Nadal falls to Sweden’s Soderling in French Open —1B TTHEHE DDAILYAILY CCITIZENITIZEN Monday,june 1, 2009 •Dalton, Georgia • • 50 Cents Historic sites feeling THINGS Cut and denied pinch of budget cuts TO CHECK BY MISTY WATSON OUT
[email protected] ON THE Last summer approximately 300 3 INSIDE people stood on the lawn at the Chief VaNN House to celebrate its 50th year as a state historic site and to rededicate it. New Tennessee coach This summer several of those Lane Kiffen’s bold same people are wondering if the approach is the right one, site will be open to the public in says columnist Adam another 50 years following the state Krohn. Department of Natural Resources’ announcement that 12 of 15 his- See page 1B toric sites will be affected by budg- et cuts. Legionnaire’s Diseases “We’ve put forth all this effort to is still around — and have this facility here, and it needs dangerous. to be utilized,”said Carlton McDaniel, a member of the Friends See Donohue,page 8A of the VaNN House. “So if the state can’t do it, we need to have volun- MISTY WATSON/THE DAILY CITIZEN Immune therapies starting teers to do it.” to work against cancer DNR officials said Wednesday Carolyn Martin, from left, Tim Howard, Carolyn Luffman and Anne Brindle,members of the historic sites will have a reduction Friends of the VaNN House,talk on the grounds of the Chief VaNN House historic site about See page 11A in hours of operation and in staff.