The Pickering 52 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,900 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2007 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 Homelessness Regional politicians on tour, gain insight into problem Page 12 Pickering getting PROUD OF HER DAD Family tough on violence pet put and vandalism down Chief administrative coaches, players and parents a foun- after dation to use as a building block, officer says new to encourage better sportsmanship policy will give conduct and keep safety in our facili- ties.” staff ‘more teeth’ The policy is meant to eliminate horrific violence and anti-social behaviour By Kristen Calis on the City’s properties by setting a
[email protected] standard for dealing with negative incidents in a fair and consistent PICKERING — The City of manner. City staff will have the au- attack Pickering will no longer tolerate vio- thority to remove individuals who lence or vandalism on its properties engage in such behaviour, and the Police looking once the zero-tolerance policy is chief administrative officer, Tom passed. Quinn, will evaluate each case. Intol- for public’s help Ward 2 Regional Councillor Bill erant behaviour includes harassing, McLean, who has been working on fighting, vandalism and threatening, PICKERING — Police have the policy for months now and put and consequences can include im- launched an investigation after the motion forward with Ward 2 City mediate removal from the facility, a a Pickering family’s pet cat died Councillor Doug Dickerson, was mandatory suspension from the fa- from what appeared to be delib- happy when the draft was finally cility, or even prohibiting participa- erately-inflicted injuries.