Late Holocene Sea Level Rise in Southwest Florida: Implications for Estuarine Management and Coastal Evolution
LATE HOLOCENE SEA LEVEL RISE IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA: IMPLICATIONS FOR ESTUARINE MANAGEMENT AND COASTAL EVOLUTION Dana Derickson, Figure 2 FACULTY Lily Lowery, University of the South Mike Savarese, Florida Gulf Coast University Stephanie Obley, Flroida Gulf Coast University Leonre Tedesco, Indiana University and Purdue Monica Roth, SUNYOneonta University at Indianapolis Ramon Lopez, Vassar College Carol Mankiewcz, Beloit College Lora Shrake, TA, Indiana University and Purdue University at Indianapolis VISITING and PARTNER SCIENTISTS Gary Lytton, Michael Shirley, Judy Haner, STUDENTS Leslie Breland, Dave Liccardi, Chuck Margo Burton, Whitman College McKenna, Steve Theberge, Pat O’Donnell, Heather Stoffel, Melissa Hennig, and Renee Dana Derickson, Trinity University Wilson, Rookery Bay NERR Leda Jackson, Indiana University and Purdue Joe Kakareka, Aswani Volety, and Win University at Indianapolis Everham, Florida Gulf Coast University Chris Kitchen, Whitman College Beth A. Palmer, Consortium Coordinator Nicholas Levsen, Beloit College Emily Lindland, Florida Gulf Coast University LATE HOLOCENE SEA LEVEL RISE IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA: IMPLICATIONS FOR ESTUARINE MANAGEMENT AND COASTAL EVOLUTION MICHAEL SAVARESE, Florida Gulf Coast University LENORE P. TEDESCO, Indiana/Purdue University at Indianapolis CAROL MANKIEWICZ, Beloit College LORA SHRAKE, TA, Indiana/Purdue University at Indianapolis PROJECT OVERVIEW complicating environmental management are the needs of many federally and state-listed Southwest Florida encompasses one of the endangered species, including the Florida fastest growing regions in the United States. panther and West Indian manatee. Watershed The two southwestern coastal counties, Collier management must also consider these issues and Lee Counties, commonly make it among of environmental health and conservation. the 5 fastest growing population centers on nation- and statewide censuses.
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