30 ILSYMPHONY.ORG By ErikRohde©| Violin II, Orchestra|MusicDirector, IllinoisSymphony Orchestra|DirectorofStringsand Winona Symphony Activities, University IndianaState NOTES PROGRAM SPRING CELEBRATION orchestral version whichwaspremieredjust encored,immediately an created andStraussquickly thepiece was thepremierethat It wassopopularat meadows and in allitssplendor.”“spring breaksforth lark andanightingale. thefieldsand Breezesawaken speaks ofbirdsong, ofa thesinging andespecially in acharityperformance the workat . The text thesopranoBiancaBianchi,for whofirstpremiered Voices ofSpringfirstwaswrittenasashowpiece in ofgold. Vienna withastatue musical talent, itisJohannStraussIIwhodepicted hascradledaplethoraof acitythat for enough that influence onmusicallifein Viennainthe1800s, and theUnitedStates, hadahuge theStraussfamily Famous in Vienna, totouracrossEurope andlater waltzdynasty.member ofthefamousStraussfamily elder JohannStraussandthemostprominent Fledermaus, JohannStrauss IIwasthesonof his Best knownfor “Blue ” waltzandDie (Approx. 6minutes) the GoldeneSaalofMusikvereinin Vienna. brother) onMarch18, theStraussOrchestrain 1883by EduardStrauss(thecomposer’swork itwaspremieredby in Vienna withsopranoBiancaBianchi. As anorchestral Premiered onMarch1, 1883inthe ander Theater Wien d. Vienna, 3June1899 b. St. Ulrichnear Vienna, , 25October1825 JOHANN STRAUSS, II Voices ofSpring . encored at that performance aswell. performance that encored at theaudienceandwasalsocheereduntilit by later.seventeen days This toowasmetwithacclaim the violinvirtuosoJosephJoachim. Brahmsintroducedhim tohisfriend, that importantly Dvor aretheremusicalparallels–itseemsclear that only Brahms’ concerto, writtenjustafewyearsearlier. Not Violin ConcertoofDvor symphonies, chambermusic, and concertos. The composers inspiringeachotherthroughtheirdances, wasfruitfulinbothdirections,relationship thetwo talent ofthisyoungcomposerfromBohemia. Their the impressedby to hisworkafterbeingsubstantially in the1870sandhelpedtobringpublicprominence had metDvor friend andeldercomposerJohannesBrahms, who his widespreadacclaimto “being discovered” his by The Czechcomposer Antonín Dvor František Ondrícek. (Approx. 32minutes) Premiered onOctober14, violinist by 1883inPrague d. Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1May1904 b. Nelahozeves, , 8September1841 ANTONÍN DVOR Violin Concerto ˇàk knewBrahmsworkwell–but more ˇàk throughacompositioncompetition ˇ ÀK ˇàk hasaspecificdebtto ˇàk owedmuchof ILSYMPHONY.ORG 31 The year of 1841 was an important year in the life of The year of 1841 was an important year After composing over 100 songs in Robert Schumann. he turned to the tempting palate of the previous year, including the full orchestra for several works in 1841, life of Schumann’s These years his first symphony. (and the glow lasted into 1842 for a year of of bliss monumental chamber music) were years as a result of his marriage to his lifelong love Clara Clara was a world 1840. Wieck on September 12, and Schumann had had his eye on famous pianist, father vehemently opposed but Clara’s her for a while, They finally moved ahead without his their marriage. successfully suing him in order that they approval, might marry. career was There is no doubt that Robert Schumann’s All of heavily influenced by his relationship with Clara. his music of these years breathes of her influence It was she who and his unbounded love for her. encouraged compositions him to turn to orchestral Convinced that his musical voice was too in 1841. “highest wish stated She that her limited by the piano. is that he should compose for orchestra—that is his She did field! May I succeed in bringing him to it!” convince him. Symphony No. 1 “Spring” 1 Symphony No. SCHUMANN ROBERT 8 June 1810 Saxony, Zwickau, b. 29 July 1856 Bonn, d. 1841 in Leipzig under the direction Premiered on March 31, 28 minutes) (Approx. conductor. of Felix Mendelssohn, ˇàk ˇàk ˇàk shows his

ˇàk claimed to basically re-write

ˇàk also linked the first two movements

the concerto. movements is one of the most beautiful moments of however, and the little bridge that links the two however, his publisher. He insisted that this idea stay in, He insisted that this idea stay in, his publisher. under critical scrutiny for this decision, this time from under critical scrutiny for this decision, Bruch’s popular first violin concerto), again coming popular first violin concerto), Bruch’s of his concerto to flow without pause (such as Max so well. Dvor so well. distinctively Czech rhythmic language we now know work. The work sparkles and dances through the The work. opens in virtually the same way. Dvor opens in virtually the same way. and an energetic furiant into the last movement of the is a clear nod to his friend Brahms’ concerto, which is a clear nod to his friend Brahms’ concerto, melancholy dumka incorporating a slow, heritage, was then more standard. This powerhouse opening was then more standard. own character though by remaining true to his Czech without the standard orchestral introduction which the violinist leaping into the fray almost immediately, the violinist leaping into the fray almost immediately, The concerto has many unusual aspects, including The concerto has many unusual aspects, violinist František Ondrícek. publicly. It was finally premiered by the young Czech publicly. would perform the work, but he never played it would perform the work, undoubtedly hoping the brilliant master of the violin finally dedicated the further revised work to Joachim, finally dedicated Joachim, the further revised work to sent further suggestions for revisions. Dvor sent further suggestions for revisions. years to respond. While he praised the concerto, he While he praised the concerto, years to respond. Joachim for further comments but Joachim took two the whole piece. He sent the revised score back to the whole piece. comments that Dvor huge revisions suggested. So far reaching were his huge revisions suggested. Just as Brahms did when writing his concerto, Dvor Just as Brahms did when writing his concerto, who responded with sent the score to Joachim, 32 ILSYMPHONY.ORG SPRING CELEBRATION By ErikRohde©| Violin II, Orchestra|MusicDirector, IllinoisSymphony Orchestra|DirectorofStringsand Winona Symphony Activities, University IndianaState NOTES PROGRAM about thework,about Schumannwrote: when hewascomposingit. Inalettertoconductor He madeclear, however, springwasonhismind that days,four enough, andcuriously inthedeadofwinter. the year1841. sketcheditinanastonishing Hefully Symphony,” becamehismajorsymphonicworkof The Symphony, titleof theoriginal given “Spring came to my mind. came tomy theseideas I hadcompletedthecompositionthat belongstospring.that However, after itwasonly the ofeverything assemblage thegradual Allegro . perhaps green; . . abutterflyfluttering; andin say, itmightbepossibletofeeltheworldturning sectionoftheintroduction,the following letme from onhighandlikeasummonstoawaken. In first trumpetcalltosoundasthoughproceeding 1841.work inFebruary Ishouldlikethevery whenIwrotethe mainsourceofinspiration my when itplays, spring!Itwas for longing that intoyourorchestra, youcouldbreathe If only continued ...

therefore donotwantittobetakentoofrivolously.”therefore wanted “to describe afarewelltospring, and movement indeed, he Schumannwasclearthat “Spring’s Farewell,” andthoughitisajoyous Ländler.a lively The dancelikeFinalewastobe sections, the firstmoresubdued, andthesecond itincludesnotjustonebuttwocontrasting that Trio titled Playfellows.”“Merry in The Scherzoisnotable titled “Evening.” intotheScherzo,This leadsdirectly movement, amellowanddevoutreverie, wastobe trumpetcall.above-mentioned The second Awakening,” ofthe nodoubtaftertheinspiration The firstmovementwastobetitled “Spring’s ineachmovement. hewasthinking about into what publishing thework, awindow itisinterestingtohave movements titles, andwhileheremovedthem before each ofthefour Schumanngave Originally