Noem e .18 'Th Nesae of th Ani-pathi Moemn 2t'S .l I

Noem e .18 'Th Nesae of th Ani-pathi Moemn 2t'S .l I r FI FC AR * ST C * A N A P * Anti- Movement, 13 Mandela Street, London NWI ODW, tel 01-387 7966 The people say SANCTIONS I 'We wish to send a simple but clear message to the people of Brit sanctions and they want them now! Apartheid mu! Above all Mrs Thatcher's government must cease protecting o international action. Sanctions are the only response capable o bloodshed. And such sanctions must be comprehensive and mar people of goodwill in Britain to support the Anti-Apartheid Movq sanctions and to act themselves to impose their own sanctions collaboration with apartheid.' President Oliver Tambo of the African National Congr 'SWAPO has noted with profound regret the absence of any a government to isolate the racist South African regime, and it Pretoria from sanctions imposed by others. We call on the Bi movement and all the people of Britain to exercise their respor those sanctions themselves, using all the means availa President Sam NuIoma of SWAPO of 'Sanctions work. But it depends how they are applied. If they ai then they will have less of an effect. If they are applied in a piec 'they will be feeble. But if they are applied unanimously, they effects.' President Joaquim Chissano of Moizambique, October at$ p, ai ng ri- been ratseng frean MUM .g a march edom of the nie Mandela regular Tco prmotion et tou.lm to South ~Af rica. Teiee World aiso organised the Flest Fleet Re-enaetmeet Voyage to cotOmemomt e Auosteaha s 'discovery' by Enrean etlers 200 yearsage Aboriginal people were highty eiticat 0f the ooyage, and Richmood AA's demonstration was timed to coincide with the fleet's .rival in , South Africa Fund-raisers CHELTENHAM AAis usen mony in a hauge -iety ,f wfys the ae0t is their cerp owen T- shits at £5 each. Oa 5 Septembee they held their filst steet stAlt in the high street and utteoted almagenuamhtr ofsignaturcs fee the national detanees petition, as well at an 'inoredible' £150, mostly in donatioms. Cheltenham AA tio sell casettes by the South Afrli an artist Mawakhe ond held African music discos. To commemoeate the death of Steve iho on 12 Septembher, a benefit gig was held swhch eaised £700. Severa carIoads of toiletries have been collecttd io the Cheltenham ar lov the ANC. ond Chetteoham AA aeePDF raising fedt to heop theirCreate! own acivities going by colleeting ahlini 5vom whiehTrial can be THE vommisionev ef the City oj London poce hs apetogised 10 the AAM for the b eioue o se af ble efficees. At som of the London piehets duelog the South At-can and Namiae minees' strlkes police ed to stop the distribution of traflete i0 support of the stines and to prevent tte uee otmegaphlones. Reploig to a letter from Jeremy Coeryn Ml the commlseionee agred that 'the otticees on the toene could haee maie a move liberal ierpreta lion 01 the Ae' SWAPO & NSC l Bnnnttto, oa 14sNovebere fror1a Festivnal Uninn ot Namibian Workers Snlidarty Fund Saturday 31 Otober 8pm es idnighst Lashethi Town Hall Soeia Club f3/1.50 unwaged, indlndineg tod Earsa Cuat & C mesea AA ] Next meeting 6 Nasember - contaet Sean, 373 3726 Pikhet og Shell garage Old reonpton Road 14 Noseer trans liam n- oetust Paul, 373 9897 Festival MdJI' 11 d ith. exhbiiona aud pivheto alI playod a part in Beistot AA'S adventaroos 'Fesival againsi Apaetheid', 2-1I Octobe. Bvislolians oaw peofovrances o The Long March by BTR strihers feom Scush Africo, asd tess, to Apareheid, i a rIO]C.l and shocki i' film. Thoere was a teast of music to hear dueieg the twv weces includino Shihisha's hlend of Zulu chaois. daeces and rhyehm, and Locemoe t4alaicooa, ilos kiog of.Mh.aga musiic (porteO y nawsn rn maroee, mrg, aneO the eal Labonr Party, weho etitin The social events were bilt iaround the Samova Mehel Memorial Lecture by Basit Davidson vice peesidet of the AAM. and an alt-day cigil 0n College Green to launch thle notionot detoinees petition an Betol. No toShell THE Boycott Shell eampaign haa made significant headway recently. In July the annual Methodistl Conference i Portsmouth decided to back :he boycott. This could mean the end et Shell oil being ueed to heat chaeches aud smust hacc heto o bittc blom for Shell, tove itu US-ha0ed PR, advae Pagan international (PlO has eise iåtly taegeted the "Meehodue Ch'ordh f6or "neutealising'. Theer scer but vecently-leu]ced ploe,, code-named the Neptune Steategy, Was for Pt to use iii churoh contaets, incladina the Meehodiet" Theee watt be moee pick Shell petrol stations durg intereatiooal Weeh of Actloe Shell, 7-14 Nocembe. Shell' againui Lewisham council, to council's decoe[e ntot to b peodoeti wheee alteenatees i obte devlored illegat, wi peobably come to court 10 ih Many organsatioes and soppoiting the campaign uret to peotost Shell's uttemyt ti date let authoritie. Deta AAM (3g7 7966) oe Emhai 8793). Glasgow SHELL has been foeed to of its uponsoesbip et e dehates doe to he televised Scotlaed. Peter Hamn long-standi apaetheid campaigoer, had i n invitation to toke pari debates at Gligow Unicereit] fond' dut who 'wapfienate eveatu, ewiftly followedhy othler speohleri aIl rotusbng part ntat the opartheid cci reol cu0 So Glasgow Ueioe Socirl1 tell Shell to tahe its moey ets Actionect -ntida pands intenatona AnfiPDF At,,,thid N-s No Create! 5 Trial ie trade arons ý1CIAL Department ofTrade 1, docutnents obtairred by ýnti-Apartheid Movernent hit the British govern,t bas no intention øf ollring its international "i,)n- winmitments to the i I ,, ,wealth and the EEC. c.iJ, it is worklng band in , ýith South Africa to 'lulffie thern. t ' DTI doeurnents cornprise, a c f '.,arket mpots' on vadous t, uf the South Afrim econorny 1,1 distributed free ofebarge to flntish exporters and investors l ttJ fi, e.pandirig linka Writh blid. fbey contain ~ence øf t violations øf fire anns go, Cnruno-alth satretions n-ts ýurd EEC regulations. ký -ts show th.t ths ,,,c, rurent is op-ly -g,ý-d helping compan"s - - subsidiaries to obtain '-l -oetated with south I g, ne. MO.d Ray aff,,ha's -g,, projelt - desigred ta coe ail eorbagý ýoppl, cq,,ý,nený to jseurity ,,i] computer technalagy to a 4 ' f,_ oga-,,unent-spansared,,3, bady,theCSIR' 11 h,, -rked an -plari'es, ,ri uis~enurnan and nuelsar 1,11 in branoh af both the and EFC and ...... 7ýh re3trutions an ffi, docuroents, AAM 13,1, flughea MP w t' diitclý 1, tide ..d itdustry 1,111 1 ,,d Y-g dernanding ,_c I, and an enquiry into -11, t. be produeed. The thc d-~nts t satornit to i blast 6 p-plý "h' h, A,ý d,], shý1,1,ý1,111'he work of the e,' inf-natio -e eneray, a a'd' B-khill .Part in H. rarsw lenn'tin I -hiýd,,. i, ý e -eks b efoe the be seflously eroded if the arms embargo wem popedy ,fo-d BRITISH LIES FUl PRETORIA9S WAI 111 di,in o -atio" -lich the British goverinient has h- putting ..t åh tIýiiý ýo ition on sanctions is a 't-estý offfie troth', savs AAM ýresident Arehbishott Trývor Huddles ti. lit realitv Nýrs Thatcherfras refused toenforcernostoftlieantiýpartheidnieasures cýý ...... to which abe fortnally subscribes, while ritliettling and undeniiining S",ýffi At',ý anygenulne action taken agtfinstSouthAffica,byotliers. otti,,San Prior to the Corrurtonwealth Con- ation (UKSATAý Ih, _t gsre- in Varcou- a series f dtte t. Jes- in N--h,,, I t, tvs,ý reports wet, b, r,",' by - TIc, Downingst etoTw 't ,.g an" ' 111, ý,,I, -d1,1~1 fth,I-, 'l" thar Britain bad irnpl-~tcd rfi the measures ýhi.h V ýý I I,- ~ had b-,,, dI,,I,ýagreedatthe C...... oný,-,Ith ý,ýt 'c EEC d-,- tc b, I. c-,,as tIl 11,11 urg t - ýg t t ...... seertarv,,,aý,1,11,1lated tý 111,1, ,c", 11 ,h i' o- tl,' I- I Bfitaid,czor,1lýIh, 11,11thl TI, I, I ri'Lýfactsýr-k t,- tIcIll,,Iv~ ký1:1 lý11P-T ý1 Sý,1111PDF-l, 111,1 Create! polbishop Huddiýt,,, ,,J 5 d I, t"l'ý,Trial IS 't" ... j, ,t refused to enforce ri,"t "1 1, -,th Åf-~ ...... Ih, nessurestowhi,li1,1, Bt- "gand s a -dI BH1,1111 ]"c ,f 'P-h,"l' '-tpredselyth. TI-, 'ltth,pcpl,)fB, Pretoris.' fi,ýtss, 11I N \I-, Th, 1, S ","Ih Afn", lh, b j, 1, ic, di, 1,-th A,"'s .. 111111-11I, 'tý nolsa-~1,111 f., -." td. btnt - th- lllt, eight roc11111ý IfI, S-th Africa l-t 't" ,,,I p",,4,~2 thent. offiýhil Bdt,,1, -Iý south Africarracontlý11-11" Aft~ th "f S.-th Af2- 'l I. catoff-,,,s f thý by the UK-South Afric, T-IýÅlllý, I i.M.njaneafter th, MNRbandit st ,ko, 10 Aul to prothit UCN from rfor enrchspl 0 part 0n e to Almelo .riehtmnt. dotdi that iurn with ore artof its hex STho Cocil has emphosisod that the reeving of this writ is hot ore step in the iomplemitatin of the decree. gn- Possible legat peoceediogs against rto Biegium, Fraoce, the US Sopor, West nds Geroapy aod the UK, in their respertay ive courts, hare hero stodied. via adin AMMUNITION Whether or not the Ureno roart went case hat a successfut outcome, it will :wen provide excelleot ammunition whilt hve noprogress foe those maintays of potitical activism puhliity, protest dneal an od tohhying. UN It i pticutatly good opporto wnristwiry to pahliorse the issue of Numhian than uraniom geoeratty and it ends weight hy n to the moral arguments for workers miser hi impose an international blockade node of Namihiaw uranium. CANUC. one of the Namihin Sct byNamibian ari ahns mMtay *LinD rot by Naamibian assist John Meat [A4 IFF1 IA18*I1AN AIR NUM! NAMIBIA Support Committee's campaigns, has bero arguing for and researching a woxelrimposed blockade on Namibian uranium products coming m and out of this country for some time now. As a consequence, it is in Britain that the groundwork and the politics of the blockade are most developed. Such a blockade is a logical parallel development to legal action to enforce the decree and the Liverpool port workers m recent months' have demonstrated that workers are both capable of implementing a blockade and prepared to do it. The best support for the Urenco court case is through publicity and support for CANUC and its aims. CANUC can supply speakers and more information. Contact: Namibia Support Committee PO Box 16, London NW5 2LW 01-267 194512. and an being exploited ARMY WHEELS TURN WELL ON SHELL SHELL OIL rspplies are essential for stoce called Sandis. the Soeath African military and tIne Shell also contributes to ittit nsdtioational is deeply involved sn efforts by topping tp thei it the regime's defence system.PDF What reployeem' wanesCreate! while they a better remason to boycott 5 Shell? Trial asks, onscriet e ary e D AV Emanagement seeive iateller D A V E C R A]N Ebriefings and serve an oficianiw The apartheid war machine needs mittees securing the regime's teed vast qoantities of oil to enable the for mdlitary personnel. army to mows, the navy to aail and Shell's claims not to be eonerus the air force to fly. The Mirage with how their produecatt 55s ed ao fighters nurently bombing their failure to oppose the have a massive 3,500 ire capacity regime's legialation shaw thrt rtej and the onoored vehicles wreaking a ee sales to their biggest Srstl reign of terror in Namibia and the African customer, the ilitary, aI townships use up to one litre of fuel lucrative source of profit. pee hilometre. Ad they are going tell on Shell. The ailitary and police use an estimated 10% of oil consomed in South Afriun and in Naariia nearer 60t. Shell I the market leader in sealing ol, which probably meant that it tels 5,l000 barels of oil to the military and police every day. Oil sapplies have enabled the reglie to use oil bmed napalm in Namibia and Angola. Other military materials produced with Shell's help include defoliation subtances, deadly nerve gases, asphalt for military roads and airrsips, and essential lubricants not available from South African. fineries. Shell NO FUEL FOR has even openly advertised its collaboration with militnry HQ in the cas of a landmine detectin subsNamibian courts in 'utter confusion' BIENCE GAWANAS, Namibian lawyer and SWAPO activis believes that her country represents a test case for the intemation, community. She discussed the impact of South Africa's illeg occupation with Lawyers Against Apartheid. In 1976 Bience Gawanas was the courts, and often offer widiot studying at Cape Town University, derisory R50 or RIS to 'hop the South Africa, fulfilling her dream of mouths shut'. Evenrftheyare hrp becoming a lawyer, But when the with the murder of prisore,. poll Soweto uprisings flared, she was so Namibia are likelyto besentenl expelled from the country, to a mere three months i0 pron In Namibia, there was no oppor- Bience says that lawyer : tunsty for Bience to study under the Namibia have a clear choice tod re conditions of South African occupa- - either to go along with the Yste tion. She became involved with the and enjoy its privileges, ur Is' SWAPO Youth League, then left against it and risk the consqueit Namibia again to teach - first in One lawyer who chose to tae the , thtn in a Namibian ehool i risks is Anton Lubowski, a wi . Namibian. When he announied I In 1982, Biener won a scholarship membership of SWAPO. Lbuim to study law in Britain, and is now was threatened and lostient. training in chambers in London. In September this ye Lub0,tI She explained that thelegaltystem was une of the si detuined SWAP in Naibia is in utter confusion. As a leaders freed by the Windhp colony of South Africa, Namibia has supreme court u, a te, Iaall its laws imposed upon it by the Bisnre Gamanas belees Iket Il South African parliament and by the took this step at a faoetooIsdaEgi state president, who can make laws after internatiol peotests aho t.'I3 simply by proclamation, arrsts, and she calls for h.. PtP" When four soldiers were charged toctiud hrenif d.mi.dufwith the murder of a Namibian man, release of detuintee ire put rat for example, the president invoked ul they still help oupo1e tht grP' his powers to halt the cas and the that ther is a judieiul pr"i cu.rt so Namibia had no right to work in Namibia question the order 'Thetruthisthorthe11o Bienc points out the dilemma going on and that is what dit etgmt facing the anti-apartheid lawyer in content of the him Curfnoi at Namibia: If you represent a client, eprssin ore inoreasint h. W iS1 you are immediately gssmg legitimacy proportion to the goitlg s to the legal system which s itself by the Namibun peoplen illegal. 'Namibia shpu.d hr a ..est 'The Namibian people do not the United Notions. The V'S recognise the Namibsan 'parliament" recognised or coiiwry m dtt"teP o the courts as having any orisdic- sibility so itshould ct on rbibj ion over them. But whatcan you dor Of course, it includes tome tOOs' Someone has topleadfortheaccused, countries who art very mushafpel° They are the lucky ones after all - Namibia s independesct.fu hi the majority of those picked up by 'We see tie UN ouv the secnty forces either disappear toem ut it is only p....o. k' without trace oe die in the prison the help of the Thelsurity .I.aders fi tenatnt. vsitlpolceinNambiaPDF whocanCreate! oie uhangeg 5 Trial 00ow they hlave little is lear from Namibia ...

AntiApetbed Ntte Der NAMIBIA WEEK OF ACTION9 [F1987 Nemtnbit Week ni Acion Noo, Ltetesm a h I. h,' 3 Novetn bee) ,Icsd reitliddiressed aplt eei tie dih tonuby S-n Nutonet, naLtepo>t. tiegate yteNt Api pesident Atter speakmng at Suppnor: tt oninteeB pkabt ettonet Sanctions Non! th eolotanni Nnnttb-c.noettetor ie London, hitie retnooteo and nred Liverpool ato n enxtensivo piniene wekets to cseninre theie b.yvett ni Lo.. i ,.A geopo took pett nm 1OebrDttdaln .y f thesevnts, and -ud in.s Namibra and teade ntnisheffId i bentet 10iu ennte ny fo' held by fite locet Nondibia Suppoet A1-0 d 1dn , th-ek øfi action. Genep. lo,,v ap."t i anbte nin aem the 1 2 Novembe In Dnbhn, Sia 1-1 uho"les W10 -ýtite NnJnmci mot thet In staeh, APO flag (,ee counicil beidinbgs.' Cttaele Henughy end th I,, tt 27 Oveb,, leere ena'Næntilri. tioritn nlælre, Me Leihmt, and teter'sepottihy'by Sitmi neged them to' 'top epiefing Iie, omoetLodon Universiy en thle, bie end electonice eqeipment to e rieeayni the, UN't Sinth Alnen,. end end ipeen n feine Sooth Alica's S.ntb Afdere noeL. 28 OebvPeblic meetinig mi AUM n11 tiee Gold Fildo' f,cty tet etieifar teom SWAPO, wbh. saked and ,sivod 4,000 daet AA enld atavlrey Neman mlinlerot tbtir Teeme ememoty Ageliet Apaelbieid. enberdiocyin ul 1917. 8.9Oceair, S-m Nujema mtt The SNAPO [p,,,dtnt eflt met ttitb hniccb Itndns, teudc Chie Emeke, Aný 1,depty teoad couricIlo.t i. GIe""- omowat tctey ten) Edinbutahi, and ette.ded t-o dli...t,,n niBetdsbetd ,e-onc,, the, hcmeetings. p,,diantentatLaboetPtty AA 1.1occtrý: Shoilield ouricill.,t, Genp, Nelil K, m..ovk, treder,, ni th Leiott ndt-1 reecntaf e ,lo ubutaty, end Getad _anima, tovet blch cemmeerity ttsm e eet San ttceettey.i,,, orkers and students heip )read -the news in Namibia MIBIA haDne indepereon netespapor, nleug2liaag againest the, -in raes of lin SLate-conitrolled tedio, te otturity fortet and Ih vic's prpaan anchmen. The Nnibiln telte i b-eged pie whati apartheid tint to knop hiddoni and reporter CHRZIS WANGA tlloAA Nws aibout that ophill 1»9k, _dti, n i copcio bti yvi,-aatdionOpnrle thy1 whtPlivnt, ,1~ allowt to fomtiv an pIn,, thjaCh rhv wctve wvds sdvct ccShipega dtavl Suh telaviol nihiat htht d tnelov hs avdtovloc hv vwpave volote to- W-idhv jom asvnc tetoditc h rm teDIWIevtms oo1vNoohC.wthwavtpnAln Iht ptt lit-,dtloain I 8.l hvc egotn h e irc orn ifvs toWvvlvt, l tito egt',t-,hevna,, vtf '.thvycoold sn omtig o ovavcf ev oh policetvy'to,yte~eeosv lt0 Dodog ~ ~ ~ ~~~~A1-111 th ottevmehvIoewe hywiltt otvt rel hapi ted to i thtoftroe avot av snln vikl i ,, n1 evt, ccvvoi al11 alhvatin tythytewywentymda 1voiooe lhtmtout itinos ~ ~ ~ IKHTN Sot livadteopneijotann OOOtil nii i~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 wilb chvot 0mte m dvtntgt cti, th, poyeoý ynoPlel ;ORSHIP mcv iliell, WITH MORE pesonuni for sate utunity, thie liberutien slnuggio issdependinte to Na.' jbim t SWAI'O piresident SAkM N '. ppnt South Afd-t -i-nt it virekae hic,,,yand',"hvklori týA,,, , ,iBth cono cotepat uu wihSh ÉliacN tel C vi, ,cato thch wil Seoo -,h to agemPDF to ser Create! 5 Trial lotion 435, acceptonce tioc 00 Tel egvvnivt to that vesototi ~~Svuth A oil emir ovetyetico tit aiuvtnh nemt~~~~~~~t and i,,y raiie to-d hvednieennl t tak eaunvnvippet vomth an ti"t mov heS, :0 1v NNSO hvt avtthypeope dllai yv veottyence in, vptteatv Ito toettev. Ret o has hvcvmv ettoele hoth ý F-

Picturea Samora Machel, late presidentaF Monambique- tincofSou, aggression The new socety which Peelocca detemined a destroy - yogm Mo smbieans at the Mlapatn idgo PicturebyAntonio b AuchveAIM So l Repression, destabilisatlon and the STOP APAR WAR MAC Mihitary aod political tators are ARMED FORCE has always been wedded otSouthern Africa, Under growing strategy' to maintainwhite supemacy.SotenAra.Udrg wm Thus camhns harsh epesio, wii ments, the South African regime tory expansioc and arefulty cnteolted destroy freedom and independer odifications to white mnority rule. not invincible, as GAVIN CAWTI Mititary rnwanders exorc se strong influence over the apartheid goerme Key decisions are taken by the and the guerrilla war of Umkhonto we iecret mihtary l dminated State Sizwe inside South Africa Security Coubc bnefed hy the intettigencesereices. AM MA G Beneath thi lie Joint Management ARMSEMBARGO Centres which htackri the whctr of The regime is armed to the teeth Sooth Africa' These hcdirs coordinate bct nt Inearly as wel as it would ie the regimr's strategyat a tncal and to he. Tkr mandatory UN arms rational tryst, enscring that pnlitical, embargo imposed in 1977 has made it tnial and peopagand week is ayried difficult and eupeesve for the South nut undrr the tuidunce nf tkr 'scur-ty Africaos te equip their war machine, foc despite the collusion of companies in White South Ateicans have been Britain and other western countries wtopped into a readaness for war both and of the western governments. psyinogically and physically State At vast expense the South African peopatanda wors cnstantly of a regime has built up a domestic arms 'total onlaght'and through cnnsenp- industry, capable of producing or tion hundreds of thousands of white assembling artillery, armeared vehicles, wales have been dew into theforces rifles end infantry weapons, some Today the regime can mobise a types of misiles and ea nitin On miltary foae Over half a million this besis, Btha claims that South strong -bat the effect on the economy Afrira ailf sufficirt in ares. of drawmn an all reseres wouldbe Intruthonlybasicarmscanbedreatating aesemblediSoethAfrica without the Hundreds of thousands of troops import of components or the supply are needed to occupy Namibia, carry of technology and machinery from the ot attacks on neighbourmg states, western countries. Many of the and tr t tsuppress ppeular struggle weapons are copis of Israeli arms or SOUTH AFRICAS OWN? w 7Zj ama.o~ a the key to apartheid dominatiaik pressure from the liberation m,. has built up a huge war machinelt ce in the region. But it is cerlniv HRA reports. have been supplied direetly by Isrd. Others have been proidef y companies in Britain, France, art Germany: the USA or other 01T5 countries often in defiance arms embargo and with the appr!> of western governments. Despite violations of the eabarp, the regime has ben seriously mealn Its airpower, unchallenged in Sc eer Africa only a few years ago, has lon seriously eroded by a lack of ndir copters and the difficulty of fine replacements for its ageing Fron Mirages. Upgrading of existing Mit-u and calling them 'Cheetahs' has edt partiallyPDF alleviated the shortagesCreate! The South African navy has baa denuded5 ofTrial deepwater ships and ui alt to carry out only coastal du, although the provision of subma-te blueprints from West Germany ii i serious threat, especially as sarbeis are already widely used te cutrry destabilisatin attacks on Aglaii Mozambique REGIONAL THREAT Neighbouring states have seadil improved their armed forces In acor Soeth African aggression, in particri strengthening their air defecer ta ever, the South African army i sfll i larger than cay of its neighlri, an the racist war machint theteyt' whole of Southern Afric For large scale insoee the Siut African army relies on itsbet-eM artillery and wabanised infantryaeiv making widespread ore ef arwoar vehirla suh as the Ratel and fll backed by arepower procided mairlt by squadrons of Mirages and it Aermacehi Irpalas A realli bt number of British Carlitro Buccaneer bombers are alto in use For smaller opseatiens aettin ns, sabotage attach andrtt operations tie geeonaisai Commandos are generally used. Tfb secret units, ahihrncludne rta r, are specially equipped and trainer operations to destailise eat countries and are closely at with surrogate bandit frocy i Unita and MNR. WEAKNESSES Although it is pewseful, Ike I African war macbins hat eali d both in equipmeit and persoi uts Afira - a 7-year-old victimofa [ PicturebyIDAP I

~rsn BANDITS REPELLED 1r severa l months of ruthlbss ,riictin m the tiorthern anat eetrat torra al Mozambiqoue the security tion theriimproving. ' a.wra, Tanianan and 3eian toops are fighttng alongside 11lhiiac goveenmeet trnops end s ade iajor strategic gamis in the agnst MNR banditry. But this ceused the focus af the war to Pack to the south ctnser t. oder presnr fr.m the combined ireat to w -0HEIL INE SOUTH AFRICA's continued campaign of violence threatens all the on a number f ocaeione, he anse at independent states of the region. Belligerent warnings of cross-border Zimbbwe's troop commiment ta the attacks by apartheid defence minister Magnus Malan have been 1tria ro1rida. followed by new offensivesagainstMozambique,Zimbabwe and te Zimba bedsd ktinsl Angola. wounding tw team the vittege at tak.a in the earth eatern dirtrirt front hne forces, the MNR bandits fled MNR bandita have bad to move witin at Rusflnga. The tett et the ittagIe south, crossing the Beira line in small eange of air and sea-deaps frm Smeth fied int the hush, aandensng the r groups as they headed for the provinces Afria. bent-ont homes. near the South Afeicae border Theyhave been supplemented by The MNRtlet teaflets at the rite al Unabie to retrn ta Malawi fet the infiltration of bandits from South the attack, wmh waened ~ We ha' e supplies as they did in the past, the Africa During April and May, Over defteaed CheIsan and sam we er 1,000 bandits crossed - from the going to fght dreetty ta Megafe hett Transvaal inte the senthern M.zam-m h iaantey' feta) Cemtete w th o rldepeaaiebiqu e P aOic of' atle, M~1,- Cs -s a The seunaty situation soon Kaunda the teaflerspmrelttta deterieeted and twohorrificmassacres extend eperation. ta Tarcaesa and of civlians took place: at Homoine Zambia 424 pople 11e1marderd i Julyand A m..t nt, nr 25 Suty, s great 72 people died in Manjcae a month etf andats attaekd s ten ertate ie the latner. A fen weeks afterards, a Red Honde Vattey in emtere Zmahwe, Cross corny carryieg supplies to the casieg damrge ameasting te teeselsaurvvsw.amabushedbybandttsant..sadsatdallaes.theroadt. oon isdn ciiyithe koul d The MNR bandits are no p1 inces at sether1 Zimhabe Iba armed and sapplied. aeliee se the yiel nrased signitiatty. White famees a captured MNR docament raetained see feing deheeatey targeted, t ders for bandits to attack eitlians st clrtaes, etneen them re i e m ith anes and oaes, raxig amma- geverment tames *~~~~ Ixn for eneounters with r-enmn troops.emPDF Create! e erattarmeesherefernmaedeerd, 5 Trial te conteast, sarivors al the a schoat, in the routheen tema at Homoire massacre rerpoted that the and but, the r-,d te Blawapa leades ef the adsaitants mere heersty , and tmDWest eeman ~Imedandwereweaeingeoninrmr touri.tsmaed.eedandboots. Adiaeycapteredfy Zimbabwta evidence at the sie-deeps. te Jane Bswana baedee detaited teaetert theee paeacfutes were recavered team et toath Atesnan lagistioal tappert tet Chitipe lagooniselnhaibane, nerthoet dissdent artinity l Matafetetand Mapato. The hage parachates wee The nwalee et the dtiary, mha war US-manatactenedsdwe pfea kdledmnthealath,desribed ham hr rareying 3,000-paandlaads essedthe hererinta SoethAtereé toneceion mediert ateentlan ln the notherea Teraesaat tema et Messna. AGENTS CAPTU RED TheceaptreeoftSathArcaneagenta PROPPING UP UNITA in the lager i Cape Town polie patres rre ey ae sent otforement and strethenine* fe eros emfaega mwit ensure thatmegsonh aahid ar e toses its tnstre and nwepoee. lie syttem al onscrsptia has been re5 af disatteertonamioegst oete I and cant be extended tI t1e poplation without cIato rasar The growig strength of the tetittance is a major cause of en to the regite. e aemyhas already resorted to i1p ig men up to the age of 55 Ost pari af the country, and it is that it it cantinne to fight eight 5Stuthern Africa, as well as heath Africa itséif,s toeeer in stretrhed. hare a a the raist commanders Itelots hare reognised, the greatest fs t the apartheid war marhine tility'to win the support of agitio å ragast brute foree ' tt0tntte ehallenges the t African armed forees SOUTIH AFRICAN MIcIT AR EXPtDITU IMilion, of randl et Dteerc Totalidefene hatvore optediog landet fatt demartmtensl 3 97G 2,300O 22 2465 2,bO0 Se2, 668 3,,40 tg4 3,003 3ean 3,755 4,P0 ho6 4:274 4.00 5 120 5st /886,700 7400 tt tite tar 00 Defee A~eai Eseimares, eres renot. Total defenc -g gte art cenryaton estimatetand inelde, aspprontion and teafear. in Mozamblque ittreteater the regeme's coettinai prosence suside the rauntey. Jaime M ndIane a MeambiraaI waehed tar houth Atreecaeroaeteintettigtace tr tae years fefore he mat captared ir March whiin spying n hoeder miUtary prsitsans. ile oas eecruated s it ta8 i Tnmboa, e tamnshrp east at JaorenesSneg, and waeked as se ],teepretee tar mihitaey insalligeen er Nelsprit. Anothereapt-red agee, AngLan fber Gerge Aersn, mas aeeested in MapaunthIe was cattrine a South Atrran paespaet ted hatt the ptaes at I hese eccupied fy ANC mefbe, Aler had attempted ta bomb an ANC apaetment hat had ditticutties perig the fomb. Hr tett the bomb in a saitcase at a faors mn Matota and retrned ta heath Africa tFor tuethet mrretrtions. te his abrener the ob epoded kittagto Mozambcas and maunding senneratotfems ATTACKS IN ZIMBABVWE The MNR has theatened Zimbahwe Deaståtfiortkn Å~ö the reatsö, al Is on miners'solidarity the TUC's comriment to s -pport accoueng for 10% of all export auPDFhy.detir/orake tiontodisruptthe Create! rnue weorth R3.2 bnllio (£l5 SoatbAfeican Trial eröoey. blionio 1986. Bot sanctions tatrodeg the AAM's pape, a coupled with a fall in the world prrce Strutegy for Saniona againat South ,1 oat, uee eopected to reduce the Affrcn Coal, AAM e~ecutie serre- oalue of coaI exports by a staggerrig afy Mike Terry otied the bkt 40% tho fear corupared wth 986. hteeothe Britishund South Afrcan tf tko EEC und iapan were to roal sdusteres, inlodi g the supply hoptement sinlr bans on coal of n ...... ,gsnmi,7s, of the marker for Lofoineg teeotogy und rquipenrt. iootrsr7%01rsaktb SSouth Afrcan oat would be closed. BOYCOTT SHELL wold t at the heart of tke Eokoing Aethur Sregdt's erher Sooth Afercae ecoeomy. rof or suppo-t for tho Skrl1 boyrott, Tkr devMopot ofhouthAfrica's he ad, 'Skd t raay be the laegest roat rodustry s 1ke resalt of caurnmutioatiooul rrmpaay . fia t1k ted efforts to promote both a source people run speåk and force even that of export earnngs to compement romys~t of oark Africa and frd, anda coa-hnsrdenergystrategyNamibia, ta reduce dependency on trade oil After spekers from 1kr ANC, tmportsSWAPO nrdSAT,theaftenoon IrJ-an t years, Soth Africa di sion emeated he t ge romont hus berome the world's third largest of work w1ic bad ul:readybe coa

Atti'Aparlllsd Ne-ef Nosobat VOICES FROM THE DARK Children tell of ordeals under State of Emergency ARCHBISHOP Trevor Huddleston has asked Mrs Thatcher to meet him and Glenys Kinnock, a delegate to the Haeare international conference on children, to discuss what the British government can do to stop the kind of atrocities described by witnesses. All the international delegates who attended came away determined to act fast against apartheid, as ETHEL DE KEYSER explains. That the meder, mtiation, beat iog, teargssieg, tape and torture o; hitch children took place under apaetheid and with appalling feequenop has been known for many Yeats. Bot whes you hear from the children themselves, when you istro Io their parents and to the iawyers, dortoes, clergy, psychiatrists and othees who do what they can to hep the chiidren, the cumulative impact is verwheimig. Some 00 of us hrd testimony 01 the tteenaticoal Cosferenc on Childe, Repression end the Law in Aportheid Sooth Afeica, held in Horore, 24-27 Septmber. The people who came froSooth Afeica told of their xpoereocs simply and factually. Their coorage and obviousPDF delight in having theCreate! opportunity to communicate with 'outsiders'5 pledgedTrial to support their struggle meant that discussions, held i the confrence and outside it, were pueposefol and constructive. International lawyers spoke o the travesty of low prevailing is tooth Africa today and" the te aqions of the forces~of so-cllo intensify the international campaign for the abolition of the death penalty for freedom fighters and were reminded of the youth of those presently in the death cells. Speakes strsed that youth and children have been the main target of the state's terrorism, which inevitably means mothers and the whole family. With wry huour they told of a graffiti that had been painted on 0 wall in Cape Town; it read. 'Children should be seen and not het', And of the slogan of the yoth today which is 'Freedome sot Death'. Poe thoseofsfrom uI Sooth Africa the conference wasa powerfal syor to work more intensivety in the campaign against apartheid. The message from the conference was clear * Bea tehe newsblackoutandexpose the lies of the apartheid regime * Implement a boycott of Soath Africa irolodieg efiour profesional boies thai adhrre o epartheid poiy. Harare Confei heralds new sol ITS VENUE in Zimbabwe, a front line state, turned the International Conference on Children, Repression and theLaw in Apartheid South Africa into a unique meeting between witnesses from inside South Africa, their exiled compatriots, and delegates from all over the world. JOAN and JEREMY BRICKHILL, who have lived and worked in Zimbabwe since its independence, report. The Harare conference was unique The courage and spirit of the in a number of aspects, not least of young children who gave rvidee at ae the high level of participation the conference, victims of enspeak from inside South Africa. Over 200 able horror at the hands of the South Africans risked further repres- regime, created en atmosphere of ive measues tojoin about a hundred great hope at the onference, althooth of their eiled compatriots and 250 Brpoes Naade warned soladarty representatives of over 150 organisa- delegates ot to hecome dscoaragrd tions around the world if thestroggle torned out to he moan For those in the frowt line stales it proteacted than anticipaled was their first opportunity for any AAM chairper .s ob ohghesMP signiaicent contoot with the iwterna- oiing Thotchre' goveenot at 'an tional as apartheid movrmen accesnory to these ceases', told the while solidaeity delegates from delegates thot. 'Aithoogh the topios oveseas ahso hbenfited from an we hase discuesed here hays heren testy -leassst fofsrhnoamhr a unisoe conference II hon heen a window to the future free Sooth Africo. The salie nd ferocity of the egime's atociies against children, and threrroutinerapplcatio, shocked moat delogaths even though they clomely follow events in Soth Afoica - testimony to the effrctiveness of the sorceassul newt blecsoat impomed hy the retime. The extesive media coverage * Prea gien s iri rressaw foroltonrsf,ee cooi anotherachievemento ed km rancloneopportunity to visit Ohs front line, in heipieg to hreach th Help fhe children and their manyfoethefirsttne. The US repeesenr ANCPeesidentiverTamhotoldDares,saidthattheHat] I" theANC hadher proo..d of thae the wee. gamest S easte.delegation from inside Sooth Africa. childeen. nenn'You camr hre as aenon-racial,ited ActivistsmtheUS delegation,PDF representing theCreate! fature aigficastt disinvestmq Sooth Afica,'5 he explained.Trial hut harm that on~ly hI Refeerrig to the address hytwain and effectise sanetisi Hdaroond Isaac, UDF Western Cape anawee the cries of so t h.. do eafo h leader, Comeade Tamho said: wYoe hrutalised children. I. people of Sourh Africa. and enahted' s all to har direcly of the mrerous repeession infhicted on ho chldren of Sooth Africab' ' Imam Isaacreceivedastandinovation after d ,delegatesatthe is i boardingafight ack t th He declared: ' - 1- w shttyof the LabourPartyhand over a £6,000 welcome you to a new V gollege in Tanzania to former Soamafo sident a South Africa ive member Francis Meli, at the AAM's stall at Otheaten,toe a m I ae.AttheLiberalPartyassembly,delatet Weshallwelce A R E beral participationinthe AAM's Santions Africa whern the .op s govern...' II11 SAYCO fights on against hanging DESPITE the banning of all its pamphlets and posters, press conferences and meetings, the South African Youth Congress (SAYCO) is as confident as ever that its campaign to stop apartheid executions will hit hard at the racist regime. -ven before the banning we had activists make an immediate already achieved ooe goal of 32,000 impression on anyone meeting and rote ignatuore' (1,000 for each of talking to them. But did not the fact the people known to be on death that the regime had gone ahead row in Jly when the campaign was despite the campaign to execute two acd, SAYCO representativ morefreedomfightersonISeptemlauhdANa ermeanthatthe campaign was 'It will be more difficult now but failing to achieve its objectives, AA 50 are a massive Organisation with an News asked effective network of communication 'The hagings show just how bad - wan proceed by word of mouth. the regime is and that it is not The fact that we succeeded in prepared to listn to world opinion,' aunching SAYCO itself despite the SAYCO' repesetative said. 'They stat of emergency shows that prove that policies of appeasement hasically we can achieve anything.' cue never work The determnation, calm self- 'Bot since we launched the conidence andoptimismofSAYCO's campaign inside South Africa it has unfolded internationally -ore started a peocess, of joint woah to osertheow the regime "Lives can he saved if enough pesre is pot on the governments which collahorate With apartheid, and if meanwhile the pressure directiy on the apartheid state rontnoes Inside South Africa, the campaign to stop the hangings has made important gumns for the 0o0-eaciul resstence movemeot. 'Despite the state o1 ememescy peoplr kayo worked togother successfatly on a national level --and the campaign has mohlisod mre and moe people into thr demo'ratic movement itself. 'The campeign has shows that we air very muvh part 01 ihr people of the world l ust as in the sefondi world war we art all cowing tugether to fight fascism And rtheiis 01 11 dIare sallypasd oyis lis sa binding confteOct 'arules are less rigsrously preiously, asd should pieumanaaeschsangeso alet 10mak l s is unIkely Shat BART sd Revenue will messt Ihat ued. Taoney is thsis way enables ese may already be at employee who is m payroll drdution allom employees to 9pee year to chanery eis wages ges she full amount, employee only 73%O edged, as lao would been paid on She as registered with lbs Foundation foe this shorely produce a payroll deductinn iS You Euro). The appeeinte any help ive tn publinise the ramong as wideaPDF Create! 5 Trial re any further infrRTor the maya you 10 it, please contact t 13 Mandela Street, W. 'APO s'St, London E17 rnds to O post & packing) we will send you en lout ez vacuam packs of AA Enterprises' own lahel lilter greund coffee, b eblend of go pas al Ada land Zi Ziabowean beans in nut *pIs a greetings card with message of a -2x yarthoice -last date for receipt of Christmas orders 27Noeober Please send an AA Enterprises Gift Box to: Name . ... Address _ _. 250 fur oe hif t eBox plus pueland pcking make lrisss Signature ..... JJ -f L II Expirydale very. IS you would like us to supply more than one Gift Box Sd your lilt of names and addresses for despatch. knipasl, Lendon lM 7YR (no stamp neededi New full sead goods and gilts available - askford~tails. Angola counts the cost of war with apartheid NEARLY A quarter of Angola's population of 8.4 million are now facing food shortages as a result of South African aggression. RUTH PIERCE reports on the action being taken. Governmental and nonagovernmen tal organisations attended an interia tional donors conference in Luanda en 16 Septemsber to disarms Aaagela's werening Ieed situalion. Thr cotinuing war against the US- and South Africah-backed ebels of Unta aed the South African Defence Porce has resulted in over 690,000 displaced prople ie she nuaa areas aad over a million people desti lute in the urban areos " The war has dislocated thi pruduction, teonsportatiun uasd marketing at fud Iu additn, lbs drop i world oil psres, couples wash the sharp dechine in tihe Ut dolarvale has reduced hy more thaI half A1g-la oreign sesame and ha serously eroded its purchassng power There wore no commercial impurts nftoadd rthe fiest quarter r this year These factors hae had a disstrous impure on the country's eerieec'onomic develupment and thi conseqaences are: " basic arai deficit of 200,000 loners " reduction in domestic livestock and reduced animal protein source Slack of health and social welfar facilities " inadequate access to safe waste and sanitation systems in the overcrowded urban centres. In the face of Angola's declining economic situation, an economi recovery programme, 'SEF' ('Saneamero Economico and Financairo') wsll come into force on I January 1988. The introduction of these important measures were announced by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos a, a seminar on economic and financial eistructuring on 17 August this year. The Angolan government also espressed its intention to join thi International Monetary Fund. Aid and international loans, although important for Angola's ammediate survival are no solution. Economic nd social development can only be achieved when South Africa stops it war against Angola. MILITIA GUARD MOZAMBIQUI FRELIMO is promoting militia units all over Mozambique help the people withstand South African aggression. CRISTIAN TEMBE, a member of the Frelimo Central Committee, explaia her party's role in defence to AA News. Cristiana Tembe directs the encourage worhes no male FrelimoPDF political and economic Create! com- output. They aso oiro p mittee5 for theTrial cityof Maputo, is a charged for goods produced by depuy o t o he People's Asemly and factory. If pricesore a vai, ie seceary of the OMM (Mozamhqiqe reported to the elesant aocsaoi Women's Orgumiatin)for the department which takes a, Maputoregn. againstprofiteering. In one case, the Inosh that lack of public truaportin, areas had led to privateers who charging rcessive prico The ministry of transfers is of merely legislating againat a Iffences,setupitsownfleelot] and eliminated profitseong. President Chissano ef Moambiq has said Shau every Moam-ash i become 'an arive banditry' through the deselepus of the local people's militias. South Africa's war throglh i MNR bandits is 'a war agalist th people'. President Chisano tnid Mozambican parliament. 'We have to organise the penl lbat in every village, in eery Cristieau Tembe -Perlins leader cooperative, in every neiglhourl l theybecomeasolid mull against On a recent visit to Britain to which the bandits will be 1-h, meet solidarity orgarniations, We must put int. practic _the Crlstiana Tembe described Frelrmo's principle that an armed and ue involvement in the armed straggle. people is invincible.' 'he paty's relationship .wih She Moaombacun ared forces as a two- Anatlr importahl fislitbr way process with Pretimo monatorat cells is Io esplain So worher possible abuses of power and mistakrs nature and aims of the goenl made bythe mistaeyas well as economic recove.yprogramme supportinetheireffols, involve theminthefightforMI Each provincial committee of the bique's ecomic futareI parey baa a defence depaetmept Ceia-is f~ mbhhwo wasp which works to develop the local warm and enthassastic recepti miliia Anyone can volunteer to the Labour Party contrereneparticipate in the militia units 'i is encouraging to knw thl youth, prasants and women, manyof are not alone in the strugile af whpm ar mobfliad by the 0MM. apartheid because apartheid For example, women working in crime against all humanity, it i the fields are asked to report any just the enemy of the peo strangerstheysee. MozambiqueandtherestofSO The militia defend bothresadential Africa. and working areas and are trained by 'But Mozambique do-e' thedefenceforces slogans;itneedsconcretehelp It is often difficult t obtain people are starving ad theynec equipment to arm the militia, and to pursue the armed stggle a Crstiana Tembe reported that in South Africa. We kow tha Maputo Freimo has taken on the British people willhelpusinh responsibility of providing uniforms. way they feel able.' They have been able to do so with support from fraternal organisations the world, but equipment remains a problem in most provinces. The political and economic committen which Cristiana Tembe dicts mantains bliks with the people throagh a network of party cells in all workplaces, but particularly in the state factories The party celils report on the efficiency of production and STUDYPDF DAY Create! 5 Trial The Mozambique Angola Conmott annual study day, known is ALot Continua, will beaheld on Satua 5 December, loam to Spro at the University of London Union, 1ale Street, London W2. This year's theme is ' roldieg is Line - Advancing the Straggle', a will foer on Mozambique an Angola's strategies in the Ire of destabilisatin and aggression Workshops wilover lheeone 'arena, political/aitary freet, s5 policy and solidarity work. All sessions will have participutien froi people with first-hand, recent warking esperinre at abe topse Further details (in, g I rrab facilities) from: MAC, O Bo- 839 Londn NWI 7EF.

Anti Apartheid N-w Na i ....Artists 'sing to the wor II/,If.IsIC ANEXHIBITIDNofwork by ten Ng- ya and Moombiota ortits p,a ro f, London and will br on dplay ni the Committee (M Africa Gonr srCooenoGordonuotil Enerprie, ni corto15olrre a ,tNoonciber. postero ond WEwatoearo YU.Sed speakers,[efo5NTi ititrnoalr enwe aag n' C~darittnhearfrom YOUSend A aandaherearmyT ,-,, yo = gdea gusggetionand ,,teful events, with an em p o ln duc ging nxpearaiaeeofatmrpaa gt. o.rselvraswllasothrs.Sinee'oe whopersoraliyoisitnd London TheEditor badaregolarstallinthehighstreet, toeohertoroo thrrosht MD0 zAXMBII AntApartheidNew fcusingmainlontheFreethe , dc hognr wistb Hisq oe , ipoty tioiiaduont 13MandelaStreet DelaineePetition,we'vegonefrom i'docaio wunasenhtm rkned ats deope LondoNWI0 W strengtbto ingng argoting, moroi on 1r d1ao orhiIi fp h LaemaNW OW teegb dootng .from Mfonombiqonehistoryoffram Potrtugae Keep your letter bricf - ti and raisig monevandhoongfun. . isshoi1 bl e biu pacemeinthottaupply Ifyourmertings,likemestgroups' etnoggle,inshowle m b wffer etings, are boringand busine-like buildieg in Map o Acoading te f f TheotherkneortstareRobertoSameaManhel Dordeoi wremotnidrosakermeis Chichorro, Fernando Macksano, forged 'the geos Dg.,AANew inbetsweer,withvideos,speakers Maneuooaun, ma Mlgu Mzmbcnp and/r disossioe, lette-riting Feemiscomnng, and let's not sessions, workshops, music, making ForredRemosals: Thednieonatgre- VictorDoosaR o a, ,thegora Foredomat! linkswithothergroaps,etcEvenif galronandcontralof the peapte of Ernesto khdoani Han Homo and mag, dan-, pa 1 frel 1 ought to write in and giv onip halfa dner people tut up, South Africa, by Elalne Untethater Miguel C" drama.' hopr to all those disheartened getting together with suchapositiv IDAF, 1987, 177pp, pbk £.00 The art eshibitino forne part of o Teday, denpi a tvsts who live in Tory heart(less)- ommonaim isalwaysconstructive, DEthre e rt focos by the Afro'o and brtl effen actaitt holotleTor harrlrs) imiramn'a eoteatir, DEDPITE Pietet Borha's dlaime in Cenrm on the fine African coontnre aggeaiom, Motz lana... Cheltenham Anti-Apartheid even if only to get to know each 1986 that 'apartheid is dead' and whose offiosal langoape n Poetoganes tattnaat tadita Droop never ceases to be amazed at other better, and especial if poa that the abalstinn of the par lans Angola, Cape Verd GomnaPDF iosaa, dante, paintiog Create! bom moch support there actually is hav5 a bop Trial afterwards. mont te adlto f teo f 1ni and_oTa,, don na faroercapaigrn.Mestpeople SomeofwhatI'vewrittenmayromtofrh e til e ano TornJ. fi in l ,ii rondhem have been scared of seerm obvious to more established people from sken bom. klain Theprogranmei inpaety,lirtat gertiýng ' neaiod' mith pelitins hat grnaps, has if opane rise has idras Unterhaltec's concise ond welh salhe paetryand a c e o o utlaingall o' we've found that the onliyap tgeat on gettingt the nemssgers s . resaraed book shw ery lar many iitntioial opeokes ane the The story i sopport for the ause of freedom in ralsing, nr any wae can r mre that foaced renovals consonoe ondre wenkend 13-I5 Nonemet Faether - tYt weatna SIothern Africa is to get out on the effective le the fight against various guises and thor this foro f detads fram Keith Shin at the Africa taenable fromt streets and tell peopl what is apartheid,please write intoAANew coeoa adnontrolnastroaga Cetee n0131973 OfforeiiönOf happering (daily> out there.. and let's support and hrlpearh oter, pdlar of apartheid ae rent Caledenian Rna Poaiding the truth, which for maeny Best wishes to all your readors, The book sets ont the h istory ad Fnrher pfrmasorn o Molaegaoa peit - £t piet pt prople is hard to lind in the daily and keep up the good Work! various steatngs of renoals osed by saceesine apartheid adminitotions larghtofTorypropaganda. Yoursinsolidarity tosegegatepeople n0raialbrett Pemember,to,thevalneof adt ett- a m r m t u h oderingandpublicity.Latelpour StevTurer atdto.miefor..cerhlrroplo H grOap has organised several gigs and Searetary, Cheltenham AA tioe systems. p (Afi music f lom. st), 8 CambrayPla, Cheltenhamtsmtes satsince eChibinr h illatleo-t foor millsos people and displayni, picket, Gkatt ron affeoted b 1e pobiop of the Shell gar forced rmoval whieh 'it its nost OOKngenerag paa....c....ewholo Fulham PalaceRc BOOK flCVIEWO the he at of the hisy,oth A To ugh Tala by Mongane Wally Serote says, even those whoW ednesc ay 5e,KliptownBooks 3.50pb,todih timetoshoutAmndlai The p Aras At f The p- fS ord,isaf thenastinporsantp-e"enf apartheid Tadnywe, arewatc;nga ah newith the exn abl torge of aedolationals faraeecerphro Please 'U-S ibp iredn e heonfentsthebrutaldcernear eanno OI Mo. nenrealities ofoppression hatatthenka d whistl sametimeconfrontstheinsvitabiliy Party's drstractionf maltiraosot atrikedfy affrearas as,ophiatwattstdlinn ttiebanloffreedom: fi , da ,1111' JW SAGAINST A A foror today and is ased atong with JIiSjt/j'~ r i and the Wfd man, laughing, Inwatching 'On the Palm af our hands, like a thet 1a-n ro ontinue the poli-y of normegg rmotas derpitclan r.t the callsfortotalsupportfor thi ftmtbs, awworldwillrachtheehell. coatrarybyPretoria. thenaehagormed enimpartaatandaftteosed Demonstration and Rall> wemodehinso,wfoundhishold DeboratEing tetecistolohelpeopleas'sqattet'. andstruck tSeptenher1f7,depntyminter 24October, and fullyback hin fancnonsstinaldeorfopnenetm oito of ho kn wtsewarhis head now.' Esapefemn Pretoria, byTi enki. tffet a derMece sad that the imposito ofomprehen MONGANE Wally Secrote's vivid KiptewnBooks,1987,2pp,p wero ner 1.3m htaoh squattnr o metnphorsPDF for apartheid onCreate! the preci- TOTHEuniintiatedti lngllyccupyngon5 Trial erreigio economic anddiplömatic SA tior no in sharp contrast to his easly be read as a gripping fand fao- roast against the racist regisca timple stark descriptions of the daily fetched) fiction thrillera ggpan sI the raci st reim atrisirg and sufferiepsofhispeople Thebulkoftheautobingraphy temanandretheatofrenoval South Africa and Namil Hit Tnugh Tate shows a peaple revals the metiuls planning, the The ator i detiser secarity asa ioh compromised bt of uncnn- obsessional energy and the sbeer ple-onorn of ske regimein dosereaOmisiag spicit. Hr conveys an terror rnvolved in thre political min enocal in anne ottos Tkr 1notait seete of a struggle shared prisoners escaping fron atap sevoritp dstreatinn af Alean frerhold aromth h ke blood of generatios, prison in South ...... inthe I950r ond then oi - * L Uif1 ciptred from rave to cradlt whih Tim enkin recialls how thapoli nonstnutin of hufe townsip had l k freally reachmig sts eonelaio. cisation of his tarly life led i.evitably adontages from fhk socucity point of f e.os.nprese she ineffable to onfrontation with the regi n d n a.. ,.abt ghergn .0 m_,. E oafthosewhohanenothing itsil[egitimatnlansEmrniledin estrcta go P U B L IC grLwt. to orepli ta hat everything to reach work on behalf of the ANC befwee r The new tonships allowed fot for and far whom death locks hat 1915 nd 1978, he and Stephen Lee better polce.ond mIdtosy c....a as NORTH W EST DIVIS tereoe of distne: 'Os death baeds notkec esooper as oas Alec thep had straght roade wish esyV a te e wMoahas specialisedin'leafltt occesstoc delnepThesratei retetwwalk daly', bomrb' -) 'ha dly "bombs" in the advantage thi, av potce .n ....rm-y The fe erse, nflin eng smpli- a t s a i ity af clipped teol senat f tha .ed hat vipl ..mae s nwenthe aprsept.of 197fand calls for Phrasng,1 nd caceful paasitg, force tia xplosie devies for thawip 19f4-6 f the realities and a glimps bundles of leaflets high fnto the ai ..o.old n.nt hcoaph the.....ets af heaspiratn ofDoethAfrica saordertspreadskenoeralarge t hislik oet,ha leAn End to Apartheid m- the foreground of ld a11 itnRele seep il donadpol eform nakesadireotappeal wergathered' whafaaadscantprtootioainth atin the inetrit of thos who Detscted nd ~ n...s.d by akt baddines.....taftheonsip.' R o f al rade -eat IIsahiso hodge, orhide. police in earIy 1978k, was senteced The mersape of the haak ss thot and Political Prisonc The hcptop elqaenc ofSenata's ta 12 Years i manreirmeet nd renooat nr c atiua g hat thorpaetep afPrerglimpeenafhfeithe Stephentaeiht, resotaeceisgrowng,tslaatsanrence Ma :.i n eIds, naitai.,anthestreetsofthe Pcnnthatmoment..... fsT fferonamehapefarthedaer. " IG II I Sa CiOfls tawatkipo, add w ads ond allusinas denkis's ne oh1ectiee was tscane 'Where anne thr mae little atreka h Iotf mans besached Hit nteassty fierynd ht relates hnyond hapeteset e se a dafyfra th gmdingjaw ofthe reiaphs and defeots with great growsln angr that sens farced apartho c N,f p ra atntrsneicta ataetheidaad This it a taugh talt of yearning pnrtrayig himself as a 'taperstr afi pinatiaanaf farnilies and friends rvoltionay, the venete that led ta paenay ad the haniliatlan bot alsa torn from rach other. Bur it is a tate his freedom are placedfirlyi.thoforfullpatinalr Martin Kenl mishoandnspairThösewhoenduceentet ofsheoverallfightfor n t das panctoated by teargas and tiberatian. " sa., .B DivisiopalSecretary - i Pokor raids nights arked bysearieg .. > rOId, cold choane ta give ap. Ba, as Mick Flynn NosemberPDF is the last month Create! to colct aignatores tor the national petition 5 canspaign Trial to Fe All Apartheid's Dotainees, and a hit posh is noded hofore tho reslts aee handod loon t0 Decobor, UN Hanson Righti allthoe Dalave yau astied sit your family, f teeds and colea ...... k to ign ~it? Has yoar ortanisatioa ciecolated copies to all its snembera? It not, conact Clive Nelson at AAM HQ urgently to ask far copies. Eleven national organisatinns includiag the AAM are Iackiag the pestrIon, to make se that it reaches into every corner of the country. But it nerds ye.r sppeat - don't delay, sign today. SIGN THE PETITION NOWI THE apartheid tate is steppig up its attacka on the trade union movemeat in South Africa and Namibia. Besides physical attaeks on union personiel and bddings, apartheid 'laws' are used to isolate and crisitalise trade union activity. Scores of trade union activists are . -_ ,. .e,, ,,a' in detention, including the geral secretaryof the Municipal Workers Union, Themba Maumato. The health of veteran jailed trade anion loaders Harry Gwala and Oscar Mpetha is focas sor concern. Gwala baa been moved sa prison -iospitai I* * * * * fromRobbenIslandsafteringfrce motor nreone diseaseJ. Mpeha, who is 78 and suffers from diabetes, has had sleg atpatation while in prison and is permanoty hospitatlised. Widespread calls for his release on hmaniarian gounda continue h-valreadyhadpositiverslsI nirtablythe,re,eeasfrdt,,tionof SWAPO leaden, including the general Ed seretaryoftheMinewoekersUnionandtOdestroy of Namibia, Ben Uuleg. TheAAM'stradeunionoos, lt ,,, committeeandSATISarestepping tesities, colleges, sr a rap the pressure in November for the [tifr an end to all forms1 release of all detained, sentenced and teid regime and for on trial trade unionists. For more adependence' detailsrontactColinAdkinsorClive atomaticallybecame Clive Nelson on 01-387 7966. heir area. They are fANw and a members* mmtUspeae p gotintouchwith* SAD C s loral AA group mn year THE exeative secretaryof the s is always needed at them Southern Africa Development It yan ran f a- esame Coordination Conference (SADCC), 8 7ra" *0 DrSimboMakoni,willbeaddesing 387,966.Travelling wm the AAM's annual general meeting in Sheffield. Dr Makoni, a former minister of industry in Zimbabwe, * headstheadministrative core of the iss)f1300 ninenationSADCC. ged L4.501 I r details of Campaign Diary N Tuesday27 October -Tues 3 November: NTERNA Flo WEEK OF ACTION ON NAMIBIA 27 October mcrks the annivesary of the termination of South Africa's mandate Namibia and its subsequnt illegal occupation. Events arou Britain throughout the week during the vesit by SWAPO president, . Details from Kare Tatbot/Alan Brooks, o-387' 7966, orNSC 01-267 t94)1 M Saurday 31 October: ANC Internatoa] Fte, London 4pm, Camden Cectre, BidLorough Street, London WCt. kinds of gifts, inlormation, action. Creche, disobted toilets Detaits 0t-837 20t2. * Saturday 310October: of signatures for natio: petition focusing on Namibian detainees 0 Saturday 7 Saturday 14 November: INTERNATION, WEEK OF ACTION ON SHELL Special emphasis on thec local authorities In the Shell boycott with disinvestmen al from mayors around the world. DetaitsPDF Alan Brooks, AAM Create! 01-387 7966 5 Trial 0 Tuesday 10 November: FREE ALL APARTHEID'S DETAINEES Special session for MPs to sign national petit House of Commons N Wednesday II November: 12th anniversary of Angolan independence 0 Saturday 21 November: FREE ALL APARTHEID'S DETAINEES Day of signature collection in churches for nat ioinat petition, * Saturday 28 - Sunday 29 November: AAM 1987 Ano General Meeting, Sheffield Octagoo Centre, University of Sheffield, Western Bank. Open to detegates from affiliated organisations and AA geoups and committees. Details froer Mamta Singh, AAM HQ. * Tuesday 1 December: Last day for returning national petition forms, * Saturday 5 December: A Lota Continua study conferen London Organised by Mozambique Angola Committee M. on the theme 'Holding the Line - Advancing the Struggle' 10am - 5pm at ULU, Malet Street, WC2. Workshops, crec facilities. Details from MAC, PO Box 839, London NW1 71 'Thursday 10 December: NAMIBIAN WOMEN'S DAY Contact SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign, c/o NSC, 01- 267 1941/2 for details of events. M Thursday 10 December: UN Human Rights Day Results national petition campaign to Free All Apartheid's Detains be presented to the South African regime, the British prim, minister and the UN secretary general. Contact Ctive Nelso AAM HQ for details. * Saturday 19 December: Don't Buy Apartheid for Chrisf National day of action on consumer boycott, with special* on Tesco. AAM HEADQUARTERS EXPANSION APPEAL Funds raised so far for the AAM HO Expansion Appeal st £7,048. Our thanks to all those individuals and organisatic that have contributed so far. Building work is due to start straight after the national demonstration and will continue until the end of January. being planned in stages to cause as little disruption as puss and to create extra space by 1 January, when new staff members are expected to start work. We are off to a great start, but much more will be needs the next two months if this programme is to be implemenl Please send whatever you can to AAM HO EXPANSIiS APPEAL, 13 Mandela Street, London NW1 0DW. The copy date for the December issue of AA News (special focus on political prisoners and detainees) is FRIDAY 6 NOVEMBER. Copies af the December issue will be available for collection from 13 Mandela Street from Thursday 19 November. Editorial copy dates for 1988 are Janary/Febrary - FRIDA' DECEMBER; March - FRIDAY 12 FEBRUARY; April - FRIDAY I MARCH; May - FRIDAY 15 APRIL; June - FRIDAY 13 MAY. NO (home) (wore ; fees can be paid directly into the AAM's Giro Account 0 04 can also be made by Banker's Order (tick fox details) UmUEmmMUU.

PDF Create! 5 Trial