Olde Ulster : an Historical and Genealogical Magazine
31833027626958 iGENEALOGY 974.701 IUL70 1906 Price Tzventy-five Cent LD STER An Hiftoricai and Genealogical Magazine Mf KINGSTON, N. V. P ub I t/h e d by the Editor^ Be nj a m i 7i My er B r i Ji k , k. IV. Andcrfon 6- Son, Printers, IV. Strand, King/Ion, N. V. ",;b!ic Library 3ox 2270 ^ u LSTER County SA VINGS InstiHction No. 278 Wall Street Kingston, New York Depofits, $3,000,000.00 I N G S T O N K SAVINGS BANK No. 273 Wall Street Kingston, New York OFFICERS: James A. Betts, Pres Chas Burhans, Treas Myron Teller, [ .^ „ Frank Johnston, Act ^^"^^'^^^^ John E. Kraft, \ j. j. Linson, Counsel HTHE DR. C. O. SAHLER SANITARIUM KINGSTON, N. Y. A\ental an^ Nervous Diseases CONTENTS Vol. II JANUARY, 1906 No. i Page The Rescue of the Captives i Ravages of Esopus Wolves 9 Saving the State Records lO Religious Liberty in New Netherland. .^ 13 Orphan Masters in Old Ulster 14 The Call to Domine Blom 16 Journal of Henry Pawling 18 Lineage of the De Witt Family 25 The Cauterskill Falls . 28 Editorial Notes 32 pORSYTH& DAVIS BOOKSELLERS & STATLONERS 307 WALL STREET, KLNGSTON, N. V. m E have a few copies of the ^ ^ ^ ^ Dutch Church Records that we offer at a very low price. These books are invaluable in tracing the history ot Ulster County families and are becoming scarce. We also have a large line of -^^s 5ouvcnir Postal Cards ^^ showing local scenes, including the Rev:>luticnary Buildings. OLD^ VLSTER Vol. II JANUARY, 1906 No.
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