Lake Kyoga.Pdf
Report of frame survey of the Kyoga basin lakes 2002 Item Type monograph Publisher National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) Download date 30/09/2021 01:58:52 Link to Item . ; ~ ..... '. ....: , NATIONAL FISHERIES RESOURCES RESEARCH INSTITUTE (NAFIRRI) .' ,,':",.... _. .: .:-: .' .:" THEME 3: l::; ••••:· ENHANCING INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOIURCES ,' ...' .:. ~ .• ': ~ . ". .. ~ -PROJECT: GENERATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES THAT ENSURE SUSTAINABLE USTILISATION OF FISH STOCKS I (CAPTURE FISHERIES) ON LAKES KYOGA,KWANIA, BISINA, 0' _ . ALBERT AND ALBERT NILE ARTP II .. , .: :.','I' .. ..:.' "... REPORT OF FRAME SURVEY OF THE KYOGA BASIN . LAKES 2002 (".11I "'. ~. "'" ~ '., - :", ,'. •• r .',.:\ ' ....' ' · " '" .., -, . .. ~ . ,. " .. , -- .... ... 11 I" THEME 3: Enhancing Integrated Management of Natural Resources PROJECT: Generation of Knowledge and Technologies that Ensure Sustainable Utilization of Fish Stocks (Capture Fisheries) on II Lakes Kyoga, Kwania, Bisina, Albert And Albert Nile. PROJECT LEADER: J.R. Kamanyi Principal Research Officer, NAFIRRI. Back ground I The project objective is to generate, package, and disseminate information/technologies/methods and policy advice for increasing and sustaining 'II Fisheries resources and development of options for optimizing socio-economic ,. benefits from the aquatic systems. The activities were to be conducted on Lakes Kyoga, Kwania, Bisina, Albert and Albert Nile. However due to limited funds, I: work was not extended to Lake Albert, Albert Nile. There are six studies/experiments/activities in the project namely: ~ II 1. Population characteristics of fish stocks (composition, distribution, I abundance and population structure). 2. Estimation of fish biomass II 3. Fish catch assessment (catch rates) and estimation of annual commercial catch 4. age estimation of the major commercial fish species Ii 5.
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