PHOTOGRAPH OF OBJECT SEEN NEAR CHINGOLA, ZAMBIA (NORTHERN RHODESIA) IN EARLY OCTOBER,1961 OBJECT is CIRCLED IN THIS PHOTOGRAPH; ENLARGED VIEW AND CASE DETAILS APPEAR INSIDE. MUFON UFO FROM THE EDITOR JOURNAL I would like to thank Mark Chesney has also 103 Oldtowne Rd. all of those who took the volunteered his time to the Seguin, Texas 78155 time to write in and com- MUFON UFO JOURNAL. Mark is ment on my first issue. I no new-comer to ufology. He found the comments most served as Investigations Co- Dennis William Hauck complimentary and will at- ordinator for the Center for Editor tempt to build future is- UFO Studies and has had a sues around the very help- life-long interest in the ful suggestions I received. subject. We still need vol- Walter H. Andrus Please keep the suggestions unteers to write up cases Director of MUFON and material coming, since for the MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Joseph M. Brill the "JOURNAL" belongs to so let us know soon if you Editorial Assistant all of us! are interested! Along the same lines, I One final note pertaining Mark.Chesney am happy to announce the to the Travis Walton article Associate Editor appointment of Richard Hall in this issue. It in no way Rev. Dr. Barry Downing and Mark Chesney as Assoc- is an attempt to discredit Religion and UFOs iate Editors. Both have any organization or invest- Ann Druffel been tremendously helpful, igator and should not be con- California Report and it is only proper that strued as such. It is pre- they receive the credit due Lucius Parish sented for the information Books/Periodicals/History them. Richard Hall, as all of MUFON members in what of you know, is the Inter- Marjorie Fish has become one of the most Extraterrestrial Life national Coordinator MUFON. fascinating cases of the Richard is a gifted writer decade. Stan Gordon and spends a good deal of Creatures & UFOs his valuable time preparing Richard Hall material for the "JOURNAL". Associate Edi*i>r

Mark Herbstritt Astronomy

Rosetta Holmes In this issue Promotion/Publicity



Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne «d., Serjuln.Teus

78155 USA. Subscriptions rates: B.OO per near in U.S.; The content] of Ihe MUTON UFO JOUHN1U. ere determined by tbe editor, end do Permission is hereby (ranted to quote from this issue pntirjed not more then 200 not necessarily represent tbe official portion or judgment ol MUFON. Opinions words are quote from this issue prodded not more thin 200 words ire quoted (9.00 toreijn. Second class postage paid. ol contributor! are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, tram any one article, the author of the article is lira credit, and the statement tbe stiff, or MUFON. Articles should be submitted to Dennis William Hauck, 114 "Copyright 1976 by MUFON UFO JOURNU, 103 Oldtowne >d., Seguin, FT n I Gostlin St., Hammond, Ind. 4(327. included. PAGE 2 MUFON quarterly UFO activity report

Prepared by: Raymond E. Fowler 20 July 1976



4 APR 2115 MA Ipswich General 1 /LTSO/DIST 4 APR 2127 MA ''':,\ Essex General 3 OVAL/LTOB/CLOS •4 APR 2145, 'MA1'/" ''''' .Ipswich General 1 /LTSO/CLOS 4 APR 2153 MA Ipswich General 2 _/LTSO/CLOS 4 APR 2157 MA Ipswich General 2 /LTSO/CLOS 4 APR 2200 MA Ipswich • • General 1 /LTSO/CLOS 7 APR 1900 SC Granville General 1 OTHR/GLOB/DIST 11 APR 1910 MA Essex , . . General 1 OVAL/GLOB/DIST 19 APR 2130 •', MA N. Reading' General 6 OVAL/LTOB/CLOS 21 APR 0003 IL Carthage General 2 OVAL/GLOB/DIST 23 APR 2100 ..-• sc Mauldin General 1 /LTOB/DIST 29 APR 2305 MA Topsfield .General 1 /LTSO/CLOS

LEGEND NO REPORTS RECEIVED ' OVAL - Oval Object (State Directors are delinquent) CYLR - Cylindrical Object OTHR - Other-shaped Object Alabama - Kentucky Oklahoma LTOB - Lighted Object Arizona •• Louisiana Oregon * GLOB - Glowing Object. . . . Arkansas : ;< Maine S. Dakota LTSO -Light Source Only N. California^ Maryland Tennessee DIST - Distant Encounter S. California Michigan Texas CLOS - Cl ose -Encounter (1000 ') Colorado ..Minnesota Utah Connecticut" ' Mississippi Virginia * - Revision to initial form , \Florida Missouri ; Washington Georgia: - Nevada' Wisconsin NEGATIVE REPORTS RECEIVED Hawaii .:•••••.•• ,-.: New Jersey Wyoming Deleware, Illinois, Nebraska, Indiana .-. : New Mexico A.lberta Province New. Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Iowa ,, . .! 'N. Carolina : Ontario Province and West Virginia. Kansas Ohio Quebec Province


It was in early October of 1961 and at that time Chingola was a city in Northern Rhodesia as there was no Zambia as it exists today. The photographer, who wishes to remain anonymous, was at this time in the military which was known as the Federal Forces. The Federal Forces were in charge of patrolling the borders of the Central African nations. On the particular day that this photograph was taken (the . J photographer cannot recall the Enlargement of Chingola Photograph. exact date) it was very hot and the sun was very bright. He was (coming up from behind the present whereabouts is either aboard a helicopter (French mountain tops) until it disap- Canada or the Bahamas. None of "Alouette" type) which was peared over the opposite these individuals have ever been performing practice landing and horizon." There was only time for contacted on this matter again takeoff maneuvers. The reason one very quick shot, which he since the incident. This was the for this was that only about a took. It tra veiled Jn a "straight first time any of these men had month previous to this a line almost directly overhead." ever seen a UFO and their first helicopter had landed on what The shape was perfectly round thoughts were that it was some was thought to be a clear beach. and the color was silver with a highly secret aircraft of the Upon leaving the helicopter, the chrome or mirror-like surface. United Nations forces in the area. troops soon found that this clear There were no lights, no sound This notion was quickly rejected beach was crawling with heard (probably due to the chop- because of the velocity attained alligators and they made a very per noise), no smoke, no iden- and the unusual shape. rapid departure from there. The tification marks- no extentions, no When the military authorities photographer had been taking holes, no windows, platforms, "got wind" of. news that this photos of these "water practices" doors, aerials, no legs or wheels. photographer had been taking and of the numerous game that The color was completely uniform photographs of the border areas were in the area. He was using a and it seemed to reflect the bright during their practice exercises "cheap Agfa camera that had cost sunlight all the time, never in- they confiscated all the negatives. about twelve pounds". creasing in brightness or fading. Fortunately, the photographer The time was "about noon" and The photographer guessed the had already made a set of prints^ they were at an altitude of distance to be anywhere from one from these negatives and this is approximately two hundred feet .to three miles away. what was left for us. The and travelling at approximately In addition to the photographer, negatives were never returned one hundred and twenty miles an there were four other witnesses and it was assumed that because hour. It was at this time that the including the pilot of the chopper. of the nature of the area UFO came up from behind the One of the other witnesses was a photographed, they were mountain top (see photo) fellow by the name of Chippy destroyed. This meant that the travelling at a tremendous speed Ackerman, who was killed in 1964 negative with the UFO on it was straight up and directly over the by' a antipersonnel mine in the also destroyed or filed away by top of the helicopter and disap- Congo. Another witness was a the authorities of the Federal peared over the opposite horizon. Gerrie Schultz, whose present Forces at the time. "It took no more than ten seconds whereabouts is uncertain.[-. the The photographer kept this one from the first observation pilot's name -was Brahm whose photograph in his personal photo PAGE M '- collection and in the summer of 1975 when there was a UFO flap COMPUTER 4N4L515 DF THE taking place over Rhodesia, he telephoned an individual, who at PHOTOGRAPH the time was acting as the UFO central gathering office and inquired if she might be interested •BY WILLIAM SPAULDING, GSW INC. in a photograph he had taken back in 196i. She informed him that she STEP A - EDGE ENHAN- ject movement. Note the foothills would be and he then sent in his CEMENT PROCESS and/or mountains are out of photograph to her for whatever it The edging technique was per- focus, however the high cirrus might be worth. formed with a newer (modified) clouds are in a fairly good focal This photo was then forwarded program. In Photo I the shape of plane on to me for further study here in the 'object' becomes well-defined. the U.S. Although, it certainly is The bright area on the UFO, STEP B - COLOR CON- not one of the clearest UFO photos represents the point where the sun TOURING ever taken, it does reveal an is reflecting off the object. By This analysis is generally per- aerial object that cannot be measuring this area with color formed to evaluate the substance explained as anything known to densitometry it was determined and reflectivity of an object on present day aircraft. that the 'object' has a metallic any photographic/radiographic The photograph that was kept surface. (Reference should be medium by scanning each pixel all these years was in very poor made to the previous supplied (picture cell) with;digital den- condition and had been bent to the digital density data). The darkest sitometry. , point, where the emulsion was point on the 'object' (180° op- * A wispy white cloud, usu. of cracked in many vertical lines posite) indicates a true curved minute ice crystals formed at which extended through the entire plane. altitudes of 20,000 to 40,000 feet picture. Also the photographer A cursor (an electronic A pixel is the basic element of took it upon himself to circle the profiler) which reveals real shape picture resolution in the Com- UFO in ballpoint pen, which could and the measurable aspect ratio, puter Scan System. A picture is not be removed from the photo displays a disc-shape (a curved divided into an array of 512 without also removing the top surface). horizontal columns and 480 ver- emulsion from the ridges of the Although the general picture tical rows, thus producing 245,760 vertical cracks. quality is poor and the UFO is equal and discrete pixels. Each With this as the total amount of reflecting brilliantly in the pixel is then assigned a value background data, the next step sunlight, causing the density of based on the average level of grey was a complete and thorough the UFOs surface to be ap- contained in that minute portion evaluation and analysis by the proximately the same as the of the picture. The grey scale (Z - technicians at Ground Saucer surrounding sky, the following value of the pizels) ranges from 0 Watch in Phoenix, Arizona. quantifying data was retrieved to 255, where 0 is black and 255 is Copies of the print were then from the evaluation.. white. forwarded to Mr. William By evaluating your data and Spaulding for examination and 1) The aspect ratio (height to wid- comparing it to a certified •, testing by GSW. th) is 1 to5. (ReferencePhoto II). material photographic step This is measured by superim- wedge, the 'reflective' density posing an electronic grid over the was similar to a polished steel photograph and measuring the surface: However the assumption ratio with a video micrometer is based on the sun angle YOUR ARTICLES, NEWSCLIPPINGS, (W/digital results) (azimuth) from the photographic AND SUGGESTIONS ARE GREATLY 2) The 'object' is; fairly close angles (shadows), ie, this is sub- APPRECIATED. SEND MATERIALTO: (estimated 2-3 mis based on com- jective data rather than hard, ob- 0. WILLIAM HAUCK, EDITOR puter data) to the witness(es) jective facts. Possibly our 11*4 GOSTLIN STREET camera and is slightly blurred. azimuth angle is 10° -15° off, due HAMMOND, IND. 46327 This movement, in GSWs opinion ;to erroneous calculations, is a combination of the following; however the object in the the slow speed (Low ASA nunv photograph is definitely metallic. ber) of the color film and rapid ob- Photograph III gives you an idea PAGE 5 of the color contouring effect for by analysis purposes. Photo IV is a HE W "INTERRUPTED JOURNEY"? Jean Bastlde color profile (histogram) of our metallic photographic step A French civil servant, Miss hours." wedge. Helene Giulana, 20, experienced a The strange fact is, therefore, CONCLUSIONS: very strange adventure on the that nearly two hours elapsed After a complete review of the night of June 10/11, 1976. Miss during which the car was im- total data the following items can Giuliana is honorably known in mobilized, and she cannot be disregarded as the source of the town of Hostun (Department remember exactly what hap- the object: of Drome, France) by all the pened during these two hours, just l)Len(s) flare inhabitants and the Mayor, since as in the "Betty and Barney Hill 2) Len(s)/camera anomalies she is employed in the Town Hall. case. As Betty Hill has said under 3) Developing/processing About the experience she said: "I hypnosis, "...and the motor died; (chemical) artifacts was afraid to tell this; I was the car stalled." All UFOlogists 4) Known airborne craft frightened, for I thought they have read what happened after 5) Models or other small objects would laugh at me." But she that. - close to the camera finally made up her mind, 6) Any non-metallic object - somewhat reluctantly, to tell her debris fantastic story. Based on the information She was driving her car (a "4 1976MUFON retrieved from the entire com- Li"') on National Route 531 from puterized evaluation, it is the Valence (Drome) to Hostun, SYMPOSIUM unanimous opinion of GSW that where she lives, when the ex- PROCEEDINGS the object displayed in the perience occurred. She had been photograph depicts a large (30 to the movies in Valence and had (84 pages) foot) object, with a metallic sur- just drunk some black coffee. Just face, of an unknown origin and after she crossed the bridge of "Swamp Gas Plus Ten - And Counting" by'Dr. J. ADen technology. "Le Martinet" (a littte past Hynek, Director of the Center for UFO Studies. Pizancon on the "Commune" of Chatuzange-le-Goubet) her car "Canadian UFO Residuum" by Henry H. McKay, MUFON inexplicably began to lose speed. Director. She stopped, opened the door, and MUFON REPRESENTATIVE examined the level of petrol in the "Heavenly Chariots And Flying Saucers" by Dr. Ted Peters, FOR SOUTH AFRICA car's tank, which was quite nor- MUFON State Section Director for Central South Carolina. RESIGNS mal. She resumed the trip, but the BY RICHARD HALL engine failed several times and, "UFOIogy and the Digital Computer - A Lesson In The abruptly, the headlights went off Evaluation Of UFO Secondary Evidence" by William H. and the engine stopped. It was ap- Spaidding, Director of Ground Saucer Watch, Inc. Carl van Vlierden, MUFON's proximately 1:30 AM. Representative for South Africa At 15 m (about 50 feet) in front "The Operation ARGUS Concept - A New Look At UFO for the past 2-1/2 years, resigned of the car, she saw. a strange Event Sharing And UFO Data Sharing" by Ray Stanford, in April. luminous orange-colored mass Director of Project Starlight International. Citing the "pressure of work," standing on the road. Frightened, Carl noted: "I have not been able she locked all the doors and "Analysis Of Humanoid Reports" by David F. Webb, to give MUFON all the attention it covered her eyes with her hands. MUFON Eastern Regional Director and Co-Chairman of the deserves as your representative. Finally, she glanced at the road, MUFON Humanoid Study Group. Wishing you, and MUFON, all the but the thing had disappeared af- very best for the future." ter an unknown period of time. "Must We Stand Idly Dy? Social Reaction To UFO Reports" MUFON wishes to thank Carl The car started perfectly and, by Dr. Ron Westrum, MUFON Consultant in Sociology. publicly for his support and help. panic-stricken, she failed to take We are still represented by Mrs. the well-known way home, instead Cynthia Hind, P.O. Box 768, The 1976 Proceedings is available taking the long way around via La from MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Salisbury, Rhodesia, who has Beaume d'Hostun Sequin, Texas 78155 for $5.00 post- agreed to copy and circulate to "When I arrived home," she said, paid. other UFO researchers in Africa "it was 4 o'clock. But the trip had reports and news sent to her. to be only 30 minutes, not 2-1/2 PAGE 6 (Summarized from Nostradamus No. GIANT UFO & SATELLITE OBJECT 184, October 15, 1975. Submitted by Jean Beatlde, translated by Lex WITH E-M EFFECTS IN FRANCE Mebane). Dy mourn Hill.MUHM tolef national Coordinator

An unusually well-qualified wit- ness reported a startling UFO sighting which occured about 9:30 PM September 26, 1975 at Asser- vent, a small village near Maubeuge, France. Michel Satsi, 33, is an aeronautics buff and reserve lieutenant in the Air For- ce. He served 8 years as an of- ficer-instructor at NATO bases, with tours of duty in Germany and the U.S. "I keep asking myself what it was I saw that evening," he says. "All I know is that it was a flying machine—or, two flying machines—that made use of a perfectly astounding technology." Sasti, who flies radio-controlled m away. Satsi pushed on through model planes, was working on a the hedge, but his friend stopped. model helicopter in his living He noticed that the shape had not room about 9 PM that night. A changed at all; judging by the friend who was leaving came trees, he estimated the altitued as back inside and told him that about 20 m and the diameter 250- there was an unusual orange light 300m. in the direction of La Salmagne Satsi had just taken a airport. He and his wife joined the photograph when the UFO began friend and they stared at the light. to roll slightly, like a boat on the tense, and it took off at fantastic Satsi decided to investigate; he waves. He could then see against speed, disappearing within 5 picked up a camera, whistled for the dull orange color of the main seconds. "I was very astonished," his dog, and the two men started body a series of lighter and Satsi said. "That machine was not out. Oddly, the dog, who loves to brighter lights slowly moving moved by the known propulsion go riding, obstinately refused to counterclockwise. He determined methods, airscrew or jet, because get in the car. that the entire object was I noticed neither sound, nor wind, In about 5 minutes they reached rotating, not just the lights, and nor smoke, nor heat at the time it >the area called La Fagnee and due to the roll could now see that took off." could see an enormous cigar- the UFO was circular. At this During the observation Satsi shaped object hovering over point, a cone-shaped object took eight photographs. None of freshly plowed fields and corn- detached itself from the top of the them "turned out to be good." fields. Satsi drove around on side craft and rose slowly to a height of roads trying to get closer. Sud- about 100 m, and departed (Ed. Note: ..•'•..,. denly his car motor died and the laterally to the left. About 10 Although Nostradamus: is a headlights went out, and they minutes later it returned and re- newspaper pf unknown reliability, coasted to a stop. They noted entered the main craft. No aper- the account also quotes a regional other stopped cars there, but none ture could be seen where the cone director of Lumieres Dans la Nuit of the occupants got out. S atsi and exited and entered! and the case appears to be authen- his friend struck out across, the After the rendezvous the UFO tic. Comments are invited from field, finally coming to a hedge. stabilized, the "portholes" disap- French UFO investigators who The UFO appeared to be about 300 peared, the light became more in- know of the case). • PAGE 7 THE TRAVIS WALTON THIS IS THE FIRST OF A TWO-PART SERIES ON THE NOW FAMOUS TRAVIS WALTON ABDUCTION CASE. BE- ABDUCTION CAUSE OF THE POSITIVE HANDLING THIS PUBLICATION BY PHILIP J. KLASS GAVE THE' CASE WHEN IT F'l R ST .OC CURRED, WE THOUGHT (AUTHOR OF UFOs' EXPLAINED, IT IMPORTANT THAT ML) FON MEMBERS BE AWARE OF THE RANDOM HOUSE 197A AND NEW FACTS BROUGHT TO LIGHT HERE. VI'NTAGE PRESS 1976)

(Summary of the incident as Gilson of the Arizona Dept. of administered by George J. reported in the news media: On Public Safety of Phoenix. Five of Pfeifer, then employed by Tom the evening of Nov. 5, 1975, at ap- the young men "passed" the Ezell & Associates of Phoenix. Ac- proximately 6:15 p.m. MST, a examination but the results for cording to published reports, both crew of seven young woodcutters, one (Allen M. Dalis) were "in- men passed the exam which in- headed by Michael Rogers, was conclusive," according to Gilson. volved many questions dealing returning home. Rogers (age 28) The reported test results have with Travis's claim of having was under contract to the U.S. been widely interpreted as en- been abducted by a UFO. The Forest Service to thin out 1,277 dorsing the authenticity of the widely publicized results of these acres of National Forest land near alleged UFO abduction. tests seem to confirm that such an Turkey Springs. According to the (Shortly after midnight on Nov. incident actually occurred.) story later told by Rogers, and 11, Travis telephoned his sister, other members of his crew (ages Mrs. Grant Neff, of Taylor, Ariz, The alleged "UFO abduction" 17-25), they saw a UFO hovering (near Snowflake), from a phone- of Travis Walton on Nov. 5,. 1975, nearby. They claim that Travis booth in Heber, about 30 miles in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Walton jumped out of the moving away. Mr. Neff and Travis's older Forest (Ariz.) is a hoax, and the car and walked/ran under the brother Duane, who had come to claims of six other young wood- UFO, that he was "zapped" by an Snowflake from his home in cutters that they saw the alleged intense glowing beam from the Phoenix shortly after the alleged incident are not true. Evidence UFO, and that the rest of the crew UFO incident, both drove to that indicated that the incident panicked and drove off, leaving Heber to pick up Travis^ They was a hoax has long been known their friend behind. A short time reported finding him crumpled on to APRO (Aerial Phenomena, later, they claim, they returned to the floor of the phone-booth, and Research Organization), a large the spot to seek Travis but that he in a very "confused" mental Tucson-based UFO group, and to had disappeared — seemingly state. A short time after returning the "National Enquirer" carried off by the UFO. It was not Travis to his mother's home in newspaper. This evidence has until more than two hours later Snowflake, Duane decided to been withheld from APRO's that Rogers and his crew decided drive Travis to Phoenix, repor- membership and from the public. to report the incident to Under- tedly to obtain medical assistan- WHAT THE PUBLIC AND Sheriff L.C. Ellison in nearby ce. Later that same day he was APRO MEMBERS HAVE NOT Heber, Ariz. examined by two physicians at BEEN TOLD IS THAT TRAVIS (While Travis was missing, the request of APRO. WALTON TOOK A LIE- Rogers and the other five young (On Feb. 7, 1976, almost three DETECTOR TEST THREE men took a polygraph test, on months after Tavis's return, he MONTHS EARLIER, ON NOV. Nov. 10, administered by C.E. and Duane took polygraph tests 15,1975. HE FLUNKED IT! PAGE 8 This first lie-detector test was Travis Walton to distort his THE CHECKS, McCarthy told me given in the Sheraton Hotel in respiration pattern in an effort to during a telephone interview on Scottsdale on the afternoon of deceive the polygraph examiner. Mar. 15,1976. Nov. 15. Arrangements for the The "National Enquirer" ran a The accuracy of McCarthy's in- test were made by Mr. L.J. Loren- feature article on the Travis formation was confirmed when I zen, APRO's International Direc- Walton incident in its Dec! 16, called the office of the Clerk of the tor. The tests were paid for by the 1975, issue. But there was no men- Superior Court of Navajo County, "National Enquirer," tion of the lie-detector test that in Holbrook, on May 10,1976. Mrs. This Nov. 15 lie-detector test Travis Walton had taken under Leona Downing, chief deputy that Travis Walton failed was McCarthy! clerk, after checking the case file, given by John J. McCarthy, direc- The November 1975 issue of informed me that on MAY 5,1971, tor of the Arizona Polygraph "The APRO Bulletin" carried an TRAVIS WALTON AND Laboratory in Phoenix. Mc- extensive account of the Travis CHARLES ROGERS HAD Carthy, who has been practicing Walton case, including a report on PLEADED GUILTY TO FIRST for nearly 20 years, was trained at events that had transpired during DEGREE BURGLARY AND the Army's polygraph school at the period that Travis had taken FORGERY CHARGES. (Charles Fort Gordon, considered to be the and flunked his Nov. 15 lie- Rogers is a younger brother of top polygraph school in the U.S. detector test, but there was no Michael Rogers, later involved in McCarthy is a member of the mention of this test. the UFO incident.) American Polygraph Assn. and There is hard physical eviden- The charges arose from the has been licensed by the State of ce, which I have personally theft of blank payroll checks from Illinois since 1964. (Arizona examined, to show that McCarthy the Western Molding Co., of presently does not require did test Travis Walton on Nov. 15, Snowflake, where Charles Rogers polygraph examiners to take a 1975, and that Walton failed the then worked and where Travis rigorous test to practice in the examination. This includes the Walton had earlier been employed state although such legislation is following: on a part-time basis. The stolen now pending.) (1) Polygraph examination checks were filled in with a fic- Immediately after the test, Mc- statement of consent, dated Nov. titious name, the signature of Carthy reported his findings of 15, 1975, and signed by Travis company president Robert W. "gross deception" to Paul Jenkins Walton, in which he agrees to let Gonsalves was forged, arid the of the "National Enquirer" and McCarthy conduct the test. Checks were then cashed to Dr. James A. Harder, APRO's (2) McCarthy's written report On May 10, 1971, after the two director of research and Harder of Nov. 16, 1975, to the "National young men agreed to make then relayed the results by Enquirer," stating McCarthy's restitution of the funds, Charles telephone to APRO's Lorenzen, conclusions that the UFO incident Rogers and Travis Walton were according to McCarthy. Duane is a hoax. placed on a two-year probation. Walton, upon hearing McCarthy's (3) "National Enquirer" Under such circumstances, conclusions, became furious with payment voucher receipt, Arizona law provides that if the the polygraph examiner, Mc- payable to McCarthy's company, parties fulfill their probation Carthy told me. dated Jan. 14, 1976, for "Travis period satisfactorily, they can The "National Enquirer" asked Walton UFO Incident." later return and ask the Court to McCarthy to send a formal writ- (4) Agreement to conduct the expunge the record,' Mrs. / ten report to Mr. John Cathcart at test and supply written report to Downing explained to me. On the newspaper's headquarters in "National Enquirer" signed by Aug. 3, 1973, Travis Walton and Lantana, Fla. and McCarthy was Paul Jenkins and Jeff Wells. (This Charles Rogers took advantage of instructed not to reveal that he statement is dated Feb. 15, 1975, this provision to retroactively had tested Travis Walton. In Mc- which is a typographical error.) retract their original "guilty" Carthy's formal report, dated During the private discussions pleas and to enter "riot-guilty" Nov. 16, he said .that his charts in- between McCarthy and Travis pleas, Mrs. Downing told me.f dicated that Travis Walton was Walton prior to the start of the for- McCarthy also told me that "attempting to perpetrate a UFO mal examination, WALTON AD- during his pre-examination hoax, and that he has not been on MITTED THAT HE AND A discussions with Travis Walton, any spacecraft." The very ex- FRIEND HAD ONCE BEEN that Travis admitted that He had perienced and perceptive Mc- ARRESTED FOR STEALING previously used "pot," "speed," Carthy reported -that he had PAYROLL CHECKS; FORGING and LSD. The importance of this detected a deliberate attempt by SIGNATURES AND CASHING will become apparent shortly. PAGE 9 It was not until nearly three the charts, to my way of in- UFO'buff'?" months after Travis failed the Mc- terpretation, would not . be Travis answered: "NO." Carthy lie-detector test that he readible. You would not be able to Pfeifer believes Travis believed took another, whose results have say if he (Travis Walton) is telling he was telling the truth. been widely publicized because he the truth or if he's lying." Ezell Yet according to McCarthy, seemingly passed with flying reaffirmed this appraisal in his during the pre-examination colors. The test was arranged by Mar. 29 letter. discussion with Travis, he ad- APRO and was given by George J. Pfeifer acknowledged that mitted that he and his brother Pfeifer, an examiner with only Travis had come in with the Duane, and their mother Mrs. two years experience. questions he wanted to be asked. Mary Kellet, had often speculated Pfeifer had abandoned his own When I asked Pfeifer if this was about riding in a UFO. This prom- private practice in January, 1976, standard procedure, he first said pted McCarthy to pose the to go to work for Tom Ezell & it was. But when I replied that I following question during the for- Associates of Phoenix. A short had talked with other polygraph mal examination of Nov. 15: "In time after the Walton test was examiners who said it was not a the past, have you ever thought of given, Pfeifer decided to return to normal procedure, Pfeifer riding in a UFO?" Travis an- private practice. replied: "Well, like I wouldn't say swered: "YES". The resulting When I first talked with Tom no. (But) we don't have a stan- polygraph chart indicated that Ezell about the Walton test on dard situation here either." When Travis was being truthful. Mar. 13,1976, he explained that he I asked: "In what respect," There is extensive evidence, had been out of town when the test Pfeifer said: "Well, how many from sources that can not be con- was given and that APRO had times do people claim that they've sidered to be prejudiced against made all of the arrangements been picked up by a UFO? " Travis Walton, that the Walton directly with Pfeifer. Ezell told Pfeifer disclosed an even more family had a keen and long- me that when he returned to "curious" aspect of the Travis standing interest in UFOs before Phoenix and discussed the Walton Walton test during our Apr. 27 Nov. 5,1975. For example: test with Pfeifer that he had lear- conversation. He said that when Dr. Howard Kandell, an APRO ned that APRO and the Waltons APRO's Lorenzen called to member, was one of the two had told Pfeifer the specific arrange the test he only asked physicians who examined Travis questions they "wanted asked and that Pfeifer test DUANE Walton. on Nov. 11, the day that he reap- that Pfeifer had obliged. Ezell, There were no mention of Travis peared. During a telephone in- who has himself been practicing being present or being tested, terview with Dr. Kandell on Apr. for five years, told me he wanted Pfeifer told me. Only after Pfeifer 25,1 asked him whether Travis or to dig into the matter and had completed the test on Duane Duane had indicated any previous examine the Walton charts. on the afternoon of Feb. 7, and interest in UFOs during his Nov. When next I talked with Ezell, went out to inform APRO's Loren- 11 discussions and examination. on Mar. 22, 1976 he told me: zen that Duane had passed, did Dr. Kandell replied: "According to his (Pfeifer's) Lorenzen then ask Pfeifer if he "They admitted to that freely, report, Travis did dictate the would test Travis Walton also. that he (Travis) was a 'UFO questions that he wanted asked." THERE IS AMPLE EVIDEN- freak,' so to speak... He had made Ezell explained, and later con- CE THAT TRAVIS WALTON remarks that if he ever saw one, firmed in a Mar. 29 letter, that it is TOLD AT LEAST ONE he'd like to go aboard." perfectly proper for the sponsor of FALSEHOOD DURING HIS Dr. Jean Rosenbaum, a ; a test (APRO) to indicate the FEB. 7 TEST WHICH PFEIFER psychiatrist from Durango, Colo., areas which are to be in- FAILED TO DETECT. journeyed to Phoenix and in- vestigated. But Ezell emphasized The question was one that terviewed Travis Walton several that the polygraph examiner Travis insisted that he be asked days after his reappearnce. should use his training and ex- and which Pfeifer (in accordance APRO's Dr. James A. Harder was pertise to frame the specific with accepted procedures) present during the interview. questions asked of the subject. discussed with Travis prior to the During a telephone interview on "Because of the dictation of test to be sure that he understood Apr. 26, I asked Dr. Rosenbaum questions to be asked, this test its meaning and that he could an- whether Travis had mentioned . should be invalidated," Ezell swer it with a clearcut "yes" or any prior interest in UFOs during wrote. More important, Ezell "no." their interview. Dr. Rosenbaum said, after examining the Travis That question was: "Before replied: Walton charts: "The reactions on November 5, 1975, were you a "Everybody in the family PAGE 10 claimed that they had seen them eight miles from this location that he and I took one together (UFOs)... He's been preoccupied right here (site of the alleged recently. That's been six weeks, with this almost all of his life... Travis Walton incident). And it maybe two months." Then he made the comment to his followed me around these woods Klass: "Had he taken any mother just prior to this incident for about 30 minutes and was polygraph test before that? " that if he was ever abducted by a never more than 200 feet from me Walton: "I don't have the UFO she was not to worry at any time." (Emphasis added.) foggiest notion. I really don't because he'd be alright." (Env Yet when I interviewed Duane know..." phasis added.) . Walton by telephone on Apr. 23, Klass: "Well, you were with Duane Walton was interviewed, 1976, and asked him when he and him the first few days after he along with Mike Rogers, on the Travis first became interested in came back." evening of Nov. 8, 1975, while UFOs, Duane replied: Walton: "Yup." Travis was still "missing." The "About November 11,1975." Klass: "And did he take a interview was conducted by Fred Contrast Duane Walton's an- polygraph test at any time during Sylvanus, head of the Arizona swers to some of my other that week?" Regional UFO Project and a questions with the known facts. Walton: "I don't know. I mean I member of Ground Saucer Watch. For example: was with him just about every The interview was tape recorded Klass: "Has Travis ever gotten minute of the time, but I have a and I have obtained a copy. in trouble with the law on any job...and there were times that I During the interview, Duane serious charges?" had to be a way." Walton volunteered that he and D. Walton: "No sir! Everybody Klass: "Were you with him Travis had often discussed the has trouble as a juvenile when he was interviewed by possibility of getting a 'ride on a delinquent, even I." James Harder and the 'National UFO. That if either one of them Klass: "But to your knowledge, Enquirer'?" got such a chance, he would try to he has never been in trouble with Walton: "Yes, I was there when get the UFO to go and pick up the the law in any serious thing, ex- a doctor (Harder) gave some hyp- other brother so he could share cept maybe being arrested for notic regression." the experience. Here are Duane's speeding?" Klass: "And was there any precise words: • • . .. D. Walton: "Or a traffic polygraph test given at or about "Travis and I discussed this warrant or ticket. But my brother that time?" many, many times at great length is not a criminal if that's what Walton: "I don't know sir." and we both said .that we would you're trying to imply... I think on During my interview with immediately get as directly under two occasions he was arrested for Duane, I asked whether he and the object (UFO) as physically outstanding traffic warrants, for Travis had told Pfeifer the possible... We discussed this time not paying a traffic ticket.'' questions they wanted him to ask and time again. The opportunity SURELY DUANE WALTON during their lie-detector tests: would be too great to pass up and WAS AWARE OF THE IN- Klass: "Who framed the at any cost, except that of death, CIDENT LESS THAN FIVE questions that you were asked? make contact with them and YEARS EARLIER WHEN Did you or Travis have anything whoever happened to be left on TRAVIS HAD PLEADED to do with the framing of the the ground, if one of us didn't GUILTY TO THE FIRST questions?" .make the grade, to try to convince DEGREE BURGLARY AND Walton: "That would be kind of whoever was in the craft to come FORGERY CHARGE. at odds to the end (purpose), back and get the other one. He According to McCarthy, "Duane wouldn't it? No sir, in answer to performed just as we said we Walton was present when Mc- your question, no." would and he got directly under Carthy reported the results of his Duane Walton's answers to my the object, and he's received the test on Travis, and Duane was questions provides another useful benefits for it." outraged at his findings. The benchmark for appraising the Earlier in the interview with following exchange took place overall value of Pfeifer's Sylvanus, Duane said: with Duane during our telephone polygraph examination of Travis "I saw one almost identical to interview of Apr. 23: and Duane Walton. During the what they (Mike Rogers and other Klass: "When did Travis first examination of Duane, Pfeifer crew members) described for a take a polygraph, or lie-detector, asked him the following: "Would period of almost 30 minutes in test?" you lie to help Travis in this mat- broad daylight about 12 years ago Walton: "I don't know. I don't ter? Duane answered: "No." at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, about have the foggiest notion. I know Pfeifer found no indication on his PAGE 11 charts that Duane was not telling the Walton incident, the planet Ariz. It was a portent of things to the truth. Jupiter was very bright in the come. In the polygraph test given to early evening sky and would have By the summer of 1975, it was the six young wood-cutters, it has been visible at 6:15 p.m. This is clear that Rogers had badly un- been reported that five of the six NOT to suggest that Rogers and derestimated the job and he was passed. The results for the other, his crew honestly imagined that stuck with his fixed-price con- Allen Dalis, were termed "in- Travis had been "zapped" by tract. Rogers asked for an ex- conclusive." The test was given Jupiter. But if they were all part- tension and the Forest Service by C.E. Gilson, a man with five ners in a pre-arranged hoax, all granted one — for 84 days. The years experience, employed by might be able to answer "yes" to new work completion deadline as the Arizona Dept. of Public this one UFO-related question Nov. 10,1975. But in return for the Safety. The test was given on Nov. without displaying overt signs of extension, Rogers would be 10, at a time when Walton had telling a significant falsehood. penalized $1.00 per acre for all been missing.for five days and The testimony by Mike Rogers work performed after the ex- there was great concern by and the other five crew members piration of the original contract Navajo County law enforcement has . seemed to some to sub- date. officers that Travis might be the stantiate the UFO abduction story Rogers' financial situation was victim of foul-play at the hands of because these six witnesses aggravated by the long-standing his associates. For this reason, seemed to have no motive, other Forest Service policy that calls three of the four relevant than possible friendship with for paying contractors for only 90 questions asked by Gilson during Travis, to fabricate the story. per cent of the work performed, so the test dealt solely with the issue BUT INVESTIGATION they can pay their crews, while of whether the young wood- REVEALS THAT THERE WAS A withholding 10 per cent until the cutters had killed or physically in- MOTIVE, A STRONG FINAN- entire job is completed. jured Travis. Obviously all of the CIAL MOTIVE, FOR ALL OF As the Nov. 10 deadline ap- men could truthfully answer these THEM TO COLLABORATE ON A proached, it was clear to Rogers three questions with a "NO." HOAX. that he could not meet even his ex- During our May 20 interview, In the spring of 1974, the U.S. tended contract date. In the Nov. 8 Gilson said: "That was our sole Forest Service requested bids on taped interview with Sylvanus, determine whether or a timber-thinning operation on Rogers mentioned that "This con- not there had been a crime com- 1,277 acres in the Turkey Springs tract we have is seriously behind mitted." .,- area of the Apache-Sitgreaves schedule. In fact, Monday the Gilson said that the one question National Forest. Three bids were time is up. We haven't done any about a UFO had been added at received: $71,512 $44,567 work on it since Wednesday the suggestion of Sheriff Marlin $34,989. The low bid came because of this thing, and Gillespie. With the perspective of from Mike Rogers. His es- therefore it won't be done. I hope hindsight, Gilson told me on May timate was less than half the they (Forest Service) take that in- 20: "That one question does not amount of the highest bid, and 27 to account, this (UFO) problem." make it a valid test as far as per cent below the mid-figure, and Without the "fortuitous" UFO in- verifying the UFO incident. I wish worked out to only $27.40 per acre. cident, the best that Rogers could these people out here would If Rogers had underestimated the expect would be another deadline realize that, but there's no way amount of work involved, both he extension, but he would be you can even get them to listen to and his crew would suffer finan- assessed still another financial you..." cially. penalty in contract price. This single UFO-related The contract called for the job More serious, winter was near question was: "Did you tell the to be completed in 200 working and its bad weather would truth about actually seeing a UFO days, i.e. excluding bad-weather prevent Rogers from completing last Wednesday when Travis and winter when work was im- the job until the following spring. Walton disappeared?" Note that possible. Although the contract Thus the Forest Service would the question did NOT ask whether was awarded on June 26, 1974, it continue to hold back 10 per cent they saw Travis being "zapped" was not until more than a month of the earned pay. Rogers and his by a UFO, nor whether they really later—Aug. 7—that Rogers finally crew faced a bleak financial believed that Travis had been ab- assembled his crew and started situation as the Nov. 10 deadline ducted by a UFO. work, according to Maurice Mar- neared. Celestial bodies are sometimes chbanks, Forest Service con- (TO BE CONTINUED IN mistaken for UFOs. At the time of tracting officer at Springville, THE NEXT I SSUE #105) .PAGE 12 (Translated by Charles Huffer and adapted from a copyrighted article, ANATOMY OF A LOCAL FLAP with permission, by Richard Hall. This remarkable local concentration of by Ernst Berger, MUFON Central European Section bizarre UFO sightings covers a period of over 2- Vi years).

For six days in 1974, Ernst At , the land rises from the The strange series began May Berger and a team from MUFON- River valley towards the 17,1972 when Sabine A— noticed a C.E.S. conducted an intensive in- Graz-Webling Basin where the red, star-like object moving back vestigation of a long series of A— family lives in a modern and forth on the southern horizon. sightings concentrated near Graz, house, surrounded by a wooden She woke her husband, who grab- , capital of the Federal mountain ridge in a semi-circle bed his 8 x 30 binoculars and ob- Province of , from 1972 to stretching from north through served the object through the 1974. As so often happens, the west to south. The summits, open window. He saw a milky signtings came to light ac- which figure into the cases, are white oval, flattened on top, about cidentally when Berger chanced the Buchkogel (657 meters), the 24 degrees above the horizon to meet the key witness, Mr. Alois Bockkogel (539 m), and moving over the hills between A—, at a health spa in summer Florianiberg (520 m). Every work Florianiberg and a red-orange of 1974. Mr. A—, a dental day, Alois A— bicycles the 10 km elliptical ring was visible on the technician, was a World War II to work from Webling to Thondorf upper third. Underneath, a sack aerial observer in charge of anti- starting out in early morning af- or drop-like protrusion aircraft platoons and is described ter rising about 4 am. Normally periodically elongated and retrac- as "a sharp, analytical ob- he is in bed about 10p.m. ted. (See sketch, the "drop.") The server." His wife Sabine A—, UFO remained visible for three another witness, is a trained nur- hours, displaying the "zoom ef- se. They were questioned at fect" and departed abruptly by length and crossrexamined; key "zooming" up out of signt. A few sightings were reconstructed, nights later, the "drop" reap- measurments taken, and the area peared moving jerkily along and explored. stopping at the same spot. The objects they had seen, The experience caused Mr. A— along with occasional other wit- to recall wartime observing, and nesses, included discs, cones, he and his wife began watching triangles, the classic domed ellip- the sky. In June 1972 the "drop" se, and smaller objects moving to was seen again, this time along and from larger objects with a red disc that emitted a ("satellite object" cases). Many conical beam (see sketch). had sharply defined segments of During that summer, while the geometric color patterns, and the sightings continued, dogs all over ,bright color displays were a cen- the area barked and howled in ^ tral feature of the sightings. concert whenever the UFOs were Another salient feature, com- present. "It even developed," A— monly but not exclusively, was an said, "that when the dogs began to increase and decrease in size as if howl we would look out and sure the object were moving in a enough something would be straight line directly toward and there." away from the observer. This has One night during this period, been labelled the "zoom effect." past midnight, an object which In various cases the UFOs disap- roughly resembled an inverted peared in one of three ways: by tank (ellipse with dome beneath) "zooming" out of sight upward Mr. A- at the place first appeared. Points of light into space, by being "collected" of the "blue hand" were observed emitting from the into a larger object, or by sud- incident. dome downward toward the denly vanishing. southwest horizon. Shortly af- PAGE 13 THE "TANK" AND LOCATION OF SIGHTING.








PAGE 15 terwards, at this point on the separate contactee prone in- ject only 300 to 400 meters away horizon, white balls of light were dividuals also visited the A—'s gliding silently toward him. It was seen jumping around erratically during this period, but were not rectangular with four pointed "as if there were no gravity." welcomed. protrusions in the direction of There were 50 or 60 of them, >The "sector discs" (like color motion, shaped something, like a hovering and darting here and wheels) first appeared at the end hand, (see sketch) Pedalling fran- there, with sudden sideways of August and early September tically, bathed in the blue light, he displacements and "wild jumps." 1972, displaying four bright red turned again to see the UFO The zone of their action was and four green segments; these nearly overhead. Then it climbed around the summit of Buchkogel. objects were always stationary. upward at a steep angle Two hours later the balls of light Also during August a new form (revealing a row of eight red disappeared behind trees, and labelled the "tiled stove" knobs or cupolas at the rear) and then points of light were seen (because of its resemblance to vanished "as if everything had returning to the larger UFO. The old-fashioned Austrian stove tile) been switched off." Discussing "drop" and another disc were appeared, once dividing into nine the sighting later, he thought the also seen during the "dance of the sections. At one point small star- four sharps points might have spheres." like objects were seen being been sharply outlined and focused Late in July a round yellow and "collected" by this object. beams of light. green object, rotating with a Although sightings diminished Space does not permit spiral effect, was seen by the early in 1973, the "tiled stove" describing the details of the other A—'s about midnight. The light was seen again during March. sightings reproduced in the ac- was dazzling, and Mr. A— suf- The "Blue Hand" companying sketches. The "Scor- fered a splitting headache. In July One of the most spectacular pio" case occurred early in July or August Mr. & Mrs. A— watched sightings experienced by Mr. A— 1973, with the object going a formation of four cone-shaped occurred on March 26, 1973 while through the pictured sequence objects maneuvering "like ducks he was cycling to work. It was a (see sketch) between 10 PM and 3 in a row" in the same area where cold, slightly foggy morning, and AM.'The "traffic signs" (triangle the spheres had been. They had a the "tiled stove" UFO was visible, and circle) were seen in August green phosphorescence at the hovering ahead of him and 1974. The "wind guage/' four red trailing edge; they stopped and seeming to retreat as he ap- spheres on two crossed bars tilted down above Bbckkogel proached. Suddenly he noticed through a central red sphere, the before moving away to the south that the damp street was brightly entire structure rotating like an and disappearing. About this reflecting a blue light, apparently anemometer, was seen in June period, they often noticed a large emanating from behind him, and 1972. number of cars with headlights on he turned to see a very strange ob- moving along the ridge on the Mantscha Road from Buchkogel to Florianiberg, sometimes recklessly at high speed. Two



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6 Men in White A minor mystery was added to FOREIGN STAMPS the end of July 1972 when two young men dressed in white clothes and shoes visited the A—'s MUFON HELP MUFON claiming to be part of a Mormon polling mission and asking PICNIC by Richard Hall questions about American MUFON International Coordinator political figures. This seemed very odd to Mr. A—. One said he The Eight Annual MUFON Pic- was a Harvard student and the nic proved to be an enlightening other an astronomy student, and entertaining affair. Over a school not mentioned. They spoke hundred people showed for the very good German. When the sub- festivities, which began at 7:00 ject of UFOs came up, one of the p.m. July 10 with the UFO youths claiming to be a nephew of Skywatch at the Boulder Access Capt. Charles R. Reid of the on Carlyle Lake. The picnic was Argentina, who vanished in the held the next day at the Old Fish Bermuda Triangle October 30/31, Hatchery Park in Carlyle. 1968, told that story. They were The idea of a UFO Picnic was An arrangement to trade can- seen several times after that conceived by Rosie and Dick celled foreign stamps for U.S. walking around town, apparently Holmes and has proved a postage to be used for mailings to rooming in the area and their thoroughly enjoyable and well- overseas MUFON supporters and presence at that time could have attended affair. Director Walt An- information exchange centers has been pure coincidence. (Ernst drus delivered a talk on the cattle been worked out with stamp Berger requests information from mutilation cases, which he collector Joseph L. Nyman, Med- anyone who happens to know a believes are due to a fanatical cult field, Massachusetts. This Mormon Harvard student who of some sort, and former Air For- "recycling" will greatly benefit spent some time at Graz, Austria, ce Sargent Clarence Dargie international exchange of UFO in- in the summer of 1972;, his last talked about how the Air Force formation by helping to offset the name may be Reid). tries to cover up UFO sightings on high cost of overseas mailings. This condensed version of the one hand while NASA tries to As a gesture of good faith, Mr. Berger's report can only convey find sources of extraterrestrial Nyman recently sent me a sub- some of the flavor of the full story. life on the other. stantial amount of U.S. postage Appended to his report are a sec- UFO researcher and author Joe (over $20 worth) in requested tion describing the investigation Brill summed up some recent in- denominations as credit to be and an evaluation section. The ternational cases and passed repaid. As a first repayment in- A— family is described as very around pictures of UFOs from stallment he has been sent 1-1/2 self-critical, and very careful and Romania. Bob Borman recapped ounces (bulk weight) of stamps consistent in their reporting. The the events of the Harold Sherman taken from correspondence investigators explored the Psychic Seminar held in St. Louis, received from overseas. Our over- sighting area, noting that it lies on and developed some interesting seas supporters can contribute to an elongated platform of ideas concerning the psychic com- this exchange by the simple act of paleozoic rocks, two tectonic ponent in UFO sightings. affixing commemorative stamps faults were found running in a Another highlight of the picnic (or other less common types of north-south direction, and a was the hoisting of a helium stamps), whose exchange value is crater (indicating balloon craft with two American higher, to letters and packages ) was visible on the ridge flags hanging from a crossbar. mailed to me. near the Buchkogel. The flags, one with 13 stars and MUFON specialists and other The strange variety of shapes the other with 50 stars, com- members who are receiving reported, and the usual orien- memorated the years Bicen- correspondence from overseas tation toward the observer so that tennial Celebration in a most can also contribute to the in- the axis of rotation pointed toward spectacular fashion. formation exchange program by him, are considered extremely But of course we shouldn't sending cancelled foreign stamps puzzling. Yet, investigation shows forget to mention the .real star of to me, in any quantity, for ex- the wittnesses to be honest arid the UFO Picnic. Everyone knows change with Mr. Nyman. reliable, and in: Mr. A—'s case that was Rosie Holmes' home- (Richard Hall, 4418 39th St., Bren- trained in aerial observations. made chicken noodles. Delicious! twood, Maryland 20722.) PAGE 18 DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE

The July issue of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL is closely following the June issue due to the delays in making transition of editors from Dwight Connelly to D. William Hauck, securing a new typesetter, and by mailing from Seguin, Texas. We apologize for the inconveniences created by these delays, but the tremendous work done by Mrs. Norma Short and Mr. Dwight Connelly will be carried on in the same tradition of SKYLOOK in its successor- THE MUFON UFO JOURNAL. All subscriptions to SKYLOOK will apply directly to the JOURNAL as will MUFON membership, which includes the JOURNAL. The continuing program to arrange the MUFON membership date and JOURNAL subscription to concur sim- ultaneously will be rectified as all memberships and subscriptions are sent to MUFON at 103 Oldtowne Road, Sequin, Texas, 78155. Automatic reminders that one's MUFON membership and JOURNAL subscription will expire on a designated date will be enclosed with the copy of your JOURNAL. A productive and beneficial meeting of the JOURNAL Staff members attending the Carlyle UFO Picnic (Illinois) on July 11, 1976, was held by Dennis Hauck, Joe Brill, Lucius Parish, David Schroth, Rosetta Holmes and Walt Andrus. We are pleased to announce that Bill Pitts of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, formerly a State Section Director, will be the new State Director for Arkansas replacing Lucius Farish who resigned this post. Lou, a founding member of MUFON, will continue writing his JOURNAL column titled "In Other's Words" dedicated to reviewing new books and commenting on articles in newsstand publications. Mr. Pitts may be contacted by writing to 500 North 2nd St., Ft. Smith, Ark. 72901; Telephone: 501/782-0373, or at his home, 501/783-0754. Bill received inter- national recognition when he practically "single-handedly" conducted the "Fort Smith UFO Conference" on October 17, 18, and 19, 1975, utilizing the theme, "United for Objectivity". Bill will be travelling in Japan this fall, meeting MUFON Directors and Sectional Directors and hopefully appearing on Japanese TV as planned. Gregory M. Kanon, P.O. Box 142, Armdale, Nova Scotia, B3L 4J9, Canada, has accepted the position of Pro- vincial Director for Nova Scotia, but will also handle the rest of Eastern Canada — New Brunswick, Newfound- land, and Prince Edward Island — until such time as Provincial Directors are assigned to these areas. Gregory is a Syndicated Columnist writing a weekly column titled, "The Unknown", which appears in newspapers through- out North America. Greg is a graduate of the University of Arizona and his mother lives in Houston, Texas. As MUFON grows in international stature, we have found that we can be more effective in some nations by establishing a National Section instead of relying entirely upon representatives to act as liaison between exist- ing UFO organizations and MUFON. Presently we have two such sections Illobrand von Ludwiger is Director of MUFON/CES (Central European Section), or the German speaking nations of Europe; and Harold H. Fulton covers New Zealand as Director. Charles Buffer, a member of MUFON/CES recently stopped in Seguin, Texas to visit the MUFON administrative office while in the United States on vacation. He advised that they will have their third annual UFO Symposium in Munich, Germany during the later part of July. Herausgegeben von I. Ludwiger has just released a new scientific book on Electromagnetic gravitation and UFOs, which will be subsequently reviewed after translation from Deutsch. The title is "UNGEWOHNLICHE GRAVITATIONS-PHANOMENE". Richard H. Hall, International Coordinator, is adopting the national section in Japan as suggested by your Director with the elevation of Mr. Jun-Ichi Takanashi from liaison representative to Director for Japan. Masaru Mori (a visitor to MUFON in Seguin and presently a Field Investigator) has been appointed Sectional Director for Northern Japan with responsibility for Tokyo and Hokkaido Islands. Mori lives in Chiba City and is a free lance writer. Mr. Takao Ikeda, living in Hiroshima, will be the Sectional Director for Southern Japan responsible for the area south of Tokyo covering Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu Islands. Steve Hatzopoulos, 22 Fiddipidou St., Athens, Greece 609, has been appointed a Field Investigator for the area around Athens by Richard Hall. D. William Hauck, State Director for Indiana has selected Bruce Schaffenberger, 7216 Oakdale Ave., Hammond, Ind. 46324, to be State Section Director for Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties, succeeding Bill. Irving Lillien, Ph. D., 10181 S.W. 198th St., Miami, Florida 33157, telephone: 305/233-0765, will be the State Section Director for Dade and Monroe Counties in a new alignment for Florida. Dr. Lillien will also serve as a Consultant in Chemistry. Mr. Frank H. Inderwiesen in Orlando, Florida is MUFON's acting State Director for Florida. A valuable addition to MUFON's staff in Seguin, Texas and to our International Coordinator occurred when Mrs. Guillermina (Mina) G. Syrja, 514 South Milam, #4, Seguin, Texas 78155, volunteered to serve as a Trans- lator for Spanish, French, and German. She has her B.A. from Texas Lutheran College in foreign languages. PAGE 19 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19) RECAPPING AND COMMENTING On July 21, 1976, J. Allen Hynek innaugurated the outgoing WATTS by Richard Hall, MUFON International Coordinator telephone from the Center for UFO Studies by calling your Director with pertinent news items concerning (Comments in this month's column are based, in part, on ar- progress by CUFOS. The Center now has a financial sponsor for the ticles appearing in the May, 1976, Skylook.) WATTS line and a monthly newslet- ter which will first be issued early Since the May issue may be the N.M., photograph as a blurred this Fall. The newsletter will be last under Dwight Connelly's image of Saturn by Ray Stanford called "The International UFO Reporter", with an annual sub- editorship, and even the last issue and the P.S.I, team is the kind of scription of $10.00; half of the profit of "Skylook" under that name, it analysis that needs more, rather being dedicated to UFO research by is time to publicly thank Dwight than less, exposure. I am appalled CUFOS and the other half to the and Carolyn Connelly for the fine that anyone styling him- sponsor. Mr. Allan Hendry has been job they have done and the credit self/herself a "UFO researcher" hired by CUFOS as a full time in- they have reflected on MUFON. would criticize P.S.I, for releasing vestigator. He and his wife attended Publishing is a costly business, this information to the press. It is, the MUFON Symposium in Ann Ar- and often a thankless one. We can first, the truth; it also shows a bor, Michigan. The new office ad- only wish the new editor well and real scientific attitude and ob- dress of CUFOS is: 924 Chicago pledge support, especially in the jective reporting habits which, in Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60202. form of articles and news reports the long run, should win sup- Mr. Norman A. Weis, 227 E. in manuscript form which every porters for the cause. They will Hazeltine Ave., Kenmore, New editor needs. I hope all MUFON know that we are critical, not York,, 14217, a MUFON Field In- specialists will begin to realize the gullible, and determined to seek vestigator, will be travelling in need for summary reports of their out the truth. A vital part of UFO Europe starting September 13th. He cases and activities. The Con- investigation is screening out will endeavor to secure UFO reports nelly's have set a high standard errors while spotlighting their and make contacts with MUFON and a solid foundation to build on. causes, and exposing hoaxes. representatives in Holland, Belgium, The issue contains its share of The Director's Message in this Switzerland, Austria, Germany, interesting UFO cases, but we can same issue puts its finger on the Italy and France during his visit. also note a number of points problem of trying to "scien- related to methodology and tifically study" UFOs part-time. ark R. Herbstrftt procedures, all too often taken for There is an inherent contradiction granted by self-styled there which we all need to realize. Astronomy "UFOlogists." Ray Fowler's ef- Walt Andrus highlights the need fort to compile UFO activity for "an increase in participation reports, and the Alabama UFO of our Advisory Board of Con- Notes Study Group's similar report, are sultants, stimulation of specific JULY SKY praiseworthy and a fundamental investigations, and exchange of MERCURY • It is too close to the Sun for ob- part of any systematic, scientific information." Indeed, this is servation until the end of the month, inferior study. I doubt that they should exactly what is needed by conjunction being on the 22nd. take up newsletter space more MUFON and all other groups pur- VENUS - It is an evening star about 9 degrees than a few times a year, for they porting to be studying UFOs above the western horizon at sunset and getting are not terribly readable nor of scientifically. Just how possible it within one hour. general interest. But they are im- will be for part-time con- MARS • The Red Planet is too close to the Sun portant and could be incorporated sultants/full-time scientists or for easy observation. in the annual symposium engineers is the critical question. JUPITER • In Taurus, it rises about three hours proceedings, and occasionally Certainly many could be more ac- after sunset. summarized in these pages. tive than they have been, and the SATURN - In Cancer, it rises about three hours degree to which they do actively before the Sun. Scientific Case Study participate will determine the ALPHA AURIGID meteor showers occur on the success and credibility of 22nd. Identification of the Clovis, MUFON and other groups.