Aquatic Invasions (2013) Volume 8, Issue 1: 97–102 doi: Open Access

© 2013 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2013 REABIC

Short Communication

Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt (, Phaeophyta) in , an invasive marine species new to the Atlantic coast of Africa

Brahim Sabour1, Abdeltif Reani1, Hachem EL Magouri1 and Ricardo Haroun2* 1 Phycology and Aquatic Ecosystems RU, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Chouaib Doukkali University, 24000 El Jadida, Morocco 2 Biodiversity and Environmental Management Research Center, Fac. Marine Sciences, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017 Las Palmas, Spain E-mail: [email protected] (RH), [email protected] (BS) *Corresponding author

Received: 28 August 2012 / Accepted: 23 November 2012 / Published online: 30 November 2012

Handling editor: Frédéric Mineur


The Japanese brown muticum (Yendo) Fensholt (Fucales, Phaeophyta) is reported for the first time in Atlantic Morocco, along the shoreline of Doukkala (S of Casablanca). This record, the first in the African continent, represents a remarkable range expansion of this invasive marine species. Indeed, it is the southern-most occurrence of the species in the Atlantic. Preliminary phenological and ecological data of this non-native species were provided from the Doukkala coast. The major effects on benthic structure and composition of this invasive brown macroalga were also evaluated from published data. transfers from the French coast were the most likely primary introduction vector, but maritime vectors linked to shipping and navigation cannot be ruled out. Guidelines for prevention of further expansion of this highly invasive marine species along the Moroccan coasts are described.

Key words: early detection; Japanese brown seaweed; Africa; oyster transfers; shipping; prevention

North America in the 1940s and then to Introduction European coasts in the early 1970s, in both cases associated with the intentional transfer of the The invasion of habitats by Nonindigenous Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, Invasive Species (NIS) is a global phenomenon 1793) (Haroun and Izquierdo 1991; Wonham and with serious consequences for ecological, Carlton 2005). The species was first recorded as economic, and social systems (Carlton 2000; drift on the Belgian coasts in 1972 (Coppejans et IUCN 2009). Species invasions are considered al. 1980) and established populations were one of the greatest threats to native biodiversity observed on the Isle of Wight, southern England, and resource values of the world’s (Rilov in 1973 (Farnham et al. 1973). It was and Crooks 2004; Molnar et al. 2008). Several subsequently observed in numerous locations marine species, such as the brown macroalga around the Channel region, and spread during the (Yendo) Fensholt, are next 30 years along European shores, reaching known to be highly successful alien , and (Rueness 1989; with many of the intrinsic traits of an invasive Karlsson and Loo 1999; Engelen and Santos species, including very high growth rates of 2-4 2009). It was also introduced into Mediterranean cm per day, high fecundity, monoecious indivi- coastal lagoons: Thau () and Venice duals with a perennial life history (Norton 1977; () (Curiel et al. 1999). Norton and Deysher 1989; Williams and Smith A population of Sargassum different from 2007), and multiple-range dispersal mechanisms native species of the genus was detected during a including germling settlement and drifting fertile field trip along the shoreline of Doukkala thalli (Engelen and Santos 2009). This Japanese (Atlantic coast of Morocco, Northwest Africa) in seaweed was accidentally introduced to Pacific the winter of 2011-2012. We report here the

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Figure 1. Distribution of Sargassum muticum populations in El Jadida coasts (Morocco).

discovery of S. muticum on the Moroccan The Moroccan specimens of S. muticum were Atlantic coast (South of Casablanca), which first discovered during an annual phycology field greatly extends the geographical range of this course conducted by the Faculty of Sciences highly invasive species at latitudes below the (Chouaib Doukkali University) in January 2012 . It is the most southern record in Sidi Bouzid, a tourist locality on the Atlantic of this species in the Atlantic, and the first on the coast of Morocco (Figure 1). Other S. muticum African continent. populations have been subsequently detected all along the coast of El Jadida city. At low tide S. muticum wraps in thick mats across intertidal Moroccan Sargassum muticum description and rocks whereas at high tide it floats upright habitat preferences (Figure 2). The thalli, arising from a small discoid holdfast, may reach up to 5 m total Until now, the genus Sargassum was represented length, with few primary lateral branches. Basal in the Moroccan coasts by six species: S. leaves are generally 1-5 cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide, acinarium (Linnaeus) Setchell, S. desfontainesii lanceolate and serrated. Pear shaped aerocysts 2- (Turner) C. Agardh, S. flavifolium Kützing, S. 5 mm in diameter are borne on branchlets amid hornschuchii C. Agardh, S. natans (Linnaeus) the leaves. Fertile receptacles (Figures 3 and 4) Gaillon and S. vulgare C. Agardh (Benhissoune were observed in the axils of tertiary lateral et al. 2002). branches in late March.

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Figure 2. Sargassum muticum populations in Deauville beach of El Jadida (a) and in tide pools at Sidi Bouzid site (b). Photographs by Abdeltif Reani.

The Moroccan samples were deposited in the herbarium and were positively identified using Discussion preserved material of Sargassum muticum held at the BCM Herbarium (Fac. of Marine Sciences, Potential vectors of introduction University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain). The Herbarium material Alien or introduced seaweeds can be transported used were: BCM 2442 (St. Catalina Island, by various means: in ship ballast water (transport California, USA; November 07, 1991); BCM of embryos), by attaching to hulls, as ‘hitch- 6213 (Portaferry, Down County, N ; May hikers’ entangled on ship propeller, clinging to 07, 2003); BCM 6531 (Nabeta Bay, Shimoda, scuba gear, by packaging, as consignments of ; May 15, 1987); BCM 7601 (Sidi Bouzid live organisms traded to provide live bait or tide pools, El Jadida, Morocco; February 13, gourmet food, etc. (Critchley et al. 1990; Molnar 2012). et al. 2008; Mineur et al. 2008; IUCN 2009). The The first Sargassum muticum populations most common method of introducing non-native were detected during the winter months of 2011- marine has been unintentional, associated 2012 in two different habitats: a) sheltered, well- with deliberate commercial shellfish illuminated and shallow, subtidal, rocky introductions (such as the Pacific oyster C. substrate along the coastline of El Jadida city gigas) (Farnham et al. 1973; Wonham and (i.e., in Deauville beach) (Figure 2a) and b) Carlton 2005; Mineur et al. 2007; Williams and inside rocky intertidal pools of 1- 5 m depth in Smith 2007). the Sidi Bouzid coastal area (Fig 2b). The The vector of introduction of Sargassum ecological data gathered from surveys, and in muticum to the Atlantic coast of Morocco is situ observations in nearby coastal areas along unknown but its discovery in the El Jadida and the Doukklala coastline, indicates that this Sidi Bouzid coastal areas suggests shellfish invasive macroalga occupies rocky bottoms transfer as primary vector because oyster culture between 1 to 5 m deep in protected intertidal areas are found nearby (inside Oualidia lagoon, pools and shallow, sheltered embayments. 70 Km S of El Jadida city). Although shellfish Specimens of S. muticum that had been washed transfers seems to be the most likely introduction ashore were identified inside the Oualidia lagoon vector, we cannot rule out maritime traffic as a in June 2012. Sargassum muticum populations potential vector (e.g. hull fouling). In this were not observed in exposed coastal areas. context, two potential entry ports could be

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Figure 3. Morphology of juvenile Sargassum muticum (Sidi Bouzid, March 2012). Photographs by Brahim Sabour.

Figure 4. Mature Sargassum muticum (a) with receptacles arising in the axils of lanceolate lamina of a tertiary branchlet (b, c), (Deauville Beach of El Jadida, May 2012). Photographs by Brahim Sabour.

identified: the nearby international harbor of Jorf but fouling on mobile submerged structures, or Lasfar, (the largest port in Africa for phosphate entangled on propellers of sailing and smaller export, with more than 1000 bulk ships per year recreational boats is quite possible (Mineur et al. from around the world), and the small fishing 2008). port of El Jadida. Nevertheless, hull fouling of Shellfish transfers have been identified as the large seaweeds on cargo ships is not very likely, most common introduction vector for the arrival

100 Invasive Sargassum muticum in Morocco, Africa and quick expansion of Sargassum muticum well as costs associated with management along the Northeast Pacific where it spread a (Carlton 2000; Schaffelke and Hewitt 2007; distance of over 5,000 km (i.e., Sea Otter Sound Rilov and Crooks 2009). Because of the scale of – Alaska to Baja California – Mexico) in less the problem, NIS should be tackled at the than 30 years (Druelh 1973; Pedroche et al. international and regional level as well as at the 2008). Similarly, it spread more than 2,000 km national and local level. As already stated by along Northeast Atlantic coast (Sweden to IUCN (2009), prevention of marine invasion is Iberian Peninsula) also in a very short period of by far the best option to avoid damaging time (Critchley 1983; Rueness 1989; Engelen ecological and economical effects. and Santos 2009). Now S. muticum has jumped International shipping, which is considered as to the Moroccan coastline in the African the principal anthropogenic vector of continent, demonstrating the high capabilities of introduction for NIS - including seaweeds - on a this marine species to disperse and colonize new global scale (Williams and Smith 2007; Molnar shallow coastal habitats outside its natural range. et al. 2008), facilitates NIS transport and raised concern about their impact on marine Ecological effects communities (IUCN 2009). Aside from hull bio- fouling, transports or transfers on recreational Seminal works in British Sargassum muticum boats, submerged materials, and shellfish for populations showed that the growth of embryos culture production within the same country may and floating/detached lateral branches is faster also cause problems (Mineur et al. 2008). than that of native seaweeds at both high (25ºC) Therefore, moving a small boat, fishing temperature and relatively low (15ºC) tempera- tackle/net, scuba gear or oyster spat from one tures (Norton 1977; Critchley 1983). Nienhuis island/coastal area to another without any (1982) reported a wide range of salinity tole- preventive action (such as cleaning, brine or heat rance without metabolic damage. More recently, shock) could further facilitate the spreading of Engelen and Santos (2009) demonstrated that the invasive species. Mineur et al. (2007) suggested invasiveness of S. muticum relies on K- rather relatively simple changes to the transfer than r-selected traits and without drastic changes practices, such as short treatments with hot water in life-history strategy between phases of (especially effective with oyster transfers). This invasion. Unfortunately, knowledge of socio- seems to be an appropriated tool to be applied economic impacts of invasive seaweeds is poor, with oyster spats and reduce the risk of NIS and there is little information on the impacts of introductions, such as Sargassum muticum, in the introduced species on ecosystem function Doukkala’s coast. (Schaffelke and Hewitt 2007). In this specific Further studies will be needed to identify the case, Andrew and Viejo (1998) and Sánchez et major factors driving the spread of Sargassum al. (2005) in NE Atlantic, as well as Britton- muticum along the Moroccan coasts as well as Simmons (2004) in NW Pacific reported the interactions with native marine vegetation. modifications in native seaweed assemblages, Future surveys along the Atlantic Moroccan with lower recruitment and survival of local shoreline will be conducted in order to species after invasion by S. muticum. Moreover, understand the ecological implications and the the associated native marine biota is negatively eventual spread of this invasive species, as well affected, as demonstrated by Viejo (1999) in the as to evaluate the potential impacts on the native Cantabric Sea, with drastic changes in epifauna benthic assemblages. abundance and size, and in epiflora biomass. Also, in Northern Spain, Sánchez and Fernández Conclusions (2006) found that nutrient enrichment enhances the growth of Sargassum muticum and, thus, This contribution is the first report documenting eutrophication processes could promote its populations of Sargassum muticum in an initial further spread towards nearby coastal areas. phase of development for Morocco and, thus, for the Atlantic coast of Africa. Future actions A likely vector of introduction was oyster transfer with epibiontic seaweeds for shellfish Bio-invasions can be enormously costly, both in farming from European sources (French terms of economic and ecological damages as commercial supplies).

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This highly invasive species could spread IUCN (2009) Marine Menace. Alien invasive species in the further on and affect the structure and marine environment. IUCN Global Marine Programme. Gland, Switzerland, 30 pp composition of native marine vegetation along Karlsson J, Loo LO (1999) On the distribution and the continuous the coast of Morocco and down the Atlantic expansion of the Japanese seaweed Sargassum muticum in coast of Africa, including nearby archipelagos. Sweden. Botanica Marina 42: 285–294, 10.1515/BOT.1999.032 Several measures and actions are needed to avoid Mineur F, Belsher T, Johnson MP, Maggs CA, Verlaque M further spread of this NIS along the Moroccan (2007) Experimental assessment of oyster transfers as a coasts. vector for macroalgal introductions. Biological Conservation 137: 237–247, Mineur F, Johnson MP, Maggs CA (2008) Macroalgal Acknowledgements introductions by hull fouling on recreational vessels: Seaweeds and sailors. 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