

How does calcium trigger release? George J Augustine

Recent work has established that different geometric A brief introduction to diffusion of Ca2+ arrangements of calcium channels are found at different To appreciate how much Ca2+ is required to trigger trans- presynaptic terminals, leading to a wide spectrum of calcium mitter release, it is important to understand the diffusion signals for triggering neurotransmitter release. These calcium of Ca2+ once it enters the presynaptic terminal. signals are apparently transduced by — Mathematical models indicate that diffusion yields an calcium-binding found in synaptic vesicles. New immediate accumulation of calcium ions within an area biochemical results indicate that all synaptotagmins undergo covering tens of nanometers around the mouth of open calcium-dependent interactions with and a Ca2+ channels [2,3]. This calcium signal can be damped by number of other presynaptic proteins, but which of these the buffering action of Ca2+-binding proteins [4]. Such uni- interactions is responsible for calcium-triggered transmitter tary Ca2+ influx events will result in qualitatively different release remains unclear. types of intracellular signals, depending on the spatial arrangement of Ca2+ channels relative to each other and to Addresses the relevant Ca2+-binding proteins (Figure 1; and [5,6]). Department of Neurobiology, Box 3209, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA; e-mail: [email protected] If the Ca2+-binding proteins are within a few nanometers of 2+ Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2001, 11:320–326 open Ca channels, the signaling arrangement is called a ‘calcium domain’ [2] or, in reference to the spatial dimen- 0959-4388/01/$ — see front matter sions involved, a ‘nanodomain’ [5]. In a single nanodomain, © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. local Ca2+ concentrations vary steeply with distance but can Abbreviations be as high as hundreds of micromolar [3]. When many Ca2+ SNAP-25 25 kDa synaptosomal associated channels are clustered together in a membrane area of SNARE soluble NSF-attachment protein roughly 1 µm2, a Ca2+-binding protein positioned within the cluster will sense a ‘microdomain’ of Ca2+ [5,7]. Free Introduction Ca2+ concentration within microdomains can range from Synaptic transmission results from the calcium-regulated tens of micromolar to hundreds of micromolar, depending release of quantal packets of neurotransmitter, with on the amount of summation of individual nanodomains release arising from the exocytotic discharge of neuro- arising from multiple Ca2+ channels [7,8]. transmitter after the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic plasma membrane [1]. Given these facts, one A third type of Ca2+ signal arises when Ca2+ channels are might imagine that it would be straightforward to purify 1 µm or further from target Ca2+-binding proteins. In this sit- synaptic vesicles, identify their molecular constituents, uation, ‘radial gradients’ of concentration occur as Ca2+ and thereby understand the molecular basis of neuro- diffuses from the plasma membrane into the interior of the transmitter release. cell [9,10]. Because of the resulting dilution, Ca2+ levels at the target proteins will be much lower than in the previous Unfortunately, the problem has turned out to be more com- two cases and may be in the range of a few micromolar or less plex than appreciated initially. Nearly all of the proteins of synaptic vesicles have been identified and sequenced. Highly localized Ca2+ signaling in presynaptic Many of their binding partners within the presynaptic ter- terminals minal — either on the vesicles, the plasma membrane, or Until recently, there was relatively good agreement that the presynaptic — are now known. Despite this the release of fast-acting (such as gluta- largess of information, a satisfying picture of the molecular mate and acetylcholine) relies on nanodomain signaling basis of has so far eluded us. [11,12]. This consensus was constructed from many lines of evidence. First, injection of Ca2+ buffers with different Part of the problem is that neurotransmitter release rates of Ca2+ binding produces differential effects on involves many different trafficking reactions and each of transmitter release. Specifically, BAPTA, a rapidly binding these requires a substantial number of protein–protein chelator, efficiently blocks release, whereas EGTA, a slow- interactions. In this review, I would like to try to reduce er chelator, does not [13]. Second, high presynaptic Ca2+ the problem of calcium-regulated neurotransmitter release concentrations, of the order of 100–200 µM, are necessary to its simplest possible terms by concentrating on the final to produce rapid rates of [14,15]. Third, titration exocytotic reactions that are triggered by calcium ions of presynaptic Ca2+ signals, by injecting Ca2+ buffers with (Ca2+). My focus will be on recent progress that addresses varying affinities, yields similar estimates of Ca2+ levels two related questions: first, how much Ca2+ is needed to during transmitter release [13]. Fourth, measurements of trigger transmitter release? Second, to which protein(s) local Ca2+ concentration with a low-affinity indicator does Ca2+ bind to trigger release? protein suggest very high Ca2+ concentrations during How does calcium trigger neurotransmitter release? Augustine 321

Figure 1

Types of presynaptic Ca2+ signals. Nanodomain Microdomain Radial gradient ‘Nanodomains’ arise from local diffusion from single open Ca2+ channels, ‘microdomains’ Synaptic Synaptic from multiple open Ca2+ channels, and ‘radial vesicle Synaptic vesicles gradients’ from long-distance movements of vesicles Ca2+ away from the channels. CBP indicates a Ca2+-binding protein that translates Ca2+ CBP entry into . Modified with Plasma permission from [6]. Plasma membrane membrane Multiple calcium channels Current Opinion in Neurobiology

transmitter release [7]. Fifth, the use of Ca2+-activated release at Ca2+ levels as low as a few micromolar, and saw potassium channels as monitors suggests that single action signs of saturation at Ca2+ concentrations greater than potentials raise presynaptic Ca2+ concentration to about 20–30 µM (Figure 2a). This relationship is markedly differ- 150 µM [16••]. Sixth, modifying the number of open Ca2+ ent from the Ca2+ requirements for transmitter release from channels causes changes in transmitter release that are other ; for example, approximately 20-fold higher consistent with nanodomain Ca2+ signaling [11,17]. Last, Ca2+ concentrations are required at the goldfish bipolar cell measurements of the opening of individual Ca2+ channels terminal (Figure 2a). suggest that only one channel needs to open to release transmitter [12]. Although these results indicate that a low concentration of Ca2+ is needed to trigger transmitter release, they do not From these findings, the evidence seemed strong that necessarily mean that small Ca2+ signals are produced dur- nanodomains trigger the rapid release of fast-acting ing transmitter release. It is possible that large rises in Ca2+ transmitters. Equally compelling data indicate that concentration still occur, but saturate the Ca2+-dependent microdomain-type Ca2+ signals mediate the secretion of release apparatus. Other experiments in these papers indi- transmitters at terminals that may release transmitter toni- cate that this is not the case [22••,23••]. This point was cally, such as sensory synapses [8,18]. Furthermore, radial established by comparing the rates of neurotransmitter shell-type Ca2+ signals seem to operate at peptide-secreting release to those produced by elevating presynaptic Ca2+ to terminals [19,20]. Thus, the picture seemed clear: very local, various concentrations. This null-point method provided nanodomain Ca2+ signals are used when optimizing for estimates of 5–25 µM for the levels of Ca2+ reached during speed, microdomains are used at slightly slower synapses, a presynaptic . and radial shells mediate the delayed secretion of peptides. Again, this contrasts with comparable experiments done in Microdomain Ca2+ signaling at the other systems; for example, uncaging 80 µM Ca2+ at the Recent studies have turned this simplification on its head, squid giant causes a lower rate of transmitter however, by providing strong evidence that microdomain release than is produced by an action potential [15].Thus, Ca2+ signaling triggers the very rapid secretion of transmitter presynaptic Ca2+ signals differ even among fast-releasing at the Calyx of Held synapse in . This specialized synapses. At the Calyx presynaptic terminal, presynaptic ‘giant’ synapse serves as a key relay in the auditory system. Ca2+ concentration reaches only relatively low levels dur- One early indication that things may be different from the ing an action potential. But the relatively high Ca2+ affinity picture described above came from the observation that of exocytosis allows this small signal to release large EGTA is almost as potent as BAPTA in blocking transmitter amounts of transmitter. release at this synapse [21]. This suggests that there is a sub- stantial distance between the open Ca2+ channels and the These results are compatible with a microdomain style of relevant Ca2+-binding protein, as would be expected if influx Ca2+ signaling, with several channels contributing to the from several channels was required for transmitter release at triggering of transmitter release. Evidence from some this synapse. other fast-acting synapses also indicates that transmitter release occurs within microdomains containing many Ca2+ This notion has been reinforced by very recent explorations channels. For example, by proposing that several types of of the intracellular Ca2+ requirements for transmitter release Ca2+ channels are present in these clusters, it is possible to at the Calyx synapse (Figure 2). Two groups have used Ca2+ account for the synergistic actions of Ca2+ channel toxins in uncaging experiments to determine how much Ca2+ is blocking release [24,25]. required in the Calyx terminal to cause transmitter release [22••,23••]. Both Bollmann et al. [22••] and Schneggenburger A microdomain model also is the simplest way to explain and Neher [23••] found significant amounts of transmitter the supralinear increase in transmitter release that results 322 Signalling mechanisms

Figure 2 the Ca2+ sensitivity of exocytosis. The latter indicates that presynaptic terminals must use different Ca2+-binding (a) 101 proteins that vary in their affinity for Ca2+.

2+ 100 as a presynaptic Ca trigger Calyx of Held Although there is no consensus on the identity of the Ca2+- )

Ð1 binding protein responsible for transmitter release, for 10Ð1 Bipolar cell some years the most popular candidate has remained synaptotagmin, an integral protein of synaptic vesicles. 10Ð2 Twelve different synaptotagmin isoforms have been identified in mammalian genomes, and the properties of

Release rate (ms Release rate 10Ð3 this interesting protein family have been summarized in a number of excellent reviews [30,31,32].

Ð4 10 The molecular structures of cytoplasmic domains of some 10Ð7 10Ð6 10Ð5 10Ð4 10Ð3 10Ð2 synaptotagmins have been solved and the structure of one 2+ [Ca ]i (M) of these, synaptotagmin III, is shown in Figure 3. Of (b) particular note is that synaptotagmins have two repeating 100 Membrane insertion structures, called C2 domains. The precise locations of the Oligomerization SNAP-25 Ca2+-binding sites of synaptotagmin are still being identi- fied, but it is clear that the C2A and C2B domains of synaptotagmin are each capable of binding more than one Ca2+ ion [33,34•]. Ca2+ binding to acidic residues on the C2 Ð1 10 domains of synaptotagmin promotes a number of reactions. Because synaptotagmin is a remarkably ‘sticky’ protein that tends to bind indiscriminantly, the biological signifi-

Synaptotagmin binding cance of these in vitro observations is not yet clear [35•]. Here I will list a few of the most interesting binding 10Ð2 reactions and the evidence hinting at their possible roles in 10Ð7 10Ð6 10Ð5 10Ð4 10Ð3 10Ð2 Ca2+-triggered neurotransmitter release. 2+ [Ca ]i (M) Current Opinion in Neurobiology Membrane insertion Ca2+ binding to the C2A domain of synaptotagmin causes Ca2+-dependent presynaptic reactions. Ca2+ requirements (a) for the protein to bind to that contain acidic phos- neurotransmitter release and (b) the binding of synaptotagmin to pholipids [36]. Although it was thought initially that this various presynaptic constituents. Note logarithmic scales on all axes. binding requires only small amounts of Ca2+ — in the Measurements of the rates of transmitter release from the Calyx of µ Held synapse are from [22••], and measurements of release rates at range of 5–10 M [36,37] — the most recent and accurate bipolar cell terminals are from [14]. Data from the Ca2+-dependent determinations indicate that half-maximal binding to binding of synaptotagmin in vitro comes from a number of sources: membranes occurs at Ca2+ concentrations of about •• membrane binding is from [38 ]; binding to other synaptotagmin µ •• • •• 20–70 M (Figure 2b; [38 ]). Chapman and co-workers molecules is from [41 ]; binding to SNAP-25 is from [58 ]; and •• 2+ binding to syntaxin is from [37]. [38 ,39] have shown that Ca acts by binding to two loops that represent the Ca2+-coordination sites of C2A, and thus induces the insertion of these regions of the molecule into from broadening the presynaptic action potential at central the membrane. The Ca2+-dependent insertion of synapto- synapses [26,27]. Finally, the concept of Ca2+ microdomains tagmin into membranes is remarkably rapid, occurring makes it possible to understand how low micromolar within milliseconds [38••]. This speed arises because Ca2+ amounts of Ca2+ can trigger transmitter release at crayfish acts by interacting directly with negative charges on synap- neuromuscular synapses [28] and PC12 cells [29••]. totagmin, rather than by inducing a slow conformational change in the protein [33]. In summary, even for the case of fast release of neurotransmitters it is now clear that not all presynaptic The Ca2+-dependent ability of synaptotagmin to bind to terminals require Ca2+ concentrations in excess of 100 µM. membranes fits nicely with observations made on synaps- It appears that terminals vary markedly in their calcium es that have high Ca2+ requirements for rapid transmitter requirements, with rapid exocytosis triggered by physio- release (such as the bipolar terminals shown in Figure 2a). logical Ca2+ levels as low as 5–10 µM or as great as These parallels argue strongly that insertion of synaptotag- 100–200 µM. These variations arise, in part, from differ- min participates in the membrane reorganization that ences in the structural organization of Ca2+ channels at underlies exocytotic fusion. Another observation consis- presynaptic active zones and, in part, from differences in tent with this idea is that neurotransmitter release is How does calcium trigger neurotransmitter release? Augustine 323

reduced by overexpressing synaptotagmin IV — a synap- Figure 3 totagmin isoform that does not exhibit Ca2+-dependent lipid binding [40•]. Arguing against this idea is an observa- tion by Kishimoto et al. [29••] that the selectivity of exocytosis for divalent cations does not match the divalent selectivity of insertion of synaptotagmin into membranes. Another is that mutating the acidic residues in the Ca2+- binding loops of the C2A domain does not appear to affect C2A transmitter release (I Robinson, T Schwarz, personal SNAREs communication). Clearly, further tests of the in vivo 2+ importance of Ca -dependent insertion of synaptotagmin Ca2+, lipids into membranes will be necessary. Ca2+ Oligomerization Many synaptotagmins can bind to each other to form C2B heterooligomers or homooligomers [39,41•,42,43•]. In Synaptotagmin some cases, this oligomerization is dependent on Ca2+. For example, the binding of synaptotagmin I to synaptotagmin II is half-maximal at Ca2+ concentrations of roughly 100 µM (Figure 2b). This self-association occurs at the

C2B domains and results from calcium binding to acidic Current Opinion in Neurobiology motifs that are homologous to those responsible for Ca2+ binding to the C2A domain [39,44•]. Unlike the effects of 2+ Structure of the cytoplasmic region of synaptotagmin III, including the Ca on the C2A domain, the calcium-induced self-associ- C2A and C2B domains. Brackets indicate the binding sites for various ation involves a conformational change in C2B domains presynaptic constituents. Modified with permission from [34•]. [44•]. Despite this requirement for a conformational change, synaptotagmin oligomerization still can occur within milliseconds [38••]. Binding of the C2B domains to and to the adapter protein AP-2 [39,49]. Thus, it is each other seems to occur at a pocket distinguished by possible that some of the functional effects described repeated lysine residues [39,44•]. above are due to perturbation of reactions other than oligomerization of synaptotagmin. Nonetheless, at the These biochemical properties also parallel release at synapses moment the Ca2+-dependent oligomerization of synapto- with high Ca2+ requirements and suggest a physiological tagmin must be considered as a prime candidate for the function for Ca2+-induced oligomerization of synaptotag- action of Ca2+ during neurotransmitter release. min. Indeed, several studies point toward such a role in synaptic neurotransmitter release. The earliest indication SNARE binding came from the observation that injecting a peptide from the SNARE (soluble NSF-attachment protein receptor) lysine-rich pocket of C2B inhibits neurotransmitter release proteins have critical roles in neurotransmitter release and by blocking a late step in vesicle fusion [45]. Likewise, a many other forms of membrane fusion [50]. Indeed, recon- larger fragment of the C2B domain can serve as a dominant- stitution experiments indicate that the formation of SNARE negative inhibitor of a late, Ca2+-dependent step required protein complexes that span two membranes is sufficient to for exocytosis in PC12 cells — an effect that is abolished by catalyze membrane fusion [51]. Although SNARE protein mutating the lysine residues required for oligomerization complexes apparently possess a divalent-cation-binding site [44•]. Perhaps the most compelling evidence of a role for [52], none of the known SNARE-mediated reactions is synaptotagmin oligomerization in synaptic neurotransmitter influenced by Ca2+. Thus, it is more likely that Ca2+ sensi- release are observations in Drosophila that mutation of the tivity is conferred to SNARE-based membrane fusion by residues required for oligomerization inhibits transmitter synaptotagmin or some other Ca2+-binding protein. With release [46] and prevents rescue of neurotransmitter release this in mind, much effort has gone into examining the Ca2+- in synaptotagmin-null synapses [47•]. dependent interactions between synaptotagmin and SNARE proteins. Together with the biochemical observations described above, these results make a strong case for the importance Available evidence suggests that Ca2+ binding to synapto- of Ca2+-dependent oligomerization of synaptotagmin in tagmin can alter interactions with the SNARE proteins in the presynaptic actions of Ca2+. It should be noted, several ways. A large number of experiments have however, that the same region of the C2B domain that is documented that Ca2+ binding enhances the association required for Ca2+-dependent oligomerization is also between synaptotagmin and the plasma-membrane involved in other reactions, such as the Ca2+-independent SNARE, syntaxin [37,53]. The amount of Ca2+ required for binding of synaptotagmin to inositol polyphosphates [48] this interaction varies among different isoforms of 324 Signalling mechanisms

synaptotagmin, which would account nicely for the different Conclusions Ca2+ requirements for exocytosis from different presynap- It now seems clear that different geometrical arrangements tic terminals [37]. The Ca2+ dependence of binding of between Ca2+ channels and secretory proteins allow a synaptotagmin I, the most abundant member of this family, diverse range of presynaptic Ca2+ signals to trigger trans- closely parallels the other Ca2+-regulated interactions mitter release. The remaining challenge is to identify the shown in Figure 2b. This interaction occurs by binding of molecular mediators of Ca2+ action in presynaptic termi- Ca2+ to the C2A domain, although the C2B domain is also nals. There are close similarities in the Ca2+ requirements required for maximal association with syntaxin [38••]. for neurotransmitter release (Figure 2a) and those for the binding of synaptotagmin I to membranes and to several Although there have been few published tests of the proteins (Figure 2b). These similarities are especially functional importance of this interaction, Wu et al. [54•] strong in the case of synapses, such as the bipolar cell and have shown that neurotransmitter release is reduced by squid giant synapse, that exhibit high Ca2+ requirements mutations that prevent the binding of synaptotagmin (and for exocytosis. Synaptotagmin isoforms differ in some of several other proteins) to syntaxin. Secretion from PC12 their Ca2+-dependent properties [37], which might account cells is inhibited by microinjecting fragments of the C2A for transmitter release from synapses that have more domain of synaptotagmin; this inhibition might be caused modest Ca2+ requirements. by the disruption of interactions between synaptotagmin and SNARE proteins [42]. Alternatively, there are indi- Together with early experiments demonstrating that synap- cations that the Ca2+-dependent binding of synaptotagmin totagmin has an important role in neurotransmitter release, to syntaxin may not be important for transmitter release the case for synaptotagmin serving as a molecular transducer ([35•,55]; I Robinson, T Schwarz, personal communi- for Ca2+ action in neurotransmitter release now seems quite cation). Indeed, there is even a report that Ca2+ causes strong. Nonetheless, it still is not clear whether Ca2+ acts by synaptotagmin to dissociate from syntaxin in synapto- causing synaptotagmin to bind to one (or more) of the bind- somes [56•]. Thus, the significance of the Ca2+-regulated ing partners shown in Figure 2b, or by binding to some other binding of synaptotagmin to syntaxin is presently unclear. molecular entity. Clearly, the next goal is to perform experi- mental tests that discriminate among these possibilities, and Schiaro et al. [57] and Gerona et al. [58••] have found that thereby define precisely the role of synaptotagmin in the synaptotagmin also undergoes a Ca2+-regulated association calcium-triggered release of neurotransmitters. with SNAP-25 (25 kDa synaptosomal associated protein) — another plasma-membrane SNARE protein. The Ca2+ Update requirements for this interaction are similar to those of the In the few weeks that intervened between when this arti- other Ca2+-regulated protein–protein interactions of cle was written and when the proofs arrived, a large number SNAP-25 (Figure 2b) and the interaction involves the of new papers appeared on the topic of synaptotagmin and binding of SNAP-25 to the C2A domain of synaptotagmin neurotransmitter release. Two of these are of special note. [58••]. Synaptotagmin binds to the carboxyl terminus of One is the paper by Fernandez-Chacon et al. [61], who SNAP-25, which is of great functional significance because show that mutating the C2A domain of synaptotagmin I this region of SNAP-25 is cleaved by botulinum toxins that produces a parallel reduction in neurotransmitter release inhibit exocytosis. In fact, after toxin treatment there is a and the Ca2+-dependent binding of synaptotagmin to good correlation between inhibition of exocytosis and loss membrane lipids. This parallel provides another line of of synaptotagmin binding activity [58••]. This suggests support for the idea that Ca2+-dependent binding of synap- that exocytosis may require Ca2+-dependent binding of totagmin to membrane lipids may be involved in triggering synaptotagmin to SNAP-25 — a concept that merits neurotransmitter release. The other noteworthy paper was further experimental analyses. the report of Littleton et al. [62], which examined the consequences of mutating the C2B domain of Drosophila Other calcium-regulated interactions of synaptotagmin synaptotagmin I. This paper shows that mutating locations In addition to these interactions, synaptotagmin has been in the C2B domain reduced binding of synaptotagmin to reported to undergo other Ca2+-regulated interactions. For the clathrin adapter protein AP-2 and appeared to cause a example, Ca2+ inhibits the binding of synaptotagmin to selective impairment of . SV2, another synaptic vesicle protein [59], and also Another mutation reduced Ca2+-dependent dimerization of promotes the intramolecular association of the C2A and synaptotagmin and yielded a reduced ability of docked C2B domains of synaptotagmin [60•]. A systematic screen synaptic vesicles to fuse. The latter finding adds to the has revealed Ca2+-dependent binding of synaptotagmin to evidence that synaptotagmin dimerization might also be a several other proteins, including the ATPase VCP [35•]. late action of Ca2+ in neurotransmitter release. The functional significance of these interactions remain to be evaluated. Because interaction between the C2 Acknowledgements domains of synaptotagmin is half-maximal at 3 mM Ca2+, Many thanks to Alexis Downs, Jeff Stewart and especially Keiko Tokumaru for their help in preparing this paper and I Robertson and T Schwarz for 2+ synaptotagmin’s Ca sensitivity may be too low to account sharing unpublished results. Work in my laboratory was supported by NIH for the Ca2+ dependence of transmitter release (Figure 2a). grant NS-21624. How does calcium trigger neurotransmitter release? Augustine 325

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