St Columb Major Town Council
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ST COLUMB MAJOR TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of a Full Council Meeting of St Columb Major Town Council, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major, on Tuesday, 18th September 2018 at 7.00pm. Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), Mrs L Jiggins, Mrs F Fuery, B Daniels, Mrs B Rogers, W Draper, S Allen In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk), four members of the public and a Reporter from Newquay Voice 497/17 Mayor’s Welcome: The Mayor, Cllr Wills, welcomed everyone to the Meeting. Housekeeping: The Mayor addressed Councillors, and members of the public, giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile ‘phones be switched off, or turned to silent. Announcement and Diary Dates: Cllr Wills advised that his Report will be deferred to the next Meeting. 498/17 Public Forum: Paul Fong, from Hunter Page Planning, representing Retallack Resort, gave an update on the Retallack Resort. The new owners are Aria Resorts, who own a number of similar holiday resorts within the UK and operate these purely as holiday accommodation. A Section 73 Planning Application has been submitted. This seeks to change the design of the lodges, to change the landscaping, and to facilitate a central car park. There are currently 164 lodges on site. The total number of units available will be 334. Les Robertson was introduced to Members. He is currently Head of Commercial Operations. He gave a brief summary of the history of Aria Resorts. He confirmed that the company will have nothing to do with any residential accommodation. What the company represents, is a prime location, with pristine five star accommodation. The properties will be purely holiday homes. Aria would like to put more facilities on site. Emma Holt, and James O’Brien, took Members through some outline designs. They displayed a number of different concepts – The Landscape Context, Masterplan Proposal, Proposed Character Areas, Proposed Building Types, Proposed View. Basically, Mr Fong explained that Aria ST COLUMB MAJOR TOWN COUNCIL – FULL COUNCIL MEETING – 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Page 1 Resorts are looking for a complete change in direction. In answer to a question, he confirmed that they are looking to increase the waste water filtration capacity. New, semi-mature trees will be planted around the site. Mr Fong confirmed that at no time will the company be looking to have the present restrictions lifted. With regards to the time frame, they would like work to commence as soon as possible. The whole area will be redeveloped. There has already been a very considerable investment made by Aria Resorts into Retallack Resort. The overall concept, is that it will be an open all year round resort. Cllr Wills thanked the four Aria representatives for their very interesting, and informative presentation. 499/17 Apologies for Absence: Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllr Culley (on holiday), and Cllr Roberts (on holiday). Cllr Jenkin was not present. 500/17 Members Declarations of Interests: i) Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Agenda: None ii) Declarations of gifts to the value of £25: None 501/17 To confirm Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 4th September 2018: The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 4rd September 2018, were presented by the Mayor. Cllr Wills welcomed Mr Steve Allen to his first Town Council Meeting, as a newly Co-opted Councillor. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes be accepted. There was one abstention. 502/17 Planning Matters: PA18/07736: Conversion of barn into 2 holiday units – Old Mill House, Road from Tregaswith Road to Junction South of Tregoose, Tregoose, Newquay – Mr Clayton ST COLUMB MAJOR TOWN COUNCIL – FULL COUNCIL MEETING – 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Page 2 There was only one comment on the Planning Portal. Overall, the consensus of opinion was that there was no problem with this Application. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Allen seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support the Application. PA18/07412: Replacement of derelict agricultural building with single-storey holiday letting unit and live/work unit with non- compliance of condition 2 of decision notice PA12/10086 dated 09.01.2013. Condition Number(s): Condition number 2: The unit of holiday unit hereby permitted shall be used as holiday accommodation only and shall not be occupied as a person’s sole or main place of residence. Condition (s) Removal: Please refer to attached Supporting Statement. The Applicants seek the removal of Condition 2 – The Old Dairy, Road from Carnanton Road to Tregaswith Road, Trevithick, Newquay – The Trustees of the Late J C Teagle It was noted that a Restriction is normally in place for five years. There is, in fact, a family living in the property now. There is no landscaping at the property whatsoever. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded, and it was RESOLVED to support the Application (7 voted for, 1 against). 503/17 Library Devolution Cllr Wills gave an update on the Library Devolution. The Self-Service Kiosk will be arriving on Friday of this week. Additional CCTV cameras have already been fitted in the Library. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Town Clerk, met with the staff today. We are “on track” to take the Library over on 1st October 2018. We have received 11 applications for the Library and Information Assistant roles. It has been decided that we will interview all the Applicants on Tuesday next. A question was asked about the Kiosk. There appears to be some operational discrepancies – will it be fully functional? The matter will be investigated. We are arranging for companies to quote for building work, decoration, and floor coverings. 504/17 Ideas for Precept 2019/20: Cllr Wills spoke on this item. Cllr Allen asked if consideration could be given for additional dog bins on the way down to Halveor. Perhaps we could also install another CCTV camera? Cllr Mrs Warner mentioned again about the Devolution Projects, which we are likely to be taking over from Cornwall Council in the New Year. We need to determine what we ST COLUMB MAJOR TOWN COUNCIL – FULL COUNCIL MEETING – 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Page 3 are doing with these, and then price up the eight projects. Cllr Daniels mentioned about the pruning of four large Beech trees in the Closed Churchyard. We will obtain a price for this, in addition to having one of trees removed – diseased. In the first instance, we will speak to the Diocesan Tree Officer. We will have to obtain a Faculty for this work. This will be an Agenda Item at the next Meeting. Cllr Mrs Warner wondered whether it would be a good idea to purchase additional hanging baskets for residents next year. Baskets similar to the ones that were purchased for around the Town Hall, and on the lamp posts. 505/17 Neighbourhood Development Plan: Cllr Wills advised that the Steering Group for the N. D. P. met last Wednesday. There was a large turnout (about 20). The Chairman and Vice Chairman were both on holiday. Ms Anna Seebald chaired the Meeting, and did a very good job. A Group was formed to help design a leaflet for the “first leaflet drop”. Cllr Wills advised them that the Town Council had agreed to fund this work. Mention was made about the problems that Crantock P. C. are having, with regards to recent planning decisions and their N. D. P. Our Steering Group were given a full brief (one of our Steering Group met with one of the Crantock P. C. Councillors). This whole matter could go to Court for a judicial review. Crantock P. C. has already raised £8,500 towards the cost of this. Cllr Wills stated that he was pleased with the level of commitment from the Steering Group. 506/17 Car Park Working Party: Cllr Wills advised that the Working Party met yesterday. They discussed the Lease, and charges for the Car Parks. It was recommended that charges should increase. They have not increased for quite some time now. 50p for half an hour was suggested, together with £1 per hour, with a maximum period of time being 3 hours. There are a number of options regarding the Lease. Should we “keep our heads down” and carry on as we are? Should we talk to the Wesley Place (St Columb) Ltd., and ask that a set fee and a time period be agreed? Or, should we just re-sign the existing Lease, with the rent increasing each year, in line with the R. P. I.? It was eventually proposed by Cllr Mrs Warner, seconded by Cllr Mrs Rogers, and RESOLVED unanimously to re-negotiate the Lease. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously, to increase the charges to £1 per hour, with a maximum stay being 3 hours. ST COLUMB MAJOR TOWN COUNCIL – FULL COUNCIL MEETING – 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Page 4 507/17 WW1 Commemorations: Cllr Wills gave an update on this item. A Programming Meeting was held on 6th September when most people/organisations involved with the Parade, Service and Concert attended. Everything is well “on track”. It should be a very moving, emotional, and poignant occasion. It was confirmed that members from the Army Cadets are hoping to attend. Cllr Allen stated that the School may be interested in taking part in some way. 508/17 Christmas Lights: Cllr Draper advised that he has had only one response, from the original three contractors he had contacted to price for the electrical work. One firm has now declined. Two other companies have been contacted, and it is hoped that prices will be received next week.