<I>Histrio Histrio</I>

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<I>Histrio Histrio</I> A CONTRIBUTION 'ro THE BIOLOGY AND POSTLARVAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SA.RGASSUM FISH, HISTRIO HISTRIO (LINNAEUS), vVITH A DISCUSSION OF THE SARGilSSUM COMPLEX' JUDITH A. ADAMS The Marine Laboratory, University of Miami ABSTRACT The early development of the Sargassum fish, Histrio histrio (Linnaeus), is described, based upon a collection of 44 larval and juvenile specimens from the Florida Current. Growth, biology, feeding and relationship to the Sargassum complex are discussed. Specimens at various stages of develop- ment are illustrated. INTRODUCTION The fishes of the family Antennariidae have attracted considerable interest because of their curious form, coloration, and behavior. Reef and bank-dwelling antennariids are widely distributed throughout warm, shallow seas in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and the pelagic member of the family, Histrio histrio, occurs in floating weed over a similar area, although wind and current may at times carry these drifters far into temperate waters. Despite, however, the interest and availability of this group, its taxonomy was not clarified until quite recently (Barbour, 1942; Schultz, 1957), and many reports were buri~d in the proliferating synonomy. Histrio histrio alone, though now regarded as belonging to a monotypic genus, has seventeen synonyms as listed by Schultz (1957). Larval stages and eggs of the Antennariidae were unknown to early workers; this led several respected biologists to attribute erroneously the "nests" of flying fish to Histrio. Subsequently, non-fertile egg rafts of solitary Histrio females were observed in aquaria. In 1954 Mosher successfully paired ripe males and females in aquaria at the Lerner Marine Laboratory, Bimini, Bahamas, and recorded the spawning and fertilization of Histrio egg rafts. Mosher (1954) described the courtship and mating of these fish, and collected, preserved, and photographed a series of developmental stages from cleavage to the eleventh day. at which time the larvae died. Further information on the embryology 'Contribution No. 259 from The Marine Laboratory, University of Miami. This study is part of a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Science in Marine Sciences. This is a technical report to the National Geographic Society. 56 Bu/ietin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 110( 1) and prolarval development of Histrio was contributed by Rasquin (1958) in a study which was also based on aquarium specimens. While postlarvae of Histrio and closely related genera are probably quite common in collections, there has been no attempt in the litera- ture to identify them to species. Although Mosher succeeded in raising Histrio prolarvae to a length of 1.6 mm in aquaria, her specimens did not resemble the youngest stages found in plankton tows, probably for reasons discussed later. The writer, working with a large number of postlarval antennariids in the collection of The Marine Laboratory, was able to separate out a series of postlarval Histrio from 1.9 mm standard length to identifiable juveniles. The following description and discussion are based upon this series of planktonic larvae. This paper is one of a series resulting from the National Geographic Society-University of Miami Pelagic Fish Life History Program. The author is deeply grateful to the National Geographic Society for its financial support of this program, and to Dr. Gilbert L. Voss for his supervision and guidance. Thanks are also due Dr. John E. Randall and Dr. C. Richald Robins for their valuable suggestions. and Dr. Hilary B. Moore, Dr. C. P. Idyll, and Mr. Luis R. Rivas for their criticisms and assistance. Finally, Dr. Vladimir Walters. Assistant Cu- rator of Fishes of the American Museum of Natural History, kindly loaned a series of eggs and pro larvae raised in aquaria by Miss Pris- cilla Rasquin, also of the American Museum of Natural History. and for this the author wishes to express her appreciation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of Specimens. Most of the forty-four postlarval and juvenile specimens studied were obtained in the Florida Current off Miami from two stations which were routinely occupied by vessels of The Marine Laboratory in connection with the fish larva program and plankton investigations. The first station, designated NG, was located on the west side of the Florida Current about ten miles east of the Miami sea buoy (25°43' to 26°08'N, 79°23' to 79°56'W). The depth at the NG station was between 150-350 meters. The second routine station, desi,gnated SL, was on the east side of the Florida Current about five miles west of Gun Cay, Bahamas (2.c;°35'N, 79°25'W). The depth at the SL station was approximately 740 meters. Both these sta- tions were occupied at least once a month, weather permitting. for a 19601 Adams: Sargassum Fish 57 24-hour period. Further data concerning standard haul procedure, nets, and hydrographic instruments have been given by N. Voss (1954) . The material from the SL and NG stations was supplemented by four specimens taken off Upper Matecumbe Key in the Florida Keys and by three specimens from the lower Straits of Florida. One sped- TABLE 1 His/rio his/rio (LINNAEUS).STATIONDATAFOR SPECIMENSSTUDIED Surface Depth Temp. No. of Station Date Time Location M DC Spec. -- ----- ~------ ------ SL4 A 1 SL 10 B-2 12/ 9/52 1845 25°35'N,79°25'W 400 25.7 1 SL 11 A-5 1/22/53 2015 " 24.8 1 E-2 1/23/53 1110 24.8 1 SL 17 B-4 6/11/ 53 1950 400 29.6 1 B-5 6111/ 53 2105 300 29.6 1 0-1 6112/53 0245 500 29.6 1 SL 18 C-7 7/ 2/53 0950 100 28.1 1 SL 19 A-4 8/14/53 1525 400 29.8 1 B-8 8114/53 0035 0 29.8 1 D-8 8114/53 1035 0 29.8 1 SL 22 C-6 11/ 5/53 2342 0 25.9 1 SL 23 D-5 12110/53 1225 26.1 1 SL 26 A-3 6/21154 2255 28.6 1 SL 28 B-O 8111154 1320 31.4 1 SL 29 B-4 9114/54 0000 29.2 1 SL 30 A-6 11/28/54 2015 24.8 1 SL 37 B-2 1 SL 42 A-I 11/ 9/55 0200 50 27.0 1 A-4 11/ 9/55 0030 350 27.0 1 SL 43 B-2 2/23/56 18.5 1 SL 44 B-1 51 8/56 2215 0 26.7 1 SL 45 B-6 9/13/56 0915 25°35'N,79°25'W 600 28.2 1 NG 11 A-3 12/ 9/50 1930 26°08'N,79°56'W 125 2 A-4 12/ 9/50 1930 " 75 1 NG 22 B 3/ 7/51 1142 25 1 NG 39B 2/ 4/52 1105 50 1 FR 34 5/ 8/53 1455 25°43'N,79°18'W 0 24.9 1 IS 2 3/31/53 2015 off Miami Beach 0 1 Sup\. 2 6/-/52 off Matecumbe 0 4 Sup\. 28 111 9/55 middle Fla. Curr. 0 1 Sup\. 46 2/20/56 Bear Cut, Miami 0 1 Sup\. 75 6/ 8/56 0946 off S. Bimini 28.3 1 Sup\. 76 3114/56 off Cat Cay 25.9 1 Sup!. 79 6/ 6/56 off Bimini 0 2 Yuc. Sta. 10 4/ 2/54 0300 23°49'N,82°31'W 0 27.1 3 Yuc. Sta. 58 4/-/54 0430 20049'N, 81°43'W 0 26.9 1 58 Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 11O( 1) men was taken in the Caribbean north of Grand Cayman. Several specimens were obtained from Biscayne Bay and inshore Miami waters. Complete station data for all specimens studied are given in Table 1. The terminology herein applied to early fish stages is that of Hubbs (1943) . Measurements, Proportions, and Counts. All measurements of speci- mens from 1.9 to 10.0 mm standard length were taken with an ocular micrometer. Larger specimens were measured with a pair of dividers. All lateral measurements and counts were made on the left side. Total length was taken only in the smaller specimens as a means of compari- son with prolarval material from the American Museum, since it was otherwise of little value to this study. Measurements are in millimeters. Definitions of the measurements used are as follows: STANDARD LENGTH is measured from the tip of the snout to the middle of the caudal base, since the urostyle in the smallest specimen is already formed. HEAD LENGTH is measured from the tip of the snout to the posterior edge of the opercle; the "siphon" bearing the gill opening is disregarded. SNOUT LENGTH is measured from the tip of the upper jaw to the anterior margin of the bony orbit. ORBIT DIAMETER refers to the greatest horizontal diameter of the bony orbit, inside measurement. PRE-SOFT DORSAL LENGTH is measured from the tip of the snout to the origin of the soft dorsal fin. PRE-PELVIC LENGTH is measured from the tip of the snout to the in- sertion of the pelvics. PRE-ANAL LENGTH refers to a measurement from the tip of the snout to the origin of the anal fin. DEPTH was taken but not used in this study, since the highly distensible stomach is eften inflated with air, water or food, rendering the measure- ments useless. Proportions or indices are expressed as a percentage of standard length. Snout length, orbit diameter, and pre-pelvic length are also expressed as percentages of the head length. DEVELOPMENT Specimens Studied.
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