Subject Index
STP922-EB/Dec. 1987 Subject Index A control requirements, 34, 36-37 Absorptance, surface, thermal effect, 457- infiltration, 32-33, 124 458 thermal transmittance, 683(fig.) Absorption, water, 717 thermographic inspections, 180 Active measurement strategy, thermal perfor- wood frame walls, 405 mance of walls, 92-93, 94(table), Air movements, thermal performance of 96-97(tables) building envelope, 124 Adsorption, water, 717 Air permeability, 125 Aerial thermography, 176, 178, 181-185 Air pressure changes, face wall, 127 Air barrier, discussion, 625 Air space R values for Hi-Hat wall system, Air change rates, Corry Field units, 727(table) 386(tables) Air temperature, 573 Air conditioning, 14-20, 560 Air thermal conductivity, 287 Air exchange rates, domestic houses, Airtightness, 679, 680(fig.) 606(table) building envelope, 124-125(fig.), 128-129, Air film resistance, 570 616 Air flow, 154, 158, 171 heat loss reduction, 647 Air flow requirements for energy efficiency, pressure versus air flow measurements, 644 12, 545 Alarm systems, pressurized monitoring of Air flow visualization, 171 conduit, 47 Air gap systems, 46 Alkalinity, underground pipe systems, 44-45 Air handler installations, 14, 15(fig.) Aluminosilicate fibers, test specimens for Air infiltration (see also Air leakage) radiation heat transfer, 687 measurement by tracer gas, 175-176 Aluminum jacketing of building envelope, 124, 125(fig.) corrugated, vapor barrier design, 74 Air infiltration tests, 377 engineered specifications, 84 Air layer, 283-286 on foamed polyurethane insulation,
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