The Papers of WEB. Du Bois
The Papers of WEB. Du Bois A Guide by Robert W McDonnell Microfilming Corporation of America A Newh-kTitiws Conipany I981 !NO part of this hook may be reproduced In any form, by Photostat, lcrofllm, xeroqraphy, or any other means, or incorporated into bny iniarmriion ~vtrievrisystem, elect,-onic 01 nwchan~cnl,without the written permission of thc copirl-iqht ownpr. Lopyriqht @ 1481. 3nlversi iy of Mr+sictl~lirtt.~dt AnlhC:~st ISBN/O-667-00650- 8 Table of Contents Acknowledgments Introduction W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biographical Sketch Scope and Content of the Collection Uu Bois Materials in Other Repositories X Arrangement of the Collection xii Descriptions of the Series xiii Notes on Arrangement of the Collection and Use of the Selective xviii Item List and Index Regulations for Use of W.E.B. Du Bois Microfilm: Copyright Information Microfilm Reel List Selective Item List Selective Index to (hide- Correspondence ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The organization and publication of the Papers of W.E.B. Du Bois has been nade possible by the generous support of the National Endownrent for the Humanities and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and the ever-available assistance of their expert staffs, eipecially Margaret Child and Jeffrey Field for NEH and Roger Bruns, Sara Jackson, and George Vogt for NHPRC. The work was also in large part made possible by the continuing interest, assis- tance, and support of Dr. Randolph Broniery, Chancellor 1971-79, dnd Katherine Emerson, Archivist, of the University of MassachusettsiAmherst, and of other members of the Library staff. The work itself was carried out by a team consisting, at various times, of Mary Bell, William Brown, Kerry Buckley, Carol DeSousa, Candace Hdll, Jbdith Kerr, Susan Lister, Susan Mahnke, Betsy McDonnell, and Elizabeth Webster.
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