Rede Roni Bare1, Haedar Akib2, Anshari3, Djamil Hasim4, Akbar Mukmin5

1Doctor in Public Administration Universitas Negeri , Regional Secretary of Toraja , Rantepao, Indonesia.

2Head of the Department of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia.

3Deputy Director for Cooperation Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia.

4Rector of InstitutIlmu Sosial dan IlmuPolitik (IISIP) Biak, Biak Numfor, Indonesia.

5Doctor Candidate in Public Administration Universitas Negeri Makassar, Regional Secretary of , Sinjai, Indonesia

Rede Roni Bare , Haedar Akib , Anshari , Djamil Hasim , Akbar Mukmin , Competitive Advantage Of Local Potential-Based Tourism Destinations: Evidence From Indonesia , Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x. Keywords: Tourism Destinations, SaptaPesona Tourism (SPT), Resource-Based Strategy, Market-Based Strategy, Sustainable Competitiveness.

ABSTRACT: Tourism is a leading sector of multidimensional development that is the focus of attention of national and regional governments around the world, including Indonesia to enter the New Normal Local Economy (NENOLE) era. One of the strategies of choice in fostering tourist interest in visiting one of the preferred strategies in fostering tourist interest in visiting tourism destinations or tourist attraction objects (TAO) in Indonesia is through the re- realization of the SaptaPesonaTourism (SPT) program. This developmental descriptive study aims to explain the results of the re-actualization of the SPT program as a source of


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) competitive advantage based on local competence in Toraja Indonesia. Data were collected through observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation. The descriptive-qualitative analysis technique used follows the stages of the interactive model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the creation of physical, socio-psychological, and ecological (environmental) situations and conditions in most tourism destinations or TAO actualized the SPT program with high results. Created situations and conditions that provide a sense of security and comfort because the psychological, social, and physical environment is orderly, clean, cool, friendly, and beautiful so that it is memorable for tourists and all interested parties. This reality shows that the preconditions (requirements) that accommodate the development of a core strategy in the form of the embodiment of the elements of SPT and a resource-based strategy approach combined with a market-based strategy approach are appropriate to be used as approaches strategy to increase the competitiveness of tourism destinations based on local competencies owned.

INTRODUCTION: Tourism as a leading sector of multidimensional development is the focus of attention of central and local governments around the world, including Indonesia in entering the New Normal Local Economy (NENOLE) era. The attention of many countries to tourism is recognized by experts (Carrillo & Jorge, 2017; Nocca, 2017; Pazienza, 2004; Persada, 2018; Pratomo & Sumargo, 2016) because the tourism sector is considered capable of bringing benefits and advantages to countries or regions that develop. The United Nations World Tourism Organization / UNWTO (World Tourism Organization, 2021) recognizes that tourism is a leading sector and is one of the key factors for the success of regional development in a country and improving welfare for the community in a sustainable manner. According to Yoeti (2016), tourism development is very important because it is in line with the development of various aspects of life and the fulfillment of human needs. Currently, the tourism industry sector is following what has been formulated and has succeeded in achieving the desired targets, both in terms of economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects. In the development of tourism, it is necessary to consider various things that are directly and indirectly related without exception, because tourism development is not closely related to the economic, social, and cultural sectors that live in society.

LITERATURE REVIEW: Tourism can be understood as a trip that is carried out repeatedly or in circles from one place to another with a specific purpose and purpose (Simanjuntak et al., 2017), the movement of people in a short time temporarily to destinations outside their places normally live (Burkart & Medlik, 1990). The same thing is understood by Mathieson & Wall (1982) that tourism involves the temporary movement of people to destinations but they add emphasis to activities and facilities needed by people who make the trip. According to Simanjuntak et al., (2017) that the whole phenomenon of tourism is carried out by tourists, including various facilities and services provided by the Community, Entrepreneurs, Government, and Regional Government, as well as related businesses in this field can be defined by the term tourism. Normatively, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, it is explained that tourism is a variety of tourism activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided by the Community, Entrepreneurs, Government, and Local Government (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2009). The definition according to this law emphasizes that every tourism destination should have quality tourism activities to attract tourists, supported by quality


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) facilities as well. Tourism will not develop if stakeholders do not take part in the development and implementation of tourism programs. This definition clearly states that stakeholders are the community, entrepreneurs, and the government. Pender & Sharpley (2004) assert that tourism is a complex phenomenon. Tourism can be multi-sectoral as well as multi-asset business. In addition, tourism can create difficulties if generalizing about the management of tourism businesses. Tourism is an industry so that in the context of its implementation it involves many sectors and this makes tourism multi- sectoral. Tourism involves the transportation industry, the agricultural industry, the manufacturing industry, and other industries. Therefore, tourism has multiple impacts in addition to increasing the competitiveness of developing regions, tourism is also able to improve the welfare of the community. According to Yoeti (2002), the conditions for a trip are referred to as tourism trips if 1) the trip is carried out from one place to another, outside the place where the person usually lives; 2) the purpose of the trip is solely for fun and not to earn a living in the place or country visited; 3) solely as a consumer at the place visited. The development of tourism and the creation of sustainable national and regional competitiveness is in line with the development goals and objectives to be achieved. The important aspects that need to be known in planning tourism development are: 1) Tourists, knowing in advance the characteristics of future tourists. 2) Transportation or transportation, knowing in advance the transportation that is available or which will be used. 3) Attractions or tourist attraction objects (TAO), how attractions will be sold, whether they meet three conditions, namely: what can be seen, what can be done, and what can be purchased in the tourist destination to be visited. 4) Service facilities, in the sense of what facilities are available in the tourist destination, how are the existing hotel accommodations, restaurants, public services such as banks/money changers, post offices, communication access, and others, including information and promotions for prospective tourists about the tourist destinations to be visited. 5) Ansilarity, or additional services such as securing TAO by interested agencies and clear regulations governing tourism from the central or local government. Indonesia since 1978 there has been a seriousness in developing tourism. This is stated in the Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly Number IV/MPR/1978 which states that tourism needs to be improved and expanded to increase foreign exchange earnings, expand employment opportunities, and introduce culture (read in Mutis, 2011). The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 1990 concerning Tourism, article 1 paragraph 5 states that tourism is everything related to tourism and related businesses in its field (President of the Republic of Indonesia, 1990). Then, law Number 10 of 2009 which is valid until now states that tourism is a variety of tourism activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, businessmen, government, and local governments (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2009). These policies are implemented and followed up in the form of programs and activities. One of the national programs that support tourism development and the creation of national and regional competitive advantages in Indonesia is the SaptaPesona Tourism (SPT) Program. Based on the Office of the Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications No. 5/UM.209/MPPT-89 concerning Guidelines for Organizing SaptaPesona, it is stated that SPT is a condition that must be realized when visiting Indonesia (Topowijono & Supriono, 2018). SPT consists of seven elements, namely safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, friendly, and memorable.



METHODS: This descriptive-qualitative research (Moleong, 2001; Patton, 2005; Saebani & Ahmad, 2009; Silverman, 2020) with a phenomenological approach describes the focus on the SPT program in Toraja Indonesia. Research is focused on each element of SPT, namely: 1) Safe, an environmental condition in tourist destinations that provides a sense of calm, free from fear and anxiety for tourists; 2) Orderly, an environmental condition and service at tourist destinations that reflect a high disciplined attitude as well as physical quality and consistent, regular and efficient service; 3) Clean, an environmental condition and quality of products and services at tourist destinations that reflect a healthy/hygienic condition. 4) Cool, an environmental condition in a tourist destination that reflects a cool and shady condition that will provide a comfortable and “at home” feeling for tourists; 5) Beautiful, an environmental condition in a tourist destination that reflects an attractive atmosphere which will give a deep sense of wonder and impression; 6) Friendly, an environmental condition that stems from the attitude of the people in tourist destinations that reflect a friendly, open, and high receptionist atmosphere; and 7) Memories, a form of a memorable experience in a tourist destination that will give tourists a sense of pleasure and fond memories. Data and information about the seven tourist charms (safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, friendly, memorable) were obtained through observation techniques and disclosure of the researcher's direct experience, as well as interviews (Jamshed, 2014) with informants representing tourists (domestic, foreign), informants representing regional apparatus organizations (RAO), informants representing managers and owners of certain ODTWs, informants representing community members who live around certain ODTWs. In addition, data and information were obtained from the results of focus group discussions (FGD) and through documentation techniques regarding various aspects of developing tourism destinations or TAO in Toraja which covers two areas, namely and . The data were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively using an interactive model (Miles et al., 2018) which included data condensation, data presentation, verification/concluding.

RESULT: One of several strategies that are appropriate to be applied to create attractiveness for tourists visiting Toraja Indonesia is through the re-actualization of the elements of the SPT program. The results of the study found that the creation of physical, socio-psychological, and ecological (environmental) situations and conditions at the research site refers to the application of the SPT program, as the old program launched nationally to increase attractiveness for tourists or anyone interested in visiting an area. area. This reality is supported by the informant's view that the implementation of the SPT program is an effort to create preconditions that allow both tourists and citizens to actively participate directly and indirectly in the development of tourism destinations or TAO (Interview: JP, YPT, JS, YP, dated 4, 6, 9, 19 February 2021). Meanwhile, another informant (Interview: YRL, FM, PS, AL, MPP, 4, 5, 9, 19 February 2021) stated that the SPT Program is the creation of situations and conditions that allow everyone, including tourists who enter an area or tourist area impressed about the visited TAO. The impression felt by visitors or tourists is a rational reason that underlies their perception of the TAO visited and then compared with the impression obtained on TAO in other regions, in their region, or their country. Creating a Sense of Security. The creation of a sense of security is a precondition for the psychological-social environment that is always created and maintained in every TAO in Toraja Indonesia. The creation of situations and conditions of the existing physical, socio-


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) psychological environment in tourism destinations or tourist destinations supports an atmosphere and sense of calm, free from fear and anxiety for the majority of tourists in traveling or visiting the area. The creation of a sense of security has been felt by the majority of tourists who visit certain TAO’s, although there are also a few tourists, especially domestic tourists who feel a little less safe because they are afraid of Dogs which are often found around TAO. It is known that dogs are pets by people in Toraja for a long time. The presence of dogs roaming certain tourist locations, such as around To'barana (cultural tourism objects) causes some Muslim tourists to feel a little afraid, but the presence of dogs in the To'barana area is considered normal or without problems by most tourists from abroad. According to the tour group, the existence of dogs in To'barana and severalTAO’s in Toraja is because they are pets of local people, including owners or managers of certain TAO’s. Likewise for several foreign tourists who are more familiar with or like dogs because it is known that dogs are also one of the pets of some foreign tourists who come to Toraja (Interview: FM, JA, ST, MPP, JK, and NT, dated 4, 5, 6, 19, 22 February 2021). For the community or the foundation that owns or manages certain TAO, the creation of situations and conditions that ensure the safety of tourists has been an important concern for a long time and this reality is following the results of research that creating a sense of security for tourists is also the right way to change the image of tourists that Toraja is an area safety. Therefore, the element of SPT, which is safe, has been realized by residents together with the local government for a long time, especially after the national tourism program was launched. Observations show that creating safe conditions for TAO is a “tough job” that must be realized by all parties or stakeholders in Toraja. The safe conditions in question are according to the understanding of the informants which not only include aspects of the physical, social, psychological environment for tourists but are also accompanied by support and assistance provided to tourists so that they are free from all negative risks for themselves when using public facilities, tools, and equipment. available at tourist sites (Observation: 2020-2021). Initially, the security system at tourism destinations or TAO was integrated with a national program known so far as the Environmental Security System (ESS), which was accommodated by local institutions in the Toraja community. This security program is institutionalized and is a series of Community Security and Order System (CSOS) programs by public institutions that handle it, namely elements of the Indonesian National Police through the Bhayangkara Pembina Community Security and Order. The normative basis is based on the Decree of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number Pol.KEP/8/II/2009 regarding the amendment of the National Police Chief's Field Manual No.Pol.:BUJUKLAP/17/VII.1997 concerning the designation of Bintara Pembina Security and Public Order became Bhayangkara Pembina Public Order and Security. Elements of CSOS also include Bintara Pembina Village as one of the forces of the Regional Military Command, the Military District Command, and the Military Resort Command. Orderly Environment. Preconditions that are always built and maintained by the state apparatus together with community members in the form of environmental order are the second element of the SPT program in Toraja. For the Toraja people who have long been "hosting" foreign tourists, an orderly atmosphere of the environment is built from the social learning process and experience that has been done long ago. The creation of an orderly environment is recognized as the main precondition for the growth of a positive impression for tourists to TAO visited in Toraja, as well as a determining factor for tourists to "decide to visit Toraja again at another time, because all tourists agree and require orderly and safe conditions.



Clean physical environment. One of the "heavy" jobs carried out by tourism stakeholders, especially state civil servants in RAO is to imitate the behavior of "clean" themselves and clean the environment in their office areas. This is based on the results of research that the clean standard of living of Toraja residents is understood to be somewhat different from the standard of clean living according to some tourists who use cleanliness as the basis of health. Toraja people's habit of keeping livestock freely and often integrated into people's houses, such as pig and dog pens, is considered a bit unsanitary for some tourists (Observation and Interview Results: FM, JA, MPP, and YM, 4th, 5, 19 February 2021). Observations show that the creation of a clean physical environment is a form of learning that takes place directly in the “first school” environment at home by every family, both in Toraja and in all regions in Indonesia and the world. The clean physical environment in Toraja, as perceived by the tourists above, is true, because it has been ingrained since childhood where the habit of every household and its family members is experienced every day. The potential for creating a clean physical environment, especially in tourism destinations in Toraja, is very possible because natural conditions have provided an area where most of the land is fertile, green, and hilly with relatively high rainfall. The problem that does not support environmental cleanliness is the lazy attitude and living habits of some community members who accept and "enjoy" conditions as they are, even though we are currently still in Corona Viruses Diseases (COVID)-19 pandemic situation. According to the informant who represented the local government that specifically in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, they must always comply with standard health protocols, which include wearing masks, washing hands with soap, maintaining distance or reducing physical contact, and so on (Interview: YRL, JP, YM and YP, 4, 19, 23 February 2021). Cool environmental conditions. The results of observations show that most of Toraja's tourism destinations are in cool conditions, although the natural and environmental conditions have slightly changed due to changes in the function and use of some of the existing land for the construction of people's houses and the expansion of the tourist area or TAO (Observation, 2020-2021). Based on the regional spatial plan of theToraja Regency in 2012- 2032, for example, the Rantepao urban area plan consists of the entire Rantepao District and part of the Tallunglipu, Tondon, Tikala, Kesu, and Sopai sub-districts. In this study, the boundaries used to define the Rantepao Urban areas are Rantepao District and Tallunglipu District. This is because based on the results of observations, the development of urban areas marked by the area of the built area is relatively larger than the area that is not built in the two sub-districts (Indradjati&Purwaningati, 2020). The situation and condition of Toraja's very cool physical environment is a form of comparative advantage provided by nature, so what is needed is to maintain and maintain (Researcher's observations, 2020-2021). As the description of the geographical aspect of Toraja which is above an altitude between 600m-2800m above sea level, it is clear that this area has a cool environment. Therefore, according to the informant (Interview YRL, JP, YM, YP, dated 4, 19, 23 February 2021) that efforts to maintain and maintain a cool condition of tourism destinations are part of the "homework" that is done by both stakeholders in Toraja, which is part of the work of RAO as the leading sector, but also as homework for all residents of the house or community members. The goal is that this component of the SPT program becomes one of the preconditions that make tourists feel at home and want to stay overnight in Toraja. Beautiful Environmental Conditions. Building a positive impression about beautiful tourism destinations both for managers and for tourists who visit is one indicator of the success of managing and utilizing public assets in Toraja. This was acknowledged by the


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) informants (Interview: JP, Et, YPT, TN, JS, RS, Rm, Is, 4, 5, 6, 19 February 2021), both informants representing local government officials, owners or managers of TAO, and tourists who In essence, it states that the characteristics of the TAO that have been visited have unique characteristics as their attractiveness, namely safe, comfortable, pleasing to the eye, and also looks beautiful both on the object and the arrangement of the surrounding environment. It was acknowledged by other tourists (Interview: Rm, RS, and Sw, 19 February 2021) that severalTAO’s in Toraja as examples of the Land Above the Clouds(Negeri di Atas Awan), Batu Tumonga, Jesus Statue, rice fields, and several other TAO have very beautiful views that are soothing and pleasing to anyone who looks at it. TAO is meant to look beautiful not only because it is provided by nature as a gift of God's creation, but also as a result of the creation and innovation of the owner or stakeholder who feels responsible for managing and developing his TAO. The informant who always owns the TAO stated that to support the beauty and attractiveness of tourists to visit, it was unmitigated to have to spend a very large amount of money to build Tongkonan with all its decorations which reached one billion rupiahs. The source of the funding is obtained from both the results of his business and donations from the central government (Interview: PS, JA, MPP, 5, 9, and 19 February 2020). This information is supported by the opinion of several informants from the local community who essentially stated that the cost of building a very large and magnificent Tongkonan with all kinds of unique and luxurious decorations, including a picture of a chicken, was almost one billion rupiahs (Interview: JS, Ag; AYR, PP, 19 February 2021). For researchers who are also part of the community who were born and raised in Toraja realize this as a true reality, because that is the way and good behavior of citizens in expressing cultural values and religious beliefs held. Moreover, it is recognized that TAO in Toraja has long been known and visited by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. This TAO arrangement is also a form of appreciation for the greatness of the Almighty Creator (God) provided for the inhabitants of the earth who live on it. Friendly Atmosphere. Hospitality is a psychological condition inherent in people, especially stakeholders involved in managing tourism destinations, community members, and visiting tourists. This condition is created, built, and maintained by the people of Toraja who are open and willing to serve guests who visit their area. This condition was understood by the informant that the social learning of the community that occurred over the years because the area was visited by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists, made local traditions synergize with the traditions of tourists who expect acceptance, a friendly, open and tolerant atmosphere, even though the majority of the Toraja population is religious Christian (Interview with community members, 19 February 2021). This summary of community information is by the observations and experiences of researchers that the Toraja community, which is known to be friendly to visitors, is formed naturally because it can adjust to the friendliness of the natural environment, which is cool, calm, and familiar with the natural surroundings. The socio-cultural life of the Toraja people is known to be friendly, especially because some members of the community have realized that the indigenous people of South are Toraja. The friendliness of the Toraja people was acknowledged by informants who represented local government officials by stating the reasons in a rhetorical question (a question that did not need an answer) that what else should Toraja people maintain whose area is known to the world as a tourism destination if not for their friendliness and openness to other people or entrants (Interview: YRL, AYR, NT, YP; 4, 9, 18, 19 February 2021). The friendly atmosphere in Toraja as the locus of this research was promoted in online media with the topic of 10 Unique Things You Need to Know From Tana Toraja (Herdian, 2017), one of which is a friendly atmosphere. According to Herdian, interesting and


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) unforgettable things in Toraja and Toraja are not only funeral rituals and graveyard tours and the Toraja landscape that can present an exotic panorama that spoils the eye, so there is no need to dress up a lot to attract tourists. In Toraja, especially in rural areas, swathes of green rice fields stretch, some are slanted on the ridges of the hills and flow by small rivers like a knot that binds tourists' hearts to always remember how great the creator's gift is. The culture of Siangkaransipakaboro' has been rooted in the daily life of traditional Toraja people. The roots of this culture bequeath a smile of friendliness to all who live, a form of sincerity that is far from the barriers of the prestige of establishment in the style of urban communities. Also, the slogans of Sipamisa', Sang Torayan, Solata, and others, have become a unifying bond for the Toraja ethnicity, both at home and abroad. In other words, Toraja is a harmonious blend of natural beauty and cultured society. A warm hug that imprints and will not be forgotten. Memories. Toraja is considered by tourists as the result of a harmonious blend of natural beauty and cultured society so that it becomes a warm embrace that remains and will not be forgotten. Based on the summary of research results through interviews with some domestic informants as well as observations and experiences of researchers as Toraja people that the uniqueness that exists can give an impression and become a memory for tourists, namely, among others, the Rambu Solo or Funeral Ceremony, Ma' PasilagaTedongor Buffalo Fight”, How to Slaughter a Buffalo or Ma'TinggoroTedong, Tongkonan Traditional House, Ceremony of Changing Body Clothes Ma'Nene,Sisembaor Foot Fighting, Toraja Weaving, Toraja Coffee “Torabika, and Harmony of Rural Nature, Culture and Society. According to a Christian informant (Interview: FM, PS, MPP, PM, MR; 4, 5, 19, 24 February 2021) that there are several worship services in this RambuSolo funeral procession, such as "consolation services" to "burial services." Consolation services are usually held before the dead are paraded to the grave provided. The worship service aims to give strength to the bereaved family and an understanding of death itself according to the truth of God's Word. It is stated further, instead of praying for the dead, it is more appropriate to pray for the bereaved so that they can be comforted. God's own Word says that “It is better to go to the funeral parlor than to the house of feasts, for in the house of mourning is the end of every man; the living should pay attention to it…” This means that the most important thing for us Christians is not about those who died, but about the sorrow felt by those who were left behind. Worship of consolation can be one way to support a bereaved family emotionally. Brothers and sisters in the faith come to the funeral home to praise God and listen to sermons together. Testimony of the impressions and messages of the deceased can also provide special comfort to the bereaved family. Meanwhile, according to an informant who is a Muslim (Interview: SMS, Mw, RI, dated February 26, 2021) that in al-Ghazali's Ihya 'Ulum al-Din, a special section is written about dhikr al-maut or remembering death. Al-Ghazali quotes some of the words of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahualaihiwasallam as follows: 1) "Remember the breaker of delights more." (Narrated by Turmudzi, al-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah); 2) "Remember death. By the one in whose hand my soul is, if you had known what I know, you would have laughed a little and cried a lot." (Narrated by Ibn Abi al-Dunya); 3) Aisyah told a story. One day, someone asked Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, "O Messenger of Allah, is there anyone who is gathered with those who are martyred?" The Messenger of Allah replied, "Yes, the one who remembers dies twenty times a day and night." The next rhetorical question posed by the informant was why remembering death because, in death, there is advice. "Enough of death as a piece of advice." (HR al-Thabrani, al-Baihaqi). Based on the understanding and beliefs of the informants above, it can be stated that the memories that are felt and understood by the Toraja people as religious people are other than


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) the RambuSolo funeral as a vehicle to entertain the family left behind, in the RambuSolo funeral there is a mysterious certainty. (Interview: (Interview: FM, PS, MPP, PM, MR; 4, 5, 19, 24 February 2021). Meanwhile, Al-Ghazali quoted Abu Darda that, "When you remember the dead, then think of yourself as one of them (SMS, Mw, RI, February 26, 2021).

DISCUSSION: The creation of physical, socio-psychological, and ecological (environmental) situations and conditions in most tourism destinations or TAO in Toraja Indonesia actualizes the SPT program with high results. Created situations and conditions that provide a sense of security and comfort because the psychological, social, and physical environment is orderly, clean, cool, friendly, and beautiful so that it is memorable for tourists and all interested parties. This reality is by the views of some authors (Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Sinaga, 2013; Suryani, 2017) which essentially explains that the SPT program is an elaboration of the concept of tourism awareness which is, directly and indirectly, related to the support and participation of the community as the host to create a conducive environment and atmosphere that can stimulate and motivate the growth and development of a series of tourism business activities as a business that does not have a chimney, through the realization of elements of safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, friendly and memorable elements. The description or discussion of a series or "integration" of SPT elements in tourism destinations or TAO in Toraja Indonesia is as follows. Order is directly related to security, so it is often stated simultaneously, namely security and environmental order. It is understood that public security and order is a dynamic condition of society as one of the prerequisites for the implementation of the national development process in the context of achieving national goals marked by ensuring security, order, and the rule of law, as well as the establishment of a peace which contains the ability to foster and develop the potential and strength of the community in countering, prevent, and overcome all forms of law violations and other forms of disturbance that can disturb the community (Daradjat, 2015). The concept of order at the tourist locus describes a state of the surrounding environment and services seen in each tourism destination. This situation reflects the high discipline attitude of stakeholders in tourism activities along with physical quality and services that are consistent, organized, organized, and efficient to provide a sense of comfort and certainty for tourists in traveling or visiting the area. The real conditions described in the TAO above are by the author's view that to realize this element, real actions need to be realized, namely: fostering an attitude of not disturbing the comfort of tourists during their visit; Helping and protecting tourists; Shows friendliness towards tourists; Maintain environmental safety; Help provide information to tourists; Maintain an environment free from the dangers of infectious diseases, especially COVID-19 which is currently still endemic; Minimizing the risk of accidents in the use of public facilities. These realities and expectations are inspired by the views of experts and researchers (Daradjat, 2015; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Sinaga, 2013) that the form of action that needs to be realized by stakeholders or tourism service providers to create situations and orderly conditions, among others, namely: Creating a culture of queuing, because the culture of queuing is seen in various situations and conditions when tourists and others enjoy tourist attractions and services provided both on the road and at tourist sites as well as at restaurants or counters; Maintaining the environment by complying with applicable regulations where various TAO’s are written with very persuasive moral messages so that we both maintain and protect the physical environment and the natural beauty provided by God;



Discipline on time or being on time has become a good tradition that is instilled in both the State apparatus and citizens as well as tourists so that time is disciplined. A real example is when you are going to enjoy the atmosphere of Negeri di Atas Awan (the Land Above the Clouds), tourists must come on time or at certain times so that the clouds are thick (steaming). Therefore, everything in an orderly, neat, smooth, and clean manner is a social lesson that is instilled in public service providers in the tourism sector in Toraja. This reality can be understood especially when the dimensions of this SPT enchantment (clean) are understood in the same way as the views of experts and researchers (Canosa et al., 2020; Daradjat, 2015; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Mihalič, 2000; Quinn et al., 2015; Sinaga, 2013; Suryani, 2017) that an environmental condition, quality of products and services in tourism destinations or tourist destinations must reflect a clean and healthy or hygienic condition to provide a sense of comfort and pleasure for tourists in traveling or visiting the area.Based on the synthesis of thought and the reality of people's lives above, according to experts and researchers (Canosa et al., 2020; Daradjat, 2015; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Mihalič, 2000; Quinn et al., 2015; Sinaga, 2013; Suryani, 2017) needs to be realized in order to create a clean environment, among others: Not throwing garbage or waste carelessly, especially the prohibition not to throw garbage in rivers or sewers because the water flows to lower neighboring areas; Maintaining the cleanliness of the environment of objects and tourist attractions and their supporting infrastructure, especially the historical heritage of cultural heritage which is the competitive advantage of TAO in Toraja; Maintain an environment free from air pollution (as a result of vehicle fumes, cigarettes, or other odors, including the smell of dog droppings and feces in pig or buffalo pens); Prepare hygienic food and beverage servings such as typical Toraja coffee (Torabika coffee); Prepare serving equipment clean food and drinks, especially in order to follow the COVID-19 protocol; Clean and neat clothes and appearance of officers, especially when wearing typical Toraja clothes. Based on the reality and the views of these experts, it is understood that although Toraja is famous for its natural coolness, the creation of a clean environment is still a concern for all parties, so that cleanliness must synergize with coolness as an element that completes the SPT program. This understanding is by the views of experts (Canosa et al., 2020; Kanom et al., 2020; Mihalič, 2000; Quinn et al., 2015) that an environmental condition in a tourism destination that reflects cool and shady conditions gives a feeling comfortable and comfortable for tourists in traveling or visiting the area. Observing the condition of the physical environment in Toraja and realizing the need to create cool natural environmental conditions, according to tourism observers and researchers (Carrillo & Jorge, 2017; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Sinaga, 2013; Suryani, 2017) real action is needed. realized, namely, among others: Carrying out reforestation by planting trees; Maintaining greenery in tourist objects and attractions and tourist routes; Maintain cool conditions in public areas or public facilities, hotels, inns, restaurants, and other tourism infrastructure and components or facilities. Meanwhile, Toraja environmental management researchers (Indradjati & Purwaningati, 2020) stated that the availability of green open space and non-green open space in urban areas in Toraja has fulfilled the need for green open space based on oxygen needs, while for green open space needs based on water demand and area, this urban area still lacks a lot of areas. The researcher even recommends that it is necessary to always maintain its natural beauty through the application of good environmental governance (GEG) principles. Observing the results of the research above, it can be understood that the dimension of beauty in the SPT concept is nothing but an environmental condition in a tourism destination


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) or tourist destination that reflects beautiful conditions so that it can evoke a sense of wonder, awe, and a deep good impression for tourists when doing trips or visits to the area. This good or beautiful impression can lead certain tourists to come back at another time. This understanding is by the views of experts and researchers (Canosa et al., 2020; Hall, 2019; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Mihalič, 2000; Perdomo, 2016; Sinaga, 2013; Suryani, 2017) that a beautiful tourism destination can realize the potential for repeat visits for tourists and encourage promotion to a wider tourist market. According to the marketing assumption that the good impression felt by the buyer on the perceived service of the seller will be transmitted to two or three other people (prospective buyers), while the bad impression felt by the buyer will be told to more than ten other people, especially if it is not accompanied by a friendly attitude from the seller. The reality of socio-cultural and natural life in Toraja is by the views of tourism experts and researchers (Canosa et al., 2020; Daradjat, 2015; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Indradjati & Purwaningati, 2020; Kanom et al., 2020; Mihalič, 2000) that friendliness is an environmental condition that originates from the attitude of the community in a tourism destination that reflects an intimate, open and high acceptance atmosphere so that it can provide a comfortable feeling, feeling accepted and at home (like at home) for tourists in doing activities trips or visits to the area. Based on this understanding, the forms of action that need to be actualized are, among others: acting as a good and willing waiter or host and always ready to help if something is needed by tourists. Provide correct information about customs in a polite manner accompanied by kinesics (appearance) following local cultural values. Showing respect and tolerance for tourists through the provision of appropriate containers or instruments, as well as smiles and sincere greetings to others, to give a positive impression or “sweet memories” to tourists. Based on the reality and views of these experts, it can be understood that whatever form of attraction in Toraja tourism objects that give memories to tourists, it is clear that the diversity of tourism destinations or TAO visited by tourists is a form of experience that gives impressions and memories for them. Therefore, it is appropriate to direct the experts and researchers (Effendy, 2017; Heriyantara et al., 2015; Kanom et al., 2020; Mihalič, 2000; Sinaga, 2013; Suryani, 2017) which states that the form of action that needs to be taken by stakeholders interest is to explore and promote the uniqueness of local culture; serving clean, healthy and attractive local food and drinks or halal and good or HalalanThayyiban, according to Akib (2017); and provide souvenirs that are interesting, unique or distinctive and easy to take home by tourists.

CONCLUSION: The actualization and replication of the SaptaPesona program in tourism destinations or TAO in Toraja shows the achievement of quality results. There are seven charms, all of which have shown high-quality intensity so that they become the basis for creating physical, social, and psychological conditions in the context of developing the 5A-based tourism component (Attractions, accessibility, accommodation, amenities, and amenities) in Toraja Indonesia. The actualization of the SPT program includes creating a sense of security because there are security guards who are on standby, avoiding the threat of crime and violence, and feeling safe using the available facilities and infrastructure. It is orderly because tourists see TAO arranged in line with the availability of parking areas, the use of facilities and infrastructure as well as officers who are orderly to maintain the security of tourist attractions. Clean because tourists feel that TAO displays a clean and healthy “face”, both in terms of a panoramic garden that is clean of garbage, well-maintained facilities, and the food sold looks clean or “halal and good”. Cool because tourists can feel the fresh and comfortable


COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF LOCAL POTENTIAL - BASED TOURISM DESTINATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) atmosphere in TAO because of the green trees and neatly arranged gardens, thus providing coolness for tourists. Friendly because tourists feel the behavior of officers or managers who are "friendly", familiar and polite when greeting tourists. It is beautiful because tourists see and feel the TAO is well organized and pleasing to the eye, and there are genuine natural attractions accompanied by the arrangement of ornamental plants and beautiful rice fields. Memories because tourists feel the atmosphere or some souvenirs can be bought to take home after visiting tourism destinations or TAO in Toraja. The creation of physical, socio- psychological, and ecological situations and conditions in most tourism destinations or TAO in Toraja Indonesia facilitates the development of a core strategy in the form of embodiment of SPT elements and a combination of resource-based strategic approaches with market- based strategic approaches to support competitive advantage tourism destinations based on local competencies that are owned.

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