SEE PAge 12 February-March 2018 Volume 15 No. 1 `100.00 (India-Based Buyer Only) Latest EDITION SP’s AN SP GUIDE P UBLICATION Reserve Your Own Copies, Now!
[email protected] WWW.SPSLANDFORCES.COM ROUNDUP THE ONLY MAGAZINE IN ASIA-PACIFIC DEDICATED TO LAND FORCES IN THIS ISSUE >> LEAD STORY IlluSTrATIoN: Anoop Kamath PAGE 5 Assault Weapons and Assault rifles Assault weapons are guns/fire arms that fire one round each time the trigger is pulled. They are not assault rifles or machine gun. Lt General V.K. Kapoor (Retd) PAGE 6 Infantry Modernisation Neglected The modernisation of infantry has lagged behind due to complete neglect and apathy on part of military, bureaucratic and political leadership to speed up the process of modernisation of the Indian Army. Lt General V.K. Kapoor (Retd) PAGE 7 Trijicon — pioneer in aiming Solutions Defence Budget: Personal weapons of the soldiers must have the latest technologies inbuilt for counter terrorist and counter insurgency missions including day/night vision solutions. Assured Allocations Rohit Srivastava PAGE 8 Special Forces – more Focus Required to Achieve the Goals Delays in replacing the legacy weapons system with the more modern systems have hampered the operational readiness of armed forces. It is time to look for measures to mitigate the shortfall. LT GENERAL V.K. KAPOOR (RETD) that in any future conflict, India would “stores”. In last ten years, the percentage Special Forces are being used strategically AND ROHIT SRIVASTAVA be using three to four decades old weapon of pay and allowance in the revenue bud- world over to further national interests of systems.