intouch General and Local elections: Polling Day 7 May Shalford, Compton and Artington PARKING CHARGES FROZEN COUNCIL TAX KEPT LOW AGAIN The cost of Town’s short-stay car Conservative Guildford Borough Council parks has been frozen by the Conservatives have agreed a low Council Tax increase of to help local residents and businesses. just £2 a year for the average household. ROAD SAFETY CONSERVATIVES UPDATE

■ The new zebra crossing VOW TO PROTECT installed on Kings Road in Shalford now appears to be working well, and assisting OUR GREEN BELT people to access the new Thanks to pressure from your grocery store and café in the local Conservative Borough village centre. Councillors, proposals for developments in Chinthurst Shalford Lane, Shalford, and for a Conservative traveller site at Stonebridge candidates Mike have been dropped. Parsons says: “I am delighted The fight goes on however that after years against Blackwell Farm, with of campaigning Conservative candidates we now have the Michael Illman and Mike new crossing on Parsons opposing any attempt Kings Road. The wait has been frustrating by the University of to but it’s good that people of all ages can expand into the countryside. now cross safely.” Conservative candidates Michael Illman and Mike About 20,000 comments were Parsons are clear that Shalford’s Green Belt must stay Surrey County Council is currently reviewing received by Guildford Borough parking restrictions in Shalford village, Council on the consultation to particularly on Chinthurst Lane, to see if the draft Local Plan, including safety can be improved. New proposals are many from Shalford, Compton revised draft Local Plan later on our local green belt, preserving this year to take account of the the character of our villages, due in the summer. and Artington. comments received. Mike and provides the new The Council has now announced Parsons said: “It is vital that we affordable homes local families A NEW that it will bring forward a have a Local Plan that protects need.” FOR CHILWORTH?

A BRIDGE TOO FAR FOR ■ Guildford Borough Council received 400 representations NETWORK RAIL? during its consultation on In September last year, a Milton, Network Rail has finally even narrower one! parish arrangements for Network Rail maintenance announced a date to rebuild the Shalford campaigner Michael vehicle damaged a footbridge at footbridge. Illman said: “We need a wider Chilworth. Shalford Rail Station. replacement bridge, with Hopefully work will start in facilities for pedestrians and Part of the village (including Hornhatch, The Bridge had to be August 2015 on what local cyclists to use it safely.” Tillingbourne School, St Thomas’ Church) is demolished as a result and this people want — a bridge that is in Shalford Parish, and part of it lies in St has closed a footpath used as a safe for people on foot and on Thanks to the intervention of our Martha Parish. Some residents have asked safe route to Shalford Infant cycles. local MP, Parish Councils and for a new Parish to be formed uniting the School. Borough Councillors, Network two parts of the village. Mike Parsons and Network Rail has also proposed Rail is thinking again, and Surrey Michael Illman would like to thank Thanks to pressure from local replacing the busy road bridge County Council is looking at residents for their views and will review residents, councillors and our over New Pond Road near helping to fund a new, improved them carefully. Parliamentary Candidate Anne Guildford Crematorium — with an bridge.

Promoted by Simon Ashall on behalf of Guildford Conservatives, both of 17 Home Farm, , Guildford GU3 1HS. Printed by, 8 New Road, London N22 5ET. GIVING GOOD GOVERNMENT TO GUILDFORD intouch If you have a problem or concern call us on 01483 300330

Promoted by Simon Ashall on behalf of Guildford Conservatives, both of 17 Home Farm, Loseley Park, Guildford GU3 1HS. TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Printed by, NEW FORUM TO 8 New Road, London N22 5ET. TACKLE FLOODS IN SHALFORD Let us know if you have any issues of concern:

■ Local Borough Councillors have successfully argued for Please give us your contact details so we can keep in touch with HOW CAN YOU HELP US? you about the issues you have raised: new funding to help clear and  Display a poster at election time Name  Deliver leaflets maintain local ditches and  Help with stuffing envelopes culverts, and to help prevent Address  Attend social events  Join the local Party flooding.  Vote by post  Stand for Council This work should take place over the Home/Mobile No summer and will support the initiative of Please return to: Guildford Shalford, Compton and Artington Parish Email Conservatives, 17 Home Farm, Councils who are jointly setting up a Local Loseley Park, Guildford GU3 1HS Flood Forum to tackle drainage problems in How we use your information The data you provide will be retained by the Conservative Party and Guildford Conservatives/Anne Milton MP (“the data holders”) in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and related legislation. By providing your data to us, you are consenting to the data holders making contact with you in the future by telephone, text or other means, even the area. though you may be registered with the Telephone Preference Service. Your data will not be sold or given to anyone not connected to the Conservative Party. If you do not want the information you give to us to be used in this way, or for us to contact you, please indicate by ticking the relevant boxes: Post  Email  SMS  Phone  THE CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO FOR GUILDFORD BOROUGH Guildford’s Economy The Environment Our Vibrant Communities

Continue to keep Council Tax down, Deliver a new draft Draft Local Plan — giving taxpayers value for the money they taking into account constraints, residents’ pay views and protecting the Green Belt

A thriving Guildford Town Centre with Pilot Safe Zones at schools to ensure support for businesses in our local that our children can stay safe on their parades and villages. Freezing car short- way to school term parking charges for 2015/16 to help both residents and retailers Providing the affordable homes we need for future generations and key workers Deliver a Masterplan for the Town Centre while protecting our countryside and and provide affordable housing on brown heritage field sites including Slyfield Cutting congestion across Guildford, on the A3 and in the Town. Conservatives are fighting to improve the one-way system in town, access to the A3 and provide a safe routes across Guildford for pedestrians and cyclists

Guildford has met its target of a 70% recycling rate in some areas thanks to your help. We will expand food waste recycling to flats CONSERVATIVES SET STRONG BUDGET FOR GUILDFORD By finding £1million in savings this of the Council so that the benefits can be routes, the provision of affordable homes to the passed on to residents. next generation and key workers, grants for year and another £1m in new disabled facilities, works on the roof at the income, Conservatives have set a They have saved more than £6million and Spectrum Leisure Centre and the development budget that boosts services, allows secured more than £3.5m of additional income. of North Street. This has included a review of the Council’s money to be spent in our area and management structure — saving £250,000 — Extra money for Council services is going into keeps Council Tax low to help and has kept Council Tax to just 1.5% this year, fixing Guildford's Infrastructure, waste and residents get on. less than an 5p extra per week. recycling, a new customer services centre, better parks and open spaces and support for more of In the past four years, Conservatives in Guildford Among the important projects that are secured Guildford’s vulnerable families. have focused on improving the financial position by the latest budget are new riverside cycle