OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE USS LANDING CRAFT, INFANTRY, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. •ESTABLISHED MAY 14–18, 1991, NORFOLK,VA • MAY 2010 ISSUE #71 “THE ELSIE ITEM” Number 71 • May 2010 Official Newsletter of the USS LCI National Association, a non-profit veteran’s organization. Membership in the USS LCI National Association is open to any U. S. Navy or U.S. Coast Guard veteran who served aboard a Landing Craft Infantry. Affiliate membership, without voting privileges, is offered to others. Published quarterly by the USS LCI National Association. John P. Cummer, Editor. Any material for possible publication should be sent to the Editor, preferably by email (
[email protected]) or by regular mail to 302 Pinewood Cottage Lane, Blythewood, SC, 29016 ATTENTION ON DECK! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS BE AN EARLY BIRD - PAY YOUR DUES NOW! Annual dues are due at the time of our annual reunion, but since our reunion time has been changed to August so that we could meet jointly with the LSM/LSMR Association, it would be appreciated if you could pay your dues now to help our cash flow picture. Please send your dues payment - $25 - to USS LCI NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, c/o Nehemiah Communications, Inc, 101Rice Bent Way, #6, Columbia, SC 29229 NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT The floor is open for nominations for the offices of President and Vice President. President John Cummer and Vice President John France have agreed to stand for re-election BY LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS An amendment to the LCI National Association by-laws will be voted on at the upcoming reunion in Cincinnati.