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The and tectonic significance of -zone weakening: an introduction

E.H. RUTTER 1, R.E. HOLDSWORTH 2 & R.J. KNIPE 3 1Rock Deformation Laboratory, Sciences Department, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK (e-mail: [email protected]) 2Reactivation Research Group, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK 3Rock Deformation Research, Earth Sciences Department, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

Abstract: Fault zones control the location, architecture and evolution of a broad range of geological features, act as conduits for the focused migration of economically important fluids and, as most seismicity is associated with active faults, they also constitute one of the most important global geological hazards. In general, the repeated localization of dis- placements along faults and zones, often over very long time scales, strongly suggests that they are weak relative to their surrounding wall rocks. Geophysical obser- vations from plate boundary faults such as the additionally suggest that this fault zone is weak in an absolute sense, although this remains a controversial issue. Our understanding of fault-zone structure and mechanical behaviour derive from three main sources of information: (1) studies of natural fault zones and their deformation pro- ducts (fault rocks); (2) seismological and neotectonic studies of currently active natural fault systems; (3) laboratory-based deformation experiments using rocks or -analogue materials. These provide us with a basic understanding of brittle faulting in the upper of the Earth where the state is limited by the frictional strength of networks of faults under the prevailing fluid-pressure conditions. Under the long-term loading con- ditions typical of geological fault zones, poorly understood phenomena such as subcritical crack growth in process zones are likely to be of major importance in controlling both fault growth and strength. Grain-size reduction in highly strained fault rocks pro- duced in the plastic-viscous and deeper parts of frictional regime can lead to changes in deformation mechanisms and relative weakening that can account for the localization of deformation and repeated reactivation of crustal faults. Our understanding the interactions between deformation mechanisms, metamorphic processes and the flow of chemically active fluids is a key area for future study. An improved understanding of how fault- or shear-zone linkages, strength and microstructure evolve over large changes in finite strain will ultimately lead to the development of geologically more realistic numerical models of deformation that incorporate displacements concentrated into narrow, weaker fault zones.

In continental and oceanic regions, the defor- mining the location, modes of transport and mation of the Earth's crust (and lithosphere) is emplacement of economically important hydro- characteristically heterogeneous, with most dis- carbon reservoirs, hydrothermal deposits placements being localized into linked systems and igneous intrusions. In addition, most active of faults and shear zones. In both intraplate and seismicity is associated with displacements plate margin settings, these approximately pla- along fault zones, which therefore represent one nar or tabular deformation zones influence of the most important global geological hazards. strongly the location, architecture and evolution of a broad range of geological features, includ- Fault-zone structure and ing basins, orogenic belts and transcurrent fault systems. Many fault zones are known to mechanical behaviour act as conduits for the focused migration of In the upper, seismogenic part of the crust, fluids and clearly play a central role in deter- deformation in fault zones occurs by frictional

From: HOLDSWORTH,R.E., STRACHAN,R.A., MAGLOUGHLIN,J.F. & KNIPE, R.J. (eds) 2001. The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 186, 1-11. 0305-8719/01/$15.00 9 The Geological Societyof London 2001. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021

2 RUTTER ET AL. I DEFORMATION I TYPICALFAULT I REGIME J ROCKS 2000 Earth's Surface 0 2 DISCRETE FAUL TS /gouge ITi ~" 1600 (Temperature-insensitive,j Catactasites 0 FRICTIONAL Fault googes 5 -- REGIME p.,...... e.,~j 6oooc Catactasitos, Depth crush melenges, (km) faultgo.ges [~ 1200 ...... (ca,,t.,ete~a~,~) 1~ 10 FRICTIONAL- PLASTIC/VISCOU; Semi.brittle mflonites TRANSITIONAL REGION Pseudotachylytes (Dep~ is Phyltonites ~: 800 - rock-type L5 15 -- - se_ns_i~)...... Myfonites /f/ IntracrystallinePlasticity PLASTIC/VISCOU~ if (tem~ratur~sensitive,pressur~insensitive) REGIME 400 900oC 20-- Blastomflonites lOOm ,

Fig. 2. A widely accepted conceptual model for the o 460 860 12'oo 1~o way that the character of a crustal fault zone might ConfiningPressure (MPa) vary with depth (based on Sibson 1977). Narrow, brittle-frictional faults with a range of possible cata- Fig. 1. Simplified representation of the data of Tullis clastic fault rock products pass with increasing depth & Yund (1977) for the ultimate strength of Westerly into foliated mylonitic fault rocks in which intracrys- at a strain rate of c. 10-Ss-1; frictional talline plastic and diffusion-accommodated viscous strength behaves in much the same way. The figure flow processes progresssively dominate. The transi- shows that strength in the brittle regime (up to tional region between the upper and lower flow 300 ~ is insensitive to temperature, but very sensi- regimes is expected to correspond to a crustal tive to confining pressure, giving way at higher tem- strength maximum. The horizontal scale length is peratures to an increased temperature sensitivity, but greatly exaggerated relative to the vertical. Although a reduction in pressure sensitivity as intracrystalline the fault zone is shown broadening with depth, this plastic processes begin to dominate. may not necessarily occur, depending on rock type. processes in which the deformation mechanisms and local conditions (slip velocity, effective involve brittle fracture and frictional sliding. pressure, temperature). Except in initially porous rocks, these processes At greater crustal depths and hence higher lead to dilatancy. Thus, the strength of brittle temperatures, brittle-frictional faults pass faults increases with effective pressure and downward into shear zones (e.g. Fig. 2) and the hence depth of burial (Fig. 1; Byeflee 1978; regime changes to one of viscous flow in which Paterson 1978; Sibson 1983). Recurrence of a range of non-frictional, thermally activated movements on localized faults usually points to deformation mechanisms are involved to pro- the fault zone being weaker than the stress duce crystal plasticity and diffusional creep required to form a fresh fault in the surrounding (Sibson 1977; Tullis & Yund 1977; Schmid & protolith. This degree of weakening after fault Handy 1991). In the region separating these two initiation is probably due to some combination regimes, a frictional-viscous (or sometimes of the formation of fragmentary rock products called brittle-ductile) transition is likely to that are more porous and less cohesive than the coincide with a strength maximum in the litho- protolith (thereby allowing enhanced fluid-rock sphere, based on the findings of laboratory interaction) coupled with the development of a experiments and seismological studies (e.g. foliated , which may involve local concen- Sibson 1977, Sibson, 1983). If the deformation tration of . Whether the fault becomes isovolumetric, the stable continuation motion is steady or seismogenic depends on of localized flow demands that the material whether the fault zones display transiently vel- inside the fault zone be weaker than that out- ocity-strengthening or -weakening character- side. It is clear, however, that even high-tem- istics (Scholz 1990, Scholz, 1998). This perature shearing can be accompanied by some characteristic is sensitive both to fault rock type dilatancy, which may be crucial to explain the Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021

FAULT ZONE WEAKENING 3 ability of deep shear zones to transport fluids, sources of information: (1) studies of natural both aqueous and melts (Bruhn et al. 2000). fault zones and their deformation products (fault Even at the very high pressures in the deeper rocks); (2) seismological and neotectonic studies parts of zones (400-600km depth), of currently active natural fault systems; (3) lab- localized deformation is indicated by the occur- oratory-based deformation experiments using rence of whose first-motion pat- rocks or rock-analogue materials. Natural fault terns indicate shear faulting. These too demand zones generally preserve fault rocks whose com- a dramatic weakening process that is either iso- position and microstmcture can be used to gain volumetric or compactive in nature, so that insights into the nature and evolution of defor- there is no requirement for work to be done mation mechanisms and the theological beha- against the enormous effective pressures at viour of fault zones under a wide range of such depths (Kirby et al. 1996). pressure and temperature conditions (e.g. Handy The repeated localization of displacements 1989; Snoke et al. 1998). The traditional model along existing faults and shear zones over a for crustal-scale fault zones (Fig. 2) suggests wide depth range, on either geologically short that an interlinked network of brittle faults and (<1 Ma; fault recurrence) or long (>1 Ma; fault cataclastic fault rocks connects directly at depth reactivation) time scales, is likely to be largely into a broader, anastomosing system of viscous determined by their geometric and internal rheo- shear zones with mylonitic fault rocks (Sibson logical evolution. This is significant in continen- 1977; Schmid & Handy 1991). In natural fault tal regions where the resistance of the buoyant zones, the situation is made more complex by quartzofeldspathic crust to subduction means the fact that rocks are compositionally hetero- that once major fault zones have formed, they geneous on all scales, with adjacent rock units have the potential to be preserved for very long responding in very different ways to the periods of geological time. The widespread rec- imposed deformation under a given set of ognition of reactivated faults in continental environmental conditions (e.g. Handy 1990). deformation zones and regions of tec- Furthermore, as strain accumulates, deforma- tonics seems to confirm this suggestion (e.g. tional and associated metamorphic processes Butler et al. 1997; Holdsworth et al. 1997) and often profoundly modify fault rock mineralogy is manifested by the diffuse character of conti- and microstructure in ways that may lead to nental seismicity especially in collision zones. significant changes in theological behaviour Although the initial localization of deformation and mechanical strength (e.g. Schmid & Handy can occur in both strain-hardening and strain- 1991). Recent case studies suggest that such softening deformation regimes (e.g. Griggs & changes may be particularly important in the Handin 1960; Cobbold 1977), stable fault zones presence of a chemically active fluid phase and must be weak relative to their surrounding wall that this can lead to profound changes in fault- rocks. This would account for processes such zone strength, together with the location and as reactivation and recurrence, and might also character of the frictional-viscous transition help to explain why apparently large displace- (e.g. Imber et al. 1997; Stewart et al. 2000; ments can be accommodated along faults in Handy et al. 2001). mechanically unfavourable orientations, notably The textural evolution and distribution of low-angle extensional detachments in both deformation within most fault zones can be oceanic and continental settings (e.g. Lister & determined by the operation of up to six inter- Davis 1989; Cannet al. 1997). It is also related factors that can be conveniently sub- important to distinguish between the constitu- divided into lithological and environmental tive or material behaviour of the rocks in the controls (Fig. 3). The importance of the six fac- fault zone and the overall system behaviour, tors will change in both space and time as the which may be affected by additional boundary fault system evolves and accumulates displace- conditions, particularly during brittle defor- ment, leading to a heterogeneous distribution of mation (see Hobbs et aL 1990). Our improving fault rocks, textures and deformation histories understanding of the scaling relationships (e.g. see reviews by Handy 1989; Schmid & between fault attributes such as length, width, Handy 1991; Holdsworth et al. 2001). How- magnitude of displacement and interconnectiv- ever, faults and shear zones tend to develop as ity suggests that these factors will additionally self-organizing deformation systems on all influence the processes of fault growth and scales (e.g. Handy 1990, 1990; Sornette et al. reactivation (e.g. Cowie & Scholz 1992; Som- 1990, Sornette et al., 1993). Strains become ette et al. 1993; Walsh et al. 2001). increasingly localized to form interconnected, Our understanding of fault-zone structure and narrow displacement zones (faults, shear zones) mechanical behaviour derives from three main that surround elongate lenses of less highly Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021


Controlling Factors 300 LithologicolControls~ ,'"


~o 100


0 100 200 300 400 Normal Stress (MPa)

nvironmentalControls [ Fig. 4. Measurements of the resistance to frictional sliding in a wide range of rock types (where/~ is the coefficient of frictional sliding), compiled by Byerlee Fig. 3. Schematic summary illustrating that fault (1978). These data have been used widely as a basis rock fabric and depend on the linked oper- for generalization about the mechanical behaviour of ation of six controlling factors (after Holdsworth upper-crustal rocks. The data of Brudy et al. (1997) et al. 2001). Three of them depend on lithological for the state of stress in the German Deep Continen- factors and the remainder are externally imposed tal Borehole (KTB) have been transformed to the (following the approach of Knipe (1989)). same coordinate frame to show their consistency with Byerlee's generalization. deformed material. After initiation, this con- Although this is a useful approximation, it must figuration is mechanically stable and is thought be remembered that the frictional strength of to allow rock systems to deform over long time various rocks may in fact vary substantially scales by heterogeneous, but effectively steady- (note the spread implied by the low-pressure state flow in which the strain response of the data in Fig. 4; there are relatively fewer high- entire system will be controlled by the kin- stress data). However, a range of observed geo- ematic behaviour of the interconnected fault- or metrical relationships or natural fault structures shear-zone network. Therefore, in mature fault- are broadly consistent with Byeflee or shear-zone systems, it is likely that the rheo- (Sibson 1994). The utility of the approximation logical properties and evolution of the fault is enhanced by the fact that, whereas cataclas- rocks in the interconnected, highest strain fault- tic-frictional deformation is very sensitive to or shear-zone strands will ultimately control the variations in total pressure or pore pressure, it is behaviour of the whole system (Handy 1990). much less sensitive to variations in temperature, at least up to c. 300 ~ (Fig. 1; Blanpied et al. 1998). Because of the trade-off between defor- Fault rock rheology in the brittle- mation rate and temperature that exists for most frictional regime materials, frictional behaviour is also relatively insensitive to large changes in strain rate. Thus Byerlee's 'rule' and intraplate faulting it has become common to discuss the strength Our understanding of brittle, upper-crustal fault- of the upper crust in terms of a generalized fric- ing is largely based on the results of laboratory tion law for all rock types, independent of tem- faulting and friction experiments carried out on perature and strain rate. This approach has been a great many rock types. These show that fric- used successfully to account for borehole stress tional strength increases rather rapidly with measurements made in intraplate regions in a effective normal stress, at a rate corresponding variety of tectonic stress regimes (Townend & to a friction coefficient between about 0.5 and Zoback 2000). 0.9. Byerlee (1978) pointed out that, to a first There are a number of instances in which it approximation, the friction coefficient is not has been possible to test Byerlee's 'rule' in pre- strongly dependent on rock type, so that for sent-day intraplate localities (e.g. the German simple modelling of crustal fault behaviour, we Deep Continental Borehole, KTB). Great care have a useful rule of thumb that friction is inde- was taken to acquire a dataset that would pendent of rock type (Byerlee's 'rule'). describe the stress difference down to a depth of Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021

FAULT ZONE WEAKENING 5 c. 9km (Fig. 4; Brudy et al. 1997). These data pressure conditions. Second, estimates of the show that in situ stresses are indeed consistent orientation of the maximum principal stress in with laboratory friction data. The long-term the country rocks on either side of the San persistence of unrelaxed, near-sliding stresses Andreas fault suggest that it lies nearly normal also supports the idea that upper-crustal rheol- to the (Mount & Suppe 1987; Zoback ogy is almost rate independent. When in situ et al. 1987), implying very low values of stresses are consistent with laboratory friction resolved shear stress along the fault, even if the data, we would say that the crust is relatively differential stresses in the crust around the fault strong, or is as strong as it can be. For such a are consistent with Byerlee friction. 'strong' crust, the orientation of potentially A range of explanations have been proposed active faults should be c. 30-45 ~ to the local to account for the inferred weakness of the San orientation of maximum principal stress, so that Andreas fault. These include the presence of high values of resolved shear stress act along supposed low-friction materials (e.g. smectite- the fault. By comparison with laboratory data bearing or certain serpentine min- again, we would expect that the stresses necess- erals) in the fault zone (Morrow et al. 1992; ary to initiate a new fault, rather than inducing Moore et al. 1996), maintenance of high fluid continued slip on an old one, would be even pressure in the fault-zone core (Byerlee 1990; higher. It should be noted, however, that the Rice 1992; Chester et al. 1993) relative to regional principal stress difference required to lower pressures outside, or a range of dynamic cause slip on unfavourably oriented faults (e.g. mechanisms (e.g. frictional melting, thermal low-angle detachments where a~ stress trajec- fluid pressurization) for the production of tran- tories are vertical) would also be greater than siently low friction during slip events (e.g. the resistance to the formation of a fresh fault, Sibson 1980; Melosh 1996). All of these expla- for a range of unfavourable fault orientations. nations pose difficulties that must be addressed. Seismological data tend to yield relatively Furthermore, Scholz (2000) has now called into small stress drops associated with earthquakes question the validity of the interpretations of (Az<10 MPa in almost all cases). If this were to the data that suggest either that there is no heat represent total stress drop on faults, it would flow anomaly or that the maximum principal imply that fault strength is much lower than stress is at a high angle to the fault trace, and implied by Byerlee friction under hydrostatic instead proposes that the San Andreas fault is fluid-pressure conditions. However, laboratory not anomalously weak at all. This point of view data again showed that, provided seismogenic is disputed by Zoback (2000), but it is import- slip is analogous to the stick-slip behaviour ant that such a level of scrutiny be applied to observed in laboratory experiments, the seismo- the San Andreas problem, because it underlines genic stress drop is only a small (c. 10%) frac- our present lack of clear understanding of tion of the total shear stress on the fault (e.g. whether there are fundamental differences in McGarr 1999). crustal mechanics in different plate tectonic set- tings. It is worth noting, however, that there is also no evidence for frictional heat generation The San Andreas plate boundary fault along the seismic thrust interface at fast sub- In contrast to the cosy image of fault behaviour duction zones, a region responsible for >90% in intraplate situations, two key observations of the global seismic moment release; this from the San Andreas plate boundary fault restricts shear stresses on these thrusts to suggest that, even in the shallow elastic fric- <20 MPa (e.g. see Wang et al. 1995). tional regime where deformation can be seismo- genic, this fault may be anomously weak, both in a relative and in an absolute sense. This begs Fluids, faults and detachments the question of whether plate boundary faults, Natural fault zones exhibit complex internal which must cut right through the lithosphere in architectures composed of clusters and networks a fairly narrow zone, are fundamentally different of small faults and surrounding larger in some way from smaller intraplate faults. slip surfaces (Engelder 1974; Knipe et al. First, heat-flow data progressively accumulated 1998). The behaviour of fluids and strength since the late 1960s (Lachenbruch & Sass 1973; characteristics in these zones depend upon the Lachenbruch & Sass, 1980, Lachenbruch & distribution, evolution and connectivity of the Sass, 1992) seem to suggest that slip in the San fault rocks with different properties in the net- Andreas fault is not generating frictional heat at work (Caine & Foster 1999; Haneberg et al., a rate that would be expected of a fault display- 1999). Sealed volumes bounded by faults and ing 'Byerlee' friction under hydrostatic fluid- complex baffles between pressure compart- Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021

6 RUTTER ET AL. ments are possible within the fault zone (Bye- reactivate under highly anomalous stress trajec- dee 1993). Evaluation of the dynamic flow tory systems? behaviour of these networks is important to mineral and hydrocarbon reserves and the associated operating plumbing systems. This Fracture mechanisms and subcritical has an impact on the effective stress and there- crack growth fore on the strength behaviour of the faults A range of classical grain-scale fracture mech- (Wong & Zhu 1999). The important contri- anisms have been identified based on the results bution made by low-displacement fault or frac- of laboratory deformation experiments carried ture networks that act as conduits for fluid flow out on crystalline materials (e.g. Atkinson is increasingly recognized (Sibson 1996, Sib- 1982). This approach generally assumes, how- son, 2000), but their role is still poorly con- ever, that cracks propagate at a critical value of strained for many deformation environments. a parameter such as the stress intensity factor Faulted geothermal, mineral and hydrocarbon (Kc, or fracture toughness), which requires systems provide a rich source of data for under- essentially linear elastic behaviour. It is increas- standing fault behaviour at comparatively shal- ingly apparent, however, that such assumptions low crustal depths. are not appropriate for most geological faults The fault zones that underlie accretionary where loading occurs over long time periods, prisms developed at convergent plate margins often at elevated temperatures and in the pre- provide another example of an apparently weak sence of chemically active fluids. This is fault zone able to concentrate deformation thought to give rise to a range of time-depen- (Moore et al. 1995). In some cases, these are dent behaviours in fracture process zones associated with fluid overpressures and focused around crack tips known collectively as subcri- fluid flow; in other cases they are not. These tical crack growth, in which slow fracture fault zones provide an opportunity for evaluat- occurs when K <~ Kc (Atkinson 1982, Atkinson, ing complex fluid flow and mechanical beha- 1987). The mechanisms and controls of this viour where concentrated slip takes place. An behaviour (long recognized in ceramics and understanding of such zones needs to incorpor- glasses) are still very poorly understood in geo- ate knowledge concerning the deformation logical systems, but they are very likely to behaviour of weak to poorly lithified granular influence strongly long-term crustal shear stress aggregates (Jones & Addis 1985; Jones 1994; levels. The recent recognition of significant Bolton & Maltman 1997). The International amounts of grain-scale low-temperature crystal Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP) is poised to plasticity and diffusion mass transfer adjacent provide new information on these fault zones to shallow crustal brittle faults (e.g. Lloyd & via a new initiative for deep drilling of the Knipe 1992) reinforces the view that subcritical active margins from a specially designed crack growth is likely to be a major influence research ship. upon both the growth and strength of natural The issue of the orientation of major exten- fault zones. sional dip-slip faults relative to the orientation of principal stresses pertains particularly to the problem of understanding relatively flat-lying Fault rock rheology in the plastic- detachment faults. These are seen in exhumed orogenic belts, in extended continental viscous regime (e.g. Lister & Davis 1989) and also adjacent to Plastic deformation that demands elevated tem- the inside corners of some -transform peratures may localize into shear zones ranging boundaries in oceanic settings (e.g. Cann et aL in thickness from a few millimetres to kilometre 1997). In continental settings, the commonly scale. Despite the general increase in deform- observed juxtaposition of brittle deformation in ability that accompanies elevated temperature, the hanging wall with mylonitic rocks in the even the rocks of the lower continental crust footwall seems to imply large displacements. and upper can be carried about as large, Present-day seismicity patterns in regions of relatively undeformed blocks between localized continental extension are dominated by high- shear zones (e.g. Rutter & Brodie 1992). Thus, angle normal faulting (i.e. dips >30~ e.g. Jack- slip on interconnected, localized zones appears son & White 1989), so are flat-lying detach- to be the dominant process during lithosphere- ment faults naturally aseismic? Does their very scale deformation, even in continental orogens. existence and orientation imply that they are In many cases, major shear zones, once loca- anomalously weak in the same way as inferred lized, appear to be relatively weak features, as for the San Andreas fault or do they form and they undergo repeated episodes of reactivation Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021

FAULT ZONE WEAKENING 7 during successive cycles of crustal deformation, explain the occurrence of deep focus (400- particularly in the continents where the crust 670km depth) earthquakes. This depth range persists over aeons owing to its resistance to coincides with that necessary for the transform- being subducted (Butler et al. 1997; Holdsworth ation of orthorhombic olivine to a denser spinel et al. 1997, Holdsworth et al., 2001). Many structure (Burnley et aL 1991; Kirby et al. shear zones also act as fluid channelways, loca- 1996). lizing hydrothermal or magmatic activity, and (4) Cyclic dynamic recrystallization. This these factors may additionally contribute to may result in weakening through some combi- their weakness relative to their surroundings. nation of the effects of restoration of a low dis- A number of mechanisms can be identified location density and the formation of preferred whereby, in rocks at high temperature, flow crystallographic orientation (e.g. in feldspars, localization can be made stable (i.e. not spread which work harden very rapidly; Tullis & Yund laterally into the protolith). Several such pro- 1985). The sweeping of grain boundaries cesses have been identified through experimen- through the volume of a rock may cause the tal studies, or have been inferred to operate defect chemistry of grain interiors to equilibrate from textural and petrographic studies on natu- with the pore fluid much more rapidly than rally deformed rocks. These processes are as solid-state diffusion will allow, perhaps facilitat- follows. ing hydrolytic weakening in minerals such as (1) Metamorphic overpressure and embrittIe- quartz (Rutter & Brodie 1995). ment. Dehydration reactions during prograde Much of the above understanding of plastic- evolve high-pressure , viscous weakening processes comes from which can cause weakening and embrittlement before-and-after studies of naturally sheared if undrained. This has been demonstrated rocks and their adjacent protoliths, or from experimentally in several systems (e.g. Raleigh experimental deformation of either undeformed & Paterson 1965; Heard & Rubey 1966; Ko rocks or mature fault rocks. The evolution of et al. 1995). If the system is drained, then the strength through the microstructural and meta- availability of collapsible porosity created morphic changes that accompany localization during reaction can be expected to produce have been difficult to track, owing to the large transient weakening during the progress of the strain ranges over which they can occur. Little reaction (Rutter & Brodie 1995). This latter has yet been done in the direction of including a effect has not been documented in nature, strain-dependent term in constitutive flow laws. because crystallization of product phases However, recent applications of high-strain repairs the damage done during shearing. It has extension testing and torsion testing offer the also not yet been demonstrated in the labora- promise of being able to follow strength evol- tory, owing to the difficulties of performing the ution over large changes in finite strain (Rutter requisite experiments. 1998, Rutter, 1999). (2) Geometric softening. Intracrystalline plas- tic flow generally leads to the formation of crys- tallographic preferred orientation. If 'easy slip' Conclusions orientations become aligned with the shear Understanding the behaviour of localized faults plane, a relative weakening may result (Schmid and shear zones at all depths (and orientations) et al. 1987). in the lithosphere is clearly a central issue in (3) Grain-size reduction and the onset of dif- , yet our understanding remains rather fusional mechanisms. High-strain zones are piecemeal. A combination of mechanical experi- often characterized by dramatic tectonic grain- ments, field-based and microstructural study of size reduction. Sufficient grain refinement may fault rocks, analogue and numerical modelling, favour a switch in to a and seismological studies has resulted in a basic grain-size-sensitive, diffusion-dominated pro- understanding of brittle faulting in the upper cess, particularly if a hydrous fluid phase is pre- crust of the Earth. Here the stress state is limited sent (e.g. Brodie & Rutter 1987; Hoogerduijn by the frictional strength of networks of faults Strating & Vissers 1991). If this is characterized under the prevailing fluid-pressure conditions. by a marked sensitivity of flow stress to strain The behaviour of brittle fault rocks and the rate, weakening will result. Grain refinement structure of fault zones must largely determine may arise from extreme cataclasis, dynamic their ability to produce earthquakes, yet our recrystallization, or neocrystallization of at least capability to predict such events is limited. This transiently fine-grained products of a meta- may in part reflect our poor understanding of morphic reaction or polymorphic transform- the behaviour of faults and stress under long- ation. The last process has been invoked to term loading conditions, where grain-scale Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 30, 2021

8 RUTTER ET AL. mechanisms related to subcritical crack growth is uncertain whether such models are even in fracture process zones may play a major role approximately correct in both intraplate and in controlling both fault growth and strength. plate boundary settings. Nevertheless, some of Radical new directions in research are planned the apparent differences between faults in these and include the San Andreas Fault Observatory settings could also be a function of differences at Depth (SAFOD), the establishment of which in the location, nature and importance of the is contingent upon the funding of a deep drilling main load-bearing regions in the lithosphere. programme (Dalton 1999). Such studies are Finally, it is important to emphasize that most essential if we are to establish whether plate discussion and modelling of large-scale litho- boundary faults really can be weaker than their sphere rheology is based on presumed 'steady- intraplate counterparts and, if so, by what state' flow of a lithosphere that deforms homo- means: trapped fluid overpressures or faults pos- geneously, a view that is incompatible with the sessing anomalous (non-'Byerlee') friction prop- heterogeneous deformation observed on all erties or some other process(es). scales by in nature. The development Our understanding of the mechanics of dee- of a better understanding of how fault- or shear- per-crustal, higher-temperature shear zones is zone linkages, strength and microstructure built around before-and-after observations of the evolve over large changes in finite strain or dis- sheared rock and its protolith, whether on natu- placement is a vital next step if we are to model rally or experimentally deformed samples. the behaviour of lithosphere where deformation Highly strained fault rocks produced in the plas- in concentrated into narrow, weaker zones. tic-viscous regime, and in the deeper parts of the frictional regime, are often characterized by The authors would like to thank all the participants of marked grain-size reduction. The results of stu- the London conference for their inputs and discussion dies on naturally produced fault or shear zones during the meeting, particularly M. Handy, who and from rock deformation experiments have wrote an excellent summary of the proceedings. We identified a number of processes that cause would also like to thank R. Sibson for his insightful grain refinement, and recognize that these can review of this manuscript, although the authors remain responsible for the views expressed here. lead to relative weakening and hence favour the observed localization of flow and, following periods of quiescence, reactivation. For the References future, few attempts have yet been made exper- imentally to study the evolution of mechanical ATKINSON, B.K. 1982. Subcritical crack-propagation properties and microstructure over large ranges in rocks: theory, experimental results and appli- of strain, not least owing to the difficulties of cations. Journal of , 4, 41- carrying out such experiments. Our understand- 56. 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