TIDINGS June 2020 DEAR FRIENDS, I’M Finding a Different Perspective While Reading Bible Passages During
JUNE 2020 Tel. 07800 516 757 gavinhume@methodist.org.uk TIDINGS June 2020 DEAR FRIENDS, I’m finding a different perspective while reading Bible passages during our current circumstances, and the passage for Pentecost Sunday is particularly poignant, because it begins with the sentence: “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” (Acts 2:1) This caused me to pause, and lament that we are currently not able to meet “all together in one place”. I really do miss seeing you all, and letters, phone calls, texts, emails, and speaking to a video camera, even though these are great ways of staying in touch and sharing together, are just not quite the same. But then I read the next verse: “Suddenly a sound like a violent blowing wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” When the Spirit came, they were not sitting in a church building, or in the temple courts, or in a special “holy place”, but in an ordinary house. Therefore we can be confident that as we sit in our homes, and worship in whatever ways we can, the Spirit that Jesus promised to send comes to us, assuring us of God’s unfailing love, comforting us, and strengthening us in God’s service. May we be open to the renewing power of the Spirit for all that lies ahead, and be united by the fellowship of the Spirit. Most of you will be aware that I was due to be on sabbatical for three Longbenton Methodist Church months from the beginning of June.
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