As Well at an 'Inoredible' £150, Mostly in Donatioms
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Noem e .18 'Th Nesae of th Ani-pathi Moemn 2t'S .l I Noem e .18 'Th Nesae of th Ani-pathi Moemn 2t'S .l I r FI FC AR * ST C * A N A P * Anti-Apartheid Movement, 13 Mandela Street, London NWI ODW, tel 01-387 7966 The people say SANCTIONS I 'We wish to send a simple but clear message to the people of Brit sanctions and they want them now! Apartheid South Africa mu! Above all Mrs Thatcher's government must cease protecting o international action. Sanctions are the only response capable o bloodshed. And such sanctions must be comprehensive and mar people of goodwill in Britain to support the Anti-Apartheid Movq sanctions and to act themselves to impose their own sanctions collaboration with apartheid.' President Oliver Tambo of the African National Congr 'SWAPO has noted with profound regret the absence of any a government to isolate the racist South African regime, and it Pretoria from sanctions imposed by others. We call on the Bi movement and all the people of Britain to exercise their respor those sanctions themselves, using all the means availa President Sam NuIoma of SWAPO of Namibia 'Sanctions work. But it depends how they are applied. If they ai then they will have less of an effect. If they are applied in a piec 'they will be feeble. But if they are applied unanimously, they effects.' President Joaquim Chissano of Moizambique, October at$ p, ai ng ri- been ratseng frean MUM .g a march edom of the nie Mandela regular Tco prmotion et tou.lm to South ~Af rica. Teiee World aiso organised the Flest Fleet Re-enaetmeet Voyage to cotOmemomt e Auosteaha s 'discovery' by Enrean etlers 200 yearsage Aboriginal people were highty eiticat 0f the ooyage, and Richmood AA's demonstration was timed to coincide with the fleet's .rival in Cape Town, South Africa Fund-raisers CHELTENHAM AAis usen mony in a hauge -iety ,f wfys the ae0t is their cerp owen T- shits at £5 each. Oa 5 Septembee they held their filst steet stAlt in the high street and utteoted almagenuamhtr ofsignaturcs fee the national detanees petition, as well at an 'inoredible' £150, mostly in donatioms. Cheltenham AA tio sell casettes by the South Afrli an artist Mawakhe ond held African music discos. To commemoeate the death of Steve iho on 12 Septembher, a benefit gig was held swhch eaised £700. Severa carIoads of toiletries have been collecttd io the Cheltenham ar lov the ANC. ond Chetteoham AA aeePDF raising fedt to heop theirCreate! own acivities going by colleeting ahlini 5vom whiehTrial can be THE vommisionev ef the City oj London poce hs apetogised 10 the AAM for the b eioue o se af ble efficees. At som of the London piehets duelog the South At-can and Namiae minees' strlkes police ed to stop the distribution of traflete i0 support of the stines and to prevent tte uee otmegaphlones. Reploig to a letter from Jeremy Coeryn Ml the commlseionee agred that 'the otticees on the toene could haee maie a move liberal ierpreta lion 01 the Ae' SWAPO & NSC l Bnnnttto, oa 14sNovebere fror1a Festivnal Uninn ot Namibian Workers Snlidarty Fund Saturday 31 Otober 8pm es idnighst Lashethi Town Hall Soeia Club f3/1.50 unwaged, indlndineg tod Earsa Cuat & C mesea AA ] Next meeting 6 Nasember - contaet Sean, 373 3726 Pikhet og Shell garage Old reonpton Road 14 Noseer trans liam n- oetust Paul, 373 9897 Festival MdJI' 11 d ith. exhbiiona aud pivheto alI playod a part in Beistot AA'S adventaroos 'Fesival againsi Apaetheid', 2-1I Octobe. Bvislolians oaw peofovrances o The Long March by BTR strihers feom Scush Africo, asd tess, to Apareheid, i a rIO]C.l and shocki i' film. Thoere was a teast of music to hear dueieg the twv weces includino Shihisha's hlend of Zulu chaois. daeces and rhyehm, and Locemoe t4alaicooa, ilos kiog of.Mh.aga musiic (porteO y nawsn rn maroee, mrg, aneO the eal Labonr Party, weho etitin The social events were bilt iaround the Samova Mehel Memorial Lecture by Basit Davidson vice peesidet of the AAM. and an alt-day cigil 0n College Green to launch thle notionot detoinees petition an Betol. No toShell THE Boycott Shell eampaign haa made significant headway recently. In July the annual Methodistl Conference i Portsmouth decided to back :he boycott. This could mean the end et Shell oil being ueed to heat chaeches aud smust hacc heto o bittc blom for Shell, tove itu US-ha0ed PR, advae Pagan international (PlO has eise iåtly taegeted the "Meehodue Ch'ordh f6or "neutealising'. Theer scer but vecently-leu]ced ploe,, code-named the Neptune Steategy, Was for Pt to use iii churoh contaets, incladina the Meehodiet" Theee watt be moee pick Shell petrol stations durg intereatiooal Weeh of Actloe Shell, 7-14 Nocembe. Shell' againui Lewisham council, to council's decoe[e ntot to b peodoeti wheee alteenatees i obte devlored illegat, wi peobably come to court 10 ih Many organsatioes and soppoiting the campaign uret to peotost Shell's uttemyt ti date let authoritie. Deta AAM (3g7 7966) oe Emhai 8793). Glasgow SHELL has been foeed to of its uponsoesbip et e dehates doe to he televised Scotlaed. Peter Hamn long-standi apaetheid campaigoer, had i n invitation to toke pari debates at Gligow Unicereit] fond' dut who 'wapfienate eveatu, ewiftly followedhy othler speohleri aIl rotusbng part ntat the opartheid cci reol cu0 So Glasgow Ueioe Socirl1 tell Shell to tahe its moey ets Actionect -ntida pands intenatona AnfiPDF At,,,thid N-s No Create! 5 Trial ie trade arons ý1CIAL Department ofTrade 1, docutnents obtairred by ýnti-Apartheid Movernent hit the British govern,t bas no intention øf ollring its international "i,)n- winmitments to the i I ,, ,wealth and the EEC. c.iJ, it is worklng band in , ýith South Africa to 'lulffie thern. t ' DTI doeurnents cornprise, a c f '.,arket mpots' on vadous t, uf the South Afrim econorny 1,1 distributed free ofebarge to flntish exporters and investors l ttJ fi, e.pandirig linka Writh blid. fbey contain ~ence øf t violations øf fire anns go, Cnruno-alth satretions n-ts ýurd EEC regulations. ký -ts show th.t ths ,,,c, rurent is op-ly -g,ý-d helping compan"s - - subsidiaries to obtain '-l -oetated with south I g, ne. MO.d Ray aff,,ha's -g,, projelt - desigred ta coe ail eorbagý ýoppl, cq,,ý,nený to jseurity ,,i] computer technalagy to a 4 ' f,_ oga-,,unent-spansared,,3, bady,theCSIR' 11 h,, -rked an -plari'es, ,ri uis~enurnan and nuelsar 1,11 in branoh af both the and EFC and . .. .... 7ýh re3trutions an ffi, docuroents, AAM 13,1, flughea MP w t' diitclý 1, tide ..d itdustry 1,111 1 ,,d Y-g dernanding ,_c I, and an enquiry into -11, t. be produeed. The thc d-~nts t satornit to i blast 6 p-plý "h' h, A,ý d,], shý1,1,ý1,111'he work of the e,' inf-natio -e eneray, a a'd' B-khill .Part in H. rarsw lenn'tin I -hiýd,,. i, ý e -eks b efoe the be seflously eroded if the arms embargo wem popedy ,fo-d BRITISH LIES FUl PRETORIA9S WAI 111 di,in o -atio" -lich the British goverinient has h- putting ..t åh tIýiiý ýo ition on sanctions is a 't-estý offfie troth', savs AAM ýresident Arehbishott Trývor Huddles ti. lit realitv Nýrs Thatcherfras refused toenforcernostoftlieantiýpartheidnieasures cýý ...... .... to which abe fortnally subscribes, while ritliettling and undeniiining S",ýffi At',ý anygenulne action taken agtfinstSouthAffica,byotliers. otti,,San Prior to the Corrurtonwealth Con- ation (UKSATAý Ih, _t gsre- in Varcou- a series f dtte t. Jes- in N--h,,, I t, tvs,ý reports wet, b, r,",' by - TIc, Downingst etoTw 't ,.g an" ' 111, ý,,I, -d1,1~1 fth,I-, 'l" thar Britain bad irnpl-~tcd rfi the measures ýhi.h V ýý I I,- ~ had b-,,, dI,,I,ýagreedatthe C....... oný,-,Ith ý,ýt 'c EEC d-,- tc b, I. c-,,as tIl 11,11 urg t - ýg t t ...... seertarv,,,aý,1,11,1lated tý 111,1, ,c", 11 ,h i' o- tl,' I- I Bfitaid,czor,1lýIh, 11,11thl TI, I, I ri'Lýfactsýr-k t,- tIcIll,,Iv~ ký1:1 lý11P-T ý1 Sý,1111PDF-l, 111,1 Create! polbishop Huddiýt,,, ,,J 5 d I, t"l'ý,Trial IS 't" ... j, ,t refused to enforce ri,"t "1 1, -,th Åf-~ ........Ih, nessurestowhi,li1,1, Bt- "gand s a -dI BH1,1111 ]"c ,f 'P-h,"l' '-tpredselyth. TI-, 'ltth,pcpl,)fB, Pretoris.' fi,ýtss, 11I N \I-, Th, 1, S ","Ih Afn", lh, b j, 1, ic, di, 1,-th A,"'s .. 111111-11I, 'tý nolsa-~1,111 f., -." td. btnt - th- lllt, eight roc11111ý IfI, S-th Africa l-t 't" ,,,I p",,4,~2 thent. offiýhil Bdt,,1, -Iý south Africarracontlý11-11" Aft~ th "f S.-th Af2- 'l I. catoff-,,,s f thý by the UK-South Afric, T-IýÅlllý, I i.M.njaneafter th, MNRbandit st ,ko, 10 Aul to prothit UCN from rfor enrchspl 0 part 0n e to Almelo .riehtmnt. dotdi that iurn with ore artof its hex STho Cocil has emphosisod that the reeving of this writ is hot ore step in the iomplemitatin of the decree. gn- Possible legat peoceediogs against rto Biegium, Fraoce, the US Sopor, West nds Geroapy aod the UK, in their respertay ive courts, hare hero stodied.