


Development of and Hydroxyl Contamination in Thin Dioxide Thermal Films

Santos Mayo

Electron Devices Division Center for Electronics and Electrical Engineering National Engineering Laboratory


I William H. Evans j


Chemical Thermodynamics Division Center for Thermodynamics and Molecular Science National Measurement Laboratory U S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Washington, DC 20234

March 1979


QC- Prepared for Defense Nuclear Agency 100 Washington, DC 20305 .056

MAY 1 ca

NBSIR 78-1 55a


Santos Mayo

Electron Devices Division Center for Electronics and Electrical Engineering National Engineering Laboratory and

William H. Evans

Chemical Thermodynamics Division Cerrter for Thermodynamics and Molecular Science National Measurement Laboratory U S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Washington, DC 20234

Merch 1979


Prepared for Defense Nuclear Agency Washington, DC 20305


Jordan J. Baruch, Assistant Secretary for Science emd Jochnoiogy NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Ernest AmW«r, Director A,



Abstract 1

Introduction 2

Water Contamination in Oxidation Atmospheres A

Influence of the Furnace Tube Films on Thermally Grown Silicon Dioxide Films 8

Measurement of Hydrogen and Hydroxyl Contamination in Thin Silicon Dioxide Films 12

Conclusions 15

Acknowledgments l6

References 17

Distribution 2^ LIST OF TABLES


1. Water- I nduced Reactions During Oxidation of Silicon at 1300 K 20

2. Thermodynamic Data Used to Calculate Equilibrium

Constants at 1300 K for Reactions Listed in Table 1 21

3. Water Fluence on Unit Area During Oxidation

Necessary to Grow 100-nm Silicon Dioxide on <100> Silicon . . 22

4. Water Permeation Through 0.1 -cm Thick Fused Silica ...... 22

5. Si-OH and Si-H Bond Energies for Various Silicon Com- pound Molecules 23 Development of Hydrogen and Hydroxyl Contamination in Thin Silicon Dioxide Thermal Films

Santos Mayo ' Electron Devices Division Center for Electronics and Electrical Engineering National Engineering Laboratory


William H. Evans Chemical Thermodynamics Division Center for Thermodynamics and Molecular Science National Measurement Laboratory

National Bureau of Standards

Washington, DC ' 2023^


Hydrogen and hydroxyl incorporation into thin silicon dioxide

films thermally grown on silicon in dry atmospheres

contained in resistance-heated fused silica or-pol ycrysta 1 1 i ne

silicon tubes is analyzed. The mechanisms leading to incor- 1 -1 CO

poration of these in the film are discussed in

terms of trace water and hydrocarbon contamination in the oxy-

gen used, room ambient humidity permeation through the fused

silica tube, the silicon wafer preparation prior to oxidation,

and other environment factors. The most significant reactions

I occurring in the water-silica-silicon system during wafer oxi- dation at temperatures in the range from 800°C to 1200°C are

discussed. It is shown that, during the oxidation period re-

quired to grow a 100-nm thick silicon dioxide film on a '^I00>

silicon wafer in nominally dry oxygen containing water con-

tamination in the ppm range, the introduction of hydrogen and hydroxyl contamination into the film can be explained

in terms of the water-silica interaction. The use of poly-

crystalline silicon oxidation tubes is discussed with refer-

ence to the inherent water gettering action of silicon at

oxidation temperatures.

Key Words: Dry oxidation of silicon; hydrogen contamination;

hydroxyl contamination; device fabrication;

silicon; silicon dioxide; of silicon.


Ionic contamination in thermally grown thin silicon dioxide films is known to cause instability in microelectronic devices [1]. In addition

to alkali ions, protons are generally identified as a mobile ionic spe- cies responsible for such instability in silicon dioxide films. While

the contamination mechanism leading to alkali and heavy ion inclusion

in these films has been discussed [2], mechanisms for incorporation of

hydrogen and hydroxyl Impurities in thermally grown silicon dioxide

films have not been extensively analyzed. studies have shown

significant amounts of these impurities in silicon dioxide films [3l.

when either fused silica or polysilicon tubes are used to contain the

the oxidation atmosphere [^] . These results suggest a strong correla-

tion between water contamination in the oxidation atmosphere and hydro-

gen and hydroxyl contamination in the films.

At oxidation temperatures, trace amounts of hydrogen or hydrogen-

containing species in the atmosphere or included on the wafer causes

strong interactions with the silicon-silica system resulting in the in-

2 corporation of hydrogen-bearing species into the growing silica film.

This type of on the wafer surface has been shown to have a marked influence on the oxidation rate of silicon [5]- If a thin hy- drolyzed oxide layer is present on the wafer surface prior to thermal oxidation, the oxidation rate is reduced with respect to nonhydrol yzed silicon, suggesting a significant alteration has been produced at the silicon-silica interface. A number of species containing hydrogen and

hydroxy 1 -bonded silicon have been reported in this interface layer [6].

At room temperature, oxygen, water, and hydrocarbons from the room am- bient adsorb on clean silicon forming a containing hydrogen- bearing compounds on the wafer surface prior to the thermal oxidation

[7]. The oxygen-silicon bond in this film is stable enough (heat of 210 kcal/mole) to remain on the wafer surface and, conse- quently, influence the ’initial kinetics during the thermal oxidation of silicon [8]. The presence of complex structures such as Si 03 in these absorbed films has been reported even for cases in which less than a monolayer of oxygen is adsorbed on the silicon surface [9]. The thick- ness of both hydrogen and water adsorbed layers was found to be depen- dent on the wafer polishing procedure [10]. The wafer preparation pro- cedure requires strict material and environmental control to secure stable and reproducible thermal oxidation results.

In this paper, an estimate of the hydrogen and the hydroxyl content in thermally grown thin silicon dioxide films prepared in oxidation atmospheres enclosed In resistance-heated fused silica or polycrys- talline silicon tubes is presented. The results are compared with

3 available hydrogen and hydroxyl data measured by infrared internal reflection spectroscopy (IRS) [3»^]»


The origin of water contamination in dry oxygen atmospheres used to grow silicon dioxide films on silicon is related to impurities in the oxygen and permeation of water from the room ambient through the furnace tube [11-13]. Electronic grade oxygen generally contains about

5 ppm- water and 20 ppm hydrocarbons [11]. At oxidation temperatures, the hydrocarbons decompose in the oxidation atmosphere to form car- bon dioxide and water, resulting in about 25 ppm water contamination.

To reduce this contamination level, oxygen needs to be purified be- fore being used in the oxidation chamber. Hydrocarbons are removed by cracking at high temperatures, and water is removed by subsequent condensation at an appropriate low temperature. Oxygen treated in

this way contains about 1 ppm water [12, 14].

At high temperatures, water dissociates to form hydroxyl and hydrogen.

However, the amount of these dissociation products is relatively small, and consequently water remains the most important impurity to interact with the silicon-silica system. For example, at 1300 K the equilibrium of water and its dissociation products in oxygen [2] corresponds to partial pressure ratios of:

P(0H)/P(H20) = 5 X 10“2,

P(H)/P(H20) = 3 xlO"’^, and

P(H20) = 3 xlO-8.

k Table 1 shows the equilibrium constants for water- i nduced reactions oc- curring in the thermal oxidation of silicon contained in a nominally dry atmosphere at 1300 K. Table 2 shows the thermodynamic data used for these calculations; values for the standard enthalpy of formation and the Gibbs free energy function in the standard state at 1300 K are from

JANAF tables [15] or from high temperature water-silica reaction data

[ 16 ].

Some reactions listed in table 1 exhibit large equilibrium constants indicative of the tendency of the reaction to occur. Due to the lack of reaction kinetic data, the exact amount of water incorporated into the oxide film during the oxidation period cannot be determined. How- ever, qualitative considerations can be used to estimate the expected

water contamination in such films. For example, in 1 atm oxygen con-

^ taining 1 ppm water at 1000°C, the water number density is 5.7

x 10^^ cm"^ and the average water molecular velocity is 1 .2 10^ cm‘s“^

[17]. !t takes approximately 175 min to grow a 100-nm thick oxide film on <100> silicon in this atmosphere. During this oxidation period, water molecules impinge on the wafer reacting with the growing film and some of these molecules become incorporated into the film. The water fluence on the wafer is [17]:

10^^ F = 2.67 X 10^^ Pt/(WT)^/^ = 1.85 X cm”^ where P is the water partial pressure in the oxidation ambient (in

= atmospheres), t is the wafer oxidation period (in seconds), W I 8 g is the molecular weight of water; and T = 1273 K, is the absolute tem- perature. The water fraction (n) incorporated into the film can be

5 :

estimated from data on water oxidation of silicon in inert atmospheres; n is determined by the silica film thickness and the water fluence on the wafer F

Ti = xpN/WF where x is the silica film thickness grown by water oxidation of sili- con (in centimeters), p = 2.3 g-cm"^ is the film density; N is

Avogadro's number; and W = 60 g, is the molecular weight of silica.

From available data on the oxidation of silicon at 1000“ C in inert at- mospheres containing trace water contamination, n is estimated in the

10“^ range* [18,19]* In 100-nm thick silica films grown on <100>

silicon at 1000°C in 1 atm oxygen containing 1 ppm water contamination, the expected water number density is in the 10^^ cm“^ range. This figure is close to the solubility of water in fused silica at 1000°C

= exposed to an inert atmosphere with water partial pressure P(H 20 )

10“^ atm [20,21]. Consequently, silica films grown on silicon in a conventional dry oxidation facility are expected to exhibit water con-

tamination up to the solubility equilibrium determined by the tempera-

ture and the water partial pressure in the oxidation ambient. Table 3

T. Nakayama and F. C. Collins [19] reported on the oxidation of sili-

con in 1 atm argon with water partial pressure in the range 10’*^ atm < P(H20) 10"^ atm. These data agree with ^ results obtained in 1 atm containing trace water contamination [18]. However, their data on nominally dry argon [P(H 20 ) = 0 atm] do not agree with other results [18]. The authors indicate that the oxide growth rate in nominally dry argon at 1000°C can only be explained if the water im- purity in argon is assumed to be 460 ppm. This rather large contami- nation may arise from oil vapor backstreaming from an oil bubbler used to close the exit port of the furnace tube to prevent entrance of atmospheric moisture. At oxidation temperatures, cracking of oil in oxygen generates enough water to explain the data obtained for oxida- tion in nominally dry argon.

6 summarizes calculations made for films grown in 1 atm oxygen containing

1 ppm water or 125 ppm water at temperatures in the range 780°C to


These results are in agreement with diffusion data. If an ideally dry silica film is exposed to a water-contami nated inert atmosphere at oxi- dation temperatures, the water diffusion through the film is high enough to account for water saturation of the film during an interval of time equivalent to the oxidation period. For example, a 100-nm

thick pure silicon dioxide film exposed to- 1 atm nitrogen containing

x 1 ppm water at 1000°C allows the diffusion of ^.1 10® cm“^'s~^ water molecules (the diffusion coefficient of water in silica at 1000°C is

7.2 X 10"^® cm^*s”^ [20,21]). Assuming this film is exposed for 175 nin (equivalent to the time necessary to grow at 1000°C a 100-nm thick

i n i oxide film on silicon in oxygen at atmospheric pressure conta ng 1 ppm water), the water diffused through the film is ^.3 ^ 10^^ cm~^, and

the resulting water number density in the film is ^.3 10^^ cm“®.

This figure agrees in order of magnitude with the estimated water num-

to water react ivi with the s i 1 ica-s i 1 icon ber dens i ty in the film due ty

system during the oxidation period. Both the water kinetic considera-

tion in the oxidation atmosphere and the water diffusion into the film

provide coincident results.

In addition to water diffusion, hydrogen diffusion through the film

plays an important role. Although the hydrogen content in the oxida-

tion atmosphere is small, its diffusion coefficient in silica and

7 silicon is large.* It has been postulated thac the formation of triva- lent silicon compounds at the silicon-silica interface are generally associated with structurally defective sites in the silicon and silica

lattices where Interstitial hydrogen plays a key role in reactions with

trivalent silicon exhibiting nonsaturated dangling bonds [23]. The

resulting silicon-hydrogen structures are thought to affect the elec-

trical properties and the radiation response of silicon microelectronic devices, and therefore the presence of hydrogen might become a factor of major technological significance.


It has been shown that alkali and other impurities Included in fused

silica tubes can evaporate into the oxidation atmosphere and contami-

nate the growing oxide films [2]. Similarly, hydroxyl may evaporate

from fused silica tubes containing water as an impurity. There are

two types of fused silica available as tube material: natural and

synthetic. The former is made by electrical fusion of -crystal

powder resulting in a product containing about 10 ppm hydroxyl and 100

to 200 ppm metal 1 ic impuri ty. Synthetic fused silica is made by flame

fusion of highly purified chemicals and results in a product contain-

ing about 3000 ppm hydroxyl and less than 2 ppm metallic impurity [24].

Furnace tubes used in oxidation facilities are generally made out of

natural fused silica with low hydroxyl content. However, since the

At 1000°C the hydrogen- to-wa ter partial-pressure ratio in 1 atm oxy- 10"^. gen containing 1 ppm water is 3 ^ The diffusion coefficient of 10"^ hydrogen in silicon is cm^*s~^ and in silica is 10“^ cm^*s [22].

8 .

tube IS constantly exposed to rooni humidity, its hydroxyl (,ontent in- creases up to the solubility limit.

It has been suggested [12,13] that water from the room ambient per- meates through the fused silica furnace tube adding impurity to the oxidation atmosphere. Assuming that the oxidation facility is in a

room with an ambient temperature of 25“C and a relative humidity of 30

percent, the resulting water partial pressure in this room is 9-^ ^

10”^ atm [25] . The corresponding water number density in the proximity of the oxidation tube at 1000®C is 5.^ ^ 10^^ cm"^. When water comes

in contact with the tube wall, it dissociates forming silanol which is

incorporated into the fused silica:

H20(g) + (e Si - 0 - Si 5) (c) t 2 (e Si - OH) (c)

At oxidation temperatures, this process reaches equilibrium in a few

days [20] resulting in a constant water concentration in the bulk

determined by the hydroxyl solubility in fused silica. This is

7 X 10^® cm'3 or about 300 ppm for fused silica exposed to a partial

^ pressure of water P(H20) = 9*^ ^ 10 at lOOO^C [21]. The evapora t i on

of hydroxyl groups into the oxidation atmosphere can be calculated as-

suming the wall as a constant concentration source. At constant tem-

perature, hydroxyl in silica diffuses out at a smaller rate than it

diffuses in [20,21], and so the tube reaches equilibrium hydroxyl con-

centration in a relatively short time.

Table 4 shows the available data and the resulting hydroxyl partial

pressure in the oxidation atmosphere due to water permeation through

the tube wall. For example, at 1000“C the water flux entering into

9 ;

molecules are emitted this atmosphere is 2 x lO^O cm-^-s-l. jhese

entering from the tube wall. For example, at 1000°C the water flux

are into this atmosphere is 2 x 10^0 cm“2*s“^ These molecules = emitted from the tube wall with average velocity v -- (8 kT/mir)^ coefficient 1.2 X 10^ cm-s"^ and diffuse in the oxygen with a diffusion

according to D( 0 H- 02 ) calculated [17l:

= D(0H-02) = (v^(OH) + v^ (O 2 ) )^/3irn6^ 1.7 cm^*s”^,

where n = 5-7 ^ 10^® cm“^ is the oxygen number density in the oxida-

tion ambient at 1 atm and 1000°C, and 6 = (6(0H) + 6(02))/2 = 4.1 x

10”® cm is the OH-O 2 molecular diameter." The net hydroxyl molecular

displacement per unit time t (measured in seconds) in any arbitrary

direction in the oxidation atmosphere can be expressed as [17]:

= ) ^ = in (2tD (OH-O 2 ) 1.8 cm. The hydroxyl number density the

oxidation atmosphere is estimated from the net displacement in a

direction perpendicular to the wall. This displacement generates

a 1.8 cm^ volume per unit wall area and unit time. This volume

contains a number of hydroxyl molecules given by the net balance

between the incoming and the outgoing fluxes. This number is

2 X 10^° cm"^*s”Vl.8 cm*s“^ = 1.1 x 10^® cm“^, and the corresponding

partial pressure in the oxidation atmosphere is P(0H) = I.9 ^ 10~^ atm.

This pressure is 26 times smaller than the hydroxyl equilibrium par-

tial pressure generated from dissociation of 1 ppm water in oxygen.

f- Another approximate expression can be used to evaluate the^ i nterdi fusion coefficient of hydroxyl in oxygenj D = 2 (k^T^/iT^m)5/dTr2p

here, P = 1 atm is the oxygen pressure [26]- At 1000°C, 0 = 0.76 cm^.s"!; the difference between this and the D-value calculated above is not significant for the purpose of this discussion.

10 Consequently, the use of natural fused silica tubes in oxidation furnaces does not necessarily ensure low hydroxvl content in the oxida- tion atmosphere. In addition, natural fused silica has about 100 times more metallic impurity than synthetic fused silica, so the criteria used to select the furnace oxidation tube need to be reexamined.'"

The use of polycrystalline silicon tubes in oxidation furnaces instead of fused silica presents interesting aspects. Water permeation through the tube wall is greatly reduced since water reacts with silicon to form a silica "skin" on the tube wall:

Si(c) + H20(g) -> Si02(c) + 2 H 2 (g).

This is the most probable reaction occurring in the oxidation of sili- con by water and is known to occur rapidly at high temperature. Thus, water fr6m the room ambient is preferentially trapped on the tube wall.

In addition to this, the use of polycrystalline silicon tubes allows the use of higher temperatures in the oxidation of silicon wafers, thus reducing the oxidation period and, consequently, the water in- corporation into the growing oxide film. For example, it takes 59 min to grow a 100-nm thick silicon dioxide film on <100> silicon

[l8]; the total num- at 1100°C in 1 atm oxygen containing 1 ppm water

ber of water-silica collisions during this period is 6 x 10^° cm“2^

This is three times less than expected at 1000°C.

Although thermal oxidation of silicon by rf-heating is not generally used in production-oriented facilities, it is worth noting that it provides a way of minimizing the tube influence on the cxiduticr atmosphere since the tube remains much cooler than the wafer [?7]- V.'hen a new polycrystalline silicon tube is used, the tube surface

area exposed to the oxidation atmosphere is much larger than its

geometrical size due to the of the polycrystalline surface.

This surface reacts quickly with residual water to form silica. This

is especially efficient at higher temperature. The wall behaves like

a getter removing water from the oxidation atmosphere. Consequently,

silica films grown on silicon wafers at high temperatures in dry oxidation atmospheres contained in polycrystalline silicon tubes are

expected to show less water contamination than films grown in fused

silica tubes under similar conditions. This is an interpretation

consistent with a general trend shown by infrared spectroscopic mea-

surements of hydroxyl and hydrogen in thin silicon dioxide films

thermally grown in dry atmospheres contained in fused silica or poly-

crystalline silicon tubes at 1000°C [^] . Naturally, as the silicon

tube develops a silica ’’skin," its gettering action is reduced.

Periodic in situ cleaning is needed to eliminate the film and re-

generate the fresh polycrystalline surface.


The use of infrared internal reflection spectroscopy (iRS) has been

reported for direct measurements of hydrogen and hydroxyl impurity

included in thin silicon dioxide films thermally grown in dry oxi-

dation atmospheres contained in both fused silica [ 3 ] and polycrys-

talline silicon tubes [^] . The technique [28] requires the use of

trapezoidal silicon prisms on which oxide films are grown. The sped

men is exposed to infrared light incident on the prism at an angle

12 appropriate for multiple total internal reflection. Since the index of refraction in the film is lower than the index of refraction in

the prism, at each reflection site where total internal reflection occurs at the silicon-silicon dioxide interface, a certain amount of

light propogates into the film as an evanescent wave. This evanes- cent wave travels an unknown distance along the film and then is re- flected back into the prism. The only relevant information obtained

is due to light absorbed in the film at each reflection. The higher the number of internal reflections in the film, the higher the ab- sorption effect. Depending on the film thickness, the evanescent wave may reach the outer film Interface (silicon dioxide/air) where again a similar situation is observed [29].

IRS results were reported on hydrogen and hydroxyl compounds in thin

1 grown in oxidation atmospheres silicon dioxide films therma 1 y dry at 1000°C contained in fused silica or polycrystalline silicon tubes.

The oxide films were subsequently annealed in nitrogen for 30

min before being removed from the furnace tube. The results show an order of magnitude reduction in both hydrogen and hydroxyl compounds

in si Icon dioxide when the polycrystalline silicon tubes are used

in the oxidation furnace. The reported values for hydroxyl and hydro-

gen are, respectively 1.7 ^ 10^^ cm"^ and 1.7 ^ 10^^ cm"^

10^^ in films grown in fused silica tubes and 2.9 ^ 10^® cm ^ and 1.8 x

cm" ^ in films grown in a polycrystalline silicon tube. [^].

s' i require Quantitive measurements with th techn i que complete knowl-

edge of parameters such as the absorption coefficient of the film, the

13 optical path in the film, and the probe Intensity. All of these are

Jirricult to measure. For example, as pointed out elsewhere [3]. the evaluation of IRS signals in terms of impurity number density in the

film requires knowledge of the effect i ve* charge associated with each molecule where the absorbing group is attached. For hydrogen and hydroxyl compounds in silicon dioxide, this information is not com- plete. The experimental error of IRS measurements is ±50 percent and the sensitivity is 5 ^ 10^® cm”^ for SiOH and 3 ^ 10^^ cm”^ for SiH groups [3]. Results obtained on 1 -ym thick silicon dioxide films

thermally grown at 1100°C in 1 atm oxygen containing 60 ppm water show no SiOH signal (<5 ^ 10^® cm”^) and 7 10^^ cm"^ SiH [3l.

These figures agree in order of magnitude with expected film contami- nation resulting from interaction with residual water in the oxidation atmosphere. The water fluence on this film during the oxidation pe-

riod is of the 10^^ cm~^ order of magnitude. Assuming n = 10”^ for

the water-to-s i 1 ica-s i 1 icon interaction, the expected water number density in this film is in the 10^^ cm"^ range.

Although these kinetic considerations are in agreement with IRS results on thin silica films, independent measurements aimed at characterizing

hydrogen and hydroxyl impurities in these films are needed. Laser calorimetry may offer this possibility. The technique has already

been successfully employed for measurements of very small absorptivi-

ties in thin films used for optical applications [30,31]. An extension

of this work for thin silicon dioxide films on silicon may provide

valuable results to complement available IRS data. Another interesting technique for hydrogen detection in thin silicon dioxide films using nuclear resonance reactions has been reported [32]. This technique is sensitive to elemental composition and does not provide information on the compound structure into which hydrogen is incorporated.


Hydrogen and hydroxyl contamination in thin oxide films thermally grown on silicon in nominally dry oxidation atmospheres is primarily due to trace water and hydrocarbons included in the oxygen. The preparation procedure prior to thermal oxidation of silicon may contribute addi- tional oxide contamination included as a very thin layer formed on the silicon wafer. This layer contains hydrogen-bonded and hydroxyl -bonded species that Influence the silicon oxidation rate. A minor hydroxyl contamination may result in the oxidation atmosphere due to evaporation

from fused silica furnace tubes. A water content below 1 ppm in the oxidation atmosphere can only be achieved when special care is taken in controlling factors such as the prepurification of oxygen, the wafer preparation procedure prior to oxidation, and the furnace tube quality.

Complete water contamination removal from the oxidation atmosphere is difficult and expensive; the use of polycrystalline silicon tubes to contain such atmospheres at high oxidation temperatures is preferred

to getter residual hydrogen and hydroxyl.

In summary, to minimize hydrogen and hydroxyl impurities in thermally

grown thin silicon dioxide films control must be exercised on the water

contamination that may arise from (a) oxygen, (b) residual wafer im-

purity due to the processing, (c) room ambient humidity, and (d) the

15 .

furnace oxidation tube. The measurement technique used to detect

hydrogen and hydroxyl content in these films needs to be carefully



The authors would like to express their acknowledgment to H. Hughes,

B. E. Deal, E. A. Irene, and A. G. Revesz for enlightening discussions on this subject. A. G. Revesz made available a preprint copy of a

paper entitled "The Role of Hydrogen in Silicon Dioxide Films on

Silicon," J. Eteotvoahem. Soo. 1 26 , 122 (1978). The criticism and

encouragement of W. M. Bull is and K. F. Galloway are very much appre-

ciated. This work was conducted as part of the Semiconductor Tech-

nology Program at the National Bureau of Standards and was supported

in part by the Defense Nuclear Agency (Subtask Z99QXTD072), and the

National Bureau of Standards.

16 . . -


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J. Phys. Chem. Solids _30.> 551 “56A (1969).

28. Harrick, N. J., Internal Beflection Spectroscopy^ {J Wiley and Sons, New York, 1967)*

29. Holm, R. T. , and Palik, E. D. , Thin Film Adsorption Coefficients by Attenuated-Total -Ref lect ion Spectroscopy, Appl. Opt. J_7, 39^“ ^03 (1978).

30. Hass, M., Davisson, J. W. , Rosenstock, H. B., and Babiskin, J., Measurement of Very Low Adsorption Coefficients by Laser Calorime- try, Appl. Opt. ]±, 1128-1130 (1975).

31. Moravec, T. J., and Bernal, E. G., Automation of a Laser Absorp-

tion Calorimeter, Appl. Opt. 1 , 1938-19^2 (1978).

32. Allred, D. D., White, C. W. , Clark, G. J., Appleton, B. R. , and in a Tsong, I. S. T. , Measurement of Hydrogen Profiles Si02 by Nuclear Reaction Technique, The Physics of Si02 and Its Inter- faceSj S. T. Pantelides, Ed, pp. 210-21A (Pergamon Press, New York, 1978).

19 Table 1. Water- I nduced Reactions During Oxidation of Silicon at 1300 K.

Reactions K

Si(c) + 2H20(g) Z Si02(c) + 2H2(g) 1.33 > 1013

Si(c) +|H20(g) J isi02(0H)6(g) + 2H2(g) 1.8? > 106

Si(c) + 3H20(g) t Si0(0H)2(g) + 2H2(g) 1.31 > 10^

Si(c) + 2H20(g) t Si0(0H)(g) + |H2(g) 5.20 > 103

Si(c) + H20(g) J^Si02(c) + |-SiH4(g) 3.78 > 103

ySi(c) + 2H20(g) jisi(0H)4(g) + H2(g) 2.75 > 102 Si(c) + H20(g) t SiO(g) + H2(g) 27.56 102 Si (c) + 0H(g) t SiOH(g) 1 .61 > 10”^ Si(c) + H20(g) t SiOH(g) + ^2(9) 2.29 > 10"12 Si (c) + H20(g) t SiOH(g) + H(g) 2.52 >

10" 13 Si02(c) +^20(g) tSi0(0H)(g) +^2(9) 1.15 >

10’18 Si02(c) +|H20(g) jSi( 0H)3(g) + {02(g) 6.8I >

Si (c) + {02(g) t 5i0(g) 3.20 > 108 1012 Si(c) + 02(g) Z Si02(g) 2.51 > 1027 Si (c) + 02(g) Z Si02(c) 1 .8 > Si(c) + 02(g) + H20(g) JSi0(0H)(g) + 0H(g) 2.71 > lolo lolo Si (c) + 02(g) + H20(g) Z Si (OH) (g) + {02(g) 3.28 >

Si(c) + 02(g) + H20(g) t Si0(0H)2(g) 6.21 > 1020 Si(c) + 02(g) + 2H20(g) JSi(0H)4(g) 3-59 > 1013

Si(c) + 02(g) + |H20(g) j{-Si20(0H)6(g) 8.5^ > 1020

SiO(g) + {02(g) Z Si02(c) 5.59 > IOI8

SiO(g) + {02(g) Z Si02(g) 7.86 > 103

SlO(g) + H20(g) tSiO(OH)(g) + {H2(g) 5.16 > 102

SiO(g) + 2H20(g) J Si0(0H)2 (g) + H2(g) 1.67 > 103 SiO(g) + 3H20(g) J Si(0H)4(g) + H2(g) 9.69 > 103

SiO(g) |H20(g) jS 2O (OH) g + H2(g) 108 + J i (g) 2.30 >

20 K

Table 2. Thermodynamic Data Used to Calculate Equilibrium Constants at 1300 K for Reactions Listed in Table 1.


. Compound (kca 1 /mol e) ( ca 1 / mo 1 e )

H20(g) - 57.798 51.136 H(g) 52.1 30.879 0H(g) 9.432 48.877 0(g) 59.559 42.044 02(g) 0.0 54.283 H2 (g) 0.0 36.130

Si02(c) -217.7 19.918 $102(1) -215.74 21.134 SiOoig) - 73.0 63.266 SiO(g) - 24.0 55.994

Si (c) 0.0 8.399 Si(l) 11.585 15.188 Si (g) 107.7 43.715

SiH(g) 90.0 52.515 SiH4(g) 7.3 58.969

Si0(0H)(g) -118.0 71.63*

Si (0H)2(g) -101.0 72. 1.2;; Si0(0H)2(g) -222.0 80.15 Si (0H)4(g) -322.3 92.93’: Si02(0H)e(g) -612.1 128.83“

Si(0H)(g) 4.0 63.2 Si(0H)3(g) -203.0 82.5

These data replace corresponding data in Reference [2]. The effect on the results given there is small and the conclusions are unchanged.

21 (t)

Period water.

ro X ppm O — -3-



the ppm

on I

During e *D 0 — 1 £ Dioxide contains 3

Area -C > C7J3 Unit o <0 Silicon


c <-» Wafer 0 c atm 0)

lOO-nm 4^ O 01 ^ on (1 0) 0) atm. E Q. W. I ^ (F) Grow 10

to atmosphere x

Fluence 9.4





P(H20) 3.

for The








22 Table 5. Si-OH and Si-H Bond Energies for Various Silicon Compound Molecules.

Bond Energy Compound Type (kcal/mole) (eV/mol ecul e)

SiO(g) Si = 0 190 8.24 Si02(g) Si = 0 149 6.46

Si(0H)3(g) Si-OH 127 5.51 Si20(0H)6(g) Si-OH 117.5 5.10 Si (0H)4(g) Si-OH 116.5 5.05 SiO(OH)g Si-OH 113 4.90

SiH4(g) Si-H 76 3.30 SiH(g) Si-H 73.5 3.19

Si2H6(g) Si-Si 51 2.21 sisHetg) Si-Si

0-H 102.2 4.43 0-H--0 % 5 0.22

Si = Si 75.8 3.29 Si-Si 53.4 2.32 Si-0 111 4.82 Si = 0 192.3 8.34 0 = 0 119.2 5.17 0-0 34.0 1.48 0-H 110.8 4.81 Si-H 74.7 3.24 Si E Si 153.6 6.66


Di rector Chief Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Livermore Division Fid Command DNA Defense Nuclear Agency Lawrence Livermore Laboratory National Naval Medical Center P.O. Box 808 Bethesda, MD 20014 Livermore, CA 94550 ATTN Technical Library ATTN FCPRL

Conmiander in Chief 01 rector U.S. European Command, JCS National Security Agency APO New York 09128 Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755 ATTN ECJ6-PF ATTN Orland 0. Van Gunten R-425 ATTN TDL Defense Communication Engineer Center 1860 Wiehle Avenue OJCS/J-3 Res ton, VA 22090 The Pentagon ATTN R410 James W. McLean Washington, DC 20301 ATTN R320 C. W. Bergman ATTN J-3 RDTA BR WWMCCS Plans Div

Di rector Under Secretary of Defense for Rsch & Engrg Defense Communications Agency Department of Defense Washington, DC 20305 Washington, DC 20301 ATTN 930 Monte I. Burgett, Jr. ATTN S&SS (OS)

Defense Documentation Center Project Manager Cameron Station Army Tactical Data Systems Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S. Army Electronics Command ATTN TC Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 ATTN DRCPN-TDS-SD U1 rector ATTN Dwaine B. Huewe Defense Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20301 Commander ATTN DS-4A2 BMD System Command P.O. Box 1500 Director Huntsville, AL 35807 Defense Nuclear Agency ATTN BDMSC-TEN Washington, DC 20305 ATTN STVL Commander AllN RAEV Frankford Arsenal ATTN DOST Bridge and Tacony Streets ATTN TITL Tech Library Philadelphia, PA 19137 ATTN SARFA-FCD Commander Field Command Commander Defense Nuclear Agency Harry Laboratories Klrtland AF8, NM 87115 2800 Powder Mill Road ATTK FCPR Adel phi, MD 20783 ATTN DRXDO-EM (2) Di rec tor ATTN DRXDO-NP Interservice Nuclear Weapons School ATTN DRXDO-RB Klrtland AFB, NM 87115 ATTN DRXDO-TF ATTN Document Control ATTN DRXDO-RCC ATTN DRXDO-TI Tech Library Director ATTN J. McGarrIty Joint Strat ftlT Planning Staff JCS OfFult AFB Commanding Officer Omaha. NE 68113 Night Vision Laboratory ATTN JLTW-2 U.S. Army Electronics Command Fort Bel voir, VA 22060 ATTN Capt. Allan S. Parker '

DISTRIBUTION (continued)

Conmidiidt Commander-in-Chief Picdtir.ny .arsenal U.S. Arn\y Europe and Seventh Army Dover, NJ 07801 APO New York 09403 (Heidelberg) ATTN SARPA-ND-C-E ATTN ODCSE-E AEAGE-PI ATTN SMUPA-ND-N-E ATTN SMUPA-FR-S-P (2) Commandant ATTN SARPA-ND-N U.S. Army Field Artillery School AHN SMUPA-ND-D-B Fort , OK 73503 ATTN SMUPA-ND-W ATTN ATSFA-CTD-ME ATTN SARPA-FR-E Commander Commander U.S. Arir\y Mat A Mechanics Rsch Center Redstone Scientific Information Center Watertown, MA 02172 U.S. Army Missile Command AHN DRXMR-HH

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Director Commander TRASANA U.S. Ariny Missile Command

White Missile Range, NM 88002 Redstone Arsenal , AL 35809 ATTN ATAA-EAC ATTN DRSI-RGP ATTN DRCPM-PE-EA Director ATTN DRSMI-RGP U.S. Army Ballistic Research Labs ATTN DRSMI-TRA Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 ATTN DRXBR-X Chief ATTN DRXBR-VL (2) U.S. Arir\y Nuc. and Chemical Surety Group ATTN DRXBR-AM Bldg. 2073, North Area ATTN DRXRD-BVL Fort Bel voir, VA 22060 ATTN MOSG-ND Chief U.S. Army Communications Sys. Agency Commander Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 U.S. Army Nuclear Agency AHN SCCM-AD-SV Library 7500 Backlick Road Building 2073 Commander Springfield, VA 22150 U.S. Army Electronics Command AHN ATCN-W Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 ATTN DRSEL-TL-IR Commander ATTN DRSEL-CE-T U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command AHN DRSEL-CT-HDK Warren, MI 48090 AHN DRSEL-6G-TD ATTN DRCPM-GCM-SW ATTN DRSEL-TL-MD ATTN DRSEL-TL-ND Cornnander ATTN DRSEL-PL-ENV U.S. Army and Evaluation Command Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 Commander ATTN DRSTE-EL U.S. Army Electronics Proving Ground ATTN DRSTE-NB Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613 ATTN STEEP-MT-M Commander White Sands Missile Range Commandant White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002 U.S. Army Engineer School ATTN STEWS -TE-NT Fort Bel voir, VA 22060 ATTN ATSE-CTD-CS

25 i

DISTRIBUTION (continueo)

Chief of Naval Research Commander Navy Depav’toent Naval Surface Weapons Center Arlington, VA 22217 Dahlgren Laboratory ATTN 427 Dahlgren, VA 22448 ATTN FUR Robert A. Amador

Comnianoir.9 Officer Naval Avionics Facility Conviander 21st and Arlington Avenue Naval Weapons Center

Indianapoi ir. , IN 46218 China Lake, CA 93555 ATTN 942 ATTN 533 Tech Library

Comma ndei Commanding Officer Naval hlectronic Systems Command Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility Naval electronic Systems Cmd Hqs Kirtland AFB Washington, DC 20360 Albuquerque, NM 87117 A'rTN 504511 ATTN ATG Mr Stanley ATTN 5032

ATTN PME 117-21 Comma rid 1 ng Of i 1 cer AiTN 50451 Naval Weapons Support Center ATTN ELEX 05323 Crane, IN 47522 ATTN 70242 Commanding Officer ATTN 7024 Naval Intelligence Supporc Center 4301 Suitland Road, Bldg. 5 Commanding Officer Washington, DC 20390 Nuclear Weapons Tng. Center Pacific ATTN NISC-45 Naval Air Station, North Island San Diego, CA 92135 Commander ATTN 50 Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego, CA 92152 Director ATTN H. F. Wong Strategic Systems Project Office Navy Department Di rector Washington, DC 20376 Naval Resear.,h Laboratory ATTN NSP-27331 Washington, DC 20375 ATTN NSP-2342 ATTN 5210 ATTN SP 2701 ATTN 5216 ATTN 6631 AF Aero-Propulsion Laboratory, At SC ATN 6440 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 ATTN 601 E. Wolicki ATTN POD P. E. Stover ATTN 4104 ATTN 7701 AF Geophysics Laboratory, AFSC ATTN 2627 Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 ATTN LQR Edward A. Burke Commander ATTN J. Emery Cormier Naval Sea Systems Command ATTN LGD-Stop 30 Freeman Shepherd Navy Department Washington, DC 20362 AF Institute of Technology, AU ATTN SEA-9931 (2) Wright-Patterson AFb, OH 45433 ATTN ENP Charles J. Cridgman Officer-in-Charge Navay Surface Weapons Center AF Materials Laboratory, AFSC White Oak, Spring, MD 20910 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 ATTN WA501 Navy Nuc. Prgms Off. ATTN LTE ATTN WA50 ATTN WA52

26 DISTRIBUTION (continued)

AF Wfcjpo.!-. Laboratory, AFSC Commander Kirtland AF3, NM 87117 Rome Air Development Center; AFSC ATTN DEX Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 ATTN ELA ATTN ETS ATTN NTS ATTN ET R. Buchanan ATTN ELP Tree Section ATTN Nr Carl E. Baum SAMSO/DY ATTN ELS P.O. Box 92960 ATTN EL XT Worldway Postal Center Los Angeles, CA 90009 AFTAC ATTN DYS Pa^-rick AFB, FL 32925 ArrN TAE SAMSO/IN

ATTN TFS Ma j . Marion F. Schneider P.O. Box 92960 Worldway Postal Center Air Force Avionics Laboratory, AFSC Los Angeles, CA 90009 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 ATTN I NO I. J. Judy ATTN .AAT Mason Friar ATTN DHM C. Friend SAMSO/MN ATTN DH LtC. McKenzie Norton AFB, CA 92409 ATTN DHE H. J. Hennecke ATTN MNNH

Commander SAMSO/RS ASD P.O. Box 92960 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 Worldway Postal Center ATTN ASD/ENESS Los Angeles, CA 90009 ATTN ASD-YH-EX ATTN RSSE ATTN ENACC Robert L. Fish AHN RSM6

Headquarters SAMSO/SK Electronic Systems Division/YS P.O. Box 92960 Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 Worldway Postal Center ATTN YSEV Los Angeles, CA 90009 ATTN SKF Headquarters Electronic Systems Division/YW SAMSO/SZ Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 P.O. Box 92960 ATTN YWEI Worldway Postal Center Los Angeles, CA 90009 Commander AHN SZJ Foreign Technology Division, AFSC Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 Commander in Chief ATTN ETD/PDJC Strategic Air Command ATTN ETDP Offutt AFB, NB 68113 ATTN NRI-STINFO Library Commander AHN XPFS Ogden Air Logistics Center Hill AFB, UT 84401 Department of Energy ATTN MMEWM Albuquerque Operations Office P.O. Box 5400 Commander Albuquerque, NM 87115 Rome Air Development Center, AFSC ATTN Document Control for WSSB Griffiss AFB, NY 13440 ATTN RBRAC ATTN RBRP

27 DISTRIBUTION (continued)

University of California BDM Corporation, The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 7915 Jones Branch Drive P.O. Box 808 McLean, VA 22101 Livermore CA 94550 ATTN T. H. Neighbors ATTN Lawrence Cl el and L-156 ATTN E. K. Miller L-156 BDM Corporation, The ATTN Frederick R. Kovar L-31 (Class L-94) P.O. Box 9274 ATTN Joseph E. Keller. Jr. L-125 Albuquerque International ATTN Hans Kruger L-96 (Class L-94) Albuquerque, NM 87119 ATTN Tech. Info. Dept. L-3 ATTN D. R. Alexander ATTN Ronald L. Ott L-531 ATTN William J. Hogan L-389 Bendix Corporation, The ATTN Donald J. Meeker L-545 (Class L-153) Communication Division East Joppa Road Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Baltimore, MD 21204 P.O. Box 1663 ATTN Document Control Los Alamos, NM 87545 ATTN DOC CON for J. Arthur Freed Bendix Corporation, The ATTN DOC CON for Bruce W. Noel Research Laboratories Division Bendi x Center Sandia Laboratories Southfield, MI 48075 P.O. Box 5800 ATTN Mgr Prgm Dev Donald J. Niehaus Albuquerque, NM 87115 ATTN Max Frank ATTN DOC CON for R. Gregory ORG 2140 ATTN DOC CON for 3141 Sandia Rpt Coll Boeing Company, The ATTN DOC CON for J. A. Hood ORG 2110 P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124 Department of Commerce ATTN Howard W. Wicklein MS 17-11 National Bureau of Standards ATTN Aerospace Library Washington, DC 20234 ATTN Donald W. Egelkrout MS 2R-00 ATTN Judson C. French ATTN Itsu Amura ATTN Robert S. Caldwell 2R-00 Aerojet Electro-Systems Co. ATTN Carl Rosenberg 2R-00 Div. of Aerojet-General Corporation P.O. Box 296, 1100 W. Hollyvale Drive Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc. Azusa, CA 91702 106 Apple Street ATTN Thomas D. Hanscome Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 ATTN Raymond J. Chrisner Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 92957 California Institute of Technology Los Angeles, CA 90009 Jet Propulsion Laboratory ATTN John Ditre 4800 Oak Grove Drive ATTN Irving M. Garfunkel Pasadena, CA 91103 ATTN S. P. Bower ATTN J. Bryden ATTN Library ATTN A. G. Stanley ATTN L. W. Aukerman ATTN Julian Reinheimer Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. ATTN William W. Willis 555 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 Analog Technology Corporation ATTN Paul R. Kelly 3410 East Foothill Boulevard ATTN Kenneth Fertig Pasadena, CA 91107 ATTN John Joseph Baum Cincinnati Electronics Corporation 2630 Glendal e-Mil ford Road AVCO Research & Systems Group Cincinnati, OH 45241 201 Lowell Street ATTN C. R. Stump Wilmington, MA 01887 ATTN Lois Hammond ATTN Research Lib. A830 Rm 7201

28 DISTRIBUTION (continued)

Control Data Corporation Ford Aerospace & Communications Corp. P.O. Box 0 3939 Fabian Way Minneapolis, MN 55440 Palo Alto, CA 94303 ATTN Jack Meehan ATTN Edward R. Hahn MS-X22 ATTN Donald R. McMorrow MS G30 Cutler-Hammer, Inc. ATTN Samuel R. Crawford MS 531 AIL Division Comack Road Ford Aerospace & Communications Operations Deer Park, NY 11729 Ford S Jamboree Roads ATTN Central Tech Files Anne Anthony Newport Beach, CA 92663 ATTN Ken C. Attinger Denver, University of ATTN E. R. Poncelet, Jr. Colorado Seminary ATTN Tech Info Section Denver Research Institute P.O. Box 10127 Franklin Institute, The Denver, CO 80210 20th Street and Parkway ATTN Sec. Officer for Fred P. Venditti Philadelphia, PA 19103 ATTN Ramie H. Thompson Dikewood Industries, Inc. 1009 Bradbury Drive, S.E. Garrett Corporation Albuquerque, NM 87106 P.O. Box 92248, 9851 Sepulveda Blvd. ATTN L. Wayne Davis Los Angeles, CA 90009 ATTN Robert E. Weir Dept 93-9 E-Systems, Inc. Greenville Division General Dynamics Corp. P.O. Box 1056 Electronics Div. Orlando Operations Greenville. TX 75401 P.O. Box 2566 ATTN Library 8-50100 Orlando, FL 32802 ATTN D. W. Coleman Effects Technology, Inc. 5383 Hollister Avenue General Electric Company Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Space Division ATTN Edward John Steele Valley Forge Space Center Goddard Blvd, King of Prussia Exp & Math Physics Consultants P.O. Box 8555 P.O. Box 66331 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Los Angeles, CA 90066 ATTN John L. Andrews ATTN Thomas M. Jordan ATTN Joseph C. Peden VFSC. Rm 4230M ATTN Larry I. Chasen Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp 464 Ellis Street General Electric Company Mountain View, CA 94040 Re-entry & Environmental Systems Div ATTN Sec. Dept for 2-233 David K. flyers P.O. Box 7722 3198 Chestnut Street Fairchild Industries, Inc. Philadelphia, PA 19101 Sherman Fairchild Technology Center ATTN Robert V. Benedict 20301 Century Boulevard ATTN John W. Palchefsky, Jr.

Germantown , MD 20767 ATTN Mgr Config Data & Standards General Electric Company Ordnance Systems Florida, University of 100 Plastics Avenue An Institution of Education Pittsfield, MA 01201 ATTN: Patricia B. Rambo ATTN Joseph J. Reidl P.O. Box 284 Gainesville, FL 32601 ATTN D. P. Kennedy

29 DISTRIBUnON (cor.ci

I General Electric Company GTE Sy vam a , Inc. Tempo-Center for Advanced Studies 189 B Street 816 State Street (P.O. Drawer QQ) Needham h'eights, MA 02194 Santa Barbara, CA 93102 ATTN H S V Group ATTN William McNamera ATTN Paul B. Frederickson ATTN M. Espig ATTN Herbert A. Oilman ATTN Royden R. Rutherford ATTN Charles H. Ramsbottom ATTN DAS I AC Gulton Industries, Inc. General Electric Company Engineered Magnetics Division Aircraft Engine Business Group 13041 Cerise Avenue Evendale Int Hwy 75 S Hawthorne, CA 90250 Cincinnati, OH 45215 ATTN Engnmagnetics Div ATTN John A. Ellerhorst E 2 Harris Corporation General Electric Company Harris Semiconductor Division Aerospace Electronics Systems P.O. Box 883 French Road Melbourne, FL 32901 Utica, NY 13503 ATTN Carl F. Davis MS 17-220 ATTN W. J. Patterson Drop 233 ATTN Wayne E. Aba re MS 16-111 ATTN Charles M. Hewison Drop 624 ATTN T. L. Clark MS 4040

General Electric Company Hazel tine Corporation P.O. Box 5000 Pulaski Road Binghamton, NY 13902 Greenlawn, NY 11740 ATTN David W. Pepin Drop 160 ATTN Tech Info Ctr M. Waite

General Electric Company-Tempo Honeywell Incorporated

ATTN: DAS I AC Avionics Division c/o Defense Nuclear Agency 2600 Ridgeway Parkway Washington, DC 20305 Minneapolis, MN 55413 ATTN William Alfonte ATTN Ronald R. Johnson A1622 ATTN R. J. Kell MS S2572 General Research Corporation P.O. Box 3587 Honeywell Incorporated Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Avionics Division ATTN Robert D. Hill 13350 U.S. Highway 19 North St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Georgia Institute of Technology ATTN Harrison H. Noble MS 725-5A Georgia Tech Research Institute ATTN Stacey H. Graff MS 725-5 Atlanta, GA 30332 ATTN R. Curry (unci only) Honeywell Incorporated Radiation Center Grumman Aerospace Corporation 2 Forbes Road South Oyster Bay Road Lexington, MA 02173 Bethpage, NY 11714 ATTN Technical Library ATTN Jerry Rogers Dept 533 Hughes Aircraft Company GTE Sylvania, Inc. Centinela and Teale Electronics Systems Grp-Eastern Div Culver City, CA 90230 77 A Street ATTN John B. Singletary MS 6-D133 Needham, MA 02194 ATTN Dan Binder MS 6-D147 ATTN James A. Waldon ATTN Kenneth R. Walker MS D157 ATTN Charles A. Thornhill Librarian ATTN Billy W. Campbell MS 6-El 10 ATTN Leonard L. Blaisdell Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo Site P.O. Box 92919 Los Angeles, CA 90009 ATTN Edward C. Smith MS A620 ATTN William W. Scott MS A1080

30 DISTRIBUTION (continued)

IBM Corporation Litton Systems, Inc. Route 17C Guidance & Control Systems Division Owego, NY 13827 5500 Canoga Avenue ATTN Harry W. Mathers Dept M41 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 ATTN Frank Frankovsky ATTN Val J. Ashby MS 67 ATTN John P. Retzler I IT Research Institute ATTN R. W. Maughmer 10 West 35th Street Chicago, IL 60616 Litton Systems, Inc. ATTN Irving N. Mindel Electron Tube Division 1035 Westminster Drive Inti. Tel. & Telegraph Corporation Williamsport, PA 17701 500 Washington Avenue ATTN Frank J. McCarthy Nutley, NJ 07110 ATTN Alexander T. Richardson Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Inc. P.O. Box 504 Ion Physics Corporation Sunnyvale, CA 94088 South Bedford Street ATTN Samuel I. Taimuty, Dept 85-85 Burlington, MA 01803 ATTN L. Rossi, Dept 81-64 ATTN Robert D. Evans ATTN Benjamin T. Kimura, Dept. 81 -14 ATTN Edwin A. Smith, Dept 85-85 IRT Corporation ATTN George F. Heath, Dept 81-14 P.O. Box 81087 San Diego, CA 92138 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Inc. ATTN Leo D. Cotter 3251 Hanover Street ATTN MDC Palo Alto, CA 94304 ATTN R. L. Mertz ATTN Tech Info Ctr D/Coll

JAY COR M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory 1401 Camino Del Mar P.O. Box 73 Del Mar, CA 92014 Lexington, MA 02173 ATTN Eric P. Wenaas ATTN Leona Loughlin Librarian A-082

JAYCOR Martin Marietta Corporation 205 S. Whiting Street, Suite 500 Orlando Division Alexandria, VA 22304 P.O. Box 5837 ATTN Robert Sullivan Orlando, FL 32805 ATTN Catherine Turesko AHN Mona C. Griffith Lib MP-30 ATTN William W. Mras MP-413 Johns Hopkins University ATTN Jack M. Ashford MP-537 Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins Road Martin Marietta Corporation Laurel, MD 20810 Denver Division ATTN Peter E. Partridge P.O. Box 179 Denver, CO 80201 Kaman Sciences Corporation ATTN Ben T. Graham MS PO-454 P.O. Box 7463 ATTN Research Lib 6617 Jay R. McKee Colorado Springs, CO 80933 ATTN J. E. Goodwin Mail 0452 AHN Donald H. Bryce ATTN Paul G. Kase Mail 8203 ATTN Albert P. Bridges ATTN John R. Hoffman McDonnell Douglas Corporation ATTN Jerry I. Lubell P.O. Box 516 ATTN W. Foster Rich St. Louis, Missouri 63166 ATTN Walter E. Ware ATTN Tom Ender ATTN Technical Library

31 DISTRIBUTION (conti -.ue O

McDonnell Douglas Corporation Northrop Corporation 5301 Bolsa Avenue Electronic Division Huntington Beach, CA 92647 2301 West 120th Street ATTN Stanley Schneider Hawthorne, CA 90250 ATTN Joseph D. Russo McDonnell Douglas Corporation ATTN John M. Reynolds 3855 Lakewood Boulevard ATTN Vincent R. DeMartino Long Beach, CA 90846 ATTN Technical Library, Cl -290/36-84 Palisades Inst for Research Services, Inc. 201 Varick Street Mission Research Corporation New York, NY 10014 735 State Street ATTN Records Supervisor Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ATTN William C. Hart Physics International Company 2700 Merced Street Mission Research Corporation San Leandro, CA 94577 P.O. Box 8693, Station C ATTN Doc Con for Charles H. Stallings Albuquerque, NM 87108 ATTN Doc Con for John H. Huntington ATTN David E. Merewether R & D Associates Mission Research Corporation - San Diego P.O. Box 9695 P.O. Box 1209 Marina Del Rey, CA 90291 La Jolla, CA 92038 ATTN S. Rogers ATTN J. P. Raymond ATTN V. A. J. Van Lint Rand Corporation, The 1700 Main Street Mitre Corporation, The Santa Monica, CA 90406 P.O. Box 208 ATTN Cullen Crain Bedford, MA 01730 ATTN M. E. Fitzgerald Raytheon Company ATTN Library Hartwell Road

Bedford , MA 01 730 National Academy of Sciences ATTN Gajanan H. Joshi Radar Sys Lab ATTN: National Materials Advisory Board 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW Raytheon Company Washington, DC 20418 528 Boston Post Road ATTN R. S. Shane Nat Materials Advsy Sudbury, MA 01776 ATTN Harold L. Flescher New Mexico, University of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Dept RCA Corporation Albuquerque, NM 87131 Government Systems Division ATTN Harold Southward Astro Electronics P.O. Box 800, Locust Corner Northrop Corporation East Windsor Township

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Research Triangle Institute Singer Company (Data Systems), The P.O. Box 12194 150 Totowa Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Wayne, NJ 07470 ATTN Sec Officer for ATTN Tech Info Center ATTN Eng Div Mayrant Simons, Jr. Singer Company, The Rockwell International Corporation ATTN: Security Manager P.O. Box 3105 1150 McBride Avenue Anaheim, CA 92803 Little Falls, MJ 07424 ATTN George C. Messenger FB61 ATTN Irwin Goldman Eng Management ATTN Donald J. Stevens FA70 ATTN K. F. Hull Sperry Flight Systems Division ATTN James E. Bell HAIO Sperry Rand Corporation ATTN N. J. Rudie FA53 P.O. Box 21111 Phoenix, AZ 85036 Rockwell International Corporation ATTN D. Andrew Schow 5701 West Imperial Highway Los Angeles, CA 90009 Sperry Rand Corporation ATTN T. B. Yates Sperry Division Marcus Avenue Rockwell International Corporation Great Neck, NY 11020 Collins Divisions ATTN Charles L. Craig EV 400 Collins Road NE ATTN Paul Maraffino Cedar Rapids, lA 52406 ATTN Mildred A. Blair Sperry Uni vac ATTN Dennis Sutherland Univac Park, P.O. Box 3525 ATTN Alan A. Langenfeld St. Paul, MN 55165 AHN James A. Inda MS 41T25 Sanders Associates, Inc. 95 Canal Street SRI International 333 Ravenswood Avenue Nashua, NH 03050 Menlo Park, CA 94025 ATTN Moe L. Aitel NCA 1-3236 ATTN Philip J. Dolan Science Applications, Inc. ATTN Arthur Lee Whitson P.O. Box 277 SRI International Berkeley, CA 94701 306 Wynn Drive, NW ATTN Frederick M. Tesche Huntsville, AL 35805 ATTN MacPherson Morgan Science Applications, Inc. P.O. Box 2351 Sundstrand Corporation La Jolla, CA 92038 4751 Harrison Avenue ATTN J. Robert Beyster Rockford, IL 61101 ATTN Larry Scott ATTN Curtis B. White

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TRW Defense & Space Sys Group U ited Technologies Corporation One Space Park Homilton Standard Division Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Bradley International Airport ATTN 0. E. Adams Rl-1144 Windsor Locks, CT 06069 ATTN H. H. Holloway Rl-2036 ATTN Raymond G. Giguere ATTN Tech Info Center/S-1930 ATTN R. K. Plebuch Rl-2078 Vought Corporation ATTN Robert Nl. Webb R1-2410 P.O. Box 5907 Dallas, TX 75222 TRW Defense & Space Sys Group ATTN Technical Data Ctr San Bernardino Operations P.O. Box 1310 Westinghouse Electric Corporation San Bernardino, CA 92402 Defense and Electronic Systems Ctr ATTN F. B. Fay P.O. Box 1693 ATTN R. Kit ter Baltimore-Washington Inti Airport Baltimore, MD 21203 ATTN Henry P. Kalapaca MS 3525

3 ^ NBS-t 14A (REV. 1 1-77)

U.S. DEPT. OF COMM. 1. PUBLICATION OR REPORT NO. 2. Gov’t Accession 3. Recipient’s Accession No. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA No. SHEET NBSIR 78-1558

4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. Publication Date

Development of Hydrogen and Hydroxyl Contamination in Thin March 1979 Silicon Dioxide Thermal Films 6. Performing Organization Code

8. Performing Organ. Report No. ^^nt^s^Vlayo and William H. Evans


12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Complete Address (Street, City, State, ZIP) 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Defense Nuclear Agency Final

Washington, DC 20305 14. Sponsoring Agency Code


16. ABSTRACT (A 200‘Word or leaa tactual aummary of moat ai^/tilicant information. It document includes a significant bibliography or literature survey, mention it here.) Hydrogen and hydroxyl incorporation into thin silicon dioxide films thermally grown on silicon in dry oxygen atmospheres contained in resistance-heated fused silica or poly- crystalline silicon tubes is analyzed. The mechanisms leading to incorporation of these impurities in the film are discussed in terms of trace water and hydrocarbon contamina- tion in the oxygen used, room ambient humidity permeation through the fused silica

j tube, the silicon wafer preparation prior to oxidation, and other environment factors.

The most significant reactions occurring the water-s 1 1 ica-s i 1 icon system during wafer oxidation at temperatures in the range from 800°C to 1200®C are discussed. It is shown that, during the oxidation period required to grow a 100-nm thick silicon j

dioxide film on a <100> silicon wafer in nominally dry oxygen containing water con- i tamination in the ppm range, the introduction of hydrogen and hydroxyl contamination into the oxide film can be explained in terms of the water-silica Interaction. The use of polycrystalline silicon oxidation tubes is discussed with reference to the inherent water gettering action of silicon at oxidation temperatures.

17. KEY VORDS (six to twalva antriaa; alphabetical ordert capltaliae only the first letter of the first key nord unless a proper name; separated by aemicolona) Dry oxidation of silicon; hydrogen contamination; hydroxyl contamination; semi- conductor device fabrication; silicon; silicon dioxide; thermal oxidation of silicon.


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