Algorithmic and Optimization Aspects of Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities, via Operator Scaling Ankit Garg Leonid Gurvits Microsoft Research New England City College of New York Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA New York City, New York, USA
[email protected] [email protected] Rafael Oliveira Avi Wigderson Princeton University Institute for Advanced Studies Princeton, New Jersey, USA Princeton, New Jersey, USA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT On a higher level, our application of operator scaling algorithm The celebrated Brascamp-Lieb (BL) inequalities and their reverse to BL-inequalities further connects analysis and optimization with form of Barthe are an important mathematical tool, unifying and the diverse mathematical areas used so far to motivate and solve generalizing numerous inequalities in analysis, convex geometry the operator scaling problem, which include commutative invariant and information theory, with many used in computer science. While theory, non-commutative algebra, computational complexity and their structural theory is very well understood, far less is known quantum information theory. about computing their main parameters (which we later dene be- low). Prior to this work, the best known algorithms for any of these CCS CONCEPTS optimization tasks required at least exponential time. In this work, • Theory of computation → Mathematical optimization; we give polynomial time algorithms to compute: (1) Feasibility of BL-datum, (2) Optimal BL-constant, (3) Weak separation oracle for BL-polytopes. KEYWORDS What is particularly exciting about this progress, beyond the Optimization, Brascamp-Lieb, Operator Scaling, Inequalities. better understanding of BL-inequalities, is that the objects above naturally encode rich families of optimization problems which had ACM Reference format: no prior ecient algorithms.