Council Tax Resolution Explanatory Notes ______

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Council Tax Resolution Explanatory Notes ______ APPENDIX E FORM OF RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE BUDGET AND SET THE COUNCIL TAX COUNCIL TAX 2018/2019 The Council is recommended to resolve as follows: 1. Resolved to recommend to Council that it pass the necessary resolution to determine the Council Tax relevant to each part of the District at this meeting, namely, a) that it be noted that at the meeting on the 27 February, 2018 the Council approved:- (i) the revised revenue estimates for the year 2017/18 and the revenue estimates for 2018/19 (ii) the revised capital programme for the year 2017/18 and the capital programme for 2018/2019 (iii) the following positive assurance statement from the Chief Finance Officer, under the terms of section 25 of the Local Government Act 2005: “I consider that the estimates that have been made as the basis for the calculations set out below are robust, and that the levels of financial reserves proposed are adequate.” 2. That it be noted that the Council calculated: (a) the Council Tax Base 2018/19 for the whole Council area as 37,785.11 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)] and, (b) for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish precept relates as in the table below: 1 APPENDIX E Parish of: Tax Base ACTON TRUSSELL, BEDNALL & TEDDESLEY HAY 599.62 BILBROOK 1,461.95 BLYMHILL & WESTON- UNDER- LIZARD 340.14 BOBBINGTON 239.81 BREWOOD & COVEN 2,972.28 CHESLYN HAY 2,136.30 CODSALL 2,961.01 DUNSTON WITH COPPENHALL 257.98 ENVILLE 225.80 ESSINGTON 1,494.62 FEATHERSTONE 1,028.62 GREAT WYRLEY 3,335.51 HATHERTON 279.15 HILTON 48.94 HIMLEY 503.41 HUNTINGTON 1,249.55 KINVER 3,207.26 LAPLEY, STRETTON & WHEATON ASTON 970.89 LOWER PENN 474.54 PATTINGHAM & PATSHULL 995.32 PENKRIDGE 2,963.71 PERTON 3,436.72 SAREDON 304.71 SHARESHILL 302.86 SWINDON 483.95 TRYSULL & SEISDON 554.49 WOMBOURNE 4,955.97 37,785.11 3. Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2018/19 (excluding parish precepts) is £4,169,200 4. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act: (a) £45,508,081.96 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils. (b) £39,310,000.00 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act. (c) £6,198,081.96 being the amount by which the aggregate at 4 (a) above exceeds the aggregate at 4 (b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement 2 APPENDIX E for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act). (d) £164.04 being the amount at 4(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (2(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year (including Parish precepts). (e) £2,028,881.96 being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act. (f) £110.34 being the amount at 4 (d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 4 (e) above by Item T (2(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item (Parish precept) relates. (g) in the following parts of the Council's area Parish of: Band D ACTON TRUSSELL, BEDNALL & TEDDESLEY HAY £147.86 BILBROOK £154.60 BLYMHILL & WESTON- UNDER- LIZARD £124.92 BOBBINGTON £128.10 BREWOOD & COVEN £157.44 CHESLYN HAY £196.83 CODSALL £165.36 DUNSTON WITH COPPENHALL £120.03 ENVILLE £136.91 ESSINGTON £165.56 FEATHERSTONE £191.27 GREAT WYRLEY £162.79 HATHERTON £155.12 HILTON £232.94 HIMLEY £127.22 HUNTINGTON £167.96 KINVER £155.46 LAPLEY, STRETTON & WHEATON ASTON £216.52 LOWER PENN £133.52 PATTINGHAM & PATSHULL £160.65 PENKRIDGE £182.97 PERTON £169.99 SAREDON £169.41 SHARESHILL £173.56 SWINDON £147.95 TRYSULL & SEISDON £151.82 WOMBOURNE £148.49 3 APPENDIX E being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 4 (f) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council's area mentioned above divided in each case by the applicable amount at 2 (b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate. (h) in the following parts of the Council's area VALUATION BAND A B C D E F G H PARISH COUNCILS £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ACTON TRUSSELL, BEDNALL & 98.57 115.00 131.43 147.86 180.72 213.58 246.43 295.72 TEDDESLEY HAY BILBROOK 103.07 120.24 137.42 154.60 188.96 223.31 257.67 309.20 BLYMHILL & WESTON- 83.28 97.16 111.04 124.92 152.68 180.44 208.20 249.84 UNDER- LIZARD BOBBINGTON 85.40 99.63 113.87 128.10 156.57 185.03 213.50 256.20 BREWOOD & COVEN 104.96 122.45 139.95 157.44 192.43 227.41 262.40 314.88 CHESLYN HAY 131.22 153.09 174.96 196.83 240.57 284.31 328.05 393.66 CODSALL 110.24 128.61 146.99 165.36 202.11 238.85 275.60 330.72 DUNSTON WITH COPPENHALL 80.02 93.36 106.69 120.03 146.70 173.38 200.05 240.06 ENVILLE 91.27 106.49 121.70 136.91 167.33 197.76 228.18 273.82 ESSINGTON 110.37 128.77 147.16 165.56 202.35 239.14 275.93 331.12 FEATHERSTONE 127.51 148.77 170.02 191.27 233.77 276.28 318.78 382.54 GREAT WYRLEY 108.53 126.61 144.70 162.79 198.97 235.14 271.32 325.58 HATHERTON 103.41 120.65 137.88 155.12 189.59 224.06 258.53 310.24 HILTON 155.29 181.18 207.06 232.94 284.70 336.47 388.23 465.88 HIMLEY 84.81 98.95 113.08 127.22 155.49 183.76 212.03 254.44 HUNTINGTON 111.97 130.64 149.30 167.96 205.28 242.61 279.93 335.92 KINVER 103.64 120.91 138.19 155.46 190.01 224.55 259.10 310.92 LAPLEY, STRETTON & 144.35 168.40 192.46 216.52 264.64 312.75 360.87 433.04 WHEATON ASTON LOWER PENN 89.01 103.85 118.68 133.52 163.19 192.86 222.53 267.04 PATTINGHAM & PATSHULL 107.10 124.95 142.80 160.65 196.35 232.05 267.75 321.30 PENKRIDGE 121.98 142.31 162.64 182.97 223.63 264.29 304.95 365.94 PERTON 113.33 132.21 151.10 169.99 207.77 245.54 283.32 339.98 SAREDON 112.94 131.76 150.59 169.41 207.06 244.70 282.35 338.82 SHARESHILL 115.71 134.99 154.28 173.56 212.13 250.70 289.27 347.12 SWINDON 98.63 115.07 131.51 147.95 180.83 213.71 246.58 295.90 TRYSULL & SEISDON 101.21 118.08 134.95 151.82 185.56 219.30 253.03 303.64 WOMBOURNE 98.99 115.49 131.99 148.49 181.49 214.49 247.48 296.98 4 APPENDIX E being the amounts given by multiplying the relevant amounts as above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(i) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands. (i) that it be noted that for the year 2018/19 the Staffordshire County Council, the Staffordshire Police Authority and the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Fire Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below: VALUATION BAND A B C D E F G H PRECEPTING AUTHORITY £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Staffordshire County Council 807.01 941.52 1,076.02 1,210.52 1,479.52 1,748.53 2,017.53 2,421.04 OPCC Staffordshire 128.37 149.77 171.16 192.56 235.35 278.14 320.93 385.12 Staffordshire Fire Authority 49.02 57.19 65.36 73.53 89.87 106.21 122.55 147.06 j) that having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amount at 4 (h) and (i) above, the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2018/2019 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below: 5 APPENDIX E VALUATION BAND A B C D E F G H PARISH COUNCILS £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ACTON TRUSSELL, BEDNALL 1,082.97 1,263.48 1,443.97 1,624.47 1,985.46 2,346.46 2,707.44 3,248.94 & TEDDESLEY HAY BILBROOK 1,087.47 1,268.72 1,449.96 1,631.21 1,993.70 2,356.19 2,718.68 3,262.42 BLYMHILL & WESTON- 1,067.68 1,245.64 1,423.58 1,601.53 1,957.42 2,313.32 2,669.21 3,203.06 UNDER- LIZARD BOBBINGTON 1,069.80 1,248.11 1,426.41 1,604.71 1,961.31 2,317.91 2,674.51 3,209.42 BREWOOD & COVEN 1,089.36 1,270.93 1,452.49 1,634.05 1,997.17 2,360.29 2,723.41 3,268.10 CHESLYN HAY 1,115.62 1,301.57 1,487.50 1,673.44 2,045.31 2,417.19 2,789.06 3,346.88 CODSALL 1,094.64 1,277.09 1,459.53 1,641.97 2,006.85 2,371.73 2,736.61 3,283.94 DUNSTON WITH 1,064.42 1,241.84 1,419.23 1,596.64 1,951.44 2,306.26 2,661.06 3,193.28 COPPENHALL ENVILLE 1,075.67 1,254.97 1,434.24 1,613.52 1,972.07 2,330.64 2,689.19 3,227.04 ESSINGTON 1,094.77 1,277.25 1,459.70 1,642.17 2,007.09 2,372.02 2,736.94 3,284.34 FEATHERSTONE 1,111.91 1,297.25 1,482.56 1,667.88 2,038.51 2,409.16 2,779.79 3,335.76 GREAT WYRLEY 1,092.93 1,275.09 1,457.24 1,639.40 2,003.71 2,368.02 2,732.33 3,278.80 HATHERTON 1,087.81 1,269.13 1,450.42 1,631.73 1,994.33 2,356.94 2,719.54 3,263.46 HILTON 1,139.69 1,329.66 1,519.60 1,709.55 2,089.44 2,469.35 2,849.24 3,419.10 HIMLEY 1,069.21 1,247.43 1,425.62 1,603.83 1,960.23 2,316.64 2,673.04 3,207.66 HUNTINGTON 1,096.37 1,279.12 1,461.84 1,644.57 2,010.02 2,375.49 2,740.94 3,289.14 KINVER 1,088.04 1,269.39
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    The following applications have been received and the table shows the status of the application between receipt and decision. You can view comments/objections we have received from Consultees or Neighbours via PublicAccess and can the application so you will get an automated message when the status changes. APPLICATION STATUS Application Address Description Status Valid Target Expected Ward Number Date Decision Decision PARISH Level Date (DEL – Delegated) (COM – Committee) 12 12 Monkton Way ORANGERY TO Application 18/00505/FUL Gospel End Dudley BE BUILT ON TO Received DY3 4BS BACK OF HOUSE New House Two-storey side Insufficient 18/00512/FUL Stourbridge Road extension, front Fee Wombourne WV5 porch extension 0JN and building over existing swimming pool The Trees 6, 6.5 x 3m 1st Application 18/00513/FUL Francis Green Lane floor extension Received Penkridge ST19 over existing 5HE garage. Loft conversion with rear facing full height glazing dormer with juliette balcony. Rendering to the entire dwelling The following applications have been received and the table shows the status of the application between receipt and decision. You can view comments/objections we have received from Consultees or Neighbours via PublicAccess and can the application so you will get an automated message when the status changes. APPLICATION STATUS Application Address Description Status Valid Target Expected Ward Number Date Decision Decision PARISH Level Date (DEL – Delegated) (COM – Committee) excluding rear ground floor extension. Replacement of existing garage door for small double 12 x 7ft Eurofins Food Door position on Application Bilbrook 17/00002/AME Testing UK Limited proposed north Invalid On Receipt BILBROOK ND2 Unit G1 Valiant Way elevation moved Pendeford to suit client Wolverhampton operational Jennifer Mincher South Staffordshire requirements.
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