19-00407 SAD Site Saredon Road Cheslyn

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19-00407 SAD Site Saredon Road Cheslyn Sarah Plant – Assistant Team Manager: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 19/00407/FUL Mr Chris Loizou Partner CHESLYN HAY MAJOR Construction Limited Councillor Mike Boyle Councillor Steve Hollis SAD Site 119 Saredon Road Cheslyn Hay Residential Development (60 dwellings) and public open space, with associated highways and drainage infrastructure, landscaping and other accommodation works and construction of a car park. 1.SITE DESCRIPTION AND PLANNING HISTORY 1.1. Site Description 1.1.1 The application site is located on Saredon Road in Cheslyn Hay. The site consists of 2.78 hectares of agricultural land that is gated along its access point to the south-eastern corner. The site is bound along is southern boundary with a well- established hedgerow, fields and an access road to the west, open fields to the north and residential to the immediate east. 1.1.2 Opposite the application site and across the road situate Cheslyn Hay Primary School, Cheslyn Hay Leisure Centre and Cheslyn Hay Academy. The site lies immediately south of Cheslyn Hay Quarry. 1.2 Site Planning History: 1.2.1 Policy SAD2 identifies this site as part of a site allocated for housing, reference Site 119 – Land at Saredon Road, Cheslyn Hay. The application site forms the majority of the SAD site apart from the western part, which is said to be under separate applicant ownership. 1.2.2 The Councils Site Allocation Document (SAD) was adopted in September 2018. The SAD agrees the principle that a suitable form of development can be located on a particular site. Neighbouring Site Planning History: 19/00604/FUL: Land to the north east of Saredon Road, Replacement structures and retention of lighting columns on the basis that the consent will last until 12 months after planning permission for the residential development of the land has been granted. Refused 16th November 2011. Sarah Plant – Assistant Team Manager: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 1.3 Pre-application: 1.3.1 Pre-application discussions have taken place. 2. APPLICATION DETAILS 2.1 The Proposal 2.1.1 This full planning application seeks planning permission for 60 units, together with public open space, a car park (up to 30 spaces) and landscaping, along with drainage and highway infrastructure. The car park is a SAD site key requirement. 2.1.2 Originally consent was sought for 90 units and two car parks. However, following lengthy negotiations, the application has been amended. These amendments have resulted in revisions to the site layout with an increased provision of open space (0.72ha) and children’s play area, house types, design, mix and tenure, the re-location of and provision of one car park and general appearance. All consultees have been re-notified of these amendments. 2.1.3 As a gesture of good will, the scheme originally proposed two car parks totalling 65 car spaces (well in excess of the SAD 9 Key Development Policy requirement). These were to be provided within the school grounds adjacent the site. However, following extensive discussions with the school, and Sport England this option was abandoned and amendments submitted. 2.1.4 Of the 60 units, 36 (60%) will be open market and 24 (40%) to be provided as affordable. The development provides a mix of property types, comprising: 4 no. one bed maisonettes (7%); 5 no. two bed bungalows (8%); 18 no. two bed houses (30%); 26 no. three bed houses (43%) 7 no. four bed houses (12%) 2.1.5 The affordable tenure is to be apportioned as 12 no. social rent and 12no. shared ownership and mix as follows: 4no. 1 bed apartments 8no. 2 bed houses 2no. 2 bed bungalows 8no. 3 bed houses Sarah Plant – Assistant Team Manager: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 2no. 4 bed houses 2.2 Agents submission 2.2.1 The following supporting documents have been submitted in addition to the proposed plans: Affordable Housing Statement 31.01.20 Arboricultural Impact Assessment 31.01.20 Archaeological Desk-based Assessment 31.01.20 Area Contribution Plan 31.01.20 Construction Method Statement 31.01.20 CSWM Plan-Code of Practice 31.01.20 Design and Access Statement 31.01.20 Drainage Strategy 31.01.20 Ecological Appraisal -B 31.01.20 External Levels 31.01.20 Flood Risk Assessment Rev 6 31.01.20 Floor plan Plot Schedule 31.01.20 Flow Routes 31.01.20 Heritage Assessment 31.01.20 Landscape Strategy Noise Assessment-31.01.20 Phase 1 Report Final - 31.01.20 Planning Statement 31.01.20 Pre Development STW Response Street Scene Perspective 1-3 Transportation Assessment 31.01.20 Travel Plan POLICY CONTEXT 3.1. The site is within the development boundary, as defined through the Council’s Site Allocations Document (2018). 3.2 Core Strategy 2012 National Policy 1 – The Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Core Policy 1 – The Spatial Strategy for South Staffordshire Core Policy 2 - Protecting and Enhancing the Natural and Historic Environment Core Policy 6 – Housing Delivery Policy GB1 – Development in the Green Belt Policy EQ1 – Protecting, Enhancing and Expanding Natural Assets Sarah Plant – Assistant Team Manager: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 Policy EQ3 – Conservation, Preservation and Protection of Heritage Assets Policy EQ4 – Protecting and Enhancing the Character and Appearance of the Landscape Core Policy 3 – Sustainable Development and Climate Change Policy EQ7 – Water Quality Policy EQ9 – Protecting Residential Amenity Core Policy 4 – Promoting High Quality Design Policy EQ11 – Wider Design Considerations Policy EQ12 – Landscaping Core Policy 5 – Infrastructure Delivery Policy EQ13 – Development Contributions Core Policy 6 – Housing Delivery Policy H1 – Achieving a Balanced Housing Market Policy H2 – Provision of Affordable Housing Policy H4 – Delivering Affordable Housing Policy H5 – Specialist Housing Accommodation Core Policy 11 – Sustainable Transport Policy EV12 – Parking Provision Core Policy 13 – Community Safety Policy CS1 – Designing Out Crime Core Policy 14 – Open Space, Sport and Recreation Policy HWB1 – Protection of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy HWB2 – Green Infrastructure Core Policy 15 – Children and Young People 3.3 Site Allocations Document 2018 Policy SAD2 – The Housing Allocations Policy SAD6 – Green Belt, Open Countryside and Development Boundary Amendments Policy SAD7 – Open Space Standards Policy SAD9 – Key Development Requirements 3.4 National Planning Policy Framework Section 2 – Achieving sustainable development Section 4 – Decision-making Section 5 – Delivering sufficient supply of homes Section 8 – Promoting healthy and safe communities Section 11 – Making effective use of land Section 12 – Achieving well-designed places Section 13 – Protecting Green Belt land Sarah Plant – Assistant Team Manager: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 Section 15 – Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Section 16 - Conserving and enhancing the historic environment 4. CONSULTATION RESPONSES Councillor M Boyle (comments received 11.06.2019) I have had discussions with my fellow district councillors for Cheslyn Hay, following which I have concerns around Core Strategy sections EQ9, EQ1 1, Core Policy 5 and EV12 and therefore I formally wish to Call In this application for consideration by the Planning Committee. Councillor S Hollis (comments received 12.06.2019) My objections to site 119 Saredon Rd Cheslyn Hay… 1st The original application is for 63 Housing….They are now going for 92 Dwellings This is too much. 2nd It was agreed to put a Car park on the site …This has now moved to the school ….again unacceptable.. in accordance with the allocation… 3rd We are having MAJOR problems in the village with the sewers ….Blocking & now weeks of tankers emptying them see Severn Trent…This development will increase the problem….It again is unacceptable. 4th The school is full & Local children cannot be accepted… 5th This will increase Traffic on an already very busy road directly outside a school... This is dangerous & unacceptable ( Health & Safety ) 6th The Parking outside the school is bad enough without the added danger of the work vehicles… 7 We asked for a new Road to replace the old Lodge Lane.. to join up with the Coal Truck Island… This will relieve some of the Traffic through the village… Nothing showing on the drawings… Why not? ….. Cheslyn Hay Parish Council (comments received 19.11.2019) Cheslyn Hay Parish Council discussed this application at a Full Council meeting on the 6th November 2019 and have raised the following objections:- Green Belt Development The national policy is to protect green belt land, Cheslyn Hay Parish Council object to any development in the green belt. Mineral Resources Rosemary quarry is adjacent to site 119 and is on the Etruria Formation map 154, Lichfield solid geology, British Geological survey. The Etruria formation is the principal clay resource in Staffordshire and recognised nationally as a premium clay resource, due to the relative scarcity of the resource there is a need to safeguard clays from sterilisation caused by built development. Excessive number of dwellings The original site allocation documents quoted a minimum dwelling delivery of 63, Cheslyn Hay Parish Council believe that even with the new number of 70 dwellings, Sarah Plant – Assistant Team Manager: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 this added to the other developments near our boundary, will be excessive for Cheslyn Hay. Cheslyn Hay Parish Council feel that South Staffordshire Council should only take the minimum number of dwellings from the Greater Birmingham Housing Market. Drainage/Sewerage Issues The area in Cheslyn Hay on Saredon Road is a flood risk. By removing green belt land and adding housing stock would result in the water being unable to soak away, creating flooding issues. The current sewerage system in Cheslyn Hay needs to be addressed before any further development is added to the infrastructure. The current mains sewer system controlled by Severn Trent is not fit-for-purpose and tankers are queuing at the pumping station in Coppice Lane on a regular basis to pump out the excess waste.
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