growth hack followers 10 Twitter Growth Hacks to Increase Followers and Engagement. With over 300 million global users and 100 million daily active users, Twitter has evolved to be the major driving force in online marketing. The platform is a major slice of social marketing mysteries for most businesses. Building a Twitter presence can be compared to when you are growing a garden. It takes planning, developing strategies and it is time consuming. Similarly, It takes time and actionable strategies and growth hacks to increase twitter engagements and followers organically. Smallbiztrends defined growth hacking as a marketing technique used in gaining greater exposure, using traditional and analytical skills to acquire and engage new users. If you are looking to build your presence and gain wider exposure, here are 10 twitter growth hacks to increase engagement and followers. #1. Analyze your tweets using Twitter analytics tools. With Twitter analytics tools, it’s easier to understand your target audience, best engaging tweets, less performing tweets, and how you can boost engagement and increase followers. The analysis will help you create a solid Twitter strategy that will help you increase engagement and followers. Twitter is extensively changing social media marketing, you need to know the right tools to use to ensure the best ways to grow your followers and increase engagements. The best Twitter analytics tools include Twitter Analytics, BuzzSumo, Spruce, Hootsuite, and Riffle. #2. Create and share relevant content. Create interesting and relevant content to tweet daily. Posting fresh and unique content on Twitter is the best way to get retweeted, increase and engage followers. In addition to creating your own content, you can also curate and tweet relevant content that your followers will like and retweet. This will help increase your credibility in your niche. The best content curation tools are Prismatic, Fever and Feedly. #3. Create captivating images to go with your Tweet. Create captivating images and be a visual tweeter. A Twitter stats report from Hubspot shows that the use of images result in 18% more click through, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets. According to Jeff Bullas, “Increased percentage for engagement for a tweet with an image over a tweet without an image is a staggering 581%. Creative designs including GIFS also perform very well. According to Bufferapp , “Tweets with image links get 2x the engagement rate of those without”. This means that it is better to focus on creating captivating images to increase engagements on Twitter. #4. Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags, sometimes determine how far your tweets can reach. When you use relevant hashtags, your tweets can reach your target audience and get your more Twitter followers. Tweets with hashtags get 2x more engagement. As Bufferapp report shows that tweets with one or two hashtags have 21% higher engagement than those with three or more hashtags. Therefore, it is advisable not to overuse hashtags. #5. Know the best time to tweet. Most people do not know the best time to tweet. According to Bufferapp blog, “Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends”. Twitter clickthrough rate study by Dan Zarella shows that weekends and afternoons show the highest twitter CTRS. You can schedule your Twitter posts on weekends if you won’t be available. Bufferapp is one of the best tools for scheduling twitter posts. When you publish a tweet when most of your target audience are not available, it will be difficult to engage them. #6. Retweet your tweets. Recently, Twitter announced that users can now easily retweet or quote themselves. With this new feature, users can retweet their old tweets and favorites to a bigger audience, thereby increasing engagements. According to BTFR’s blog, if a tweet gets a lot of retweets can get your tweet indexed by , allowing it to show up in search results. They also point out that users are notified of retweets, which gives you a power of reminder. Basically, you need to make a list of each follower who retweets you. These are people who like your content and they probably are connected with others who will like your content. These are the people you need to carefully follow, retweet, and mention as often as you can without coming across as a stalker. #7. Engage your audience with humor. Share humor messages on Twitter and use them to engage your followers and customers. Creating humor tweets can also attract more followers. Almost half of the 30,000 respondents agreed that humorous ads resonate most, according to the Nielsen Global Survey of Trust in Advertising. Several brands like R/GA and Old Spice are engaging their followers with humor tweets. Humor tweets holds attention, elicit a positive response and are always memorable. When you publish humor messages on twitter, new audience would want to follow you for more. #8. Follow and reach out to Twitter influencers. Twitter influencer marketing is popular; it is about getting celebrity or people who have a large number of followers and great reputation to tell your story to their audience. According to Launchmetrics, “76% of marketers consider influencer engagement effective in garnering customer loyalty”. The role of Twitter influencers is essential in growing followers and increase customer retention. According to Buzzoole Blog, “Influencers are the secret to get followers, the more and more target ones”. Twitter influencer marketing also plays a vital role in increasing brand engagement. “93% of marketing professionals are getting results in improving visibility through influencer engagement strategies”, Launchmetrics reported. Hence, if you want to increase your followers, reach out to Twitter influencers, retweet their tweets and follow them. #9. Make use of ‘click to tweets’ on your website or within your articles. Click to Tweet makes it easy for your audience to share your content by creating fast tweet. An advantage of this feature is that it allows users to share your content instantly. If your website is developed with WordPress, you can download click-to-tweet plugin and insert it in your posts. Alternatively, you can generate a link from Click to tweet website and insert it in your post. #10. Leverage Twitter Promoted Ads. With Twitter Promoted Ads, you can reach a wider audience, get more valuable followers and grow your network. Pay to promote your account or tweet to increase engagement and get more leads. Launch an advertising campaign on Twitter to reach your target audience. Launch a campaign!? What time is it?! It is time to growth hack! Getting more followers and increasing engagement on Twitter is not complicated. Analyse and scale your Twitter efforts, communicate effectively with your audience, and you will get actionable results. Twitter Auto Follow Strategy. Everything you need to know about Twitter auto follow. by owlead. Two possible scenarios for you landing here: Option A – You are a novice on Twitter and are looking for a Twitter strategy to get Twitter followers and start reaping the rewards of your Twitter account. Keep reading, you’ll find how you can skyrocket your followers with our Twitter auto follower. Option B – After going back and forth trying several Twitter tactics you’ve realized that following other accounts is the most effective tactic to gain new followers. Now, you are looking for Twitter automation to save precious time. TL/DR: start a 10-day FREE trial in our Twitter growth service now! Either way, if you are here to get the most out of Twitter auto-follow, this post is definitely for you! Following other accounts isn’t just the most effective way to get Twitter followers, it’s also the most thrifty strategy to market your product on Twitter. We’ve tested it. Our platform can gain you, new followers, for less than 4000% in comparison with Twitter ads. Yep, FOUR THOUSAND %. If you are buying or considering buying, Twitter ads, you’ll leave money on the table (don’t even mention buying Twitter followers, it’s a waste of time and money). In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Twitter auto follow strategy. Want to skip right into the important part? Use the menu below Contents – Twitter Auto Follow. Why follow other accounts on Twitter? Social media channels are there for you to try them out, size the cost of acquiring new leads and get the most out of them, and Twitter isn’t an exception. While using Twitter you’ll have to take care of the following tasks to make your account stand out from the rest of the 330 million active accounts through: Content : creating outstanding content. Engagement : engaging (liking, replying) with other bigger/influencer accounts. Promoting : following other accounts (instead of buying Twitter ads). You might be wondering: Shall I blend these tasks? The answer: heck yes! Let’s start from the beginning: creating good content should be the cornerstone of your Twitter marketing strategy. I mean it. Nobody will follow an account that is not adding value with its tweets, period. So, if you are here for the long run and want to consider Twitter as a marketing channel, you should be creating compelling and engaging content for your audience. Engagement is the essence of the platform you’ll need, and you’ll have to engage with your audience to gain traction. Twitter is a two-way communication platform, just throwing your 280 character tweets to the universe won’t make people engage with you. You have to engage with your peers and your audience. Immerse yourself in the conversations around the topics of your industry or hijack some public viral moments to let the world know that you’re there. Last but not least, promoting your account should also be a part of your Twitter strategy. “Create good content, engage with the right audience and promote your account. Rinse and repeat.” Promoting your account means that you tell others you’re there, creating awesome content and offering value with your tweets. Raise your hand, tap their shoulder and say, “‘Hey, people, I’m here and I have good stuff for you.” How can you tackle this? The Expensive Option -> buy Twitter Ads. Buying Twitter Ads, the final aim of any of the social platforms. They live and die by their ads and you have more chances to die than live by buying them. But here is a crazy thing: you can go back to the roots when there weren’t ads to buy…how did we stand out with our peers back then? Following other accounts! The Thrifty Option, follow other accounts. Social media platforms will tell you that this strategy is: bad for you, bad for your reputation, you are a spammer, and almost guilty of committing a crime. Want to know the best part? The only crime you’ll be committing will be this: “Saving a large amount of money promoting your brand.” That’s right, they won’t like this. You’ll be taking the value of their platform without spending a single dime on ads. This is negative for them, their business and they will try to tell you that you are on the dark side . But, bear in mind that following other accounts as a strategy to stand out on Twitter has to be applied following some common-sense rules, to make it effective and avoid being a spammer. What are these common-sense rules that will make this strategy work for you? Here you have them: Creating good content and engaging are the first steps before committing to follow other accounts, don’t forget it! Segment your audience, don’t follow everyone! Find out where your ideal audience is on Twitter. Start slow and don’t be too aggressive. Too many actions a day will raise Twitter attention and that’s not good for your account. Convinced that following other accounts is rewarding? Stay with me to learn how you can apply this strategy. How to follow other accounts on Twitter? Now, you are convinced that following other accounts should be in your Twitter marketing strategy. How can you implement this right away? Manually following other accounts. We always give this advice: That principle applies to every action of your life. Master first what you want to automate later. That’s how we created Owlead, we mastered Twitter following and automated it later. Learning manually who to follow and when to follow will lay the groundwork for the automation process. When segmenting the audience on Twitter you’ll have the following data points that will help you define which are the best accounts for you: Profile picture : avoid following users with default profile picture. Follower count : don’t follow accounts that are just starting. Bio : find keyword patterns of your ideal audience. Last tweet : don’t follow dormant accounts. Hashtags : avoid spam accounts that misuse this feature. Automatically follow other accounts. And here we are, now that you’ve mastered the process of following other accounts you’re ready to step aside and let our Twitter marketing tool auto-follow accounts on your behalf. Owlead has already helped more than 5,000 Twitter users in more than 10 different countries grow their audience, the right way. Owlead is a Twitter automation that emulates human behavior and saves you precious time while gaining real and targeted Twitter followers. The platform segments an audience based on your filtering criteria along with our artificial intelligence algorithm and handles the following and unfollowing tasks on autopilot. Respecting Twitter limits is crucial, that’s why we promise a steady and non-stop growth but don’t expect an overnight success of 1,000,000 new followers. That’s not how Owlead works. Why should you auto follow accounts on Twitter? Let’s be honest, nobody wants to spend 2-3 hours per day following and unfollowing Twitter accounts to promote their stuff. You can, and should, do it to master the strategy, but after you’ve mastered this, you have to step aside and configure Twitter follower bot that works even better for you. Owlead has been improving for the past 5 years to help find the best audience for your product/service. The platform has internal filters to detect active accounts that are most prone to follow back to you. So first, manually master this strategy and after that leave the growth hacking of your Twitter account to Owlead. What to do if they don’t follow back? If you have more Following than you have followers, that will harm your reputation with your potential followers. Here’s the deal: following other accounts is a key strategy to promote your account, but you have to take care of the unfollowing to maintain a safe following/follower ratio. Owlead also takes care of the unfollowing tasks on autopilot. Based on your settings, the platform will unfollow the accounts previously followed who don’t follow back so you don’t have to worry. What’s the average return of Twitter auto follow? At this point you might be wondering: “What return can I expect with this strategy?” Let’s start defining how to measure the success or failure of this strategy, and that means defining Twitter follow back ratio. Twitter follow back ratio is the ratio of accounts that are following you back based on the number of accounts you’ve followed: So, the higher this percentage the better! Now that we’ve defined the metric to measure the success of this strategy, what is good, average, and bad follow back ratios? That my friend, depends on several factors that can be separated into two categories: On-profile Factors -> Those related to your profile account. Profile picture Cover image Bio Following/Follower ratio Pinned Tweet Last Five Tweets URL Localization. Filtering Factors -> Those related to your target criteria. Filter unwanted accounts Find your target audience. We did our homework, but we weren’t able to find conclusive data about good, average, and bad follow back ratios out there. That’s why we’ve conducted a study within our customers so you can have a reference. Without further ado, here you have the details: Highest Follow Back Ratio: 37.95% Average Follow Back Ratio: 13.72% Lowest Follow Back Ratio : 2.17% Growth hack twitter followers. To support small businesses through this uncertain time, we're offering UNLIMITED SEATS at just $99/month . Learn more. 3 Incredibly Simple Ways to Start Twitter Growth Hacking. Attract, engage and grow your community via Twitter growth hacking? It’s easier than you think. A few months ago, I opened a twitter account for my startup. I planned a great content strategy, put together a list of influencers and starting scheduling my posts on Hootsuite. Slowly, but surely, the number of followers started to grow. However, I didn’t want slowly. I’m not sure any founder in today’s digital world hopes for their social media marketing to grow slowly, but surely. We want instant gratification: viral content to sprout magical communities and result in immediate sales. Ok, let’s face it, that’s not very likely. But, you can rapidly speed up your twitter growth with these growth hacking tools. Hacking twitter isn’t about being a spammer. It’s about being smart and ensuring you optimize content, timing and audience. Forget about growing slowly, but surely. The new paradigm is to grow fast, but controlled. 3 Tips for Twitter Growth Hacking. 1 Increase and automate more relevant content. We do this by using IFTTT to connect Feedly and Buffer. First things first, what are all of these applications ? Feedly is a news aggregator platform for various publications. You can follow the media that is most relevant to your audience and then stay on top of the latest news. Buffer is a social media management platform allowing a user to schedule social media posts. You can indicate the times you want Buffer to tweet on your behalf. IFTTT is a web-based service that creates chains of simple conditional statements, called applets. IFTTT acts in a similar way to how Zapier connects many different software and applications. So, now that we have the definitions down. What’s the end goal ? Well, by providing IFTTT some rules to go by, the service can push certain content from Feedly to Buffer on our behalf. We already provided Buffer the rules of what times of day to publish, so Buffer merely stores these articles and tweets them throughout the day. There are several different applets available on IFTTT at the moment. The easiest one to implement is “send new items appearing in a Feedly category to buffer”. This requires no ongoing effort on your part, as you have already indicated the relevant and trusted publications to draw this content from. Boom ! You now ensured that there is relevant, interesting content being pushed throughout the day to your twitter audience. 2 Automated following. Don’t be a spammer. I repeat. Don’t be a spammer. Do be an entrepreneur trying to enable brands and influencers to take notice of you. There’s a big difference. Using Twitter Follower Pro you can easily mass follow other twitter accounts. We all know that the era of guaranteed follow-backs is long gone, but many accounts who you initiate a follow with, will still often follow you back. Remember to be conscientious when using this method, don’t be constantly following and unfollowing the same people. Also piggy-backing off another account’s followers enters a grey area and really deserves it’s own discussion in ethical growth hacking. Ultimately, you know what is best for your business and you know you don’t want to be perceived negatively. So, use this tool thoughtfully. You need to attract more followers, and this is an effective method to achieve that. But, remember our goal is to grow fast, but controlled. Play with the tools settings and set it up for intelligent automation. You want quality followers in your community, not just a group of random people. 3 Bulk direct messages. Sending DMs are a great tool to really create the connection between you and your growing community. Try and make your first message a non- promotional one. There’s few things more annoying than receiving a clearly automated message with a link to buy an unknown product. I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t go opening links from untrusted brands. Crowdfire is the most well-known tool that includes bulk messaging. Chances are if you are on twitter, you have received at least one “welcome” message followed by a “via @crowdfire” note. When it comes to sending bulk direct messages as a means to grow your twitter base, use it as an engagement tool more than a sales tool. Use the message to offer help or show you are open to outreach. This way, a new follower will see the value in continuing to follow your account. You provide not only relevant content, but are responsive and open to engaging with your community. Only pursue bulk messaging if it’s a way to really add value to your following. If you send messages asking for engagement, you risk angering your community if you do not respond in a timely manner. Sometimes automating your twitter as a “one-man band” can backfire, because you aren’t able to control what you have created. Don’t grow so fast that you can’t keep up with it. You risk damaging your brand. Slowly, but surely is a thing of the past. Using these incredibly simple ways to hack your twitter growth, you can tweet much more content and rapidly grow and engage your community. Just remember to keep the automation in check and actually log in yourself from time to time to answer messages and ensure everything is working smoothly. How To Grow Your Twitter Followers By 923% In 60 Days. Find out how we grew our Twitter followers in less than 60 days, and how you can grow your Twitter followers too, by using the exact same tools we use. Watch over our shoulders and learn how to copy our Twitter growth hacking technique. Updated August 5, 2020. Disclosure: Your support helps keep the site running! We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page. Learn more. Growing an engaged and relevant audience on Twitter is hard work. We struggled expanding our following but then things changed, drastically. Before we employed this Twitter growth hacking technique we had just a couple of hundred followers. Now we have close to 5,000 real and engaged followers. Here you’ll find out exactly how we grew our number of engaged Twitter followers by 923% in just 60 days, and how you can use the exact same technique to grow your Twitter audience . This here is a “watch over our shoulder” walk-through of the Twitter growth tools we use, and how you can copy and use this exact technique to rapidly expand your audience of followers on Twitter too. But before we dive into the social media tools. Why is getting more Twitter followers important? Your followers on Twitter are the people who receive your Tweets. When someone follows you they will see your Tweets popping up in their timeline. So why is this important? Because by having more, real and engaged Twitter followers helps to: Drive more traffic/visits to your website or blog from Twitter. More traffic means more conversions, and more conversions mean more leads or sales Create awareness for your brand or persona, and help you become an influencer or authority Increase the chances of your tweets being seen and interacted with , and getting liked and re-tweeted Build one-to-one relationships and conversations , and help you connect with your peers, clients or customers. So what tools do we use to increase our Twitter followers? 6 Twitter growth tools we use. Here is a list of the six tools we use, and the exact same tools you should sign up with and use too, to grow the number or followers to your Twitter social media account: Twitter. We’re not going to go into too much details here but Twitter is a microblogging platform where people and brands can share short status updates (i.e. tweets that are limited to 140-characters). Your tweets can include links, videos and photos. If you’re completely new to Twitter you can check out these resources to help you get started: Alright so now you got Twitter sorted out. The next tool on the list will help you share your own content on Twitter, on autopilot. Revive Old Post. Revive Old Post is a plugin made for WordPress that automatically shares your old (already published) blog posts across your social media accounts, including Twitter. The Revive Old Post WordPress plugin keeps your old blog posts alive. Re-sharing your old (already published) content on Twitter more than just one time is a proven way to drum up engagement and drive more traffic to your site. The tool lets you choose the number of posts to share (and from which category/ies or tag/s), and how often to share them on Twitter. The next tool on the list will help you identify content from other websites and that you should share on Twitter. Feedly. Feedly is a free RSS feed aggregator that helps you organize, read and share content from your favorite websites and blogs. A big headache for us used to be; what to share on Twitter? Feedly is a great tool for identifying relevant content from other blogs and websites to share on Twitter. Only sharing your own content is a big no-no. We try to follow a 80/20 rule when it comes to sharing content on Twitter. Meaning that 80% of the time we share content from other blogs and websites, and 20% of the time we share our own content. The next tool on the list will help you automatically schedule and share your Feedly RSS feed content. Buffer. Buffer is a social media sharing and scheduling tool that makes it super easy to share content on Twitter. Keep your Buffer queue topped up and the tool will automagically share the content for you through the day. Buffer lets you schedule all your posts in advance and then they will send them out automatically according to the posting schedule you put in place. Buffer has a free plan but if you mean business then go and sign up for their Awesome plan ($10/month). You’ll get: 100 updates in your queues 10 social profiles to connect, either Twitter, , , Google+ or LinkedIn Create multiple schedules (e.g. one for weekdays, one for weekends) 15 RSS feeds of content, per profile Filtered analytics—sort your updates according to post type and performance. We also recommend that you get their browser extension (for Chrome or Firefox). It lets you add content to your sharing queue with a click of a button and the extension will automatically grab the page title, image and the link, which you can use to customize the post you want to share. The next tool on the list is a really clever way to recommend your own content within any links you share on Buffer. Start A Fire. is a really clever and free tool that promotes your brand and content on any link that you share. This tool adds a branded badge with links to your content within any link you share on Twitter. To see the badge in action where we promoted our own content go and checkout this blog post from Shopify which we shared on Twitter (you’ll notice the badge appearing in the bottom-right corner). What’s really good about is that it’s 100% plug-and-play with Buffer. It automagically connects and integrates with Buffer to automatically add your content recommendations within any link you share, meaning you don’t have to do anything to get the badge to appear. We have saved the best Twitter growth tool for last. Now you are all set up and you are sharing your own, as well as sharing content from other blogs and websites. Plus you are recommending your own content within any links you share. It’s time to get followers – real targeted followers. Social Quant. Social Quant (free two week trial) is an online Twitter growth tool that will rapidly grow the number of targeted followers by using a powerful auto-follow algorithm. They promise a 93% average growth in 14 days. Social Quant is a really smart tool that uses big data analytics to listen in on relevant conversations that take place on Twitter. If one of the keywords you have selected is mentioned on Twitter then the tool will analyze the keyword, and if deemed relevant the tool will auto- follow the user behind the conversation. Auto-following relevant and targeted users mean that many will then follow you back, but if they don’t the tool will automatically unfollow those users. – Free 14-day trial, with full access to the tool and no credit card is required. You got to use this tool! Almost immediately after you have set up Social Quant you will experience a steady stream of targeted followers starting to follow you on Twitter. Wrap up. Growing the number of real, engaged and relevant followers on Twitter isn’t an easy feat. We struggled with this big time as we couldn’t figure out the answer to this question; how to grow Twitter followers for our business? Then we started using the tools that we have gone through here, and we haven’t looked back since. You can do it too, use our Twitter growth hacking technique to grow your followers – because you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Have we missed anything or do you have a suggestion to make? Let us know in the comments below! How To “Hack” Twitter Growth. Results from my first 30 days on Twitter. The reach on this platform is incredible. And with all the new features coming out, it’s only the start. I predict Twitter will close out 2021 as the king of all social media platforms. Below is a tactical Twitter growth guide based on the lessons I’ve learned so far: Tweet 3-5x a day . Opinions, questions, value, quotes/concepts that resonate. Use a tool like Hypefury to schedule it out Pick 3 main content buckets and go ham on them . When you find a topic that gets traction, expand on it Create a Tweetstorm once a week to dive deep on one of your topics Engage with other people 3-5x a day . Like, comment, RT Spend 1-2 hours everyday learning from smart folks . Watch an interview, read a book, listen to a podcast. Learning is half the battle when it comes to creating content Make categorized lists of the top minds in specific industries . Some of the lists I have are writers, tech founders, email marketers, personal finance, and content creators Build in public . Share behind-the-scenes, lowlights, highlights, what worked and didn’t work Join an accountability group of other people growing on Twitter . This has been HUGE for developing a daily writing habit, getting engagement, and staying accountable with other people. I’m not an expert on Twitter, but this is the guide I’d give myself 30 days ago. Much like any other platform, consistency is the name of the game. My goal is to get to 10k+ followers by end of year by being consistent and sharing my best stuff.