GAZETTE—By the Writer
r 1 " ' * " j." ;\' - < -y^ '-' r '••, , , - ^ - } -, - >• ;• , * ' < i - • - "'''. --<-\' '. *' '*<<'* -*7 . ^ V' '*• ' * *" ' " ' ' ; ••*->t^ryr sg - , _ , . ; . ' - M?WM t v'^,' ii t s .* •'.- •- fe* >:i [$1.00 a Yea Founded iii 1800.] An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local News and Interests. PRICE TWO CENTS. VOL. Xcv —No 38. NORWALK, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1895. Assigned. modern annals of war. Yesterday, TTE. William H. Nichols, grocer and build NO thousands of the combatants who wore AND THEY FEASTED. ASSAULTED IIS WIFE. SGAINSI THE TROLLEY. er in Block Rock, made ah assignment the blue or the gray in that memorable yesterday. ' encounter, met in peace, to formally Gregory's Point the Scene of Important Decision Rendered By THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER. Screams of "Murder" arid Cries for State Liquor Dealers. V dedicate the blood-stained field as a Gathering of Brains and Judge Fenn. The State Liquor Dealers' association HLdeuenaent in all tilings; neutral m loom. public park. The passions and resent "Help," Last Evening. will hold their annual convention in ments of the past were buried in a com Beauty. New Haven to-day. ^ Farmers are Busy. mon grave and veterans of ttie Confed Cities or Other Municipalities Can Fred Hill to the Rescue. Bound Over Agricultural wealth overflows the eracy and the Union, vied with each Extraordinary Castronomfcal Feats not Grant Privileges to Railways other in paying tribute to the valor and or Other Corporations With Benjamin Cook and George Smith, • storehouses pf the country and that is the Stamford burglars, were yeaterday- heroism which had been there displayed "H« that etiveth to the poor, lendeth to the out Exacting Compensa why there is no longer a silyer ques Lord." Last evening while the several news bound over under bonds of $1,000 each." tion.
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