The Plant Bugs, Or Miridae

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The Plant Bugs, Or Miridae % STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Theodore H. Prison, Chief ^^olume 22 BULLETIN Article 1 The Plant Bugs, or Miridae, of Illinois HARRY^ H. KNIGHT Printed by Authority oj the State of Illinois URBANA, ILLINOIS September 1041 STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Frank G. Thompson, Chairman William Trelease, D.Sc, LL.D., Biology William A. Noyes, Ph.D., LL.D. Chem.D. Forestry D.Sc, Chemistry Ezra J. Kraus, Ph.D., D.Sc, L. R. HowsoN, B.S.C.E., C.E., Engineering Edson S. Bastin, Ph.D., Geology Arthur Cutts Willard, D.Eng., LL.D., President of the University of Illinois NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Urbana, Illinois Scientific and Technical Staff Theodore H. Frison, Ph.D., Chief Section of Economic Entomology Section of Aquatic Biology W. P. Flint, B.S., Chief Entomologist David H. Thompson, Ph.D., Zoologist C. C. Compton, Ph.D., Associate Entomologist George W. Bennett, Ph.D., Limnologist M. D. Farrar, Ph.D., Research Entomologist D. F. Hansen, Ph.D., Assistant Zoologist Entomologist Bruno Limbach, B.S , Zoological /Assistant J. H. Bigger, B.S., Associate S. C. Chandler, B.S., Southern Field Entomolo- R. G. Rennels, M.F., Assistant Aquatic Biolo- gist gist Northern Field Ento- L. H. Shropshire, M.S., Section of Game Research and Management mologist Ralph E. Yeatter, Ph.D., Game Specialist B. G. Berger, M.A., Assistant Entomologist H.^B. Petty, B.A., Assistant, Entomology Ex- Section of Wildlife Experimental Areas tension Arthur S. Hawkins, M.S., Game Technician M. M. Petrakis, B.A., Entomological Assistant (On leave) in C. J. Weinman, Ph.D., Research Fellow En- F. C. Bellrose, Jr., B.S., Assistant Game tomology Technician B.A., Research Fellow in George F. Ludvik, J. B. Low, Ph.D., Assistant Game Technician Entomology W. H. Elder, Ph.D., Assistant Game Technician T. F. Winburn, M.S., Associate Entomologist Cooperative Wildlife Restoration Program (U.S.B.E.P.§^. and Commodity Credit Cor- [State Department of Conservation and U. S. Fish poration, cooperating) and Wildlife Service) Section of Insect Survey Harry G. Anderson, M.A., Junior Biologist H. H. Ross, Ph.D., Systematic Entomologist L. G. Brown, B.S., Junior Biologist Carl O. Mohr, Ph.D., Associate Entomologist, R. E. Hesselschwerdt, B.A., Junior Biologist S. M.F., Biologist Artist C. Spooner, Junior B. D. Burks, Ph.D., Assistant Entomologist Section of Applied Botany and Plant Pathology G. T. Riegel, M.S., Entomological Assistant L. R. Tehon, Ph.D., Botanist Kathryn M. Sommerman, M.S., Artist, Ento- D. B. Creager, Ph.D., Research Pathologist mological Assistant J. C. Carter, Ph.D., Assistant Botanist G. H. BoEWE, M.S., Field Botanist Section of Forestry James E. Davis, M.F., Extension Forester Section of Publications Lee E. Yeager, Ph.D., Forester James S. Ayars, B.S., Editor Consultant: Herpetology, Howard K. Gloyd, Ph.D., Director of the Museum, Chicago Academy of Sciences This paper is a contribution from the Section of Insect Survey. (A47723—2,200—5-41) FOREWORD THE Aliridae, or plant bugs, containing This procedure was followed in 1930 and well over a third of the species of the 1932. In 1931, drought conditions reduced order Hemiptera, have long attracted atten- the mirid population to a low ebb, making tion because of their abundance, their diver- collecting for this group impractical. In sity of shape and the great variety of plant 1934, 1935 and 1936, intensive collecting hosts they attack. Except for a few preda- for leafhoppers turned up many more Miri- cious species, they suck the juices from plant dae, including a large number of new records leaves and, with the leafhoppers, aphids and for Illinois. A total of about 20,000 speci- scale insects, rank as one of the most impor- mens was accumulated, including the 5,000 tant groups of plant sucking insects in Illi- specimens already in the collection before nois. our drive for this group began. All mem- Early in 1930, a project to investigate the bers of the Insect Survey Section staff have Miridae of Illinois and to prepare a com- at various times aided with the field work prehensive report on the state fauna was and preparation of material for identification organized. Dr. Harry H. Knight, Iowa and preservation. State College, Ames, Iowa, was enlisted as Much of the work of final identification leader of the project to direct the initial of material and completion of the manuscript intensive collecting for the group, identify was done by Dr. Knight at Ames, Iowa, the material and write the final report, and while not attached to the Survey, and I wish he was employed by the Survey as Assistant to express our gratitude to him for spending Entomologist during the summers of 1930. so much of his own time in bringing this 1932, 1933 and 1937 to acomplish these project to a successful conclusion. objectives. Several members of our staff in the Insect Intensive collecting was begun in 1930. Survey Section also have contributed greatly Prior to this date much material had been to the final manuscript. The many full illus- assembled by earlier Illinois collectors, par- trations of Miridae are with few exceptions ticularly C. A. Hart and C. W. Stromberg, the work of Dr. C. O. Mohr, Associate whose specimens in the Natural History Entomologist and Artist. Dr. Mohr and Survey collection formed not only a good Miss Kathryn M. Sommerman, Entomologi- general collection of the group but also in- cal Assistant, also added many illustrations cluded several species not taken in our recent used to illustrate key characters and male search. Much interesting material collected genitalia. Summarizing the Illinois collec- in Illinois by W. J. Gerhard was lent us tion data and adding it to the manuscript, by the Field Museum of Natural History, modification of the keys to emphasize as Chicago. much as possible characters which could be Field work for this group followed very illustrated, and adapting the manuscript to closely the pattern developed during an current Survey practices represent the pains- taking and effectual work of Dr. H. H. earlier study of Illinois aphids (Hottes iSc and Dr. B. Frison 1931). Collecting was done in every Ross, Systematic Entomologist, sec- part of the state, from south to north, east D. Burks, Assistant Entomologist. The control is in part to west, and repeated at different seasons in tion on economic status and Chief an attempt to capture species which might the work of Prof. W. P. Flint, be restricted to certain periods of the year Entomologist. Finally the manuscript was the Editor, or to limited local habitats. Using known read and styling determined by mirid host plants as a guide, we attempted Mr. James S. Ayars. to collect from every species of probable T. H. Frisox, Chief host in every locality visited. Illinois Natural History Survey CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Biology 2 Life Cycle. — Hibernation. — Feeding Habits. Distribution and Habitat Preference 5 Mirids in Restricted Areas. — Forest Mirids. — Grass and Marsh Mirids. — Widely Distributed Species. —Collecting Notes. Economic Status and Control 12 Taxonomy 15 Systematic Characters. — Phylogeny. — Present Holders of Material: Symbols. — Meas- urements and Records. —Tarsal Claw Key Characters. Key to Subfamilies 19 Phylinae 22 Dicyphinae 52 Bryocorinae 58 Cylapinae ^1 Clivineminae 63 Deraeocorinae 64 Orthotylinae '"i Mirinae 124 Capsinae 1-^1 Host List 211 Bibliography 218 Index 223 Horcias illini. the more strik- Typical in general outline of many plant bugs found in Illinois, but among ing in coloration and markings. The Plant Bugs, or Miridae, of Illinois HARRY H. KNIGHT* Introduction THE list of Miridae of Illinois now species for the family Miridae and but 2,486 stands at 330 species. It is apparent, species for all other families of Hemiptera however, that species known from combined. In North America, north of neighboring states will eventually be found Mexico, approximately 1,500 species of in Illinois. Furthermore, in the study of Miridae are known; of other families of Illinois species, it was found that many Hemiptera, about 2,500 species. records of these species were a great distance Because of the fragile nature of the from any other previously known records. pubescence and appendages of the mirids, Hence, it was thought advisable to include special attention had to be given to their col- in the keys other species and varieties known lection. The collecting party, consisting of from the entire general region in which Illi- two or three members, equipped with nets, nois is situated. One hundred ten extra- bottles, pinning and mounting accessories, limital species were, therefore, included, and desk lamps, was usually in the field for bringing the total number treated in this periods of 10 days to 2 weeks. Each day, report to 440 species. It seems highly prob- collecting was discontinued at about 4 P.M., able that from two-thirds to three-fourths and headquarters were set up for work in a of these extralimital species will eventually hotel room where the day's catch was pinned be found in this state, which would bring the to prevent unmounted insects from being list of Illinois Miridae to about 400 species. battered in transit. In the list of insects for New York The collecting party used sweeping nets, (Leonard 1928), t I recorded 296 species of each having a ring 15 inches in diameter and ]\Iiridae, but since publication of this list a bag of bolter's silk. These were found additional records have raised the total to ideal for mirids, since they excluded so little 316.
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