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Document starts on next page United States Office of EPA 440/5-88-004 Environmental Protection Regulations and Standards April 1989 Agency Criteria and Standards Division Washington, DC 20460 Water EPA Ambient Criteria for (Saltwater)-1989 AMBIENT AQUATIC LIFE WATER QUALITY CRITERIA FOR AMMONIA



This report has been reviewed by the Criteria and Standards Division,

Office of water Regulations and standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication.

Mention of trade names of commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

This document is available to the public through the National Technical

Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.


Section 304(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-217 requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to publish water quality criteria that accurately reflect the latest scientific knowledge on the kind and extent of all identifiable effects on health and welfare which might be expected from the presence of pollutants in any body of water, including ground water. This document is a revision of proposed criteria based upon a consideration of comments received from other Federal agencies, State agencies, special interest groups, and individual scientists. Criteria contained in this document replace any previously published EPA aquatic life criteria for the same pollutants. The term "water quality criteria” is used in two sections of the Clean water Act, section 304 (a)(1) and section 303 (c)(2). The term has a different program impact in each section. In section 304, the term represents a non-regulatory, scientific assessment of ecological effects. Criteria presented in this document are such scientific assess- merits. If water quality criteria associated with specific stream uses are adopted by a state as water quality standards under section 303, they become enforceable maximum acceptable pollutant concentration in ambient within that state. Water quality criteria adopted in State water quality standards could have the same numerical values as the criteria developed under section 304. However, in many situations States might want to adjust water quality criteria developed under section 304 to reflect local environmental conditions and human exposure patterns before incorporation into water quality standards. It is not until their adoption as part of State water quality standards that the criteria become regulatory.

Guidelines to assist the States in the modification of criteria presented in this document, in the development of water quality standards, and in other water-related programs of this Agency, have been developed by EPA.

Martha G. Prothro Director Office of Water Regulations and Standards


Don C. Miller David J. Hansen (saltwater author) (saltwater coordinator) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Research Laboratory Environmental Research Laboratory South Ferry Road south retry Road Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882


Foreword...... iii Acknowledgements ...... iv

Tables ...... vi

Introduction ...... 1 Acute Toxicity to Saltwater Animals ...... 7 Chronic Toxicity to Saltwater Animals...... 14

Toxicity to Aquatic Plants ...... 17

Other Data ...... 18 Unused Data ...... 22

Summary ...... 24 National Criteria ...... 27

References ...... 48


1. Acute Toxicity Of Ammonia to Saltwater Animals...... 32 2. Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia to Aquatic Animals ...... 39 3. Ranked Genus Mean Acute Values with Species Mean Acute- Chronic Ratios ...... 43

4. Other Data on Effects of Ammonia on Saltwater Organism...... 45


in aqueous , the dissociates to un-ionized ammonia and the hydrogen ion. The equilibrium equation can be written:

+ + H2O + NH NH3 + H3O (1)

+ The total ammonia concentration is the sum of NH3 and NH4 . The toxicity of aqueous ammonia solutions to aquatic organisms is primarily attributable to the un-ionized form, the ammonium ion being less toxic (Armstrong et al. 1978; Chipman 1934; Tabata 1962; Thurston et al. 1981; Wuhrmann et al. 1947; Wuhrmann and Woker 1948). It is necessary, therefore, to know the percentage of total ammonia which is in the un-ionized form in order to establish the corresponding total ammonia concentration toxic to aquatic life. The percentage of un-ionized ammonia (UIA) can be

* calculated from the pH and pKa , the negative log of stoichiometric , * -1 % UIA = 100 [ 1 + 10 ((pKa - pH)] (2)

The stoichmetric is defined: + [NH3] [H ] * Ka (3) + [NH4 ]

* where the brackets represent molal concentrations. Ka is a function of the temperature and of the solution.

* An understanding of the "Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and Their Uses” (Stephan et al. 1985), hereafter referred to as the Guidelines, and the Response to public Comment (U.S. EPA 1985c), is necessary in order to understand the following text, tables, and calculations. * Whitfield (1974 developed theoretical models to determine the pKa of the ammonium ion in seawater. He combined his models with the infinite dilution data of Bates and Pinching (1949) to define general equations for

* the pKa of ammonium ion as a function of and temperature. Whitfield’s models allow reasonable approximations of the percent un- ionized ammonia in water and have been substantiated experimentally by

Khoo et al. (1977). Hampson's (1977) program for Whitfield’s full seawater

model has been used to calculate the un-ionized ammonia fraction of measured

total ammonia concentrations in toxicity studies conducted by EPA and also in

the derivation of most other acute and chronic ammonia values which contribute to the criteria. The equations for this model are:

-1 % UIA = 100 [ 1 + 10 (X + 0.0324 (298-T) + 0.0415 P/T - pH)] (4) where

P = 1 ATM for all toxicity testing reported to date;

T - temperature (°K);

s X = pKa or the stoichiometric constant of ammonium in saline water based on I,

I = 19.9273 S (1000-1.005109 S)-1 (5) where

I = molal ionic strength of the sea water;

S = salinity (g/kg).

The Hampson program calculator the value for I for the test salinity (Eq. 5),

s finds the corresponding pKa , then calculates % UIA (Eq. 4).

2 Ze ?d:Cr f3CZZ:s -..---'-6‘.qerr*-q ..bb.. I -,".e iegree :f mc:a ~~ss;c;atr=n zre ;.i!

& temperat-dre. 30th czrrelste g0sltrq;ely *drth 2n-lznlztd -nLa.

Sallr.lt’(, *-he least rnfluent:al sf c,C.c three water p.allty fact3rs ‘,ia t

cmtr31 L_?e fractim of lm-ionized mania, is rnversely correlated.

In ammnia toxicity testing, the pH is nonaally calibrated using 1%

ionic strength National Bureau of Standards (NBS) buffers. In contrast,

Rho0 et al. (1977) used the free hydrogen ion sea water scale (ph(~)) in

their masurermnts of ammnium ion hydrolysis in sea water. ‘While the ph(F)

scale is desirable frcm the themdynamic sta&point, these seawater buffers

are not available from a central source, precluding their us0 in toxicity

testing. Calibration of pi with Ems buffers does contribute an error in the

calculation of 1 un-ionized amnnia, although, fortuitously the error is

sa~ll, presmably due to a coqensation of the liquid junction potential by changes in activity coefficients (Bates a& Culkrson 1977). tillero (1986) fourd the pH(NES) scale to uverestimata pf4 relative to the free hydrogen ion scale by 0.02 pi4 unit at 30 g/kg salinity, 0.045 unit at 20 g/kg and 0.075 unit at 10 q/kg. The residual jmction potential is a proprty of the reference electrcd8 used and may vary ,+ 0.03 pH unit witf! salinity, timb, and electrode type (Whitfield et al. 1985).

Controlling pn in salt vater anraia toxicity tests is difficult.

Amwniwn salt solutions are acidic, but are slow to teach equilibrium in sea water. Conmqwntly, @! typically declines during toxicity tests and the decline may k rrqlified by artabolism of test organisms. Also, tests conducted akm oc klou the seawater equilibrium pH (7.8-8.2) eqrience strong shifts toward the bufferod state. Inconsistency in degree of control of test pH is a major source of variability in ammia toxicity studies

3 ~swc:ally ir: sea ;acer. .i - :.I $4 ~~7;: ‘,‘ar:.mce kmld :esuir: ,n a

~sesc:sat:on 3f ‘-?.a ?;H3 effec: zncent:at:m of abut f 25% at pi 8 and


A nuder of amlytlcal scthods are available for direct detemunat&on of

totaL ammnia concentrations in aquamm solutioru (Richards and Healey 1984). Once total amxxi3 is measured, and the pti, salinity and teqerature of the

solution date. -A concentration of NH3 present CM k calculated bar& on the aammia-seamcer equilibrium expression.

hmnia conc8ntration.s have been reported in a variety of forms in the

aquatic toxicity literature, such as NH3, NHq+, M13-N, MIqoLI, NITqCl and others. me us4 in the literature of tha terms M3, Ept3+4,0c -la-

nitrogen may not necessarily man un-ionized ma, but msy be ths author*s way of expressing total aammnia. CaaporPdrumdintho -a toxicity

tasts -fired bore ace NXqCl, PU14M3 ad (MQ)$O,.

Throqimt the resmin&r of this doamnt, all quntitative anmania

data havw been l xorrsmd in terms of me/L m-ionizad ma for easo in

discwrion and coqmrison, ad since urkionized ma is the principal

toxic form. ma concentratims reported &y authors are given as reported

if ths author ( s 1 provided data expressed as iag MI+, or ccmvortsd to mq/t if

reported in 0th~ units. Xl authors report& only total ma, or if they

calculatsd 9 caac8ntrrthn by a unique mmthad (e.g., m W. 19861, the total II vdrr ud reported j#I, teqsrrture, ad dtnity codition8 kwr* used to alculatm og MffL, par th8 s (1977) proparr. This

approach prakm 9 valuer that arm consistently drriwd.

Scam literature citad in this dommnt fail to providr MI3 CQeym-

trations or total umnia conc8ntrations along with sufficient Per, t-r- papers were not US& but are clteci Iunder “‘Jnused Sata”. :n some :nstances rnfomat1on UliSSlng rn published papers on expermental conditions was obtained througtl correspondence with authors; data obtained in this manner are so indicated by footnotes and are available from U.S. EPA, CRL,


A number of criteria domnents, review articles and books dealing with ammnia as an aquatic pollutant ace available. Armstrong ( 19791, Becker and

Thatcher (19731, Colt and Armstrong (19811, Eplet (19711, Hanpson (19761,

Licbann (19601, McKee and Wolf (19631, Steffenr (19761, atxl Tsai (1975) have published suamarirs of ammnis toxicity. Literature reviewe, including factors affecting ammnia toxicity and physiological conmqwnces of ammmia toxicity to aquatic organisms, have been publish& by Kinno ( 1976 1, Lloyd (19611, Lloyd and Herbert (19621, Lloyd and Swift (19761, Visek (19681, and

Warren (1962). Literature review of aaamnia toxicity information relating to criteria reconmmndatfons have been published by ifdabaster and Lloyd

(19801, European Inland Pbheries Advisory Conmission (19701, National

Academy of Sciences and National AC- of Engineering (19741, National

Research Council (19791, U.S. Environmntal Protection Agency (1976, 1980,

1985a), U.S. federal Water Pollution Control Administration (19661, willin- (19761, arid Willingham et al. (1979).

TM ctitoria presented herein supersede prwious saltwater aquatic life water quality criteria for mia because these new criteria were derived using iqruved procdurer and additid information. Mmmver adequately justified, a national criterion may k replaced by a sit*sp=ific criterion

(U.S. EPA 1983a), which may include not only sit+speific criterion ~37ce~trat~ons ad mxing zone cons:deratlons ‘J.S. EPA, L983bi , mt also

sita-specific durations of averaging periods and sita-spcific frequencies

of all4 exmedencer (U.S. ePA 198Sb). This criterion doe8 not apply to saltwater lake8. There water bodies may require developmnt of site specific water quality criteria. T!w latert coqreheruive literature March for infocmatfon for this documnt war coducted in June, 1986; sonm more recent informtim ha8 bmn included. ACUTE TOXICITY TO SALTWATER ANIMALS

The acute toxicity of ammonia to saltwater animals has been studied in .crustaceans, bivalve mollusks, and fishes. Acute values are summarized in Table 1 for 21 species in 18 genera. The winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes

americanus, represents the most sensitive gems, with a Species Mean Acute Value (SMAV) of 0.492 (Cardin 1986). Fourteen (eight fish, five crustaceans

and one mollusc) of the remaining 17 genera have Genus Mean Acute Values

within the order of magnitude of that for the winter flounder. The three most tolerant species are mollusks. The SMAVs are 19.1 mg/L for the Eastern

oyster, Crassostrea virginica, 5.36 mq/L for the quahog clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, and 3.08 mg/L for the brackish water clan, Rangia cuneata.

Except for these mollusks, there is no phyletic pattern in acute sensitivity to ammonia. Fishes and crustaceans are well represented among both the more sensitive and the more tolerant species tested.

Few consistent trends or patterns are evident in the acute toxicity values cited in Table 1 with respect to biological or environmental vari- ables. Contributing to this, in part, is test variability. This is evident in multiple tests with the same species, even when conducted under closely comparable conditions. Variability in acute toxicity values for ammonia may reflect differences in coalition of the test organisms, changes in the exposure conditions during testing, particularly pH, and variance incurred through calculation of un-ionized ammonia concentrations. As noted in the

Introduction, pH has a strong influence on the concentration of un-ionized ammonia in water, such that a variation of ± 0.1 pH unit during the test my result in ± 25% variation in the NH3 exposure concentration. The NH3 exposure concentrations are calculated values dependent on accurate

7 measurement of exposure pH. However, pH monitoring during a test may not always detect potentially significant pH excursions. Also, non-systematic errors on the order of ± 0.03 pH unit may also occur with seawater pH measurements due to variation in the liquid junction potential between and within electrode pairs. In addition to these sources of error,

interpretation of test results should consider known replicability of

toxicity tests. Intra- and inter-laboratory comparisons of acute toxicity test results using saltwater species show LC50s may differ by as much as a

factor of two for the same chemical tested with the same species (Hansen

1984; Schimmel 1986). In light of all these sources of variability, LC50s for un-ionized ammonia are in this document considered similar unless they differ by at least a factor of two. Few marked differences are evident in the acute toxicity of ammonia with respect to differences in life stage or size of the test organism. Yolk-sac larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis) seem slightly less sensitive to un- ionized ammonia (LC50s - 0.70 and 1.09 mg/L) than 9 or 10 day old post-yolk sac larvae (LC50s - 0.33 and 0.58 mg/L) (Poucher 1986). Juvenile striped bass also seem less sensitive than post yolk-sac larvae (LC50s range from

0.91 to 1.66 mg/L) in tests by EA Eng. (1986) and Hazel et al. (1971). Acute values for striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) suggest a factor of two decrease in sensitivity (LC50 - 1.19 vs. 2.38 mg/L) to ammonia with increase in weight from 0.7 to 10.0g (Venkataramiah et al. 1981). Larval grass shrimp

(Palaemonetes pugio) appear to be more acutely sensitive (LC50 - 1.06) (EA

Eng. 1986) than juveniles and adults (LC50 - 2.57) (Fava et al. 1984), although the contrasting life stages were tested at different . A slight decrease in the acute sensitivity of Eastern oysters, Crassosrtrea

8 . .-&4&i. . V”. 7’ a-‘j I :S e’/:dent fec**neeq- . 13 & 1’ m ,&.=b. --, -3.5 t 15.rno~L, a--d ;: -3

52 elm (LCSO - 24 to 43 rng/L) zp~fano and 5rm L975). NO site rciattd iiffercnC* in amte Sensltivrty to afmmma .kdas seen Sctwetn 4.7 to 5.2 35 and

28 to 32 run quahog clams, (Hcrcenarra mercenarla) (Epifanio and Srna 1975).

3evcrai data sets in Table 1 permit an evaluation of t!!c inf?ucncc sf salinity, tenperaturc and pH on the acute toxicity of ammnia to saltwater

animals. Few differences are evident in acute toxicity at different salinities in tests with Similar life Stages ti similar pH and teqerature

conditions . wids (Wsidopsis bahia) have owrlappinq LCSOs at four

salinities in tests at pH ) 7.8 and 2S.C. At 10 to 11 e/kg salin$ty, NH3

LCSOs range from 1.04 to 3.19 mq/L; at 20 9/kg, 2.82 to 2.87 mq/L; at 30

g/cg, 1.47 to 3.41 mq/L (CardIn 1986); and at 14 to 18 g/kg, 0.92 to 1.68

mg/L (EA Ehg. 1986). At pM 7.0, the LCSO was lmmt at a 1~ salinity by a

factor of 2.2 (Cardin 1986) (KS0 - 0.23 me/t at II Q/kg; O.SO ad 0.54 mgfi

at 31 g/kg salinity). Acute values for larval inlamd silwrsider (Menidia

baryllina) tested at pH 8 Md 2S’C are approximately a factor of 2 1cn-m at

I1 en

LC5Os for theu larva8 an slightly higher at 11 Q/kg than at 31 g/kg salinity (by a factor of 1.7 a& 1.5, tcspmxiwly, casprrring flow throuQh test valws unly). Athntic silwrsidr (Meniclia wnidia) juvwniles at pH 8 and 1 20.C hava MI3 US08 ranging from 0.97 to 1.24 mqF at 9 to 10 g/kg salinity (m m. 1986) Mch correspandr ~11 with the 0.98 19% value reported at 30 g/kg salinity by Fava et al. ( 1964 1. Acute valws overlap for bm fishes tested at low a& high salinities by ~uol et al. (1971). For the three spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), LCSOr range~from 2.09 to

9 -- . ‘5 33,: 3: ACJrCx:=tel*/ 11 ; ‘

are 9.91 (EA mg. 1986) and 1.83 to 1.58 .nq/L at aoprcxlaately. ?L ?.bg salinity; 0.75 Wd 1.4 rag/L at approxmately 34 g/kg !!iazel et al. 1971). reqerature also has little influence on the acute toxicity of axmmnia

with mst saltwater animals tested. Acute values for thermally acclimated lawal inland silwrsids (Nsnidia kryllina) tested at three teqeratures and

at similar pH Md caimity (8.0 pH; 31 g/kg salinity) differ by less than a

factor of 2. For this species tested at 18*C, the LCSO is 0.98 w; at

tS*C, LCSOs are 1.7s and 1.77 mg/L; and at 32.S'C, the LCSO is 1.7 meft

(Paxher 1986). The LCSO for ttmrmally acclimated larval shmpshmd miranow (Qprfnodon varieqatw) at 13.C is 2.10 aq/L; at 2S*C, 2.79 aryt; m at 32.S*C, 3.5 mq/t (Patcher 1986). Acute valws for juvsnile stripd bsss

(Norone saxatilis) tested at 1S.C aruI 23.C avwrlap wtmn trstsd at approximately 11 e/kg ulinity srxl diffsr by less than a factor of 2 at approximstely 34 g/k0 salinity (Hszsl et al. 1971). With three spined sticklebsck (Gssterosteus aculratus) there war little difference in sensitivity to NF$ at 1S.C (-0 - 2.75 mg/L) and 23.C (LCSO - 2.09 me/t) at approximately 11 9/kg salinity, but in tssts at approximtely 34 9/kg, sensitivity vas about 2 tims greater at the higher taqorature (at 23T,

LCSO - 1.68 Md 2.7 arq/t; at lS°C, LCSO m 4.35 ad 5.6 nrqF) t-z.1 et al.


S8vw8l data sets r *-ha effect of pii on th toxicity of un-ionitsd anwnia suqg#t tht .a tha data on frmhwatw spociss, tha ptCt=icity rrlatlonship is not conrir;tent bebeen spuies. Text Table 1 summrizrs

LCSOs of acute tssts comhctec! at different pii cordftions. Results ars

10 Text Table 1.

Acute Toxicity of l&b-ionized mia to the Prawn (Hacrobrachium rosenber ii), Hysid (Rysidopis I&ld), - .--_ hrva1 Inland Silverside (Henidia bebeina). m-+L and Juvenile Athntlc 51 vlers& (nenidia =nidTai,_c_- - at chtteLtibit pli Corditions. m~ici ty expressed as US rg tw3/L. Flew-through test resultsunderIined, amn teqxrdtule and salinity conditiorY iadicated.

- ---_-.-_ -

Pram Hyrid Inland Athntlc Silverside ~hl-mstrong (Car&n (Cardin lElr Enq. ( Douche c ( Pouch@ c (LA thy. et al. 1978) 1986) 1986) 1986) 1986) 1986 1 l!m) PH 28.C, 12 g/kg 24.5’C, llq/kg ZS’C, 31 g/kg 20°C, 31 g/kg 25T, 11 q/kg 25“C, 31 g/kg 22”c, 9.5 g/kq - ---___

6.5-6.9 0.38

7.0-7.4 1.64 0.93, 0.97, 0.91 i-36

7.5-7.9 0.95 1.18 1.47 0.40, 0.92, 1.40 ---1.05, l.).! 1.0

8.0-8.4 1.3 1.04, 3.19 1.70, 2.49 0.76 0.88 1.77, 1.75 0.97, 1.01, Z.Qe, 3.41 1.10, 1.24

8.5-8.9 2.76, 0.77 1.51, 1.68 1.08 1.41

9.0-9.4 2.02 1.16 0.75, 0.49 1.21


11 ;egresacecf -zy ‘,7e :eTrwr3~**-0-4- - p.d jai ’ _..-‘-*“i _- ~~F.dlt~XS 2f c,le :ps:j ‘-3

?reclda variabillcy fra LYCSC scurces; X509 also are Listed by autk.cr 5.3

any :nccrlaboratOrj var:ability nay be cecqnlred. For t!!c cm inverCebra:e

specrcs, -A acute sensitivity to .mJ is greater (> factor 2) at luu pH for the pram !pH 6.83) !Annstrong et al. 1978) and for the qmid !pH 7.0) (Cardin 1986; EA Eng. 19861, than at hiqher pH values. This response with

rupidr was consistent at low bed high salinity. T?m twu fishes tested differ

from the aysid and prawn in their respmse to pfi. Larval inland silverside

(Henidfa bryllina) do S~CYWincreassd acute sensitivity to aarponia as pH

decreases from 8 to 7, but differ from ths mysid responss at pH 9.0, with appreciably increased sensitivity (> factor of 21 in 31 g/kg salinity, In

contrast, in 11 Q/kg salinity wster, inlard silversids ham a nearly tww

fold decrease in acuto sensitivity at ptr 7.0,whilo mysib havm a twwfold

increase in aeuts senritlvity at #I 7.0. A furthst contrsst exists in ths response of jwenilo Atlantic silversib (Mnidir mnidia), with tort pH over

the range of 7.0 to 9.0 having little l ffut an tha acut toxicity of

ammonia (EA Eng. 1986). The inflwnce of pfI on aamnia toxicity in these tsro

saltwater fishes is also a msrksd contrast tith the tesporus of several

freshwater fisher (Erickson 1985) a& my reflect bssic differencss in o-tic and ionic regulatory physiology which could inflwncs their response

to elsvatsd l xtwzml Ia cuxmtratfanr of ovw a rsngm of pit, rrlinity ad teqor8turm caditiau.

EPA bslimaa that t)w data available on all wrtst qulity-toxicity

relationships for un-iahod anrnia are insufficient to canclti that bny of theso factors, wtmn acting al-, has a cmsistmt rarjor inflwna 01 m3

toxicity in salt water. Therefore, a water quality dqmd-t fmctfm ms

12 The 18 avaihblt saltmter Gentis Zean Acute values range from 0.492 mg mfL fcr Pseudoplcuronectes :o 19.102 mg “H3fi for Crassostrea, a factor of less t!!an 100. Acute values are available for more than one species in thr l e genera. he rang0 of Species Mean Acute Values within two of these genera is less than a factor of 1.2; in the remaining genus, they differ by a factor of 4.5. &ighty-eight percent of the Gem Hean Acute Values wre within a factor of ten and 71 percent wre a factor of ficn of tha acute valw for Pseudopleuronectes. A saltwater ?l~l Acute Valw of 0.465 mq NH~ was obtained using the Gefnas Hean Acute Valws in Table 3 and the calculation procedure described in the GA&lines. This valw is slightly

1-r than Species Mean Acute Value of 0.492 nq/L for winter flounder.


Chronic toxicity tests have been conducted on ammonia with twelve freshwater and saltwater species of aquatic organisms (Table 2). Of the ten freshwater species tested, two are cladocerans and eight are fishes. The details of the results of the freshwater tests are discussed in the “Ambient

Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia - 1984” (U.S. EPA 1985a). In saltwater, a

life-cycle toxicity test has been conducted with the mysid, Mysidopsis bahia,

and an early life-stage test has been completed with the inland silverside,

Menidia beryllina (Table 2).

The effect of ammonia on survival, growth and reproduction of M. bahia was assessed in a life-cycle toxicity test lasting 32 days (Cardin 1986). Survival was reduced to 35 percent of that for controls and length of males and females was significantly reduced in 0.331 mg NH3/L. Although reproduction was markedly diminished in this concentration, it did not differ significantly from controls. Lengths of females were significantly reduced in 0.163 mg/L, but this is not considered biologically significant since reproduction was not affected. No significant effects on mysids were detected at 0.092 mg/L. The chronic limits are 0.163 and 0.331 mg/L for a chronic value of 0.232. The Acute Value from a flow-through test conducted at similar coalitions (7.95 pH, 26.5°C, 30.5 g/kg salinity) with M. bahia is

1.70 mg/L which results in an acute-chronic ratio of 7.2 with this species.

The effect of ammonia on survival and growth of the inland silverside

(Menidia beryllim) was assessed in an early life-stage test lasting 28 days

(Poucher 1986). Fry survival was reduced to 40 percent in 0.38 mg NH3/L, relative to 93% survival of control fish, which is a significant difference.

Average weights of fish surviving in concentrations > 0.074 mg/L were

14 significantly less than weights of controls, an effect which persisted as the concentration of ammonia increased. No significant effects were detected in silversides exposed to 0.050 mg/L. Thus, the chronic limits are 0.050 and 0.074 mg/L for a chronic value of 3.061 mg/L. The acute value, derived as the geometric mean of flow-through tests with this fish at full strength sea water between pH 7.0 and 8.0, is 1.30 mg/L, resulting in an acute-chronic

ratio of 21.3. Acute-chronic ratios are available for ten freshwater and two saltwater

species (Table 2). Ratios for the saltwater species are 7.2 for the mysid and 21.3 for inland silversides. These saltwater species have similar acute sensitivities to ammonia, with LC50s near the median for the 21 saltwater species tested. The acute-chronic ratios for the freshwater species vary from 1.4 to 53, so they should not be directly applied to the derivation of a Final Chronic Value. Guidance on how to interpret and apply ratios from

tests with freshwater species to derive the freshwater criterion for ammonia

has been detailed in U.S. EPA 1985a which should be consulted. This document

concludes that: (1) acute-chronic ratios of freshwater species appear to

increase with decrease in pH; (2) data on temperature effects on the ratios

ace lacking; and (3) acute-chronic ratios for the most acutely and

chronically sensitive species are technically more applicable when trying to

define concentrationa chronically acceptable to acutely sensitive species.

Therefore, mean acute-chronic ratios were selected from freshwater tests with

species whose chronic sensitivity was less than or equal to the median

conducted at pH > 7.7. These included the channel catfish, with a mean

acute-chronic ratio of 10; bluegill, 12; rainbow trout, 14; and fathead minnow, 20. The mean acute-chronic ratios for these four freshwater and the

15 two saltwater species are within a factor of 3. The geometric mean of these six values, 13.1, which divided into the Final Acute Value of 0.465 mg/L yields the Final Chronic Value of 0.035 mg NH3/L.


Nitrogen in the saltwater environment is an important nutrient affecting primary production, the composition of phytoplankton, macroalgal and vascular plant communities, and the extent of eutrophication. Ammonia is an important part of nitrogen metabolism in aquatic plants, but excess ammonia is toxic to saltwater plants (Table 4). Limited data on mixed populations of saltwater benthic microalgae (Admiraal 1977) show that ammonia is more toxic at high than at low pH (Admiraal 1977). This suggests that toxicity may be

+ primarily due to NH3 rather than NH4 . Information on the toxicity of ammonia to saltwater plants is limited to tests on ten species of benthic diatoms and on the red macroalgal species,

Champia parvula. A concentration of 0.247 mg NH3/L retarded growth of seven species of benthic diatoms (Admiraal 1977). A concentration of 0.039 mg/L reduced reproduction of Champia parvula gametophytes; no effect was observed at 0.005 mg/L (Thursby 1986). Tetrasporophytes of C. parvula exposed to

0.005 to 0.026 mg/L for 14 days reproduced less but grew faster; no effect was observed at 0.003 mg/L.


A number of researchers have studied the effects of ammonia under test conditions that differed from those applicable to acute and chronic test requirements as specified in the Guidelines (Table 4). Animals studied

included rotifers, nemertine worms, echinoderms, mollusks, arthopods, polychraetes, and fishes. Concentrations affecting the species tested are generally greater than than Final Acute Value and are all greater than the

Final Chronic Value.

Among the lower invertebrates, Brown (1974) found the time to 50 percent mortality of the nemertine worm, Cerebratulus fuscus, exposed to 2.3 mg NH3/L is 106 minutes. In the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, the 24-hr LC50 is 20.9 mg NH3/L, the net reproduction rate was reduced 50 percent by 9.6 mg/L, and the intrinsic rate of population increase was reduced 50 percent by 16.2 mg/L (Yu and Hirayama 1986).

In tests with mollusks, the rate of removal of algae (Isochryris galbana) from suspension (filtration rate) was reduced > 50% during a 20-hr exposure to 0.16 and 0.32 mg NH3/L in juvenile and adult quahog clan (Mercenaria mercenaria) and to 0.08 mg/L in juvenile eastern oysters

(Crassostrea virginica) (Epifanio and Srna 1975). The rate of ciliary beating in the mussel, Mytilus edulis, is reduced from 50 percent to complete inhibition in < 1 hour by 0.097 to 0.12 mg/L (Anderson et al. 1978).

Excretion of ammonia is inhibited in channeled whelk (Busycon canaliculatum), common rangia (Rangia cuneata), and a nereid worm (Nereis succinea) exposed to sublethal concentrations of 0.37, 0.85 and 2.7 mg/L, respectively (Mangum et al. 1978). The authors conclude that ammonia crosses the excretory epithelium in the ionized form, ad that process is linked to

18 Na+ and K+ ATPases. In the common bloodworm (Glycera dibrachiata), Sousa et al. (1977) found no competition exists between NH3 and oxygen in binding hemoglobin.

Ammonium (about 0.01 mg NH3/L) exposure of unfertilized eggs of the sea urchins, Lytechinus pictus, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and S. drobachiensis increased the amount and rate of release of “fertilization acid” above that occurring post-insemination (Johnson et al. 1976; Paul et al. 1976). Exposure of unfertilized sea urchin (L. pictus) eggs to NH4Cl resulted in stimulation of the initial rate of synthesis, an event that normally follow fertilization (Winkler and Grainger 1978). Activation of unfertilized L. pictus eggs by NH4Cl exposure (ranging from 0.005 to 0.1 mg NH3/L was demonstrated by an increase in intracellular pH (Shen and Steinhardt 1978; Steinhardt and Mazia 1973). Ammonia treatment activated phosphorylation of thymidine and synthesis of histones in unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin S. purpuratus (Nishioka 1976). Premature chromosome condensation was induced by ammonia treatment of eggs of L. pictus and S. purpuratus (Epel et al. 1974: Krystal and Poccia 1979; Wilt and Mazia 1974).

Ammonium chloride treatment (0.01 mg NH3/L) of S. purpuratus and S. drobachienris fertilized eggs resulted in absence of normal uptake following insemination, but did not inhibit calcium uptake if ammonia treatment preceded insemination (Paul and Johnston 1978).

In exposures of crustaceans, the 7-day LC50 is 0.666 mg NH3/L for the copepod, Euclaanus elongatus, while 38 percent of the E. pileatus died after

7 days in 0.706 mg/L, (Venkataramiah et al. 1982). No sargassum shrimp

(Latreutes fucorum) died after 21 days in < 0.44 mg/L (Venkataramiah et al.

1982). The EC50 bared on reduction in growth of white shrimp (Penaeus

19 a6cPr se t L f e rJ s J - --. :-.:ee xee,qs :f px~sure :S 2, ‘2 x, L *dlcxer.s 13’5 . 2.e erght&y X50 1s 1. ‘3 3-g/L f3c 9,~ XmierrcM !zcster ‘Hanurd anmr~canus 1

3elistraty et al. 1377). i;hen blue crabs iCallinec:es sapidusj iRte mved

from mter of 28 g/kg salinity to ater of 5 g/kg, a doublinq of ammonia excretion rate 0ccJrred; addition of excess NH4Cl to the luu salinity water inhibited ammnia excretion and decreased net acid output (MMqum et al.

1976). Wickins (1976) found that the timr to SO percent mrtality for the prawn, ,tlacrobrachiuan rosenberqii, decreased from 1700 minutes at 1.7 mg/L to

560 minutes at 3.4 mqyL. In a six-ueek test with this prawn, growth was ceduced 32 percent at 0.12 mq/t (Wickins 1976).

me relationship bemeen decrease in toxicity of un-ionized amnxlia with increase in pH seen in 964our tests with the prawn (Nacrobrachim cosenbergii) is also exhibited in data from tests lasting 24 a& 144 hours

(Table 4) (Armstrong et al. 1978). Prams wro three t-8 mre sensitive to

NH3 at pli 6.83 than at 7.6. Abuve pn 7.6, the decrease in acute toxicity was not as great, declining only by a factor of 1.7 at pli 8.34. A similar effect of low pH was seen with growth of the pram, which after seven days at pti

7.60 was reduced in 0.63 q/I, and at p&4 6.83 by 0.11 mcyt (Armstrong et al.


Few “other data” are available an the effects of ma on dtwator fishes (Table 4). III three saltwater tarts lasting 24 hours, tha LCSOS for chinook salma (Qltorhync)nrr tshawytscha) canqd fraa 1.1s to 2.19 mg W3/L

(Harider ad Allen 1963). The 24-h LCSOS frcn bm tests with Atlantic salnun (S8lm-- tit) wr* 0.11s and 0.28 me/L (Alabaster et al. 1979). Mortality of the Atlantic silverside (Mnidia mnidia) MS higbr in 0.44 mg/L than the 43 pmcent control mortality in a 28day early life-stage test


Studies conducted with species that are not resident to North America were not used (Alderson 1979; Arizzi and Nicotra 1980; Brown and Currie 1973; Brownell 1980; Chin 1976; Currie et al. 1973; Greenwood and Brown 1974; Inamura 1951; Nicotra and Arizzi 1980; Oshima 1931; Reddy and Menon 1979;

Sadler 1981; Yamagata and Niwa 1982). Other data were not used because

exposure concentrations were not reported for un-ionized ammonia and/or data

on salinity, temperature, and pH necessary to calculate NH3 concentrations were not available (Binstock and Lecar 1969; Linden et al. 1978; Oshima 1931;

Pinter and Provasoli 1963; Pruvasoli and McLaughlin 1963; Sigel et al. 1972; Sousa et al. 1974; Thomas et al. 1980; Zgurvskaya and Kustenko 1968). Data of Hall et al. (1978) were not used since the form of ammonia reported in the results is not stated. Data were also not used if ammonia was a component of an effluent (Miknea 1978; Natarojan 1970; Okaichi and Nishio 1976: Rosenberg et al. 1967; Thomas et al. 1980: Ward et al. 1982). Data reported by

Sullivan and Ritacco (1985) were not used because the pH was highly variable between treatments. Data from a report by Curtis et al. (1979) were not used because the salt tested, ammonium , night have dual toxicity. Data reported by Katz and Pierro (1967) were not used because test exposure time and salinity cited in the summary data table and appendix do not agree.

Results of a field study by Shilo and Shilo (1953, 1955) were not used since the ammonia concentration was highly variable. The Ministry of Technology,

U.K. (1963) report was not used because the ammonia toxicity data were previously published elsewhere and the relevant information is cited in this document. References were not used if they relate more to ammonia metabolism in saltwater species than to ammonia toxicity; e.g., Bartberger

22 and Pierce, Jr. 1976; Cameron 1986; Girard and Payan 1980; Goldstein and Forster 1961; Goldstein et al. 1964; Grollman 1929; Hays et al. 1977; McBean et al. 1966; Nelson et al. 1977; Read 1971; Raguse-Degener et al. 1980; Schooler et al. 1966; Wood 1958. Publications reporting the effects of ammonia as a nutrient in stimulation of primary production were not used, e.g., Byerrum and Benson (1975).


All of the following concentrations are un-ionized ammonia (NH3) because

+ NH3, not the ammonium ion (NH4 ), has been demonstrated to be the more toxic form of ammonia. Data used in deriving the criteria are predominantly from tests in which total ammonia concentrations were measured. Data available on the acute toxicity of ammonia to 21 saltwater animals in 18 genera showed LC50 concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 43 mg NH3/L. me winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, is the most sensitive species, with a mean LC50 of 0.492 mg/L. The mean acute sensitivity of 88 percent of the species tested is within a factor of ten of that for the winter fluunder. Fisher and crustaceans are well represented among both the more sensitive and more resistant species; mollusks are generally resistant.

Water quality, particularly pH and temperature, but also salinity, affects the proportion of un-ionized ammonia. With freshwater species, the relationship between the toxicity of un-ionized and pH and temperature is similar for most species and was used to derive pH and temperature dependent freshwater criteria for NH3. For saltwater species, the available data provide no evidence that temperature or salinity have a major or consistent influence on the toxicity of NH3. Hydrogen ion concentration does increase toxicity of NH3 at pH below 7.5 in some, but not all species tested; above pH 8, toxicity may increase, decrease, or be little altered as pH increases, depending on species.

The chronic effects of ammonia have been evaluated in tests with two saltwater and ten freshwater species. In a life-cycle test with a myrid, adverse effects were observed at 0.331 mg NH3/L but not at 0.163 mg/L. In an early life-stage test with inland silverribs, adverse effects were observed

24 at 0.074 mg/L NH3 but not at 0.050 mg/L. Acute-chronic ratios are available for 12 species and range from 1.4 to 53. Ratios for the four most sensitive freshwater species, tested at pH values greater than 7.7, and for the two saltwater species tested, range from 7.2 to 21.3. Available data on the toxicity of un-ionized ammonia to plants suggests significant effects may occur in benthic diatoms exposed to concentrations only slightly greater than those acutely lethal to salt-water animals.

Ammonia at concentrations slightly less than those chronically toxic to animals my stimulate growth and reduce reproduction of a red macroalgal species. The key research needs that should be addressed in or&r to provide a more complete assessment of toxicity of ammonia to saltwater species are:

(1) assess reported pH-toxicity relationships and test other species by conducting additional acute toxicity tests using flow-through techniques and continuous pH control both with and without pH acclimation; (2) determine the effects of water quality variables on acute-chronic ratios by conducting

Life-cycle and early life stage tests with saltwater species; (3) investigate temperature influence by additional acute toxicity tests with species that can tolerate both low and high temperature extremes; (4) test the effects of constant total ammonia exposure and cyclic water quality charger to mimic potential tidal ad dial shifts in salinity and pH; (5) test the effects of fluctuating and intermittent exposures with a variety of species; and (6) investigate the total of other water quality variables on ammonia toxicity: e.g., dissolved oxygen and ; and (7) investigate the contribution of

+ NH4 to the toxicity of aqueous ammonia solutions to better resolve how the

25 ammonia criterion should be expressed if pH dependence continued to be demonstrated.


The procedures described in the “Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and Their Uses” indicate that, except possibly where a locally important species

is very sensitive, saltwater aquatic organisms should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of un-ionized ammonia does not exceed 0.035 mg/L more than once every three years on the average and if the one-hour average concentration does not exceed 0.233 mg/L more than once every three years on the average. Because sensitive saltwater animals appear

to have a narrow range of acute susceptibilities to ammonia, this criterion till probably be as protective as intended only when the magnitudes and/or durations of excursions are appropriately mall.

Criteria concentrations based cm total ammonia for the pH range of 7.0 to 9.0, temperature range of 0 to 35°C, and salinities of 10, 20 and 30 g/kg are provided in Text Tables 2 and 3. These values were calculated by

Hampson’s (1977) program of Whitfield’s (1974) model for hydrolysis of ammonium ions in sea water.

Three years is the Agency's best scientific judgment of the average amount of time aquatic ecosystem should be provided between excursions. The ability of ecosystems to recover differ greatly.

Site-specific criteria may be established if adequate justification is provided. This site-specific criterion may include not only sits-specific criteria concentrations, and mixing zone considerations (U.S. EPA, 1983b), but also site-specific durations of averaging periods and site-specific frequencies of allowed exceedances (U.S. EPA 1985b).

27 Use of criteria for developing water quality-based permit limits and for designing waste treatment facilities requires the selection of an appropriate wasteload allocation model. Dynamic models are preferred for the application of those criteria (U.S. EPA 1985b). Limited data or other considerations might make their use impractical, in which case one should

rely on a steady-state model (U.S. &PA 1986).


Water quality standards for ammonia developed from then criteria should specify use of environmental monitoring methods which are comparable to the analytical methods employed to generate the toxicity data . Total ammonia may be measured using an automated idophenol blue method, such as described by Technicon Industrial System (1973) or U.S. EPA (1979) method 350.1. Un-ionized ammonia concentrations should be calculated during the dissociation model of Whitfield (1974) as programmed by Hampson (1977). This program was used to calculate most of the un-ionized values for saltwater organisms listed in Table 1 and 2 of this document. Accurate measurement of sample pH is crucial in the calculation of the un-ionized ammonia fraction.

The following equipment and procedures were used by EPA in the ammonia toxicity studies to enhance the precision of pH measurements in salt water.

The pH meter reported two decimal places. A Ross electrode with ceramic junction was used due to its rapid response time; an automatic temperature compensation probe provided temperature correction. Note that the responsiveness of a new electrode may be enhanced by holding it in sea water for several days prior to use. Two National Bureau of Standards buffer solutions for calibration preferred for their stability were (1)

28 hydrogen phthalate (pH 4.00) and (2) disodium hydrogen (pH 7.4).

For overnight or weekend storage, the electrode was held in salt water, leaving the fill hole open. For daily use, the outer half-cell was filled with to the fill hole and the electrode checked for stability. The electrode pair MS calibrated once daily prior to measuring pH of samples; it was never recalibrated during a series of measurements.

Following calibration, the electrode was soaked in sea water, of salinity similar to the sample, for at least 15 minutes to achieve chemical equilibrium and a steady state junction potential. When measuring pH, the sample was initially gently agitated or stirred to assure good mixing at the electrode tip, but without entraining air bubbles in the sample. Stirring was stopped to read the meter. The electrode was allowed to equilibrate so the change in meter reading was less than 0.02 pH unit/minute before recording. Following each measurement, the electrode was rinsed with sea water and placed in fresh sea water for the temporary storage between measurements. Additional suggestions to improve precision of saltwater pH measurements may be found in Zirno (1975), Grasshoff (1983), and Butler et al. (1985).

29 E!! Salinity - 10 q/kg 7.0 270 191 131 92 62 44 29 21 7.2 17s 121 83 27 19 13 7.4 110 77 52 :s ii 17 12 a.3 7.6 69 23 16 11 5.6 7.8 :: :: 1s 7.1 2; 3.5 a.0 ii 19 9.4 ii04 a.2 18 12 f's 5.8 4:2 ::i 2: ::: 5:4 2.7 1.4 i:: if3 2; 3.5 2; :*i 0.98 o’% a.8 4.6 3.3 2.3 1.7 :*: 0:92 0.71 0:56 9.0 2.9 2.1 1.5 1.1 ohs 0.67 0.52 0.44

Salinity - 20 g/kg 7.0 291 200 137 64 21 7.2 183 12s 87 ix f d :i 14 7.4 116 79 54 :3 18 12 a.7 7.6 73 so :: 17 5.6 7.8 2 1s PS 24 3.5 a.0 :8 :; 9.8 :t7 4:8 2.3 a.2 19 ld i'9 6.2 :*: 1.5 a.4 12 S:6 :*i ::ii 1:s l.L 8.6 7.5 5:: t:; 1:9 1.0 0 .77 a.8 ::: 1.7 K4 0.73 0.56 9.0 i:: ::: 1.6 1.2 ii::7 0.69 o.s4 0.44

Salinity - 30 g/kg

7.0 312 208 148 102 71 23 7.2 196 13s 94 64 :: 1s 7.4 12s 8s S8 :: 9.4 7.6 79 54 :"s 21 i35 6.0 7.8 50 :: 16 s:4 3.7 31 if 1s 10 if3 3.5 2.5 :*i 20 6.7 2.3 1.7 a:4 12.7 it'7 ::"o 4.2 :-ii 1.6 1.1 8.1 S:6 2.7 2:o 0.81 ii*: 5.2 ::i 1.8 1.3 i!AS 0.58 9:o 3.3 ::; 1.7 1.2 0.94 0156 0.36

30 pH Salinity - 10 g/kg 7.0 41 29 20 6.6 3.1 7.2 26 18 12 F7 ;:; xl 2.0 7.4 17 12 5.3 2; 1.8 1. 2 7.5 10 7.2 2: 3.4 1-i 1.7 1.2 9.a4 6.6 4.7 1:s 0.75 0.53 zi 4.1 2.9 ::i :::o 0.97 ki9 0.47 0.34 012 2.7 1.8 1.3 0.07 0.62 0.44 0.31 0.23 0.4 1.7 1.2 0.81 0.56 0.41 0.29 0.21 0.15 8.6 1.1 0.75 0.53 0.37 0.27 0.20 0.15 (1.11 0.69 0.50 0.34 0.25 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.08 9":: 0.44 0.31 0.23 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.07

Salinity - 20 g/kg 7.0 30 21 14 6.6 4.7 3.1 7.2 if 9.0 i:; 3.0 2.1 7.4 18 if ii'1 5.6 ::: 1.3 7.6 11 7.5 5.3 :*; 1.7 :*i 3.84 6.9 4.7 i*: 1:6 0178 0.53 2: 3.0 ::: 1:s ;::2 0.50 3.34 a.2 X 1.3 0.94 t.606 0.47 0.31 0.21 8.4 1.8 :*s 0.84 0.59 0:44 0.30 0.22 0.15 8.6 1.1 0:7e 0.56 0.41 0.20 0.20 0.15 ,3 .?2 8.8 0.72. 0.50 0.37 0.26 0.19 0.14 0.11 3.38 9.0 0.47 0.34 0.24 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.137

Salinity - 30 g/kg 7.0 47 22 1s 11 7.2 5.0 3.4 7.2 29 2 9.7 6.6 2.2 7.4 i!7 5.9 4.1 4:; :-; 1.4 7.6 :s ::1 S.6 3.1 113 0.90 7.5 :*: 1.7 :*; 0.81 0.56 87:: 3:: 2: 1:6 0:75 0.53 0.37 8.2 PO' 1.4 ii*:9 0.50 0.34 0.25 8.4 1:9 f-f 0.90 :::2 a:44 0.31 0.23 3 1 ohs 0.59 0.41 0.30 0.22 0.16 0::; :I: k:8 0.53 0.37 0.27 0.20 0.15 0.11 0.09 9.0 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.07

31 Char. Lc-‘5a 0‘ cc-50 gw Imp S8l tag/L MY-J) ( cl tg/kgt -_--_-_--_ ------_ ---

b bdUl t YY4Cl 1 .a4 J. 95 20.2 9.1

4)-bA ma YY4Cl 24-4,‘ J JO- 20 a1 ) 96 c 11-17 -1 YY4C 1 a .b-15 J.lO- 20 11 I. 94

10-11 mm YY4c.i I.l-5..= J.lO- 20 21 0. II E 4.7-5.1 ma YY4CI 4.*-4.4 J. -to- 20 11 4.21

bdult YYIC L ..d- b.2 20.5 24

bdul t WY4Cl . .w= 4 a 20.1 14

.a45 9 IY4Cl B.SAb 8.01 21.4 28

c .a54 Q MY4CI @.b14 4.01 22.4 10

b Ibrve IY4CI 1 .Ob 1.92 JO. 4 10

lb-10 l rn YY4CI a.51 4.1 19.) 14.4

b )uvoer 1. WbltCl 0.21 J.OC 21.2 lb.0 l-5 deym Old b YYIC 1 a .4Q l.Sb 19.4 14.6

32 Char I4et hods LC-50 or cc-50 py T*mp S*l MY-b) (-q/L ( cl lY/k9) - ___--__- ---_ -_ ------b YYICl 0.92 1.91 19.4 11.7

b YY4Cl 1.00 J.92 19.4 1I.b

b YY4Cl 0.16 I.99 19.4 14.5

b YY4CI I .Sl 4.4b a1 .a lb.0

b WY4Cl l.b( I.92 20.b 15.b

YYICL 0.2b b.O4- 24 II 1.12 *.I rY4Cl 0.50 4.9- a5 31 7.0

YY4Ci 0.54 ‘4: a5 bl 7.2

YY4CI 1.18 7.7 25 10

l .r UY4CA 1.44 7.4- 24 I1 8.1 l .t UY4CL L .78 1.9- 2b. 5 bO.5 0.0

UY4Cl b.IS 7.0- a5 10 0.2

IY4Cl 2.0 7.9- a5 a0 0.1

UYICL 2.0) ‘).9- as a0 0.1

IY4Cl 1.47 1.7- I5 bl 4.0

8Y4CI 1.49 1.4- a5 Jl 8.1

IY4Cl a. 94 7.4- as 9.1

33 ---

0. t

YYdCl J.41 J 9- 15 10 1.a *et YY4Cl a.92 9 o- 24 11.5 9.a lY4Cl 4. J: a5 11 9.9 0.1 IYICl a. lb 4.4- as JO 9.4 E YYICl a.86 4.2 19.1 JO. I

d lY4Cl a.06 4 .a- 10.0 a5 (.a 9 IY4CI b.10 4.41 aa ia

Ill4Cl ..95O l.b@ a4 Ia

UYICI d 0. J4 aa 11

IIYICl L1lC 9.1 II .9 JJ.4 lY4Cl L.9c l-50- a3 -11 I.75

IY4CI A.‘.= ‘).95- a1 -14 ‘).9b C WI4Cl 1.1 9.9J- a) -84 I.94

IM4Cl 2.75= 2.85- I5 -11 7.97 lY4Cl 5.‘IC O.OL- I5 -14 0.1) c BY4Cl 4.15 Cl@- 15 -34 4.24 l u4c1 I .as 8.08 ai .o 10 lY4Cl 1.1s 4.14 1a 0 10 L&I. stay. LC-50 QC cc-54 yn tory Sal 0‘ .L‘. tap/l. MY-I) --_--_- -__--_---- 4 c1 I9/kY 1 --_------_-_ ---

YHbCl 5.H 1 .bJ J.99 Al 0 10

Slrrpbd l ullbt, 10.0 q YY4Cl 5.n a. 14 a. 00 al. J 10 Muqlb C.~h~lU~

Plbaohobd Irl.:~~h, 0.1 9 YY4Cl 0.n O.bO 4.0) al.4 a4 roaocbathur hbrpbdub

Plbaobobd I~lotr~L, 6.4 9 YY4Cl 5.n 0.914 I 01 a1.4 a4 loaocamthus htrptdua

Imd dsua. tun4baso4 S.M 0.545= a II- a5-ar 10-10 sc1~oropr oc~llalua 4.a b Allbrt,C srlv.rmbdo. IY4Cl 5.n 0.14 1.9b 10 9 4.5 pbnrdbb l aaidtr b AllantIC S1~v.1S1d.. )Muaar lo UY4CA 5.H a.91 1.01 I0.b 10.4 Otoardra l mrrdrb b Allbrtlc bb~raSbbd4. )UV.81 A. YY4Cl 5.1 1. )a 1.50 IO. 1 10.1 aerrdra l errdra b AtlAmtlC 611v.r~14., ~ur*r11. IY4Cl s.Jt 1.a1 1.9b 10.0 9.0 Noa1dia araidra b rtlentrc l 1Lvormrdo. )UYaall* WlICl 5.n 1 . 1e 1.9b JO.1 9.1 roardra l mrrdra b Atlaatrc l rlvarrrde. Juvon1lo YYICl +.I b.91 4.00 14.0 9.1 taoradl~ roa1dra b &tlamtrc srluerarda. )uv.m11. IY4Cl S.I 1.24 0.00 a0.a 10.2 ttOBi41~ l ~aldaa b 9.9 Atlbntlc 6rlvorsrd.. ]uvanr lo YYICA rr,n 1.05 2.9a A4.4 tteardib l mmrdr, b All~atrC b~lv~r~1d*. )uv.allo YY4CA s.n 1.0 a.5 al. 1 10.2 ta.a~dta a.abdia b 4.94 al. i 10. i AllAatrC l rlvor*rd=. )urmarl. YU4Cl 5.n 1.21 aeardba l oardr~ 6.1 19.1 19 I Allbat1C l IlV.#Sld.. 11.5 aa YW4Cl S.H 0.94 nmardb. l *ardba l .t 4.9- 15.0 11 In&&ad tirlvrrb1d.. YU4Cl rt.n 1 .b4 1.1 n.rrdrr b*ryllIafi

3s Ch9rn LC-50 or cc-50 y" t*ry tnq/l- III-J) I El nntc I 15.5 1Y 5 Pouch-a IYIL

Yll4Cl 15 5 JO

YYIC I 16.5

YH4Cl IS .o Jl Pouch-r lY4b

YY4Cl 14

YYlCA II JO. 5 Poucbmt l99b

YY4CI >b IS rouctbr1 19tr

lY4Cl 15.5 JO. 5 l ouchrti LYbb

YYICI 14.5

YY4Cl 11.5

WYIC L 25 JJ roucher 19tr

YY4CI A4 I1 .o Poucber l91b

IIY4CA 1b JO Puucbar lY4b

YYICA Ab. 5 JJ .5 roucb.1 IYIb

YU4Cl IO. J 9.a CA cnq IPLL

Yt44Cl 14.6 I9 CA faq IYIb

YY4CI 1Q. 6 IO. 4 CA cnq l98b

YIl4l.l 14 .a IU 4 CA cay IYIb

36 chmr I4olhuJs l-c-50 0, cc-50 y* rrnp Irq/L NM-J) t Cl --- -_- _--__-______----

..I YHICI rt,fl 2.79 1 b- 25 JO J.9 l .t IlH4CJ rt.n 1.5 I b- 11.5 J2 7.9 ..I YU4CJ rt.n 1. JO a.o- JJ 11.5 a.1 c YlI4CJ S.M I .ba 7 5b- 15 ‘11 ? bl E nn4cI S.M 1.25 1.59- ZJ ‘11 I. 72 ‘ nu4cb f.(l 1 .bS J. bO- ‘11 l.Jl c UY4Cl S,M I .o 1 .Ob- 15 -11 a.11 c w4ci s.n a. 15 a Ob- 15 ‘J4 b.12 E nn4cl 1.1 1.4 &04- ZJ ‘J4 4.14 l .I YI4Cl rt.n O.JJ J. lo- II .5 5 l.JJ . UY4CJ s.n I .o* 1.4- 5 J.1 l .t YY4CI rt.n 0.10 J a- JO. 5 5 1.b . YlIIC& S.M 7.15- 5 1.45 b YY4CA 0.M 0.91 10 JO.2 nlI4c1 S.fI J.lJ IL 14

b YY4CJ 5.N 1.04 10 4 Y b

37 L&I. Slry* luoltlodr LC-50 oc EC-50 &I” tarp 8‘ b,.. lnq/L MY-J) 4 Cl ._-- __-_ ------_ --_- __ ----

JaIV* YU4CL s.n a.5) I Y- J 5 Jl 1 day old 0.1

larva YY4CJ 5.n 0.51 I 9- 1 5 II 1 day old a.1

larva WY4CJ S.N 0.44 KS- J.5 II CArdrIb IYIb l saudoplmuronoctea A day old a.1 •*~rLC~DM~ __------_------L-____-__---_-_------_-_--_ ------_ - _._.

38 . 5y.c I*K Nathad RM ------

rYcstlY*Tcll SPCCIES

l.O- LC 0.199-0.0411 0. JO4 1.5

Lc 9.09 0.)14-O.li5 0.521

LC 1.6 14.2 0.5J-O.lb 0.6)

LC l.bl- 17.b- 0.94-l .4 1.2 b-lb 20.0

CIA b.l- 4 0.4024-0.004 0.00~1 b.9

ELS b. B- 4 0.0012-0.0024 0.0011 b.5

CLS 1.4 14.5 0.010-0.025 O.Olb

LC J.bI- 9.) 0.0111-0.04J9 0.0311 1.11

ELS I.(- IO- l.b 11

CLS 1.4- lo- o.ob-o.Aa 0.045 1.b 12

LLS (.I- II o.oaa-0.01 0 .Ol I.5

LC 1.01 14.0 0.011-0.111 0.11

LC 1.99 14.2 O.OOI-O.Ibl 0.1)

CLS 7.b)- 21.1- 0.15-O. 14 0.21 1.1) 2b. J

39 . L1m1ra Chtunrc value nbtbud 01 (*g/L IYJ) tag/L IYJ)

_- ---- ._____ ------_-. ._-- ,I

ILLS 1 b- 0.OlJ-0.146 0.10) 7.0

ELI I. J4- O.lJ-O.A4 0.18 1.95

6U 1.9 0.11-4.49 O.JJ

maa I.74 0.0&J-O.LJ4 0.092L

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LLS I.25 O.IAO-0.161 0.144

ELI 1.8) 0.412-0.7bO 0.599

LLS 6.bI 0.431-O.bb5 O.bAA

LC 7. I- 15-27 30 O.l6J-O.Jll 0.111 O..

CLS 7.9- 1J.5- IO- 0.050-0.074 0.011 Pouchbr IYIb b.0 a5.0 11.5

*cut.-Cbromrc l &tro

40 *cut0 V*lu. lrn9/L WWJJ

4 .b

0 094 4.0011

0.090 Q.OOJl

a.411 0.0111

0. IS O.Olb

1.54 0.11

2.5L 0.11

I .I5 0.11

1.41 4.101 15

A.Sr, to.25 4-14

a.12 b.2.J 1.5

I. 58 a.11 0.4

1.05 0.11 b 1

I .Q1 0 .a914 I2

0.11 O.Q4Jl 19

I. 14 0.148 1 7 SraJlroutb bar+. J JO nrcroptorur dolorceu&

1 11 Q-b11

tar ialbrd l rluor~rde . 21.1 _-____----____-_-_-_------

G2 a.nL* ----









21 Jb 10

7 lC

0.619 4 0. 171

J 0. JJA 0.11)

1 0.545 Ied drum, a. 545 8cIaooop* ocollatu~


------Tab10 4

sp*c1.1 ChoOIcal PM t*oprr~tur. Sdlrnrty 1 C) (q/k91 ------_-____------_---- -_-_-_--

01at0.. YY4Cl 0.0 12 11. J J-10 d&ya 4bt IaductIon in 0.20 Aopblprora pdludo6a cblocopbyll .

JUdCl 8.0 II 15.0 J-14 dayr bbt reductroa Ia 0.241 chlorogbyll . oIAtoO, UtcJ 0.0 11 11.7 J-10 dayr 15I raductIoa in 0.241 Iavrcula .(.O.‘L. chlorophyll .

014t00, IJl4CJ a.0 11 15.0 J-10 dayr bJb roductloa In 1 .OlI Uav~cula cryptoc.pbAlA cbloropbyll .

uI4CJ 0.0 12 15.0 J-14 daya 149 roductrocr in I .lJ4 cbloropbyll .

0L~10.. YY4Cl 6.0 11 11.7 J-10 daya lJ\ caductiom em I .2J4 rItrAchIa cloatarIum cbloro~byl1 . ol~too. IY4Cl 0.0 II 11. J J-10 d&ys bib roductroa in 0.14 J Irtrrcbca dtsarpata cbloropbyll .

Ot4too. YYICl I.6 12 11.1 J-IO day6 JJ\ raductroa In 0.141 (Iltaacb&a dubrtormra cbloropbyll .

01at00, UY4Cl 1.0 11 15.0 J-10 dayr bbb raductloa III 0.141 Irtracbra w cbloro@bylJ .

04~too. YY4Cl 6.0 11 11.7 J-10 deya 114 roductlon ~a 0.241 Staurooara coostrtcta cbloroghyll a

UY4Cl 7.9-7.9 II-24 JO 4a bouca r sduced O.OJ9 roproductrom, .O l ttoct at 0.005

rm4c1 7.8-J.) 11-14 14 d&y* reduced o.oos- reproductaon L 0.01b atr.ulat.d qrortb no .croct at 9.001 . Botrc~r, IY4C 1 11 14 bourr LCSO 10.9 Brrcbronur plrc~tll~~ . 21 504 r*4uctroa In II. 1 rotrr.r, IY4Cl I.5 popul~t,oa 9rorth 9racbiroaun plIcetIlI* . 1J 509 roductrun II) 9.b n0t1t.r. YY4Cl I.1 not productron Iracbloaus PlIC~tIl~~ Iate

IIYIYOJ 7 9 IS 101 OII)~ LTSO 1.1 SAllnrty l9/hqJ .--___-_




yI4Cl 10 LCSO 0. bbb


IU4Cl J LT50 J 1

. UU4Cl la- 14 EC50 0.11



rY4Cl 1 LT5O 1. I

. IYICJ 1 LT50 J.4

. JWICJ .5-4 JOI-4OI 0.1) qroutb reductiar

YY4CJ b.aJ IA 24 *our* LC50 0 bb

IA 144 hour9 LC5Q 0.1A Fraua. MYICI b.4) llbcrebracbtur roeorborqrr

WICI I. LO 11 14 boura u5a 1. LO

l.bO 11 LCSO 0 .a0 Prawn, YYICJ aacrobtachlum rosonborgrl

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LCSO wwac1 ( 14 12 1 I5

46 Iq/kqJ _-----_- lrq/LJ ------_-_-_-

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c IY4CL 1.95 1.J 10.) LC5. 0 Jb

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