Human CD Molecules

CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand//Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD1a R4, T6, HTA1 49 cortical thy-c, CD1-restricted TCR lipid Ag presentation ß2m, CD8 CD72 Lyb-2 39 B (except plasma), CD5, CD100 B activ and prolif Grb2, SHP1, BLNK CD158e2 KIR3DS1, NKAT10 70 NK, some T HLA-Bw4 activates NK cytotoxicity CDK3 CD268 BAFFR, BR3, 19 B, T sub BAFF B survival and TRAF3, PMPCB, NFκB Langerhans, DC mac, FDC, T sub TNFRSF13c maturation, T activ CD1b R1, T6 45 cortical thy-c, CD1-restricted TCR lipid Ag presentation ß2m, CD8 CD73 Ecto-5'- 70 T sub, B sub, FDC, epi, endo AMP dephosphorylation, β-Actin, Fibronectin CD158f KIR2DL5A NK, some T HLA-B inhibits NK cytotoxicity SHP1, SHP2 CD269 BCMA, TNFRSF17 B, plasma cells BAFF, APRIL plasma cell survival TRAF1-3 Langerhans, DC nucleotidase costim, adh 1, Laminin A CD1c BDCA-1, R7, T6 43 cortical thy-c, CD1-restricted TCR lipid Ag presentation ß2m, CD8 CD74 Ii, invariant chain 33,35,41 B, act T, mac, Langerhans, CD44, MHC class II, MIF intracellular sorting of Cathepsin L, CD1d CD158g KIR2DS5 NK, some T activates NK cytotoxicity CD270 HVEM, HVEA, TR2, T, B, NK, mono/mac, gran, LIGHT, LTα, BTLA, costimulation, inhibition TRAF1, TRAF2, Langerhans, DC, B sub DC, act endo and epi MHC class II, B activ TNFRSF14, ATAR endo, epi, neuron, fibro CD160, Herpes Virus TRAF3, TRAF5 CD1d R3 43-49 intestinal epi, CD1-restricted TCR lipid Ag presentation ß2m lactosamines B sub, T sub, eryth CD22 adh CD158h KIR2DS1 NK, some T HLA-C activates NK cytotoxicity CD271 NGFR (p75), 75 neurons, Schwann NGF, BDNF, NT-3, NT-4 low affinity R for NGF, ERK1, ERK2, Grb2, B sub, DC, iNK CD75 p75NGFR, p75NTR, cells, melanocytes, B, induces apoptosis, PRKACB, SHC, TRAF2, CD1e R4 28 DC (mainly in Golgi) lipid Ag presentation ß2m CD75s CDw76, α2,6- 34, 37, majority B, T sub, CD22 adh CD158i KIR2DS4 50 NK, some T HLA-C activates NK cytotoxicity TNFRSF16 mono, keratinocytes embryogenesis, hair growth TRAF4, TRAF6 sialylated 43, 200 endo, epi sub CD272 BTLA 33 T (upreg upon act), HVEM inhib of T cell function SHP1, SHP2 B, mac, DC CD2 T11, LFA-2, SRBC-R 50 T, thy-c, NK, B sub, CD58, CD59 and CD15 adh, T activ Fyn, Lck, SH3KBP1, lactosamines CD158j KIR2DS2 NK, some T HLA-C activates NK cytotoxicity DAP12 mono sub Sp1, MAD, PTPR-C CD77 Pk Ag, BLA, germinal center B, Shiga Toxin, VT1 induces apoptosis CD273 B7DC, PDL2, PD-L2 25 DC, act mono/mac PD-1 costim, inhib RPL17 T3 20-26 mature T, different Ag complex signaling T activ, regulates CD3/TCR complex CTH, Gb3 high expression on CD158k KIR3DL2 70 NK, some T HLA-A inhibits NK cytotoxicity CD3γ levels on thy-c TCR expression Burkitt's lymphomas CD274 B7H1, PDL1, PD- 40 T, B, NK, DC, mac, epi PD-1 costim, inhib RPL17 T3 21 mature T, diff levels assoc. w/ CD3/ signaling T activation, CD79a Igα, MB1 33, 45 B subunit of BCR Ig/CD5/CD19/CD22/ KIR3DL3, KIRC1 NK, some T inhibits NK cytotoxicity CD158z B7H2, ICOSL, 40 act mono, mac, DC ICOS costim CD3δ on thymocytes TCR complex regulates TCR expression complex, signaling CD79b , Lck, Fyn, CD275 Lyn, Syk, SHP1, BLK CD159a NKG2A 43 NK, some T HLA-E negative reg of NK activ CD94, CD158d, B7RP1, B7h T3 20 mature T, different Ag complex signaling T activ, regulates CD3/TCR complex, CD79b Igβ, B29 36-40 B subunit of BCR; signaling Ig/CD5/CD19/CD22/ SHP1, SHP2 CD276 B7H3, B7RP-2 45, 110 DC, act mono, act T, may play role in CD3ε levels on thy-c TCR expression Syk, ZAP-70, Lck, SHC, CD79a , Lck, Fyn, act B, act NK, epi costim or inhib Grb4, PI3Kα, NCK1 CD159c NKG2C, KLRC2 40 NK, CD8+ T sub HLA-E activates NK cytotoxicity CD94, CD158d, Lyn, FAK, Syk, CD158k, DAP12 CD277 BT3.1, BTN3A1 T, B, NK, mono, DC, endo BT3.1-R T activ CD4 T4, Leu-3, 55 thy-c sub, T helper/ MHC class II, HIV T activ, thymic Lck ZAP70, SHP1, BLK L3T4, W3/25 inducer, Treg, mono/mac gp120, IL-16 differen, HIV-R CD160 BY55 27 NK sub, CTL, IEL HLA-C costim LCK CD80 B7, B7-1, BB1 60 act B, act T, mac, DC CD28, CD152 costim CD278 ICOS 47-57 act T, thy-c sub B7H2 (CD275) T costim CD5 T1, Tp67, Leu-1, Ly-1 67 thy-c, T, B sub, B-CLL CD72 regulates T-B TCR or BCR, Fyn, Lck, interaction, T activ ZAP-70, PKCα, PKCβ1, NKR-P1A 40 most NK, NK-T, LLT1 NK cytotoxicity, induces SHP1 TAPA-1 26 T, B, NK, mono, thy-c, activ, costim, differen CD19, CD21, CD225, CD161 PD1 50-55 act T, act B, thy-c sub CD273, CD274 T tolerance, negative reg TRAF2, RUNX1, PKCγ, PI3Kα, SHP1 CD81 memory T, thy-c immature thy-c prolif CD279 DC, endo, fibro CD315 and CD316, SHC PTPase-6 T12 105-130 thy-c, T, B sub, neuron sub CD166, 3A11 thy-c dev, T activ CD162 PSGL-1 110-120 mono, gran, most CD62P, CD62L, CD62E adh, leuko rolling Syk CD6 CD82 R2, 4F9, C33, Kai1 45-90 leuko, pt, epi, KITENIN Signaling, adh, tumor MHC molecules, T, B, HSC, endo TEM22, ENDO180, 180 fibro, endo, mac, collagen remodeling, uptake and uPAR endothelial, fibro metasis, inhibition CD53, CD37, CD81, CD280 PEN-5 140 NK CD62L uPARAP osteoclasts, osteocytes, degradation of collagen CD7 gp40 40 thy-c, T, NK, myeloid CD7 ligand (K-12) T costim PI3Kα, PI4Kα integrins, EGFR CD162R chondrocytes progenitor CD83 HB15 43 mature DC, act T, act CD83L costim CD281 TLR1 90 mono, mac, DC, lipoproteins regulates TLR2 function TLR2, MyD88 T8, CD8, Leu-2, Ly-2 32-34 thy-c sub, cytotoxic MHC class I coreceptor for MHC class I Lck, KAT B, Langerhans CD163 M130, GHI/61 100 mono, mac hemoglobin/ endocytosis PKCα, CSNK2B keratinocytes CD8a hepatoglobin complex T, NK, DC sub CD84 GR6 72-86 mature B, T sub, mono/ CD84 adh, activ EAT2, SAP CD282 TLR2 86 mono, gran, mac, DC, lipoproteins, glycans innate immune response TLR1, TLR6, RIP2, CD8b CD8, Lyt3 30-32 thy-c sub, cytotoxic T MHC class I coreceptor for MHC class I mac, pt, thy-c CD164 MGC-24, MUC- 80 epi, mono, lympho, adh, HSC homing MYO5B keratinocytes, epi to some bacteria TOLLIP, PI3Kα, 24, Endolyn stromal cells, hemato and mycoplasma H-Ras, MYD88 CD85a LIR-3, ILT5, LILRB3 mono/mac, gran, DC, T sub inhibits NK cytotoxicity MHC class I progenitors p24, MRP-1, 22-27 pt, pre-B, eosino, baso, PSG17 adh and migration, pt activ CD63, CD81, pathogens, signaling CD9 AD2, gp37 42 lympho sub, mono, adh TPST1 DRAP-27 act T, endo, epi, stem CD82, CD315, and ILT8 mono, DC, B, NK, T sub activates NK cytotoxicity FcεRIγ CD165 CD283 TLR3 120 DC, fibro, epi dsRNA innate immune response TRIAD3, MYD88, CD316, PKCα CD85b immature thy-c, to viral pathogens TRAF6, MAP3K7, TAB2 pt, epi, neuron CALLA, NEP, gp100 100 B and T precursors, peptidase, regulates Lyn, SHC, PI3Kα, TLR4 110 mono, mac, endo, epi, LPS innate immune response to MD2, CD14; Syk, CD10 LIR-8, LILRB5 mono, DC, B, NK, T sub activates NK cytotoxicity FcεRIγ CD6, CD166 adh, T activ PTPRZ1 CD284 fibro, neutro B growth PI3Kβ CD85c CD166 ALCAM 100-105 act T, mono, epi, fibro, gran (low), DC (low) gram-negative bacteria BTK, IRAK2, MYD88, neurons, mesenchymal RIP2, TOLLIP, CD11a LFA-1, integrin αL 180 all leuko CD54, CD102, CD50, adh and costim CD18, RANBP9 LIR-2, ILT4, LILRB2 110 mono, DC inhibits NK cytotoxicity MHC class I, SHP1 stem/progenitor cells and CD242 CD85d TRIAD3, MAPK8IP1 CD167a DDR1 52-62 epi, DC, inducible in leuko collagen collagen R Grb4, SHP2, TLR6 90 mono, mac, gran, DC, epi lipoproteins, glycans innate immune response TLR2, CD36, CD11b Mac-1, integrin αM 170 gran, mono/mac, NK, CD54, iC3b and adh, chemotaxis, apoptosis CD18, IRAK1 LIR-4, ILT6, LILRA3 mono, DC, B, NK, T sub activates NK cytotoxicity FcεRIγ PLCγ1, SHC CD286 T sub, B sub, DC ECM , CD242 CD85e to some bacteria and BTK, MyD88 CD167b DDR2 97 fibro, heart, lung fibro migration and mycoplasma pathogens CD11c p150, 95, CR4, 150 mono/mac, NK, gran, iC3b, ECM adh CD18 CD85f LIT11 mono, DC, B, NK, T sub activates NK cytotoxicity proliferation CD288 TLR8 110 mono, mac, DC, ssRNA anti-viral immune response, BTK, MyD88, IRAK4 integrin αX T and B sub, DC CD168 RHAMM 80, 84, 88 mono, T sub, thy-c CD44 hyaluronic acid R, cell adh ERK1 neurons, axons brain dev, hematopoiesis CD11d integrin αD 160 mono/mac, gran, leukocyte migration, CD18 CD85g ILT7 mono, pDC, B, NK, T sub CD317 activates NK cytotoxicity FcεRIγ sub, act lympho CD289 TLR9 110-119 pDC, B, mono CpG DNA innate immune response BTK, TRIAD3, H-Ras, NK, B, T sub cell activation CD169 , 200 tissue mac CD227, CD206, CD43 adh to bacteria or virus, MAPK8IP3, MyD88 CD13 APN, gp150 150-170 gran, mono and their coronavirus, aminopeptidase N, TM4SF1 CD85h LIR-7, ILT1, LILRA2 mono, DC, B, NK, activates NK cytotoxicity FcεRIγ Siglec-1 DC maturation precursors, endo, epi, CMV, L-leucyl-β- adh, coronavirus R T sub, gran Siglec-5 140 mono, mac, neutro, DC ganglioside adh TLR10 90 B, pDC coreceptor with TLR2 TLR1, 2 and 10 DC, fibro, placenta napthylamine CD170 CD290 CD85i LIR-6, LILRA1 mono, DC, T sub activates NK cytotoxicity FcεRIγ CD14 LPS R 53-55 mono, mac, Langerhans, LPS R for complex of LPS and LBP, LTF, TLR2, TLR3, L1CAM, N-CAM 190-220 T sub, B sub, DC, L1, CD56, CD24, adh CSNK2A1, RANBP9 BMPR1A, ALK3 55, 80 mesenchymal cells, epi, BMP2, 4, 7, GDF-5 kinase, hair morphogenesis, TAB1, SMAD4, SMAD6 gran (low) innate immune response TLR4, LBP CD171 CD292 LIR-1, ILT2, LILRB1 110 lympho, mono/ inhibits NK cytotoxicity MHC class I L1, L1 antigen mono, neurons CD9, CD166 bone progenitor, neurons, anti-apoptosis, CD85j chondrocytes, skeletal embryogenesis CD15 Lewis X (Lex), gran, transient in brain CD62E adh, gran activ mac, DC, NK sub SIRPα 110 mono, DC, gran, stem CD47 adh SHP1, SHP2, JAK2 SSEA-1, 3-FAL CD172a muscle, cardiac myocytes LIR-5, ILT3, LILRB4 60 gran, mono/mac, DC inhibits NK cytotoxicity MHC class I, CD85k BMPR1B, ALK6 55, 80 mesenchymal cells, bone BMP2, 4, 7, GDF-5 kinase, regulates PAK1, RhoD, SH3KBP1, CD15s Sialyl Lewis X gran, mono, endo, CD62E adh SHP1, SHP2 SIRPβ, SIRPβ1 90, 60 mono, gran, DC, brain, phagocytosis, cell activ DAP12 CD293 memory helper T, act T CD172b progenitor, chondrocytes, cartilage formation SOCS6, SMAD6, ILT9 NK, T sub, mono/mac, DC, B FcεRIγ kidney, testis and B, NK, HEV, endo CD85l epi, heart, kidney SMAD6, SMAD7 SIRPγ, SIRPβ2 45-55 majority of T, act NK, B sub CD47 cell adh, costim CD15u 3' sulfated Lewis X gran, mono, T sub, CD62P adh CD172g CD294 CRTH2, DP2, GPR44 55-70 Th2 cells, baso, eosino PGD2 regulates immune and TFDP1 B sub, NK, endo CD85m ILT10 T sub, mono/mac, DC, B FcεRIγ inflammatory response, Blood group H 2, eryth, HSC sub, pt induces Th2 cells, eosino 6' sulfated Lewis X gran, mono, T sub, CD62L adh CD173 CD15su blood group O and baso migration B sub, NK, endo CD86 B70, B7-2 80 mono, act B, act CD28, CD152 costim of T activ and prolif T, DC, endo Lewis Y HSC sub, epi LEPR, OB-R 132 hemato cells, heart, leptin regulates fat metabolism, FcγRIIIA, CD16a 50-65 neutro, NK, act aggregated IgG, low affinity Fcγ R, Lck, ZAP-70, SHC CD174 CD295 CD16 uPAR 32-66 gran, mono, NK, T, uPA, vitronectin cell chemotaxis, adh Fyn, Hck, JAK1, TYK2 placenta, liver, proliferative/anti- mono, mac, DC IgG-Ag complex mediates phagocytosis CD87 kidney, pancreas apoptotic T cells and endo, fibro, hepato Tn HSC sub, epi TFRA and ADCC, degranulation CD175 hemato precursors C5aR 43 gran, mono, DC, astrocytes C5a gran activ β-arrestin, C5L2 CD16b FcγRIIIB 48 neutro IgG phagocytosis, ADCC SAP CD88 CD296 ART1 36 neutro, heart, PDGFβ, integrins, transfers ADP-ribose to CD175s Sialyl-TN erythroblasts, endo, epi TFRA skeletal muscle defensin target , regulates CD17 LacCer, mono, pt, B sub, glycolipid metabolism, angiogenesis, CD89 FcαR, IgA R 45-100 mono/mac, gran IgA1, IgA2 phagocytosis, Lyn cellular metabolism lactosylceramide gran, DC, T apoptosis degranulation, T-F Ag HSC sub, eryth, endo TFRA ART4 36 Dombrock+ RBC, metabolism, dombrock respiratory burst CD176 CD297 CD18 β2 integrin 95 leuko ICAMs, ECM adh CD11a, b, c, Syk, mono, mac, baso, endo, blood group antigen FAK, ILK, RACK1, CD90 Thy-1 25-35 HSC, neurons, fibro, CD51/CD61, Mac-1 adh, signaling Fyn, Lck CD177 NB1, HNA-2a 56-64 neutro sub, baso, NK, T intestine, ovary RANBP9, PKCα, stromal cells, HEV sub, mono, mega, endo CD298 ATP1B3 32 broad, highly expressed dimerizes with non-catalytic component of PKCδ, PKCε, PYK2 endo, thy-c CD178 FasL, CD95L, 27-40 act T, testis, DC, CD95 induces apoptosis Fyn, Lck, FADD, in CNS, testis ATPα1, 2 or 3 ATPase coupling exchange of CD19 B4 95 B (not on plasma), FDC BCR coreceptor, signaling CD21, CD81, CD225, CD91 α2M-R, LRP 600 mono, mac, neurons, fibro α2M, LDLs, HSP96, metabolism, phagocytosis, c-Src, Rap, JIP, TNFSF6 tumor cells Daxx, FAF1, c-FLIP. sodium and potassium ions BCR, Fyn, Lyn, Syk, lipoprotein Ag presentation SHC, PRKACA PKCα, SHP1 CD299 DC-SIGNR, L-SIGN 45 endoth of liver and ICAM-3, HIV gp120, T cell trafficking, HCV, BTK, VAV1, VAV2, CD92 CDw92, CTL1 70 neutro, mono, lympho, choline choline transporter CD179a V pre B 16-18 pro- and early pre-B CD179b, Igµ chain early B differen lymph nodes Hepatitis C virus, EBOV and HIV infection PLCγ2,Grb2 endo, epi, fibro, DC ebolavirus CDw93, C1qRp 120 mono, gran, endo, pt, DC C1q phagocytosis, adh RANBP1, ARHGAP15 CD300a CMRF35H, CMRF- 34 mono/mac, neutro, DC, inhib CD20 B1, Bp35, Ly-44 33-37 B, T sub B activ and prolif Fyn, CK2A1, CK2A2 CD93 CD179b λ 5 22 pro- and early pre-B CD179a, Igµ chain early B differen 35-H9, IRp60 NK, mast, T and B sub CD21 CR2, EBV-R, C3dR 145, 110 mature B, FDC, T sub C3d, EBV, CD23 signaling, B activ CD19, CD81, CD94 Kp43 43, 39, 70 NK, NKT, T sub HLA-E CD94/NKG2A inhibits NKG-2, DAP12 CD180 RP105 95-105 B sub, mono, DC LPS LPS recognition and MD-1 CD300b IREM-3 26-32 myeloid cells activ DAP-12, NFAT/AP-1 CD225, BCRp53 NK function, CD94/ signaling, B activ CD22 BL-CAM, Siglec-2 130 B CD22, IgM, CD45RO, adh, signaling Lyn, Syk, SHIP1, NKG2C activates NK CD181 CXCR1, CDw128A, 67-70 neutro, baso, NK, T sub, IL-8, NAP-2, neutro chemotaxis and CD300c CMRF35A, LIR 25 mono/mac, neutro, DC, sialoglyco-conjugate SLP76, Grb2, PI3Kα, CD95 Fas, APO-1 45 mono, neutro, lympho induces apoptosis Fyn, Lck, FADD, Daxx, IL-8RA mono, endo, mast GCP-2, GRO-α activ, neoangiogenesis NK, T and B sub, mast NeuGcα2-6Galβ1- PLCγ1, SHP1 (upreg upon activ), fibro (CD95L, CD178) RIP, FAF1, PKCα, SHP1 CD182 CXCR2, CDw128B, 67-70 neutro, baso, NK, T sub, IL-8, GRO-α, β, γ, neutro chemotaxis and CD300d CD300ld myeloid cells (intro) 4GlcNAc, CD75 CD96 TACTILE 160 NK and T (upreg CD155 adh IL-8RB mono, endo, mast GCP-2, NAP-2, ENA-78 activ, neoangiogenesis, upon activ) CD23 FcεRII, BLAST-2 45 B (upreg upon activ), IgE, CD21, CD11b, CD11c low affinity R for IgE, Fyn hematopoiesis CD300e CMRF35L1, mono/mac, DC sub activ DAP-12 act mac, eosino, FDC, allergic response, activ CD97 EMR1 28, 74-85 gran, mono, low on CD55, chondroitin neutro migration, adh CD183 CXCR3 40 T sub, B, NK, mono/mac, CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11 T chemotaxis IREM2, CLM-2 pt, intestinal epi lympho (upreg upon sulfates proliferating endo IREM-1, CD300lf mono, gran, DC SHP-1, SHP-2 inhib CD24 BA-1, HAS 35-45 B, gran, epi, mono, T sub CD62P, CD24 cell prolif and differen Fgr, Lyn activ), mac, DC CD184 CXCR4, Fusin, 45 T sub, B sub, DC, HIV-1, SDF-1(CXCL12) cell migration, hemato FAK, Jak2, Jak3, CD300f CD98 4F2, FRP-1, RL-388 80, 45 mono, lympho and NK CD29, CD147, activ, adh actin, EGFR LESTR mono, endo, HSC progenitor cell STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, CD25 Tac, p55, IL-2Rα 55 act T, B, and mono; IL-2 IL-2R α chain, w/ β CD122, CD132, STAT3, (upreg upon activ), gran, tropomyosin, actin homing, HIV-1 entry STAT5B, SOCS1 CD300g CD300lg, endo cell migration DC sub, Treg and γ chains to form NFkB1, STAT5b some non-hemato CD185 CXCR5, BLR1 42 B, T sub, act T, neurons CXCL13 cell migration nepmucin high affinity IL-2R CD99 MIC2, E2 32 lympho, NK, mono, A leuko migration, activ, adh CD300h mono, mDC CD26 Dipeptidyl 110 mature thy-c, T adenosine deaminase, exoprotease, HIV ADA, CD4, FAP gran, endo, epi, CXCR6, Bonzo, 39 T sub (Th1), B sub, NK sub CXCL16, HIV-1, SIV T recruitment, HIV-1 peptidase IV (upreg upon activ), B collagen pathogenesis, costim some tumor cells CD186 CDw186 coreceptor MGL1, CLECSF14 42 mac, immature DC carbohydrate with cell adh, mac migration, (DPP IV) sub, NK, mac, epi CD301 CD99R E2 32 T, NK, myeloid cells isoform of CD99 CD191 CCR1 42 mono/mac, lympho, CCL3, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 23 leuko chemotaxis Jak1, STAT1, STAT3 Gal/GalNAc structure cellular recognition T14, S152, TNFRSF7 50-55 T, medullary thy-c, CD70 costim TRAF2, TRAF3, DC, stem CD27 DCL1 30 mono/mac, DC B sub, NK TRAF5, Siva CD100 SEMA4D 150 leuko, oligodendrocytes CD45, CD72, plexin B monocyte migration, T, CD192 CCR2 38 mono, B, act T, DC CCL2, 7, 8, 12, leuko chemotaxis, Jak2 CD302 Tp44, T44 44 most T, thy-c, plasma, NK CD80 (B7-1), CD86 (B7-2) costim ITK, Grb2, PI3Kα, B activ, angiogenesis, 13, 16, HIV-1 HIV-1 coreceptor CD28 anti-apoptosis BDCA2 38 plasmacytoid DC Ag capture, inhib of PI3Kβ, PI3Kγ, PLC-γ1 CCR3 45 eosino, baso, T sub, DC, CCL3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, leuko chemotaxis, Fgr, Hck CD303 CD193 α/β production integrin β1, gpIIa 130 T, B, mono, gran (low), VCAM-1, MAdCAM- adh, activ, embryogenesis integrin α chains, CD101 V7, p126, IGSF2 120 mono, gran, DC, act T activ and prolif microglia, mast, epi 14, 15, 24, 26, HIV-1 HIV-1 coreceptor CD29 T, Langerhans pt, mast, fibro, endo, NK 1, ECM PKCα, PKCε, RACK1, CD194 CCR4 63 T sub, thy-c, skin T, DC CCL17, CCL22 T chemotaxis, T CD304 BDCA4, 103 DC, T, neurons, endo VEGF165, SEMA3A, angiogenesis, DC-T cell SEMA3A, B, C, F, G FAK, 14-3-3b, ILK, CD102 ICAM-2 55-65 lympho, mono, pt, endo LFA-1, Mac-1 adh, costim, lympho Moesin homing to skin -1, NRP1 complexed with interaction, neuritogenesis RhoGAP5, PIK4α recirculation plexin-1 HML-1, αE 150,25 IEL, some peripheral blood E-cadherin lympho retention, activ β7 integrin CD195 CCR5 45 mono/mac, T sub, DC HIV-1, CCL3, CCL4, CCL5 lympho chemotaxis, Lck, FAK, Jak1, Jak2, LAIR1 31 T, B, NK, DC, mono/mac Ep-CAM (CD326) inhibits cellular activation Csk, SHP2 CD30 Ki-1, Ber-H2, 105 act T, act B, mono, act NK, CD153 lympho prolif and death ALK, TRAF1, TRAF2, CD103 HIV infection STAT1, STAT3, STAT5B CD305 TNFRSF8 Reed-Sternberg cells TRAF3, TRAF5 integrin, aIEL lympho, act lympho and inflammation β4 integrin, 205 epi, endo, Schwann laminins, plectin cell adh, migration, CD49f, Fyn, c-Yes, CD196 CCR6 40 memory T, B, DC, CCL20, β-defensin cell migration, HIV-1 DCTN1, PCNT CD31 PECAM-1, endocam 130-140 mono, pt, gran, CD31, CD38 adh Lck, Fyn, c-Src, CD104 Langerhans, NK coreceptor, Th17 dev CD306 LAIR2 16 T, mono Ep-CAM (CD326) inhibits cellular activation endo, lympho sub Hck, c-Yes, Csk, TSP-180 cells, keratinocytes tumor metastasis FAK, Grb2, PKCα, and inflammation CCR7, EBI-1, 45 T sub, DC, B sub CCL21, CCL19 T lympho adh, thy-c PI3Kα, PLC-γ1 PKCδ, 14-3-3τβ, CD197 14-3-3τ BLR-2, CMKBR7 migration CD307a FCRL1, FCRH, 55 B B cell activation, B IFGP1, IRTA5 development CD32 FcγRII 40 B, mono/mac, gran, aggregated IgG, B dev and activ, phagocytosis Fyn, Hck, Lyn, Syk, CD105 90 endo, mesenchymal stem, TGF-β1, TGF-β3 adh, angiogenesis, TGF-β RI, TGF-β RII CDw198 CCR8 40 mono, T sub, DC, HUVEC CCL1, vCCL1 cell migration, HIV-1 DC, pt, endo phosphatases and mediators release, ADCC LAT, BLK, SHC erythroid precursors, modulates cellular coreceptor CD307b FCRL2, SPAP1, B p67, Siglec-3 67 mono, gran, mast, certain sialic acids- lectin activity for sugar c-Src, SHP1, SHP2 act mono, mac response to TGF-β1 FCRH2, IFGP4, CD33 CDw199 CCR9 43 thy-c, IEL, melanoma cells CCL25 cell migration, HIV-1 IRTA4 myeloid progenitors linked carbohydrates chains containing CD106 VCAM-1, INCAM- 110 act endo, FDC, CD49d/CD29, α9/ leuko adh, transmigration Moesin, Ezrin coreceptor sialic acid, adh 110, V-CAM mesenchymal stem, β1 integrin and costim CD307c FCRL3, IFGP3, B, subset Treg CD200 OX2 45-50 thy-c, B, act T, OX2R inhibits myeloid cell IRTA3, SPAP2 CD34 gp105-120, 105-120 HSC and progenitors, endo L- adh PKCδ, CRKL stromal cells endo, keratinocyte function, mac activ Mucosialin CD107a LAMP-1 100-120 act pt, act T, act endo, possible role in cell adh sub, nerve clls CD307d FCRL4, FCRH4, 57 subset B inhibition SHP-1, SHP-2 act gran, act NK IGFP2, IRTA1 EPC-R 50 endo, HSC C protein C activ CD35 CR1, C3b/C4b-R 190-280 eryth, B, mono, neutro, C3b, C4b, iC3, iC4 adh, phagocytosis CD55 LAMP-2 100-120 act pt, act T, act endo possible role in cell adh CD201 CD307e FCRL5, BXMAS1, 106 plasma cell, Germinal IgG, IgA (weak) inhibition eosino, FDC, T sub CD107b FCRH5, IRTA2, Center B CD202b Tie2 (Tek) 145 endo, stem sub angiopoietin angiogenesis, hematopoiesis Fyn, Grb2, Lck, CD307 CD108 SEMA7A, JMH 80 act T, eryth CD232 negative reg of T Plexin C1 Lyn, TEK, SOCS1, CD36 GPIV, gpIIIb 85 pt, mono/mac, endo, oxidized LDL, scavenger R, adh and Fyn, Lyn, c-Yes, c-Src function, axon growth CD309 VEGFR2, KDR 195/235 endo, primitive stem, VEGF-A, E, C and D angiogenesis Fyn, c-Yes, c-Src, erythroid precursors thrombospondin, phagocytosis STAT5A, STAT5B some tumor cells Grb2, Grb10, NCK1, collagen CD109 8A3, 7D1, E123 170 act T, act pt, HSC, TGF-β negative regulation E-NPP3, PD-1b, 130150 baso, mast, mega, nucleotides clearance of extracellular P2RY2 Cbl, STAT1 mesenchymal stem, endo CD203c CD37 gp 52-40 40-52 mature B, low on T, CD53, CD81, CD82, adh, signaling PDNP3, B10 tumor tissue nucleotides CD312 EMR2 90 mac, act mono, chondroitin sulfates, involved in immune and gran, mono, DC MHC class II CD110 MPL, TPO-R 85-92 HSC and progenitors, thrombopoietin TPO R, mega dev, IRS2, SHC, SHP2, CD204 MSR 220 mac LDL, LPS, lipoproteins LDL uptake, host defense HSP70 DC, liver, lung glycosaminoglycan, inflammatory response mega, pt, endo sub hematopoiesis SOCS1, JAK2 CD55 NKG2D 42 NK, CD8+ T sub, γ/δ T, mac MICA, MICB, ULBP-1,2,3 NK activ DAP10, DAP12 CD38 T10, ADP-ribosyl 42 variable levels on CD31 cell activ, prolif and adh Lck CD111 PRR1, Nectin- 75 stem sub, neurons, nectin-3, Afadin, homophilic and AF6, PARD3 CD205 DEC-205 205 DC, thymic epi, BM endocytosis, Ag presentation CD314 cyclase majority of hemato 1, PVRL1 endo, epi, fibro HSVgD intercellular adh, HSV R stromal, low on T, and some non-hemato B, NK and mono CD315 CD9P-1, FPRP, 135 mega, hepato, epi, endo, CD9 and CD81 cells, high on plasma CD112 PRR2, Nectin- 72, 64 mono, neutro, sub of CD226, Nectin- adh AF6 EWI-F weak on B and mono 2, HveB CD34+ cells, endo, epi 3, Afadin MMR 175 mac, mono, inflammatory mannosylated Ag endocytosis CHK2 CD206 EWI-2, PGRL 62-78 T, B, NK, hepato inhibits tumor cell metastsis CD9, CD81, and Entpd1, NTPDase-1 78 mac, Langerhans, DC, ADP/ATP ATP and ADP degradation, dendritic epidermal cells CD316 CD39 CD113 PVRL3, Nectin-3, 83 epi, testis, placenta, liver nectin-1, nectin-2, PVR adh AF6 KAI1/CD82 act B, NK, microglia, modulates pt activ, PRR3, CDw113 40 Langerhans, DC Ag recognition and uptake endo, Treg immune response CD207 CD317 BST2, 29-33 plasma cells, act anti-, may play a GATA1 G-CSFR, CSF-3R 130/100 myeloid progenitor cells, G-CSF myeloid cell differen Lck, Lyn, Hck, T, mono, gran, role in pre-B cell growth Bp50, TNFRSF5 45-48 B, mono/mac, DC, endo, CD154 costim, differen and JAK3, PI3Kα, TRAF1-3, CD114 CD40 endo, trophoblastic cells Syk, Grb2, SHIP1, DC-LAMP 70-90 act DC, type II lymphoplasmacytoid cells, fibro, epi, keratinocytes isotype-switching TRAF5-6, Ku80 CD208 Jak1, Jak2 pneumocytes stromal cells, fibro, pDC

CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions IntracellularInteraction CD41 gpIIb, αIIb integrin 120/23 pt, mega fibrinogen, pt activ and aggregation CD61 CD115 M-CSFR, c-fms, 150 mono, mac, monocytic M-CSF monocytic cell survival, Fyn, c-Yes, Lyn, CD209 DC-SIGN 44 DC sub mannose Ag endocytosis and CD318 CDCP1, SIMA135 80/140 HSC, epi, some tumor cells adh c-Src, PKCδ dimer fibronectin, vWF and CSF-1R, FMS progenitors, neurons, prolif, and differen Cbl, Grb2, RasGAP, glycoproteins, degradation, attachment of thrombospondin osteoclasts SHIP1, SHIP2 HHV-8, measles virus, HIV and some other viruses CD319 CRACC, CS1 66 NK, most T, act B, CD319 activates NK CD42a gpIX 17-22 pt, mega vWF and thrombin pt adh and activ CD42b, c and d CD116 GM-CSFRα 80 mono/mac, gran, GM-CSF myeloid and DC differen CDw131, Lyn, Hepatitis C virus, mature DC cytotoxicity, adh DC, endo, fibro IKKα, IKKβ ICAM-2, ICAM-3, HIV CD320 8D6, NG29 FDC stimulates B growth gpIbα 145 pt, mega vWF and thrombin pt adh and activ CD42a, c and d, Grb2 c-, SCFR 145 HSC and progenitors, SCF (c-kit ligand) signaling, crucial for HSC, Lck, Fyn, Lyn, c-Src, CD210a IL-10R, IL-10R1, 90-110 T, B, NK, mono/mac, IL-10 R for IL-10 JAK1, STAT3, SOCS3 CD42b CD117 IL-10Ra thy-c (low), act neutro mast cells, melanocytes, gonadal and pigment stem c-Yes, HCK, Tec, BTK CD321 JAM1, JAM, 35-40 epi, endo, leuko, pt, eryth, PAR3, LFA-1, reovirus cell adh, leuko migration, PKCα, CSNK2A1, CD42c gpIbβ 24 pt, mega vWF and thrombin pt adh and activ CD42a, b and d, hepatocytes cell growth and dev CD210b IL-10R2, CRF2- 105 T, B, NK, mono, DC, assoc w/IL-10R1, signaling JAK1 JAM-A, F11R lung, placenta, kidney epithelial barrier CASK, PTPB 14-3-3 ζ, PKACA LIFR, gp190 190 mono, fibro, embryonic LIF, OSM, CNTF, CT1 LIF R, cell differen, prolif CD130, PLC-γ1, 4, IL-10Rb liver, neutrophils IL-22R1, IL-20R1, maintenance, pt activ CD118 IL-28R1, IL-29R1 CD42d gpV 82 pt, mega vWF and thrombin, pt adh and activ CD42a, b and stem, liver, placenta SHP1, SHP2, ERK2 CD322 JAM2, VE-JAM 48 endo, HEV in tonsils, heart PAR-3, α4β1 integrin, cell adh, lympho homing complexed with c, 14-3-3 ζ CD119 IFNγR, IFNγRα, 90-100 lympho, NK, mono/mac, IFN-γ w/ IFNγAF-1, involved Jak1, Jak2, SOCS1, CD212 IL-12Rβ1 110 act T, NK, mac IL-12, IL-23 R for IL-12 and IL-23 IL-12Rβ2, IL-23R, JAM3, JAM-2 CD42a,b and c CDw119 gran, endo, epi, fibro in host defense and STAT1, SHP2 STAT4 CD323 JAM3 43 endo, epi, smooth JAM2, JAM3, adhesion, angiogenesis CD43 sialophorin, 115-135 leuko, except resting CD54, CD62E, CD169 adh and anti-adh Fyn immunopathological process CD213a1 IL-13Rα1 65 B, mono, mast, fibro, endo IL-13 R for IL-13, signaling TYK2, STAT6, muscle, nerve, pt integrin β2 leukosialin, gpL115 B, pt (low) CD120a TNFR-I, p55 50-60 low level on leuko and TNF-α and TNF-β cell differen, apoptosis, FAK, Jak1, Jak2, JAK1, SOCS1, 3 CD324 E-Cadherin, CDH1 120 epi, keratinocytes, CD103, E-cadherin, PS1, cell-cell, cell-matrix adh; GSK3β, CSNK2A1, CD44 H-CAM, Pgp-1, 85 hemato and non-hemato hyaluronan leuko rolling, homing, Csk, Fyn, Lck, most non-hemato cells necrosis; anti-bacterial, SHP1, SHP2, STAT1, CD213a2 IL-13Rα2 65 B, mono, epi IL-13, HSV R for IL-13 TYK2, STAT6, trophoblasts, pt catenins, internalin tumor suppression; cell RICS, IRS1 EMCR III, CD44s cells, except pt and aggregation Rho, PKN viral and parasitic infection TRAF1, TRAF2 JAK1, SOCS1, 4 growth and differen CD44R CD44v 85-250 heterogeneous with hyaluronan leuko rolling, homing, CD120b TNFR-II, p80 75-85 leuko and non- TNF-α and TNF-β cell differen, apoptosis, CK1, STAT1, TRAF1-3 CD215 IL-15Rα act mono, sub T and NK IL-15 survival, proliferation, CD122, CD132, CD325 N-Cadherin, 130 neurons, skeletal and N-cadherin, cell-cell, cell-matrix adh; PI3Kα, RICS different isoforms, and aggregation hemato cells necrosis; anti-bacterial, differentiation TRAF2, TRAF5 CDH2 CDw325 cardiac myocytes, fibro, catenins, FGFR, PS1 cell growth and differen constitutively expressed viral and parasitic infection CD217 IL-17R, CDw217 128 B, NK, fibro, epi, T, IL-17 R for IL-17 TRAF6 epi, pancreas, liver on epi, mono, upreg IL-1R type I, IL-1RI 80 low level on fibro, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-1RA w/ IL-1R AcP, mediates MyD88, IRAK2 mono/mac, gran CD326 Ep-CAM, MK-1, 40 epi, low on thy-c LAIR-1, LAIR-2, Ep-CAM inhibits cellular activ Claudin 7, TACC1 CD121a KSA, EGP40, TROP1 and T, tumor cells and inflammation on act leuko lympho, mono/mac, gran, IL-1 signaling CD218a IL18Rα, IL-1Rrp1, 60-100 T sub (Th1), B sub, NK, IL-18 binds IL-18, signaling CD218b, NFκB, LCA, T200 180-240 hemato cells, except galectin-1 activ, signaling CD2, CD3, CD4 and DC, epi, neural cells IL-18R mono, gran, endo, DC MAPK8, 9 CD327 Siglec-6, OB-BP-1, B, placenta leptin, sialyl-Tn adh CD45 CD33L1, CDw327 trophoblasts, gran eryth and pt CD45AP, Fyn, Lck, CD121b IL-1R type II, IL-1RII 60-70 B, mono/mac, some IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-1RA mediates negative signaling CD218b IL18Rβ, IL-1RcPL, 64-66 NK, T sub, mono, endo, DC signaling CD218a, NFκB, Lyn, RasGAP, SHP-1, T, keratinocytes CDw218b MAPK8, 9 CD328 Siglec-7, p75/AIRM 65-75 NK, T sub, mono, gran GD3, LSTb inhibits NK and T activity Grb2, SHP2, TRAF4 SLP76, Grb2 CD122 IL-2Rβ 75 NK, T, B, mono IL-2, IL-15 IL-2 and IL-15 R β CD25, CD132, Lck, CD220 Insulin R 140, 70 leuko, fibro, endo, epi insulin R for insulin, metabolism c-Src, Csk, Cbl, CD45RA 205-220 B, T sub (naive T), mono, isoform of CD45 activ, signaling chain, signaling JAK1, JAK3, STAT1, FAK, JAK1, JAK2, CD329 Siglec-9 mono; sub of NK, B, T GD1a, LSTc inhibits immune response medullary thy-c containing the A exon STAT3, STAT5A, STAT5A, STAT5B and neutro; hepato, STAT5B, SOCS1 CD45RB 190-220 T sub, B, mono, mac, isoform of CD45 activ, signaling CD221 IGF-IR 135 leuko and variety of insulin, IGF-I, IGF-II signaling, cell prolif/ differen c-Src, ASK1, CRK, myeloid leukemia gran, DC, NK containing the B exon CD123 IL-3Rα 70 baso, eosino, hemato IL-3 IL-3 R α chain CD131, Vav1, Tec, CISH non-hemato cells Csk, Jak1, Jak2, CD331 FGFR1, FLG, 60, 110- broad, epi, endo, fibro, aFGF, bFGF, K-FGF cell growth, limb dev CRK, Grb2, Grb4, 220 B, NK, CD8+ T, sub of isoform of CD45 activ, signaling progenitors, mac, DC, CRKL, STAT3 FLT2, N-SAM 160 mesenchymal, cardiac Grb14, PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, CD45RC endo, small sub of myocytes, fetal tissue PLCγ1, SOS1 CD4+ T, medullary containing the C exon M6P-R, IGF-IIR 230, 250 lympho, mono, gran, plasminogen, activates latent TGF-β, CD87 thy-c, mono, DC lympho, mast, mega CD222 CD332 FGFR2, BEK, K-SAM 135 brain, liver, prostate, aFGF, bFGF, limb induction, Lyn, Fyn, Cbl, PLCγ1, fibro, myocytes, proliferin, LAP, IGFII, cell adh, migration, kidney, lung, spinal K-FGF, FGF-6 craniofacial dev PAK1, PTK2B UCHL-1 180 act T and memory T, B isoform of CD45 activ, signaling CD124 IL-4Rα 140 low level on lympho IL-4, IL-13 w/ CD132 or IL-13Rα chain, CD132, CD213a, SHC, embryonic tissue M6P, LIF, HSV angiogenesis CD45RO and their progenitors, R for IL-4 and IL-13 SHP1, SHP2, RACK1, cord, fetal tissues sub, act mono, mac, gran, containing none of the LAG-3 70 act T, act NK MHC class II negative reg of T expansion CBF, CENP-J mono, endo, epi, fibro SHIP, JAK1, IRS1, IRS2 CD223 FGFR3, ACH 115-135 brain, kidney, testis aFGF limb induction, Grb2, PTK2B, cortical thy-c, DC sub A, B and C exons, CD22 and homeostasis CD333 IL-5Rα, CDw125 60 eosino, baso, act B, mast IL-5 w/ CD131, R for IL-5 CD131, JAK1, JAK2 in adult, small craniofacial dev STAT1, STAT3 CD46 MCP 64-68 leuko, pt, endo, epi, C3b, C4b, measles co-factor for factor I, c-Yes, c-Src CD125 CD224 γ-glutamyl 27, 62-68 T sub, B sub, mac, endo, glutathione, inhibits apoptosis, CD19, CD21, CD37, intestine in fetus placental trophoblasts, virus, factor I C' activ, fertilization, transpeptidase, HSC, renal tubular leukotriene C4, cellular detoxification and CD53, CD81, CD82 CD334 FGFR4, TKF 88-110 liver, kidney, lung, aFGF, FGF19 bone and muscle dev, cancer PLCγ1, STAT1, STAT3 sperm and variety R for measles virus CD126 IL-6Rα 80 act B and plasma, T, IL-6 binds IL-6, then w/ CD130, c-Src, STAT3, GGT cells, pancreas glutathione leukotriene biosynthesis pancreas, lympho, mac progression/metastasis of tumor cells mono, gran, epi, fibro signaling subunit CD130 WWP1, WWP2 S-conjugates CD335 NKp46, NCR1 46 NK viral hemagglutinins, NK activ CD47 IAP 50-55 hemato cells, epi, CD172a, CD172g adh, activ, apoptosis FAK, BNIP3 CD127 IL-7R, IL-7Rα 65-90 B precursors, majority IL-7 IL-7 R α chain CD132, Fyn, Lyn, CD225 Leu-13 17 leuko, endo lympho activ and dev CD81, CD19, CD21 heparan sulfate endo, fibro, brain, of T, thy-c JAK1, PTK2B proteoglycans mesenchymal cells CD129 IL-9R 57 mast, mac, act gran, IL-9 w/ CD132, IL-9 receptor CD132, 14-3-3 ζ, JAK1 CD226 DNAM-1, PTA-1, 65 T sub, NK, mono, pt, B CD155, CD112 costim, adh LFA-1, Fyn CD336 NKp44, NCR2 44 act NK viral hemagglutinins NK activ DAP12 CD48 Blast-1, BCM1, 45 leuko CD244, CD2 (low) adh, costim Lck thy-c, erythroid and TLiSA1 sub, thy-c, act HUVEC myeloid progenitors Sgp-60, SLAMF2 CD227 MUC-1, EMA, 300 epi, stem sub, CD54, CD169, cell adh and signaling Lck, c-Src, ZAP70, CD337 NKp30, NCR3 30 NK heparan sulfate NK activ VLA-1α, α1 integrin 200 act T, mono, melanoma collagen, laminin-1 adh, embryo dev CD29, Martilin 1, CD130 gp130 130-140 T, act B, plasma, mono, transducing biological CD126, IL-11R, LIF-R, mucin 1 mono, act T, DC Grb2, SOS1 proteoglycans CD49a endo, mast, epi activities of IL-6, IL-11, LIF, OSMRb, TYK2, Vav1, cells, endo ABCG2, ABCP, 72 liver, kidney, intestine, some xenobiotics absorption and excretion CNF and Oncostatin M SHP1, SHP2, JAK1, CD228 MTf, p97 80-97 melanoma cells, epi, brain, iron Fe transport PLG CD338 VLA-2α, gpIa, 160 pt, NK sub, B, mono, act collagen, echovirus 1 adh, pt aggregation, CD29, CD9, Perlecan MXR, BCRP, Brcp1 lung, endo, melanoma, of certain xenobiotics CD49b JAK3, SOCS3, STAT3 skeletal and heart muscle α2 integrin T, epi, endo, mega R for echovirus 1 placenta, side population IL-3Rβ, common 120-140 mono, gran, early B, signaling for IL-3R, CD123, CD125, CD229 Ly-9, SLAMF3 100, 120 T, B, thy-c, DC, NK CD229 adh, costim SH2D1A, EAT2 CD49c VLA-3α, α3 125 most adh cell lines, collagen, laminin-5, adh, signaling CD29, CD9, Galectin 8 CD131 of stem, certain drug integrin low on B and T fibronectin β chain, CDw131 HSC, endo, fibro IL-5R and GM-CSFR, cell CD116, Lck, Syk, resistant tumors activ and growth Lyn, Fyn, JAK1, CD230 Prion protein, PrP 35 hemato and non- prevents cells from BIP, Grb2 VLA-4α, α4 150 T, B, thy-c, mono, eosino, VCAM-1, MAdCAM-1, adh, cell migration, CD29, β7 integrin, hemato cells, neurons apoptosis, stem cell renewal CD339 Jagged-1, Jag1 134 BM stromal, thymic epi, Notch1, 2, and 3 cell-fate decisions CD49d JAK2, STAT1, STAT3 endo, Schwann cells, in hematopoiesis, integrin baso, NK, mast, DC, fibronectin, CD242 homing and activ PRKACA, HIC5 TALLA-1, A15 28-45 T-ALL and neuroblastoma erythroblastic precursors CD132 common γ 64-70 T, B, NK, mono/ signaling CD25, CD122, CD124, CD231 keratinocytes, ovary, cardiovascular dev chain, IL-2Rγ mac, gran, DC CD127, CD129, IL15Rα, cells, neurons VLA-5α, α5 135, 25 thy-c, T, mono, pt, early fibronectin, invasin adh, cell survival CD29, RhoGAP5 prostate, pancreas, CD49e JAK1, JAK3, SHB, VESP-R 200 B, mono, gran, CDw108, poxvirus A39R cell differen and migration integrin and act B, endo, epi and apoptosis CD232 placenta, heart SHC, STAT1, STAT5A NK, act T, DC Her-2, Neu, erb-B2 185 epi, endo, keratinocytes, gp30 cell growth and differen, VLA-6α, α6 125 memory T, thy-c, mono, laminins, invasin adh, cell migration, CD29, CD104, Fyn, CD340 CD49f CD133 AC133, Prominin-1 120 HSC sub, epi and Band3 95-110 eryth, kidney anion exchanger Lyn, Syk CD34+ stem sub, fetal tumor cell metastasis integrin pt, mega, epi, endo, embryogenesis SHC, PKCδ, Grb2 endo precursors, CD233 mesodermal and cytotrophoblasts neural precursors extraembryonic tissues, ICAM-3 120-140 leuko, thy-c, CD11a/CD18 adh and costim PKCθ CD234 DARC, Fy, Duffy 35-45 eryth, endo, neurons, CXCL1, 5, 8; CCL2, 5, chemokine decoy R, FUZ CD50 OX-40, TNFRSF4 48-50 act T, Treg CD134 ligand T activ, prolif, differen, TRAF1-5, Siva epi, cerebellum 7, malaria parasite malarial parasite R over-expressed on Langerhans, endo CD134 many malignant cells and apoptosis; cell adh 36 eryth hepatitis A virus, parasite R, cell aggregation vitronectin R, 125, 24 pt, act T, endo, fibrinogen, adh, signal transd integrin β1, β3, β5, CD235a Frizzled-4, FZD4, 48-53 epi, endo, mesenchymal, Norrin, Wnt proteins cell prolif and differen, PLC-γ1, STAT1, STAT3 CD51 Flt3/Flk2, STK-1 155, 160 HSC, myelomonocytic, and flt3 ligand R tyrosine kinase, hemato SHC, NICK1, Grb2, babesia, P. falciparum CD344 integrin αV dimer osteoblasts, melanoma thrombospondin, β6 or β8, Fyn, FAK CD135 EVR1, FEVR myeloid progenitors, embryonic dev, retinal primitive B progenitors, progenitors growth SHP1, FLT3, SOCS1 Glycophorin A/B 20 eryth hepatitis A virus, parasite R, cell aggregation cells, mega, endo vWF, CD242 thy-c sub, pDC CD235ab neuronal progenitors, angiogenesis babesia, P. falciparum intestinal neurons CAMPATH-1, HE5 25-29 thy-c, lympho, mono/ costim, MSP-R, RON, 150, 40 mac, epi, some hemato MSP, HGFI induction of migration, c-Src, c-Yes, PI3Kα, CD52 CD136 Glycophorin B 20 eryth babesia, P. falciparum parasite R, cell aggregation Frizzled-9, FZD9, 64 mesenchymal stem, neural Wnt-2, Wnt-7a B dev, hippocampal dev, mac, epi, sperm, mast are useful for lysis of CDw136 and carcinoma cell lines morphological change and PLCγ1, Grb2, 14-3-3 CD235b CD349 FZD3, FZ9 precursor, mammary epi, tissue morphogenesis target cells, costim prolif, anti-apoptosis proteins (β, ε, σ, adult brain, fetal brain, CD53 OX-44 32-42 leuko, DC, osteoblasts, VLA-4, MHC class II signal transduction CD9, CD81, CD82 ζ, θ, η), JAK2 CD236 /D 30-40 eryth, stem sub Gerbich Antigen osteoclasts testis, kidney, eye and 4-1BB, TNFRSF9 39 act T, FDC, mono, act B, epi 4-1BB ligand costim, T activ, survival, TRAF 1-3 pancreas, some tumors ICAM-1 90-95 endo, epi, mono, low CD11a/CD18, CD11b/ extravasation of leuko Moesin, Ezrin CD137 Glycophorin C 40 eryth, stem sub P. falciparum BAEBL Gerbich Antigen CD54 DC development CD236R Frizzled-10, 65 brain, embryo, kidney, Wnt7b dev of limb, nervous system on resting lympho CD18, Rhinovirus, CD43 from blood vessels, CD350 syndecan-1 85-92 plasma, pre-B, epi, neural extracellular adh, cell growth CASK FZD10, FZ10 liver, pancreas, placenta, (upreg upon activ) regulates T activ CD138 cells, breast cancer cells matrix, FGF CD238 B-CAM 90 eryth, fibro, laminin α5 eryth differen and trafficking mammary and lung inducible in epi CD55 DAF 60-70 hemato and non- C3b, C4b, CD97, C' activ, ligand or Fyn, Lck 209, 228 B, mono, gran, DC, eryth epi, some tumors hemato cells Coxsackie virus, protective molecule in CD139 Rh30CE 30-32 eryth Fca/uR 58 B, DC, mono, T weak IgM, IgA antigen presentation? Echovirus fertilization, signal transd CD239 CD351 PDGF-Rα 180 fibro, mesenchymal PDGF-A, PDGF- cell prolif, differen, PLCγ1, CRK, Grb2, NCAM, Leu- 175-220 neural tissue, NK, , NCAM, heparin sulfate homophilic and Fyn, FAK CD140a CD56 cells, pt, glial cells B, PDGF-C and survival STAT1, STAT3, STAT5A, Rh30D, RhD 30-32 eryth SLAMF6, NTB-A, 60 NK cells, B cells, T cells CD352 costimulation, activation EAT-2, SAP 19, NKH-1 NKT, T sub, small-cell heterophilic adh CD240CE CD352 and chondrocytes STAT5B, JAK1, CD140b KAL1, Ly108 lung carcinomas PDGF-Rβ 180 fibro, mesenchymal PDGF-B, PDGF-D cell prolif, differen, CD140a Rh30D/CE 30 eryth SLAMF8, BLAME, macrophage, DC, B regulation macrophage HNK-1, Leu-7 110 NK sub, NKT, T sub, CD62L, CD62P adh CD140b CD240D CD353 CD57 cells, pt, glial cells and survival SBBI42 function some B cell lines and chondrocytes CD241 Rhesus 50 50 eryth Rh antigens complex with CD354 TREM-1 30 monocytes, granulocytes activation, costimulation DAP-12 CD58 LFA-3 55-70 leuko, eryth, epi, CD2 adh, costim CD141 105 mono, neutro, pt, endo thrombin initiation of protein C CD47, LW, glycophorin B endo, fibro ICAM-4 37-43 eryth CD11a, b; CD18; adh, LW blood group anti-coagulant pathway CD242 CRTAM activated CD8 Tcells, Necl2 adhesion Protectin, 19-25 hemato and non- C8a, C9 prevents C' polymerization, c-Src, lck, fyn CD49b, d, e, CD51 CD355 CD59 CD142 45-47 mono, epi, astrocytes, initiates blood clotting factor VIIa activated NK/NKT cells H19, 1F-5Ag hemato cells protects cells from (TF), Factor III Schwann cells, endo, CD243 MDR-1, P-gp, 170 stem, multi-drug toxic xenobiotics, ion pump, regulates drugs TP53, NR112 C'-mediated lysis smooth muscle gp170, ABC-B1 resistant tumor cells many anti- uptake, distribution, CD357 TNFRSF18, 30 T (low), activated T, Treg GITRL suppress Treg function TRAF1,TRAF2,TRAF3 GITR, AITR CD60a GD3 T sub, thy-c, melanocytes, apoptosis, costim CD143 ACE 90, 170 endo, epi, DC, neurons, angiotensin I, angiotensin converting cancer drugs and elimination glial cells, pt, gran fibro, act mac bradykinin enzyme, controls CD244 2B4 66 NK, T sub, baso, mono CD48 stimulates NK activ, LAT, EAT2, SH2D1A CD358 TNFRSF21, DR6 40 broad tissue distribution, APP apoptosis CD60b 9-O-sialyl GD3 T sub, act B, melanomas costim blood pressure costimulates T cells overexpressed by CD144 VE-Cadherin, 130 endo, stem sub CD144, β catenin adh c-Src, Csk, SHC, SHP2 CD245 p220/240 215-245 T, B, NK, mono, gran, pt signal transd, costim tumor cells 7-O-sialyl GD3 T sub activ Cadherin-5 CD360 IL-21R, NILR B, low on T, NK, IL-21 T, NK activation, CD132, JAK1,JAK3, CD60c mono, and DC proliferation and STAT1,STAT3,STAT5 90, 110 endo, some stromal cells ALK, Ki-1, 200 some T lymphomas, midkine R for tyrosine kinase, ALK, SHC, JAK3, CDw145 CD246 development, B apoptosis CD61 gpIIIa, β3 integrin 110 w/ CD41 on pt, w/ CD51 fibrinogen, mediates cell adh to CD41, CD51, c-Src, Anaplastic endo, some neural cells regulates cell growth PLCγ1, IRS1, STAT3 on mac, endo, pt, fibro, vitronectin, diverse matrix proteins SHC1, AKT1,Talin, CD146 MUC18, S-endo, 130 endo, melanoma cells, homotypic and Fyn lymphoma kinase and apoptosis CD361 EVI2b, EVDB broad in hematopoietic osteoclasts, mast fibronectin, vWF FAK, Paxillin MCAM, Mel-CAM, FDC, act T, fibro, stromal heterotypic adh and some non- CD3z, Zeta 16 T, NK Ag recognition and CD3/TCR complex, hematopoietic cells E-selectin, ELAM- 97-115 act endo CD15s, ESL-1, leuko rolling, tumor cell PLC-γ1, SHP2, Endo-CAM CD247 CD62E chain, CD3ζ signal transd Lck, Fyn, ZAP-70, Syndecan-2, 48 mac, epithelial cells, fibronectin, TACI, IL-8 adhesion, B cell 1, LECAM-2 CD162, CD43, CD65, adh, angiogenesis FAK, Paxillin CD147 Neurothelin, 55-65 broadly on hemato CD62E adh, T activ, embryonic dev Csk, SHP1, JAK3, CD362 CD66a, e, CD147 , EMMPRIN and non-hemato SDC2.1.186, endothelial, osteoblast activation, apoptosis STAT5A, STAT5B Fibroglycan CD62L L-selectin, 74- 95 B, T sub, mono, CD34, MAdCAM-1, leuko rolling and homing Grb2 CD148 HPTP-eta, 200-260 endo, epi, gran, mono, p120(ctn) tyrosine phosphatase, adh, LAT, PLC-γ1, SRC CD248 TEM1, Endosialin 165 embryonic endo, angiogenesis RASD2 CD363 S1PR1, EDG-1, endothelial cell, S1P adhesion, endothelial GNAI1,GNAI3 LECAM-1, LAM-1 gran, NK, thy-c GlyCAM-1, CD57, CD15su p260, DEP-1 DC, pt, B, act T, fibro angiogenesis, T activ tumor endo CHEDG1, S1P1 subset B, NK differentiation P-selectin, GMP- 140 act pt, endo CD162, CD24, leuko tethering and rolling AP47, CD24, SNX17 SLAM, IPO-3 75-95 T (upreg upon activ), CD150, measles adh, costim, signaling, Fyn, Fgr, SHP2, SLAM, APA, ENPEP, 160 epi, endo converts angiotensin angiotensin II and CD62P CD150 CD249 T cell 38 kD Activated Binds hepatitis A virus TIM-1 ligation induces T cell 140, PADGEM CD57, CD15u Treg, B, DC, endo, HSC virus, tyrosine measles virus infection EAT2, SH2D1A, PTPN11 gp160, EAP II to angiotensin III cholecystokinin-8 CD365 immunoglobulin CD4+ lymphocytes, in humans, Tim-4, proliferation, promotes LIMP, MLA1, 40-60 act pt, mono, mac, VLA-3, VLA-4, CD9, CD81 regulates cell motility PI4Kα phosphatase CD45 OX40L, TNFSF4 34 DC, act B, endo, mast OX40 costim TRAF2 CD63 PETA-3 32 endo, mega, pt, epi adh, signaling α3β1, α6β1, and α6β4 CD252 and mucin domain especially on Th2 cells. LMIR5/CD300b cytokine production, and LAMP-3 degranulated neutro, CD151 containing aids in the regulation fibro, osteoclasts CD152 CTLA-4 33 act T, act B CD86, CD80 negative reg of T activ Fyn, Lck, Lyn, CD253 TRAIL, APO2L, 40 act T, NK, B DR4, DR5, DcR1, DcR2 apoptosis CASP8, CASP3, BCL2 protein-1, T of Th2 immunity. CD64 FcγRI, FcR I, CD64a 72 mono, mac, DC, IFN-γ IgG high affinity R for IgG, Hck, Syk, CRKL, LAT STAT5A, STAT5B, TNFSF10 cell and airway or G-CSF act gran mediates phagocytosis, Jak2, PI3Kα, SHP2 CD254 TRANCE, RANKL, 40 act T, stromal cells, RANK T-B and T-DC interaction, c-Src, AKT1, ERK1, phenotype Ag capture, and ADCC CD153 CD30L, TNFSF8 40 act T, act mac, act CD30 costim of T activ TNFSF11, OPGL osteoclasts bone dev ERK2, TRAF6 regulator (Tapr), neutro, act B CD65 Ceramide- gran and some mono, CD62E unknown TWEAK, TNFSF12 18, 30-35 act mono, endo, fibro FN14, APO3 activ, prolif, apoptosis hepatitic virus dodecasaccharide myeloid leukemia cells CD154 CD40L, T-BAM, 32-39 act T, act pt, act mono CD40 costim αIIbβ3, α5β1 integrin, CD255 cellular receptor 1 Sialylated-CD65 gran, mono, myeloid phagocytosis gp39, TRAP, TNFSF5 CD80, CD86, NFATC2, T cell 33 kD Activated T cells, Galectin-9 Plays a role in regulating CD65s APRIL, TALL-2, 38 leuko, pancreas, colon TACI, BCMA T and B prolif Fas, Furin CD366 leukemia cells AICDA, p53 CD256 immunoglobulin preferentially on Th1 cells, macrophage activation, TNFSF13 BGP, NCA-160 140-180 gran, epi, colon, liver, CD66a, c, e, CD62E, Opa homophilic and heterophilic c-Src, SHP2, PVR, Necl-5 60-90 mono, mac, some poliovirus, vitronectin, cell migration and adh, CD113, AP1M2 and mucin domain monocytes, dendritic cells T cell apoptosis and CD66a CD155 BLyS, BAFF, 34 act mono, DC TACI, BCMA, BAFF-R T, B growth and dev, costim TRAF3, NFκB hemato tissues adh, neutro activ SHP1, MAP3K10, tumor cells CD226, CD96, αVβ3, polio virus infection CD257 containing protein immune tolerance TNFSF13b, TALL-1 SHC, Paxillin CD111, CD112 3, hepatitis virus CD66b CD67, CGM6, 95-100 gran CD66c adh, neutro activ CD156a ADAM8, MS2, 69 mono, gran, neuron, α9β1 integrin adh, metalloproteases CD258 LIGHT, TNFSF14 29 act T, act mono HVEM, LTβR costim of T cells, TRAF2, TRAF3, SMAC cellular receptor 2 NCA-95 CD156 oligodendrocytes induces apoptosis CD367 DCIR, LLIR, 27 kD Neutrophils, monocytes, Receptor for HIV, CD156b TACE, ADAM 17 100-120 lympho, mono, gran, TNF-α, TGF-α, cleavage of TNF-α, SH3, TIMP-3 TRAIL-R1, DR4, 56 act T, some tumor cells TRAIL (CD253) induces apoptosis BCL10, Caspase 8, CLECSF6 dendritic cells and B cells cross-presentation and CD66c NCA 90 neutro, epi, colon CD66a, b, c, e adh, neutro activ DC, endo, epi NgR, p75NTR TGF-α, NgR, p75NTR CD261 carcinoma TNFRSF10a Caspase 10, FADD, cross-priming of human ADAM10 98, 85, articular chondrocytes, pro-TNF-α, APP, Notch metalloprotease; cell-cell, Notch, Ephrin c-FLIP, BTK CD8+ T cells, inhibit CGM1 35 neutro Opa I neutro activ, phagocytosis c-Src, CKI-alpha-like CD156c CD66d 58, 56 leuko, brain, tumor cells cell-matrix interaction A1, A2, A3 CD262 TRAIL-R2, DR5, 55 leuko, heart, placenta, TRAIL (CD253) induces apoptosis BCL10, Caspase 8, intracellular signaling CD66e CEA 180-200 adult colon epi, CD66a, c, e, Opa, CD62E homophilic and CD157 BST-1, Bp3 42-45 gran, mono, B ADP-ribosyl-cyclic ADP- CD38, Caveolin KILLER, TNFRSF10b liver, tumor cells Caspase 10, FADD, CD368 C-type lectin 24 kD Macrophages, monocytes, Endocytic receptor, colon cancer heterophilic adh progenitors, endo, T sub ribose hydrolase, pre-B c-FLIP, BTK domain family 4 neutrophils, subset probably involved in member D, CLEC6, of dendritic cells; low antigen presentation, cell PSG, Sp-1, CD67 54-72 epi, placental immune reg and protection growth, signaling TRAIL-R3, DcR1, 65 low level in most TRAIL (CD253) inhibits TRAIL- Rap1α , FADD CD66f CD263 CLECSF8, MCL, expression in peripheral adhesion, and cell signaling syncytiotrophoblasts, of fetus from maternal KIR2DL1, p58.1 58/50 most NK, T sub HLA-Cw2, Cw4, inhibits NK cytotoxicity CD159a, CD159c TRID, TNFRSF10c tissues, negative in induced apoptosis CD158a MPCL, Dectin-3 blood lymphocytes fetal liver Cw5, Cw6 most tumor tissues CLECSF12, beta- 33 kD Macrophages, dendritic β-1,3-linked and Phagocytosis, induces macrosialin, gp110 94-110 mac, neutro, baso, DC, oxidized LDL phagocytosis CD158b1 KIR2DL2, p58.2 58/50 most NK, T sub HLA-Cw1, Cw3, inhibits NK cytotoxicity CD264 TRAIL-R4, DcR2, 35 low level in most TRAIL (CD253) inhibits TRAIL- FADD, CASP10, p53 CD369 CD68 Cw7, Cw8 TNFSF10d tissues, negative in induced apoptosis glucan receptor cells, Langerhans cells β-1,6-linked glucans cytokine production myeloid progenitors, (BGR, betaGR) and oxidative burst act mono KIR2DL3, p58 58/50 most NK, T sub HLA-Cw1, Cw3, inhibits NK cytotoxicity Lck most tumor tissues CD158b2 C-type lectin 27 kD Dendritic subsets Ubiquitous preformed Cross-present antigen to CTL, AIM, VEA 28, 32 act leuko, NK, thy-c signaling, costim Cw7, Cw8 CD265 TRANCE-R, RANK, 97 DC, act mono TRANCE (CD254) R for TRANCE c-Src, Cbl, CblB, Grb2, CD370 CD69 TNFRSF11a MAP3K7, TRAF1-3, family member 9A including plasmacytoid acid-labile protein phagocytosis necrotic cells. sub, pt, Langerhans CD158c KIR3DP1, most NK, T sub dendritic cells. associated ligand(s). KIR2DS6, KIRX TRAF5-6, TAB2 Ki-24, CD27L, 50 act B, act T CD27 costim CLL1, MICL, 30 kD Monocytes, granulocytes, Negative regulator PTPN6 and PTPN11 CD70 TWEAK-R, Fn14, 14 endo, epi, keratinocytes TWEAK (CD255) regulates apoptosis, TRAF1-3 CD371 TNFSF7 KIR2DL4, KIR103AS 41 NK, some T HLA-G activates NK cytotoxicity CD159a, PTPN6, CD266 CLL-1, DCAL-2, NK cells, and basophils of granulocyte and CD158d TNFRSF12a prolif, angiogenesis CD71 TfR, T9 95 proliferating cells, transferrin transferrin R, iron uptake Rab5B, TCRζ PTPN11 C-type lectin monocyte function reticulocytes, erythroid CD158e1 KIR3DL1, NKB1, 70 NK, some T HLA-Bw4 inhibits NK cytotoxicity CDK3 CD267 TACI, TNFRSF13b 32 B, myeloma cells BAFF, APRIL inhibits B prolif TRAF2, TRAF5-6 domain family precursors NKB1B, p70 12 member A

Abbreviations Contact BioLegend: act: activated CNS: central nervous system gran: granulocytes LDL: low density lipoprotein MHC: major histocompatibility prolif: proliferation TNFRSF: TNF receptor superfamily C’: complement hemato: hematopoietic leuko: leukocytes complex R: receptor TNFSF: TNF superfamily activ: activation Toll-Free (US & Canada): 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343) ADCC: -dependent costim: costimulation hepato: hepatocytes lympho: lymphocytes mono: monocytes stem: stem cells transd: transduction BioLegend DC: dendritic cells HSC: hematopoietic stem cells mac: macrophages neutro: neutrophils sub: subset Treg: T regulatory cells cell-mediated cytotoxicity Phone: (858) 768-5800 Fax: (877) 455-9587 adh: adhesion dev: development IEL: intraepithelial lymphocytes mast: mast cells NK: natural killer cells T: T lymphocytes upreg: upregulated San Diego, CA 92121 differen: differentiation inhib: inhibition mega: megakaryocytes pDC: plasmacytoid dendritic cells TCR: T cell receptor vWF: von Willebrand factor Ag: Antigen E-mail: [email protected] ALL: acute lymphoid leukemia ECM: extracellular matrix Langerhans: Langerhans cells pt: platelets thy-c: thymocytes w/: associated with B: B lymphocytes endo: endothelial cells eosino: eosinophils BioLegend Europe [email protected] β2m: beta-2-microglobulin epi: epithelial cells baso: basophils BioLegend Japan BCR: B cell receptor eryth: erythrocytes FDC: follicular dendritic cells BM: bone marrow Worldwide Distributors CD: Cluster of Differentiation fibro: fibroblasts Revision: March 2018 04-0027-02 Mouse CD Molecules

CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD1d CD1, Ly-38, CD1.1, CD1.2 49 NK, NK-T, DC, T sub, w/ β2m, lipid and non-peptide Ag presentation CD71 Transferrin R 95 proliferating cells, transferrin controls iron uptake CD156c ADAM10, CDw156c 56-98 splenocytes, neurons, pro-TNF-α, APP, Notch metalloprotease CD270 HVEM, HVEA, TR2, T, B, NK, mono/mac, gran, LIGHT, LTα, BTLA, costimulation, inhibition B sub, mono, gran, glycolipid Ag reticulocytes, erythroid during cell prolif tumor cells activity; cell-cell, cell- TNFRSF14, ATAR endo, epi, Neuron, fibro CD160, Herpes Virus thy-c, Langerhans precursors matrix interaction CD271 NGFR (p75), p75NGFR, 75 neurons, Schwann NGF, BDNF, NT-3, NT-4 low affinity R for NGF, CD2 LFA-2, Ly-37, T11 50 T, B, NK, gran, mono, CD58, CD48, CD59 adh, T activ CD157 BST-1, Ly-65, Bp3 42-45 B and T progenitors, thy-c ADP-ribosyl-cyclic ADP-ribose p75NTR, TNFRSF16 cells, melanocytes, B, induces apoptosis, eryth, thy-c and CD15 CD72 Lyb-2, Ly-m19 45 B (except plasma), CD5, CD100, CD32 B activ and prolif sub, endo, stromal cells hydrolase, pre-B growth mac, FDC, T sub mono, keratinocytes embryogenesis, hair growth CD3γ T3, CD3gamma 20-26 mature T, different Ag, w/ CD3/ signaling T activ, regulates CD159a NKG2A 43 NK sub, T sub Qa-1, w/ CD94, negative reg of NK activity levels on thy-c TCR complex TCR expression CD73 Ecto-5'-nucleotidase 70 T sub, B sub, FDC, epi, endo AMP catalyzes dephosphorylation, NKG2C/E CD272 BTLA 33 T sub (upreg upon act), HVEM inhibition of T function costim, adh B sub, NK, mac, DC CD3δ T3, CD3delta 21 mature T, different w/ CD3/TCR complex signaling T activ, regulates CD159c NKG2C, KLRC2 40 NK sub, T sub Qa-1, w/ CD94, activates NK levels on thy-c TCR expression CD74 Ii, invariant chain 33,35,41 B, act T, mac, Langerhans, CD44, MHC class II, MIF intracellular transport of NKG2A/E CD273 B7DC, PDL2 25 DC, act mono PD-1 costim, inhibition DC, act endo and epi MHC class II molecules, T3, CD3epsilon 20 mature T, different w/ CD3/TCR complex signaling T activ, regulates BY55 27 NK sub, act CD8+ T classical and costim CD3ε Ag presentation CD160 B7H1, PDL1 40 T, B, NK, DC, mac, epi PD-1 costim, inhibition levels on thy-c, NK-T TCR expression nonclassical MHC-I CD274 α2,6-sialylated 65-90 CD8+ T suppressor, B cells CD22 adh (including CD1d) T4, L3T4 55 thy-c sub, T sub, MHC class II, IL-16 T activ, thymic differen CD75s B7H2, ICOSL, 40 act mono, mac, DC ICOS costim CD4 lactosamines, CD275 Treg, mono/mac NKR-P1B, NK1.1 40 NK, NK-T Clr-b inhibits NK activity B7RP1, B7h CDw75, CDw76 CD161b T1, Tp67, Ly-12, Ly-1 67 thy-c, T, B sub CD72, w/ TCR or BCR regulates T-B interaction B7H3 45 DC, act mono, act T, may play role in costim CD5 Pk Ag, BLA, CTH, Gb3 pre-B, kidney, lung induces apoptosis NKR-P1C, NK1.1 40 NK, NK-T activates NK CD276 CD77 CD161c act B, act NK, epi or inhibition CD6 T12 100, 130 thy-c, T, B sub, neuron sub CD166 thy-c dev, T activ, adh CD79a Igα, MB1, Ly-54 33, 45 B Ig/CD5/CD19/ subunit of BCR CD162 PSGL-1 110-120 mono, gran, most T, stem CD62P, CD62L adh ICOS, Ly-115 47-57 act T, thy-c sub B7H2 (CD275) T costim CD22/CD79b complex, signaling CD278 CD7 gp40 40 thy-c, T, NK, stem CD7L(K-12) T costim CD163 M130 100 mono, mac hemoglobin/ endocytosis CD279 PD1 50-55 act T, act B, thymo subset B7H1(CD274), T tolerance, negative CD79b Igβ, B29 37 B Ig/CD5/CD19/ subunit of BCR hepatoglobin complex B7DC (CD273) regulation CD8a T8, Lyt-2, Ly-2, CD8 32-34 thy-c sub, T sub, NK, DC sub MHC class I coreceptor for MHC class I CD22/CD79a complex, signaling MGC-24, MUC-24 80 myoblasts, epi, mono, adh, differen CD164 TEM22, ENDO180, 180 fibro, endoth, mac, collagen, assoc. remodeling, uptake and Lyt3, Ly-3, CD8 30-32 thy-c sub, T sub MHC class I coreceptor for MHC class I B7, B7-1, BB1, Ly-53 60 act B, act T, mac, DC CD28, CD152 costim of T activ and prolif lympho, stromal cells, CD280 CD8b CD80 hemato progenitors uPARAP osteoclasts, osteocytes, w/ uPAR degradation of collagen chondrocytes CD9 p24, MRP-1, DRAP-27 22-27 pt, pre-B, gran, act T, endo, IL-16; w/ CD63, cell adh and migration, CD81 TAPA-1 26 T, B, NK, mono, thy-c, w/ CD19, CD21, CD225, activ, costim, prolif, differen CD166 ALCAM 100-105 act T, mono, epi, fibro, CD6, CD166 adh, T activ epi, DC, stem, BM stromal CD81, CD82, CD315, pt activ DC, endo, fibro CD315, CD316 neurons, mesenchymal CD281 TLR1 90 mono, mac, DC, assoc. w/ TLR2, regulates TLR2 function and CD316 stem/progenitor cells keratinocytes lipoproteins CD82 Kai1, C33 45-56 leuko, pt, kidney, w/ MHC molecules, costim, signaling, adh CD10 CALLA, NEP, gp100 100 BM stromal, fibro peptides peptidase, regulates endo, fibro CD53, CD37, CD81, CD167a DDR1, RTK6 52-64 epi, DC, inducible in leuko collagen adh CD282 TLR2 86 mono, gran, mac, DC, assoc. w/ TLR1 or TLR6, innate immune response B growth integrins, binds keratinocytes, epith lipoproteins, glycans to lipoprotein pathogens KITENIN LFA-1 α chain, integrin 180 leuko CD11a/CD18 binds intercellular adh and costim CD168 RHAMM 80, 84, 88 mono, T sub, thy-c CD44 hyaluronic acid R, adh CD11a sub, act lympho CD283 TLR3 120 DC, fibro, epith dsRNA innate immune response αL, Ly-15, Ly-21 CD54, CD102, HB15 43 mature DC, act T, CD83 costim to viral pathogens CD50, CD242 CD83 Langerhans CD169 sialoadhesin, Siglec-1 200 tissue mac CD227, CD206, CD43 adh Mac-1, integrin 170 gran, mono, NK, T CD11b/CD18 binds cell adh, chemotaxis, CD284 TLR4 110, 130 mono, mac, endoth, epith assoc. w/ MD2 and innate immune response to CD11b CD14, binds LPS gram-negative bacteria αM, Ly-40 sub, B sub, DC CD54, iC3b and apoptosis CD84 GR6 72-86 mature B, T sub, mono/ CD84 adh, T activ CD170 Siglec-F 140 eosino, act mac, immature adh ECM, CD242 mac, pt, thy-c myelomonocytic cells CD286 TLR6 90 mono, mac, gran, DC, epith lipoproteins, innate immune response CD11c p150, 95, CR4, 150 NK, T sub, B sub, DC, CD11c/CD18 binds cell adh CD85k Gp49b, Lilrb4 55 act mast, act NK, DC inhibit CD171 L1-CAM, L1 190-220 T sub, B sub, DC, L1, CD56, CD24, adh glycans, assoc. w/ to some bacteria and integrin αX myeloid sub iC3b and ECM mono, neurons CD9, CD166, CD51/ TLR2 and CD36, mycoplasma pathogens CD61, CD49e/CD29 CD11d integrin αD 160 mono/mac, gran, leukocyte migration, CD86 B70, B7-2, Ly-58 80 mono/mac, act B, CD28, CD152 costim of T activ and prolif CD288 TLR8 110 mono, mac, DC, brain development, NK, B, T sub cell activation act T, DC, endo CD172a SIRPα 110 mono, DC, gran, stem CD47 adh, negative signaling neurons, axons hematopoiesis aminopeptidase 150-170 mono and their precursors, coronavirus, zinc-binding u-PAR, Plaur 50-65 angiogenic endothelial cells u-PA plasminogen TLR9 110 plasmacytoid DC, B, mono CpG DNA innate immune response CD13 CD87 SIRPβ, SIRPβ1 90, 60 mono, gran, DC, brain, w/ DAP12 phagocytosis, cell activ CD289 N, APN mac, mast, endo, epi, DC CMV, L-leucyl-β- metalloproteinase activation, cell adh CD172b to bacteria or virus napthylamine kidney, testis CD88 C5aR 43 gran, mono, DC, astrocytes C5a gran activ, C5a R TLR10 90 B, pDC coreceptor with TLR2 CD14 LPS R, Mo2 53-55 mac, Langerhans, LPS R for complex of LPS and LBP CD177 NB1, HNA-2a 56-64 neutro, baso, NK, T CD290 gran (low), act mono, sub, mono, endo Kupffer cells, act B sub CD90 Thy-1 25-35 T, thy-c, NK, mono, HSC, CD51/CD61, Mac-1 signaling, adh, costim, CD292 BMPR1A, ALK3 55, 80 mesenchymal cells, epi, BMP2, 4, 7, GDF-5 kinase, hair morphogenesis, neurons, fibro, stromal cells neuron differen CD178 FasL, CD95L, TNFSF6 27-40 act T, testis, DC, tumor cells CD95 induces apoptosis bone progenitor, neurons, anti-apoptosis, CD15 Lewis X (Lex), transient in brain, CD62 cell adh chondrocytes, skeletal embryogenesis 3-FAL, SSEA-1 embryonic stem CD90.1 Thy-1.1 25-35 Thy-1.1 strain mice: T, thy-c, CD51/CD61, Mac-1 signaling, adh, costim, V pre B 16-18 pro- and early pre-B CD179b, Igµ chain early B differen muscle, cardiac myocytes NK, mono, HSC, neurons, neuron differen CD179a FcγRIII, Ly-17, FcγRIIIA 50-65 neutro, NK, mac aggregated IgG, low affinity Fcγ R, mediates fibro, stromal cells BMPR1B, ALK6 55, 80 mesenchymal cells, bone BMP2, 4, 7, GDF-5 kinase, regulates CD16 λ 5 22 pro- and early pre-B CD179a, Igµ chain early B differen CD293 IgG-Ag complex phagocytosis and ADCC CD179b progenitor, chondrocytes, cartilage formation Thy-1.2 25-35 Thy-1.2 strain mice: T, thy-c, CD51/CD61, Mac-1 signaling, adh, costim, epi, heart, kidney β2 integrin 95 leuko w/ CD11a,b and c cell adh, signaling CD90.2 CD18 NK, mono, HSC, neurons, neuron differen CD180 RP105, Ly-78 95-105 B sub, mono, DC LPS, w/ MD-1 LPS recognition and fibro, stromal cells signaling, B activ CD294 CRTH2, DP2, GPR44 55-70 Th2 cells, baso, eosino PGD2 regulates immune and CD19 B4 95 B (not on plasma), FDC, mast w/ CD21, CD81, BCR BCR coreceptor, signaling inflammatory response, α2M-R, LRP 600 mono, mac, neurons, fibro α2M, LDLs, HSPgp96 metabolism, phagocytosis, CD181 CXCR1, CDw128A, 67-70 neutro, baso, NK, T IL-8 neutro chemotaxis and induces Th2 cells, eosino CD91 IL-8RA sub, mono, endo activ, neoangiogenesis CD20 B1, Bp35, Ly-44 33-37 B, T sub B activ and prolif Ag presentation and baso migration CXCR2, CDw128B, 67-70 neutro, baso, NK, T IL-8, GRO, GCP-2, neutro chemotaxis and CD182 LEPR, OB-R 132 hemato cells, heart, leptin food uptake, metabolism, AA4.1, Ly-68, C1qr1 120-140 immature B, HSC C1q adh IL-8RB sub, mono, endo NAP-2, ENA-78 activ, neoangiogenesis, CD295 CR2, C3dR 150 B, FDC, myeloid sub C3d R; w/ CD19, signaling CD93 placenta, liver, kidney, proliferative/antiapoptotic T CD21 and progenitors hematopoiesis CD81, BCR pancreas, neurons cells and hemato precursors CD22 BL-CAM, Lyb8, Siglec-2 140-160 B CD22, IgM, sialoglyco- B cell adhesion, signal CD94 Kp43 43, 39 NK, T sub Qa-1; w/ NKG2 inhibits NK function, CD183 CXCR3 40 T sub, B, NK, mono/mac, CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11 T chemotaxis conjugate NeuGca2- transduction triggers cytolytic activity proliferating endo CD296 ART1 36 neutro, epi, heart, PDGFβ, integrins, transfers ADP-ribose to 6Galb1-4GlcNAc, and cytokine production skeletal muscle defensin target proteins, metabolism Ly-6 proteins CD184 CXCR4, Fusin 45 T sub, B sub, DC, SDF-1(CXCL12) cell migration, hemato CD95 Fas, APO-1, TNFRSF6 45 thy-c, act lympho, Fas ligand induces apoptosis mono, endo, HSC progenitor cell homing CD297 ART4 36 Dombrock+ eryth, metabolism, Dombrock CD23 FcεRII, Ly-42 45 B, act mac, eosino, IgE, CD21, CD11b, CD11c low affinity receptor for IgE, fibro, lung, liver (CD95L, CD178) mono, mac, baso, endo, blood group antigen FDC, platelets ligand for CD19/CD21/CD81 CD185 CXCR5, BLR1 42 B, T sub, act T, neurons CXCL13 cell migration intestine, ovary CD96 TACTILE 160 T, NK CD155 CD24 HSA, Nectadrin, Ly-52 35-45 B, gran, epith, mono/mac, P-selectin, CD24 B cell proliferation and CXCR6, Bonzo 39 T sub (Th1), B sub, NK sub CXCL16 T recruitment CD298 ATP1B3 32 broad, highly expressed Na+/K+ ATPase non-catalytic component of act T, erythrocytes, neurons differentiation, adhesion CD186 in CNS, testis subunit, dimerizes ATPase coupling exchange of CD97 EMR1 28, 74-85 gran, mono, low on lympho CD55, chondroitin neutro migration, adh with ATPα1, 2 or 3 sodium and potassium ions CD25 Tac, p55, IL-2Rα, Ly-43 55 act T, B, and mono; IL-2 IL-2R α chain, assoc. w/ (upreg upon activ), mac, DC sulfates CD191 CCR1 42 mono/mac, lympho, CCL3, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 23 leuko chemotaxis DC subset, T reg β and γ chains to form DC, stem CD300a CLM-8, MAIR-I, LMIR1 35 mac, DC, mast, gran, B sub inhib high affinity IL-2R CD98 4F2, RL-388, Ly-10 80-85, 45 mono, lympho and NK CD29, CD147, cell activ, aggregation (upreg upon activ), gran tropomyosin, CD192 CCR2 38 mono, B, act T, DC CCL2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16 leuko chemotaxis Dipeptidyl peptidase 110 thymo sub, T (upreg adenosine deaminase, exoprotease, costim of T actin; w/ LAT1 CD300lb CLM-7, Gm253, 17-38 gran, mac, DC activ CD26 LMIR5, mIREM3 IV (DPP IV), THAM upon activation), B, collagen cell activation, adhesion CD193 CCR3 45 eosino, baso, T sub, CCL3, 5, 7, 8, 11, leuko chemotaxis NK, mac, epith MIC2, E2 32 most leuko, endo cyclophilin A leuko migration, T activ, adh DC, microglia 14, 15, 24, 26 CD99 CD300c CLM-6 34 gran, mac, B sub CD27 T14, S152, TNFRSF7 45 T, medullary thymocytes, CD70, TRAF2, TRAF5 costimulation CD194 CCR4 63 T sub, thy-c, skin T, DC CCL17, CCL22 T chemotaxis, T B subset, NK subset CD100 SEMA4D 150 leuko, oligodendrocytes CD45, CD72, plexin B mono migration; T, B activ; homing to skin T/B and T/DC interaction CD300ld CLM-5, LMIR24, B sub, mac DAP-12, FceRIγ activ MAIR-IV CD28 Tp44, T44 44 most T, thymo, plasma, NK CD80 (B7-1), costimulation CCR5 45 DC, mono, T sub CCL3, CCL4, CCL5 lympho chemotaxis V7, p126, IGSF2 120 mono, gran, DC, act T, T activ and prolif CD195 CD86 (B7-2) CD101 CLM-2, TREM5, 34 mac, DC activ Treg, Langerhans CD300e CD196 CCR6, KY411 40 memory T, B, DC, CCL20, β-defensin cell chemotaxis LMIR6, CD300LE CD29 integrin β1, gpIIa 130 leukocytes, DC, platelets, VCAM-1, MAdCAM- assoc. w/ CD49a-f forms Langerhans mast, fibro, endoth 1, ECM VLA-1-6, w/CD51 forms avb1, CD102 ICAM-2, Ly-60 55-65 lympho, mono, pt, endo LFA-1, Mac-1 adh, costim, lympho CLM-1, LMIR-3, MAIR-V mac cell death adhesion and activation, recirculation CCR7, EBI-1 45 T sub, DC, B sub CCL21, CCL19 T adh, thy-c migration CD300lf embryogenesis CD197 CD103 αIEL, αE integrin 150,25 T sub, IEL complexed with lympho retention, activ CD300g CLM-9, TREM-4, endo CD30 Ki-1, TNFRSF8 105 act T, act B, act NK CD153 lymphocyte proliferation, β7 integrin, binds CD198 CCR8, TER1 40 mono, T sub, DC CCL1, vCCL1 cell migration CD300LG apoptosis, tolerance E-cadherin CD199 CCR9 43 thy-c, T sub, IEL CCL25 cell migration CD301 CD301 42 MGL1, CLECSF14 act mac, immature DC cell adh, mac migration, CD31 PECAM-1, 130-140 mono, platelets, gran, CD31, CD38 cell adhesion, angiogenesis CD104 β4 integrin, TSP-180 220 epi, endo, Schwann cells, complexed with cell adh, migration, cellular recognition endocam, gpIIa endoth, lympho subset, DC keratinocytes, T sub CD49f, binds tumor metastasis CD200 OX2 45-50 thy-c, B, act T, endo, OX2R downregulatory signal for laminins, plectin keratinocyte sub myeloid cell function CD302 DCL1 30 mono/mac, DC CD32 FcγRII, Ly-17 40-60 B, mono, gran, aggregated IgG, B activation, phagocytosis platelets, endoth phosphatases CD105 Endoglin 90 endo, mesenchymal TGF-β1, TGF-β3 angiogenesis, adh CD201 EPC-R 50 endo, HSC protein C protein C activ CD304 BDCA4, neuropilin-1, 103 DC, T, neurons, endo, VEGF165, SEMA3A, angiogenesis, DC-T cell stem, fibro, erythroid NRP1 some tumors complexed with interaction, neuritogenesis CD33 p67, Siglec-3 67 gran, mast, myeloid certain short adhesion precursors, act mono, mac Tie2 (Tek) 145 endo, HSC angiopoietin angiogenesis, hematopoiesis plexin-1 progenitors O-linked glycans CD202b VCAM-1, INCAM-110 110 act endo, FDC, sub of bone CD49d/CD29, α9/ leuko adh, transmigration CD106 E-NPP3, PD-1b, mRNA: embryonic stem cells nucleotides clearance of extracellular CD305 LAIR1 31 T, B, NK, DC, mono/mac collagen inhibits cellular activ gp105-120, Mucosialin 90, 105-120 HSC and progenitor L-selectin cell adhesion marrow myeloid cells β1 integrin and costim of T cells CD203c CD34 PDNP3, B10 nucleotides and inflammation sub, endoth CD107a LAMP-1, LGP-120 100-120 mac, epi, endo, act E-selectin adh CD204 MSR 220 mac LDL, LPS, lipoproteins LDL uptake, host defense CD307a FCRL1, FCRH1, B sub B cell activation, B CD35 CR1, C3b/C4b-R, CD21b 190-280 B, mac, neutro, eosino, FDC C3b, C4b, iC3, iC4 adhesion and phagocytosis T, act NK, act pt BXMAS1, IFGP1 development CD205 DEC-205, Ly-75 205 DC, thymic epi, BM stromal Ag uptake/process FCRL5, FCRH3, B sub inhibit B cell activation CD36 GPIV, gpIIIb 85-88 platelets, mono/mac, oxidized LDL, scavenger receptor, mediates CD107b LAMP-2 100-120 mac, act pt, act T, act endo E-selectin adh CD307e endoth, adipocyte thrombospondin, adhesion and phagocytosis mBXMH2 MMR 175 mac, act mono, DC mannosylated Ag endocytosis collagen CDw108 Sema7A 80 brain, act T CD232 neural dev, CD206 immunoregulation CD309 VEGFR2, KDR, Flk-1 195/235 endo, primitive stem VEGF-A, E, C and D angiogenesis CD37 gp 52-40 40-52 mature B, low on T, CD53, CD81, CD82, adh, signaling CD207 Langerin 48 Langerhans, DC sub type I procollagen facilitates Ag recognition cells, some tumor cells gran, mono, DC MHC class II and uptake CD109 8A3, 7D1, E123 170 act T, act pt, HSC, TGF-β negative regulation NKG2D 42 NK, CD8+ T sub, γ/δ T, Mac H60, MULT-1, RAE-1αε NK activ mesenchymal stem, endo CD314 CD38 T10, ADP-ribosyl 42 B, T, NK sub, fetal CD31 ectoenzyme, regulates CD208 DC-LAMP 70-90 type II pneumocytes cyclase liver, down regulated cell activ, prolif and adh CD110 MPL, TPO-R 85-92 HSC and progenitors, thrombopoietin, JAK2 TPO R, mega differen CD315 CD9P-1, FPRP, EWI-F 135 mega, hepato, epi, endo, w/ CD9 and CD81 on Germinal center B mega, pt CD209 DC-SIGN, CIRE 44 DC sub mannose Ag endocytosis, weak on B and mono and plasma cells glycoproteins enhance T response EWI-2, PGRL 62-78 T, B, NK, hepato w/ CD9, CD81, inhibits tumor cell metastasis CD111 PRR1, Nectin-1, PVRL1 75 myeloid stem sub, Nectin-1, Nectin-3, homophilic and IL-10R, IL-10R1, IL-10Ra 90-110 T, B, NK, mono/mac, IL-10 R for IL-10 CD316 CD39 Entpd1, NTPDase-1 70-80 mac, Langerhans, DC, act B, ADP/ATP Ecto-apyrase, ATP and neurons, endo, epi, fibro Afadin, HSVgD intercellular adh, HSV R CD210a and KAI1/CD82 NK, microglia, , sub act T ADP hydrolysis, regulates thy-c (low), act neutro thrombosis, inflammation + BST2 30-36 type I IFN-producing cells, involved in pre-B cell growth CD112 PRR2, Nectin-2 72, 64 sub of CD34 cells, endo, CD226, PRR3, Afadin adh IL-10R2, CRF2- 105 T, B, NK, mono, DC, w/ IL-10R1, signaling CD317 epi, some tumor cells CD210b pDC, virus stimulated T, B CD40 gp39 R, TNFRSF5 48 B, mono/mac, FDC, endo, CD154 costim of B growth, differen 4, IL-10Rb liver, neutro IL-22R1, IL-20R1, and myeloid cells, fibro, BM IL-28R1, IL-29R1 stromal cells, plasma cells fibro, keratinocytes and isotype-switching CD113 PRR3, Nectin-3 83 epi, testis, placenta, liver nectin-1, nectin-2, PVR adh CD41 gpIIb, αIIb integrin 120/23 pt, mega w/ CD61 forms GPIIb- pt activ and aggregation CD212 IL-12Rβ1 110 act T, NK, mac w/ IL-12Rβ2 or IL-23R, R for IL-12 and IL-23 CD318 CDCP1 92 colon and lung cancer dimer IIIa, binds fibrinogen, CD114 G-CSFR, CSF-3R 130 myeloid progenitor G-CSF, JAK1, JAK2 myeloid cell differen binds IL-12, IL-23 cells, gran, endo, fibronectin, vWF and CRACC, SLAMF7, 66 NK, most T, act B, mature DC CD319 activates NK cytotoxicity, adh trophoblastic cells IL-13Rα1 65 B, mono, mast, fibro, endo IL-13 R for IL-13 CD319 thrombospondin CD213a1 novel Ly9

CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD Antigen OtherNames MolecularWeight (kD) CellularExpression Ligand/Receptor/Association Functions CD42a gpIX 17-22 pt, mega vWF and thrombin, pt adh and activ CD115 M-CSFR, c-fms, CSF-1R 150 mono, mac, monocytic M-CSF monocytic cell differen CD213a2 IL-13Rα2 65 B, mono, epi IL-13 R for IL-13, signaling CD320 TCblR, 8D6, 29 FDC B cell growth w/ CD42b, c and d progenitors, neurons, NG29, VLDL osteoclasts CD215 IL-15Rα act mono, sub T and NK, DC IL-15 survival, proliferation, JAM1, JAM, 35-40 epi, endo, leuko, pt, eryth, PAR3, LFA-1, reovirus cell adh, leuko migration, CD42b gpIbα 145 pt, mega vWF and thrombin, pt adh and activ differentiation CD321 w/ CD42a, c and d GM-CSFRα 80 mono/mac, gran, DC, endo w/ CD131; binds myeloid cell differen JAM-A, F11R lung, placenta, kidney epithelial barrier CD116 maintenance, pt activ GM-CSF CD217 IL-17R, CDw217 128 B, NK, fibro, epi, T, IL-17 R for IL-17 CD42c gpIbβ 24 pt, mega vWF and thrombin, pt adh and activ mono/mac, gran CD322 JAM2, VE-JAM 48 endo, HEV in tonsils, heart PAR-3, α4β1 integrin, adh, lympho homing w/ CD42a, b and d CD117 c-kit, SCFR 145 HSC and progenitors, mast, SCF (c-kit ligand) hematopoiesis, gonadal JAM3, JAM-2 primordial germ cells and pigment stem cell dev CD218a IL18Rα, IL-1Rrp1, 60-100 T sub (Th1), B sub, NK, IL-18; w/ IL-18Rβ binds IL-18, signaling CD42d gpV 82 pt, mega vWF and thrombin, pt adh and activ CDw218a mono, gran, endo, DC CD324 E-Cadherin, CDH1 120 epi, keratinocytes, CD103, E-cadherin, cell-cell, cell-matrix adh; w/ CD42a, b and c CD118 LIFR, gp190 190 mono, fibro, embryonic w/ CD130; binds LIF, LIF R, cell differen, prolif trophoblasts, pt PS1, catenins, tumor suppression; cell stem, liver, placenta OSM, CNTF, CT1 CD218b IL18Rβ, IL-1RcPL, 64-66 NK, T sub, mono, endo, DC w/ IL-18Rα signaling internalin growth and differen CD43 sialophorin, 115, 135 mono sub, mac, gran, CD54, CD62E adh, anti-adh CDw218b leukosialin, NK, T, B sub, pt IFNγR, IFNγRα, CDw119 90-100 lympho, NK, mono/ IFN-γ w/ IFNγAF-1; involved CD325 N-Cadherin, 130 neurons, skeletal and N-cadherin, cell-cell, cell-matrix adh; CD119 CDH2, CDw325 cardiac myocytes, fibro, catenins, FGFR, PS1 cell growth and differen gpL115, Ly-48 mac, gran, endo, epi in host defense and Insulin R 140, 70 leuko, fibro, endo, epi insulin R for insulin, metabolism immunopathological process CD220 epi, thy-c, pancreas, liver CD44 Pgp-1,HERMES, Ly-24 85 B, memory T, NK, mono, hyaluronan leuko rolling, homing, gran, DC, endo, epi and aggregation CD120a TNFR-I, p55, TNFRSF1a 50-60 low level on leuko and TNF-α and TNF-β cell differen, apoptosis, CD221 IGF-IR 135 leuko and variety of insulin signaling, anti- CD326 Ep-CAM, MK-1, 40 epi, low on thy-c and LAIR-1, LAIR-2, Ep-CAM inhibits cellular activ non-hemato cells necrosis; anti-bacterial, viral non-hemato cells apoptotic, prolif KSA, EGP40 T, tumor cells and inflammation CD45 LCA, T200, Ly-5 180-240 hemato cells, except galectin-1, w/ CD2, signaling, critical for TCR and parasitic infection FGFR1, FLG, FLT2 60, 110-160 broad, epi, endo, fibro, aFGF, bFGF, K-FGF cell growth and mature eryth and pt CD3, CD4 and CD45AP and BCR mediated activ CD222 M6P-R, IGF-IIR 230250 lympho, mono, gran, fibro, w/ CD87, plasminogen, activates latent TGFβ, cell CD331 myocytes, embryonic tissue proliferin, LAP, adh, migration, angiogenesis mesenchymal, cardiac differen, limb dev CD120b TNFR-II, p80, TNFRSF1b 75-85 leuko and non-hemato cells TNF-α and TNF-β cell differen, apoptosis, myocytes, fetal tissue CD45.1 Ly-5.1 180-240 hemato cells (except isoform of CD45 signaling necrosis; anti-bacterial, viral IGFII, M6P, LIF, HSV mature eryth and pt) and parasitic infection CD332 FGFR2, BEK, K-SAM 135 brain, liver, prostate, aFGF, bFGF, limb induction, cra- of CD45.1 strain CD223 LAG-3, Ly-66 70 act T, act NK, Treg MHC class II negative reg of T cell kidney, lung, spinal K-FGF, FGF-6 niofacial dev CD121a IL-1R type I 80 low level on fibro, lympho, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-1RA w/ IL-1R AcP, mediates expansion and homeostasis cord, fetal tissues CD45.2 Ly-5.2 180-240 hemato cells (except isoform of CD45 signaling mono/mac, gran, DC, IL-1 signaling mature eryth and pt) epi, neural cells CD224 γ-glutamyl 27, 62-68 T sub, B sub, mac, endo, HSC, glutathione, inhibits apoptosis, CD333 FGFR3, ACH 115-135 brain, kidney, testis aFGF limb induction, of CD45.2 strain transpeptidase, GGT renal tubular cells, pancreas leukotriene C4, cellular detoxification and in adult, small craniofacial dev CD121b IL-1R type II, CDw121b 60-70 B, mono/mac, T sub, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-1RA mediates negative signaling glutathione leukotriene biosynthesis intestine in fetus B220 220 B, act T, act NK isoform of CD45 signaling keratinocytes S-conjugates, w/ CD45R CD19, CD21, CD37, CD334 FGFR4, TKF 88-110 liver, kidney, lung, aFGF, FGF19 bone and muscle dev, cancer IL-2Rβ 75 NK, T sub, B sub, mono IL-2, IL-15; w/ IL-2 and IL-15 R β CD53, CD81, CD82 pancreas, lympho, mac progression/metastasis 220-235 B, T sub, mono isoform of CD45 signaling CD122 CD45RA CD25, CD132 chain, signaling containing A exon DNAM-1, PTA-1, TLiSA1 65 T sub, NK, mono, CD155, CD112, w/ LFA-1 costim, adh CD335 NKp46, NCR1 46 NK viral hemagglutinins, NK activ CD226 heparan sulfate IL-3Rα 70 baso, eosino, hemato IL-3 IL-3 R α chain, w/ CD131 pt, B sub, thy-c 200-240 T sub, B, mono, mac, isoform of CD45 signaling CD123 proteoglycans CD45RB progenitors, mac, DC, endo gran, DC, NK containing B exon CD227 MUC-1, EMA, mucin 1 300 epi, stem sub, CD54, CD169, selectins cell adh and signaling ABCG2, ABCP, MXR, 72 liver, kidney, intestine, some xenobiotics absorption and excretion IL-4Rα 140 low level on lympho IL-4, IL-13 w/ CD132 or IL-13Rα chain; mono, act T, DC CD338 200-240 B, NK, T sub, mono, DC isoform of CD45 signaling CD124 BCRP, CDw338 lung, endo, melanoma, of certain xenobiotics CD45RC and their progenitors, R for IL-4 and IL-13 containing C exon placenta, side population mono, endo, epi, fibro CD228 MTf, p97 80-97 melanoma cells, epi, brain, iron Fe transport of stem, certain drug pancreas, salivary gland resistant tumor cells 180 act T, act B, DC, thy-c isoform of CD45 signaling CD45RO CD125 IL-5Rα, CDw125 60 eosino, baso, act B, mast IL-5 w/ CD131; R for IL-5 containing none of CD229 Ly-9 100, 120 T, B, thy-c, DC CD229 adh, costim CD339 Jagged-1, 134 BM stromal, thymic epi, Notch1, 2, and 3 cell-fate decisions A, B and C exons Serrate-1, Jag1 endo, Schwann cells, in hematopoiesis, CD126 IL-6Rα 80 act B and plasma, T, IL-6 binds IL-6, then w/ keratinocytes, DC, T sub cardiovascular dev CD46 MCP 41 testis regulates fertilization mono, gran, epi, fibro signaling subunit CD130 CD230 Prion protein, PrP 35 hemato and non-hemato prevents cells from cells, neurons apoptosis, stem cell renewal Her-2, Neu, erb-B2 185 epi, endo, keratinocytes, gp30 cell growth and differen, IL-7R, IL-7Rα 65-90 B precursors, majority IL-7 IL-7 R α chain, w/ CD132 CD340 IAP 50-55 hemato cells, epi, CD172a, CD172g adh, costim, signaling CD127 sub of CD34+ stem, tumor cell metastasis CD47 of T, thy-c CD231 TALLA-1, A15 28-45 T-ALL and neuroblastoma fetal mesodermal and endo, fibro, brain, cells, neurons mesenchymal cells extraembryonic tissues, CD129 IL-9R 48 act gran, thy-c, erythroid IL-9 regulate T cell function over-expressed on and myeloid progenitors CD232 VESP-R 200 B, mono, gran, NK, act T, DC CDw108, poxvirus cell differen and migration many malignant cells CD48 Blast-1, BCM1, Sgp-60 45 leuko CD2, CD244 adh, costim A39R CD130 gp130 130-140 T, act B, plasma cells, w/ CD126, IL-11R or transducing biological CD344 Frizzled-4, FZD4, 48-53 epi, endo, mesenchymal, Norrin, Wnt proteins cell prolif and differen, CD49a VLA-1α, α1 integrin 200 act T, mono, melanoma w/ CD29 forms VLA-1; adh, embryo dev mono, endo LIF-R, OSMRb activities of IL-6, IL-11, LIF, CD233 Band3 95-110 eryth, kidney, brain anion exchanger EVR1, FEVR myeloid progenitors, embryonic dev, retinal cells, endo binds collagen, CNF and Oncostatin M neuronal progenitors, angiogenesis intestinal neurons laminin-1 DARC, Fy, Duffy 35-45 eryth, endo, neurons, CXCL1, 5, 8; CCL2, 5, chemokine decoy R, IL-3Rβ, common 120-140 mono, gran, early B, HSC w/ CD123, CD125, CD116 transducing signals of CD234 CD131 epi, cerebellum 7, malaria parasite malarial parasite R Frizzled-9, FZD9 64 mesenchymal stem, Wnt-2, Wnt-8 B dev, hippocampal dev, CD49b VLA-2α, gpIa, 160 NK sub, pt, B, mono, act w/ CD29 forms VLA-2; adh, pt aggregation β chain IL-3R, IL-5R and GM-CSFR CD349 α2 integrin T, epi, endo, mega binds collagen neural precursors, adult tissue morphogenesis CD235a Glycophorin A 36 eryth P. falciparum cell aggregation brain, fetal brain, testis, common γ 64 T, B, NK, mono/ subunits of IL-2, signaling kidney, eye and pancreas, VLA-3α, α3 integrin 125 most adh cell lines, w/ CD29 forms VLA-3; adh, signaling CD132 CD49c chain, IL-2Rγ mac, gran, DC IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and some tumor cells low on B and T binds collagen, IL-15 receptors CD236R Glycophorin C 40 eryth, stem sub P. falciparum BAEBL Gerbich Antigen laminin-5, fibronectin CD350 Frizzled-10, FZD10 65 brain, embyro, kidney, Wnt proteins limb dev CD133 AC133, Prominin-1 120 HSC sub, epi and CD238 Kell 93 eryth, hemato progenitors big endothelin-3 endothelin-3 liver, pancreas, placenta, CD49d VLA-4, α4 integrin 150 T, B, thy-c, mono, eosino, w/ CD29 (forms VLA-4) adh, cell migration, endo precursors, converting enzyme some tumor cells baso, NK, mast, DC, or β7 integrin; binds homing and activ neural precursors erythroblastic precursors VCAM-1, MAdCAM-1, CD239 B-CAM 90 eryth, fibro, inducible in epi laminin α5 eryth differen and trafficking CD351 Fcα/µR 58 B, DC, mono, T weak IgM, IgA antigen presentation? fibronectin, CD242 CD134 OX-40, Ly-70, ACT35 48-50 act T, Treg CD134 ligand T activ, prolif, differen, and apoptosis; cell adh ICAM-4 37-43 eryth CD11a, b; CD18; adh SLAMF6, NTB-A, 60 NK cells, B cells, T cells CD352 costimulation, activation VLA-5α, α5 integrin 135+25 thy-c, T, mono, pt, early w/ CD29 forms adh, reg of cell survival CD242 CD352 CD49e CD49b, d, e, CD51 KAL1, Ly108 and act B, endo, epi VLA-5; binds and apoptosis flt3, FLK2, STK-1 155, 160 multipotential, flt3 ligand R tyrosine kinase, hemato fibronectin, invasin CD135 myelomonocytic, and progenitors growth CD243 MDR-1, P-gp, 170 stem, thy-c sub, multi-drug toxic xenobiotics, ion pump, regulates drugs CD353 SLAMF8, BLAME, macrophage, DC, B regulation macrophage primitive B progenitors, pDC gp170 ABC-B1 resistant tumor cells many anti- uptake, distribution, SBBI42 function VLA-6α, α6 integrin 125 memory T, thy-c, mono, w/ CD29 (forms VLA-6) adh, cell migration, CD49f cancer drugs and elimination pt, mega, epi, epi, endo, or β4 (CD104); binds embryogenesis MSP-R, RON 150, 40 mac, epi, some hemato MSP, HGFI induction of migration, CD354 TREM-1 30 monocytes, granulocytes activation, costimulation cytotrophoblasts laminins, invasin CD136 and carcinoma cell lines morphological change and CD244 2B4, Ly-90 66 NK, T sub, baso, mono CD48 inhibits NK activ, prolif, anti-apoptosis costimulates T cells CD355 CRTAM activated CD8 Tcells, Necl2 adhesion CD51 vitronectin R, 125, 24 pt, act T, endo, gran, w/ integrin β1, adh, signaling activated NK/NKT cells integrin αV dimer mono, osteoblasts, β3, β5, β6 or β8; 4-1BB, TNFRSF9 39 act T, FDC, mono, act B, epi 4-1BB ligand costim ALK, Ki-1, Anaplastic 200 some T cell lymphomas, midkine R for tyrosine kinase, melanoma cells, mega binds fibrinogen, CD137 CD246 TNFRSF18, GITR, AITR 30 T (low), activated T, Treg GITRL suppress Treg function thrombospondin, lymphoma kinase endo, some neural cells regulates cell growth CD357 vWF, CD31, CD242 CD138 syndecan-1 85-92 plasma, pre-B, epi, ECM, FGF adh, cell growth and apoptosis neural cells CD358 TNFRSF21, DR6 40 broad tissue distribution, APP apoptosis CD3z, Zeta chain, CD3ζ 16 T, NK component of CD3/TCR Ag recognition and signaling overexpressed by CD52 CAMPATH-1, HE5 25-29 thy-c sub, lympho, mono/ costim; apoptosis, antibodies CD247 tumor cells mac, epi, sperm useful for lysis of target cells CD140a PDGF-Rα 180 fibro, mesenchymal PDGF-A, PDGF- cell prolif, differen, complex, binds ZAP-70 cells, pt, glial cells B, PDGF-C and survival IL-21R, NILR B, low on T, NK, IL-21 T, NK activation, OX-44 32-42 leuko, DC, osteoblasts, VLA-4, MHC class II signaling and chondrocytes CD248 TEM1, Endosialin 165 embryonic endo, tumor angiogenesis CD360 CD53 endo, stromal fibro mono, and DC proliferation and osteoclasts development, B apoptosis CD140b PDGF-Rβ 180 fibro, mesenchymal PDGF-B, PDGF-D cell prolif, differen, CD54 ICAM-1, Ly-47, MALA-2 90-110 endo, epi, mono, low on CD11a/CD18, CD11b/ extravasation of leuko from cells, pt, glial cells and survival CD249 APA, BP-1, Ly-51, ENPEP 140-160 pre-B, BM stromal, w/ angiotensin II and converts angiotensin II to CD361 EVI2b, EVDB broad in hematopietic and resting lympho (upreg CD18, Rhinovirus, blood vessels, T activ and chondrocytes epi, endo cholecystokinin-8 angiotensin III, regulates some non-hematopoietic upon activ), DC, gran CD43, CD227 B precursor prolif cells, some tumors CD141 Thrombomodulin 105 mono, neutro, pt, endo thrombin initiation of protein C CD55 DAF 60-70 eryth, lympho, gran, endo C3b, C4b, CD97 regulates C' activ; ligand anti-coagulant pathway CD252 OX40L, TNFSF4 34 DC, act B, endo, mast OX40 costim CD362 Syndecan-2, 48 mac, epithelial cells, fibronectin, TACI, IL-8 adhesion, B cell or protective molecule SDC2.1.186, endothelial, osteoblast, activation, apoptosis in fertilization CD142 Tissue Factor, 45-47 mono, epi, astrocytes, complexed with initiates blood clotting TRAIL, APO2L, TNFSF10 40 act NK, liver NK, act T DR4, DR5, DcR1, DcR2 apoptosis Fibroglycan mesenchymal cells Coagulation Factor III Schwann cells, endo, factor VIIa CD253 smooth muscle CD363 S1PR1, EDG-1, endothelial cell, S1P adhesion, endothelial CD56 NCAM 175-220 neural tissue, carcinomas NCAM, heparin sulfate homophilic and CD254 TRANCE, RANKL, 40 act T, stromal cells, RANK T-B and T-DC interaction, CHEDG1, S1P1 subset B, NK, DC differentiation heterophilic adh TNFSF11 osteoclasts bone dev CD143 ACE 90, 170 endo, epi, DC, neurons, angiotensin I, angiotensin converting T cell immunoglobulin 33 Developmentally Binds hepatitis A virus TIM-1 ligation induces T cell fibro, act mac bradykinin enzyme, control CD365 CD59a Protectin, H19, CD59 19-25 endo, eryth, cardiac muscle, C8α, C9, lck, fyn prevents C' polymerization, TWEAK, TNFSF12 18, 30-35 act mono, endo, fibro FN14, APO3 activ, prolif, apoptosis mucin 1, TIMD-1, regulated; highly in humans, Tim-4, proliferation, promotes sperm, kidney, liver, lung protects cells from C' attack blood pressure CD255 KIM-1 (kidney injury expressed in embryonic LMIR5/CD300b cytokine production, and molecule-1), HAVCR-1 development in blastocysts. aids in the regulation CD59b 18 testis, sperm, eryth C8α, C9, lck, fyn prevents C' lysis CD144 VE-Cadherin, 130 endo, stem sub CD144, β catenin cell adh CD256 APRIL, TALL-2, TNFSF13 38 leuko, pancreas, colon TACI, BCMA T and B prolif Expressed on activated of Th2 immunity. Cadherin-5 CD4+lymphocytes, gpIIIa, β3 integrin 110 with CD41 on pt, with binds fibrinogen, mediates cell adh to CD257 BLYS, BAFF, 34 act mono, DC TACI, BAMA, BAFF-R T, B growth and dev especially Th2 cell lines. CD61 CD146 MUC18, S-endo, MCAM 130 endo, melanoma, cell adh TNFSF13b, TALL-1 CD51 on mac, endo, pt, vitronectin, diverse matrix proteins prostate cancer T cell immunoglobulin 31 Expressed on activated Putative ligand May play a role in the fibro, osteoclasts, mast fibronectin, vWF CD366 LIGHT, TNFSF14 29 act T, act mono HVEM, LTβR costim of T, induces apoptosis and mucin domain Th1 lymphocytes and on resting development of immune CD147 Neurothelin, 55-65 leuko, eryth, pt, endo CD147, MMP-1 adh, T activ, embryonic dev CD258 containing 3 protein, CD11b+ macrophages CD4+ lymphocytes responses and the CD62E E-selectin, ELAM- 97-115 act endo ESL-1, CD162, CD43, leuko rolling, tumor cell basigin, EMMPRIN hepatitis virus development of Th1- 1, LECAM-2 CD44, CLA adh, angiogenesis CD261 TRAIL-R1, DR4, 56 act T, some tumor cells TRAIL (CD253) induces apoptosis cellular receptor 2 mediated responses CD148 HPTP-eta, p260, DEP-1 200-260 endo, epi, gran, mono, p120(ctn) tyrosine phosphatase, TNFRSF10a CD62L L-selectin, LECAM-1, 74, 95 B sub, T sub, mono, CD34, MAdCAM- leuko rolling and homing DC, pt, B, act T adh, angiogenesis CD367 DCIR, LLIR, CLECSF6 27 Neutrophils, monocytes, Receptor for HIV, LAM-1, Ly-22, MEL-14 gran, NK, thy-c 1, GlyCAM-1 CD262 TRAIL-R2, DR5, 55 leuko, heart, placenta, TRAIL (CD253) induces apoptosis dendritic cells and B cells cross-presentation and CD150 SLAM, IPO-3 75-95 T (upreg upon activ), CD150, tyrosine adh, costim, signaling TNFRSF10b liver, tumor cells cross-priming of human CD62P P-selectin, GMP- 140 act pt, act endo CD162, CD24 leuko tethering and rolling Treg, B, DC, endo, HSC phosphatase CD45 CD8+ T cells, inhibit 140, PADGEM CD263 TRAIL-R3, DcR1, 65 low level in most TRAIL (CD253) inhibits TRAIL-induced intracellular signaling PETA-3 32 endo, mega, pt, epi β1 integrins, CD151 adh, signaling TNFRSF10c tissues, negative in apoptosis CD151 most tumor tissues CD368 C-type lectin domain 24 Macrophages, monocytes, Endocytic receptor, CD63 LIMP, MLA1, LAMP-3 40-60 act pt, mac, fibro, VLA-3, VLA-4; w/ regulates cell motility family 4 member D, neutrophils, subset probably involved in osteoclasts CD9, CD81 CD152 CTLA-4, Ly-56 33 act T, act B CD86, CD80 negative reg of T activ CD264 TRAIL-R4, DcR2, 35 low level in most TRAIL (CD253) inhibits TRAIL-induced CLEC6, CLECSF8, MCL, of dendritic cells; low antigen presentation, cell TNFSF10d tissues, negative in apoptosis MPCL, Dectin-3 expression in peripheral adhesion, and cell signaling CD64 FcγRI, FcR I 72 mono, mac, DC, IFN-γ IgG IgG Fc R, mediates blood lymphocytes or G-CSF act gran phagocytosis, Ag CD153 CD30L, TNFSF8 40 act T, act mac, act CD30 costim of T activ most tumor tissues capture, and ADCC neutro, act B CD369 BGR, βGR 43 Macrophages, dendritic β-1,3-linked and Phagocytosis, induces CD265 TRANCE-R, RANK, 97 DC, act mono TRANCE (CD254) R for TRANCE cells, Langerhans cells β-1,6-linked glucans cytokine production CD66a CEACAM-1, CEACAM- 140-180 liver, prostate, small adh CD154 CD40L, T-BAM, gp39, 32-39 act T, act pt, act mono CD40, αIIbβ3, costim TNFRSF11a and oxidative burst 2, BGP, CEA-1 intestine, colon, spleen, TRAP, TNFSF5 α5β1 integrin kidney, testis CD266 TWEAK-R, Fn14, 14 endoth, epith, TWEAK (CD255) regulates apoptosis, CD370 DNGR-1, C-type 30 Strictly expressed on CD8α+ Ubiquitous preformed Cross present antigen to CTL CD155 PVR, Necl-5 60-90 mono, mac, some poliovirus, cell migration and adh, TNFRSF12a keratinocytes proliferation lectin domain family dendritic cells, migratory acid-labile protein CD68 macrosialin, gp110 87-115 mac, neutro, baso, DC, oxidized LDL phagocytosis tumor cells vitronectin, polio virus infection 9 member A CD103+ dendritic cells, and associated ligand(s) myeloid progenitors, CD226, CD96 CD267 TACI, TNFRSF13b 32 B, myeloma cells BAFF, APRIL inhibits B cell proliferation plasmacytoid dendritic cells act mono CD156a ADAM8, MS2, CD156 69 mono/mac, trophoblasts, α9β1 integrin adh, metalloproteases CD268 BAFFR, TNFRSF13c 19 B, T subset BAFF B cell survival and CD371 CLL1, MICL, CLL-1, 30.7 CD8+ dendritic cells (DCs), a Negative regulator AIM, VEA 28, 32 act leuko, NK, thy-c activ, costim, signaling neurons, oligodendrocytes maturation, T cell activation DCAL-2, C-type lectin proportion of CD8- dendritic of granulocyte and CD69 domain family cells, plasmacytoid DCs, monocyte function sub, pt, Langerhans TACE, ADAM 17 100-120 lympho, mono, gran, TNF-α, TGF-α cleaves transmembrane CD156b BCMA, TNFRSF17 B, plasma cells BAFF, APRIL plasma cell survival 12 member A monocytes, macrophages, DC, endo, epi forms of TNF-α and TGF-α CD269 granulocytes, B cells CD70 CD27L, TNFSF7 29-33 act B, act T CD27 costim to generate soluble forms

Abbreviations Contact BioLegend: act: activated CNS: central nervous system gran: granulocytes LDL: low density lipoprotein MHC: major histocompatibility prolif: proliferation TNFRSF: TNF receptor superfamily C’: complement hemato: hematopoietic leuko: leukocytes complex R: receptor TNFSF: TNF superfamily activ: activation Toll-Free (US & Canada): 1-877-Bio-Legend (246-5343) ADCC: Antibody-dependent costim: costimulation hepato: hepatocytes lympho: lymphocytes mono: monocytes stem: stem cells Treg: T regulatory cells BioLegend DC: dendritic cells HSC: hematopoietic stem cells mac: macrophages neutro: neutrophils sub: subset upreg: upregulated cell-mediated cytotoxicity Phone: (858) 768-5800 Fax: (877) 455-9587 adh: adhesion dev: development IEL: intraepithelial lymphocytes mast: mast cells NK: natural killer cells T: T lymphocytes vWF: von Willebrand factor San Diego, CA 92121 differen: differentiation inhib: inhibition mega: megakaryocytes pDC: plasmacytoid dendritic cells TCR: T cell receptor w/: associated with Ag: Antigen E-mail: [email protected] ALL: acute lymphoid leukemia ECM: extracellular matrix Langerhans: Langerhans cells pt: platelets thy-c: thymocytes B: B lymphocytes endo: endothelial cells eosino: eosinophils BioLegend Europe [email protected] β2m: beta-2-microglobulin epi: epithelial cells baso: basophils BioLegend Japan BCR: B cell receptor eryth: erythrocytes FDC: follicular dendritic cells BM: bone marrow Worldwide Distributors CD: Cluster of Differentiation fibro: fibroblasts Revision: March 2018 04-0027-02