THE ZEROS OF QUASI-ANALYTICFUNCTIONS1 ARTHUR O. GARDER, JR. 1. Statement of the theorem. Definition 1. C(Mn, k) is the class of functions f(x) ior which there exist positive constants A and k and a sequence (Af„)"_0 such that (1) |/(n)(x)| ^AknM„, - oo < x< oo,» = 0,l,2, • • • . Definition 2. C(Mn, k) is a quasi-analytic class if 0 is the only element / of C(Mn, k) ior which there exists a point x0 at which /<">(*„)=0 for « = 0, 1, 2, ••• . We introduce the functions (2) T(u) = max u"(M„)_l, 0 ^ m < oo, and (3) H(v) = — f u-2 log T(u)du. T J l The following property of H(v) characterizes quasi-analytic classes. Theorem 3 [5, 78 ].2 Let lim,,.,*, M„/n= °o.A necessary and sufficient condition that C(Mn, k) be a quasi-analytic class is that (4) lim H(v) = oo, where H(v) is defined by (2) and (3). Definition 4. Let v(x) be a function satisfying (i) v(x) is continuously differentiable for 0^x< oo, (ii) v(0) = l, v'(x)^0, 0^x<oo, (iii) xv'(x)/v(x)=0 (log x)-1, x—>oo. We shall say that/(x)GC* if and only if f(x)EC(Ml, k), where M* = n\[v(n)]n and v(n) satisfies the above conditions. Definition 5. Let Z(u) be a real-valued function which is less Received by the editors November 29, 1954 and, in revised form, February 24, 1955. 1 Presented to the Graduate School of Washington University in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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