This expedition, the second undertaken Hawaii; all of which may be said to belong by The American Museum of Natural His- to the Central Pacific Zoogeographical Re- tory in the yacht, "ZACA," through the gion. In studying the Crocker material I generosity of Mr. Templeton Crocker of have utilized collections from other parts who accompanied it, was of the Indo-Pacific for comparative pur- led by Dr. Roy Waldo Miner, Curator of poses, with the result that I consider the Living Invertebrates of that Museum, for Central Pacific to be a distinct faunal re- the purpose of studying pearl shell on the gion, and in recording references to litera- lagoon floor of the Island of Tongareva, ture I have quoted only original descrip- otherwise known as Penrhyn Island. Dur- tions and figures, with occasional papers ing the course of the expedition a large which add relevant details to older species. collection of marine invertebrates and The Crocker collection of Brachyura fishes was made. These were obtained, comprises five hundred and forty-seven first, by night surface collecting during the specimens distributed in thirty-four genera voyage; second, by shore collecting around and forty-nine species; three of which ap- the borders of the lagoon at Tongareva pear to be new to science; there are also and back of reefs at Tutuila, American three new subspecies. Four new names are Samoa and Savaii, British Samoa; third, suggested for species of older authors. by lagoon bottom collecting through skin Also, there are three lots of megalopa diving and by use of the diving helmet; larvae of crabs which I have not been able fourth, by breaking up dead corals, mainly to determine specifically; these are being from the reefs of Savaii, to obtain the returned to The American Museum of Nat- specimens lurking in the crevices. ural History. The types of the new species The personnel of the expedition from are in that Museum. the Department of Living Invertebrates in I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Roy The American Museum of Natural His- Waldo Miner for allowing me the privilege tory comprised, besides Dr. Miner: Mr. of studying this collection; and to Dr. Wyllys Rosseter Betts, Jr., Field Associ- Willard G. Van Name, Associate Curator ate; and Mr. Chris Olsen, artist. The of the Department of Living Invertebrates, greater part of the material was collected for his courtesy and cooperation; and to by them. Contributions to the collections the following list of fellow workers who were also made by Mr. Crocker; Mr. Wil- have greatly assisted me by exchanging liam F. Coultas, ornithologist; Toshio collections: Dr. M. J. Rathbun, National Asaeda, artist; and various members of Museum, Washington; Mr. M. W. F. the crew. Tweedie, Raffles Museum, Singapore; Mr. The region visited by the Crocker Expe- R. Viader and Mr. G. Antelme, Mauritius; dition included Tongareva (Penrhyn); Dr. B. Chopra, Indian Museum; Dr. Tutuila and Savaii Islands, Samoa; and C. H. Edmondson, Bishop Museum, Hawaii; Dr. P. E. P. Deraniyagala, 1 F.R.Z.S., F.Z.S., Honorary Zoologist Australian Colombo; Steve Glassell, Los Angeles; Museum, Sydney, Honorary Collector, Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Dr. I. Gordon, British Museum. 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1049

ORDER DECAPODA tridentate, the median tooth is the largest, the other two are small and laterally directed. The SUBORDER REPTANTIA supra-orbital eave is without spines and there are indications of two fissures toward the lateral TRIBE BRACHYURA angles. The orbits are open below. The epis- tome is large, smooth and bare. The external SUBTRIBE BRACHYGNATHA maxillipeds close the buccal frame, and are covered with a thick coat of shaggy tomentum. SUPERFAMILY OXYRHYNCHA The chelae are subequal; the merus is armed with two large spines on the anterior border. Maiidae The carpus is small with a few scattered spines on the outer surface. The manus is trigonal in Schizophrysinae cross section; the inner and lower surfaces are free of tomentum. The upper surface has a SCHIZOPHRYS WHITE strongly developed carinate ridge extending &hSizophrys WrE'm, 1-848, Ann. Mag; Nat. Iongitudinally near the outer margin. The Hist., (2) X, p. 282. inner margin is armed with irregular spines; LOGOTYPE.-Specified by Miers, 1879: smaller spines of similar form are along the surface is rough S. serratu-s White = S. aspera (H. Milne- outer margin. The external with a longitudinal row of spinules well spaced Edwards). and extending from the carpal articulation TYPE LoCALITY.-Unknown. almost to the gape. The fingers are short and curved downward. Schizophrys aspera The ambulatory legs are slender and bare. (H. Milne-Edwards) The sternum of the male is densely tomentose. Mithrax aspera H. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1831, MATERIAL.-Holotype male (Cat. No. Mag. d. Zool., classe VII (no pagination in my A.M.N.H. 7466), 7 mm. in maximum copy) . carapace width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii M. aspera H. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1834, Hist. Island, Samoa (eastern reef), Oct. 15, Nat. Crust., I, p. 320. 1936, from broken up coral heads. Schizophry8 aspera A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1872, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, VIII, p. 231, New Caledonia. SUPERFAMILY BRACHYRHYNCHA MATERIAL.-One male 8 mm. in maxi- Portunidae mum carapace width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa (eastern reef), Oct. Podophthalminae broken coral heads. 15, 1936, from PODOPHTHALMUS LAMARCK Podophtalmus LAMARCK, 1801, Syst. Anim. s. Parthenopidae Vert., p. 152. Parthenopinae HAPLOTYPE.-Podophthalmus spinosus Lamarck, 1801 = Portunus vigil Fabricius, PLATYLAMBRUS STIMPSON 1798, Indian Ocean. Platylambrus STIMPSON, 1871, Bull. Mus. In 1801 spelled Podophtalmus but later Comp. Zool., II, p. 129. Platylambrus RATHBUN, 1925, Bull. 129, U. S. Podophthalmus. Nat. Mus., p. 516. HAPLOTYPE.-P. serratus (H. Milne- Podophthalmus vigil (Fabricius) Edwards). West Indies. Portunus vigil FABRICIUS, 1798, Entom. Syst., Suppl., p. 363. Podophthalmus spinosus LATREILLE, 1806, Platylambrus ursus, new species Gen. Crust. Insect., I, p. 25, Pl. I and Pl. II, Figures 1 and 2 fig. 1. (Loc.: Malabar.) Podophthalmus vigil RATHBUN, 1906, Bull. Small species entirely covered with shaggy U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, part III, p. 875. tomentum. Carapace broadly triangulate, the (Loc.: Hawaii.) median regions with equal-sized spinose granules. The anterolateral margins are curved, armed MATERIAL.-Ten males from 8 to 27 with short, broad, flat spines. The postero- mm. in maximum carapace width. Pago lateral margins are concave, with a broad blunt Pago Harbour, Samoa, Oct. 9, 10, mid-bay, spine in the middle. The posterior margins are 20 fms.; and at Harbour, Upolu, armed on each side with a short conical spine. The rostrum is hroad, well developed and Samoa, Oct. 12, at anchorage. 19391 CENTRAL PACIFIC REGION BRACHYURA 3

Thalamitinae CARUPA DANA Carupa DANA, 1852, Ann. Journ. Sci., (2) THALAMITA LATREILLE XII, p. 129, and U. S. Explor. Exped., Crust., Thalamita LATREILLE, 1829, in Cuvier, Reg. I, p. 279. Anim., IV, p. 33 (footnote). HAPLOTYPE.-Carupa tenuipes Dana, HAPLOTYPE.-Thalamita admete 1852, from the Paumotu Archipelago. (Herbst) = Cancer admete Herbst, 1803. I have seen only the McMurtrie transla- Carupa tenuipes Dana tion, 1831; the single species mentioned is Carupa tenuipes DANA, 1852, Ann. Journ. T. admete (Herbst). Sci., (2) XII, p. 129; 1852, U. S. Explor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 279; 1855, Atlas, P1. xvii, figs. Thalamita spinimana Dana 4a-4e. Thalamita gpinimana DANA, 1852, U. S. MATERIAL.-One male 9 mm. in maxi- Eiplor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 283; 1855; Atlas, mum carapace width. Eastern reef, PI. xviI, fig. 8. (Loc.: Fiji.) Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, MATERIAL.-Two females 44 and 46 Oct. 15, 1936. mm. in maximum carapace width. Pen- rhyn Island, ocean side, in tide pool, GONIOCAPHYRA DE MAN Sept. 22, 1936, and Mataatu Harbour, Goniocaphyra DR MAN, 1888, Archiv f. Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 18, 1936, in Naturges., Jahrg. 53, p. 339. broken up coral from a depth of 6 feet. HAPLOTYPE.-Goniocaphyra truncati- frons de Man, 1888, from Insel Noord- THALAMITOIDES A. MILNE-EDWARDS wachter. Thalamita (Thalamidoide8) A. MILNE-ED- WARDS, 1869, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Goniocaphyra truncatifrons de Man Paris, V, p. 146. Goniocaphyra truncatifronq DE MAN, 1888, LOGOTYPE.-Thalamitoides quadridens A. Archiv f. Naturges., Jahrg. 53, p. 339, P1. xiv, Milne-Edwards, from Madagascar, by fig. 1. present designation. MATERIAL.-Three males from broken up coral brought from a depth of 8 feet, Thalamitoides alphonsei, new name 6 and 9 mm. in maximum carapace width. Figures 3 and 4 Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Thalamitoides quadridens A. MILNE-EDWARDS, Oct. 19, 1936. 1869, (part), Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, V, p. 149, PI. vi, fig. 15. (Loc.: Upolu, ACHELOUS DE HAAN Samoa.) Achelous DR HAAN, 1833, Crust.: in Siebold, A. Milne-Edwards described Thalami- Fauna Japonica, pp. 3, 8. toides quadridens from a small specimen 14 HAPLOTYPE.-A. spinimanus (Latreille) mm. long from Madagascar and noted the from the coasts of Brazil. presence of specimens from Upolu, which he believed to be conspecific, in the Godef- Achelous speciosus (Dana) froy Museum. However, he figured both Amphitrite speciosus DANA, 1852, U. S. Ex- the Madagascar and Upolu material and, plor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 276; 1855, Atlas, after careful examination of his figures and P1. xvii, figs. la-ld. Fiji. in consideration of the wide geographical MATERIAL.-One female, 7.5 mm. in separation of his material, I have deemed it maximum carapace width. Mataatu Har- advisable to restrict the T. quadridens to bour, Savaii Island, Samoa (eastern reef), the Madagascar species and suggest T. Oct. 15, 1936. alphonesi for the Samoan species. MATERIAL.-One male 13 mm. and one MONOMIA GISTEL female 15 mm. in maximum carapace Monomia GISTEL, 1848, Naturg. Thierr. Schullen, p. viii. New name for: width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Amphitrite DR HAAN, 1833, in Siebold, Fauna Samoa, Oct. 17, 1936, from broken up Japonica, Crustacea, pp. 3, 8. Not Amphitrite corals brought from a depth of 8 feet. Muller, 1772 (C.D.S.). 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [NO. 1049

LOGOTYPE.-Amphitrite gladiator (Fab- 2.-The anterolateral margins are more acutely ricius). (Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. curved in samoensis. 1930, 3.-The last spine of the anterolateral margin is Mus., Washington, 152, p. 33.) much more elongate in A. samoensis. TYPE LOCALITY.-Tranquebar. 4.-The posterolateral margins of the carapace are much shorter in A. samoensis. Monomia samoensis, new species MATERIAL.-Holotype (Cat. No. A.M. Figures 5 and 6 N.H. 7482), 15.5 mm. in maximum cara- Carapace broader than long, 16 by 8.5 mm., slightly convex and covered with fine, short pace width. Harbour, Samoa, pubescence which does not hide the patches of on the surface, Oct. 5, 1936. granules upon the areas. The anterolateral margins are long and with Xanthidae' eight spines, excluding the external orbital angle, the last tooth is greatly enlarged and slightly CARPILIUS LEACH curved upward and forward, the rest of the Carpilius LEACH, 1828, in Desmarest, Dict. teeth are equal in size. Sci. Nat., XXVIII, p. 228. The posterolateral margins are short, curved and defined by a thin and entire ridge which LOGOTYPE.-Specified by Rathbun, 1930: extends from the tip of the spine almost to the Carpilius maculatus Fabricius = Cancer raised edge of the epimeral walls of the cara- maculatus Linnaeus, 1758. pace. TYPE LoCALITY.-Asia. The posterior margin of the carapace is raised and curved at the lateral angles. The front is quadridentate, the submedian Carpilius convexus (Forskal) pair of teeth are the largest and are rounded; Cancer convexus FORSKAL, 1775, Descr. Ani- the median pair are small, subacute and sepa- mal, p. 88. (Loc.: Red Sea.) rated by a narrow V-shaped fissure. Carpilius convexus ALCOCK, 1898, Journ. The orbits have a decided dorsal inclination, Asiat. Soc. Bengal, LXVII, part 2, p. 80. (Loc.: two indistinct fissures in the upper border; the Andamans and Nicobar.) external angle is a broad acute tooth, a broad V-shaped incision in the lower border just below I have not been able to compare this the external angle of the orbit. material with specimens from the Red Sea. The antenna stands in the orbital hiatus. MATERIAL.-One male 26 mm. in maxi- The antennules are large and fold transversely. mum carapace width. Mataatu Harbour, The external maxillipeds are large, the antero- lateral angle of the merus is short, narrow and Savaii Island, Samoa (eastern reef). Col- auriculate. lected from broken up coral heads, Oct. 15, The chelipeds are subequal; the merus is 1936. armed on the posterior margin with two well- developed curved spines, one at the distal ex- CARPILODES DANA tremity; four similar spines are placed upon Carpilodes DANA, 1851, Amer. Journ. Sci., the anterior margin; the carpus is compressed, (2) XII, p. 126. triangulate, the outer and inner angles are Carpilodes DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. Exped., spinate; there is a third spine at the articula- Crust., I, p. 192. tion with the manus. The manus is finely Carpilodes ODHNER, 1924, K. Vet. Vitt. Sam. granulated, with a very pronounced entire Handl., XXIX, No. 1, p. 8. carina extending longitudinally along the outer surface in line with the gape, but ending abruptly HAPLOTYPE.-C. tristis Dana, from the at both ends before reaching either the gape or Paumotu Archipelago. the proximal articulation. The upper border is raised into a thin carina which ends distally in an acclivous spine, several lesser ridges occur on Carpilodes bellus (Dana) the outer surface. Both fingers are deeply Actaeodes bellus DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. sulcated; the teeth are tricuspidate and very Exped., Crust., I, p. 196. (Loc.: Tutuila and small. Upolu, etc.) The ambulatory legs are slender. The sternal Carpilodes bellus WARD, 1932, Australian surfaces are shining but finely granulated. The Zoologist, VII, p. 240. (Loc.: Capricorn carina across the abdomen of the male is well Group.) developed, sinuous. MATERIAL.-Seventeen males from 5 to Amphitrite samoensis differs from A. gladiator 8.5 mm. and twelve females from 5 to 9 (Fabricius) in the following characters: width. Mata- 1.-The form of the teeth of the front, the outer mm. in maximum carapace pair being much more enlarged in A. I Subfamilies are omitted owing to the unsatis- samoensis. factory state of the classification. 19391 CENTRAL PACIFIC REGION BRACHYURA 5 atu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, from may be separated by the following charac- broken coral specimens, some of which ters: were brought from a depth of 3 to 5 and 1.-The carapace is comparatively longer in A. 8 feet, Oct. 14 to 17, 1936. crockeri. 2.-The inter-regional sulci on the dorsal surface ATERGATOPSIS A. of the carapace are deeper in A. crockeri. MILNE-EDWARDS 3.-The median lobes of the front are more pro- Atergatopsis A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1862, Ann. duced in A. crockeri. Sci. Nat., (4) XVIII, p. 43; 1865, Nouv. Arch. 4.-The external maxillipeds close the buccal Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I, p. 252. frame in A. signatus. TYPE.-Atergatopsis signatus (White), 5.-The fingers of the chelae are longer in A. crockeri. 1847. 6.-The ambulatory legs are longer and more Atergatopsis crockeri, new species robust in A. crockeri. Figures 7 and 8 The only other species of Atergatopsis Carapace broader than long, convex in both described from the central Pacific is A. directions. The regions are clearly demarcated lucasi Montrouzier, from New Caledonia. by broad and shallow sulci; the surface is micro- A. crockeri differs from A. lucasi in the scopically granulated and punctate. following characters: The anterolateral margins are divided into four bread and rounded lobes excluding the 1.-The carapace of A. crockeri is smooth to the external orbital angles, which are separated from unaided eye, whereas in A. lucasi it is the first lobe by a shallow V-shaped incision; coarsely granulated. the last lobe of the anterolateral margin is the 2.-The ambulatory legs of A. lucasi are hairy, smallest. The posterolateral margins are shorter whereas they are bare in A. crockeri. than the anterolateral, and are convex in outline. MATERIAL.-Holotype male (Cat. No. The front is divided into four lobes of which A.M.N.H. 7455), 78 mm. in maximum the lateral pair are declivous and small, forming one side of the orbital hiatus and fused with the carapace width. Jervis Island, south of base of the antenna; the median lobes are Christmas Island, on the beach, Nov. 2, rounded, separated by a narrow fissure and 1936. produced strongly. The orbits are compara- tively small, the upper border thick and entire, LOPHOZOZYMUS A. MILNE-EDWARDS a closed fissure at the external angle; the lower Lophozozymus A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1863, border is also thick, having the inner angle pro- Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., (4) XX, p. 272. duced as an obtuse tooth visible from a dersal view. TYPE.-L. incisus (H. Milne-Edwards) The antennal flagella stands in the orbital from Australia. hiatus. The antennulary fossae are large, the antennules robust. The epistome is well de- Lophozozymus edwardsi Odhner veloped. The buccal orifice is almost closed by Lophozozymus edwardsi ODHNER, 1925, K. the external maxillipeds. Vet. The chelae are equal in size, the merus is not Vitt. Sam. Handl., XXIX, p. 82. produced beyond the anterolateral margins of MATERIAL.-One female 33 mm. in the carapace; the carpus is longer than the maximum carapace width. Penrhyn Is- upper border of the manus, smooth and with' land two well-developed blunt teeth on the inner Lagoon, Sept. 20, 1936. angle. The manus is broader than the length of the upper border. The outer surface is finely Lophozozymus intonsus (Randall) granulated, the granules forming a veinose Xantho intonsus RANDALL, 1839, Journ. Acad. pattern. The fingers are compressed and meet Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, p. 113. (Loc.: Hawaii.) for the greater part of their length when closed. Lophozozymus intonsus RATHBUN, 1906, Bull. The immobile finger has three large teeth, the U. S. Fish. Comm. for 1903, part III, p. 846, dactylus four of small size. P1. viii, fig. 8. (Loc.: Hawaii.) The ambulatory legs are robust, the distal MATERIAL.-One male 49 mm. in maxi- articles slightly compressed. The dactyli are clothed with velvety pubescence and scattered mum carapace width. ,Kapapa Inlet, long hairs, the tips are corneus and brown in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, collected by color. Ted Dranga at night, in tide pools, Nov. The sternal surface is punctate with micro- 1936. scopic granulations. XANTHIAS RATHBUN Akrgatopsis crockeri is allied to A. sig- Xanthias RATHBTUN, 1930, Bull. No. 152, U. S. nata (Adams and White), Mauritius, and Nat. Mus., p. 464. 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [NO. 1049

LOGOTYPE.-Xanthias lamarckii (H. Exped., Crust., I, p. 199; 1855, Atlas, P1. XL, Milne-Edwards) from Mauritius. figs. 5a, 5b. (Loc.: Fiji, Samoa.) Actaea cavipes WARD, 1932, Australian Zoolo- gist, VII, p. 246. (Loc.: Capricorn Group, Xanthias minutus (Rathbun) Queensland.) Xanthodes minutus RATHBUN, 1893, Proc. U. S. MATERIAL.-FiVe males from 8 to 11 Nat. Mus., XVI, p. 238. Xanthias minutus RATHBUN, 1906, Bull. U. S. mm. and two females from 8 to 9.5 mm. in Fish. Comm. for 1903, part III, p. 855, P1. ix, maximum carapace width. Mataatu Har- fig. 14. (Loc.: Hawaii.) bour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 13 to MATERIAL.-One male 7 mm. in maxi- 17, 1936, from broken up coral heads, some mum carapace width. Eastern reef, Mata- of which were brought from a depth of 8 atu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 15, feet. 1936. Actaea speciosa (Dana) Actaeodes specio8us DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. Xanthias punctatus samoensis, Exped., Crust., I, p. 198; 1855, Atlas, P1. xi, new subspecies fig. 4. (Loc.: Samoa.) Figures 9 and 10 Actaea speciosa (part) WARD, 1932, Australian Xanthias punctatus (H. Milne-Edwards) Zoologist, VII, p. 247. was described originally from Mauritius, I have compared this material with the and I have material from the Chagos type of Actaea perlata (MacLeay) housed Archipelago in the Indian Ocean which I in the MacLeay Museum, Sydney. The am considering as typical Xanthias puncta- two species are closely allied but A. tus. The following notes are based upon a speciosa may always be recognized by the comparison of the holotype of samoensis more precise inter-regional sulci on the and the Chagos material. dorsal surface of the carapace, in the more 1.-The carapace is less transverse in samoen8i&. developed granules and in the compara- 2.-The last segment of the female abdomen is tively longer and narrower carapace. broader and shorter in samoensis. The two species are also widely separated 3.-The front is comparatively narrower in samoensis. geographically. A. perlatus (MacLeay) is 4.-The sulci on the dorsal surface of the cara- known from the eastern coast of Africa and pace are deeper in punctatus. Mauritius. A. speciosa (Dana) is from 5.-The dactyli of the ambulatory legs are the central Pacific. longer and thinner in punctatus. MATERIAL.-Four males 13 to 14 mm. 6.-The lower orbital border is more deeply concave in punctatus. in maximum carapace width and seven MATERIAL.-Holotype (Cat. No. A.M. females 10 to 17 mm. in maximum cara- N.H. 7488), female 20 mm. in maximum pace width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii carapace width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 14 to 17, 1936, from Island, Samoa; Oct. 17, 1936. Collected broken up coral heads some of which were from crevice in coral (brought up from a -brought from depths of 3 to 5 and 8 feet. depth of 8 feet) by pounding it up. Actaea garretti Rathbun Actaea garretti RATHBUN, 1906, Bull. U. S. ACTAEA DE HAAN Fish. Comm. for 1903, part III, p. 852, PI. ix, Actaea DE HAAN, 1833, Crust.: in Siebold, fig. 8. (Loc.: Hawaiian Islands.) Fauna Japonica, pp. 4, 18. Actaea (part) RATHBUN, 1930, Bull. No. 152, MATERIAL.-One female 9 mm. in maxi- U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 250. mum carapace width. Eastern reef, Mata- LOGOTYPE.-Actaea savignyi (H. Milne- atu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, col- Edwards), 1834. Specified by Rathbun, lected from broken up corals. 1930. TYPE LoCALITY.-Red Sea. BANAREIA A. MILNE-EDWARDS Banareia A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1869, Ann. Actaea cavipes (Dana) Soc. Entom. France, (4) IX, p. 168. Actaeodes cavipes DANA, 1852, Proc. Acad. HAPLOTYPE.-Banareia armata A. Milne- Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 78; 1852, U. S. Explor. Edwards from New Caledonia. 1939] CENTRAL PACIFIC REGION BRACHYURA 7

Odhner, 1924, in his study of the Xan- rhyn Island, reef on the ocean side, Sept. thidae, unites Banareia with Actaea de 30, 1936. Haan. After careful study of considerable material combined with field observation, I LEPTODIUS A. MILNE-EDWARDS find that I cannot agree with Odhner's Leptodius A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1863, Ann. action and consequently retain Banareia Sci. Nat., (4) XX, p. 284. as a distinct genus. LOGOTYPE.-Leptodius exaratus, (H. Milne-Edwards), 1834. Specified by Rath- Banareia nobili (Odhner) bun, 1930, Bull. 152, U. S. Nat. Mus., p. Actaea nobili ODHNER, 1924, K. Vet. Vitt. 296. Sam. Handl., XXIX, part I, p. 70, P1. iv, fig. 15. TYPE LoCALITY. Coasts of India. This identification is tentative, pending the examination of material from the Red Leptodius nodosus (Randall) Sea. Lagostoma nodosa RANDALL, 1839, Journ. MATERIAL. One female 18 mm. in Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, p. 1-. (Loc.: maximum carapace width. Mataatu Har- Hawaii.) bour, Savaii Island, Samoa, collected from Xantho (Leptodius) sanguineus (part) AL- COCK, 1898, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, LXVII, broken up corals brought from a depth of p. 120. 3 to 5 feet, Oct. 16, 1936. Leptodius sanguineus RATHBUN (nee refer- ences), 1906, Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. for 1903, LYDIA GISTEL part III, p. 847. (Loc.: Hawaii.) Lydia GIsTEL, 1848, Naturg. Thierreichs, p. 9. I have compared the specimen here Lydia RATHBUN, 1906, BuLl. U. S. Fish. Comm. recorded with a typical specimen of Lept- for 1903, part III, p. 862 (footnote). odius sanguineus (H. Milne-Edwards) from HAPLOTYPE.-Lydia annulipes (H. the type locality (Mauritius). The follow- Milne-Edwards). ing characters serve to differentiate the TYPE LoCALITY.-Unknown. two species: Two distinct species are known to me by 1.-The anterior half of the carapace is more personal examination. One inhabits the strongly convex in L. nodosus. Indian Ocean and the second the central 2.-The inter-regional sulci on the dorsal surface Pacific. I have considered the species from of the carapace are deeper in sanguineus. 3.-The upper surface of the larger manus is the Indian Ocean as being the L. annulipes more rugose in nodosus. of H. Milne-Edwards, so that the species 4.-The orbital hiatus is more open and the which was recorded by Dana from the basal article of the antenna extends fur- central Pacific requires a new name. ther into it in nodosus. MATERIAL.-One male 26 mm. in maxi- Lydia danae, new name mum carapace width. Penrhyn Island Figures 11 and 12 Lagoon, Sept. 20, 1936. Ruppellia annulipes DANA (nec H. Milne- Edwards), 1852, U. S. Explor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 246. (Loc.: Charlotte Island, Kingsmill Leptodius gracilis (Dana) Group and Tahiti); 1855, Atlas, P1. xiv, fig. Chlorodius gracilis DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. 4a. Exped., Crust., I, p. 210; 1855, Atlas, Pl. xi, Lydia danae differs from Lydia annulipes fig. 13a-13e. (Loc.: Wake Island.) (H. Milne-Edwards) in the following char- MATERIAL.-One female 7 mm. in maxi- acters: mum carapace width. Eastern reef, Mata- 1.-The carapace is more convex and more atu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. transverse in L. annulipes. 15, 1936, collected from broken up coral 2.-The teeth of the anterolateral margins of heads. the carapace are more acute in L. danae. 3.-The chelipeds are smoother in L. danae. 4.-The sulci on the dorsal surface of the cara- PHYMODIuS A. MILNE-EDWARDS pace are more sharply defined in L. danae. Phymodius A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1863, Ann. MATERIAL.-Two females 23 and 24 Sci. Nat., (4) XX, p. 283. mm. in maximum carapace width. Pen- LOGOTYPE.-P. ungulatus (H. Milne- 4 3 .311, `4-W-11 _

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Platylambrus ursus, n. sp. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Is. Samoa. Fig. 1, Dorsal view. Fig. 2, Ventral view. Holotype, male, 7 mm. max. carapace width. Thalamitoides alphonsei, n. name. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Isl., Samoa. Fig. 3, Dorsal view. Fig. 4, Ventral view. Male, 13 mm. max. carapace width. Monomia samoensis, n. sp. Pago Pago Harbour, Samoa. Fig. 5, Dorsal view. Fig. 6, Ventral view. Holotype, male, 15.5 mm. max. carapace width. Atergatopsis crockeri, n. sp. Jervis Isl. Fig. 7, Dorsal view. Fig. 8, Ventral view. Holotype male, 78 mm. max. carapace width. 8 10


16))B i.j; (4ri EES Itki~


Xanthias punctatus samoensis, n. subsp. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Isl., Samoa. Fig. 9, Dorsal view. Fig. 10, Ventral view. Holotype, female, 20 mm. max. carapace width. Lydia danae, n. name. Penrhyn Isl. (specimen in Ward Coll., Sydney). Fig. 11, Dorsal view. Fig. 12, Ventral view. Ovigerous female, 24 mm. max. carapace width. Eriphia sebana hawaiiensis, n. subsp. Honolulu, Hawaii. Fig. 13, Dorsal view. Fig. 14, Ventral view. Holotype, male, 67 mm. max. carapace width. Trapezia tigrina Eydoux and Souleyet. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Isl., Samoa (specimen in Ward Coll., Sydney). Fig. 15, Dorsal view. Fig. 16, Ventral view. Male, 9 mm. max. carapace width. Trapezia danae, n. name. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Isl., Samoa (specimen in Ward Coll., Sydney). Fig. 17, Dorsal view. Fig. 18, Ventral view. Male, 12 mm. max. carapace width. 9 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1049

Edwards). Specified by Rathbun, 1930, HAPLOTYPE.-Melia tesselata (Latreille). Bull. No. 152, U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 249. TYPE LOCALITY.-Mauritius. TYPE LoCALTY.-Australasia. Lybia tesselata (Latreille) Phymodius ungulatus (H. Milne- Grap8u8 tes8ellatus LATREILLE, 1812, in J. Milbert, Voy. Ile de France, II, p. 275. Edwards) Grap8U8 tre88elatu8 LATREILLE, 1818, Encyc. Chlorodius ungulatu8 H. MILNE-EDWARDS, Meth., P1. 305, fig. 2. 1834, Hist. Nat. Crust., I, p. 400; Atlas, P1. Lybia tesselata RATHBUN, 1906, Bull. U. S. xvi, figs. 6-8. Fish. Comm. for 1903, part III, p. 866. (Loc.: MATERIAL.-One male 18.5 mm. and one Hawaii.) female 17.5 mm. on maximum carapace MATERIAL.-One female 23 mm. in width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, maximum carapace width. Eastern reef, Samoa, Oct. 14, 1936, collected from broken Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, up corals. Oct. 15, 1936, collected from broken up coral heads. PSEUDozius DANA P8eudozius DANA, 1851, American Journ. Sci., CHLORODOPSIS A. MILNE-EDWARDS (2) XII, p. 127. Chlorodop8is A. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1873, Nouv. Pseudozius DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. Exped., Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, IX, p. 227. Crust., I, 233. LOGOTYPE.-Chlorodopsis melanochirus LOGOTYPE.-P. caystrus (Adams and A. Milne-Edwards. Specified by Ward, White). 1934, Bull. Raffles Mus., IX, p. 21. TYPE LoCALITY.-Maria Orientalia. TYPE LoCALITY.-New Caledonia. In 1932,1 I specified, as the type of Pseudozzus, P. caystrus Adams and White, Chlorodopsis pugil (Dana) 1849, at the same time giving P. planus Pilodius pugil DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. (Dana, 1851) as a synonym. Later, 1934,2 Exped., Crust., I, p. 219. (Loc.: Upolu, in writing on P. caystrus (Adams and Samoa.) as Chlorodopsis spinipes WARD (nec Heller), White), I referred to P. planus Dana 1932, Australian Zoologist, VII, p. 251. (Loc.: the type of Pseudozius and remarked that Capricorn Group.) two distinct species were probably in- MATERIAL.-One male 10 mm. in maxi- volved; in this later work I overlooked mum carapace width. Mataatu Harbour, the fact that I had already specified Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 18, 1936, col- P. caystrus as the type of Pseudozius Dana. lected from broken up coral brought from a depth of 6 feet. Pseudozius inornatus Dana Pseudozius inornatus DANA, 1852, IJ. S. CHLORODIELLA RATHEBUN Explor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 234; 1855, Atlas, Chlorodiella RATEBUN, 1897, Proc. Biol. Soc. P1. xiii, fig. 7. (Loc.: Hawaii.) Washington, XI, p. 157. MATERIAL.-One male 10 mm. in maxi- HAPLOTYPE.-Chlorodiella niger (Fors- mum carapace width. Penrhyn Island, no kal), fromn Djidda, Red Sea. other data, Sept. 24, 1936. Chlorodiella barbata (Borradaile) LYBIA H. MILNE-EDWARDS Chlorodius barbatus BORRADAILE, 1900, Proc. Lybia H. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1834, Hist. Nat. Zool. Soc. London, p. 587, P1. xii, fig. 4. (Loc.: Crust., I, p. 431. (Not Lybius Hermann, 1783.) Rotuma.) Melia LATREILLE, 1827, in Berthold, Faun. Chlorodiella barbata WARD, 1932, Australian Nat. Thierr., p. 255; 1828, Encyc MSth. (Ins.), Zoologist, VII, p. 250. X, (2), p. 705. (Not Melia Risso, 1813.) MATERIAL.-Three males 5 and 6 mm. Lybia RATHBUN, 1904, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- in maximum carapace width. Mataatu ington, XVII, p. 102. Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 18, 1936, collected from broken up coral 1 Ward, 1932, Australian Zoologist, VII, p. 251. 2 Ward, 1934, Bull. Raffles Mus., IX, p. 23. brought from a depth of 6 feet. l9391 CENTRAL PACIFIC REGION BRACHYURA 11

Chlorodiella asper Edmondson Eriphia sebana hawaiiensis, Chlorodiella asper EDMONDSON, 1925, Bull. new subspecies Bishop Mus., XXVII, p. 44, Figs. 7e-7i, P1. in, Figures 13 and 14 fig. C, 7, i. (Loc.: Johnston Island.) This subspecies differs from the typical MATERIAL.-TWo females 4 mm. in Eriphia sebana (Shaw) which is an in- maximum carapace width. Mataatu Har- habitant of the East Indies, by the follow- bour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 15, 1936, ing characters: from broken up coral heads. 1.-The anterior surfaces of the carapace are more coarsely granulated in hawaiiensis. 2.-The basal tooth on the dactylus of the larger Chlorodiella cytherea (Dana) cheliped is greater in size than in sebana. Chlorodius cytherea DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. 3.-The ambulatory legs of hawaiiensis are more Exped., Crust., I, p. 213; 1855, Atlas, P1. xii, robust. fig. 2. (Loc.: Raraka, Paumotu.) Chlorodius laevissimus DANA, 1852, U. S. MATERIAL.-One holotype (Cat. No. Explor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 215; 1855, Atlas, A.M.N.H. 7615), 67 mm. in maximum P1. xii, fig. 4. (Loc.: Hawaii.) carapace width. The material before me suggests that I have personally examined the following this is a very variable species inhabiting subspecies of Eriphia sebana (Shaw): the central Pacific region. I have used Eriphia sebana (Shaw), Singapore; Er- C. cytherea in preference to C. laevissimus iphia sebana laevimana Latreille, Mauritius; as it was first so named by Dana. Eriphia sebana trapeziformis Hess, Fiji. MATERIAL.-Fifty-one males from 4 to MATERIAL.-One male measuring 67 10 mm. and eighteen females 4.5 to 13 mm. mm. in maximum carapace width. Hono- in maximum carapace width. Mataatu lulu, Hawaii, Nov. 1936, purchased in the Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 13 native market. to 18, 1936, collected from broken up corals some of which were brought from depths of CYMO DE HAAN 3 to 8 feet. Cymo DE HAAN, 1833, Crust.: in Siebold, Fauna Japonica, pp. 5, 22. DAIRA DE HAAN TYPE.-Cancer (Cymo) andreossyi de Daira DE HAAN, 1833, Crust.: in Siebold, = Au- Fauna Japonica, pp. 4-18. Haan, 1833 Pilumnus andreossyi Daira RATHBUN, 1930, Bull. No. 152, U. S. douin, 1825. Nat. Mus., p. 268. HAPLOTYPE.-Cancer (Daira) perlatus Cymo melanodactylus savaiiensis, de Haan, 1833 = Cancer perlatus Herbst, new subspecies 1790 = Cancer daira Herbst, 1801. Cymo melanodactylus savaiiensis differs from the typical species in the following Daira perlata (Herbst) characters: Cancer perlatus HERBST, 1790, Krabben u. 1.-The regions of the carapace are more dis- Krebse, I, p. 265, PI. xxi, fig. 122. (Locality tinctly demarcated in savaiiensis. unknown.) 2.-The spines on the front are larger and the MATERIAL.-Four females from 43 to median fissure is deeper in savaiiensis. width. 3.-The carapace is narrower, more convex 51 mm. in maximum carapace transversely, and sparsely covered with Penrhyn Island, Sept. 30, 1936, collected clavate hairs in savaiiensis. on the reef on the ocean side. 4.-The black color on the lower border of the smaller hand extends almost to the proxi- ERIPHIA LATREILLE mal articulation in savaiiensi8. Eriphia LATREILLE, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. MATERIAL.-Holotype male (Cat. No. Nat., p. 404. A.M.N.H. 7498), measuring 10 mm., five LOGOTYPE.-Eriphia spinifrons Latreille, males from 7 to 13 mm. and four females 1817 = Cancer spinifrons Herbst, 1785. 9.5 to 12.5 mm. in maximum carapace Specified by Rathbun, 1930, Bull. No. 152, width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 545. Samoa, Oct. 13 to 18, 1936, collected from 12 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1049 broken up corals, some of which were MacLeay Museum in the University of brought from 8 feet. Sydney possesses the original material of Trapezia maculata MacLeay, 1838, Tra- Cymo andreossyi (Andouin) pezia subinteger MacLeay, 1838- and Pilumnus andreos8yi ANDOUIN, 1825, Descr. Trapezia dentata MacLeay, 1838, from de l'Egypt, Crust., p. 86, PI. v, fig. 5. South Africa, and I am indebted to the Cymo andreos8yi ALCOCK, 1898, Journ. Asiat. curator of the collection for access to this Soc. Bengal, LXVII, part 2, p. 173. Cymo andreossyi WARD, 1932, Australian valuable material. Zoologist, VII, p. 251. After careful examination of all these The identification of this species is ten- collections I am of the opinion that there tative, pending the examination of material are more valid species than Ortman' from the coast of Egypt. allowed in his monograph of the Trapezii- MATERIAL.-Ten males 6 to 12.5 mm. dae, and that there are groups of species in maximum carapace width. Mataatu confined to certain defined provinces within Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 13 to the Indo-Pacific region. The species in 18, 1936, collected on the eastern and the Crocker Collection are characteristic western reefs from broken up corals, some of the central Pacific and belong to species of which were brought from 8 feet. already described.

DOMECiA EYDOIUX AND SOULEYET Trapezia areolata Dana Domecia EYDOUX AND SOULEYET, 1842, Voy. Trapezia areolata DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. Bonite, I, Crust., p. 234. Exped., Crust., I, p. 259; 1855, Atlas, P1. xv, HAPLOTYPE.-D. hispida Eydoux and fig. 18. (Loc.: Tahiti.) Souleyet, 1842. I have compared this species with T. TYPE LoCALITY.-Hawaii. reticulata Stimpson from the Philippines. The following characters serve to differen- Domecia hispida Eydoux and Souleyet tiate the two species: Domecia hispida EYDOUX AND SOULEYET, 1.-The lateral teeth of the front are more 1842, Voy. Bonite, I, Crust., p. 235, P1. Ii, pronounced in T. areolata. figs. 5-10. (Loc.: Hawaii.) 2.-The teeth on the anterior margin of the merus of the cheliped are more numerous MATERIAL.-One male 8 mm. in maxi- in T. areolata. mum carapace width and four females 9 3.-The carapace is comparatively broader in T. to 13 in maximum carapace width. Mata- reticulata. atu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. MATERIAL.-Eighteen males from 5 to 14, 16, 17, 1936, from broken up corals, 15 mm. and thirty females from 6 to 13 mm. some of which were brought from a depth of in maximum carapace width. Mataatu 8 feet. Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 14 to 18, 1936, collected from broken up corals TRAPEZIA LATREILLE from both the eastern and western reefs Trapezia LATREILLE, 1825, Encyc. Method., and down to a depth of 8 feet. X, p. 695. LOGOTYPE.-T. cymodoce (Herbst), 1801. Trapezia miniata Lucas Specified by Rathbun, 1930, Bull. 152, U. S. Trapezia miniata LUCAS, 1853, in Jacq. and Nat. Mus., p. 556. Lucas, Voy. au Pole Sud, Astrolabe and Zelee, TYPE LoCALITY.-East Indies. Crust., III, pp. 3, 44, P1. iv, fig. 10. (Loc.: In studying the Crocker Collection of Noukahiva, Marquesas.) species of Trapezia I have been greatly MATERIAL.-Twenty-two males from assisted by considerable amount of ma- 7 to 15 mm. and twenty females from 8 to terial from many parts of the Indo-Pacific 16 mm. in maximum carapace width. region, including the Philippine Islands, Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa. Papua, Singapore, Ceylon, Chagos Archi- Oct. 15 to 17, 1936, from broken up corals, pelago, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, some of which came from a depth of 8 feet. Hawaii and the Galapagos Islands. The 1 1897, Zoolog. Jahrb. Syst., IX, pp. 201-216. 19391 CENTRAL PACIFIC REGION BRACHYURA 13

Trapezia hirtipes Lucas Trapezia danae, new name Trapezia hirtipes LUCAS, 1853, in Jacq. and Figures 17 and 18 Lucas, Voy. au Pole Sud, Astrolabe and Zelee, Trapezia maculata DANA, 1852 (nec MacLeay), Crust., III, pp. 3, 44, P1. iv, fig. 14. (Loc.: U. S. Explor. Exped., Crust., I, p. 256; 1855, Noukahiva, Marquesas.) Atlas, P1. xv, fig. 4. (Loc.: Tahiti and Hawaii.) Trapezia hirtipes differs from T. cymo- Trapezia danae differs from Trapezia doce (Herbst) in the following characters: maculata in the following characters: 1.-The orbits are smaller in hirtipes. 1.-The carapace is more elongated in T. danae. 2.-The frontal teeth of the carapace are less 2.-The teeth of the front are less developed in developed in hirtipes. T. danae. 3.-The teeth on the anterior margin of the 3.-The spots on the carapace and chelae are merus of the cheliped are differently smaller in T. danae. shaped in hirtipes. 4.-The abdomen of the male is different in MATERIAL.-TwO males 11 and 12 mm. hirtipes. in maximum carapace width and two fe- MATERIAL.-Eight males from 8 to 12 males 13 and 15 mm. in maximum carapace mm. and eight females from 5 to 14 mm. width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii Island, in maximum carapace width. Mataatu Samoa, Oct. 16, 17, 1936, collected from Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. 15 broken up corals brought up from a depth to 17, 1936, collected from broken up corals of 3 to 5 and 8 feet on the western reef. on the eastern and western reef and from coral brought from a depth of 8 feet. TETRALIA DANA Tetralia DANA, 1851, Amer. Journ. Sci., (2) Trapezia tigrina Eydoux and Souleyet XII, p. 128. Figures 15 and 16 Tetralia ALCOCK, 1898, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Trapezia tigrina EYDOUX AND SOULEYET, 1841, Bengal, LXVII, part 2, p. 223. Voy. Bonite, Zool., V, p. 232. LOGOTYPE.-Tetralia glaberrima (Herbst) Trapezia tigrina is near T. rufopunctata = T. nigrifrons Dana. (Herbst). I have material of the latter from Mauritius. Rathbun, 1906, published a figure of the type housed in the Berlin Tetralia glaberrima (Herbst) Museum. T. tigrina differs from T. Cancer glaberrimus HERBST, 1796, Krabben u. rufopunctata in the following characters: Krebse, I, pp. ii, 262, P1. xx, fig. 115. Tetralia glaberrima ALCOCK, 1898, Journ. 1.-The frontal teeth are not as acuminate in T. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, LXVII, part 2, pp. 11, 1, tigrina. 223. 2.-The lower margin of the manus of the cheliped is smooth in tigrina. Unfortunately I have no material of this 3.-The external orbital angle is not as produced species from the coasts of India for com- in tigrina. parison with the Samoan specimens and, 4.-The proportions of the carapace are differ- therefore, I have not attempted to uphold ent. the validity of the central Pacific species. T. tigrina differs from T. maculata Mac- However, in view of the fact that the allied Leay (nec Dana) in the following charac- genus Trapezia is represented by endemic ters: species, it is very probable that the Tetralia 1.-The carapace is comparatively less trans- verse in tigrina. here recorded as T. glaberrima will prove 2.-The frontal teeth are differently shaped. to be another species. 3.-The spots are smaller and more numerous MATERIAL.-Fifty-one males from 5 to on the chelae of tigrina. 12 mm. and forty females from 5.5 to 13 MATERIAL.-Three males 8 and 9 mm. mm. in maximum carapace width. Mata- and three females 8 to 10 mm. in maximum atu Harbour, Savaii Island, Samoa, Oct. carapace width. Mataatu Harbour, Savaii 14 to 18, 1936. Island, Samoa, Oct. 15, 16, 1936, collected The species occurred on the eastern and from the eastern and western reefs from western reefs and was collected by smash- broken up corals, some of which were ing up corals, some of which were brought brought from a depth of 8 feet. up from a depth of 8 feet. 14 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [NO. 1049

Grapsidae MATERIAL.-TWO males 6 and 8 mm. in H. maximum carapace width. Lat. 320 00' CYCLOGRAPSuS MILNE-EDWARDS N., Long. 1350 20' W.; Lat. 29° 20' N., Cydograpsus H. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1837, Hist. Long. 1410 25' W., taken at the surface. Nat. Crust., II, p. 78. LOGOTYPE.-C. punctatus H. Milne-Ed- wards, 1837. Specified by Rathbun, 1918, Gecarcinidae Bull. 97, U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 325. CARDISO0WA LATREILLE TYPE LoCALITY.-Indian Ocean. Cardisoma LATREILLE, 1825, Encyc. Math. Hist. Nat. Entom., X, p. 685. Cyclograpsus minutus Lucas LOGOTYPE.-Cardisoma guanhumi La- Cydograpsus minutus LUCAS, 1853, in Jacq. treille. and Lucas, Voy. au Pole Sud, Astrolabe and Zelee, CrustW,; IH,- p 3- P1 vi,.. fig.. 3 H. TYPE LoCALITY.-Brazil. Specified by Nat. 340. Lucas gives Chili as the type locality of Rathbun, Bull. 97, U. S. Mus., p. C. minutus but the species has not since been recorded from South America. On Cardisoma urvillei H. Milne-Edwards the other hand, the specimen before me Cardisoma urvillei H. MILNE-EDWARDS, 1853, agrees I Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., (3) XX, p. 204. (Loc.: with the description and figure and Samoa.) therefore consider Lucas' locality an error. MATERIAL.-One ovigerous female 7 This species was relegated to the synon- mm. in maximum carapace width. Pen- ymy of C. carnifex (Herbst) Tranquebar rhyn Island (no other data), Sept. 24, 1936. by Alcock, but the material before me from Mauritius and Papua suggests that more PLANES LEACH than one species inhabits the Indo-Pacific. Planes BOWDICH, 1825, Excursions in Madeira MATERIAL.-One male 75 mm. in maxi- and Porto Santo, pp. xi and 15, P1. xiii, figs. 2A and 2B. (Fide Rathbun.) mum carapace width. On sandy beach Planes RATHBUN, 1918, Bull. 97, U. S. Nat. facing ocean, near London, Christmas Mus., p. 253. Island, Sept. 14, 1936. HAPLOTYPE.-P. clypeatus Bowdich = P. minutus (Linnaeus). Cardisoma rotundatum (Quoy and Gaimard) Planes cyaneus Dana Thelphusa rotundatum QUOY AND GAIMARD, Planes cyaneus DANA, 1852, U. S. Explor. 1825, in Freycinet's Voyage Autour de Monde, Exped., Crust., I, p. 347; 1855, Atlas, PI. III, Zool., p. 527, P1. LXXVII, fig. 1. XXII, fig. la,g. Lat. 280 N.; Long. 170 40' E. Cardisoma rotundatum RATHBUN, 1906, Bull. Unfortunately I have no material of IJ. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, part III, p. 838. Planes minutus Linnaeus from the Atlantic MATERIAL.-One female 91 mm. in Ocean with which to compare the present maximum carapace width. Honolulu, specimens, but a study of this material Hawaii, Nov. 1936, purchased in the native with a series from the coast of New South market. Wales, Australia, reveals many characters by which even these Pacific forms can be Ocypodidae differentiated; consequently, I have no UCA LEACH hesitation in upholding the validity of Uca LEACH, 1814, Edin. Encyc., VII, 430. Dana's species. Uca RATHBUN, 1897, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- MATERIAL.-TwO males 11 mm. and one ington, XI, p. 154. female 14.5 mm. in maximum carapace HAPLOTYPE.-Uca una Leach, 1814 = width. Taken at sea, Lat. 290 20' N.; U. heterochelos (Lamarck), 1801. Long. 1410 25' W., Aug. 24, 1936. Uca duperryi (Guerin) Planes marinus Rathbun Gelasimus tetragonu8 GUERIN (nec Herbst), Planes marinus RATEBUN, 1918, Bull. 97, 1829, Voy. Coquille, Crust., II, pp. 9, 10. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 258, P1. LXIV. (Loc.: Gelasimus duperryi GUERIN, VOY. Coquille, Lower and Mexico.) Crust., P1. i, fig. 2. (Loc.: Borabora.) 1939] CENTRAL PACIFIC REGION BRACHYURA 15

Uca duperryi (Guerin) was relegated to 3.-The proportions of the carapace are different. 4.-The ambulatory legs are longer and thinner the synonymy of U. tetragona (Herbst) by Guerin and later authors, but in considera- in duperryi. tion of the fact that I have a photograph I have compared a specimen from Mauri- of the type of U. tetragona (Herbst) tius with the photograph of the type, the from the Berlin Museum, in which differ- type locality of which was unknown to ence of structure can be observed, I have Herbst, and it appears to be the same reinstated Guerin's name. species. U. duperryi differs from U. tetragona in Material.-Fifteen males from 23 to 31.5 characters: the following mm., one juvenile male 13 mm. and one 1.-The frontal groove is broadly triangular in female measuring 15 mm. in maximum tetragond, narrow in duperryi. carapace Island (lagoon 2.-The anterolateraL angles of the_zarapaoe.aa width. Penrhyn not so produced in duperryi. side), Sept. 28, 1936.