
Walking Through an Exploded : Rendering

Supernova Remnant into Virtual Reality Resources

Kimberly Kowal Arcand Megan Watzke Keywords Smithsonian Astrophysical / Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/ Data, virtual reality, science communication, Chandra X-ray Observatory Chandra X-ray Observatory visualisation, augmented reality, narrative [email protected] [email protected]

Elaine Jiang Tom Sgouros Brown University Brown University [email protected] [email protected]

Sara Price Peter Edmonds Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/ Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/ Chandra X-ray Observatory Chandra X-ray Observatory [email protected] [email protected]

Data on the Cassiopeia A remnant from NASA and other sources have been rendered into a three-dimensional virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) programme, which is the first of its kind. This data-driven experience of a allows viewers to take a virtual walk inside the leftovers of a massive star that has exploded, select parts of the remnant to engage with and access descriptive texts on what the different materials are. This programme is based on a unique three-dimensional (3D) model of the 340-year old remains of a stellar , made by combining data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Spitzer Telescope and ground-based facilities. A collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Brown University allowed the 3D astronomical data collected on Cassiopeia A to be featured in the VR/AR programme, which is an innovation in digital technologies with public, education and research-based impacts.

Introduction more user-friendly technologies, presents to work with specific cases to practice the new opportunities for their use in science applicable caregiving skills (Murphy, 2018). Overview of Virtual Reality (Ferrand et al., 2016). There is a poten- tial for VR to revolutionise how experts — Beyond the of the body and out Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technol- from molecular modelling to environmental into the Universe at large, astronomical ogy that simulates a user’s physical pres- conservation — visualise and analyse their data sets often provide high-resolution, ence in a virtual environment. VR’s close data and how that data is then communi- multi- and multi-dimensional relative, augmented reality (AR), adds ele- cated to non-experts (Isenberg, 2013). (lately, even multi-messenger) informa- ments such as text, overlays and audio tion. The process of converting , to enhance that experience with sensory In medicine alone, VR is a unique tool for or packets of , into 2D images has input and is briefly discussed on page 19. data visualisation and comprehension as been documented and studied (Rector et VR has existed in some form since the well as for continuing education and user al., 2017; Arcand et al., 2013; DePasquale 1980s (Faisal, 2017). Though it has faced experiences. Uses of VR programmes et al., 2015; Rector et al., 2007) but the many ups and downs (Stein, 2015), includ- that are in development and implementa- translation of that information into 3D forms ing the unrealised promise of a Virtual tion range from improving health workers’ that use human perspective, cognition Reality Markup Language in the late , understanding of brain damage (Hung et and stereoscopic vision, less so (Ferrand it has become more commonplace in the al., 2014) to implementing virtual surgery et al., 2016). Since the Universe is multi- consumer market since about 2010 (Faisal, training for medical students (Murphy, dimensional itself, as Fluke and Barnes 2017)1. Given its potential for improving the 2018) and applying VR and AR techniques (2016) ask: “Are we making the best use gaming industry, media and even adult in an accessible way in the treatment of of the ’s (and a non-expert’s) entertainment, there are major commer- Alzheimer’s disease (Garcia-Betances et personal visual processing system to dis- cial driving forces behind the technology’s al., 2015). VR has been shown to improve cover knowledge?” development (Oracle, 2016; CNET, 2016). upon the traditional tangible model of using dummies to enhance medical stu- Astronomical VR experiences include The increased commercial prominence of dents’ preparation for assisting patients exploring ( outside our these technologies, including the availabil- in high-risk real- scenarios. It can allow ) through science-informed ity of less expensive yet good quality and physicians and other health professionals 3D artists’ impressions converted into

CAPjournal, No. 24, October 2018 17 Walking Through an Exploded Star: Rendering Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A into Virtual Reality

Figure 1. Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is a supernova remnant located about 10 000 light Figure 2. By combining data from Chandra, the and years from . This 2D visual representation of Cas A has been processed to ground-based optical observations, were able to construct the first show with clarity the appearance of Cas A in different bands of X-rays. This will aid 3D fly-through of a supernova remnant. This 3D visualisation (shown here as a still astronomers in their efforts to reconstruct details of the supernova process such image) was made possible by importing the data into a medical imaging pro- as the size of the star, its chemical make-up and the explosion mechanism. The gramme that has been adapted for astronomical use. Commercial software was colour scheme used in this image is the following: low-energy X-rays are , medium- then used to create the 3D version of the data. The green region shown in the energy ones are green and the highest-energy X-rays detected by Chandra are image is mostly observed in X-rays; the region is mostly argon and sili- coloured . The image is 8.91 arcmin across (or about 29 light years). con seen in X-rays, optical and , and the red region is cooler debris seen in Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO the infrared. The positions of these points in three-dimensional space were found by using the and simple assumptions about the supernova explo- sion. Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/T.Delaney et al.

VR2; experiencing a NASA mission space- from Chandra, infrared data from Spitzer nant containing light elements like craft in VR such as the James Webb Space and optical data from ground-based tele- and from the outer layer of the Telescope3; walking across the surface of scopes. In Figure 1, the green regions are exploded star and a flattened (disc-like) Mars4; exploring dozens of massive mostly iron, the yellow regions include a component in the inner region containing from the perspective of the supermassive combination of argon and , the red heavier elements like argon and iron from at the centre of our Galaxy5 regions are cooler explosion debris and the the inner layers of the star7. The blue fila- (Russell, 2018); and viewing radio data blue regions show the outer blast wave. ments indicating the blast wave show a dif- cubes of a spiral (Ferrand et al., ferent type of that does not emit 2016). When elements created inside a supernova light at discrete , and, there- are heated, they emit light at specific wave- fore, have not been included in the 3D Data Path for Cassiopeia A: From 2D lengths. Because of the Doppler effect, model. to VR elements moving towards the observer will have shorter wavelengths and elements High-velocity jets of heavy material shoot Supernova are among the most moving away will produce longer wave- out from the explosion in the plane of the violent events in the Universe. When the lengths. Since the extent of the wavelength disc-like component mentioned above. nuclear source at the centre of a shift is related to the speed of , the Jets of silicon appear in the upper left massive star is exhausted, the core col- velocity of the debris can be determined and lower right regions, while plumes of lapses and in less than a , a by analysing the light. By combining this iron are seen in the lower left and northern star typically forms. This process releases Doppler information with the expectation regions. These had been studied before an enormous amount of energy, which that the stellar debris expands radially out- the 3D model was made, but their orien- reverses the implosion, blows material out- wards from the explosion centre, Delaney tation and position with respect to the rest wards and produces a brilliant visual out- et al. (2010) used simple to con- of the debris field had not been mapped burst. The resulting debris field is referred struct a 3D model of Cas A (Figure 2). A before. to as a supernova remnant. programme called 3D Slicer — modified for astronomical use by the Astronomical The insight into the structure of Cas A Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is a supernova rem- Medicine Project at Harvard — was used gained from this 3D visualisation is impor- nant from an explosion that occurred to display and manipulate the 3D model6. tant for astronomers who build models of approximately 340 years ago in the Earth’s supernova explosions. They have learned timeframe (Figure 1). A multi-wavelength The visualisation shows that there are two that the outer layers of the star come off three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of main components to Cas A: a spherical spherically, but the inner layers come out this remnant was created using X-ray data component in the outer parts of the rem- more disc-like with high-velocity jets in

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AR has become popular because of the number of smartphones, wearable com- puting devices and other smart gadgets being pushed in the consumer market (Vogt & Shingles, 2013; Amer & Peralez, 2014). From computational interfaces pop- ularised by Pokémon Go (Sicart, 2017) to AR leopards that visitors can interact with to help promote conservation10, AR is only expected to grow in popularity11.

The use of AR to explain topics in astron- omy is neither a completely new nor a completely unexpected idea. Vogt and Shingles (2013), for example, make note of AR-based designs in devel- oped for education purposes, including 3D displays of our Solar System, 3D demon- strations of the –Earth interaction and a NASA application that allows users to get up close and personal with a NASA space- craft12, 13. Vogt and Shingles also discuss the use of AR for astronomy research, cit- ing their own interactive AR model of the supernova remnant N132d.

VR Translation and Technical Specifications

Currently, VR software has not been stand- ardised to the point where we can use data as direct input into a VR programme. While software exists to allow visualis- ations to be displayed across different platforms (Brown Center for Computation and Visualization (CAVE)14, Viscon Virtual Reality VR PowerWall15, 3D televisions16, head-mounted displays17) using a variety of input devices (6-degree-of-freedom track- Figure 3. A 3D virtual reality (VR) with augmented reality (AR) version of the 3D data of Cas A allows the user to 18 walk inside the debris from a massive stellar explosion, select the parts of the supernova remnant to engage ers , multi-touch input devices (Marzo et 19 with and access short captions on what the materials are. This photo was taken of the first author inside the al., 2014), haptic devices ), we have yet to Brown University YURT, or VR CAVE, during testing of the Oculus Rift hardware and application. Credit: NASA/ design a system that can support raw data CXC/SAO/E.Jiang. without any external software. Therefore, with each new type of data set, effort must be made to build the bridge between raw multiple directions (Delaney et al., 2010). ually impaired populations9 (Grice et al., data and VR software in order to produce Since the Delaney et al. (2010) study, two 2015; Christian et al., 2015). the visualisation. other groups have constructed 3D mod- els of Cas A (Milisavljevic & Fesen, 2015; The authors considered VR (Figure 3) as This format of Cas A uses volumetric Orlando et al., 2016), demonstrating the the next step in the translation process, an data (where volume, or the data inside rich scientific value of such visualisations additional experience beyond the 2D visual an object, is rendered — as in an MRI or for astronomers. and 3D tactile (Eriksson, 2014). CT scan in medicine) and polygonal data (where only the surface, or the outside This 3D visualisation was initially created Augmented Reality in Astronomy data, is rendered) of the supernova rem- as an interactive for desktop viewing8. nant Cassiopeia A collected by Chandra, To move beyond the small screen, it was As mentioned above, AR adds text, image, Spitzer and ground-based optical obser- later translated into a 3D printable format sound-based elements or other effects to vatories. It therefore employs volume (Arcand et al., 2017), which is particularly deliver an enhanced user experience with and surface rendering techniques of the conducive for exploration by blind and vis- additional sensory input, typically by merg- Visualisation Toolkit (VTK)20 to create a ing the real or “live” with virtual information. MinVR-enabled programme21.

Walking Through an Exploded Star: Rendering Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A into Virtual Reality 19 Walking Through an Exploded Star: Rendering Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A into Virtual Reality

Figure 4. a) b) c) (Left to right) Volume rendering. Credit: CXC & Brown University.

Methods Integrating with MinVR VTK to improve the external camera capac- ity. In the end, we were able to complete Volume and Surface Rendering MinVR is an open-source project, devel- the integration and display the supernova oped and maintained collectively by the models in YURT. To render the supernova both volumet- University of Minnesota, Brown University rically and polygonally, we used VTK, an and Malcalester College. It aims to sup- Progress & Results: Volume and open-source, freely available software sys- port data visualisation and VR research Surface Rendering tem for 3D computer graphics, image pro- projects by providing a cross-platform VR cessing and visualisation. VTK supports toolkit that can be used in many different Figure 4(a) shows a sample volume ren- a wide variety of visualisation algorithms VR displays,­ including Brown University’s dering demo that uses iron data to including scalar, vector, tensor, texture and YURT (Yurt Ultimate Reality Theatre, or simulate what a supernova would look like volumetric methods as well as advanced CAVE14). given its volumetric data. modelling techniques such as implicit mod- elling, polygon reduction, mesh smoothing A technical challenge with this project Figure 4(b) shows that when the ­ and contouring20 (Kitware, 2010). VTK has was integrating the VTK programme with level is low enough, one can observe an a suite of 3D interaction widgets. MinVR. Since both programmes had their outer cube that encompasses the iron own ­render function, we had to use VTK’s density data, illustrating the importance With VTK, we were able to read the super- external module to allow the VTK pro- of adjusting opacity levels in volume data sets and use its built-in filters gramme to accept an external render win- rendering. and mappers to render the remnant’s vol- dow and render loop. As has been the ume and surface. The remnant is com- case when working with our 3D/VR pro- On the other hand, when the opacity level posed of seven different parts, and each jects thus far, multiple bridges needed to is too high, we cannot see enough of the part is represented by a different colour in be built between technologies in order to data to observe the differing measure- the surface model. create something new. We worked with ments of density. Figure 4(c) shows that

Figure 5.a) b) c) (Left to right) Surface rendering. Credit: NASA/CXC & Brown University.

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we must work to find an optimal opacity ture. Users can select a specific part of the The Cas A 3D VR model has the potential level and an intuitive colour scale. supernova remnant by using their input to be a useful tool that engages experts device or wand (such as the Oculus Touch, and non-experts in the data of astronomy The model in Figure 5(a) is a surface ren- a device that brings the user’s hands or and applications of computer science. For dering of Cas A, made up of seven differ- gestures into the virtual environment) to non-experts, specifically, astronomy data ent parts, shown in different colours. Each access the annotations and bring them in general are popular as a science topic, part is a separate ASCII data file consist- up in their VR environment. They can cycle as evidenced by the ubiquitous placement ing of polygon data and triangular strips. through each notation to discover more of astronomical images throughout popu- information about Cas A. These additional lar culture everywhere from bed linens to The seven parts shown in Figure 5(b) interactive narrative features may help edu- computer wallpaper23. include a spherical component (), a cators to more effectively tell the life story of tilted thick disc (grey), and multiple ejecta a star and provide resources to research- By linking the data and images of Cas A jets/pistons (green) and optical fast-mov- ers observing changes in the size, density with unique computer tools in a project ing knots (red, yellow, blue, pink) all popu- and shape of stars. such as this, new connections can be lating the thick disc plane. made. Astronomy models in virtual reality Figure 6(a) shows the addition of narrative can provide an unexpected visual and per- Figure 5(c) shows the view from inside the text, where the user can select a part of ceptual palette for the modern viewer. Such spherical structure of the supernova. Here, Cas A to focus on and access captions. applications may be able to assist partici- it is possible to see that the rendering is a In this case, the user has chosen to focus pants in establishing a sense of presence mesh of triangles that shape the surface. on the at the centre of the with data that is otherwise difficult to relate remnant. to because of the of the distance Augmented Reality: Narrative from Earth, sheer scale and other factors. Additions Figure 6(b) captures the screen of a user This data can be shown at a monumental highlighting the reverse shock sphere that scale with VR. There are difficulties with VR For the Cas A VR experience, adding demonstrates wave expansion. Note how technologies to consider, however, such as interactive text over the VR object was an the caption superimposed over the image motion sickness caused by the visual dis- important narrative component of the over- uses analogy to help increase understand- connect, the need to incorporate an illu- all experience because of the complexity ing (Smith et al., 2017 (b)). sion of boundless movement, accessibil- of the science model. Providing contextual ity (both for underserved socioeconomic information has been shown to improve the areas and also for physical accessibil- user’s understanding and enjoyment of 2D Discussion ity by people who are visually impaired24), and 3D astronomy images both among as well as struggles in establishing touch-­ experts and non-experts and across tech- The VR Cas A experience was created responsive features (Steinicke, 2016; Amer nological platforms (Smith et al., 2017a, for 3D immersive environments such as & Peralez, 2014). 2017b, 2014, 2010). Therefore, the addi- CAVES and the Oculus Rift (Clark, 2014). tion of contextual information to VR data Cell phone adaptations that can be viewed Just as in video games and educational sets seemed ideal for users of all kinds. with pop-up personal VR viewers such as software, VR-enabled science requires Google Cardboard and even those that narrative integration whether for expert or Our enhanced VR Cas A model includes can be used in a browser without any non-expert users (Gottschalk, 2016). The annotations for each part of the supernova VR ­viewers have been created to allow key to making such a project more than remnant (for example, the neutron star, the additional entry points for viewers who just a toy is to provide meaningful informa- iron and silicon debris, etc.) that describe do not have access to more expensive tion and content that is clearly embedded both its components and its overall struc- equipment22. in the virtual experience. Projects such as

Figure 6.a) b) (Left to right ) Augmented Reality labeling. Credit: NASA/CXC & Brown University.

Walking Through an Exploded Star: Rendering Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A into Virtual Reality 21 Walking Through an Exploded Star: Rendering Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A into Virtual Reality

3 Experiencing NASA mission spacecraft in this Cas A 3D VR/AR model could be used to create similar programmes to read in VR: connect.unity.com/p/vr-experi- as a launch point for opportunities in a host and display such data. In the future, the ence-james-webb-space-telescope of topics in , chemistry, com- authors hope to demonstrate new models 4 Walking on : www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/ puter science and more. of another famous supernova, SN 1987A, news.php?feature=6978 an explosion on the surface of a 5 With the current market trends in equip- dwarf, V745 Sco, and other astrophysical Exploring dozens of massive stars from the perspective of the supermassive black hole ment and adaptations of content and density data. The goal is to generate these at the centre of our Galaxy: chandra.si.edu/ technologies for VR experiences (includ- models with less effort than that for Cas A. photo/2018/gcenter360/ ing multimodal access points for those Our intent is that this generic programme 6 3D Slicer (since archived, Initiative in with physical disabilities), it is a critical could act as a skeleton and tutorial­ for Innovative Computing): am.iic.harvard.edu to create quality astronomy-based future data sets in biomedical, physical or 7 materials for experienced VR users as well other fields26. Cas A 3D Model video: chandra.si.edu/ photo/2009/casa2/ as those new to VR. In education specifi- 8 cally, helping students maximise the poten- Smithsonian 3D model: 3d.si.edu/ tial of VR could be done partially through Conclusion explorer?mid=45 output adaptations to platforms such as 9 Printable Cas A 3D Model: chandra. YouTube, which can host 360-degree ver- We are excited about both the current si.edu/3dprint sions of many VR videos where they can ­abilities and the future potential of oppor- 10 See for example www.smithsonianmag. act as a canvas for individualised VR expe- tunities for using VR/AR in astronomy. com/travel/how-augmented-reality-help- riences tailored to the needs of different There is a potential for unique educational ing-raise-awareness-about-one-armenias- most-endangered-species-1-180967670/ learners (Cotabish, 2017). This aspect of experiences that marry the popularity of 11 the viewer-driven experience in VR (Chen a visual science like astronomy with the See for example www.thenational.ae/ et al., 2014) could potentially have a pos- technological advances that continue to business/peter-nowak-why-augmented-real- ity-will-be-a-big-trend-in-2017-1.32774; ven- itive impact on users with different learn- evolve in VR/AR. Making “real world” exam- turebeat.com/2018/02/08/the-nyt-is-board- ing styles, viewers with autism (Lahiri et al., ples like Cas A part of the cadre of VR/AR ing-the-ar-train-heres-what-that-means-for- 2015), participants with different physical could spur creative ideas of how to infuse storytelling/ abilities or other special needs (Tyler-Wood science into a realm that might typically 12 The Vogt and Shingles (2013) paper can be et al., 2015). include more content from science fiction. downloaded as an augmented article, illus- We look forward to making deeper connec- trating the utility of the technology promoted tions with the subject matter we are most in the paper. The authors argue for collabo- Next Steps familiar with, to see how we can expand ration between science researchers and its content into the virtual third dimension publishing platforms to create more stable, Expansion of Astrophysics VR Library and beyond. as well as backwards compatible, content for AR. While our current results have provided an 13 AR-based design in astronomy for educa- immersive and interactive rendering of the Acknowledgements tion purposes examples from NASA: www. supernova remnant Cassiopeia A, we plan nasa.gov/mission_pages/msl/news/ to expand our astrophysics VR data sets to Many special thanks to the Virtual Reality app20120711.html build additional 3D visualisations that help Lab at the Center for Computation and 14 Brown Center for Computation and illustrate more fully the life cycle of stars, Visualisation at Brown University with- Visualization (CAVE) software: web1.ccv. from birth to death, with further interactiv- out which this project could not have brown.edu/viz-cave ity included for the user. We are investigat- been done. The Cassiopeia A digital 3D 15 Viscon Virtual Reality VR PowerWall Soft­ ing the application of additional 3D data- model was originally developed with Dr ware: viscon.de/en/vr-2/vr-powerwall/ driven models that can be imported into Tracey Delaney of West Virginia Wesleyan 16 LG provides a striking example of a 3DTV: the VR pipeline described in previous sec- College (formerly of MIT), with the www.lg.com/us/tvs/lg-OLED55E6P-oled- tions. Future models include volumetric Chandra X-ray Center at the Smithsonian 4k-tv; Reasonably priced glasses for the data files of supernovae and younger star Astrophysical Observatory, in Cambridge, 3DTV are available at Kmart: www.kmart. com/edimensional-ed-4-pack-cinema-3d- systems that might also lead to more com- MA, with funding­ by NASA under contract glasses-for/p-SPM8624650802 prehensive models. NAS8-03060. 17 A very affordable version of the head mounted display is available at: www.ama- We are also working to make the existing zon.com/dp/B01LZA1EKZ/; See for a more VR application ADA/Section 508 compliant Notes costly option: www.amazon.com/dp/ 25 for accessibility . B00VF0IXEY 1 Virtual Reality Markup Language: www.cnn. 18 6-degrees-of-freedom trackers: www. com/TECH/9710/14/3.d.reality.lat/index.html Beyond Supernovae and Supernovae roadtovr.com/introduction-positional- 2 Remnants Science-informed 3D artists’ impressions tracking-degrees-freedom-dof/ converted into VR: www.space. Through rendering 3D models of Cas A, com/38749-visit-six-real-exoplanets-with-vir- this project has in addition implemented a tual-reality.html generic programme with examples of how

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