PI Preisverleihung IBDC 2013 En
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PRESS RELEASE Taipei, 20 March 2013 Awards Ceremony for the Winners of the IBDC 2013: The 22 winners of the IBDC (International Bicycle Design Competition) were officially honored at the TAIPEI CYCLE Show (20 to 23 March 2013). The ten best entries were rewarded with prize monies amounting to a total of TWD 600,000 (approx. EUR 16,000). The IBDC, one of the most highly respected competitions for young talent in the bicycle industry, is now in its 17 th year. All in all, some 590 concepts from students and young designers were entered in the competition, which is hosted by the Cycling & Health Tech Industry R&D Center (CHC) and sponsored by the Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. Of the total 590, 391 works from 45 countries from around the world were accepted to compete for the coveted award. A high0ran-ing panel of e1perts evaluated all the entries and selected 22 innovative works as pri2e inners. The ten most outstanding entries ere re arded ith pri2e monies amounting to T3D 400,000 )E5R 14,000). Something ne that has been added to the competition, all the pri2e inners ere invited to a three0day or-shop at the Asia 5niversity in Taichung )Tai an). In addition to attending specialist lectures, the inners had the opportunity here to have their or- e1amined by international design e1perts, to tal- ith them and to or- together ith them on fine0tuning their o n pro7ects. The results of the or-shop ill be introduced at the TAI8EI C9CLE Sho and presented to an international audience of trade professionals. The inners ill also be featured in the iF online e1hibition ) www.ifdesign.de ), on the IBDC ebsite ) www. ibdcaward.org ) and in a specially prepared documentation. Judges – Categories – Evaluation Criteria The 7udges included Henry Chang )Gearlab Co. Ltd., Taipei/Tai an), Edward Chiang )Giant Bicycle, Taichung/Tai an), Martin Kessler )8rocess Group, Zurich/S it2erland), Ishigaki Tetsuya )Toyo frame, To-yo/Japan), Georg Todtenbier )Cre8 Design, Taipei/Tai an) and Michael Tseng )Merida Bi-es, Taichung/Tai an). Categories: 1. Bicycles 2. Components 3. Clothing and Accessories .. Service/Facilities )par-ing systems, bi-e route designs, rental systems) Evaluation Criteria: Degree of innovation / Auality of design / Choice of material / Environmental impact / Functionality / Application / Safety / Social responsibility / 5niversal design / 8ractical aspects / Degree of elaboration. The organi2ation and e1ecution of the competition as carried out by iF International Forum Design GmbH ith its iF Branch Office Taiwan for the first time. IBDC 2013 | The prize winners with prize money 5 x TWD 100,000 in prize money: 1. entry ID: 10.977 Category: Components Entry: 8enta Bra-e System B Thumb Brake System Design: Martina Zbinden University: FHNW IID, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Institute of Industrial Design, Therwil/Switzerland The 8ECTA bra-e system is an innovative hydraulic bra-e system for bicycles. These thumb bra-es do not reDuire a lot of force to be applied and it is then easier to control the bra-ing po er. The cables mounted on the inside are protected from vandalism. The lo 0maintenance bra-e is serviced over the handlebars and the stem, hereby the entire top piece can be removed. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FThe advantage of this bra-e system is that it is controlled by t o thumbs and I thin- it is a little revolution in the bicycle industry.G 2. entry ID: 104307 Category: Components Entry: ubDo si1ty40 B Mountainbike Frame Design: Marco Giarrana University: 5niversity of Design and Art, Basle/S it2erland The HubDo si1ty40I is a frame ith strong, clean, independent lines that covers a ide range of uses. It eliminates the only real ea- points of virtual pivot designsE it replaces t o small lin-ages, hich are e1posed to e1tremely high loads, ith large e1centers, hich can resist the loads much better and e1hibit durability and stability. 3ith its round0edged carbon profiles, the HubDo si1ty40I is ready to tac-le any terrain. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FIt is a different frame design that is 7ust li-e a universal ad7ustment for bi-es of the ne est generation.G 3. entry ID: 105922 Category: Components Entry: ER,C B Light and brake systems Design: Thomas Breun University: Hochschule Coburg, Integrated 8roduct Design, Coburg/Germany ER,C combines the functions of a conventional bicycle dis- bra-e ith a bicycle lighting system. 3hile riding, magnets fitted into the bra-e dis-s produce electrical energy in induction coils arranged beside the bra-e calipers to operate the lights. The front lights are integrated into the bra-e handles, hile the taillight can be attached to the rear bra-e caliper. The FDual 8lugG hose line supplies the disc system ith hydraulic oil and the front lights ith electric energy. As a result, the unsightly mess of cables connecting the generator to the lights is a thing of the past. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FThis is one of the most complete ideas, they even thought about ho the electricity is stored. The student has done an e1cellent 7ob and this is absolutely applicable to todayJs mar-et.G 4. entry ID: 10.393 Category: Clothing and accessories Entry: The Glo Rider B Light System Design: Mr. Kuang0Chung Hao, 9i0Ching Lin, 9en0Liang Chen University: Cational Taipei 5niversity of Technology, Taipei/Tai an Bicycling in the dar- can be e1tremely dangerous. The Glo Rider is a flashing light, a taillight and a pro7ection light all in one. The Glo Rider is mounted on the rear fenderL it acts as a high0po ered taillight. At a flic- of the s itch, the Glo Rider pro7ects a bright beam of light onto the riderMs bac-. This creates a larger lit surface area, hich ma-es the rider significantly more visible in the rain or dar-. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FThe idea is applicable to potentially any bi-e. Though e thin- about the future, bi-es are also about encouraging sustainability. The idea is self0sustainability and itJs a good mar-eting point.G 5. entry ID: 10..33 Category: Service B Facility Entry: BamGoo B Transport System for Emerging Countries Design: Sara 5rasini University: Free 5niversity of Bo2en, Bo2en/Italy BamGoo is a transport system designed for emerging countries that use bicycles as their most important means of transport. It is a very simple structure made of the natural materials that are easy to find and easy to or- ith using simple tools in the corresponding countries. It consists of t elve containers positioned symmetrically so that it can be used as a stall at mar-ets in and around the villages. Than-s to the t o holders, it can be easily detached from the bicycle to be carried by hand. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FThis is from the category of service and facility and thatJs e1actly hat it is. 9ou donJt need a ne type of bicycleL you 7ust need these t o elements and the frame structure made of bamboo. ItJs so simple, so effective and helps a lot of, mostly, omen to carry all these heavy things to the mar-et or from the ater hole bac- to the village.G 5 x TWD 20,000 in prize money: 6. entry ID: 10.121 Category: Bicycles Entry: Frame 22 B Urban Bike with Bamboo Frame Design: Mr. 9u09uan Lai University: Shih Chien 5niversity, Dept. of Industrial Design, Taipei/Tai an Frame 22 is an urban bi-e ith a fle1ible bamboo frame. The bi-e as designed in cooperation ith a master bamboo carpenter. Bamboo poles support the frame and form a connection bet een the for- and the seat tube. The e1cellent elasticity of the bamboo material ma-es the frame e1tremely fle1ible and significantly reduces side instability and vibration. The bamboo construction stretches bac- to the chain stay to also provide reinforcement for the entire rear triangles. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FThis is a fantastic combination of ood and steel. ,ne of the 7udges ould actually li-e to ride it.G 7. entry ID: 104720 / F8rofessionalsG Category: Bicycles Entry: Sa yer B Beach Cruiser with Plywood Frame Manufacturer: 053ont erp, Enschede/Cetherlands Design: Jurgen Kuipers Sa yer is a beach cruiser ith a custom0made beech ood ply ood frame. The bi-e has been eDuipped ith special features, e.g. the chain line. A one0of0a0-ind bi-e ith an elegant loo- for a comfortable ride. As a type of Fart pro7ectG, the bi-e is also available as an assembly -it that contains all the parts reDuired to build a Sa yer bi-e. This is merely a model, ho ever, and cannot actually be used as a bi-e. 3hat the 7udges had to sayE FItJs a cool loo-ing bi-e that combines both concepts for the competition. But itJs a bit ironic. He must have designed this bi-e ith particular man appeal before putting together the DI9 tools. It loo-s li-e it could or- and it ould certainly be very uniDue on the street.G 8. entry ID: 105923 Category: Clothing and Accessories Entry: ChildrenJs Bi-e Seat Design: Martina Staub, Lisa Cissen University: Fachhochschule Cord estsch ei2, Industrial Design, Aarau/S it2erland The design of this childrenJs bi-e seat focuses primarily on the aspects of safety and light eight. The seat consists of t o partsE the protective frame is made of fiber0glass reinforced polypropylene. The cushion is a 3D mesh and is soft and protective at the same time.