Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1941-09-20
BE:R 19, 1941 .. ~ lankin Hawklet3, Blue, Fair. Win, Loee tn Two Tilts IOWA: l'aIr &e JIUil7 dotIb &ad " Rites Here Yeeterda:r w-" tedU. wIDd _&II &e Bee Stories on Pace , aoa&llweat n·1I .... &edaJ'. ~nday , alII· J 0 U1 a Cily', Mornin, NeW1'paper kin, 78, 102 S. IOWA CITY, IOWA SAlJ'URDA Y,' SEPT~MBER 20, 1941 he home of he~ rIVE CE:NTS VOLUME XLI NUMBER 305 Rankin, 1114 E. clock yesterdal' lort illness. Ixhaustlon were IS of her death I away from, h~ day evenlnll alld or several hours ,undo She had lealth for 1011\8 ,B. M. Baruch New York Education Head Lin", County Grand Jury Returns Ilr county, Mo., Reds Admit .Germans Reach Ie was married Strong. Statement Against Strikers n 1884. Fot the A~ks Ceiling lived in Cedar CEDAR RAPrr>s (AP) - A 3. Advised that SheriU Jim One Gate of Ukrainian Capital ~jly. Price Level Lin~ county grand jury Friday Smith of Linn county be placed by five children afternoon termed ' the Monday in charge of such organization Iowa City, Ar~ night mob violence attendant with wa; Howard E., Would Put Ceiling the Wilson and Company produce with general control over all Linn county peace o{ficers. I, Georgia Slo Ov~r Structure Of plant strike "shameful and shock aaim ~nf~ct Armies Striking East Paul C., New ' ing" and listed Live recommenda 4. That the board of supervisors leveral brothen Prices, Wages, Rents tions against recu rrence of such authorize the sherltt to employ a scene.
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