Enriching life in the Big Canoe community December 2020 - January 2021 POA News 3 Events & Happenings 19 Wining & Dining 28 Getting Fit & Healthy 29 Santa greeted a procession Around the Tees 30 of over 400 vehicles filled with Racquets ‘Round the Nets 35 holiday celebrants at the Fire Station during Big Canoe's Marina 36 first "Wilderness Wonderland." Let’s Go Clubbing 40 (Photo by Karen Steinberg) Made in BC Gift Guide 50 Don't just list your home, get it sold. #1 in homes and lots sold www.BigCanoe.com 706.268.3333
[email protected] DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021 INSIDETHEGATES.ORG | 3 POA News Preserving Big Canoe’s Character: The Clubhouse staff to re-emphasize that drink limits will be enforced. Clubhouse Edition Part of my job as general manager is to preserve the character of Big Canoe. This goes beyond making sure By Scott Auer we repaint the Postal Facility or have a fresh layer of pine Big Canoe General Manager needles on the traffic circle to greet inbound visitors. It’s about maintaining standards, regardless of the setting. I We love to highlight all that makes Big Canoe such an know of nu- unbelievable place to live, especially around the holidays. merous prop- Beyond the natural beauty and unmatched amenities are our erty owners employees – those 200+ folks who tirelessly make sure the who say they snow is cleared, the greens are pristine, and the meals come forgo The straight to your table hot from the kitchen. These staffers Clubhouse are too often overlooked and because of the underappreciated.