Like , Facebook has THOUSANDS of signals it takes into account when deciding how to rank things (i.e. how many people to show your posts to). Introduction - Who is Vin Clancy?

Vin Clancy

I was on welfare four years ago, living off government assistance.

I launched two websites that received over 20 million visitors, two rounds of funding, and got into the TechStars accelerator. After starting a six-figure copywriting and growth hacking agency, I started teaching others how to gain traffic, followers, and users without spending large amounts of money.

In the last year my book on innovative marketing (growth hacking), launched on Kickstarter, raised over $100,000 in pre-orders, and I completed a 100-date speaking tour.

If you’re looking to grow or start a business, I can teach you the secret strategies I used to do all of the above, as well as the latest techniques that are working right now. Table of Contents

Chapters are clickable.

1. Introduction - Who is Vin Clancy?

2. Introduction to The 27 secrets of the Facebook Algorithm





7. STORIES, VIDEOS, RETURNS, TEAM, SIMPLe, and pattern disrupts





13. About Vin Clancy Introduction to The 27 secrets of the Facebook Algorithm

Like Google, Facebook has THOUSANDS of signals it takes into account when deciding how to rank things (i.e. how many people to show your posts to).

What does this mean?


So why is that a good thing?

Almost no-one knows how to use the Facebook algorithm.

Half the reason you downloaded this guide is that you’ve never seen this information anywhere else,

So, armed with this knowledge, you have a major competitive advantage.

You’ve taken a major step by downloading this guide- looks like you’re the sort of person who makes things happen.

So, in the spirit of that idea, I have a request.

Please TAKE ACTION and try these things out.

I’ve helped thousands of people spike their reach on Facebook using the info you’re about to read- but I have NEVER put all of it in one place.

So I urge you to start executing this stuff right away- like...make a video post as soon as you finish reading this...hell, rip me off and tell your fans “some secrets of the Facebook algorithm Vin Clancy told me” - Pretend we met on a flight and I was drunk and spilling all the industry secrets of how to rank on Facebook and you managed to write it down!

Haha...I won’t tell if you don’t! DON’T PUT AN EXTERNAL LINK

Vin Clancy

1. Facebook will block people from seeing it in their feeds. If you do this and this only, you will increase your engagement and number of people who see it by 50%. Half the reason my Facebook group Traffic And Copy has grown so quickly and is glued into your feeds is we actively discourage dropping links- most dead Facebook groups are repositories for people spamming links.

MARCH 2017 UPDATE: Facebook has finally started blocking people who spam the same links in multiple Facebook groups. Like I always say, these methods don’t last forever- affiliates made millions doing this before it got shut down.

APRIL 2017 UPDATE: Many of you have asked “How do I sell anything if I can’t get them to my website?” Well, post for 3-6 weeks just GOOD CONTENT. Videos, picture, text, anything which means people stay inside Facebook’s walls. THEN when you have a product launch post:

“I’m giving one (whatever your product/service is) for free. If you want it, like and share this post, I’ll pick someone at random to get it” - All the likes and shares will overcome the Facebook nerfing you for putting an external link on. INCLUDE A PHOTO ON EVERY POST

Vin Clancy

2. A tip I picked up from my mentor Dan Meredith. To avoid doing this is lazy- it stops people in their tracks when they’re browsing their feed and gives you an extra shot at them reading it. Expert level: The picture ideally must never have been uploaded to Facebook before (FB check .EXIF data on the photo, and rewards original content for obvious reasons) Dan gets around this by posting a brand new selfie for most of his posts METHOD POSTS

Vin Clancy

3.Theyare the other reason this group is so good. Most of my posts are “How to” or “Tips to do X well”. People don’t care about your idea. They don’t even really care about giving you advice to help you. They want things which are going to improve their lives and (in the business context) put money in their pockets via traffic to their websites, etc. If you’re in the entertainment space, they want entertainment. So if you can give value, groups and friends will like you. POSTING TIME

Vin Clancy

4. A little over rated as a metric. Only really matters when you have a critical mass of 5,000+ following you (like in this group). KEY IS to post 3 times a day (again, hat tip to Dan Meredith for finding this out), different people are online at different times. When I’m not busy with Harambe, I post into my Facebook group (Traffic and copy) at 8am (for UK earlybirds and L.A. insomniacs), 4pm (NYC coffee break, UK getting ready to go home) and 8pm (L.A. is getting up, NYC getting bored, and UK people browsing late-night) STORIES, VIDEOS, RETURNS, TEAM, SIMPLe, and pattern disrupts

Vin Clancy

5. Tell stories, with tangental mentions of your business/service. These have a short shelf life if you’re talking to people who have never heard of you before- I think people are gonna get sick of super long Facebook groups from coaches soon. For now, they work really well for engagement

6. Convert your written posts into video posts for Facebook and YouTube. Facebook Live gets shown to the most people, so if you can do that, you should- Facebook sends notifications to all your friends currently to let them know that you’re live.

7. beware diminishing returns: Once you’ve told your core audience/group about a certain product you have, after a few posts people will “tune out” so remember to innovate with add-ons or new ideas to convert browsers to clicks/fans

8. If you have a small team, get them to like/share important posts within the first ten minutes of them going out to ensure they reach the most people the quickest. Facebook shows your posts to a few people who follow you- If they like/comment/share it shows to more, and so on

9. Don’t be too technical- You’ll alienate a lot of people

10. Use “pattern disrupts” - emojis, deliberate misspellings, slang (I love rn and af as shorthand and don’t care if people don’t know what they mean), talk about taboo subjects like sex, failure, loneliness, etc (never religion or politics though). TWICE, 5000, POST ALWAYS, BUT NEVER DUPLICATE, BUMP OLD GUYS

Vin Clancy

11. If you post something to two places i.e. your personal page and then the group, particularly in a short space of time, FB favors whichever one hit FB first.

So either space ‘em out or change some wording

12. I keep my posts under 5,000 characters.

People say don’t do longer posts but most people don’t know anything about how virality actually works, or that different audiences react to things differently.

I find 5,000 is a nice number to remind me to be to the point.

This is also the limit on Buffer so I tend to write in there often before I send out.

Some people say scheduling software harms your reach from your personal account (it certainly does on your business page), but I find it’s a balance.

If you can tell me posting three high-quality posts a day within your Facebook is easy to fit around the rest of your work, go for it.

I just find my Sunday night strategy of writing the main posts in advance guarantees I get it all done…3,000 characters is what you need to be under so that people don’t have to click that “continue reading” button to open on a new tab, which is a bit annoying 13. Every day you’re not posting on FB, your group, and other groups/pages you own, you are wasting time

14. Two posts at the same time or within 4-hour window = dead reach on the second post. Spread them out

15. Bump old posts by putting a new comment, or putting a new comment then deleting it (still works) GOLD STANDARD, ALWAYS CONVO, SCARCITY, UNFOLLOW, RUMORS

Vin Clancy

16. Getting 5,000 followers on your personal Facebook is the new “gold standard” of looking respectable: At this point Facebook also gives you analytics on your live posts (awesome)

17. Look at the personal profiles of everyone who adds you on Facebook, and begin a conversation with them.

Friend requests are ten a penny these days as more and more people wake up to the fact that your personal is your business account, so beginning a conversation is key.

Friend requests may soon get like follows- you get 20+ a day so don’t bother looking at them

18. One theory for authority is to create scarcity by posting less, so it is an event” when you post or comment- I would ONLY recommend this if you’re very well known in your space already.

If not, people will just forget about you and read other peoples stuff. The feed never ends

19. YOU WANT UNFOLLOWS/UNFRIENDINGS. Incredible distinction via Dan Meredith - Way better to be so in peoples’ face (in terms of both frequency and what you say) that the ones who dislike you get out of your way, and the ones who adore you never miss your stuff.

Will a few people who may like you get caught in the dragnet? Sure, but it’s a price worth paying. You have to be heavy in their feed or you’re a ghost.

Social media moves fast.

As my friend and notable sex blogger Jen Friel once said “If I didn’t for a single afternoon I’d be invisible”

20. Rumor: Mixing up the times you post also makes the posts seem more organic and “real” to Facebook. FORGET ME NOT, NOTES, HARD STORIES, NEW IS SEXY, MIX IT UP

Vin Clancy

21. Conveniently “forget” something so you have to comment on your own post. Now there isn’t that “no-one wants to be the first commenter” feeling. You’re welcome

22. Writing a note (you’ll find it on the middle left if you’re on the “home” screen is neat. They look nicer than status updates, are pushed to your friends, AND index on Google so you can get SEO juice (again, make sure you have the “public” setting switched on).

23. Stories get pushed HARD into peoples’ feeds right now, so get going on recording your day as it happens. If you don’t like doing video, you can screengrab one of your quotes or ideas (make sure it looks nice) or recycle your posts. Don’t not do this! Easy visibility.

24. On that note, as we round out, whatever Facebook has introduced most recently, gets pushed the hardest to people. Thus, 360 video, live video, and stories now, AR and VR in the future.

25. Facebook likes a variety of different posts- Text/video/photo etc. - Try all different types and see which one works best for you, but also worth mixing it up TEA TIME, FIRST TEN MINUTES, BONUS ROUND

Vin Clancy

26. Don’t post at the same time each day. Facebook likes different times to make it look organic. As with anything, you have to *appear* to be a normal user, even if you’re a demon who has read this guide and is ready to crush the feed ;)

27. Easiest way to get that initial visibility, regardless of what content you post?

Get everyone in your office, all your friends and family, that guy you met once, to like, share and comment in THE FIRST TEN MINUTES to get the visibility you need.

Bonus: Save your best posts for popular Facebook group “Traffic and Copy”. They have a wholesome community of friends who will like everything you post! ;) BONUS - UNFAIR ADVANTAGE


Now that you understand the secrets of the Facebook algorithm, you’re probably thinking “Ok, now how do I use this power to build my empire?”

Well, cool.

Facebook is my favourite social network, but is only one part of what you need to build a business.

For the first time, I’ve mapped out all of the strategies I’ve used to grow my companies.

So you’re not just getting growth hacks here.

This is deep, strategic level thinking you can use on your business immediately.

It’s called “Unfair advantage: My ultimate resource to build a business in 2017”.

If you need:

“Quick win” hacks to make you more productive immediately An overall strategic plan to get you from where you are to $1 M in revenue Peace of mind as an entrepreneur (trust me, I’ve been there)

...then you’ll love this. I previously sold it as part of a bundle for $99, but as a thank you for reading this email, you can get it today for just $7!

=> Unfair Advantage - My Ultimate Resource to Build a Business in 2017 by Vin Clancy

In addition, if you want to:

Find a mentor Build a community around your idea/brand My bullet-proof plan for acquiring users/customers one-by-one

...Check it out right now, you'll be glad you did!

Vin Clancy

PS - I almost forgot to mention, it will also uncover how my strange ideas with cooking and alcohol are a major key to my success!

Take a quick peek right now:

=> Unfair Advantage - My Ultimate Resource to Build a Business in 2017 by Vin Clancy About Vin Clancy

Vin Clancy

Vin Clancy is a creative entrepreneur with one foot in both the creative and business worlds.

On the creative side, he has written a book which raised over $100,000 in pre-orders, gives talks around the world (charging a high-dollar fee for keynotes at major conferences), is a prolific blogger, and is building his celebrity brand both offline and online, having appeared in publications like Fortune (which featured him recently), The New Statesman, Wired, Vice, TechCrunch, Inc., and many more.

He has given talks at conferences and events around the world on marketing, sales, social media, and writing. His "growth hacking in real time" talk was voted best talk at SXSW V2V 2015 in Las Vegas. He recently completed a 100-date speaking tour around the world, speaking in 30 different cities, including notable talks at Growth Marketing Conference in San Jose, AT&T conference center in Austin (for SXSW 2016), UCLA, Silicon Beach Fest (LA), Social Media Camp (Victoria, Canada), SAAS North (Ottawa, and Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Centre (), and keynotes in Cologne (Germany), Zurich (Switzerland), Rome & Genoa (Italy), Antwerp (Belgium) .

He is the cover star of, and guest-edited, the February 2016 issue of “Disrupts” in London UK, and the October 2016 cover of Millennial Magazine.

He founded the online magazines Planet Ivy &, which received nearly 20 million pageviews with zero marketing spend, while content he has overseen for other clients has received over 150 million page views so far. His current online magazine is a Facebook group, Traffic and Copy, which has daily engagement and contributions from thousands of businesspeople. He writes regularly for prestigous publications like The Huffington Post. On the business side, His company, Magnific, beat 1500+ other startups to be accepted into prestigious accelerator Techstars London. He was asked by The Duke Of York to help the Duke’s chosen companies at Pitch@Palace 4.0 and boost social media on the night of the event at St. James’s Palace with The Duchess of York. He put on, a one-day conference to help London startup entrepreneurs boost their companies. It attracted 900+ attendees throughout the day and night event.

Right now Vin teaches businesses how to grow their companies through a combination of rapid social media growth, and guerrilla community management tactics, in his private coaching groups, and through consulting with executives.