Summer Reading List A Level Ancient

AH1: Relations between Greek states and between Greek & non- Greek states, 492- 404 BC.

You could try reading parts of these original sources that we study in Year 12 …….

Herodotus, The

Read about the great deeds and human achievements as the Persians and Greeks become embroiled in conflict.

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

Read how unveils the tensions and conflicts that devastated the Greek world where Athens and Sparta would quarrel and end up at war.

Plutarch, The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives.

In Plutarch you could try reading the chapters on these key Greek leaders……

 Themistocles  Aristides  Cimon  Pericles AH2: The Breakdown of the Late Republic, 88 – 31 BC.

Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars.

You could just read the chapters on and and then explore further by covering some of the emperors in readiness for Unit 3 on the Julio – Claudian emperors in Year 13.

Sallust, The Conspiracy.

Who was Catiline and what did he do to challenge the constitution of Rome?

Plutarch, Fall of the

Try to read about key individuals such as Sulla, , Caesar and Mark Antony.

Three general books on Ancient Greece and Rome that provide an excellent introduction to the ancient world and our course.

Ancient Greece – Using Evidence by Pamela Bradley.

S.P.Q.R: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard

Tom Holland, Rubicon

‘This is the best one-volume narrative history of the Rome between King Tarquin and Emperor Augustus I have ever read. The story of Rome's experiment with republicanism - peopled by such giants as Caesar, Pompey, Cato and Cicero - is told with perfect freshness, fine wit and true scholarship’. (Andrew Roberts)