Annexe A : Installation FreeBSD 8.2

The following is the guide step by step to install FreeBSD 8.2.

1. Choosing the country :

2. Select standard installation :

3. Using to create the partition for FreeBSD. Note that the FreeBSD will be installed in this partition which has subtype 165

27 4. Choosing the boot manager : If you install in the Virtual Box, I recommend choosing Standard option If you install with another Linux system (for example Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu must be install first, after that FreeBSD), choosing NONE (Do not install a boot ma- nager). After finishing installation, reboot computer, you won ?t see boot menu for FreeBSD. Don ?t worried, enter to Ubuntu and add the following line at the end of file : /etc/grub.d/40 custom : ------menuentry ‘FreeBSD 8.2’ { set root= ’(hd0,2)’ chainloader +1 } ------Replace 2 in (hd0,2) with the index of partition where FreeBSD installed. ------Run: #sudo update-grub ------Reboot computer, you will see the menu in which you can enter to FreeBSD 5. Disklaber Editor

6. Choosing distribution you want to install : We choose Minimal with the smallest configuration possible. If you want more packet, you can install later.

7. Choose installation media : 8. Configure Ethenet network devices :

9. Try DHCP configuration :

10. Configuration others function :

11. Reboot computer, you have just installed FreeBSD. Now you need to update ports to intall another packet later : Login as root user and type the following command :

------ensi1# mkdir /usr/ports ensi1# portsnap fetch ensi1# portsnap extract ------

The FreeBSD Ports offers a simple way for users and administrators to install applications. There are currently 22462 ports available. So it will take a quite of time. 12. If you want to have graphical interface, you need to install xorg first. Type the flowing command : ------ensi1# whereis xorg ensi1# cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg ensi1# make -DBATCH install clean ------The option DBATCH to install with defaut option, so you don ?t have to be on the desk to check all options. It will take about 45 minutes to 1 hours, so take a cup of coffee and come back later. If you want to install gnome2, type the following command :

------ensi1# cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2 ensi1# make -DBATCH install clean ------

Add the following line at the end of file /etc/rc.conf (using #vi /etc/rc.conf) :

------gdm_enable="YES" gnome_enable="YES" dbus_enable="YES" moused_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES" ------

If you want to install XFCE4, type the following command :

------ensi1# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4 ensi1# make -DBATCH install clean ensi1# cd /usr/ports/x11/xdm ensi1# make install clean ------

Add the following line at the end of file /etc/rc.conf (using vi /etc/rc.conf):

------dbus_enable="YES" moused_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES" xdm_enable="YES" ------

After reboot, you need to start XFCE by the command :

------#startxfce4 ------