I know this is a day late, and I hope it isn’t inappropriate, but I wanted to give you this... He passes a small wrapped present back to Francis. Despite his aversion to such gestures, he’s actually rather touched. FRANCIS Thank you, Meechum.

45 INT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - 2ND FLR - MASTER BATHROOM - NIGHT45 71 Claire walks over to Francis. He is standing before the mirror, fastening the two cuff links Meechum gave him.

(CONTINUED) 201 As Broadcast (01/30/2014) 57. 45 CONTINUED: 45 They admire the links in the mirror. CLAIRE That was very nice of Edward. FRANCIS He shouldn’t have spent this sort of money on me. CLAIRE I’ve opened some wine downstairs. FRANCIS I’ll be down in a minute. She exits. He starts to unfasten the cuff links. As he does he looks at us through the mirror. The first direct address of the chapter: FRANCIS (CONT’D) Did you think I’d forgotten you? Perhaps you hoped I had. Don’t waste a breath mourning Ms. Barnes. Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first - small, quiet, lapping up their saucer of milk. But once their claws get long enough, they draw blood - sometimes from the hand that feeds them. For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted. Welcome back. He exits. CUT TO TIGHT on the sink counter. The cuff links fill the screen. We linger on the two letters engraved upon them: F U BLACK. END OF CHAPTER