
Bayesian Estimation of the of a Series

Nidhan CHOUDHURI, Subhashis GHOSAL, and Anindya ROY

This article describes a Bayesian approach to estimating the spectral density of a stationary . A nonparametric prior on the spectral density is described through Bernstein . Because the actual likelihood is very complicated, a pseudoposterior distribution is obtained by updating the prior using the . A Monte Carlo algorithm for from this posterior distribution is described that is used for computing the posterior , , and other . A consistency result is established for this pseudoposterior distribution that holds for a short-memory Gaussian time series and under some conditions on the prior. To prove this asymptotic result, a general consistency theorem of Schwartz is extended for a triangular array of independent, nonidentically distributed observations. This extension is also of independent interest. A simulation study is conducted to compare the proposed method with some existing methods. The method is illustrated with the well-studied sunspot dataset. KEY WORDS: Bernstein ; ; Metropolis algorithm; Periodogram; Posterior consistency; Posterior distribution; Spectral density; Time series.

1. INTRODUCTION method in which the was obtained by spline smooth- ing the log-periodogram with a -driven parame- Spectral is a useful tool in the study of a stationary ter. time series. Let {X ; t = 0, ±1,...} be a stationary t The -type smoothing techniques do not use the time series with γ()= E(X X + ). t t r additional information of the limiting independent exponential The second-order properties of the time series, under mild con- distribution. Let ω∗ = 2πl/n and U = I (ω∗), l = 1,...,ν, ditions that primarily exclude purely periodic components, are l l n l where ν = ν =(n − 1)/2 is the greatest integer less than or completely described by the spectral density function n equal to (n − 1)/2. Then the joint distribution of (U1,...,Uν ) ∞ ∗ ∗ 1 − ∗ ∗ may be approximated by the joint distribution of ν inde- f (ω ) = γ(r)e irω , −π<ω ≤ π. (1) ∗ ∗ 2π pendent exponential random variables with mean f (ωl ) for r=−∞ the lth component. Whittle (1957, 1962) proposed a “quasi- Parametric estimation of spectral density is mostly based on likelihood,” autoregressive moving (ARMA) models with data- ν ∗ 1 −U /f ∗(ω∗) dependent order selection. However, these methods tend to L (f |X ,...,X ) = e l l , (3) n 1 n f ∗(ω∗) produce biased results when the ARMA approximation to the l=1 l underlying time series is poor. known as the Whittle likelihood in the literature. One advantage The nonparametric estimation procedures mostly use the idea of the Whittle likelihood is that it directly involves f , whereas of smoothing the periodogram   the true likelihood involves f indirectly through the autoco-  n 2 . Chow and Grenander (1985) used a sieve method to ∗ 1  −itω∗  In(ω ) =  Xt e  . (2) obtain a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) 2πn  t=1 based on the Whittle likelihood. Pawitan and O’Sullivan (1994) ∗ ∗ defined a penalized MLE as the maximizer of the Whittle like- For a fixed ω ∈ (0,π), In(ω ) has an asymptotic exponen- tial distribution with mean f ∗(ω∗). Moreover, the covariance lihood with a roughness penalty. A polynomial spline-fitting between the periodogram ordinates evaluated at two different approach was described by Kooperberg, Stone, and Truong frequencies that are at least 2π/n apart is of the order n−1. (1995), and a local likelihood technique was used by Fan Thus the periodogram, as a process, is randomly fluctuating and Kreutzberger (1998). Ombao, Raz, Strawderman, and von around the true spectral density. This is the motivation for Sachs (2001) described a Whittle likelihood-based generalized smoothing the periodogram. Because exponential distributions cross-validation method for selecting the bandwidth in peri- form a scale family, smoothing is typically applied to the log- odogram smoothing. periodogram to obtain an estimate of the log-spectral density. Nonparametric Bayesian approaches to the estimation of Early smoothing techniques were based on smoothers. a spectral density were studied by Carter and Kohn (1997), Smoothing splines for this purpose were suggested by Cogburn Gangopadhyay, Mallick, and Denison (1998), and Liseo, and Davis (1974). Wahba (1980) proposed a regression based Marinucci, and Petrella (2001), who used the Whittle likeli- hood to obtain a pseudoposterior distribution of f ∗.Carterand Kohn (1997) induced a prior on the logarithm of f ∗ through an Nidhan Choudhuri is Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Case integrated and provided elegant computational Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 (E-mail: nidhan@nidhan. methods for computing the posterior. Liseo et al. (2001) consid- cwru.edu). Subhashis Ghosal is Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 (E-mail: sghosal@stat. ered a Brownian motion for the spectral density and modified ncsu.edu). Anindya Roy is Assistant Professor, Department of and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250 (E-mail: [email protected]). His research was supported in part by Na- © 2004 American Statistical Association tional Science Foundation grant DMS-03-49111. The authors thank Professor Journal of the American Statistical Association S. Petrone for useful discussion and the referees and editors for helpful sugges- December 2004, Vol. 99, No. 468, Theory and Methods tions. DOI 10.1198/016214504000000557

1050 Choudhuri, Ghosal, and Roy: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density 1051 it around the zero to incorporate the long- de- kernel. In the Bayesian context, Petrone (1999a,b) defined the pendence. Gangopadhyay et al. (1998) fitted piecewise polyno- Bernstein polynomial prior as the distribution of the random mials of a fixed low order to the logarithm of f ∗ while putting density priors on the number of knots, the location of the knots, and the k coefficients of the polynomials. Although these methods were q(ω)= wj,kβ(ω; j,k − j + 1), (5) applied to some real and simulated data, their theoretical prop- j=1 erties are unknown. Only an asymptotic result was provided by · Liseo et al. (2001) under a parametric assumption that the time where k has a probability mass function ρ( ) and, given k, = series is a fractional Gaussian process. wk (w1,k,...,wk,k) has a on the k-dimensional simplex The goals of the present article are to develop a nonpara-   metric Bayesian method for the estimation of the spectral den- k sity and to prove consistency of the posterior distribution. The k = (w1,...,wk) : wj > 0, wj = 1 . (6) essential idea behind the construction of the j=1 is that the normalized spectral density is a probability den- In practice, the wj,k’s are induced by a probability distribution sity on a compact interval. A nonparametric prior is thus con- function G as in (4), and a prior is put on G. Such a con- structed using Bernstein polynomials in the spirit of Petrone struction of the wj,k’s provides a simple MCMC algorithm for (1999a,b). A pseudoposterior is obtained by updating the prior sampling from the joint posterior distribution of (k, G) via data using the Whittle likelihood. A Markov chain Monte Carlo augmentation, whereas sampling directly from the joint distri- (MCMC) algorithm for sampling from this pseudoposterior is bution of (k, w) is complicated as the dimension of w changes then described using the Sethuraman (1994) representation of with k. a Dirichlet process. First, a general result is obtained that gives The right side of (5) is referred to as the Bernstein density sufficient conditions for posterior consistency for a triangular of order k with weights wk.LetBk denote the class of all array of independent, nonidentically distributed observations. Bernstein densities of order k. Then the Bk’s may be viewed Consistency of the pseudoposterior distribution of the spectral as sieves, and the prior may be thought of as a sieve prior in density is then established by verifying the conditions of this the sense of Ghosal, Ghosh, and Ramamoorthi (1997). Petrone result and invoking a contiguity argument. Such use of a con- and Veronese (2002) showed that the method of Bernstein ker- tiguity argument in proving posterior consistency result is new nel approximation may be motivated as a special case of a and may also be applied for different problems. more general approximation technique due to Feller (1971, The article is organized as follows. The prior, together with chap. VII). For the weak topology, the prior has full topological the preliminaries on the Bernstein polynomial priors, are intro- support if for all k, ρ(k)>0andwk has full support on k with duced in Section 2. An MCMC method for sampling from the respect to the Euclidean distance (Petrone 1999a). In fact, any posterior distribution is described in Section 3. Results of a sim- continuous distribution function is in the KolmogorovÐSmirnov ulation study and the analysis of the sunspot data is presented support of the prior. If the distribution has a continuous and in Section 4. In Section 5 our method is justified through con- bounded density, then the conclusion can be strengthened to sistency of this pseudoposterior distribution. The general con- the variation metric, and the Bernstein polynomial prior gives sistency result is presented and proved in the Appendix A, and consistent posterior in probability (Petrone the proof of consistency of the spectral estimates is presented and Wasserman 2002). The proof uses the techniques devel- in Appendix B. oped by Schwartz (1965), Barron, Schervish, and Wasserman (1999), and Ghosal et al. (1999). 2. BERNSTEIN POLYNOMIAL PRIOR 2.1 Preliminaries: Bernstein Polynomial Prior in 2.2 Description of the Prior for the Spectral Density Density Estimation The principal difference in the case of a probability density is that f ∗ does not integrate to 1. In addition, the domain of f ∗ is The Bernstein polynomial prior was developed by Petrone different form that of the beta densities. Because f ∗ is symmet- (1999a,b) to describe a nonparametric prior for probability den- ric, we may reparameterize f ∗ by a function f on [0, 1] such sities on the unit interval. It is a mixture prior of beta kernels that f(ω)= f ∗(πω),0≤ ω ≤ 1. Normalizing f to q = f/τ where the choice of the kernel is motivated by the fact that the  with the normalizing constant τ = f ,aprioronf may be mixtures of beta densities with only integer parameters can ap- induced by first putting a Bernstein polynomial prior on q and proximate any continuous density on [0, 1]. For any distribution then putting an independent prior on τ . Thus the prior on f is function G with a continuous density q on [0, 1], described by the following hierarchical scheme: k   j − 1 j • = k − ] ; − + b(ω; k,G) = G , β(ω; j,k − j + 1) (4) f(ω) τ j=1 G((j 1)/k, j/k β(ω j,k j 1). k k • G has a Dirichlet process distribution with base measure, j=1 α = MG0,whereM>0 is a constant and G0 is a proba- ]= − converges uniformly to q(ω),whereG(u, v G(v) G(u) bility distribution function with Lebesgue density g0. ; = (a+b) a−1 − b−1 • = and β(ω a,b) (a)(b)ω (1 ω) is the beta density k has probability mass function, ρ(k) > 0, for k with parameters a and b. 1, 2,.... Motivated by the uniform approximation property, Vitale • The distribution of τ has Lebesgue density π on (0, ∞). (1975) suggested a density estimator based on the Bernstein • G, k,andτ are a priori independent. 1052 Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 2004

The variance and the frequency components are two different all independent. Thus (G,k,τ) may be reparameterized as aspects of a stationary time series that are often a priori unre- (Z1,Z2,...,V1,V2,...,k,τ). lated. Thus the decomposition of f into τ and q allows one to Because the infinite series in (8) is almost surely convergent, individually model the prior beliefs for these two components. the random vector (Vl,Zl),asl increases to infinity, will have a In the absence of any concrete prior knowledge about one com- diminishing effect on the prior distribution and thus on the pos- ponent, a default prior may be used for that part while still using terior distribution of f . Hence we truncate the series at some an informative prior for the other component. A complete de- large L. Although the truncation has negligible effect, the ex- fault prior may be used if no prior information is available. tent of this effect differs from the prior to the posterior. Thus the Any knowledge about τ may be incorporated by centering truncation point should be chosen based on the posterior distri- the density π about the prior guess while adjusting the variance bution according to the tolerance of error in computation, and to the precision of this guess. A large variance indicates a lack L may be determined numerically. The effect of truncation on of confidence in the prior guess. Inverse-gamma distributions the distribution of functionals of a Dirichlet process has been form a two-parameter family that is conjugate, with the para- studied by Muliere and Tardella (1998); however, their results meters flexible enough to adjust the prior mean and variance. do not apply to our case, because the posterior distribution of G A flat default prior is obtained by choosing the is not Dirichlet. very small. After the truncation, G may be represented as Modeling prior information about q becomes tricky due to L the involvement of the smoothing parameter k.From(4),we  G = p δ + (1 − p −···−p )δ , obtain l Zl 1 L Z0   l=1 k j − 1 j ∼ E q(ω)|k = G , β(ω; j,k − j + 1), (7) where Z0 G0 and is independent of the other parameters. The 0 k k j=1 last term is added to make G a distribution function even after the truncation. Now the problem reduces to a parametric one which is the kth-order Bernstein kernel smoothing of the den- with finitely many parameters (Z0,Z1,...,ZL,V1,...,VL, sity function g0. The larger the k, the less the extent of the k,τ). The functional parameter f may be written as a func- smoothing. The unconditional prior expectation of q is thus the tion of these univariate parameters as average of (7) with respect to the prior distribution of k.The prior variance of q is inversely proportional to (M + 1). Thus k = ; − + g0 may be set to the prior guess about q while adjusting M f(ω) τ wj,kβ(ω j,k j 1), to indicate the faith in this guess. To prevent oversmoothing, j=1 the parameter k should be kept as large as possible, with high − where w = L p I{ j 1


The Whittle likelihood, although an approximate likelihood, L Rν is the Lebesgue density of a probability measure on given × g0(zl) ρ(k)π(τ). the parameter f . Thus the pseudoposterior will be proper if the l=0 prior on f is proper. Note that the pseudoposterior is not the Gibbs sampling techniques are applied for componentwise up- conditional distribution of f given the data (X ,...,X ) or 1 n dating. One may easily sample from the posterior distribution given (U ,...,U ). The expectation of f with respect to this 1 ν of the discrete parameter k conditioned on the other parame- pseudoposterior distribution, say fˆ, may be used as a Bayes ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ters. The posterior densities of τ , Z ’s, or V ’s, conditional on estimator of f . Finally, f is estimated by fˆ (ω ) = f(ωˆ /π) i i ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ the other parameters, are known up to a constant. Thus the and fˆ (−ω ) = fˆ (ω ). The variance and other features of this Metropolis algorithm is applied within the Gibbs sampler steps posterior distribution may be used for various statistical pur- to update τ , Z ’s, and V ’s. If the prior on τ is an inverse-gamma poses. i i distribution, then the posterior distribution of τ conditional on The posterior distribution is analytically intractable, and thus the other parameters is also inverse-gamma, from which exact computations are done via Monte Carlo approximations with samples can be drawn. the help of the MCMC method. Using the Sethuraman (1994) The support of Z ’s and V ’s are [0, 1].GivenaV at the representation for a Dirichlet process, the infinite-dimensional i i l tth iteration step, sample a “candidate point” V ∗ from the uni- parameter G is represented as l form distribution on [Vl − εl,Vl + εl] “modulo the circular unit ∞  interval”; that is, if the sampled point from this uniform dis- = G plδZl , (8) tribution is more than 1, take the decimal part only, and if the l=1 sampled point is negative, add 1 to make it between 0 and 1. where p1 = V1, pl = (1 − V1) ···(1 − Vl−1)Vl for l ≥ 2, This gives rise to a symmetric “proposal distribution.” The Vl ∼ beta(1,M), Zl ∼ G0,and(Z1,Z2,...,V1,V2,...) are value of εl should be chosen to match the posterior variance Choudhuri, Ghosal, and Roy: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density 1053 of the corresponding Vl , which is usually different for differ- Autoregression Spectral Estimate (ARE). An autoregression ent l and may be found numerically for a given dataset. The (AR) model is fitted to the data, with the order selected by the variables Zl’s are updated similarly. Akaike information criterion, and the spectral density of the fit- The starting values of τ may be set to the sample variance ted model is used as the estimate. The parameters of the models divided by 2π, whereas the starting value of k may be set are estimated via the sample version of YuleÐWalker equations to some large integer K0. The approximate posterior of that are solved by the LevinsonÐDurbin algorithm. Z ’s and V ’s given the starting values of τ and k may be consid- i i Penalized Whittle Likelihood Estimator (PLE). This is the ered the starting values for the respective variables. These may Whittle likelihood-based estimator proposed by Pawitan and be obtained by first setting their values to 1/2 and then running O’Sullivan (1994). The estimate is obtained with the automatic the foregoing updating algorithm for a while with a larger ε and with fixed (τ, k). selection of the smoothing parameter by using the SÐPLUS pro- Although we have reduced the problem to a parametric prob- gram provided by the authors. lem, we do not lose any aspect of the nonparametric model- Three different time series models are considered for the sim- ing, because the cutoff points for the number of parameters are ulation study: chosen depending on the data. Unlike the frequentist methods, = − + + a large choice of L will not overfit the data. On the contrary, Xt 1.435Xt−1 .734Xt−2 .129Xt−3 t , (9) larger L will always be better in terms of accuracy, because Xt = .9Xt−4 + .7Xt−8 − .63Xt−12 + t , (10) the true posterior distribution involves all of the Zi ’s and Vi ’s. However, a very large L increases computing time while adding and little to the precision of the estimator. Liseo et al. (2001) used ∞ l 3 a similar idea of reparameterization and truncation to reduce Xt = t + ψl t−l,ψl = (−1) /l ; (11) an infinite-dimensional problem into a finite-dimensional prob- l=1 lem. They considered the Karhunen–Loévé series expansion for where the t ’s are iid with mean 0 and variance 1. The two AR the Brownian motion and the prior for the log spectral density, processes in (9) and (10) were first given by Wahba (1980) and then truncated the infinite series to a finite sum. have been used for simulation studies by various authors. The Although a computationally efficient implementation of the AR(3) process in (9) and the linear process in (11) have rel- described MCMC procedure requires some manual input case atively smooth spectral density, whereas the AR(12) process by case, a default mechanism may be set only at the expense in (10) has few sharp spikes. Two different distributions are of computational time. The εl’s in the proposal distribution of considered for t :(a)N(0, 1), which is symmetric, and (b) ex- the Vl ’s and Zl’s are chosen to match the posterior variance of ponential(1) minus 1, which is positively skewed. the corresponding components. From theoretical results in the Data from the AR(p) processes are generated with the first parametric literature√ and some simulation study, we found that p values of Xt set to 0, and the successive values are generated = + εl l/(l 2 n) works well for almost every dataset. From from (9) or (10). The first 20,000 values are discarded to reach 1/3 our simulation study, we found that L = max{20,n } works stationarity. For the linear process in (11), the infinite sum is very well as a conservative truncation point. The number 20 is truncated at 1,000 terms for both generating the data and com- chosen to keep the truncation point sufficiently high in small puting the true spectral density. samples. The burn-in time and the Monte Carlo sample sizes Datasets are generated for n = 64, 128, 256, and 512 with may be set large, say 3,000 and 10,000. This will result in a de- 1,000 replicates in each case. All of the estimates are computed fault mechanism that will work for almost all spectral densities for each sample and compared in terms of the L1-error or inte- and all sample sizes without any manual intervention. grated absolute error (IAE),  π 4. NUMERICAL ILLUSTRATION ˆ∗ ∗ ˆ∗ ∗ IAE = f − f 1 = |f (ω) − f (ω)| dω. (12) 4.1 Simulation Study 0 The mean L -errors from these 1,000 replicates are given in This section presents results of a simulation study to compare 1 Table 1, and their boxplots are presented in Figure 1. the performance of our nonparametric (BE) As expected, the nonparametric (BE, PLE, and with some existing estimators of the spectral density. The BE SPE) outperform the ARE in the linear process but underper- is computed using a diffuse prior. For the Dirichlet distribution form in the AR(12) process. Surprisingly, they also outperform on G, G0 is chosen to be the uniform distribution on [0, 1], whereas M is set to 1, a small number compared with the sam- the ARE in the AR(3) process for small sample sizes. Per- ple size. The prior on k is ρ(k) = c exp(−.05k2), and the prior haps one reason is that as the MLE, the ARE tries to minimize on τ −1 is exponential with mean 10−20. The MCMC algorithm the KullbackÐLeibler measure for the model, which is implemented using the default mechanism. Three estimators may not necessarily minimize the L1-error of the correspond- are considered for comparison. ing spectral density estimates. Moreover, in small sample sizes, the ARE often underestimates the order of the model, leading to Smoothed Periodogram Estimate (SPE). The periodogram large errors. The nonparametric estimates perform worse than at the discrete Fourier frequencies are smoothed using the the ARE in the AR(12) process, due to a smoothing out of the BartlettÐPriestley quadratic kernel w(l) =[1 − (l/L)2]× peaks. The extent of smoothing is greatest for the BE and least I{|l|

Table 1. Mean L1-Error From the 1,000 Monte Carlo Replicates

l ∼ N(0, 1) l ∼ exp(1) − 1 Methods n = 64 n = 128 n = 256 n = 512 n = 64 n = 128 n = 256 n = 512 AR(3) process BE .7972 .6303 .5376 .4480 .8689 .6785 .5529 .4801 PLE .8803 .6917 .5549 .4228 .9259 .7803 .6344 .4786 SPE 1.1665 .8674 .6266 .4832 1.3454 .9654 .7483 .5399 ARE 1.1608 .8802 .6341 .4621 1.3389 .9741 .7459 .5341 AR(12) process BE 28.200 19.005 12.981 10.537 28.387 19.009 13.027 10.552 PLE 36.429 20.126 13.127 9.862 36.502 19.736 13.226 9.905 SPE 32.233 19.314 13.809 11.139 32.019 19.466 13.972 11.221 ARE 16.708 13.984 11.231 8.576 16.843 14.283 11.438 8.685 Linear process BE .2698 .2298 .1914 .1594 .3406 .2619 .2068 .1560 PLE .2812 .2274 .1839 .1486 .3493 .2731 .2044 .1511 SPE .3252 .2597 .2271 .1815 .4064 .3167 .2364 .1736 ARE .4039 .3179 .2475 .2235 .4634 .3663 .2678 .1996

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 1. Boxplots of the L1-Errors From the 1,000 Monte-Carlo Replicates. (a) AR(3) process with normal i; (b) AR(3) process with expo- nential i; (c) AR(12) process with normal i; (d) AR(12) process with exponential i; (e) Linear process with normal i; (f) Linear process with exponential i.(B= BE; P = PLE; S = SPE; A = ARE.) Choudhuri, Ghosal, and Roy: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density 1055 a higher L1-error. In contrast, the PLE and the SPE detect false (P2) g0 is bounded, continuous, and bounded away spikes in small samples. Boxplots in Figure 1 reveal that the from 0. L1-error of the BE has less variability than the other methods. (P3) The parameter τ is assumed fixed and known. In all three processes, the BE outperform the SPE for all sample The following theorem provides the posterior consistency for sizes and outperforms the PLE for all but very large samples. the proposed method. 4.2 Analysis of the Sunspot Dataset Theorem 1. Under the foregoing assumptions, for any ε>0, Here we analyze the sunspot dataset, which consists of the ˆ { ∗ ∗ − ∗ }→ n f : f f0 1 >ε 0 annual average value of the daily index of the number of n ˆ sunspots for the year 1700Ð1987. A visual study of the time in P ∗ -probability, where n is the pseudoposterior distribu- f0 series plot of these 288 observations reveals a positive skew- tion computed using the Whittle likelihood of the periodogram n ness. After a square root transformation, the data look more ∗ ordinates (U1,...,Uν ) and Pf is the actual distribution of the symmetric and stationary, with a constant mean but no trend. 0 data (X1,...,Xn). We subtract the mean and apply the four procedures to produce the corresponding spectral estimates. The estimates are plotted Remark 1. The conclusion of Theorem 1 still holds if the in the logarithmic scale in Figure 2(a). All of these estimates degenerated prior on τ is replaced by a of prior dis- tributions that asymptotically bracket the true value τ ;thatis, reveal a large peak of the spectral density at about ω0 = .58, 0 the prior support of τ is in [τ − δ ,τ + δ ] for some δ → 0. indicating a strong periodic cycle of period length 2π/ω0 ≈ 11. 0 n 0 n n The ARE has the sharpest peak. The three nonparametric es- The assumptions about the time series are commonly used in timates have comparable peaks. The BE is found to be much ∗ the literature. Assumption (M1) in particular implies that f0 is smoother than the other two nonparametric estimates. A point- bounded continuous and thus is a short-memory process. As- wise 95% credible band is computed from the MCMC samples, sumption (M2) holds for an invertible linear process. Condition andisplottedonalogscaleinFigure2(b). (P1) is satisfied if the tail of the prior distribution of k is no heavier than that of a Poisson distribution. The consistency re- 5. POSTERIOR CONSISTENCY sult requires only that the prior on G has a full weak support. Consistency of the posterior distribution is an important Thus the prior could be different from the Dirichlet process. large-sample property for the validation of a Bayesian method. The hypothesis of Gaussianity is required only to connect the Because posterior consistency may fail in an infinite-dimensio- Whittle likelihood to the true distribution of the data through a nal model, it is important to check the consistency of any non- contiguity argument. parametric Bayesian procedure. Here we provide assumptions The prior for τ is required to sit in a neighborhood of the on the time series and on the prior, which are required for pos- true value τ0 because of the lack of a uniformly exponentially ∗ = + terior consistency. Let f0 be the true spectral density and let consistent test for testing τ τ0 against τ>τ0 ε.Atwo-stage = ∗ ≤ ≤ f0(ω) f0 (πω),0 ω 1. empirical Bayes modification, in which a fraction of the sample is used to determine the neighborhood of τ and the remaining • Assumptions on the time series: 0 observations are used to update the prior, may be implemented. ∞ α × (M1) The time series is Gaussian with r=0 r However, in our simulations we find that the usual BE performs γ(r)<∞ for some α>0. well with a flat prior on τ . ∗ ∗ ∗ (M2) For all ω , f0 (ω )>0. To prove the consistency theorem, first a general result (Thm. A.1) is presented in Appendix A that gives sufficient • Assumptions on the prior: conditions for posterior consistency for a triangular array of (P1) For all k,0<ρ(k)≤ Ce−ck logk for some con- independent, nonidentically distributed observations. This re- stants C,c > 0, sult is then applied to prove posterior consistency assuming that

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Spectral Estimates of the Square-Root–Transformed Sunspot Data in the Logarithmic Scale. (a) All four spectral estimates; (b) point- wise 95% credible band. ( BE; PLE; SP; AR.) 1056 Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 2004

r the distribution of (U ,...,U ) is the product measure of inde- (b) liminf →∞ ({θ ∈ B : 1 n K (θ ,θ)<ε})>0 1 ν n rn i=1 i,n 0 pendent exponential distributions. However, (U1,...,Uν ) are for all ε>0, independent exponentials only in an asymptotic sense. The con- (C2) Existence of tests. Suppose that there exists test functions sistency under the true distribution of (U ,...,U ), and thus ¯ 1 ν {n}, subsets n ⊂ n, and constants C1,C2,c1,c2 > 0 under the true distribution of (X1,...,Xn), is proved using the such that contiguity result of Theorem B.1 in Appendix B. → (a) Eθ0 n 0, −c r (b) sup ∈U c∩ E (1 −  ) ≤ C e 1 n ,and 6. CONCLUSIONS θ n n θ n 1 ¯ ∩ c ≤ −c2rn (c) (n n) C2e . We have proposed a nonparametric Bayesian method for the estimation of a spectral density of a stationary time se- Then  ries. Although the consistency result is obtained for Gaussian ∈ Uc ∩ ¯  →  θ n n Z1,n,...,Zrn,n 0(A.1) time series with variance approximately known, the method is in P n -probability. applicable in a wider context. The simulation results also sup- θ0 port that fact. The prior may be generalized to a random lin- ¯ Usually this theorem is applied for n =  for all n. If, however, ear combination of kernels. The coefficients may come from an condition (C2) can be verified only on a part of , which may possi- independent increment process such as a Lévy process (Hjort bly depend on n, then the foregoing formulation may be useful. In this 1990). Similar posterior consistency results will still hold pro- case, however, the final conclusion should then be complemented by ¯ c n vided that the random process has full weak support. However, showing that ( |Z ,...,Zr ) → 0inP -probability by some al- n 1 n θ0 the assumption of known process variance may not be elimi- ternative method. Posterior consistency is proved by choosing a fixed Uc nated with such a prior, because that assumption is used to find neighborhood n, whereas the rate of convergence is obtained by an uniformly exponentially consistent test. This is a model re- choosing a shrinking neighborhood. striction and not an artifact of the prior elicitation. The compu- Condition (C1) asserts that every KullbackÐLeibler neighborhood of θ has positive prior probability and thus ensures that the true pa- tation will become more prior-specific. 0 rameter value is not excluded from the prior support. Condition (C2) asserts that, given a neighborhood Un of the true parameter value θ0 in APPENDIX A: A GENERAL CONSISTENCY THEOREM c some topology of interest, except in a set n with exponentially small ∈ Uc A celebrated theorem of Schwartz (1965), and its extensions ob- prior probability, the model can separate θ0 from a θ n through an tained by Barron et al. (1999) and Ghosal et al. (1999) gave suf- exponentially powerful test. ficient conditions for posterior consistency in terms of existence of Proof of Theorem A.1. For ease of notation, we drop the second appropriate tests and prior positivity of a neighborhood defined by subscript n from the observations. Also, we write r for r . Note that, the KullbackÐLeibler divergence. However, those theorems are limited n because 0 ≤  ≤ 1and0≤ (θ ∈ Uc|Z ,...,Z ) ≤ 1, we have to independent and identically distributed (iid) observations. Because n n 1 r the periodogram ordinates are nonidentically distributed and the dis- ∈ ¯ ∩ Uc| (θ n n Z1,...,Zr ) crete Fourier frequencies change with the sample size, an extension of ≤ + − ∈ ¯ ∩ Uc| Schwartz’s result for a triangular array of independent but nonidenti- n (1 n)(θ n n Z1,...,Zr ). cally distributed observations is required. The first term on the right side goes to 0 in P n -probability by (C2)(a). θ0 Here we present such a theorem, which is close in spirit to a sim- The second term is bounded above by ilar theorem of Amewou-Atisso, Ghosal, Ghosh, and Ramamoorthi   r (2003, thm. 2.1). There are, however, some important differences. pi(Zi,θ) (1 − n) d(θ) Amewou-Atisso et al. (2003) assumed stronger conditions and con- U c∩ p (Z ,θ ) n n i=1 i i 0 clude almost sure convergence, whereas we consider only convergence  in probability, and the corresponding relaxed conditions are easier to  r pi (Zi,θ) verify for our problem. Further, the result of Amewou-Atisso et al. + d(θ) ¯ ∩ c p (Z ,θ ) (2003) is tailor-made for regression and semiparametric problems, in n n i=1 i i 0   which only weak consistency for the nonparametric part is usually suf-  r −1  p (Z ,θ) ficient. In contrast, we consider a estimation problem, and hence × i i d(θ) . p (Z ,θ ) we need to address convergence issues in stronger topologies. This  i=1 i i 0 compels us to use sieves like those of Barron et al. (1999) and Ghosal et al. (1999) for the existence of tests. We show that the two terms in the numerator are exponentially small and that Theorem A.1. Let Zi,n be independently distributed with density  r ·; = p (Z ,θ) pi,n( θ) i 1,...,rn, with respect to a common σ -finite measure, eβr i i d(θ)→∞ (A.2) where the parameter θ belongs to an abstract measurable space .The p (Z ,θ )  i=1 i i 0 densities pi,n(·,θ) are assumed to be jointly measurable. Let θ0 ∈  ¯ U in P n -probability for all β>0. Then the result follows. and let n and n be two subsets of .Letθ have prior  on . θ0 = = By Fubini’s theorem, for any nonnegative function ψn of (Z ,..., Put Ki,n(θ0,θ) Eθ0 (i (θ0,θ)) and Vi,n(θ0,θ) varθ0 (i (θ0,θ)), 1 where  (θ ,θ) = log(p (Z ; θ )/p (Z ; θ)). The following Zr ) and subset H of , i 0 i,n i,n 0 i,n i,n conditions hold:  r pi(Zi,θ) E ψn(Z ,...,Zr )d(θ) (C1) Prior positivity of neighborhoods. Suppose that there exists a θ0 p (Z ,θ ) 1 H i=1 i i 0 set B with (B) > 0 such that 

1 rn → ∈ ≤ E (ψ )d(θ). (a) 2 i=1 Vi,n(θ0,θ) 0forallθ B,and θ n rn H Choudhuri, Ghosal, and Roy: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density 1057

Hence, by Conditions (C2)(b) and (c), APPENDIX B: PROOF OF THEOREM 1

 r Theorem 1 is proved by checking the conditions of Theorem A.1. pi(Zi,θ) Eθ (1 − n) d(θ) It is sufficient to prove L1-consistency for the transformed spectral 0 ∩U c p (Z ,θ ) n n i=1 i i 0 density f . Thus f plays the role of θ in Theorem A.1 and  is the space of all nonnegative integrable functions on [0, 1]. We consider −c1r ≤ sup Eθ (1 − n) ≤ C1e ∈ ∩U c consistency with respect to an L1-neighborhood, θ n n    1 and U = Un = f : f − f0 1 = |f(ω)− f0(ω)|dω < ε , 0  r  p (Z ,θ) for some arbitrary fixed ε>0. i i ≤ ¯ ∩ c Eθ0 d(θ) (n n) n ¯ ∩c pi (Zi,θ0) Let P ∗ denote the actual distribution of the data (X1,...,Xn) n n i=1 f0 and  denote the actual distribution of the periodogram ordinates − n ≤ c2r n C2e . (U1,...,Uν ).Thenn is induced by P ∗ through the periodogram, f0 and it is sufficient to study convergence under  . Thus (U ,...,U ) For (A.2), observe that by Chebyshev’s inequality, for all θ ∈ B, n 1 ν play the roles of observations in Theorem A.1. However, Theorem A.1     r r  r requires that the U ’s be independent, which is only asymptotically  1  1   1  i Pθ  i(θ0,θ)− Ki(θ0,θ) ≥ ε ≤ Vi(θ0,θ). true. A contiguity result from Choudhuri, Ghosal, and Roy (2004) is 0  r r  r2ε2 ˜ i=1 i=1 i=1 presented here that can bridge the gap. Let n denote joint distribution of independent exponential random variables with f0(2i/n), Fix ε>0. Let Wn be the set i = 1,...,ν.      r r  ˜ 1  1   Theorem B.1. Under assumptions (M1) and (M2), n and n are (θ, z ,...,zr ) : θ ∈ B,  (θ ,θ)− K (θ ,θ) <ε . 1  r i 0 r i 0  mutually contiguous. i=1 i=1 By virtue of this result, “convergence in probability” is the same ˜ Let δ>0 to be chosen later and put under n and n. Hence it suffices to prove posterior consistency as-   suming that the Ui ’s are independent exponential random variables, in (z1,...,zr ) Vn = (z1,...,zr ) :  Wn >(1 − δ)(B) , which case Theorem A.1 is applicable. B.1 Positivity of the Prior Probabilities (z1,...,zr ) where Wn is the (z1,...,zr )-section of Wn.LetWn,θ denote n Occasionally, it will be convenient to view f as τq and f as τ q . the θ-section of Wn. Thus by (C1)(a), for all θ ∈ B, P (W ) → 1. 0 0 0 θ0 n,θ Now by Markov’s inequality and Fubini’s theorem, Let Q0 denote the probability measure corresponding to q0.First,we show that, for every ε>0,   n c = n (Z1,...,Zr ) − Pθ (Vn ) Pθ  Wn <(1 δ)(B) {f : f − f0 ∞ <ε} > 0, (B.1) 0 0  1 where f − f ∞ = sup |f(ω) − f (ω)|. Because b(·; k, ≤ ∩ (z1,...,zr ) c n 0 0≤ω≤1 0  B Wn dPθ (z1,...,zr ) δ(B) 0 Q0) → q0 uniformly, choose k such that b(·; k,Q0) − q0 ∞ <  ε/(2τ0).Then = 1 n c Pθ (Wn,θ )d(θ), | ; − ; | δ(B) B 0 b(ω k,G) b(ω k,Q0)         k − −  which converges to 0 by the dominated convergence theorem.  j 1 j j 1 j  1 r =  G , − Q0 , β(ω; j,k + 1 − j) Let Hn ={θ ∈ B : = Ki(θ0,θ) < ε}. By (C1)(b), (Hn) ≥  k k k k  r i 1 j=1 2δ for all sufficiently large n,ifδ>0 is chosen sufficiently small. By      ∈ ≥   Bonferroni’s inequality, for all (z1,...,zr ) Vn and n N,  j − 1 j j − 1 j  ≤ k max G , − Q0 , , 1≤j≤k k k k k (z1,...,zr ) (z1,...,zr )  W ∩ Hn ≥  W + (Hn) − (B) n n k as = β(ω; j,k + 1 − j)= k.Nowiff(ω)= τ0b(ω; k,G),then ≥ (B)(1 − δ) + 2δ − (B) ≥ δ. j 1 f −f0 ∞ ≤ τ0 b(·; k,G)−b(·; k,Q0) ∞ +τ0 b(·; k,Q0)−q0 ∞. ∈ ∈ (Z1,...,Zr ) ∩ Clearly, if (Z1,...,Zr ) Vn and θ Wn Hn,then Because every index k has positive probability under the prior and the

r r Dirichlet process has full support,  p (Z ,θ)         i i = − ≥ −2εr   exp i (θ0,θ) e .  j − 1 j j − 1 j  ε pi (Zi,θ0) (k, G) : G , − Q ,  < ,j = 1,...,k i=1 i=1 k k 0 k k 2kτ 0  Now if (Z1,...,Zr ) ∈ Vn, then the left side of (A.2) is bounded by has positive probability as well. By assumption (P3), f = τ0 with prior probability 1, and thus (B.1) follows.  r p (Z ,θ) δ − Let ω = 2i/n denote the ith Fourier frequency, rescaled into [0, 1]. eβr i i d(θ) ≥ e(β 2ε)r. i (Z1,...,Zr )∩ p (Z ,θ ) 2 Assuming that the Ui ’s are exponential random variables, we have Wn Cn i=1 i i 0   f0(ωi) − f(ωi) f0(ωi) − f(ωi) n K (f ,f)=−log 1 + + We may choose ε<β/2. As P (Vn) → 1, the assertion holds. i 0 θ0 f(ωi ) f(ωi) Remark A.1. The foregoing result also holds for a sequence of pri- and   ors n replacing , provided that (C1)(a) is strengthened to uniform 2 f0(ωi) − f(ωi ) convergence. The proof is almost identical. Vi(f0,f)= . f(ωi) 1058 Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 2004

By assumption (M1), f0 is continuous, and by assumption (M2), Lemma B.3. Let Yj be independent exponential random variables f0 > 0. Hence, f0 is bounded and bounded away from 0 on entire with means µj , j = 1,...,m. Consider testing H0 : µj = µ0j against [0, 1].Lets = inf0≤ω≤1 f0(ω) and H1 : µj = µ1j ,whereµ1j <µ0j − ε for all j and µ0j ≤ a,where a and ε>0 do not depend on m. Then there exists a test m B ={f : f − f0 ∞ ≤ s/2}. (B.2) and constants β1,β2 > 0, depending only on a and ε such that − − Then (B) > 0 by (B.1). For f ∈ B,wehavef ≥ s/2and−1/2 ≤ ≤ β1m − ≤ β2m EP0 (m) e and EP1 (1 m) e ,whereP0 and P1 are (f0 − f)/f ≤ 1. Hence, the probability measures under the null and the alternative. ν ν   1 1 f (ω ) − f(ω ) 2 1 Proof. Consider a test  that rejects H if m Y /µ < V (f ,f)≤ 0 i i ≤ → 0 m 0 j=1 j 0j 2 i 0 2 m{1 − (ε/2a)}. Under H , Y /µ , j = 1,...,m, are iid exponen- ν = ν = f(ωi) ν 0 j 0j i 1 i 1 tial with parameter 1 that has finite -generating function. Thus uniformly on B, so that (C1)(a) holds. For (C1)(b), using the inequality the exponential bound for the first kind of error is obtained by standard − + ≤ 2 ≥−1 y log(1 y) 2y on y 2 ,wehave large-deviation estimates.   − = × ν ν 2 To estimate EP1 (1 m), write Yj /µ0j (Yj /µ1j ) (µ1j /µ0j ). 1 2 f0(ωi) − f(ωi) Ki(f0,f) ≤ The first factor is exponentially distributed with mean 1, and the sec- ν ν f(ω ) ≤ − ≤ − i=1 i=1 i ond is µ1j /µ0j (µ0j ε)/µ0j 1 (ε/a). Under P1, Yj /µ0j is ˜ ˜ stochastically smaller than Yj ,whereYj is exponentially distributed 8 2 ≤ f − f0 ∞ − ˜ s2 with mean 1 (ε/a) and the Yj ’s are iid. Thus by standard large- deviation estimates, we obtain on B. Thus (C1)(b) holds.   m   B.2 Existence of Tests ˜ ε −β m E (1 − m) ≤ Pr Y ≥ m 1 − ≤ e 2 . P1 j 2a To find the exponentially powerful consistent tests, consider the j=1 sieves of the form Lemma B.4. The ε-covering number N(ε,n, · ∞) of n in k n the supremum norm is given by log N(ε,n, · ∞) ≤ kn log kn +  = {τ b(·; j,w) : w ∈  }. (B.3) n 0 j kn log(5τ0/ε). j=1 Proof. Because β(ω; j,k − j + 1) ≤ k for all k,j,andω,we  k ∗ ∗ Thus the elements of n are Bernstein polynomials of order n or less, have b(·,k , w) − b(·,k , w ) ∞ ≤ k w − w ,where · is n n n kn kn 1 1 with nonnegative coefficients, and integrate to τ0. The tuning parame- the 1 norm on the kn-simplex kn . It then follows that N(ε,n, ter kn controls both the size and the ability of approximation of the k · ∞ ≤ n · sieve and is chosen later. Let λ denote the Lebesgue measure on the ) j=1 N(ε/τ0kn,j , 1). By lemma A.4 of Ghosal and j−1 real line. van der Vaart (2001), N(ε,j , · 1) ≤ (5/ε) for 1 ≤ j ≤ kn. Thus the estimate follows. Lemma B.1. Let ε>0, f and f0 be nonnegative integrable func- = tions on [0, 1] with f0 ≤ c, f − f0 1 > 4ε,and f = f0.Let Let a f0 ∞. Consider the test n,f , which rejects the simple A ={ω : f(ω)m 1 − ,  f0(ωi) 2a i∈In,f 2ε< (f0 − f) f 9ε, then by Lemma B.3, there are some con- = (f − f)+ (f − f)   −β m 0 0 stants β ,β > 0 such that E  ≤ e 1 and E (1 −  ) ≤ A {f0−ε≤f 0, the forego- − −  ing bound can be reduced to e β1n and e β2n,whereβ ,β > 0are Lemma B.2. Let f ≤ c be continuous with f = τ and f ∈  , 1 2 0 0 0 n constants not depending on f . with f − f > 9ε.Then 0 To remove the dependence of test functions on f ,weusethestan- nε #{j : f(ω )