Jenny Crusie,Anne Stuart,Lani Diane Rich | 384 pages | 05 Feb 2009 | Headline Publishing Group | 9780755351435 | English | London, United Kingdom Dogs and Goddesses - Jennifer Crusie

Many of the gods in the Aztec pantheon are much older than the Aztec culture, called pan-Mesoamerican; learning about these ten deities— Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloc, Tonatiuh, , , Centeotl, , , , and Tlaltechutli—will introduce you to the Aztec cosmos. The Celtic culture refers to an Iron Age European people —15 BCE who interacted with the Romans, and it is that interaction that provided much of what we know of their religion. But early druids didn't commit their religious texts to paper or stone, so much of Celtic antiquity is lost to modern-day students. Luckily, after the Roman advance into Britain, first the Romans and then the early Christian monks copied down the druidic oral histories, including stories of the shape-shifting goddess Ceridwen and the horned fertility god Cernunnos. The Japanese religion is Shinto, first documented in the 8th century CE. The Shinto creation myth has an agricultural bent to it: The world of chaos was changed when a germ of life created a muddy sea, and the first plant eventually became the first god. It combines a traditional pantheon of gods, including a creator couple Izanami "He who invites" and Izanagi "She who invites" , while borrowing from Japan's neighbors and ancient homegrown animism. The Maya predate the Aztec, and like the Aztec, based some of their theology on the existing pan-Mesoamerican religions. Their creation myth is narrated in the Popul Vuh: six deities lie in the primordial waters and eventually create the world for us. Mayan deities rule over a tripartite cosmos and were applied to for assistance in war or childbirth; they also ruled over specific periods of time, having feast days and months built into the calendar. Ancient China worshiped a vast network of local and regional mythological deities, nature spirits, and ancestors, and reverence for those gods persisted well into the modern era. Important and lingering figures in the historical texts on Chinese gods and goddesses include the "Eight Immortals," the "Two Heavenly Bureaucrats," and "Two Mother Goddesses. Among the most ancient of cultures, the people of Babylon developed a diverse melting pot of deities, derived from the older Mesopotamian cultures. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This dog is suffering from the same problem as that of mine. Allah thanked him for his good deed and forgave him. Is there a reward for us in serving the animals? In Judaism , there is no explicit ban on keeping dogs, and although the opinion about dogs varies among Jews , dogs are mostly portrayed negatively in both the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud , where they are mostly associated with violence and uncleanliness. Deuteronomy appears to equate dogs to prostitution, and the Book of Kings describes dogs who feed on corpses. The Psalms describes dogs as beasts that maul at human beings. This negative view of dogs is also found in the Talmud, which also describes dogs as dangerous animals. However, dogs and other animals that are useful for preventing infestations of vermin are permissible for use as long as they are chained, although those who raise a dog are cursed. The Misneh Torah states that dogs must be chained since they are known to cause frequent damage. The Shulchan Aruch states that only evil dogs must be bound and chained. Most Jewish authorities believe that there are no prohibitions on keeping dogs if they pose no threat to people or property. Judaism does not permit neglect and abuse of any living animal. The Jewish law states that any animal that is kept must be fed and that arrangements for feeding them must be made before obtaining them. This ruling applies to dogs as well. In July , Rabbis from Elad signed an edict to ban dogs from the city. They also refer to Torah and Talmud passages to motivate their plans. In the Gula cult, the dog was used in oaths and was sometimes referred to as a divinity. At archaeological diggings at the Philistine city of Ashkelon , a very large dog cemetery was discovered in the layer dating from when the city was part of the Persian Empire. It is believed the dogs may have had a sacred role — however, evidence for this is not conclusive. In Zoroastrianism , the dog is regarded as an especially beneficent, clean and righteous creature, which must be fed and taken care of. A dog's gaze is considered to be purifying and to drive off daevas demons. It is also believed to have a special connection with the : the Chinwad Bridge to Heaven is said to be guarded by dogs in Zoroastrian scripture, [22] and dogs are traditionally fed in commemoration of the dead. Detailed prescriptions for the appropriate treatment of dogs are found in the Vendidad a subdivision of the Zoroastrian holy scripture Avesta , especially in chapters 13, 14 and 15, where harsh punishments are imposed for harm inflicted upon a dog and the faithful are required to assist dogs, both domestic and stray, in various ways; often, help or harm to a dog is equated with help and harm to a human. If the homeowner does not help the dog and the puppies come to harm as a result, "he shall pay for it the penalty for wilful murder", because " Atar Fire , the son of Ahura Mazda , watches as well over a pregnant dog as he does over a woman". Both according to the Vendidad and in traditional Zoroastrian practice, dogs are allotted some funerary ceremonies analogous to those of humans. Sagdid is a funeral ceremony in which a dog is brought into the room where the body is lying so that it can look on it. There are various spiritual benefits thought to be obtained by the ceremony. It is believed that the original purpose was to make certain that the person was really dead since the dog's more acute senses would be able to detect signs of life that a human might miss. A "four-eyed" dog, that is one with two spots on its forehead, is preferred for sagdid. Do we still worship dogs today? Hecate is the Greek goddess of crossroads, entryways, and dogs, among other things. Hecate is usually described as either being dog-shaped or having dogs with her. In fact, her approach is announced by dogs barking or howling. Dogs were allowed to roam her temples freely, and many worshipers created dog statues to dedicate to her. If you know the names of any of the ancient Egyptian gods, you probably know Anubis. 70 Greek God and Goddess Names for Dogs | PetPress

The three writers considered this story their Fun Book and worked on it in their spare time. But one of the writers hit the jackpot with a completely different kind of book and her editor wanted more of those fast, so she bowed out of the project so as not to slow the other two writers down, which shows you what a goddess she is. The other two writers turned to a third who had experience in writing collaborations and was willing to write Lust. Even more important, she was willing to write with them. They met every Sunday night in a private chat room and swapped scenes back and forth and generally had a really good time on the Fun Book while writing solo books on their own. They realized that this book might never be published. In fact, they fully realized it might be never be finished. They were having a good time. Then they sold it and finished it and got a great cover for it and a starred review in PW, and then had the blog turned into a website, and here we all are. Her mother's silence was evocative of her disapproval, but Amanda Richmond hadn't become the Real Estate Goddess of Escondido without learning how to play her clients. And her daughter. Apparently my mother promised him cookies, or something equally ridiculous. I didn't want to give him your cell phone number, but he was quite insistent. She was probably sleeping with him. Neither had I, for that matter, but I doubt she'd have changed her spots before she died. What are you going to do about the building? Another moment of angry silence. Professor Mackenzie will be looking for you. Be prepared to deal. Only her mother could slam down a cell phone, Abby thought, pushing up from the bench. Bowser ambled over to her, his plumy tail swishing back and forth. The first floor of the building was like a railroad flat — two long and narrow rooms. The French doors opened up into a kitchen, with a wide island in the middle, a series of commercial ovens and a storeroom on one side, semi-enclosed stairs on the other. The front room was dusty, chairs piled haphazardly around the room, the afternoon light filtering through the fly-specked storefront windows, but even with the musty, closed-up scent, she could still find the faint trace of cinnamon and coffee on the air. That part of the building was at least relatively dust-free, and she tried to imagine her grandmother moving around the room, an apron tied around her waist. Maybe something like Chocolat with Johnny Depp lurking around the corner. According to the lawyers, two of the three apartments upstairs were empty; she ought to grab her duffel bag and find out where she was sleeping. She turned to the stairs at the back, then let out a shriek. Someone stood there, silhouetted against the bright sunlight, and as Bowser made an encouraging woof, she wondered whether it was the ghost of Granny B. Then he moved into the room, and he most definitely was a far cry from a little old lady. He was tall, lean, and much too good-looking to be showing up at her back door. Damn, he was pretty. In a disagreeable, uptight sort of way. He was wearing a suit — Abby hated men in suits. He was in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, with dark blond hair pushed back from a too-clever face. He wore wire-rimmed glasses, and he was looking at her like she'd shot his dog. Except he wasn't the type to have a dog. I'd like to know whether you're going to fulfill that contract or if I need to make other arrangements. Abby glanced around her. Your mother assured me you'd either return the deposit or fulfill Bea's obligations. Why are the gorgeous ones always assholes? Abby thought with a sigh. He didn't look particularly pleased that he'd gotten his way. She'd made Christmas cookies in the past, hadn't she? Burned half of them, but she could be more careful. You'll get your cookies, Professor. Anubis is the god who brings souls to the afterlife. Being scavengers, they would dig up shallow graves to find food — and the thought of that makes a cemetery even less fun to be in. In Native American cultures, Coyote is usually an anthropomorphic trickster god who has traits similar to the animal that you think of when you hear his name. Perhaps this is because coyotes sometimes make noises similar to shrieking laughter. One myth says he impersonates the Creator; another says he told the first lie ever. is a god of associated with lightning, fire, and death. Great Dog Names from Mythology with Explanations and Meanings

Consider the name, Dionysus , the god of Wine. As dog names go, Dionysus contains four syllables may be be hard to use for a dog. Two possible substitutes might be Dio and Nysus. If you're looking for dog names from mythology, the obvious place to begin is with the Greeks. Here are a few names of greek gods for that new puppy. Apollo, the son of Leto and Zeus, is a good dog name because it only contains three syllables. Another son of Zeus, god of war, would make a great name for a feisty little puppy. Hermes, a trickster, was clever and cunning. I can think of a few clever puppies that fill the bill. Poseidon was the god of the sea and protector of waters. A water loving dog or a family that enjoys boating might find this name engaging. Zeus is probably one of the most well know gods, father of Hercules among many more. If you have a top dog, why not have a top god name? Janus, the god of beginnings, choices and doorways makes a clever name for that puppy that sits at the door waiting for his owner to return. A clever way to use this larger than life name is to give it to a small dog such as a Chihuahua. Eros was the son of Aphrodite and considered to be the Greek god of love and attraction. His Roman complement is Cupid; Any dog could have this name! They had many children who became the Titans. One of his children, Cronus eventually killed him via castration. In the ancient world, Greek goddesses were just as important as their male counterparts. The page, Dog Names from Mythology would never be complete without a discussion of great girl puppy names. Tyche was the Greek goddess of fate and fortune and chance. Many small dog owners will tell you that their fate took an upward turn, when they were fortunate to have the chance to be owned by a dog. Hera was the queen of all the Olympian gods and considered to be the goddess of the family. Chose this one for your female family dog. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war and useful arts, was known for her dark hair and temper. Consider this name if you have a dark black or brown dog that has a job to do. Nike, the goddess of victory is the perfect name for a high achieving dog. No self respecting dog, however will want to be confused with a shoe. Isis, the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods, makes a unique name for a dog who may be a bit yappier than most. Consider his barks, the messages from the gods. Demeter was an agricultural goddess and sister of Zeus. Name your garden loving dog Demeter. Artemis was a very busy goddess. Also, she was protector of young children and was known to bring and relieve disease in women. No wonder she was well respected. Her dad was Zeus and her brother was Apollo. She is considered one of the lesser deities. Dogs that love the fresh morning breeze might enjoy having this name. Her name is the equivalent of Latin Discordia, which may be where our word, discord originated. But, if and when the puppy gets into a nasty mood, you could always use it as a nickname. Not all dogs need god or goddess names, rather there are many different mythical creatures that will lend their name to your dog. Here are a few more options from Greek Mythology to help you choose among the many dog names from mythology. Echo, a magical wood nymph had a beautiful voice and a good and loving heart. She was gentle and kind and her name would be perfect for a puppy with those qualities. Pan was the grandson of Zeus and son of Hermes. Born with strange characteristics, Zeus gave him the job of watching over shepherds and huntsmen. What a perfect name for a little hunting or herding dog. Pegasus, a flying horse, was the son of Poseidon. If you have a little puppy that loves to run like the wind, an appropriate name for him might just be Pegasus. Pandora, and the story of her secret box is well-known. Zeus gave her this box as a wedding gift with the stern message to never open the box. Curiosity got the best of her and she opened it. Out flew all the bad things in the world. Even though she immediately shut the lid, it was too late. Why not name that curious little girl of yours, Pandora? I love stories about quirky families, especially the families that we make! I like both books and dogs. I would love to win this for my grandchildren that spend a lot of time with me and also love my dogs. What a treasure this book is. My granddaughters love dogs and have a rescue dog named Bogie who is a sweetheart. They are avid readers and this would be their birthday gift as both have March birthdays. My daughter is a dog lover and book lover and particularly loves books that feature dogs! This one looks great! This book would go to my great niece Zadaya. When she was born mommy already had a little dog called prince. When Zay showed up he decided she was his. So this books sounds like something you would love. My niece would love this book, yes she is a dog lover and recently welcomed a new dog into their home. I have a 6th grade daughter who loves dogs and books. I am a Leslie Connor fan — she qrites books with depth that kids love to read. Her name is Cora and she is incorrigible. I am excited to win this because I am a dog lover and a book lover. Most of all, I am a Leslie Connor fan! I would love to win this for my granddaughter and introduce her to this author. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. In the Spotlight. February 20, Please show us some love Share on Facebook Share. Share on Twitter Tweet. Share on Pinterest Share. Share on LinkedIn Share. Send email Mail. Print Print. If you discover a book or product of interest on this page and use the links provided to make a purchase, you will help support our mission to 'Grow Readers. Thank you! Next Article M. Clark Discusses Her New Pictu His name inspired that of the real-life species known in Mexico as Xoloitzcuintli and elsewhere as the Mexican Hairless. Sassafras Lowrey. Paul J. Beth Ann Mayer. Lynn M. I am under her. I never want to again. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Give a gift. Toggle navigation. Posted in Lists , Dogs in History ,. December 24, at pm. December 26, at pm.

The Gods Must Be Canine: 9 Ancient Dog Deities

Xolotl spends a lot of time in the underworld, guarding the sun when it disappears below the world of the living at night. So important, in fact, that a dog breed was named after him: the Xoloitzcuintli , better known as the Mexican Hairless Dog. Your dog might not be guarding spirits of the dead, but your pooch deserves an honored place in the house. Do you believe your dog is related to a canine deity? Is your dog perfectly divine just the way they are? Let us know in the comments below! Zeus is probably one of the most well know gods, father of Hercules among many more. If you have a top dog, why not have a top god name? Janus, the god of beginnings, choices and doorways makes a clever name for that puppy that sits at the door waiting for his owner to return. A clever way to use this larger than life name is to give it to a small dog such as a Chihuahua. Eros was the son of Aphrodite and considered to be the Greek god of love and attraction. His Roman complement is Cupid; Any dog could have this name! They had many children who became the Titans. One of his children, Cronus eventually killed him via castration. In the ancient world, Greek goddesses were just as important as their male counterparts. The page, Dog Names from Mythology would never be complete without a discussion of great girl puppy names. Tyche was the Greek goddess of fate and fortune and chance. Many small dog owners will tell you that their fate took an upward turn, when they were fortunate to have the chance to be owned by a dog. Hera was the queen of all the Olympian gods and considered to be the goddess of the family. Chose this one for your female family dog. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war and useful arts, was known for her dark hair and temper. Consider this name if you have a dark black or brown dog that has a job to do. Nike, the goddess of victory is the perfect name for a high achieving dog. No self respecting dog, however will want to be confused with a shoe. Isis, the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods, makes a unique name for a dog who may be a bit yappier than most. Consider his barks, the messages from the gods. Demeter was an agricultural goddess and sister of Zeus. Name your garden loving dog Demeter. Artemis was a very busy goddess. Also, she was protector of young children and was known to bring and relieve disease in women. No wonder she was well respected. Her dad was Zeus and her brother was Apollo. She is considered one of the lesser deities. Dogs that love the fresh morning breeze might enjoy having this name. Her name is the equivalent of Latin Discordia, which may be where our word, discord originated. But, if and when the puppy gets into a nasty mood, you could always use it as a nickname. Not all dogs need god or goddess names, rather there are many different mythical creatures that will lend their name to your dog. Here are a few more options from Greek Mythology to help you choose among the many dog names from mythology. Echo, a magical wood nymph had a beautiful voice and a good and loving heart. She was gentle and kind and her name would be perfect for a puppy with those qualities. Pan was the grandson of Zeus and son of Hermes. Born with strange characteristics, Zeus gave him the job of watching over shepherds and huntsmen. What a perfect name for a little hunting or herding dog. Pegasus, a flying horse, was the son of Poseidon. If you have a little puppy that loves to run like the wind, an appropriate name for him might just be Pegasus. Pandora, and the story of her secret box is well-known. Zeus gave her this box as a wedding gift with the stern message to never open the box. Curiosity got the best of her and she opened it. Out flew all the bad things in the world. Even though she immediately shut the lid, it was too late. Why not name that curious little girl of yours, Pandora? Pollux was the other twin. Getting two male siblings from the same litter? This duo might be perfect. Phoebe is a Titan and daughter of Uranus and mother of Apollo. She is associated with intellect and prophecy. Many Greek gods and goddesses have a Roman counterpart. Jupiter is the Roman equivalent to Zeus. Juno is the Roman Goddess similar to Hera. Pluto is the Roman equivalent to Hades. Many of the Roman gods and goddesses have shorter names making them perfect as dog names from mythology. Any of these names would make a great suggestion for your god or goddess of the four legged variety. Share on Pinterest Share. Share on LinkedIn Share. Send email Mail. Print Print. If you discover a book or product of interest on this page and use the links provided to make a purchase, you will help support our mission to 'Grow Readers. Thank you! Next Article M. Clark Discusses Her New Pictu Author Bianca Schulze. I am a goddess and a dog lover! I have two adorable grandkids, who are 9 and 11, and they would love this book! I thought I had the best bad dogs! February 21, Dog lovers and members of quirky families unite! Lovely cover. I love books! February 23, She had me at dog…. February 24, February 25, Love dogs and books. February 26, So this books sounds like something you would love February 27, I love the description. It sounds inspiring. And dogs are so pure. February 29, My daughter is a dog lover and a major book lover! March 3, March 4, Love dogs! All animals really and pretty much all books too! March 6, March 7, I love dogs, books and kids, especially my nieces who would love this book. deutsche-nationalismus-551.pdf