

PRESENT: Cllr A J T Lowe Cllr J B Cambidge Cllr P D Maddocks Cllr K C Stockley (Vice Chairman) Cllr M Stokes

Cllr R Mayer

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr P Delaloye – Parish Clerk Cllr R A Wright – South District Council

APOLOGIES: Cllr D L Maddocks (Chairman) Cllr R Osborne Cllr M Sutton - Staffordshire County Council Cllr B J W Cox – District Council




RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Public Assembly and the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13.05.2013 be approved as a correct Record other than It was raised that Cllr R Wright is the Cabinet Member and not Cllr B Cox as reported in the minutes of the last meeting.


. Cllr M Stokes reported that the Right of Way Officer had informed the Parish Clerk that a Ranger was being sent to report on the reported Blocked path at the last meeting the path was still blocked. The Parish Clerk said that he would inform the Right of Way officer of this.

No other matters Arising from the previous meeting were recorded



Cllr R Wright informed the Meeting that both he and Cllr B Cox have a grant of £500 each that any resident, group or committee can apply for a proportion.


As Cllr M Sutton was unable to attend a Report was forwarded to all the Councilors and is attached to the end of these Minutes..


Cllr D Maddocks via the Parish clerk that the Old School was sold subject to contract and the contracts should be exchanged later in the month and the funds dispersed to the Trustees and the Parish Council..


Cllr K Stockley informed the Council that he would be unable to spend the time on the Play Area as he had done on the Weston site as his situation at work had changed and he would not have the time to spend on it.

It was suggested to discuss the matter more fully at the next meeting as the funds from the sale of the Old School could also potentially be utilised for the project. Cllr P Maddocks suggested that P McQue be approached to project manage the Blymhill Play area as he was the one who did the installation of the Weston one. Also that either Cllr K Stockley or Cllr R Osborne just oversee the project. It was agreed that all involved would be asked if they would be prepared to do this and the matter would be moved further at the next meeting.

It was also suggested that the Parish Clerk ask Cllr B Cox where Council obtained their climbing frame.


Cllr M Stokes said that he had been contacted by the Bradford Estates as a resident had been in touch with them saying that the path behind the Bradford Estates Offices was overgrown and that it was their responsibility to clear it.


This was discussed and the conclusion was that if the Path was on the Bradford Estates Land they were responsible for it. Cllr M Stokes was to contact the Bradford Estates to see if the Land was theirs. In Tandem to this it was decided that the Parish Clerk was to contact the Right of Way officer at Staffordshire County Council to see if it was their responsibility.

Cllr M Stokes said that the Brineton Road from Terrace Corner to the Straight Mile was still in a terrible condition. Cllr R Mayer said that Stable Lane to King Street on the way to Gnosall had been flooded all year.

It was decided that the Parish Clerk was to send another email to the Highways contact who attended the March Meeting.


Planning Application considered by Parish Council since the meeting held on 13th May 2013

- Application 13/00396/FUL proposed rear extension 14,Rectory Drive Weston under Lizard TF11 8QQ (emailed to all Cllrs 15th June 2013) - Application 13/00325/FUL Erection of an oak framed garden room extension - Horsley Cottage 52 Blymhill Road Blymhill TF11 8LR (emailed to all Cllrs 15th June 2013)

Planning Applications to be Considered by the Parish Council - 13/00685/FUL Solar Panel System on roof space Chestnut House, 4 Beighterton Farm Barns, Beighterton Lane, Weston under Lizard (emailed to all Cllrs 1st September 2013)

- 13/00601/FUL Construction of slurry store and associated hardstanding Lower Beighterton Farm Weston-Under-Lizard Shifnal TF11 8LG (emailed to all Cllrs Aug 18th 2013)

- Notification of appeal 12/00217/COU - APP/C3430/A/13/2194005 re Whyte Sitch Wood for change of use of land to allow siting for up to 89 lodges. Public Enquiry adjourned on the 20th June 2013 to be held on 28 October at the SSDC Council Offices at 1pm document s can be viewed at www.sstaffs.gov.uk

Planning Applications approved or refused by South Staffordshire Council since the meeting held on 13th May 2013

- Nil

After discussion the Parish Clerk was requested to inform the District Planning Department that the Planning Application 13/00685/FUL for the Solar Panel System should been for a Retrospective Application as they are already in place and also that they reflect sunlight and could be a cause of concern For Tractor Drivers in the field and also for Drivers in Hatch Lane.




Balance as at 13.05.2013 £3,091.25

Payments since meeting held on 13th May 2013 - to be confirmed Clerks Quarterly Fee £600.00 South Staffordshire District Council Grounds Maintenance For the 1st Quarter 2013/2014 £247.66 British Gas – Standing charges for Old School £35.58 British Gas – Standing charges for Old School £35.71 British Gas – Standing charges for Old School £35.23 British Gas – Standing charges for Old School £35.99 Plaque for Weston under Lizard Play area. £50.00 St Andrews PCC Graveyard Grant £800.00 Zurich Municipal Parish Council Insurance £744.06 Brewood District Voluntary Car scheme £200.00 St Marys Graveyard Committee Grant £150.00 Blymhill & Weston under Lizard Parish Magazine Grant £200.00 SSDC for Loan to Village Hall £450.00

Payment Made as Approved since 13th May 2013 Nil

Payment to be Approved Nil

Income received since Meeting held on 13th May 2013 Precept £0.00 Income from Consoles £0.66

Balance as at 09.09.2013 £1353.55


From the Correspondence:

A Letter from Kevin Williamson of the Staffordshire Youth Offending Service was read out re young offenders aged 10 to 18 doing projects in the Parish. The Parish Clerk was asked to invite him to the next Parish 24/92

Council Meeting on the 11th of November.

From South Staffordshire District Council From October 2013 onwards, all non recyclable waste collected from the grey bins will be delivered to the Four Ashes energy recovery facility and the location of this plant is a fundamental reason for the service restructure. We have utilised new technology and driver knowledge to make the collections more efficient and this is contributing hugely to the£380,000 annual savings as part of the new contract. This has been extensively planned and all 150 collection routes have been reviewed.

New collection routes start on Monday 14th October 2013. One third of the district (i.e. 15,000 properties) will receive no changes, one third of the district will receive a change of collection week/cycle and the final third of the district will receive a change to their collection day and week/cycle.

During September 2013, every property will receive a hand deliveredGuide to Recycling and Waste Collections which contains waste and recycling collection dates for the next two years. Please be aware that more than one calendar may exist for certain villages and parishes. The on line Calender tool is found at http://www.sstaffs.gov.uk/your_services/environmental_services/waste_and_recycling/waste_and _recycling_calendar.aspx


RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Parish Council be held on Monday 11th November 2013 at 7.30 pm at the Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Village Hall which would also include the Parish Assembly.

Date: ...... 11 November 2013......


Report for Blymhill and Weston-under-Lizard Parish Council From Cllr Mark Sutton Staffordshire County Council I am sorry that I cannot be with you this evening but other commitments prevent me from attending. As you know I was elected in May 2013 to represent the Brewood Division, this division due to boundary changes has increased in area and now included Gailey, Hatherton, , and Dunston. I have also been given a Cabinet Support role with responsibility for Public Health and Community Safety. It is not my intention to hold specific surgeries but to offer a more personal 1 to 1 service, so if residents have issues they wish to discuss or are concerned about I would ask that they give me a call or e-mail me. I am always happy to meet people at a mutually convenient location. If members and residents have any community events they wish me to support or become involved in please let me know. Broadband. Staffordshire County Council has allocated £7.44 Million to the Staffordshire broadband project, this matches what the government is investing, BT has contributed £12.47 Million. It will provide fibre optic broadband to about 97% of the county’s homes and businesses by 2016. It should see 95% of businesses across Staffordshire receiving 24Mbps. Work on the project should start shortly and once details of a roll out program are available I will distribute them. Waste recycling service. A new contract has been signed for the County’s 14 Household waste Recycling centres. Which will mean increased opening hours including 7 day opening, allowing more bulky items to be recycled, waste disposal for small businesses and more staff. Local member fund. Can I remind the Council that I have a fund from which I can make grants to community projects and organisations. I am keen that this is spent across the division and I therefore ask members to spread the word, I have provided the clerk with an application form. Applicants may well wish to give me a call before completion to discuss it. Wheels to Work Wheels to Work helps people get to work or training where there is no access to public or private transport. It is a short term intervention to get people into employment. We have interest free loans for bicycles which are paid for over a six month period and we loan out mopeds for longer distances, again for the six month period. The mopeds are provided with safety equipment, tax, mot, insurance, breakdown cover and the Compulsory Basic Training (CBT). Where the cost is a barrier but public transport is available we offer up to a month’s worth of bus passes, so the applicant has chance to get paid and then pay for their own transport. More information can be found at: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/transport/publictransport/wheels/RASPpage.aspx

Current consultation programmes that individual member, residents or the Parish Council may wish to become involved in are:

Learning Disability Day Services Consultation 2013

Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Consultation

High Speed Phase Two Route Consultation 2013

Further information available at; http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/yourcouncil/consultationandfeedback/consultation-and- feedback.aspx

Mark Sutton County Councillor Brewood Division Cabinet Support member for Public Health and Community Safety  01785 278445/ 07814 144072  [email protected]  Staffordshire County Council, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, , ST16 2DH Follow SCC on twitter: @staffordshireCC Follow me on twitter: @mark4brewood