Te Awamutu Courier
Te Awamutu Rural Neville Kemp Licensee Salesperson 027 271 9801 Courier 07 871 9801 www.nevillekemp.co.nz Published Tuesday & ThursdayTHURSDAY THURSDAY, JANUARY MAY 24, 19, 2012 2012 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR OVER 100 YEARS Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) CIRCULATED FREE TO 12,109 HOMES THROUGHOUT TE AWAMUTU AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. EXTRA COPIES 40c. BRIEFLY Jason just right for job FA Cup Sunday Te Awamutu has its very own FA Cup soccer tournament taking place on Sunday. The event is named after Fred Amess, a soccer stalwart in Te Awamutu for many years before moving to Whangamata. At the time of going to press, four primary schools had entered teams in this year’s FA Cup, St Patrick’s, Ohaupo, Pekerau and Te Awamutu Primary. First round games kick off at 9am at Sherwin Park. Hot food and drinks available. Fired up for Jumble Sale Pirongia Rural Fire Force is holding a Jumble Sale on Sunday, June 24 to raise money for their volunteer organisation. Any donations of pre-loved goods such as furniture, tools, clothing, appliances, books, etc would be gratefully received. If you have items you would like to donate to support our fundraising event please contact Rhana (871 9336 or 027 300 5260) for more information. Tramping trip Te Awamutu Methodist Tramping Group is running a day excursion to Tiritiri Matangi Island on Saturday, June 2 and anyone interested in the event is welcome to participate. Organiser Colin Hall says it is a full day trip to the predator free scientific nature reserve and participants will see a greater TC240512DT01 variety of native birds than any STAR Z Te Awamutu employee Jason Hutchins has caught the attention of customers, owner Selwyn Cook and site leader Jeanette Sicely other place in New Zealand.
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