Diseases of the Brainstem and Cranial Nerves of the Horse: Relevant Examination Techniques and Illustrative Video Segments
IN-DEPTH: NEUROLOGY Diseases of the Brainstem and Cranial Nerves of the Horse: Relevant Examination Techniques and Illustrative Video Segments Robert J. MacKay, BVSc (Dist), PhD, Diplomate ACVIM Author’s address: Alec P. and Louise H. Courtelis Equine Teaching Hospital, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610; e-mail: mackayr@ufl.edu. © 2011 AAEP. 1. Introduction (pons and cerebellum) and myelencephalon (me- This lecture focuses on the functions of the portions dulla oblongata). Because the diencephalon was of the brainstem caudal to the diencephalon. In discussed in the previous lecture under Forebrain addition to regulation of many of the homeostatic Diseases, it will not be covered here. mechanisms of the body, this part of the brainstem controls consciousness, pupillary diameter, eye 3. Functions (Location) movement, facial expression, balance, prehension, mastication and swallowing of food, and movement Pupillary Light Response, Pupil Size (Midbrain, Cranial and coordination of the trunk and limbs. Dysfunc- Nerves II, III) tion of the brainstem and/or cranial nerves therefore In the normal horse, pupil size reflects the balance of manifests in a great variety of ways including re- sympathetic (dilator) and parasympathetic (con- duced consciousness, ataxia, limb weakness, dys- strictor) influences on the smooth muscle of the phagia, facial paralysis, jaw weakness, nystagmus, iris.2–4 Preganglionic neurons for sympathetic and strabismus. Careful neurologic examination supply to the head arise in the gray matter of the in the field can provide accurate localization of first four thoracic segments of the spinal cord and brainstem and cranial nerve lesions. Recognition subsequently course rostrally in the cervical sympa- of brainstem/cranial nerve dysfunction is an impor- thetic nerve within the vagosympathetic trunk.
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