Cop13 Prop. 24
CoP13 Prop. 24 CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS FOR AMENDMENT OF APPENDICES I AND II A. Proposal Transfer of the population of Crocodylus acutus of Cuba from Appendix I to Appendix II, in accordance with Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP12) Annex 4, paragraph B. 2 e) and Resolution Conf. 11.16. B. Proponent Republic of Cuba. C. Supporting statement 1. Taxonomy 1.1 Class: Reptilia 1.2 Order: Crocodylia 1.3 Family: Crocodylidae 1.4 Species: Crocodylus acutus, Cuvier, 1807 1.5 Scientific synonyms: Crocodylus americanus 1.6 Common names: English: American crocodile, Central American alligator, South American alligator French: Crocodile américain, Crocodile à museau pointu Spanish: Cocodrilo americano, caimán, Lagarto, Caimán de la costa, Cocodrilo prieto, Cocodrilo de río, Lagarto amarillo, Caimán de aguja, Lagarto real 1.7 Code numbers: A-306.002.001.001 2. Biological parameters 2.1 Distribution The American crocodile is one of the most widely distributed species in the New World. It is present in the South of the Florida peninsula in the United States of America, the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the South of Mexico, Central America and the North of South America, as well as, the islands of Cuba, Jamaica and La Española (Thorbjarnarson 1991). The countries included in this distribution are: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States of America, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela (Figure 1). Through its extensive distribution the C. acutus is present in a wide diversity of humid habitats. The most frequent is the coastal habitat of brackish or salt waters, such as the estuary sections of rivers; coastal lagoons and mangroves swamp.
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