1 3 purple ST pink gold 11 sky black

white 18 red

blue car turn- green around yellow orange

grey Emergency Assembly 17 S Point 7 8 ST 13 12

14 6 16 T 19 Concourse 15 T C 10 9 2 5 Day 1 carpark T


C X Exit Entrance E SITE MAP 1 Blazing Ahead (ages 8-10) 2 Campers kitchen 3 Campers kitchen - Marae 4 Cutting Edge (ages 11-13) 5 Firewire (ages 14-17) 6 Gallery Lounge 7 Ignite (ages 5-7) 8 Just Expression 9 Leaders Lounge 10 Living Room (ages 18-30) 11 Marae 12 Market Place 13 Meeting Place 14 New Wine office 15 Preschool (ages 0-4) 16 Stewards room 17 Team dining 18 Village camping 19 Workshop Central C Carparking E Registration entrance (walk to village and beach) S Showers T Toilets X 2Exit and commuting traffic (to town and highway) WELCOME

New Wine’s passion is to see churches renewed, people sharing their faith and doing the work of God’s kingdom, church leaders passionate and effective ... essentially we’re all about seeing the nation changed through you. 2017 is going to be a great year. New Wine is planning leaders retreats, weekend conferences, leaders networking days, specialist training events, faith sharing visits, and team weekend gatherings - but it all starts here at the summer festival. Our prayer is that these next five days will be a wonderful start to the year ahead. That New Wine will be an oasis if you are dry and weary, a catalyst for action if you are hungry to serve and sold out for Jesus, and an encouragement for those jaded by the everyday. Whichever version of you is here, we encourage you to reach to God with both hands, to sing your lungs out and cheer your heart out, to grow more in knowing and loving one another. Transformation of a nation starts... or stops... with you, and we know God will use this New Wine festival if you let him!

Leader, New Wine NZ

3 RAUMATI, WE’RE BACK! We love being right here at Raumati Village with all it offers. With the beach, park, boutique stores, cuisine to suit your taste whether French, Indian, Mediterranean, Kiwi fush & chips, rustic pub, DIY, or fancy à la carte, you’re spoilt for choice. You could just about stay another week!

OFFERING The work of New Wine is expanding. Your festival fees only cover this event, not the leaders’ days, retreats, weekend conferences, kids ministry events, worship events or leader development work we have planned for 2017. God’s provision comes through your generosity. An offering will be taken on Sunday evening. Please prayerfully consider how you can help to build this ministry. If you miss the offering and would like to give you may do so any time at the New Wine office. Eftpos is available.


PRESCHOOL AGES 0-4 A fun, safe, peaceful place with an outside play area where preschoolers are cared for and learn about our God through craft, dance, music and teaching. A simple morning tea is supplied but do bring a named bag, a sunhat, and supplies we might need such as a change of clothes, nappies.

IGNITE AGES 5-7 Kids rule in the new Ignite tent! Our programme in- cludes games and crafts, teaching, worship and even puppets. Other goodies? Morning tea and spot prizes plus new BFF’s. This year we’re learning about God’s love. Ensure you have your sunhat, sunscreen and jandals for 5 days of crazy fun and adventure.

BLAZING AHEAD AGES 8-10 Are you ready for 5 days of crazy fun? Not only has zone leader Tim managed to score Brian and Ali Champness all the way from Australia, he’s also got amazing worship, crazy games, super leaders and world famous sports. Let’s explore together God’s love amongst the fun and sun at Blazing Ahead.

ZONE HOURS Doors open at 8.45am and 6.15pm and close at 12.15 and 8.30pm Please pick up your children promptly at session end. Children left just 5 minutes after close will have selected, named and packed their new free kitten af- ter guzzling a can of coke.

PRESCHOOL AND KIDS REGISTRATION Thursday 3.30-5pm in Preschool, Ignite & Blazing Ahead to ensure we know the kids and the kids know us! 5 CUTTING EDGE AGES 11-13 We’ve got keen team, fresh games, a great group of kids. We’re good to go. Let the fun begin! Cutting Edge is about wacky games, worship, chats, connecting with each other and God all while chewing over tough issues. While we’re boasting did we mention our seriously great team of leaders who can’t wait to soak up the summer sun while making great friends? Bring sunhat, water bottle and any clothes except your Sunday best.

FIREWIRE AGES 14-17 We’re back with mischief, fun and games, worship, teaching and prayer. Firewire relic Mike Pilavachi is back, alongside a raft of truly outstanding Kiwi speakers tackling tough issues designed to make you laugh, cry, think, connect. That’s the speaking...then there’s the singing. In worship we’re going big with the Crossroads team and The Street team. All in all Firewire’s about worshiping the living God whether in crazy games, singing, teaching or discussing. New this year; chill late with us each night; Thursday Movie night. Bring your cuddly blankie - popcorn and hot chocolate supplied Friday Luke Paynter’s famous Pub Quiz Saturday Open Mic Night. Get yo ulter-ego on… Sunday Meeting Place Dance. It’s loud. It’s busy. It’s on.

MEETING PLACE ALL AGES Worship, teaching and ministry are New Wine main- stays and you’ll find them in abundance as you gather with others in this place where denominational differ- ences don’t exist and we simply engage with God as His people. From 9am-12.15pm each day: hear Karl Martin, Tak Bhana, Stephanie Johnston, Sarah Scott-Webb or Jasmine Fidow, alongside some ‘Real Kiwi’s’ and wor- ship led by Tim Costley, Rachel Dann and The Street team with Tom Field and Jamie Rodwell. From 6.30-8.30pm each evening it’s a simple diet of Mike Pilavachi, ‘Real Kiwi’s’, worship and ministry. 6 LIVING ROOM 18-30 YEAR OLDS We’ve moved but it’s still us! Come find us in the staffroom - which we’ll make our own for New Wine. You’ll find us rocking the 18-30’s vibe not just because of the food, the music or the coffee....but because of the conversation. We’ll talk real and raw topics; the stuff we’re facing in this crazy world, our communities, changing trends, even real sex issues. In the evening coffee, cake, conversation and live music makes this the Living Room at it’s au- thenic best. We’re open when the Meeting Place isn’t - morning tea, lunch and supper (and it’s all on us). Each day morning tea and lunch on us Each evening live music and supper Plus candid conversations on real topics; Friday 1.30pm Karl Martin 8.30pm Jo Robertson Saturday 1.30pm Sarah Scott-Webb Sunday 1.30pm Mike Pilavachi


BIBLET HE GREAT NEWPROJECT ZEALAND New Wine is partnering with Bible Society to get Bibles into people’s hands. Our vision is to see The Action Bible in the library of all 1900 New Zealand primary schools and now every prison by this time next year. The deal? Select a school, sponsor a Bible, pay $25 (instead of RRP$40), chat delivery options. Simple. Your bonus – you get to buy one or more Bibles for yourself at our discounted rate. See the New Wine stall in the Market Place for details.

8 GALLERY LOUNGE The Gallery Lounge - to make the cultured ‘you’ feel at home. There’s nothing like an old fashioned chin- wag with new friends over a cuppa. The Gallery Lounge is available for you to do just that, whilst relaxing and enjoying the art which is all for sale to support the Bible Project. In the evenings just to mix things up join your hosts, Paul and Shelagh Tucker, for a wine and cheese from 8.30-9pm.

LEADERS LOUNGE If you are a church leader or member of a ministry staff team, come and make yourself at home in the Leaders Lounge. You’ll find re- freshments and daily papers, not to mention your hosts, John and Gail Marquet. This place is for you to chat with speakers, other leaders or those you wish to meet qui- etly with. Morning tea, afternoon tea, supper - the door is always open.


There’s loads happening around the site. Look out for lolly scrambles and old fashioned games, donuts, woodfired pizza, dance evening, movie nights, prayer and prophecy slots, and the much loved littlies storytime to name but a few. Read on for details.

WORKOUT BEAR STYLE DAILY 7AM We have our very own Bear Grylls - no cliff jumping or grub snacking though as we’re too cultured for that nonsense! Join in a morning workout for 30-45 mins (stamina permitting). 7am by the tennis courts overlooking the tent village.

AFTERNOON GAMES DAILY 3PM Friday and Sunday it’s old fashioned games on the playing field. Meet the Firewire team at 3pm for the good ol’ races and lolly scrambles. All ages welcome - and bring your cameras for those candid shots. On Saturday we’re off to the beach! Join Tama and Miriam from 3-4.30pm for max beach fun, games, treasure digs and more.

FIND A DEVOTION RHYTHM Daily at 7.45am and 10.30pm meet in Just Expres- sion with Justin Duckworth and others to start the day right and end it in prayer. Bring your Bible. All welcome. Sunday morning includes communion.


STORY TIME DAILY 4PM If you’re a wee story lover come to the Market Place at 4.00pm to hear Heather, our storyteller extraordinaire, tell a tale while Mum and Dad grab a coffee or prep dinner. You’ll find us snuggled on the picnic blanket.

PETTING ZOO FRIDAY 1-3.30PM Calling all kids! Zippity Zoo is back! On Friday from 1-3.30pm we’ll see you on the playing field to visit Zippity Zoo’s goat, sheep, guinea pigs, chickens, rabbits and even a miniature pony.

BOOK SIGNING SUNDAY 3PM Getting Mike Pilavachi and Karl Martin into one place at the same time - so easy (not)!!! Come and buy a book and get it signed all while chatting with the author. Sunday 3-3.30pm in the Market Place.

PROPHECY AND PRAYER We all need to go deeper in prayer at times. Each afternoon at 3pm Jasmine Fidow will offer 15 min- ute spots in Workshop Room 3 for just that - deeper prayer. Sign up outside the New Wine office.

11 MEETING PLACE ANTICS MOVIE MANIA Thursday 8.45pm Finding Dory Friday 8.45pm Inside Out Saturday 8.45pm Hunt for the Wilderpeople Late Saturday 10.30pm Cool Runnings

BREAKFAST CLUB 8-8.45AM DAILY Join Matt Soong’s breakfast band as they rock out some of the old gospel tunes; while the kids play percussion, the dancers dance and those who sim- ply want to start the day in worship toe-tap.

ALL AGE DANCE SUNDAY 8.45PM Get your glad rags on and dance the night away. Dads and daughters, guys and gals, Mums and Dads, team up - it’s all on in the Meeting Place Sunday night at 8.45pm then on ‘til late once the kids go to bed!


Just Expression is an all age space for good food and energetic conversation about how our faith must trans- late into powerful action for our neighbourhoods and our world. Melbourne spoken word Poet Joel McKerrow will be with us alongside Tricycle, a group of artists who bring varied artistic backgrounds together to find a joy in dance for community devotion. We’ll be serving authentic woodfired pizzas alongside exceptional espresso coffee. Come and chat with us about Christ’s call to create a bet- ter world. Thursday 8.30pm Joel McKerrow Friday 3.15pm TearFund Dangerous Convo’s 4.15-5pm Tricycle. A workshop on dance for community devotions 8.30pm Live music Saturday 3.15pm Joel McKerrow workshop 4.15-5pm Tricycle workshop 8.30pm Joel McKerrow Sunday 3.15pm TearFund Dangerous Convo’s 4.15-5pm Tricycle workshop

Each lunch and dinner woodfired pizza and espresso

CHURCH MEETINGS SUNDAY 3.30PM We’re in this together and that means a fantastic carry through to church for 2017. How about setting aside some time Sunday afternoon to discuss it? Cop a squat where ever suits and chat through what might transfer, what’s captured your heart, what you’ve got a hunger for in the year ahead.

13 WORTH A LISTEN BRIAN AND ALI CHAMPNESS New Wine Kids Australia is led by Brian and Ali Champness who ministered for 5 years in the UK as Childrens and Families Pastors and were part of the New Wine Kids Leadership network. Each year they ran “Boulder Gang” at the New Wine summer conference which involved over 600 children and 120 leaders! Brian and Ali have a passion to mentor childrens and families leaders who will reach this generation of children with the love of God and the Good News of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. CALEB ROWE Caleb was formerly an actor in the Royal Shakespeare Company in the UK before responding to a call to leadership in the Church. He is passionate about discipleship and seeing lives transformed by the love of Jesus. Married to Billy they have an 8 month old daughter Phoebe, and they were both recently ordained priest in the Wellington Diocese. He has just begun a shared role with Billy at All Saints Palmerston North. CHRIS DARNELL Chris is a longtime leader and supporter of New Wine and is an Anglican vicar in Whitby. When not working he likes to listen to good music, go for walks, devour information, make music, design things, whistle, talk to himself, and whatever else tickles his fancy.

14 CHRISTOPH ZINTL Christoph came to follow Jesus at a youth camp in Blenheim when he was 19 years old. This unexpected but beautiful meeting with Jesus totally changed his world, his dreams and plans to be a professional actor. Yes, Jesus saved him from Shortland St... and a lot of other things! He went on to become a youth/ young adults pastor in Christchurch. Christoph currently lives in Wellington with his awesome wife and three amazing kids. As a family they are less than a year into planting a Vineyard church called The Story. GRAINNE READ Grainne, having spent a year with Mike Pilavachi at Soul Survivor Watford, has now nearly completed her theology degree at the School of Theology. She loves young people and thoroughly looks forward to teaching again at Cutting Edge. Grainne returns this year from the UK not as a Thompson but as Mrs Samuel Read. JAMES BECK For the last eight years James has spent his days working for Attitude, the youth education division of The Parenting Place, where he talks to people about things that most people avoid talking about. James has spoken to more people than he can count, which isn’t hard cause he reckons he can only count to 326. He loves it because he gets to meet people from all backgrounds and talk about the passion he has for life, and how he found that passion when he met Jesus as a 19 year old. JAMIE RODWELL Jamie is the Associate Worship Pastor at The Street and spends his spare time surfing, sleeping and making music. He loves late night conversations and is allergic to small portions. Jamie has led worship from a young age and prior to coming to New Zea- land was a part of Soul Survivor UK’s worship team. 15 JASMINE FIDOW Jasmine is married to Nauma Maiava and they are active members of St. Martin’s Presbyterian Church in Papatoetoe, Auckland. Jasmine’s testimony of God’s healing and restoring grace is what motivates her to impact as many people as she can through evangelism, preaching, teaching and the prophetic ministry of the gospel. Jasmine has much experience, both locally and abroad, in running Prophetic/Healing meetings as well as prophetic schools. Jasmine ministers power- fully in the prophetic and it is her heart to encourage and empower all to hear God’s voice, respond to His love and be healed in the process. JO ROBERTSON Jo works at Carey Baptist College as the programme coordinator in Pastoral Leadership Training and also does individual and couples counselling in sex therapy and pornography addiction. She regularly speaks in churches, at events and leadership train- ing seminars about sexual addiction, improving in- timacy in marriage and adolescent sexual wellness. Jo is passionate about seeing things hidden in the dark brought to light, and the church becoming a safer place for peoples past and current wounds. JOHN AND KRISTINA John and Kristina are New Zealanders based in the Middle East. In their work with Operation Mer- cy they have been involved in guiding potential refugees with resettlement issues. John provides guidance and training to NGOs across the globe as they deal with the aftermaths of disasters, and has been involved in refugee responses in Iraq and the Balkans. Kristina consults for the refugee char- ity World Relief. In Jordan she helped World Relief and local church partners develop and implement women’s health education programmes and Child Friendly Spaces.

16 JONATHAN HESP Jono is the executive director of Alpha NZ. His pas- sions are discipleship, bringing people to Jesus and his red guitar! Having spent over 15 years in youth ministry, Jono has experienced some of the strug- gles churches face connecting and engaging with the community. JUSTIN DUCKWORTH He’s not your average bishop. Justin hails from Lower Hutt, has dreadlocks, usually wears shorts and bare feet, pioneered Urban Vision, has a life focus on serving the poor and lives in community. He worked in youth and community work for nearly 20 years and in that time pioneered loads of differ- ent projects. The driving passion for Justin is to see people equipped and encouraged to work together for a better world. KARL MARTIN Karl is the Senior Pastor of Central – a church with a big vision to become a movement of missional disci- pleship with Jesus at the heart in Edinburgh, and be- yond. He is passionate about equipping, encouraging and releasing individuals in leadership. Karl is married to Niki and they have four daughters who have given him a love of rom-coms, dance movies and Downton Abbey. He would be playing cricket, rugby and foot- ball for England if it wasn’t for an old knee injury. LYDIA READ Lydia leads the team at New Wine and is never quite sure how that happened - but is sure God has a sense of humour. An auditor, accountant and mother, she has shelved many of her interests like flying and studying as she and husband Shane now lead Hope Vineyard in Palmerston North. Of course amazing teams make it all possible, which is great because if there’s one thing that gets LJ humming it’s God’s church and being with ordinary people who live dy- namic personal faith journeys. 17 MATT SOONG Matt is a carpenter who plays the piano. That said he spent 10 years in London involved in the indie rock scene and the Worship Central team under . He has also played keys for artists including Ron Kenoly, Anita Prime and worked with some top international producers. Come and enjoy Matt and his rag tag Breakfast Club in the Meeting Place at 8am each morning. MIKE PILAVACHI World famous in New Zealand. If you saw him at Parachute, Easter Camp, Soul Survivor or New Wine you’re sold, if you didn’t then you’re in for a treat – he’s not to be missed. Mike leads Soul Survi- vor UK, is an international speaker and author. He’s fervent about worship, justice, evangelism and min- istry in the power of the Holy Spirit and is a general all round good guy. NICK FIELD Nick is Senior Pastor of The Street City Church in Wellington. The church is a thriving hub which has a heart for being a community of disciple-makers intentional about seeing people transformed by the gospel. Nick has grown a sizeable staff who are hum- ble, effective, cheer one another on and understand the vision of the church. His background in perfor- mance music may be part of the reason The Street’s worship and teaching is exceptionally great (and no, he didn’t write this).

PAUL MCINTOSH Paul has recently taken on the exciting challenge of vicar of St Anne’s Anglican church in Welling- ton, and is soon to be a father of a second daughter. He enjoys the mess of mixing ministry and family life, and the joy of seeing people come fully alive in Christ.

18 RACHEL DANN Rachel grew up and lives in Palmerston North sur- rounded by a God focused, people serving, loving family. When not nursing, she serves at Crossroads as the Deputy Music Director and is part of the pro- gramming team for their Nightchurch service. Ra- chel has a heart to teach others and to pass on what she has learnt along the way.

RICHARD BLACK Richard is the founder and Director of Strength to Strength, a counselling and training organisation. He is an ordained minister and a trained counsellor and works alongside churches providing special- ised support for their pastoral care. Through this and his public speaking he helps people strength- en their thinking, be proactive in relationships, and succeed with life. As the Chair of the Trustees for New Wine NZ Richard is passionate about seeing churches fulfil their purpose in God.

WE’RE SO GRATEFUL TO OUR WONDERFUL SPONSORS Ann Sinclair Charitable Trust Wellington Anglican Youth Trust Fund Wilberforce 21 Winton and Margaret Bear Trust And also Fonterra, Lampros Sound, World Moving and Storage and so many more who have cooked, donated, washed, baked, loaned furniture, admin- istered administration stuff, transported equipment and worked like Ewoks on the third moon of Endor. 19 RUBY DUNCAN Ruby spent 10 years in mission and community de- velopment in the Philippines alongside her husband Mick, who was the Team Leader. Returning to New Zealand in 1994 Ruby became involved in Christian social work, and led a team of 60 workers based in South Auckland focussed on changing family life for the better. She was the CEO of Iosis for 10 years before moving into her current work with the Bap- tist Union, where she helps churches with involve- ment in their communities. SAM COUPER Sam sings, plays electric guitar and leads worship at Palmerston North Central Baptist. He’s generally ex- cited by anything that’s loud with six strings. He is passionate about music and how it connects people with God and has spoken at New Wine’s Plugged In for several years.

SARAH SCOTT-WEBB Sarah is the Marketing and Communications Man- ager for Hagar NZ. She has fought human trafficking since 2005 when she volunteered in Cambodia, work- ing as a music therapist with 4-14 year old girls res- cued from sex slavery. Sarah has a post grad Diploma in Applied Theology, focussing on theological issues surrounding modern day slavery, and a Masters in In- ternational Relations, specialising in the legal, cultur- al and gender issues surrounding human trafficking. STEPHANIE JOHNSTON Stephanie is the COO and Field Representative for Barnabas Fund New Zealand. She hails from Ohio USA where she was a youth pastor for 14 years. Stepha- nie travels throughout New Zealand raising awareness for the work that Barnabas Fund does with the perse- cuted church, as well as giving practical and necessary information on how to help suffering Christians.

20 TAK BHANA Tak is the Senior Pastor of Church Unlimited, a large multi-cultural and multi-campused church in West Auckland, which is renowned as the host of the midyear conference New Zealand and Beyond. With a legal, finance, missionary background Tak travels extensively speaking at conferences, seminars and churches fulfilling his deep passion to see the rapid growth of the Kingdom of God. His ministry is characterised by a passion for the Holy Spirit, prayer, the Word of God, faith, winning souls and nations. TIM COSTLEY Tim has been involved with church music for the last 25 years, playing, mixing, and leading, and has led at New Wine festivals and events for the past 16. In his spare time he works for the Air Force. Tim has recently returned from a year of military study in the UK and has returned to Palmerston North with four beautiful ladies (yup, Emma and their three girls). TONY PLEWS A passionate evangelist, Tony formerly taught The- ology, Ethics, Church History and Preaching at Laid- law College. He now brings to LeaDev-Langham a strategic direction, strong relationship building and creative fundraising ideas. He travels to partner schools to encourage, advise, and give support; and around New Zealand to preach and update mission partners on how the work is progressing. TOM FIELD Tom is part of the worship team at The Street City Church in Wellington. His day job is as a builder and in his spare time he enjoys writing/playing mu- sic and playing sport. Tom spent a few years in the UK serving with the worship team at Soul Survivor, Watford but eventually returned home to work at his church somewhat older, wiser and with a whole new fashion sense.

21 THE PROGRAMME DAY 1 - THURSDAY 2.30pm Prayer walk (starting from Meeting Place) 3.30pm Kids registration (until 5pm Preschool, Ignite and Blazing Ahead zones page 5) 4.00pm Prayer ministry training (until 5pm Firewire) 6.30pm Combined welcome (Meeting Place) 8.30pm Festival fun (Living Room, Just Expression (Joel McKerrow), Leaders Lounge, Gallery Lounge, Firewire) 8.45pm Movie (Finding Dory) (Meeting Place) 10.30pm Prayers (Just Expression page 10)

DAY 3 - SATURDAY 7am Early workout (alongside Tennis Court page 10) 7.45am Daily devotions (until 8.15am Just Expressions page 10) 8.00am Breakfast Club (until 8.45am Meeting Place page 12) 9.00am Morning session (in zones) 10.15am Morning tea break (in zones) 10.45am Morning session (until 12.15pm in zones) 1.30pm Living Room Real Topics (Sarah Scott-Webb page 7) 1.30pm Workshops (until 2.15pm Workshop Central pages 30-31) 3.00pm Prophecy and Prayer (Workshop room 3 page 11) 3.00pm Beach fun afternoon (until 4.30pm page 10) 3.15pm Spoken poetry workshop (Just Expression page 13) 4.00pm Story time (until 4.30pm Market Place page 11) 4.15pm Dance workshop (until 5.00pm Just Expression page 13) 6.30pm Evening session (until 8.30pm in zones) 8.30pm Festival fun (Living Room, Just Expression (Joel McKerrow), Leaders Lounge, Gallery Lounge, Firewire) 8.45pm Movie (Hunt For The Wilderpeople) (Meeting Place) 10.30pm Late movie (Cool Runnings) (Meeting Place) 10.30pm Prayers (Just Expression page 10)

DAY 5 - MONDAY 7am Early workout (alongside Tennis Court page 10) 7.45am Daily devotions (until 8.15am Just Expressions) 8.00am Breakfast Club (until 8.45am Meeting Place page 12) 9.00am Morning session (in zones) 10.30am Morning tea break (in zones) 11.00am Combined finale (until 12 noon Meeting Place)

22 THE PROGRAMME DAY 2 - FRIDAY 7am Early workout (alongside Tennis Court page 10) 7.45am Daily devotions (until 8.15am Just Expressions page 10) 8.00am Breakfast Club (until 8.45am Meeting Place page 12) 9.00am Morning session (in zones) 10.15am Morning tea break (in zones) 10.45am Morning session (until 12.15pm in zones) 1.00pm Petting Zoo (until 3.30pm Playing field page 11) 1.30pm Living Room Real Topics (Karl Martin page 7) 1.30pm Workshops (Workshop Central pages 28-29) 3.00pm Prophecy and Prayer (Workshop room 3 page 11) 3.00pm Good Ol’ Games (Playing field page 10) 3.15pm Dangerous Convo’s (TearFund) (Just Expression) 4.00pm Story time (until 4.30pm Market Place page 11) 4.15pm Dance workshop (until 5pm Just Expression page 13) 6.30pm Evening session (until 8.30pm in zones) 8.30pm Festival fun (Living Room (Jo Robertson), Just Expression, Leaders Lounge, Gallery Lounge, Firewire) 8.45pm Movie (Inside Out) (Meeting Place) 10.30pm Prayers (Just Expression page 10)

DAY 4 - SUNDAY 7am Early workout (alongside Tennis Court page 10) 7.45am Communion (until 8.15am Just Expressions page 10) 8.00am Breakfast Club (until 8.45am Meeting Place page 12) 9.00am Morning session (in zones) 10.15am Morning tea break (in zones) 10.45am Morning session (until 12.15pm in zones) 1.30pm Living Room Real Topics (Mike Pilavachi page 7) 1.30pm Workshops (Workshop Central pages 31-33) 3.00pm Book signing (Mike Pilavachi, Karl Martin Market Place) 3.00pm Prophecy and Prayer (Workshop room 3 page 11) 3.00pm Good Ol’ Games (Playing field page 10) 3.15pm Dangerous Convo’s (TearFund) (Just Expression) 3.30pm Church Meetings (venue: you decide page 13) 4.00pm Story time (until 4.30pm Market Place page 11) 4.15pm Dance workshop (until 5pm Just Expression page 13) 6.30pm Evening session incl offering (until 8.30pm in zones) 8.30pm Festival fun (Leaders Lounge, Gallery Lounge) 8.45pm All age dance (Meeting Place page 12) 10.30pm Prayers (Just Expression page 10) 23 OUR FRIENDS YOUR FRIENDS Come along to the Market Place and let us introduce you to our friends, so they’ll be- come your friends too! ALPHA Alpha is all about changing lives and helping churches see people connect with Jesus through the Alpha Course and other associated courses. Over 29 million people have done Alpha worldwide in 169 countries and 112 languages. Come by our display and see all that is possible. BARNABAS FUND Barnabas Fund’s mission is to bring hope and aid to Christians who suffer because of their faith. We make their needs known; encourage prayer and fi- nancial giving; work with local Christian organisa- tions; and speak on their behalf. Visit us for resourc- es on Islam, one of today’s fastest growing religions, as well as free materials about persecuted Chris- tians and what you can do to help. BIBLE SOCIETY Bible Society’s mission is to get Bibles into the hands and hearts of people. We do this by translating, publishing and distributing as well as encouraging people to meet God through Bible engagement. We also do this by partnering with New Wine to see the Action Bible in schools! See page 8. CHURCH ARMY Church Army NZ is a community of pioneering evangelists working mainly within the Anglican church. We train in discipleship, evangelism, church formation, and leadership development to see the lost saved. Come by our stand for a chat and learn how to tell your story, and the gospel effectively. 24 CROWN FINANCIAL MINISTRIES Crown has a comprehensive programme to equip people of all ages to handle money God’s way. Our strong biblical foundation is the basis for the effec- tiveness of the programme along with simple practi- cal financial exercises. These biblical financial prin- ciples have proven to be life changing. LEADEV-LANGHAM LeaDev-Langham supports the development of Christian leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. Church leaders are being raised up quickly but not nearly fast or deep enough to help millions of new believers reach a depth of maturity. Langham exists to train and provide resources to pastors, leaders, and scholars to raise the standards of biblical preaching and teaching. NEW WINE Come and meet the team at the New Wine stand for details of speakers’ books, recordings from this year’s festival, previous year’s recordings, New Wine resources, the Bible Project and more. OMEGA DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES Omega NZ has been supplying churches with discipleship material for over 16 years. We have a pathway to bring people to faith, teaching and training them to be disciples and disciple-makers - the primary call of the Great Commission. We are offering churches a unique programme, Mission Possible, to help evaluate and initiate their own discipleship ministries. Come see us.

25 Begin Your Greatest Adventure

Watch Bear’s story alpha.org.nz


Untitled-1 1 14/12/16 7:39 pm Begin Your PRISON FELLOWSHIP PFNZ’s mission is to equip the church in its mission to celebrate the redemptive love, the restorative jus- Greatest tice and the transforming power of Jesus. PFNZ’s volunteers – maybe you - seek to work with some of the most marginalised and rejected in our commu- Adventure nities – prisoners, especially on release, their chil- dren and families. To join us email volunteer@pfnz. org.nz or go to www.pfnz.org.nz. Watch Bear’s story alpha.org.nz SIMPLY MOBILISING Mission is the call on every believer’s life and the primary purpose of the Church - both universal and local. We equip Christians and churches through general and specialised courses and activities designed to encourage people into meaningful involvement. Come and talk to us about our new courses. WEC WEC stands for Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ. How un-PC is that! Founded over 100 years ago, WEC has always been a pioneering, faith- based mission, seeking to spread the “whole gospel” where it’s thinnest. Now in over 80 countries, WEC also partners the local church across cultures to pro- claim, disciple and plant churches among peoples where there are few.


Untitled-1 1 14/12/16 7:39 pm WORKSHOPS

New Wine is about ordinary Christians being released and empowered in ex- tra-ordinary ways. Take a break, roll up your sleeves, get practical and put into practice what you’ve heard. Workshops are about wrestling with real stuff, sharing experience, and learning together. Head to Workshop Central for a great afternoon.

FRIDAY Praying for Others Confidently 1.30PM Paul McIntosh and Chris Darnell A Brief Introduction Stream: Christian Living to Biblical Preaching Venue: Room 2 (part 1) Tony Plews Do you want to grow in Stream: Leadership confidence praying for Venue: Room 1 others? This workshop will equip you to pray This seminar is for with the authority that churches who want to Jesus has given - simply, introduce their leaders quickly, powerfully. You to the elements of bib- will be invited to take lical preaching. It does part in the New Wine not require any previous ministry team, put the preaching experience. training into practice and see God heal people through you.

PROPHECY AND PRAYER Don’t forget this opportunity: We all need to go deeper in prayer at times. Each afternoon at 3pm Jasmine Fidow will offer 15 min- ute spots in Workshop Room 3 for just that - deep- er prayer. Sign up outside the New Wine office.

28 Prophecy Great Marriages Jasmine Fidow Nick and Sarah Field Stream: Spiritual Growth Stream: Christian Living Venue: Room 3 Venue: Room 5

God speaking to us and Simple steps that could through us is a chal- mature your marriage! lenge, yet it is as real Why is it that the won- today as it always has der of joy and closeness been. The aim of this can be swamped with workshop is to encour- frustration and distance age and release us to re- in our marriages? spond to Paul’s call that Nick & Sarah will bring we “eagerly desire spir- into this seminar 27 itual gifts, especially years worth of marital the gift of prophecy” to discovery, sharing some “strengthen, encourage great steps you can take and comfort”. (1 Cor 14:1) to strengthen your own marriage. Human Trafficking and the NZ Link Sex in the Church - A Sarah Scott-Webb Leadership Conversation Stream: Mission & Justice (church leader focus) Venue: Room 4 Jo Robertson Human trafficking is Stream: Leadership the fastest growing and Venue: Leaders Lounge most profitable crime in Sexual dysfunction and the world. Through her brokenness is found as work with Hagar car- commonly in the church ing for those who have as it is in general public, been rescued, Sarah perhaps even more so. has first-hand knowl- Let’s look at the issues edge of the devastating honestly and get some impact of this injustice. practical how-to’s for With research released moving your church for- last month concerning ward into healing. the size of the problem in New Zealand, Sarah has hard Kiwi data and a unique perspective to teach us from.

29 SATURDAY The Art of Deep Conversation 1.30PM Jonathan Hesp Stream: Mission & Justice A Brief Introduction to Venue: Room 4 Biblical Preaching (pt 2) Tony Plews For some reason we Stream: Leadership think conversations Venue: Room 1 about faith and the Part 2 of a 2 part series. things of God are hard. But are they re- Praying for Others ally? Imagine you’re at Confidently the dining table with Paul McIntosh and Chris friends. How do you get Darnell to the deeper conver- Stream: Christian Living sations of life that are Venue: Room 2 impacting and possibly even spiritual? Jono will Do you want to grow in lead a discussion and confidence praying for equip us to do just that. others? This workshop will equip you to pray Sex in NZ Today with the authority that Jo Robertson Jesus has given - sim- Stream: Christian Living ply, quickly, powerfully. Venue: Room 5 You will be invited to take part in the New A comprehensive look Wine ministry team, put at cultural trends, youth the training into prac- issues, media, and tice and see God heal myths that surround sex people through you. in modern NZ. This will be a safe place where Healing questions are welcomed Jasmine Fidow and tricky subjects can Stream: Spiritual Growth be explored. Venue: Room 3 Jesus says to all his Women in Leadership disciples – heal the sick, Karl Martin proclaim the kingdom. Stream: Theology This is a practical Venue: Room 6 workshop on the how’s, Karl is utterly convinced when’s and why’s of that the unshackled healing designed to flourishing of female equip us to see more. leadership in our com- 30 munity is a sign and a SUNDAY symbol of the Kingdom of God at hand. In this 1.30PM workshop we will look beyond traditional argu- Families of Faith ments and into authen- Brian and Ali Champness tic models and stories. Stream: Christian Living Venue: Room 1 Mind Health Families are the main (church leader focus) nurturing ground where Richard Black faith is passed onto the Stream: Leadership next generation. Scrip- Venue: Leaders Lounge ture presumes that faith Churches are relational formation occurs within entities. The quality intergenerational fami- of a congregation’s men- lies as well as in commu- tal-emotional-relational nity settings. It is time to wellbeing underpins regain these priorities. everything they do, Come and hear practi- and yet this is often an cal strategies about how overlooked area. Many churches and families churches settle for be- can work together to see ing ‘somewhat’ healthy faith activated and alive and operate with in children so that they personalities, reactions too will be like David and limitations. In this who “served God’s pur- workshop Richard will pose in his own genera- explore ‘Mind Health’ tion.” Acts 13:36 both corporately and individually, and look at Praying for Others 5 key areas of growth to Confidently increase effectiveness Paul McIntosh and Chris and enthusiasm. Darnell Stream: Christian Living Venue: Room 2 Do you want to grow in confidence praying for others? This workshop will equip you to pray with the authority that Jesus has given - simply, quickly, powerfully. You will be invited to take 31 part in the New Wine trends and statistics in ministry team, put the New Zealand, to further training into practice understand the vulnera- and see God heal people bilities we all have. through you. The Muslim Mindset Devotional Life Stephanie Johnston Justin and Jenny Duck- Stream: Mission & Justice worth Venue: Room 3 Stream: Spiritual Growth Venue: Room 5 The church faces an urgent need to Legendary youth work- understand Islam and ers, Urban Vision kau- learn how to confront matua and now Angli- Muslims with the truth can Bishop (and Mrs of the gospel. Stephanie Bishop!) of Welling- will offer us a guide ton, Justin and Jenny for understanding and Duckworth will lead a responding to Islam. workshop around devo- We will discuss from a tional life - sharing what political and theological has fed them spiritual- insight how Islam ly through the various differs from Christianity, stages of their lives. describe its place in the Integrating Refugees world today, and offer into our Communities practical advice for how John and Kristina Christians can in a wise, Stream: Mission & Justice biblical and Christ-like Venue: Room 6 way befriend and speak A discussion of how the to Muslims about Christ. church can strategically engage with refugees. Honest Experiences of This workshop consid- Mental Health ers New Zealand’s ref- Jo Robertson ugee perspective and Stream: Christian Living discusses the specifics of Venue: Room 4 programmes which have Hearing true accounts had an impact for Arab of those suffering with churches and how to use anxiety and depres- these principles in New sion, how we can better Zealand. look after those in our churches and commu- nities who feel they are in darkness. Exploring 32 Tools for Leadership (church leader focus) Ruby Duncan Stream: Leadership Venue: Leaders Lounge Leadership books and advice abounds, so with many years experience leading a not-for-profit Christian organisation, and working in church- es and mission agen- cies, Ruby has scoured the masses of leadership tips and tools and come up with the ones she has found most effective. Whatever leadership role you find yourself in, these tools are worth having in your bag.



He’s coming back!

Auckland 2-3 May Palmerston North 4-5 May Wellington 8-9 May Nelson 10 May Christchurch 11-12 May Dunedin 12-15 May


New Wine is passionate about meeting with God. We let God lead and make space for him to meet with us as much as possible. To give room for this to happen there’ll be lots of waiting, and praying for particular things or people God wants to ‘minister’ to. This might all sound a bit different, but that’s just dressing. It’s the same God and we’ll guide you every min- ute. In addition to the speakers and hosts on stage, the prayer ministry team have loads of experience and love to stand alongside what God is doing, guiding you and answering any questions you have. WHAT HAPPENS? We call it ‘ministry time’, and while God is free to do what he wants, we do have a rhythm. We usually start with an invitation from the speaker or host. We often say ‘come Holy Spirit’ not because he left us, but because we want to put the pressure of us and life and the world on hold and let him be greater in this moment. It’s God’s time, not ours, and anything might happen. But it’s safe, and if you want to re- ceive the best thing to do is focus on him and not others. If you’d like to pray for others here’s our practice, for both us and you while you’re here.

34 THE GUIDE • Pray with the same gender and in pairs if possible. • Ask what they would like prayer for but don’t turn it into a long conversation. • Ask permission to put your hands on the person. It’s like a blessing. • Encourage the person to be still and receive. They may hold out their hands or close their eyes. • Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to come. Be natural. Pray in tongues silently. • Keep your eyes open and watch what God is do- ing. Listen to what God is saying. • If you have a prophetic word offer it as a prayer, or an offering to be taken or left. Always build up, comfort and encourage (1 Cor 14:3). • People may cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. If someone falls over, help them sit or lie down in a comfortable position. En- sure their dignity is maintained. • Ask for help at any time. The ministry team are there to support you and the person you are praying with. PRAYING FOR PHYSICAL HEALING When Jesus healed, he spoke to the ailment and commanded it to be healed. He gave us the power and authority to do likewise, but always in his name. AND FINALLY ... Not everyone is familiar with ministry and some may feel nervous. Help people feel comfortable and safe, and encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard and encourage them to expect answers. Ensure people leave feel- ing loved and valued. Encourage the person to keep receiving prayer during the festival, but to also seek support from their home church.

35 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS WHAT! A PROGRAMME? WHY? We love to take time out of our day to focus on God, hear from his word, and worship him. After all, our days are all his, right? Here’s what we’re on about, and why, and then some quickie questions answered.

WORSHIP Our whole lives are to be lived as an offering of wor- ship. And one way to worship is to sing. It’s never just singing though. It’s honesty, and reflection, and putting things right and loving and being loved and receiving and praise. It’s worship. TEACHING God didn’t wind up the world and abandon us. He gave us his word to delve into and spend a lifetime pondering - so we can live life best. It’s a truth and life thing. It’s why we have teaching sessions. MINISTRY To live rich, full lives we need to be empowered and equipped. That’s what sets us apart as followers of Christ. Ministry is the place for that. It’s safe, au- thentic and it’s all about God with us. WHAT’S WITH THIS HAND RAISING BUSINESS? Worship is simply an opportunity to encounter Jesus and it looks as different as every individual – that’s what God intended. Maybe it’s easier for some to close their eyes in worship to focus on Jesus – we say do that! Maybe praise overwhelms some and it feels natural to raise our hands to God – we say do that! Maybe some want to hold out their hands to receive, or surrender, or weep – we say do that. It’s all allowed. 36 WHAT ABOUT HOLY SPIRIT ‘WEIRDNESS’? God loves us so deeply that he wants to draw all people to himself. It’s compelling. When we meet the magnetic love of God we are forever changed – and that’s a massive makeover. When that happens we can laugh, cry, weep, move around, or stand rock solid still. It’s all very different and the best thing we can do is be open to the Holy Spirit and simply say ‘yes’ to him. No hype. No pressure. No drama. A simple ‘yes Lord’. WHY IS THE WORSHIP LED ON GUITAR? Got made us in his likeness to be creative geniuses, and our worship reflects that – different styles, instruments, preferences, warbles and whistles. God loves it all (as long as we’re authentic and it’s all about him). With all the options open to us New Wine chooses to keep worship simple and accessible and replicable in your church. You can do the fancy pants stuff when you’re home, but we’re aiming to stick to what we know and what the majority of you love, with just a little clever clogs stuff thrown in to keep you on your toes. HOW DO THE BAND GET TO BE THE BAND AND THE SPEAKERS, SPEAKERS? New Wine is all about relationship. We love hang- ing out with you and get excited by God meeting us collectively. It’s high stakes though, so we’re pretty careful. We place such a high value on relationship we’re only going to give the mic to those we trust, are in relationship with, call friend, and those who love Jesus as much as we do. Simply put - it’s all about loving God, and loving you lot.


New Wine’s always fresh, exciting and full of promise, but festivals have wrin- kles, warts and even wasps! Be kind, speak well, love exuberantly and we’ll see God do amazing things among us.

ACCOMMODATION END OF FESTIVAL Please observe and re- Pack down is always busy. spect our policy of sepa- Fancy giving us a hand? rate sleeping accommoda- If so please make yourself tion for guys and girls. You available to help with the know what we mean. No clean-up. visiting either! FEEDBACK AFTER HOURS NOISE Feedback is appreciat- No elephanting around! ed. Facebook it or email Move quietly around the [email protected]. site between 11pm and 7am. FIRST AID A first aid kit is available COMMUNION from the Stewards room. Ear A short communion ser- plugs are available in Meet- vice will be held on Sun- ing Place if noise is a prob- day at 7.45am in Just lem. In an emergency dial Expression following the 111 and contact a steward. daily devotion. LOST PROPERTY CRICKET PITCH Check in with admin or The school have blessed the stewards for misplaced us by welcoming us here. items. After the festival email Let’s honour them by look- [email protected]. ing after the things that matter. Stay off the cricket NEW WINE OFFICE pitch! Query? Ask at the New Wine office. Open hours EMERGENCIES are published on the door. The emergency assembly point is the tennis court. PARENTS/CAREGIVERS Any site concerns to Shane You are responsible for your on 027 280 2384. child’s safety outside ses- sion times. Please be mind- ful of session end times for collecting children. 39 PHOTOS SECURITY There will be an official Please wear your name tag photographer on site. At- and wrist band at all times tendees may feature in im- so our teams can identify ages used for our publish- you as a New Wine attendee. ing purposes. SMOKERS PROPHECIES/ Don’t. Ever. Certainly TESTIMONIES not in the Kapiti College If you have something to smoke-free zone. share text 021 155 6197 or email admin@newwine. VALUABLES org.nz. Items of value are your re- sponsibility. Be cautious STEWARDS ROOM and lock them away. The orange vest brigade are our stewards, a team VEHICLES of volunteers serving you. After setting up your tent Treat them with love, care please park in the floodlit and respect! Visit them in parking area alongside the their Stewards room for lost primary school. property, transport issues and security concerns.

KITCHEN DOUBLE WHAMMY We’re camping and that means making do. We’ve got the marae kitchen as well as the main school one, which means double the food storage, dish- washing facilities and dining tables. In fact, all the basics are covered to ensure the secret glamper in you is satisfied this summer. Don’t forget your pots and pans, or the tidy kiwi rule. Remember to help the fridge space out by using the supermarket often.

40 WE MAKE A LITTLE GO A LONG WAY... This ministry isn’t a solo act, it’s a community thing. We’re simply not designed to run on our own. There are stacks of ways you can support and get involved with the work of New Wine. 1/ PRAY New Wine is not called to events, speakers or ministries. It’s called to God and Him alone. Together we’re learning what He wants us to do, and figuring out how to stay obedient to that. Please pray with and for us, that we might see His Kingdom come. The New Wine intercessors team are committed to undergirding the ministry in prayer throughout the year. If you’d like to join this mailing list email [email protected]. 2/ SERVE New Wine is a big, dynamic family, full of gifts, talents and even occasionally a prattling Hans Solo. The festival simply wouldn't happen without donations of time and expertise from hundreds of volunteers. They do the hard yards in running our venues and keeping us healthy, wealthy and well. Keen to be family? Head to the team section of the website. 3/ GIVE God gifted us in different ways and we recognise generosity and wealth is as much a part of God’s plan as programmed ministry. Those able to support New Wine financially are also family. God is calling us to equip saints for ministry; to see leaders lead well, worshippers worship in His presence, and teachers discipled in effectiveness. We need financial resource to rise to this call. Please pray about setting up a regular automatic payment. Contact us for details.

41 NEW WINE Championing the local church to live as Jesus in our nation

As a network of churches and individuals we are king- dom people who are generous in our love for the vi- brancy of the local church, expectant of the power and presence of God and biblically faithful as we together wrestle with God’s Word to us now. Our aim is to champion the local church to grow in the Kingdom distinctives of • being greedy for God’s presence through wor- ship, holiness and engagement with God; • living as Spirit empowered disciples, expectant of the supernatural presence and power of God; • engaging in Kingdom centered mission, seeing lives and communities transformed through the gospel; • being churches serving churches as we actively bless others with that which we are blessed with. We’re most visible as we gather together at: NEW WINE FESTIVALS Life changing events which are fun, celebratory, all age, and pursue deeper relationship with God through passionate worship, inspirational teaching and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. NEW WINE NETWORK EVENTS Support and encouragement for like-minded lead- ers through New Wine Leaders’ Retreats and Lead- ers Days (contact us for an invitation). REGIONAL EVENTS New Wine training events, worship days, prayer events and Team Together weekends. FAITH SHARING VISITS To capture a common love for God and his work as churches share, model, and serve other churches.

42 2017 EVENTS OF NOTE www.newwine.org.nz/plugged-in

Plugged In

Palmerston North 27 May 2017 Wellington to be confirmed Christchurch to be confirmed


togetherNew Wine Team Gatherings

Kapiti Team 29 September - 1 October 2017 Warkworth Team 28 October 2017


in the presence of GOD

New Wine Summer Festivals 2018 Warkworth 10 –14 January Kapiti 18 – 22 January

Register online at newwine.org.nz