1966026216 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19660026216 2020-03-24T02:09:50+00:00Z \ / \ ............. •_,_, ,_, _ .... _, , _,:_, ........ .,, UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY 1966026216-002 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE FORWARD v M[b"_ES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING i BUSINESS MEETING REPORT OF THE ENVIRD_ENT & RESOURCES SUBGROUP - Dr. Paul D. Lo_an 5 REPORT OF THE MINNING & PROCESSING SUB- GROUP- Mr. Bruce M. Hall 7 REPORT OF THE LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS SUBGROUP- Mr. C. Will_am Henderson 57 REPORT OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY SUBGROUP - Mr. James E. Malcolm 62 PLANS FOR 1966 - Dr. Ernst A. Stelnhoff 6_ WELCOME - Brig. Gen. Robert F. McDermott 67 •._E_ ADDRESS - Brig. Gen. Andrew P. Rolllns 69 ENVIRONMENT & RESOURCES SESSION Transient Lunar Events: Possible Causes - B. M. Middlehurst & J. Burley 71 / Ceometry of Backscattering Surfaces as Applied to the Moon - J. D. Halajian 78 / Evidence for Lunar Igntmbrites - D', Paul D. Lo_nan 12_ Scientific Missions for a Lunar /_se (LESA) - Dr. Paul D. Lowman 128 l + 1966026216-003 PAGE Chemical Bonding and Shear Strength of Silicate Systems under Lunar Conditions Dr. Rodney W. / Johnson and Mr. John M. Greiner 131 _/ MINING _ PROCESSING SESSION Lunar Water Resources - Dr. John N. Weber, Dr. G. W. Erindley, Dr. Rustum Roy, and / Mr. J. H. Sharp 194 1 A Note on Petrologic Processes and Lunar Logistics - Dr. Z. Azmon e34// Cryogenic Storage on the Moon - Dr. Peter Glaser 244/ Lunar Geothermal Power: Some Problems and Potentlals - Dr. Carl F. Austin, Dr. J. Kenneth Prlngle, and Mr. Richard D. Fulmer 269 / A Preliminary Logistics Burden Model for the Production of Lunar Ores - Carl B. Hayward (This paper was presented at the Third Annual Meeting) 289 _ LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS SESSION Impulse Propulsion Gains Resulting from '_ree" Retanking of Propellants on Various Orbits and Stations at the Earth, the Moon, Mars, end Venus - // Rollin W. Gillespie 512 Economic Analysis of Extraterrestrial Propellant Manufacture in Support of Lunar Exploration - / David Paul Ill 3_I ./ Space Transportation Logistic Requtrementr Comparison / Utilizing Lunar Manufactured ITopellante - R. A. Correll and Joseph B. Deodati 377 The Role of Lunar Resources in Post-Apollo J Missions - Howard Segal 399 ii 1966026216-004 PAGE BZOTECHHOL_Y SESS ION 415 The Physic¢l C_pabilities and Logistic Support Requirements for Man on the Moon - Dr. Walter Kuahnegser 417 J The Cost of Life Support in Manned Lunar kse8 - Mr. W. L. Burrlss _3_ _- Terrestrail Asricu!ture Plant and Animal Research as Applicable to Extraterrestrial Food Production - Dr. Robert Yeck 472 J Weights of Environmental Control Systems - /_ Mr. Stephen H. Dole 481 Leakage in Life Support Systems - Ht A.F. / SullA,Tan 4_ PICJECT SUPER - Michael V. Vasilik, Lt., USAF 495 / APPEI_,ICES A. Attendees, Working Group on Extraterreet_'ial Resources Fourth Annual Neetins 510 _. Technical Papers Presente_ at the ,Vourth Anuu31 Heet.l_ of. the Wor',lnp, Croup on F,_t:_cp.r_e|_ria _. /esovrce_ 517 ttl 1966026216-005 BLANK PAGE I i / 'i 1966026216-006 FOREWORD The Working Group on Extraterrestrial Resources is composed of people from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), *.he U. S. Air Force, the U. S. Navy, Office of Engineers of the U. S. Army, U S. Geological Survey, the Depart.,r,ent of Agriculture, and the Rand Corporation. Itwas organized for the following function: "To evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the employment of extraterrestrial resources with the objective of reducing dependence of lunar and planetary exploration on terrestrial supplies_ to advise cognizant agencies on requirements pertinent to these objectives, and to point out the implications affecting these goals. " V 1966026216-008 MINUTES OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Extra- terrestrial Resources was held at the Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs, Colorado Z9 November - Z December 1965. Attendees are listed in Appendix A. Condensed agenda followed was: a. Business Session b. Welcome Address c. Keynote Address d. Mars e. Technical Papers f. Election of Officers g. Banquet h. Subgroup Meetings i. Tours BUSINESS SESSION At the closed session the afternoon of 29 November Dr. lames B. Edson, Chairman of the WGER, introduced the foUowing Sub- group Chairmen who reported the Subgroup progress and plans: Dr. Paul D. Lowman, Chairman of the Subgroup on Environ- ment & Resources; Mr. Bruce Hall, Chairman of the Subgroup on Mining & Pro- cessing; Mr. C. WiLliam Henderson, Chairman of the Subgroup on Logistics Requirernents; and Mr. James Malcolm, Chairman of the Subgroup on Biotech- nology. Dr. Ernst .4..SteinhoH, Chairman of the Steering Committee WGER, spoke on "Plans for Next Year." 1966026216-009 WELCOME ADDR ESS The Welcome Address was delivered to the full Working Group by Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott, USAF, Dean of the Faculty, U. S. Air Force Academy. KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Keynote Address was delivercd by Brigadier General Andrew P. Rollins, USA, Office of the Chief of Engineers, US Army. MARS Dr. Edson .isplayed new pictures of the planet and pointed out further evidence indicating the existence of "canals." TECHNICAL PAPERS Technical papers presented are listed by Subgroup in Appendix B. Minor title changes may appear in the Proceedings, but papers are essentially unchanged in substance. ELECTION OF OFFICERS At a meeting of the Steering Committee the evening of ?9 November, the following officers were elected for the coming year: WORKLNG GROUP Chairman Dr. James B. Edson Vice Chairman Mr. Bruce Hal/ Secretary (To be chosen by Chairman) STEERING COMMITTEE Chairman Dr. Ernst A. Steinhcff Vice Chairman Mr. James $. Gangler Secretary Mr. El/is M. Bilbo 2 1966026216-010 BANQUET The banquet was held at g000 hours 30 November 1965 at the Ramada Inn. Officers were introduced, and the names of officers for the coming year were announced. Dr. William Mrazek of the Geozge C. Marshall Space Flight C_nter delivered the after- dinner address. He spoke on significant developments in the Saturn Program. SUBGROUP MEETINGS The four Subgroups assembled in separate rooms for their Fall meetings. Attendees not affiliatedwith a specific Subgroup were invited to attend meetings of their choice as observers. TOURS a. The Air Force Academy presented a briefing on and con- ducted a tour of Academy Facilities. b. NORAD, with Colonel C. C. Smith, J-'., USAF, as Brief- ing Host, presented a briefing and conducted a tour of the Com- bat Operations Center at Ent AFB as follo_,=: Part I Mission, Threat, Organization, Flt Lt L. G. Jenks, RCAF and Detection System Part II Weapons Systems and Future Major T. H. Ball, USA Aerospace Defense Buildin_ P-4 Combat Operations Center S/L G. J. Sweanor, R CAF 3 ] 9660262 ]6-0 ] ] BLANK PAGE I ! °, / i 't"_" t // 1' 1966026216-012 REPORT OF THE ENVIRONMENT & RESOURCES SUBGROUP Dr. P_ul D. Lou_,an Report Not Available 1966026216-013 BLANK PAGE O I!, . ,,.. _ _:_ : " t :' ."_/ )r 1966026216-014 MU_ING & PROCEgSING SUBGROUP WORKING GROUP ON EXTRATERRESTRIAL RESOURCES SUBJECT: 1965 Annual Progress Report A. Inclosures : I. Subgroup Mission Statement 2 Commi?tee M_ssion Statements 3. Minutes of Sa_ _roup Meetings (2) 4. Committee Annual Reports B. Subgroup Report: I. In reasonable detail the Subgroup progress leport consists of (a) reports of its committee activities and accomplishments, and (b) the minutes of Subgroup meetings. Committee reports and minutes of two of three meetings are included as inclosures. The third and final Subgroup meeting was held concurrently with the annual meeting on 1 December. This meeting was restricted to (a) a review of WGER organization history, (b) past and current activities of the Mining and Processing Subgroup, and (c) the interrelationships of tl,efour Subgroups. 2. Subgroup Committees consist of: a. Lunar Mining Procedures Committee Wayne A. Roberts, Boeing Company, Chairman b. Propellant Production Committee Peter E. Glaser, Arthur D. Little Company, Chairman c. Indigenous Lunar Power Sources Committee Carl F. Austin, U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, Chairman d. Materials Expected in Space as Related to Their Preparation, Processing and Extraction Committee Paul G. Herold, Colorado School of Mines, Chairman e. Intersubgroup Coordination Committee No Committee chairman presently assigned. 3. FY 65-66 plans include; a. Due to the importance of power sources and such concepts close relationships with propellants, it is probable that these two areas will be expanded into three committees of considerable greater scope. 7 1966026216-015 SUBJECT: 1965 Annual Progress Report b. A concerted effort will be realized to contact and recruit persons ol applicable technical background for all committees. c. For the purposes of in£ormal papers to be presented at the spring Subgroup meeting and the more formal papers for the fall WGER annual meeting, a process of subject selected will be formulated. Based on this selective method,, specific authors will be requested to prepare and present papers. Such a method will organize a body of information designed to more fully _upplev, ent the interests of the Subgroup. d. Increased committee activity and reporting will be encouraged. _."' _d,_ 7,,, 4 -_a_iosurzs BRUCE M. HALL, Chairman as stated Mining & Processing Subgroup WGER 8 1966026216-016 MISSION STATEMENT MINING & PROCESSING SUBGROUP To evaluate feasibility and usefulness of mining and processing of local materials with the objective of reducing dependence on logistic support, to advise on ways and
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